The cnsbnf gun-.1 clotlws is ahvays well spent. ALkinsun & Switzer. The Huckoy and Skating Carnival was postpum-d here last evening on account of the: rough weather. Ml“. Chas. Hall while plnving hockey in the rink had his anklp injllh‘d. and has since been conï¬ned to the huuse. Special snrvict-s are lwing condurted at the Hmdfurd Methodint church during this \vcvk and will cominue for three weeks. The Juvenile Hockey team I‘xpect to play a uth with Thm'nhill in the rink heye this evening. Those th) juvenile teams should put up an inLer- esting game. Three curling rinks‘ went; to the city yesterday and played friendly games with the Lakuviews. Our curl- ers lust twa galst and wan one. They Mr. Henry Fishm‘. D. D. G. M. “K, paid an ofï¬cial visit Lo Ivy Lodge. A. O. U. \V. last evening. and gave much interesting information respecting the Ol'dl'l‘. - Mr. F. T. Graham of Cum-ville leaves Monday, for Edmonton, Alt-a... where he purposes teaching fur a time. and In)va to wtm-n ahuuL September next, to enter college in Toronto. “’9 are offering special pxices on best. brands canned salmon. tmxmtoes com and pcnse. Atkinsun & Switzer. Last year‘s Licvnse UlDIIIlXIiSSi()ll(‘l‘S for East York have been rid-appointh as follows:â€"L. A. Laplante, annnto, chairman; Geome Fox-est.erGm-mley; Charles J. Humphrey, Highland Creek. games with ‘ en's lost tsvu ‘ were royally stone House Mrs. James Hill of Elmvulv, and hot- lister Mrs. Edwards omensn. are visi- ting for u. couple of weeks with Mrs. I). Hill. Mr. Lvo Lynelt and his sister Miss Gertie Lynett, won ï¬rst prize in the Partner-3’ Race- at Thornhill. \Vednes- day evening of last, week. We are pleased to thank our Dumin- inn member. Dr. McLean of Centre York. fur Government papers kindly forwarded us fmm OttaWu. You like good thingsâ€"We supply the host. Try us‘ on Len. Cuifee, spices. Atkinson & SwiLzer. Rev. E. H. Toye will preach in the Methodist church next. Sunday mum- in . In the evening REV. A. P. Brace \vi I give the third on “The Little Fox- es" series subject: “The Fox of Doubt." Twn rinks nf Thm'nhill curlers were here Tuesday avaI'umm for :1 friendly game. The visitors wun by 4 points. Rev. Geo. \Vnshingtnn, represent- ing the Dominion alliance was in tuwn 0n Tuvade and made calls at the mansc :md parsnungv. MiSS Ethel Switzm‘ as a. momber of the Mendelssohm choir louk part in a. series of concerts which closed in Mus- sey Hall Satin-day evenin . She will accompany the «hair to Euflznlu next Monday evening. The right side of an overcoat story will be Lulu! at Atkinson 55 Switzer‘s At “3? Epwm'th League on Monday evening Miss Edwards will give an ad- dx-ess on “Hem-y Vundykc." Every one is invited. The hockey team went: to Aurora Monday evening and played the “Re-turn" match \viLh Aurora‘s seven, Richmond Hill sum-ed 1 game while Aurora‘s score “as 1 and 0. For petr- ticulars see Aux-um Banner. The memlwx-suf the L. Y. H. C. who have not yet; paid their dues, are re- quested to do 51) as soon as possible. as we wixh to close the accounts. \Ve would like to see more of the mem- bers out to the \Vodnesduy afternoon practice. (Signed) SEQ-TREAS. Special value in hrumns at, 25¢ each. 16 oz. bottle John Bull pickels 90 pox- hnttle. 12 oz. bottle Malnzanilla olives 22¢ per bottle. AtkinSnn & Switzex'. Mr. Jerry Smith. accompanied by his \vatchmaker. Mr. W'. H. Hpise. at- tendvd :l. banquet, for the opening of the new Cunndiun Hm-olngical Instit- ute. on Monday evening of this week, and l‘epul‘t an enjoyable time. Mr. H. A. Niclmlls. Real Estate agent, has sold the property of Mr. Thomas Barber on the 2nd cm:~ of Vaughan. to Mr. Thomas \Vm'sley of Fenelun Falls. Mr. \Vm‘sloy, whn is an uncle of Mr. Walter Pethick, will move here in the very near future. The Thornhill Hockey Team de- feated Trinity Y. M. A. Thursday wening in a fliendly game by 7â€"0. Thornhill lined up as follmvs:-â€"Goal. Hem-y; Point. F. Hooper: 0. Point, Echlin; Forwards, \Vx-ight, \Vatson, \Vice, H. Hamper. mg.†“Fur gnnd prug‘ xlwnd :1 pk ladies of £1 {131w giherai. The \Vmuew their monthly Mrs. Geo. L‘ICC‘ nu \Vednesdny Subjects to he anm m1) HILL. 0211., Feb. 20, 1908 THORNHILL \VINS AGAIN. 14()C A];.‘. thei anen‘s Institute will hold nthlv meeting at the home of . McCaguP, Victoria Square. msdny Feb. 26th, at, 2.30 p. m. to he “Siarclxing and Immâ€" Aï¬' Pusw.†"Pie making." A ‘gmuune pyuvided. (in and }:ntertuiued at the Glad- provided. (471mm afternoon with the uie._ Through the Culuums of THE LIB- . ERAL Mrs. B. Redditt and family de- sire to return their warmest thanks to the citizens of this community for kindness and sympathy extended to them during the illness and death of E the beloved one who recently passsed Iaway. While their home now has a l vacant chair, yet as they reflect upon ; the. many deeds of sympathy and luve ‘ of the friends and neighbours, it gives a silver lining to the dark cloud left by ,death. Flowers and other tukens of love Were appreciated mm-e than we have words t0 express May the day be far distant when tlmse friends who gathered around the sick chamber will . need similar attention. but when the time Comes may they receive the same full measure of generous :lid and tendâ€" ex sympathy they ln'uuglxt tn the home wht-ndeuth was (ill inumte there. THE RATES THE SAME The Toronto and York Radial Rail- way Company have notiï¬ed their pat- rons that although the steam railw;ly on January 6th raisvd tlwir freight classification rates from ’l‘nmntu to various points, the York Radial’s rates stillrpmainns heretol‘m-p. Thusewish- ing to procure rates-to ul‘ from Tux-on- tn may do so by :lpï¬lying to the local agent. The above cumpany claim to he in a hettvr pnsitiun to give you a more adequate service than the steam railway, and are anxious for business. Mr. T. W thn of the VVundhine Conservatories who went tn England tn spend the winter wrote his family a. few days ago. saying that the wenthex there was like mlr April weather in Torimm. He is enjnying himself Visit~ ing the home of his parents. He says that the place where he formerly went Ln school is much the same as it was 33 years agn. His parents however. are laid in the churchyard of Brandes, Burton Moor. Mr. \Vnt8un who is florist at; the \Vnndhine. is cousin to Mr. John \Vatsm) of Maple. He sails hack on the Empress of Ireland on the 2lst March. The second of the special meetin a in connection with the \V. C. T. week of prayer, will he held in the schunl room (of the Methodist chm-ch. toâ€"uight at, 7.30 u‘vlnckmAA special pmgrmmne has been prepared for this meeting which will he dsvoted ti) the memory of the lute. Fl-ancvs E. iVi/ll- and. and to which the public are cur- dially invited. l If you have Cuban-h, rid yourself of . this repulsive disease. Ask Dr. Shoop of Ravine. \Vis.. to muil you free. a. trial box 0f his Dr. Show ’3 Damn-h Remedy. A simple. siuge test. will surel Lvll you n. Catarrh truth well work your knowing. \Vrite to-duy. Don‘t, sulferlnnger \V. A. Setudclu soni N Rf!)an 'l‘l-llc‘. ~13th Grippu is sweepingthe country. Stnp it. with PreventiCS, before it gets deeply seated. Tu check early cnhls with thesv little Candy Unld Cure Tablets is surely sensible and safe. Proventics contain no Quiniue, no luxmivv, no- thing harsh or sickening. [’lwumuniu would newt appear if early colds were promptly bruken. Alsu gnnd fur fever- ish children. Large box, 48 tablets. 25 cents. Vest pncket hnxes 5 cents. Sold by W. A. Sandal-Sun. 21h. tins bust, Golden Syrup Crown Brand 11c. 5 lb. pails Ive-st. Golden Syrup Crown and 28c. Choice Maple Syrup including zom jar 22c per qt. Atkinson at Switzel. The unnqu meeting of the \Vesl. York Liberal Association will be held at, 2 o'clock on Monday afternoon, Feb. 25. in the Tuwn Hall. V‘Vestnn. The annual banquet, of the Asï¬ociu- tiun will be held in the Town Hall on the evening of the same day. Among the prominent spe-ukm-s secured zu'e Hun. A. G. McKay, M. P. P., and nLhers. See unuthm' page. Mr. A. McGill of Ottawa. Chief An- alyst, for tlie'Dnmiuinn Government, assisted by Mr. H. J. Duger. Food In- spector ()f the Inland Revenue Depart- ment. Toronto, uccnm :mivd by Mr. J. H. Sunder-son. Sl-Cln‘ on Tuesday 42 samples of water from wells in this village. The samples have been sent to the department at: Ottawa for analy- sis. A "port will in due time he sent to Dr. Gussidy, Medical Health Oï¬icer. Councillor Barker has in his house R tomato plant on which are uevvml hunches (If blossoms. The plant, which is now three. feet high came from a. seed which by chemo? had been placed in n flmw-r put. If Mr. Hawker has ripe tomatoes for Easter Sunday it will certainly be a treaty. There have been some trying ex- pex-iénceszlt funerals since the roads have been block ed with snow. A case is reported from near Barrie where the pull-heaters had to walk on snuw slums while carrying the coffin of a decvased friend to the place of burial. And on the 8th inst. while conveying the remains of Mrs. Nighâ€"sistex- of Mr. Abram Mackieâ€"nf \Vhitchui-ch, to hb-x' last resting place in Heise Hill cemetery. the funeral pmcessinn could get, no farther than Lever’s gate, at which place the coffin was placed an a from; hobsleigh and drawn by hand to the place ofintwrmentv. INTERMENTS UNDER DIFFIGUL- TIES. The annual St. Vulentlne’s Social was held in the church of England Rectal-y. Thornhill. last Friday even- ing :xccnrding to announcement. It passed off very successfully notwith- standing the inclemech of the weath- er. Refreshments \verc pruvidcd by the ladies of the congregation, and the music was furnisth by the choir of the church. It consisted of songs and glees of a social and patriotic “awn. In the drawing mum were arranged the sale of Ladies’ Work, a candy stall, a tulip bed, and a Touch and Take table, all of which were generously patronized bv the visitors. and added Considerably tu the proceeds which amounted, after deducting all expen- Ses, to the sum of furtyâ€"two dollars. ST. VALENTINE'S SOCI \VEST YORK LIBERALS. AN CARD OF THANKS. EARLY PLANT. HELPING THE NEEDY. At a mes-ting of the village \V. C. T. U. held on Tuesday. it was decided to nmke an appeal tn the public in be- half of the destitute in the city of To- mntn. Those who read the daily pa- peis of that, city know of the suffering existing there. Donations of clothing. food or mnney will he received at the Drug Store up to Wednesday next. 26th inst.. where, they will be packed and sent to a distributing centre. Let us show our gratitude to the Good Fu- thvi- who has given our pi-nple “enough and to spare." by contributing liber- ally to this great cause renwmhering that He said “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto those. my brethren, ye have done it unto me.†The residence Of Mr. Jucnh Rumor. Richmond Hill, was the scone of n. uieL wedding \Vednesdny afternoon eb.12th, at four o'cluck, when his daughter Etta was married to Mr. Lem-y Bassingthwaite of Richmond Hill. Only the. immediate friends (If the bride and gmum were present. The ceremony was perfm‘nwd by Rev. W. G. Sargent, B. A. of Toronto. Mia‘s Lila Macklem. a cousin of the bride played the wedding march. The bride who was unattended was dressed in a becoming gown nf roseda. silk with point d’esprit yoke and chiffon trim- ming. She carried it bouquet of cream roses. After partaking of the wed- ding repust, Mr. and Mrs. Bassingth- waite left fur their future home "Pine- dule Farm†near Richmond Hill ac- companied by several of their friends. \VELLsâ€"At his late residence, 13 Al- hanyavpnue, on February 15. 1908. Richard W'ells, late of Aurora. Interment in Aurora. Cemetery Tuesday. 18th inst. RICHARDSâ€"At, Langstaï¬â€™. on Febru- ary 31d. the wife of Harry Richards of a son. ROWLANDâ€"At Brussels, Ont, on Feb- ruary 14, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rowland. a daughter. 6690 ¢9¢¢§§9999¢6§9¢¢§6¢§69 §§§¢¢§§¢§§¢§M§Q§§¢ 9§§¢¢9 Get your training in the school that is qualiï¬ed to give you the best. that can be had. The British American Business College Y. M. C. AlBuilding - Toronto. Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can’t do it? Haven’t enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer’s Hair Vigor! Here‘s an intro- duction! May the acquaint- ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. Start any time Is It Your Own Hair? B ASSINGTH “’A [TEâ€"RAM ER‘ Ready=t0=wear and Made=t0=0Mer clothing Gent’s Furnishings Beets and Shoes Our prices are right and quality the best for Store closes at 8 p. m. except Saturday Boots and Shoes repaired Smagag’s The best kind of a testimonialâ€" “Sold for over sixty years." m2! .7. 0. Ayor Configveu} mus. Io manhunt-an of Write forâ€" catalogue. yer’s Arm. DEATHS. BIRTHS. SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. HWWNH++H++W++++H++M+H*+€ $+++++++++++++++ +'§‘++++++++++++%+ +++++++++++ ++%++++M+++++N+W+$ yUp=t0=date in Style EAUGETOE’Sat-the-Elgin BUSINESS COLLEGE. TORONTO. I’mctichud mgrqu,’ u‘Shorthand. Commercial. and Matriculation. Y. M. C. A. free. $3.00 railway mm mud if tbxs Duper montioued. Address Men‘s Heavy Felt Boots. regular $2.75, for $2.35. Men’s Snag- Proof 2-buckle Rubbers, reg. $2.6o,tor $2.30 Men’s one-buckle overshoes, reg. $1.65, {or $1.35. V‘Vomen’s Felt Boots. Dongola Foxed,reg. $1.50, for $1. \Ve pay hlghest prices for Butter and Eggs BY MAiL You need these goods Now, during stock taking. we want to clean out some goods, and offer: 27-inch check wrapperette, regular 100, yd., for 5c. yd. 28-inch bordered polka-dot wrapperette, regular 1250. yd.. for 50. yd. 38-inch heavy brocaded dress stuff, regular 25c. for 10¢. vd. 27-inch bordered skirting wrapperette, regular l2ï¬c. yd. for Se. yd. A line of gent’s pleatedâ€"front, fancy shirts, regular $1.50 for 89c. Gent’s ï¬ne black beaver overcoat, regular $10.00 for $7.50. Feb. 20, 1908. At the floncrete House Ready to Greet her A Glimpse Of Spring To provide more space and save carrying over We offer the following in Richmond Hill Hardware Store Athenea. Parlor Cook, Large, - $7.00 Royal “ ‘ - 4.00 Art Countess “ Special Value 12.00 Tortoise Heater, Medium S1ze - 6.00 We wxll sell at cast our remaining HEATERS AND PARLOR COOKS. Tinsmithing‘ in all its branches. SEGUND-HAND HEATERS And price. That is always characteristic of seasonable oflerings With new stock and plenty of it. Things this year must be \Vill soon be here and, as usual, Atkinson Switzer are R. A. FARQUHARSUN. B.A.. Wage and Blaor C. SMILES BR] 15H 'CANADIAN ‘VVe need the monev SIS“ Toronto. AT COLLEGE