\tht cnnclusinn have the glrls watched. Here it isâ€" It’s Oh! to be a maiden hold. Tu sit up in a slgigh. To watch the boys a-plodding on In a sad but Stalwart way. 'rWlI hoys met after the adventure .lst Buyâ€"Propomls. proposals for me and fur vovl - I'_\'e so many proposals. I don't know what. to do. 2de Boyâ€"'Tis leap year! 'Tis leap year! Now. don‘t be afraid, Take a. young girl and not am old maid. Mr. Chas. Klinck of Indian Head, Sasha. has been spending the past, \Vl‘9k with his uncle. Mr. John Klinck, 2nd c n., Maikham. Ir. Levi Hills of Yellow Grass. Snsk., is spvndin a. few days at his uncle‘s. Mr. John linck’s. \Ve aw SUI‘I‘)‘ L0 hear that Mr. Allwrt Jewmm of Duluth, Min., who is at pre- sent visiting his pin-ants. 2nd con. Markham. is conï¬ned to the house with an attack of rhvumntism. \Ve wish liim_speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. 'VVl Klinc'k, of Toronto are spending a few days under the pgu-ental roof. The Toronto Daily Stay of the 27th instnub records the dvath (if lllls. Mur- tlm Ann Beswick, of Towntu. daughter of the late Mr. David \Vilsnn.‘ ï¬nd says “As a child, Mus. Beswick and he! sister, Mrs. Thus. Mvdcalf. wllu died a year ago. carried desputches from the military bmldqumters in To- mntu m the look-out quarters at Colonel \Vells' house. To avoid the Mackenzieiles. the two little \Vilsun girls went out ostensibly to "piqk her- ries." and Mrs. Beswick. being the younger. carried the despatches sewed in the hack of her dï¬ess." The Globe of the. 17th Nov.x 1906, re- cuu’ls the death of Mrs. Thomas Mét- calf. and relates the part, she tuuk in reference in the rebelliuu of 1837. anv- All but,qu has war:th home. That (me has considered it, advisable to re- main in (own till the myrtle hlumps in the good. old smmuur lime. and one is slightly ill; be may be suffering from t hf: glgue. They were. stuck. The Stouffville inns were overcrowded, and had they not had su'tï¬cielit“NiL-kt-ls" they would have utterly failed tn set-lire ncuuinnm- dulion. It, was unnecessury to worry. ‘W by? Their culmination scheme was perfect. Had they nut cooks. butchers. gluvers. ' llllll(‘l'S. Inilliners. fax-liners. two teachers and enough children for a graded sclmul? Again let us picture to ourselves the return trip. bnlul'dny nun-Hing. :it daybreak. pl'vpurnliuns are, begun. Bricks are heated and everything is made. cnmfnrtnhle for the girls (fur the boys are left to trump and getulnng as best thcv eun. even if one of the girls can hoe her own row.) In the hustle and bustle of the. ji-uruey, one young mun becomes lost (his toque being in- visihlu uu the snow) but ï¬nally an happy gust of wind curries 01f that but. a happening which revealed hrs nuhurn (WINS. Immediately one girl ceases looking fur-Lorne. \Vnuld that I Were it good painter. cuuld l not draw '4 vi» \‘id picture? I see them nmv,_strng- gling amid the beautiful snow, heliev- ing that Kipling‘s masterpiece. entitled PGanndu, The Lady of the Snows," is all tun true to life. The Palladium. u Turnnto newspa [)ny (if the l-llh February, 1838. mentions anuther ynnn be] nine, named Cordelia De Grassiâ€"" he maid of the Dnn"â€"us having traversed the: woods, uinne, tn Montgomery’s and the headquarters nf the lehels, and back again. with in- formation of Lheircnunciis. movements and numbels, several timvs, i-eudexing \‘r-ry important services." It is l‘(’lll:ll'k=lhit‘ that Sir Francis Bond Head. in his m-lvlu‘ated “Nun-:1â€" tive." omitted to n-fm- tn the eminent 391w ices uf the “’ilsun family. as HISU lhnsv nf Cordelia De GrussLâ€"Du inur- L'iis nil nisi vexuin. iug “She was employed in om-rying news to the men in the ï¬eld. On one (occasion she conveyed news to Cnl. \Vulls and other loyal leaders by hid- mg_ the "0193 in lwr_stockings.“ Oyozl Oyvzl ()yez! Hareyouheardl of the wonderful udventlu'es uf the. Victoria Squule Annual Culunizntmn 1 Company? Fur behold, the driver (If ' the Herculean steeds started from his hum» in Ostel'ville and prucvoded with all possible 3 mod towards Sloulfvillv. stopping at, icuu-izi Square and all intermediate- stations. But ulus “The storm came on lwfuw its time, They wuudm'ed up and down, And luanyn hill (lid lhé luvci-s climh, But at lnstlhey reached thetown." Any adventures on the way? (791-- tainly. Field to crass. roads to hrvuk, and imagine the sight. when, turning the corner. the dl'h't‘l' lost his fcdnrn, his cut-ls flew. NUW, clu not, le-t, ymuu imu Iuntiun lllll riot. fur did uuL his but udge on his Hunt‘s umbrella. and Was ieturnt-d to him but slightly the wm-se fm- Wear. 810113161“) HILL. ONT. MAIDS 0F SARAGOSSA‘REDI- VIVUS. REMINISCENCES 0F I837. wuts of much The time “in ï¬ORSE SflOW WEEK IN TORONTO. flu: ï¬iheml. ‘|\\l Victoria Square'.‘ Stu will uahrr Shnw m Alum. u b c fully inteu Feb. (5. 1903 I]. ~77 , inf. _. Vaughan (301112.011 i ' l The Vaughan 'l‘mvmhip Sabbath Schnnl Association met, in annual con- vention onThursday,Jan. lï¬.in lhePI-es- bylveriun church. Nashville. Sessions were held Iunrning, afternoon. and evening. The attendance was large, ï¬lling the church in the. evening. A number of excellenbuddresses were de- livered on Sabbath Schoqu \Vulk by Rev. Mr. Martin of Bultun, Rev. Mr. McKinley of Bulton, Rev. Mr. Fish of l Kleinhurg. Rev. Mr. McKinnun of i \Vondhridge. Thomas Padget of TH- romu Junction, Mrs. Bray nf Nash- ; Ville. All prevent felt thut they \vnuld ' go back to their work with greater de- 'termination and stronger resnlulion i to do even better work in the conning year. The Nashville people pruvided I hnuntilully fur the large number pres- , ent. The convention of next year will he in the Presbyterian church, \Vood- bridge. ‘ SUGAR-COATED) Regulate the anels. Prevent Con- stipation and Piles, Relieve, all farms of Bilinuness. such as Dizziness. Nau- sea. Bad Tuste in the Mouth, Coated T(u)gue, Loss of Appetite. Pain in the Side, Dragging Feéliug. Sullmv Skin. (-tc. Prevents Dyspepsia. and Indiges! tion with Sour Stomach. AS AN AFTER-DINNER PILL A tickling cough. from any muse. Is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop‘s Cullqu Uure. And it is so thoroughly harm- less and safe. that Dr. 81100;) tells mothers everywhere to give it. without hesitation. even to very young hulws. The wholesmne green leaves and u-ndur stems of a lung-healing mountainous shrub. furnish the cum-tire properties to Dr. Shoop‘s Uough Uni-e. IL calms the cough, and hulls the sore and sensitive bronchial memhrunvs. No opium. no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply :1 resinous plant extract. that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards mull thiis shrnh which the Doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb". Always (lr'nmnrl Dr. Shoup's Cough Cure. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. To start digestion and tuna the stom- ach, :1. single pilllake}: after dinner. dixily. will be found to give the hapâ€" plest results. TO STIMULATE THE LIVER AND 40 PILLS F0 R 15 CENTS MILD, SURE AND SAFE KIDNEYS ' ‘ And to clean up the complexion. take one 01- twu pills at bedtime. PRICE Per Bottle or 2 for 35c. Minufactxu-sd and solgl only by 4:0? Jun. IV.â€"E«hm Fisher, MERE» Van- dal-burgh. Russ Fisher. SPâ€. I[[.â€"\Villie Rudd. J [H]. [ILâ€"Bertie Bnkm', [same BukPr. Frvd Gordon, Grace Garth-n, Ernie Ponle. Hazel I’ugm Howard Baker, Helen \Vhitp. Percy Hun-Bun. Gun-dun Ezenrd, Arthur Bu\'vvs.»Lyie«Murphy. Jun. H.â€"â€"le\'iu \Vilty. May Rudd. Ida \Vibty. Hun y Ponlu, Chm-lie Har- peg. Ernest (Hm-k9, Nelson Hal-peg. ' Part, II.--Dnmlhy Gurdnn,‘ BUM, \Vilty. Marjurio Cooper, May Fisher, \Villie Clarke. \Villie Ellis. P;11-t_).â€"-Neil Mc-DQJmld, hruugh, Allan Oster, O'Hio TUESDAY. Sen. IV.â€"â€"L9igh Pug}. Llnyd \Vhit- more. \Vilfl'lfd Heifer. Euscml llurrison, Charlie Bmvvs. \Veduesday morningnnlil Friday night with Home Show, Hurse Meetings. and Hora-Banquets. Tin-.ExhihitimiArena will be well heated and lighted, with gnOd seating acmnnmndatiun nrvund the ring, and good music will he sup- plied. Return dour checks will be given out so that one single adtnissinn of 25 cents each (lay will admit at any time during each daily peifm mancv. There. will he no trouble with railway certiï¬cates. certiï¬vatos will not he re- quired. Round trip titrkt‘ts fur single. fare will he sold over all lines from all statiuus in Ontario nn February 11th and 12th, and fruni all stations within 7:'Hnilcs of Toronto, un February 13th and ch, all tickets grind tn return Lu and including February 15th. TIN-s» rates together with the small outlay required to see the I‘Xhlllllll‘ll should ensure a large attendance. Tho nl't'lm is centrally situated, convenient tn the hotels, not more than ï¬re minutes walk cast, on King Street. frmn the rur- ner of Yonge Street. The Bell, lino and King Street cars run in front of the main entrance 011’ King Street. Thenfï¬cial opening will he held at 2 (Mn. on February 12th. The fullnwing is the Ropl coyi Schnnl {mimegarsz 31 RICHMOND H 1 LL PHARM AC Y .831. men W. A. SANDERSON. LLS FOR 15 CENTS S. S. ASSOCIATION. I‘auuxes cure bad breath. Fabules cure flatulence. Tabules cure caustinatinu 'l‘abules cure dizziness. Tuwuhnll. Xallore. on Concord. o! t}; _is the Report 0f Con- 10 3.1;) Ralph Rise» Murphy. 19.07 Jun . con. 2. Maxkh: iam Beatty. J. H. Prenncc THURSDAYtBInl Lax-€35 5 scribed 0n plemg-nï¬, plexm-rn ts‘ property ( Eight, mus Maxkh Auction Sales. 17.â€"T\vo farms. de~ isters, fm-m steak. im- 2. Cum. 3. also Int 16. am. estate nflate VVill- Sale at 1. Eight mus. C Sweet to Ear" A cm" Bowel Laxative. â€"an-m stock. in: con. 3, Markham Prth 31-2 W. H. Espoy of Elgm Mills is agent for the celebrated Medicated Asbestos Electra-Magnetic appliance which is said to he a positive cure fm- Iheulna- tism. lumhagn, stomach diseases, eatai-rh. and all disorders which are reached through the nervous system and blood circulation. The former price was $6; the present piice with treatment is $1â€"$3 Cash, balance when patient. is satisï¬ed cure is effected. \Vell-knmvn residents of this vicinity give testimonials testifying to their good results. Leave all orders withâ€" The creditors of Jinnah Leek, late of the Township of Markham in the County of York, Farmer. deceased. who died (in or about the 19th day of September, 1907, are hereby notiï¬ed to send to the undersigned. A. F. Leek, Dollai P. 0., one of the execu- Lm's.,hy post prepaid. an or before the 24th day uf February, 1908. full panic- ulul-s of their claims and the nature (if the secui-itypif any, held' by them. properly veriï¬ed. Immediately after the 24m day of February. 1908, the as- sets of the said deceasad will be dis- tributh among the parties entitled thereto. having regard’only to the claims of which the executors shall then have notice and all others will be excluded from such distribution. Dated January 22. 1908. SPENCER LOVE, Junes Building, cm'. King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. solicitors for the executors. J. A. LEEK. Mount Albert. A. F. LEEK, Dollar. J. A. LEEK. Mount Albert. A. F. LEEK, Dollar. J. D. TRIPP, 1504 Queen St.W§-st, To- A \"nhmhh- pmpmty on Ynnge SL. with g of on m're (.f land. Gnnd seven» 31*00med house, with stable, shed, work shup and uth cmxveniences. Jr Er)â€" A small Huck and white Cnlliu ting, answers ths- name Jack. Finder wiPE kindly nortifyj: Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of ISAAC SNIDER, late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York, Carpenter, de- ceased. Take notice that in pursuance of R. S. 0., 1897‘7chapter 129. section 39. and Amending Aqts. nativeis hereby given that all parties having claims against, the estate uf the said lsnuc Snidel-,who died on 01' about the 5th day Decem- ber, 19m, are required on or before the ï¬rst day of Mmph ne'xt, 1908, to send by post repaid to Luretm Ellinore Snider, Elm-ville, Executl‘ix of the astute of the said deceased. a. state- ment of their claims. and thenature of the security, if any. held by Lhém. . And take further notice that after the said lust-unmanned date the Exec- utrix will proceed to distzjbute the as- sets of the esmie allanug..the,;3:u_-tigls A Brood Sow, due to furrow the 15!: March. ‘ Notice to Creditors 31-tf WILLIAM Ll“ n, r C 314 Solicï¬tor fur the Exomm ix. Dated the 23rd :lzly ('1: January. 11,05. 5 A! One No. 2 Chuthzun incubator and nut-1.1mm lmmdu'. Only lwen used thrit -. In gumd ("11un Appiy Building lot on Centre Street, Rich- nmnd Hill. enst 02 Parsonage. Apply L1) $3,500 on ï¬rst mortgage (m mm! vs- tute. Farm properly prufvrrcd. Ap- NY 1!. A. NICHULLS. A girl in assist in housewm-k. vad positinn. Apylv at _ 31-3 THE LIBERAL OFFICE. A good Brick Human on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. ntitled 1mm). 0f JONAH LEEK. deceased. House to Rent Electric Belts ï¬n]st ved not \VILLIAM COCK - -J‘OHN DEVINE. Lot 42, 1% Cum. Vaughan. Richmund Hill 1’.O. Apply tn For Sale For Sale \V. H. ESPEY. Elgin Mills. E01" Sale For Sale leretn, To Lean Wanted 3N0. SHEARDOWN, JA M ES NEW' TON Lost havin Apply tn H. A. NICHOLLS. u. A. Night.)ng Richnmnd- Hill. A. E. G LASS. reg-arc: .gm 1;: all then have Elgili Mills. u g, h . A » ’ G rpwers of High-grade NurseryVStock Toxonto, Ont. N. B.â€"â€"Special terms to suit agents working part time. 21â€"4m 1 E245~QÂ¥33i§9 i EALED TENDERS addressed [a A k the undersigned, nnd endorse-(E ' “'l'e‘mlrr fur New Entrunce tn Toronto Hm-lmnr, Ont," will I)? re‘nvivml at this uflicvnntil Mnndzly. March 2. 1908,» inclusively, fur the (‘mnstrm‘tinn «If as New W'estel'n Enunucv tn the Harbour _ of Tux-unto. in tthmmly hf Ym-k. On« ‘ téll'ill, according In plans and speriflcm sions to be seen at. the 03in nf J. (5?; Sing. Esq, Hesidunt Engimer. Chm fedvl'ntinn Liï¬e Building. Tut-unto. nt thv ofï¬ce of H. J. Lamb, Eeq†Resident Enginwr; London, Ont. ml the} nï¬itm Q of J. L. Michuud. Esq. Resident Engi4 2 mt». Mm-chnnts' Bunk Building. St. i Jmm-s Sh, Mmm-wul, P.Q.. and at the Depart nwm’tmf Puhlic \Vm'ks‘, ()tt awn. l Tpndvrs will was by cunsidered unless made an the printi-d fnnn- suppliteé, :' and Si ned with the nebuul signature» . of tr-m erPrs. A permanent situation for the tight man, for whom [el‘l'ibnl'y will be re~ served. Pay weekly. Flee equip- mnut. - ‘4 .V \VI ite for particular-s. TORONTO Largest list of commercia} and do-- Invstic fruitsâ€"large and small; urmt- mentnls. and shade trees; flowering slnuhs. vines. roses. flne seed potatoes hm- of our specialties. SLuck that is hardy cunus from us. 32-411) STONE & WELLINGTON 7 Good pay weekly, outï¬t free, exclu- sive territory. . \Vrite now to . For RICHMOND HILL and surround- ing country to sell our FAMOUS PEERLESS APPLE TREES. A BIG HARDY RED \VIN’ ‘E ’u APPLE that, sells on sight, also a general line of fruit and ornamental trees. includin other yaluable spguiulligs. "- Luca! Saiesman An arm-pth cheque (In a chartde hunk, payable tn the order of th" Hon- nm n'rï¬lP the- Minister of Public \Vorks. for fnrty-Pight thnnsnnd dollars ($48, 000 00), must accompany ear-h tender. The cheque will Iw forfeited if the per- son tehdenng decline the contract, m' fzsil to umnpletv the Wlu-k contracted for. and will he reLm-ned in case nf namâ€" am-epfunée of tender. The Department, does not bind itself to accept the lmwst, nr any tender. By order, ' +++++WWH‘+++++++%++M Department of Public \an‘ka. Ottawa. January 31. 1908. H' 4-++H+#+++H*M because We are posted. We like to sell our watches because they are timekeepers, and there- fore they bring us new customers. Meliahfle Agent Â¥+++++W*++++++H++Wi Threshing nntflt cnnsirxting of Duckv e-r clmuwr. vayeer-Mnssey (Hm-m- Mill and Suwyor-Mnsuvy TrucLiun Engine. MI in that-claws cnudiliun, with mute- nurth and anuth from Richmond Hill nlnng Yonge shoe-L. A hnrguin: Terms msy. Apply to ‘ Fm- RIUHMOND HILL and adjoining country to l‘CpI‘L‘SE‘nC ‘CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES Watches Our prices are moder- ate if grade is consider- ed,â€"-for instance, a VVal- tham watch tor ladies. in a gold case warranted 25 H+++MJtH++M+++ years, at £2.00, should convmce. JERRY SMH’E‘E‘I PELHAM NURSERY CO.. \VE WANT A RELIABLE We like to talk “watch†WANYED Funthill Nurseries (850:1cres) For Sale FRED. GELINAS. » Secretary. 0 Sweet to Eat A (lady Bowel Luann H. A. NICHOLLR ONT.