Read now MN. on this page of Naug- lon‘s at, the Elgin. The District Cup played for at New- man-Rot. was won by ()nllingwuud rinks. Mr. J. Nightingale of ’l‘nrunm s PM, Sunday with his frirnd Mr. Loyd Soules. Men's fur-lined and hoavornvcrconts at, u discuunt, at 3074. Atkinson & Switzer. Lace Valentines with appropriate \‘oPses. from 21:. [u 25c. at THE Lumn- AL Office. This has heel] a, week 01 storm. and the cnld has been intenst'. Twenty below zero Tuesday nmrning‘ The Aurora lmukey (cum came dawn Mundany evening and defeated the {ichmuud Hill juniors by 6-0. m flihtrni. Owing to [he storm the High School concert, to hu- held last. eve-nilâ€; has been postponed till the 18th of Murch. Be sure You price goods when away from town; then you will come home and trade W‘th Atkinson & Switzer. The special so'l'vices which were to have cmnlnenced at Hendfurd this week will begin on Monday evening uexh A meeting of lbw Executive of Llu~ Curling Club will he held in McDunuld‘s shnp this ('l‘hursduy) evening at 8 0‘ clock. . Mr. Percival U:llll(’|'0ll of Hallick. Minnesota, bus been visitin r his cousins. Mr. \V. J. \Viucb and b rs. U. Soulos. sci-ems saw an old lady struggling the snow on her sidewth they Mm shovel and ï¬nished it; clean. as pmctical manhood. The Missvs Nowsome and Misses Patterson of Toronto. czune up Sutur- dny and spent over Sunday with the Misses Strung. Messrs. Fred and Edgar Redditl- came down from Barrie Mnnduy. and remained until Tuesday with their sister. Miss Minnie Redditt. who has been very ill. The monthly meeting of th‘e \Vum- zm’s Missionary Society will he held at the hume of Mrs. Ashfoul \Vright. Thursday (tn-day). at three o'clock. Remember the “Rvst Fund." The semmd race in the hose coupling ontest did not, come off Monday even- §ng owing to Utbt‘l‘ local attractions. t. will take place in the Lorne Hall Next, Tuesday evening. Fine imitation buffalo rohe, watel- rooflined. $6.75; heavy. shaped and ï¬ned horse blankets, $1.05. Atkinson 5: Switzer. Mr. R. V. Vanderburgh, traveller for McPherson Fruit, Oompunv. “'in- nipog. left for Brandon yesterday. after spending the past ï¬ve or six ,weeks at, his old home here. The Epworth League next Monday evening will be in charge of the Misâ€" sionary department. Short addresses ‘Will be given by Mrs. Switzer. Mrs. ‘Sloan, Miss Trench, Miss Lemon, and Edwards. Maximum HILL, 051.. Feb. 0. Percy and Lloyd Hill in making their Victoria Square trip Saturd 1y 'got, snow bound nem- Heudfmfl in?“ even- ing. and bud to walk home th follow- ing day. .The bake!- ' “'11ng had a similar experience at; annex-son, Tues- day night. Bishop Reeve. assistant Biahop 0f the Diucese of Toronto, will deliver un address on Missions. in St. Mary’s Church, on Sunday afternoon. Feb. 9, at. three o‘clock. A cordial invitation ls extended to all. Two curling rinks went to Thornhill Tuesday afternoon and played a ï¬-i ndly match with the home team. Ric )mnnd Hill mm by six points. The visiting rinks were skipped by U. I’. \Viley and J. Michael. The following cheap editions for sup- plementary reading 1n Public Schools are in stock at THE LIBERAL OFFICE:â€" Robinsrm Crusoe. Rip Van Winkle. Kin 0f the Golden Rigor. The Desert.- ed, _ illage. The Cricket on the Hearth. Sharp Eyes. Etc. Eider Flantt., Reversible Flautt., "Wra pperette. Bm dared Sk irting. Dress Goodsâ€"all perfth goods at a discount, of 50 74. Atkinson 6,: Switzer. Rev. E. H. Tnye will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday morn- ing. On Sunday evening Rev. A. P. Brace will commence a. series of ser- mons on "The Little Foxes." The ï¬rst will he “The fences. or our relation: ship to the Foxes." - Preveutvics contain no quinine, no lux- ative, nothing [nu-sh or sickening, Taken at. the f'sneem stage" Preventâ€. ics will revent Pneumonia. Bx'uuchi‘s» is, La. h‘ippe, etc. Hence the name Preventics. Good for feverish child- rmi. 48 Preventirs 25 cents. Trial hnxes 5 cts. Snld by W. A. Sandor: Tn check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some Little Candy Cold Ttgblets called Preventive. Drugoists everywhere are now dispensing I13m- ventics. for they are not only safe. llut decjdedly certain and prompt. Two ynung m_en‘ Walking allnng our L ()C AIJS Hence the name for feverish child- s 25 cents. Trial by W. A. Sander: [908 with tnnk This At, a mortihg of the Quarterly 0m- cinl Bum-(l of [he Methodist circuit. llt‘ld on Monday, a. resolution was nuanimumly carried extending an in- vitutiuu to Rev. A. P. Brncv and Rev. E. H. Tuye for next cuan-rvnce yeur. as snpvrintcmlent and assistant ru- spectin-ly. A PH ABETIOA L SNOW’ PLOW. The mmry snow plow sun-ted tn bunk glnas this morning ut, the Inter G but, chm:ng its mind and gut. after the “'5. Aflerthruwhh tlwsnmvund sumshing :1 window in . r. Glnver’s re- sidence, it, broke windows for Messrs. Hill. Hopper. and Hume. The latter had ten [mm-s brnkrn. Huwover. the Metl'opnlilnn ppupln :U't‘ having their own troubles as well as the rest of us. The annual Seed Fair under the aus- ices of the the Riclummd Hill & onge St. Agricultural Society will be held in the Lorne Hall, on Tuesday, Feb. 11“ Exhibits of grains, seeds, potatoes. apples, and pears will be re ceived. All exhibits must he in posi- tion not, later than 1 p, In. Mr. Lockie Wilson. Supt. of Agricultural Socie- ties, and other speakers tu he sup- plied by the Department, of Agricul- culLure at OLtawu, will be present and give addresses on agricultural and hor- ticultural subjects. This fair gives farmers an opportunity of more read- }in securin seed gmin. em, and it is in be hope they will turn out. in large ' numbers and show by their presence theynppreciate the efforts of Lhudiu‘ct- 01‘s. DIED OF PNEU MONIA. Juhn Bt-vdin. l6 years of age. died nf pnetnnunia rm Saturday. bm-ing lwvn ill little more than H. Week. The re- nmins Wt‘l‘e hruught to the hnme of his grandmother. Church street, from which plnu’ the funeral took place Monthly “flex-noun. After :I. service at the- house by Rl‘V. Mr. Bruce. inter- ment bunk place in tlu- village ceme- tery. The \V. 0. T. U. and seVex-al frignds placed flmveis on the cofï¬n. The Bnurd of Education was re- m-ganized Mundny with the following ofï¬cers: clmirman. Gen. McDonald; sec-remry-trmsurer, J. A. E. Switzcr; cummiLLee of munugeumnt. F. McCon- aghy. D. Hill, G. CUWiO. Mr. Shaw was reâ€"uppuintvd a member (If the Public Library Board for three years. and J. H. Brydnn for two years. Prin- cipul annn ropm-tvd $34 net receipts nf the cnncm-t, which had been ex- pended in the purchase of hooks for n. P. S. Liln-m-y. Dr. Sputtpn’s report. of Lhe High School was very satisfac- wry. suns:â€" Lumon.... Michael .. Michael . Cowie. . McDonald C(m’ie Sanderson Laumn Cuwie . ‘. Michael . V Calfnrnia prunes. size 80 to 90, 3 lbs. 250.: size '70 m 80. 9c. per NL; tnunntmes. 10c. can; penï¬. 3 cans for 25c.; maple syrup, per quart. including jar. 25¢; sulphur matches, full count, 11c. hux; pmlm‘ malchvs. 1000 cuunt. Sc. box; hast. pearl tapioca. 8c. lb; Rangoon rice, 5c. lh.; golden dates, 7c. 1b.; Cn- mndra ï¬gs. 6c. [in cleam-d cum-ants. 3 lhs. for 23c.: splendid Japan ton. 25c. Wood‘s special blend cnlfee. gmund while you wait, 30c. per lb.; 5-H). pack« age Beaver or Saxon Oats. 270. These goods are all ï¬rst quality, and the prices are leaning your way. Atkin- son & Swilzer. VVheu theStomach. Heart. anidne nerves get weak. then these organs 2! - ways fail. Don't drug the Stomach, uur stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Get, it prescription kumvn to Druggists every- where as Dr. Shunp’s Restorative. The Restorative is prepared expressly fur these weak inside nerves. Strengthen: these nerves. build them up with Dr. Shoop’s Rest(u-:ltiveâ€"â€"tahlets orliquidâ€" and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on request by Dr. Snoop. Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. The marriage took place quietly on Tuesday, Jan. 28. in the First, Method- ist. Church, Chatham. (if Mr. Ed- ward M. Byrne. of Richmond Hill and Maple. and Miss Edna M. Martin. daughter of Mr. J. W. Martin. Fair- view, Chathuui. The hl‘lde was given away by her father. The service was conducted by ch? Rev. Dr. Daniels and Rev. Dr. Buttishy. Mrs. \Vill Rubin- 80". London, was matron of honor, and Miss Queen Benton, Orilliu, brides- maid. Little Miss Dnnna Lamnnt. Gill- gai'y, niece uf the hridv, acted as flower irl. Mr. W. A. Marlin, Toronto, was est mun. (Globe.) LAID TO REST. The funeml of the late Mrs. E. Mam tle took place from the lesideuce of her parents, MI. and Mrs. XVm. Teel, to Heise Hill Cemetery last, Satuxduy. A service was held at the house, con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Bruce. A number of floral offerings were placed on the casket, including those from the \V. O. T. U. and the Epwurth League. Sincere sympathy for the bereaved family was shown on every hand and here let us say that the husband and parents Wish to tender their thanks to the many kind friends who assisted them in their trial and lhuelinrss. Bo- sides a. husband deceased leaves :1 babe less than a year old. Whg will never know a mother’s love. FOR THE MEDAL. SEED FAIR. \Vi‘loy. . . McDonald Suvagt- . . . Michael . \Viley Savage . . . Lumnu \Viley _Wilvy. nil llll)" be full 50 1'0- MR. MILLER‘S SUDDEN DEATH. Deepest sympathy isfelt for the Miss-es Miller in the unexpected death uf their father, the late Henry Miller. which took placelast Satulday. Mr. Miller suffered a paralytic stroke about two years ago {rum which he nevei fully recovered, although he was feeling stiung during the past year. and able to work in his garden and mchard. Friday night he Went to bed apparently as well as usual. He gen erally remained in bed the reater part of the fuiennnn. As he id not come down stairs Saturday forennon one of his daughters took his dinner up. but when she went to his bed she perceived that life was gone. A doe.- tur was at once called. when it Was found he had been dead several hours. He had had another strnke. and died uppurently without a struggle. The funeral took place from the home Tuesday aftermzun. after an impress- ive service had been held by Rev. A. P. Brace. Members of the \V. C. T. U. and other friends sent floral offerings, and every sympathy was shown to the bereaved members (If the family. De- ceased Was in his 77th year. He is survived by three daughters. Mary. Ellen. and Annie, one brother Andrew. in Thurnhill, and a sister. Mrs. ‘V. Gohu. also of Thornhill. BEYNONâ€"In Richmond Hill, February 6th. to Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Beynon. u daughter. BYRNEâ€"MABTINâ€"At Ghatlmm. iOu- MILLERâ€"At Richmond Hill, rm Satur- day. February 1. Henry Miller,» in his 77th year. V V . ' Interment, in the Richmond Hill Cemetery. Tuesday, Féb. 4. AyeF'iP'Ilii'gr-e'atiy’ald in": Cï¬er ' Doctoral In bteaklng up a col . §§§¢N§M§§H§§¢§§§§Q§§Q§O' § Ready=t0ewear and E Mad.e-t0=0rder- i clothing EGent’s Furnishings E Boots and Shoes §§¢éï¬Ã©Â¢Â§Â¢Â¢Â¢0§¢+¢§$§§ §M¢¢¢ tario. hv Rev. Dr. Daniels and Rev. Dr. Battishy, on Tuesday, January 28. 1908. Miss Edna M. Martin of Chatham, to Mr. Edward M. Byrne, Manager of the Standard Bank. Richmond Hill and Maple. . is :1 good time to start. New term opvns on Jan. 2nd. \Vrite for cat- alogue; our moderate rates and other advantagos will interest. you. British American Business College. Yonge and McGlll Sts.. Toronto. Why Refer 2‘0 Doctors Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all aboutAyer’s Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- sumption. They trustit. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. AFTER XMAS Our prices are right and quality the best for Store closes at 8 p. m. except Saturday Boots andâ€"Shoes repaired . . Savages’s§ The best kind of n. testimonmâ€" “ Sold tor over sixty years." lqerfs W0 haw. no "ex-on! We pubu-h “a. formula of .1! our matches. § 1.5 MARRIAGES. DEATHS. BIRTHS. Arm. 7.7. 0. An! 00.. Levon. In." .50 mutant." of fl ï¬ï¬‚éï¬Ã©cï¬. a ++H+MH+MH++H$++#H++PHW++WP+1 H+++++++H++++§ '++++++++++ BUG ur Holiday trade was good ut our Stock was Large ago. $+++++++++++++H ++++++++++é +HWNM+H+W+ BUSINESS COLLEGE. TORONTO. Practical mud bnorqugn‘Shorthand, Commercial. and Matriculatio n. Y. M. C. A.1tee. $3.00 railway mm acid I! this paper mentioned. Address _ _Lon:q Rubber Boots, ï¬rst quality, regular ior $3.95. . -- _ -v . r BY MAIL all Heavy R_ub_b_ers agd FeltFBoots, at cost. NAUGHTON’s-at-the-Elgin There is Plenty Left C LE AARIN G UP liness You can make a neat saving by trading now at . . . Bargains 399mm! cent. Splendid Maple Syrug, in quart gem jars, jar and syrup, 25c. Tomatoes, perfect goods. Ioc. can; Sugar Peas, 3'cans for 250; Sugar Corn, 3 cans for 25c.; John Bull Pickles, 16.02. bottle, 10c.; (J2 nned Peaches at l price; excellent qualityjapan Tea, 25c. 1b.; very superior quality Japan Tea, 40c. 1b.; Cleaned Cur- rants, 3 lbs. for 25c.; pint bottles Manzanilla Olives, 22c bottle; quart bottles Tomato Catsup, 15c.; Til- sOn’s Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. for 25¢. Examine at your leisure Ml. aps: Piles ot useful Dry Goods reduced 40, 50, 60 per Richmond Hill Hardware Store Athenea. Parlor Cook, Large, - 5 Royal ., “ “ - Art Countess “ Special Value I Tortoise Heater, Medium Size We W111 sell at cost our remaining To provide more space and save carrying over we offer the following in HEATERS AND PARLOR COOKS. Tinsmithing in all its branches. .,J. nces slashed on Men’s Underwear, Socks, and SEGDND-HAND HEATERS ii. Lnuqvnmsox. B.A.. nge and Bloor sts.. Toronzo. . SOULES y BRITISH CANADIAN Atkinson 82 Switzer’s Buy at your pleasure Large, - $7.00 - 4.00 Special Value 12.00 AT COLLEGE 6.00