Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Feb 1908, p. 3

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. C-Hr .f‘ _________________________-__.__â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" THE cost or titltlll HEALTH .â€" Will Be Lessened By the Timely Use at Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. How much money is wasted on use- less medicines. How much time is lost; how much pain endured simply because you do not, find the right medi- Cine to start with. Take the earnest advice of thousands who Speak from experience in favor of Dr. \V‘iiliums‘ Pink Pitts and you will save time, money, and above all, will find perfect health. Proof of this is found in the statement of Mr. J. A. Roberge, awell- known resident of Lachine, 0120., who says: “I am a boatman, and conse- quently exposed to all conditions of weather. This exposure began to tell on my health. The cold lead to weakâ€" ness, loss of appetite, pains in the limbs and side. I tried several medi- cines, but they did not help me. My condition was growing worse and a general breakdown threatened. I slept poorly at night and lost much in weight, and began to fear that I was drifting into chronic invalidism. One day while reading a newspaper I was attracted by the statement of a fellow sufferer who had been cured through the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. i had spent much money without get- ting relief, and I hated to spend more, but the cure was so convincing that i decided to give these a trial. I am now more than thankful that I did so. At- ter the first couple of weeks they be- gan to help me, and in seven weeks after I began the pills I was as well as ever I had been. I am now convinc: ed that had I tried Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills at. the outset I would not only have been spared much suffering. but would have saved money as well." “’All, SEDITION, REVOLT. Astrologers Foretcll All Sorts of Calami- ties for the Present Year. If astrologers. especially those who fereteil the happenings of a year before it: birtii, really believe their own pre- dictions, they must have none but the gloomiest of outlooks for the your 1908,» and must, indeed. be misorahle men. Decrease in trade, lnCruiSf‘ III the price' of money, wars and rumors of wars, seâ€" dition and revolt, political ups duvns, earthquakes. international trou- bles, disease and other troubles. are all predictrd for the coming year. The price of wheat will be high, says an astrolo- ger, and there will be a failure of root crcps. One astrologer predicts :â€" “The year 1908 is likely to prove one (I the most fateful in the history of England. Three major plane!s,Ncptune. L'ranus and Saturn, will hold cardinal signs, and be responsible for the devel- oument of great political crises. 0n the third of January there will be a total eclipse of the sun in the sign of Capri- corn. This falls close to the position of Mars in the royal horoscope, and as Capricorn rules India, we may look for an outbreak of sedition and revolt in the peninsula. "Uranus continues in the sign of Cap- ricorn and in op sition to Neptune in Cancer during t :2 next two years, the result. being that New Zealand and Bri- tish South Africa. India and Egypt will perhaps be the scenes of sedition and re- volt. “The position of the Government will lIO tremendously assailed and effectually undermined in the spring of 1908. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain will effect some signal successes in July. and, given a continuance of the present improvement in his health, I judge that he will be a most prominent figure in the administra- tion of affairs. Saturn will then be sta- tionary in the horoscope of the present Government.” ____..p____ AN EAS YTASK. In this day, Herr Lautcrstcin had been and . Rich, red blood is the cure for most of the ailments that afflict mankind. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills actually make new rich blood. That is why they cure such common ailments as anaemia, in- digestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, heart palpitation, erysipelas, skin troubles, and the headaches, backaches, side- achw and other ills of girlhood and womanhood. The pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The a busy instructor of many music stu- dents; promptncss and economy were two of his watchwords. Now that he had grown old and taught but sparing- ly. his habit of speech often caused a smile. “What time shall I come for my les- son to-morrow?” asked one of his few pupils. “You come ven you get really, said the music-master, “but be brompt, so as not to vaste my time nor your own. n [ SCIENCE KNOCKS AT YOUR DOOR land brings to you in your own home all the healing. health-giving properties of the giant pines. All the therapeutic virtue of the forest trees are contained in Virgin Oil of Pine (pure). It. heals the lungs and bronchial tubes. gives almost instant rcA lief to the irritating cough. and will break up a cold in 24 hours. The action of Virgin Oil of Pine on the kidneys is also most. beneficial. It is a perfect neutralizing agent. for uric acid. and promptly relieves rheumatism, lame- bark and other ailments due to disordered kidneys. In the preparation of Virgin Oil of Pine every precaution is taken to insure fresh- ness and purity. It is put up. for dispen- sing through druggists, in oneâ€"half ounce vials only. each vial securely sealed in a round wooden case. Be sure to get the genuine-Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, prepared only by Leach Chemical 60., Cin- cinnati. O. â€"â€"_-.â€"n-â€" [IE I\'.\'F.\V. “Is the master of the house in?" in- quired the smooth-tongqu book-agent, of the little boy who had answered his ring. “Nope,” said the boy. “Little boys should notiell falsehoods.‘ said the book-agent. r the window?" “Yes,” was the answer, “that’s pa all “in” Wen." right, but ma is out.” A Cure for Rheumatism.â€"The intru- sion of uric acid into the blood vessels is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This il‘Y‘f‘gUlal‘Uy i5 “Wing ‘0 ‘1 (lcranJC‘I leader has been out of a job nzost of the and unhealthy condition of, the IIVSI‘. time because he couldn’t find anybody Anyone subjected to this painful affccâ€" “ho wanted (0 be 19d, tion will find a remedy in l‘armelees Vegetable Pills. Their action upon lhl kidneys is pronounced and most bone Take LAXATIVE BROMO flcial, and by restoring healthy action, they correct impurities in the blood. Naturally a young man's best girl is all the world to himflwhich explains why all the world loves a lover. PILES CURED IN 6 TO M DAYS. PAZO OINTMEN‘I‘ is guaranteed to cure any case of Itchiu. Blind. Bleeding 01' PWWdins as a worm medicine; the name Plies in 6 to 14 ya or maney refunded. 50o. NEEDLESS SACRIFICE. Mr. Flippunâ€"Maria, here's that $2 you say you need for a new hat. By the way, Maria, do I ever talk in my sleep? Mrs. Flippunâ€"Thanks. John, you never do. __ _ “Isn‘t that your to the average man or woman the needed father reading the newspaper there by change from worry and care, and to do 1!. THE lFNIlAPPY FATHER. AGENTS He entered the shop hurr‘cdiy. Those to can, order! for Made-toâ€"Measure Clothing Winostline In the Dominion. Good Cowl-lion. Full information Crown Tailoring 00.. - Toronto CANADA'S BEST TAILOBS. FREE Send us our ; namemdad rose for 1! pieces of whom be pasted ut the (lair lu-arti him repeating under hs hrmth a formula which he swine-d to fear might slip away and be lost. He appurirhcd the counter like one who wishes it were well over. “i wish to get," be sad bldly, “some ribbon for a red baby.” The shopâ€"girls bluik stare seemed to arouse him to a sons: of saint-flung izuking. i “That is," he said, “i would live some l {Jewelry to voting meantneneh. When sold and urt 3 baby for a red I‘lI‘lJt‘t] one.” The assistant was smiling now. and v, $u_ao nM wewtllrend you tho-o TWO some so i FILLED RINGS. We trust you with the Jewelry and will [our OLhCI‘S, fl ShODWfllhT‘I‘, and FOW‘H ‘send ltnllchnrges paid. Just send us your name and Icuslomcrs, gathered and grinned ‘n Mam“ . unison. STAB IIIF a. 60., PROVIDENCE, R. l.. U.8.A. He began again: “That isâ€"of COIITS", you know. I mean Some rcd ribbed baby for omeitlmt isâ€" some red ribs for one laby-oh, hang it! where's the way out?" He departed \v;th speed. “I wander," said the shopâ€"girl, thoughtfully, about. an hour afterwards, "J" he Guild have wanted some red baby ribbon." REST AND RECUPERATION. To provide a restful environment without, sanaformm restrictions. to enable tired hu- manity to recuperate naturally. to secure OHENI'LLE CURTAINS Ind all kind. of house Hudln. the DV in I CLEAN” MGR GURTAIN u... usw. Write to In about. youn . . these at. moderate cost. is the mission of 'mflm “Jim”. 0"”. am.“ “‘M “The Welland." the home of "The St. Cath- Apply the manager. St. Catharines, or any Agent. of Grand Trunk Railway System. To in'ro use our gents and that we any we .d you our catalog. which mutants h'm ire .s of blmalns In every line of goods. We will on: you this handsome Build 00 tenet. Ring, wi.h raised scrolls on sides, suitable fol en. woman or uhildl‘. n; are all the rage at. the p. esent time with our catalog for 12 cent; Hand engraved initials. 5 cents emh extra. ’1 HE UURDUN 00.. Dept (.l-z. Bridgqmnfioun. THE BORN LEADER. Many a man who was born to be a TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY quinine Tagevty- NOT TIMES SLAVE. A traveller. finding that he had a. .. . couple of hours in Dublin. called a cab Mfs' Hmpcck" “of husband sfifnply and told the driver to drive him around “vent “glen to hp“ m'n-r’eCl‘_ Hm" qu‘ two hours. At first all went well, on earth does the lucky fe low manage hm soon the driver began to whip up Drug lets refund money If It falls to cure. ‘GRO E'S signature in on each box. 25c. â€"‘._. Pleas-ant as syrup; nothing equals it is Moâ€" tbcr Graves’ \‘t'orrn Exterminator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. THE CRUMPLED ROSE LEAF. A prosperous Scotch farmer, pain- No, fully exact in money matters, married a widow possessing in her own right the sum of a thousand pounds. my, be horso, so that. they narrova es- caped several collisions. "What‘s the matter?” demanded the passenger. “Why are you driving so recklessly? I’m in no hurry." “Ah, g’wan wid yez," relorted the cabby. “d‘ye think I‘m gotn to put in the whole day drivin’ you around for two hours? Gitupi" .» On t. Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co. Brockvillc A " » ' ' Undersmp 2 Comfort by day and sound sleep by night: lol- TIGHT \VADS. no matter how tormenting they be. This oint- 'lowtheuse 01W°av°r'flc°"al°-‘°”km “WM”! met the farmer. to whom he offered 3 HLQH’S uick ease for the worst coughâ€"quick Shortly after the Wedding a friend \VHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. From October to May, Colds are the most fre- uenv cause of Headache. LAXATIVE BROMO UININE removes cause. E. W. Grove on box 250 HER AMBITION. “\thn 1 secs de headaches some men acquires while getttn’ rid of dcir money, said Uncle Eben, “i deesn’t blame some c‘ dose famous rich folks foh holdin’ mi to a dollar so hahd.” meat: soothes and cleanses. NOT A PLAIN COOK. cbcn all the time.” congratulations, at the same time ob- serving: “It‘s a good thing for you. Sandyâ€"a marriage that means a thousand pounds Mistressâ€"“See here, Jane, I can‘t hava w you i. you entertaining company in my kllr ‘ “Not quite that, McPherson," said the farmer, "not quite that.” relief to the heaviest coldâ€"and SAFE otake even for a. child. hat is Shiloh's Cure. Cures field under a guarantee Coughs to cure colds and coughs fincher than any other & COIds back. 34-year: New Cookâ€"“Faith, an’ it do be your Little Mollieâ€"But they always make me come home too early, Mr. Thomp- son. When I‘m grown up I shall stay at a. party all night, the way father does. Give Holloway‘s Corn Care a trial. It removed tern corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. HIS ESTIMATE. Miss Inlandâ€"“You certainly have a charming country place here, and of course you have given it some pretty manic?" Mr. Bonholderâ€"“Oh, yes; Mrs. Ben-d- holder calls it ‘Idicmoment-by-theSea. but I call it by its right name, ‘Money- smi.l ll A SPECIFICATION. "Alas!" moaned the defeated general. “that division which fled in the attack by the enemy, was the cream of my army." “Yes.” bitterly “whipped cream.” ~â€" IIAIR. One of the curious things about. most people is that they would rather have a lot of hair with which to cover no. thing than to have something worth while with no hair to comb over it. If the charity that begins at home is the real thing it soon contracts the travel habit. retoried his man, _.___ "Father." protested little Alfred, “I don‘t want to go to school!" "But, my son." said his parent, a successful pickle-maker. “don‘t you want a gout education?" “No. father," replied the young one, “I‘d rather grow up to be just like you." J Three members of the South Dublin District (Jouncil. who authorized a pay- ment of $17 without. Consulting the rrst of the Board, have been charged with the amount. They have appealed ‘ the Local Government Board. i Black Watch On a Tag on a Plug of Black Chewing Tobacco Stands for Quality. 2 v“ away. A Ien‘s Lung Balsamjelieves bard breath- in , pain in the chest and lintation of the throat. Give it freely to the children. DEAR. lieâ€"Will you give me a place in your heart? She-Yes, if you can pay the rent. We All Have Missions in the World.â€" There is a work to do for every man on earth, there is a function to per- form for everything on earth, animate and inanimate. Everything has a mis- sion. and the mission of Dr. Thomas” iiclectric Oil is to heal burns and wounds of every description and cure coughs, colds, croup and all affections of the respiratory organs. HOWv lIE MADE IT. “Why, Johnnie," said Mrs. Muggins, “what are you doing here? Is \Villie; party over?” "No‘m," blubberell Johnny. “But the minute I git inside the house, \v'il- lic‘s father told me to make myself at home, and I came." It is easier to prevent. than it is to cure. Inflammation of the lungs is the c rrnpanion of neglected colds, and once it finds a lodgruent in the system it is difficult to deal with. Treatment with Bickle‘s Auti~Consumplive Syrup will eradicate the cold and prevent inflam- mation from setting in. It costs little, and is as satisfactory as it. is surpris‘ ingr in its results. - First Deaf Mute trunking signslâ€"“Did ycur wife complain because you stayed out till after midnight?” Second Deaf Mute (chuckling)~"Di.l she? You should have seen her! Ilut when it to- pan to get monotonous I just turned out the light.” The Wrctched Conditlon of thousands Is due to the fact that they neglect. the simplest. care of their health. When in this condition “ Ferruvim" will build you up and give you strength. TIIE VISION. She was a vi~ion of delight, A sylph-like form had she; ilrr face an angel‘s and her eyes \\'cre has of heavens to She seemed a soul ethereal, Upon ambnosia fed. Until, one day. i saw her when She had a Cold in the head. L'NFORTL‘NATE. Mrs. IIgullh'iu (sobbingâ€"I never saw ye till the day before me unforciinit iriarriaget Mr. Houiihanâ€"An‘ I often wisht ye hadn’t seen me till th’ day after. Miss chcte (arcbiylâ€"“Xone but the Man‘s words to man are often flat, While two men often stand and chat, Two women stand and chatter. A Nag ing Cough drives sleepand comfort; own fault, rna‘am. vertoiscd for a plain cook." action of the kidneys becomes inipairgd. impurities in the blood are almOSt sure to follow, and general derangement (f the system ensues. I‘armci-ec's Yere- table Pills will regulate the kidneys, so that they will maintain healthy ac- tion and prevent the complications which certainly come when there is ca- rangcrncnt of these delicate organs. As a restorative these Pills are in the first rank. “It is strange how some people cry at weddings.” “Yes, but you've probably nwt‘oed that it‘s never the single people who cry!” “Well?” “It. is only the married ones, who realize the tragedy 'oi it‘.‘1 What. is the Best Thing to strengthen week backs? “The I) (It I." Menthol Plaster. It, will cure Iumhago and rheumatism. 81 rolls makes seven 25c plasters. Davis J; Lawrence Co. Manhunt. Teacherâ€"“Where do we obtain coal. Freddie?” Freddieâ€"“From the coatbcis. miss." Teacherâ€"“Right! Now, Jimmy, where do we obtain feathers?" Jimmyâ€"â€" “From feather-beds, miss.” ITCII, Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford‘s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. SURF. OF HER GROL'XD. mlikmnn the future the In MEsfrcssâ€"‘June, I saw kiss you this morning. I will take the milk in.” JuutL‘”l‘wou‘:dlnt be no use, mum. Hr promde never to kiss anybody but me." The successful man not only takes advantage of the ( poituuities that come his way. but he manufactures a few f«.r himself. ITSL‘E NO. 9â€"08. YCZ ShC’UId gm" “‘1' derstood there was every penny of a Impurities in the Bloodâ€"When the Sixpence for ,1 marriage hemse‘. said ,.edicineâ€"or your money pf success commend Shilab's Cure. 25c., 509, $1. 310 QUICKLYI. “Why,” exclaimed the friend, “I llIl- thousand pounds to you." “I had to pay seventeen shillings and Sandy, with a sigh. ._.. ,. Ham-“I: a.. .i ;;.‘.._,g--.~_‘. Great esters: Ralway OF ENGLAND. MR. E. W. BURCH, the recently appointed GENERAL AGENT for the. G. W. R., at 428 TRADERS BANK BUILDING, TORONTO, will give every information in regard to facilities for PASSENGERS and FREIGHT from and to CANADA. JAMES C. INGLIS, Paddinglon Station, General Manager. London, W. CLIFTON SPRINGS SANITARIUM CLIFTON STRINGS, N. Y. 1850 - I906 THIS PAHOUS HEALTH RESORT enjoys a world-wide reputation for its Ii linedike com- forts and the excellency of the service rendered to seekers after health or rest, by Its staff of physicians, trained nurses and attendants and be increasing patronage from Canada and the Province: is very appreciative in its commend- ation of our work. WITH FIFTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE In the-use of the best in Medical, Surgical, Electrical and Hyrlrutlierapeutic Treatments and the finest treatment rooms in the country, we can assure our patrons of the selection of that which will prove mood helpful and suited to their individual needs. To those seeking A HAVEN OF REST we extend special features that. will not be found elsewhere, and we invite your con-es. ondence and Inspection. Our ratei are most. Ii oral and our service IS unequalled. No tuberculin or insane cases received. ‘ Write for booklet X and particulars. HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. an bein'; completed, making this famous A new feature is the unusual A magnificent ten-story Ere-proof addition is j bostolry the newest and most up-to-dzte of Atlantic City Hotels. size of the bed rooms, averaging 19108! square. Every room command: an ocean VIIW, bath attached with sea and fresh water. Cheval- glass in every chamber. Temperature regulated by Therm mdsdt, the latest devote meat II steam honing. Telephone in every room. Golf privileges. Capacrty 600. Write ton unrated booklet. CHARLES 0. MARQUETI'E, TRAYMORE HOTEL COI’IPANY, Manager. D. S. WHITE, President. Lflâ€"flâ€"nâ€"fl

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