John. \Veldrivk was heard on oath claiming damages fur two sheep killed and six injured by dogx (m Lb.» night, of Jan. 20m. valued at, $30. F. Sisley held one shew-p killed and three injured the same night which he valu-Jd at $22. Fi-(unJ.B.McLean.clerkofVuughnn. requesting Markham township in {IP- pulnt. a CUlllllliLLPP to meet 21 cnmmillve appointed by Vuughan in consider the claim for damang uf Chas. Porn-y fl)!‘ hruken 19g, and Thus. Ford of Newmn- lu-uuk for injuries LU horse rrcuived through broken wagnn being left on Ytlnge SE‘PPt. Nighâ€"Mm-risonâ€"that tha treasurer pay the Unrpm-ution ()f Stouffville [hr sum 0f $70, being mn- shme of ditch fur outlet, on 10le con. and that the former resolution passed Sept. l-ltyb, be rescinded. A by-Iaw was passed authorizing the rceve and treasurer to borrow from the Stundard Bank H. suun nut exceed- ing $10,000 at 5 per cent. per annum to meet current expenditure. PadgeLâ€"Nighâ€"Lhat R. J. Ressm‘ be paid the sun) (If $4 refund of statute labor tgix paid twice. Kiikâ€"Padgetâ€"Lhut Jas. Tricker be paid $5 fur opening diLch betwven lots 10 and~ 11, con. 3. Moved by Mr. Nigh seconded by Mr. Kil'k.‘ (but whereas npplirutiun has bven made to the Ontnriu Legislature by the A'x-tesiun \Vulm- Suppr Cum- Imuy for u clutter tn sink wells and divert the sheams in the suuthm-n part, of \Vhitchurch as a source of wane;- snpply for Luwns and villages to the west and snuth: and ,whereasjn the upininn (If this cmmuil such uctinn \Vnuld SH iously “(feel the watersupply Mr. tht. Cnnlson the reeve ofStnuf‘fâ€" ville/was heard 11* drain at, oust end of vil'lage on the lOLb‘. which Mr. Gnulsun claimed was 0f snme hem-ï¬t to Mark- ham township. and nffe-x-ed to accept $80in settlwnvm. The cost of building the drain in Markham township some 75 rods was $111. valu-ad at $22. The treasurer was ordered to pay two-thirds the amount of their claim as provided by snatum. Nighâ€"Moi-risuuâ€"lhat Cunncillms Pudgetand Kirk he appninled n can» mittee to meet. the committeeappnint- ed by Vaughan to inquire into claim for damages for accident, in Ya)ng street. ' MLwe members Were presvnt on Sutmfléy. Feb. 15, ‘when the men- took the. chair. Communications were receivedt~ Flom T. H. Lennux on lwlmlf of Chas. Perry of Yul'k Mills who broke- h-is leg by coming in curntzuzt with u. wa un- that was left on Yungi- su'vet, at ' ‘hurnhill. cm Hallowe‘en and claim- ing that Mal-klmm’lnwnship equally with the township uf Vaughan) was liable for damages. Frï¬m- R.- J. Cunningham, certifyin that Kelly Bros. are. entitled to refung of $3.50 statute luhnr tax, they having perfutnyed statute labor and paid it in taxes Mso. Nighâ€"Mmrisunâ€" be refunded $1.00, \‘ for dog. in the 'sll'exuus running through- £111: 103* nsh i1): 'l‘hurvfm-v be it, resuh‘ed that; this council meest tn the Legislature against the granting nf any such chart- or. and further. that, in case the pro- pnsed hill is pushed. that this (:nuncil as a body wait un the Legislature and unger possible means to deme the use- m (Pl said hill Nighâ€"Murrisonâ€"that, we refund Reulwn Lunuu $14.38, hving statute labor fur Chas. Heulming\\'uy and. $13., 38 tnxea on lot in Mount Juy wrung- fully assessed to Albert Clvndinning. Nighâ€"i‘I()l‘l’iS()llâ€"â€"[hilt we [my 12% cenls par hour furshnvvlling snow. the same to he. paid mx certiï¬cate from the road overseer. On Friday eveninga Very pleasant time was spent at the hume of Mr. and Mrs. Uhmles of this place. the occasiun heng the 19Lh anniversary of the birthday of. their oldest son, Ver- non, whu is about to wturn to his hnnwstvad in Alberta. after spending twn or three innuth with his parents. The evvning was spent. in games, mu- sic and dancing. and about, 12 o’clock the guests numlwring about 45, sat down to u. tnhle groaning under its land of good things. After supper @119 fliheml. Council ndjnurm-C urduy, March 14th. “Auld Lang Syne,†a‘ the King." and wishin friend. Rnht. Ruxlun. t western life. separated ï¬ve hnnws. \n-H pit-us evening's enjoymmxi. loud dum‘ RECHMOND HILL. ONT†Feb. 27. 1903 MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. u'clucuk th Auld Luu A meetix Stand rrisnnâ€"that Hugh Boyd $1.00, wrongfully assessed Patterson [L‘Lean h.- Ig\’l‘ Of U‘ n d Bank :uln l't U‘tY J \V SlllDPf unm‘ and succos to the 3 meet, on l‘u in \Vl in singing ‘Gud Save ornun and xssin their ll) iu supper d about, singing Satâ€" hath ven~ \V (If nt Stop that ticklingCongh! Dr. Shnnp‘s Cough Cure will surely stop it, and with pvrfoct safety. It is so thnruugh- ly harmless. that. Dr. Shoop tells mothers to "SP nnthin 4 FISH even with very young babies. [‘he Wholusume green lenvvs and tendersmmsuf a lungâ€" healing mountainous shrub. famish the curative properties 10 Dr. Shoop’s GnughCm-e. It calms the cough, and heals the sensitive bronchial men)- ln-anes. Nuu‘pium.nnchinrofnnn,no- thing harsh [139d to injure or suppress. Dvmund Dr. Shuop’s. Take nu other: Soid by. W. A. Sanderson. e2]. ' Ask your grocer for it. Mr. Hugh McMillan who has spent the winter here. started on Mundny fol-Moose Jaw. where. he spent the grean part of inst, summer. The eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Sumâ€" National Costume, gents National Costume. ladies Historical Unstume . Miscellaneous custuuie Miscellaneous cuslume . 1 506. Than in costume will please hqu their names and the mune hf costume. to the secretary in the cux-lH-s’ mum. Those in custmue have the ice for the ï¬rst hour. while the custumes are be- ing judged. Snld on its merits. For quality and flavor it. is unsurpass- The eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Sumâ€" uel Muthvsnn. 5th concussion, about seven years of age. died Monday even- ing aftvr a shurt, illness. Interment in Maple cemetery. yesterday. A E Richm and Em Skating Rink SQ ERA- U Rï¬ EV i A Fm?“ 0n ‘Veéne S d a y MARCEIV 4, 19083 Single Horse . . $1 50c. Double Team . . . l 50c. Tandem . . . 1 50c. Rules of Jockey Club Races: The jockey must, stand ï¬rm on his slum-s, and drive with mvn lines. 8 feet lung. The tandem race, one. line,16 feet, long. Bnys’ Race, under 18 yrs. 500. 250. Boys’ Race. under 12 yrs. 500. 250. Three laps in every race and three to start. All entries [,0 he math.L with the Secretary in the curlers‘ room, be- fore 9 o’clock p. In. General skating after the races ful‘ the balance 0f the evening. Doors open at 7.30; close at, 10.30. GENERAL ADMISSION, 10 CENTS \V. H. PUGSLEY V }Com_ E. BARBER mittee J. H. SANDERSON. Secy. Do You Need a Tonic? TAKE HOME A PACK- Melagama GERMAN IROI‘ the best Blond P Is it Rheumatism? 01‘ Sciatica? H Do you A GOOD BAND-IN ATTENDANCE Anem And you will use no other. Sold by D. HILL & C0. me, under me. under Jnckcv Club Races b‘ or poverty of the Blood. Are you Easily Tired? Fer-l “'eak? GERMAN IRON PILLS are the Best Tonic. an Iron Pills n12 W. A. SAN PILLS are tln Are PRIZE LIST gRMAN IRON PILI acts of Grippe. DRUGGIST, Richmo RACES Tea. y 0U builder Uluu PILLS work mir ism'emble nu nervous? Nerve To _\’ IRON PIL ale m- sallow? RON PILLS are and Puriï¬er. M AN Blood ‘DERS ve you se m; or mus .N IROD nic MAN I W 500. 506. S Hill FRIDAY. Man-h 13â€"Furm stat-k, im- plements. etcH )I‘nprrty of Mr. Munkmnn, near 0ndheud. Nim- mnnlhs. Sule at l. Suigeon & Mc- Ewen. TUESDAY. March 3â€"â€"Furm stock. im- gile-ments, 1»th prnpm-tv of David diam. Int 2, con. 2. All-inn. Eight Inns. Sale at l. Suigenn & MuEwun. TUESDAY. Mar. 3â€"«Furm stuck. imp!»- nn-nts. furnitnrp. Int 27. con. 3, Markham. prnpmty of H. R. Hvise. Sale at 12. Seven mos. J. H. Prentice. WEDNESDAY. March 4â€"~Farm stock. implvnwnls. etc" property of Ed- ward Moody, lot, 29. rum. 4. Etuhii coke. Eight months. Snigenn & McEwen. \VEImEsnAY. March 4â€"Credit sale uf farm stuck. implvluz‘uts, etc. the Dru- pertv of Mark Badgpr, Int 14. rem of3rd cnn. Vaughan (1.} miles ~30th of Maple). Sale at 1 p.11). Terms 8 mouths. Saigenn 6‘: Mcvan. WEDNESDAY. Mar. 4â€"Fm-m ::tnck. Im~ plements, lot 14. con. 4, Markham. property of Lewis Lunau. Sale at 1. Eight, Inns. J. H. Prentice. THURSDAY. Mar. 5â€"an'm stuck, in)- plements, Int, 8, con. D. Scarbnro. pmpexrty of Rum. Neiishn. Sale. at. 1/. Eight mos. J. H. Prentice. 'FRIDAY, March Gâ€"Farm stuck. im- plements, eta. pmperty of G. Rob- (-I'LS, Int 21, con. 8, Albion. Eight Inns. Sale at 1. Saigvon & McEwen. SATURDAY. March 7â€"Thirty-ï¬ve hvud heavy-draft hnrsvs and cull-s. at th Central Hotel Yards. Bradfurd, prop- erty of J. H. Blillinger. (In-din to Oct. 1. Sale at l. Snigt-on & Stod- Oct. 1. Sale at l. Slxigt-on & Stod- dart. SATURDAY, Mar. 7 Farm stuck. im- plumenbs, Int, 10, (mu. 7, Markham, pv-npm-ty of R. J. Mum). Sale at 1. ,Eight mos. J. H. Prentice. TUESDAY. March 1()â€"F.~u-m stuck. im- plements, eta, px-opm-ty of James Kaiser. cun. 7. Vaughan, nmr l’inu (ix-(we. Sale at. 1. Trl‘ms 8 munths. Saigwm 6: MC Ewen. TUESDAY, Mar. 10-F=u~m stock. in» plmnenls, Int 7. enn. 5, Markham, yrnpvrty of Jamth Pain. Sade at 1. Eight mus. J. H. Prentice. \VEI)NESAY. Mar. 11â€"17mm stock. im- plemeuls. 10L 2, can. 5, SL~u1'|H\.l'0. the prupm'ty 01" Thus. Revsm'. Sale at 13. Eight mus. J. H. Prentice. VVEDNEBDAY, Mar. 11â€"Fn1-1n stmk. Tupper, Gravel Ruud, Dwu- Vv'nud- ln'idgp. Eight mus. Sale at 1 p. m. Suigcnn & McEtven. : THURSDAY, March 12â€"Far-m stockï¬m- plvmems, 9tc.. pl'upvrty of James Trim. nem‘ \Vesttm. Eight mos. Sale at. 1. Saigon!) & Mcvan. THURSDAY, Mar. 12 â€" Registorvd Clydesdnlvs, cattle. imph-ments, etc. lnts 3 and 4, war con. 3. Markham. property of \V. Howard & Son. Sale at, 12. Eight, mos. J. H. Pren- {inn FRIDAY, Foh. 28â€"Farm stock. imple- ments. etc†prupex-ty nf Rumble BI'US.. lnL17. cum. 4. Vuughan. Nine munlhs. Sale at. l. Suigeun & Mc- . Ewen. FRIDAY, Feb. 28â€"Funn stuck. imple- ments, lot 19. (run. 8. Murkhalu.pI-up- (-x-ty of A. (J. Ban-kov. Sale at. 1. light, mos. J. H. Prentice. SATURDAY. Feb. 29â€"Hnusv. Int. vehi- cles. furniture. «to, lot 18, rear cnn. 3. Vaughan (Muplv), estate uf the late 13mm Snider. Sale M 1. Terms cush. J. H. Prentice. SATURDAY. Feb. 29â€"!Cxecntor's sale nf Household t‘ffr'CtS of the late Anson F. Stoutenhurgh hf Viutm-in Square. Sale at. 1 o’clock. SnigennIQ Mcvan. tun. Sale at Prentice. TUESDAY, Mar scribed on pt plelm-nts, Int, 0011.2. Mulkh FRIDAY, March 13â€"F:u‘m stock. im- plements, sun. on lut 16, can. 9. Markham, prupertv uf D; Kelling- tun. Sale at 1. Eight, mos. J. H. Suigeon & McE‘wen. THURSDAY, Mal-ch lQâ€"Felrm stock. implements. furniture, etc. on lot 19. con. 3. Vaughan (1 mile south of Maple), property of Geo. W. High. Sale at 1. No reserve. Eight mos. D. G. Blnugh. THURSDAY. Mar. 19â€"Furm sttock‘. im- plemcnts. lot 16, con. 3, Markham. property of Geo. Leek. Sale at 12. Eight mus. J. H. Prentice. FRIDAY. Mal-ch 20â€"Fnrm stock. in)- plements, property of Mrs. Cham- berlain, near Nobleton. Szugeon & McEu'i-n. SATURDAY,. March. 21â€"Hm1sehold‘ 9f- .‘ium Bvutty. Sale at 1. Eight; mus. ' J. H. Prentice. WEDNESDAY. March 18â€"Oredit sale of farm sLm‘k implements. etc. (In Int 5. mm. 2 Vaughan, 1} miles “’kst of 'l‘hornhill. the [)l‘UpPI'LV (If James Martin. Saleatl o’clock. 8 mos. J. H. Prentice, uuct. \VEDNESDAY, March l8â€"F:n'm stock, implmnents, (450.. property of Ruht. Tnppel', Gravel Road. near VVuod- bridge. Nine months. Sale at l. SATURDAY,. March. mâ€"Hotlsehold‘ ef- fects. cnw, poultry. etc. on lot 20. cm). 3. Markham (Headford). prop- erty of late Cyrus Mapes. Sale at 1. Terms. cash. J'. H. Prentice. TUESDAY. March 24-Farm stnck, im- plements. etc.. on lot 30. con. 2. Sven-bum. property of \V. ‘V. Yunng. Sale at, 12. Eight mos. J. "K Bl-tf innpleuwuw, 9h; Twpper, Gravel CHI]. léllll H. Prentice. IEDNESDAY, Mzuc‘u implements, etc., ( Scan-bum. propel-t5 strong. 7 Sale at l. H. PrenLice. 1 H Auction Sales. 3 lot on Centre Street, Rich- [, east 0; Parsonage. Apply For Sale My 01" Thus. Revsm'. Sale ght Inns. J. H. Prentice. .Y, Mar. 11â€"ann Stork. lbw, etc. prnperty of Rum. JAMES NEWTOX. property of ale at, 1. E u-. lQâ€"Furm t 16, con. 3, l7-Twu farms, de- vst‘ers, farm stutk, im- 2. Cull. also Int 16, am†estate of late \Vill- Sale at 1. Eight mus. on lot Eight mos u-m stuck. im- ‘I-ty of James 12m. nmr l’inu rm:- 8 munths. â€"â€"F:xrm stock. COD n. D, Arm- 32-3 TAKE NOTT'CK that an application will he made to the Legisluiure of the Prnvince of Ontario at its next, session, for an act. Lu im-nrporute a Company to be human as “The A1 tes- ian \‘v’ater 00., Limited‘." with' pnwer to survey lanrls in any part or parts uf the County uf ank: to sink wells or mnnels; to dig trenches in or through private or pu )lic property: to lay or sink pipes or mains: tn enlivey water in and through such pipes from 01' to nay punt, or points in the County of You k: to examine such Wells. tunnels, tI-em hes and pipes, and keep them in ll’pnll‘, or take up same: to ere-0L huild- ingï¬, machinery, standpipes and reser- vnns fur the puxpnses of the Gum- pany, to sell such watel to individuals, lirms, corporations, public and pri- vate, and municipal corporatinns; to nxpropriate, purchase or otherwise acquire land or lands required for the foregoing purposes; to enter intn cun- Lracts for the supply of water to the M unil-ipal Curpm'aLiuns nflhe Villages of Richmond Hill, Markham and \Vestun: of the towns of North '[urnn- tn and Toronto Junctinn, and of the Tuwnships of VVhiLchurch, Markham. Vaughan and York. respectively. for ï¬re service and domestic use for a period (if twenty years or upwards; In authorize the Councils of any of the Gnnd fresh milch cow, with half by side. excmpting the Cnmpuny ï¬nd‘ its prop- m-tv from taxation, M‘ to ï¬x the Com- pany’s assessment, or to Cummute the Cnmpany’s taxes, and for such flll LhPI' rights and powers as unw bv doomvd nwressury tn the proper and legal car- rvinq out of the business of the Com- A Brood Sow, due to fan-0w the let March. Application to Par- Hament. uhuve municipalities, without the con- sent of the rate-payers, tn pm. 5 by-luws 30-6 \Vanted to rent farm 100 01125 non-s. Gum] buildings. water. etc. and neon- P.O. and school. vying on}. of the business of thé puny. Dated at, Tm-nntn. 14th January, Adlninistmtm-s’ Sale of Farm Prop- erly and Farm Stock and Implements, in the Township of Markham, undvr and by virtue of [he pawn-s vests-d in them and in pursuance of The Devolu- tion nf Estates’ Act. The Administra- tnrs 0f the Estate of \Villiam Beutty, late of the Tuwuship of Mztl‘khml), fal'mr‘r, diet-eased, will uffer fur Sélle by public auction. by Jun†Prentica, Auc- tioneer, un the. premises being lot 2, in the third concession of the said Tuwn- ship of Markham. on Tuesday, the 17th day of March, 1908‘ at one u’cluck in the afternoon. the following valuable farm property in separate punch-ls, also farm stuck and implements, the prop- erly of the deceased. Parcel 1. All and Singular that cer- PJzu-cel 1. All and Singular that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premi- SPs situate lying and being in theTuwn- ship of Markham. in the County (If York and being Composed of the North east quarter of Int 16. in the second cunâ€" ('essiun of the said Township. vuntainâ€" ing ï¬fty acres mam» 01' less. This land is gund pasture- lnnd and guod snil. Pal-0912. All and singular that cer- tain parcel 01' tract of land and premi- ses situate) lying and being in theTown- ship of Markham. in the County of York, and heing composed (if lut N0. 2 in the third concession of the said Township containing one hundred Ht:le min-e or less. On this farm them is a good brick house. outbuildings, ()l‘('ll'dl'd, and it is in a. good state of cultivation. tain pzu-ce ses situate §bip_ of 1‘! aée ï¬ku Aï¬mmésmm’ A150 at the same time and place will he offered for sale all the fin-m stock, implements, goods and chattels, the property of the deceased. Terms of Sale of farm property: The farms will be offered in (2) separate parcels subject to reserve bids. 10% of the purchase money must be paid upon the day of sale and the balance in uventy days thereafter. Terms of Sale of Farm stock and im- plements: Fat cattle. hay. grain and fowl to be paidr in 235)). also all sums ‘fï¬l'rtEE'I‘ conéibions and patio ulars apply to -.-nn---n p “Av-ï¬r LIV "hiGGIXS & DOUGLAS, 140 Yonge Street. Ton Solicitors for Administrator John \V.,Beatty and Rnbt. J. Be‘ Thmnhill P. 0., Farm Wanted \V. A. \VERRETT. 77 Victoria Stl'PPt, ’l‘omnw Sulidtor ful' Applicants. Apply P. 0. Box, Apply to JOHN DEVINE, Lot, 42, lst COIL, Vaughan. Richumnd Hill P.0. For Sale For Sale Ap ly tn RED ELLIOTT. Ovn this fa rm theie house. outbuildings, s in a. good state of Lat. 21, con. 2, nful'khunl Thnrnhill. runto. 1908. nutty, ‘ Ont. K.C., Lm-gest, list of commnrciul and du- mvstic fruitsâ€"large and smun; ama- mentuls. and shade tH-es; flown-lug shrubs, vines, rnsvs, flne swd phlatm-‘S one of om- specialties. Stuck that, is hardy COUN'S from us. “'hite VVyundutte Cuvkcx-rls, fxnm imported stagk. A: J. “'RIGHT. old. Local Saaeaman A permanan situulinn fur the light man. fur whom territory will be H‘- served. Pay weekly. Flee «quip- ment. _ White for paytimï¬lm's. 32-4m TORONTO STONE & W ELLI N GTON A gnnd Brink Hnusv on Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Apply tn.‘ Av Ln“ For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL Also file. cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American com (017d). NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton coal. “CANADIAN PICTORIAL†THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Exquisitely printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Picturesuf'weIL-known people. of current events. offlbbings beauti- ful and curious. About one thousand squat-ginoth of pictures it} each issue. and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. Â¥M++++++~Â¥M++++++++++++44 Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English :people. Non political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents acnpy. *Otmdollar a year. The Pic,- tmial Publishing 00.,1-12 St. Peter St... Mantml. 21.45 ++++M+M$+~l The Gilbert with a 4-inch bell, will 1 alarm, ikely remedy this trouble for you. +~r+++++++++++++++ +P++HH+ For RECHMOND HYLL and adjoining country to represent; ‘CANADA'S GREATEST Nunsmum J. H. RAH Alarm flocks Ifyou over-sleep one morning it may, through disappointment, cost you the price of a new alarm clock. AJI kinds of grain bought Bran and Victor Feed for JERRY SMITH Hous e to Rent COAL and JAMES McLEA N, RiihlngndnfliILj W'E “TA-NT A RELIABLE For threshing engines. Appiy ï¬g For Sale Fonthill Nurseries (850 am es) and young Pigs, ten wwks Fer Sale rlce, I50. §§§ 69¢ Richmond Hill. Ont, E. GLASQ. in the ON T. Ont.