Village Directory. Church of Englandâ€"Services at 8p. in. Int. 2nd and 4th Bundey. Third Sunday at 11 e m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 n. m..eud 7 p. m. Sundey School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on ulter- uh Sundays at!) e. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer ousting Thursday. evening. ' Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"-Meef.s Hon- dev on or before full moon CourtRicbmond. A 0 Fâ€"Neeta second and north Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Moets third Wednesday of each month Comp Elem. 8 0 B --Meets second and fourth Wednesday R '1? of Temperance-Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month 1 Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month Public Library and Beading Boomâ€"Opal: Tuesday. and Saturday evening-- Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets overv Monday Junior Epwornh League meets every Mon- dey efoernoon at 4. POST'OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice Mails will be closed H the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows :- MORNING 836 EVENING .. "6.36 MONEY ORDERS flours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING 8.00 EVENING ...e 00 N. B.â€"1tegistered lett e heuded- in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. If. M. TEEFY. Postmaster Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Winter Time Table 1907 GOING NORTH C. P. R. Crossing(Toronto). Leave. â€"a. in. 6.00. 7.00I'. 8.00. 9.00. 11.00, p. m.. 1.00. 3.00, 5.00. 600+. 7.00, 9.00. York Mills 1’. 0.â€"a.. m. 6.1". 7.15, 8.15. 9.15. 11.15.; p. m., 1.15, 3.15. 5.15, 0.15. 7.15. 9.15. Thornhill P. O.â€"â€"a. m.. 6. '. 7.35. 8.35, 9.35. 11.35; p. m.. 1.35, 3.35, 5.35, 8.35. 7.35. 9.35. Richmond Hillâ€"a. m.. 6.45. 7.45. 8.45. 9.45. 11.45; p. m.. 1.45. 3.45, 5.45, 0.45, 7.45, 9.45. Bond’s Luke Jetâ€"a. m., 6.55. 7.55. 8.55. 9.55, 11.55; p. m.. 1.55. 3.55, 5.5 , 0.55, 7.55, 9.55. Auroraâ€"u. m.. 7.15, 8.15. 9.15. 10.15. 12.15; p. m., 2.15. 4.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 10.15. Newmurketâ€"a. m.. 7.40. 8.40, 9.40. 10.40, 12.40; p. m.. 2.40. 4.40, 6.40. 7.40, 8.40. 10.40. Sharonâ€"u. m., 8.50; p. m., 4.50, 6.50. 7 Queeusvilleâ€"a. m.. 9.00; p. m.. 5.00, .00. Keswickâ€"a.m.. 9.10; p.m.. 5.10. 7.10. Roache’s Pointâ€"a. m., 9.15; p. m., 5.15, 7.15. Jackson’s Point. Arriveâ€"n. m..10.00; p. m., 5.40. 7.40. GOING SOUTH. Jackson’s Point, Leaveâ€"a. m., 7.45; p. m.. 2.45, 5.45. Roache‘s Pointâ€"a. m., 8.00; p. m.. 3.00, 6.00. Keswickâ€"a. m.. 8.10; p. m., 3.20, 0.10. Queensvilleâ€"a. m., 8.25; p. m., 3.45, 6.25. .Sburonâ€"a. m.. 8.30; p. m.. 4.00, 6.30. Newmarketâ€"a. m.. 6.00. 7.00. 8110+. 9.00. 11.00; p. m., 1.00, 3.00, 5.00. (100+, 7.00. 9.00. Auroraâ€"a. m., 6.10. 7.10 9.10. 11.10; p. m., 1.10, 3.10. 5.1 7.10. 9.10. Bond‘s Lake Jct.â€"a. m.. 6.25. 8.25, 9.2.5, 11.25; p. m., 1.25, 3.25. 6.25. 7.25. 9.25. Rir-limond Hillâ€"a. m.. 6.40. 8.40. 9.40. 11.40; p. m., 1.40, 3.40, 6.40. 7.40, 9.40. Thornhill 1’. 0.â€"a. m.. 6.50. " 8.50. 9.50. 11.50; p. m., 1.50, 3.50. 0.50. 7.50. 9.50. York Mills P. O.â€"a. m., 7.10. 9.10. 10.10. 12.10; p. m.. 2.10, 4.10. ' 7.10. 8.10. 10.10. North Toronto, ArriVPâ€"a. m.. 7.40. 3.40. 0.40. 10.40. 12.40; p. m., 2.40. 4.40.. 0.110, 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. M'edncsduy and Saturday evenings a lute var leaves C. 1’. 1t. Crossing for thvnmrket and intermediate points “511.30 p. m. Every \Vednesday and Saturday night a late car will leave Newmarket for Toronto and intermediate points 111310.42) p. m. H‘onnt-ct with Srhomherg S; Aurora liililwriv. In addition to the regular service, be- tween Newzn irket and .lai-kson's Point :1 hik‘l‘lul eat “ill ll‘?l\'\‘ New- murket (very Sutniduy at 12.40 noon for Jackson's l’oint. \V. H. MOORE. Manager '0. PROGRAM 01" RICHMOND HILL SKATENG RENE .‘dnndny Senior lint-key. Ladies. 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Senior Liovkey, Gents. 3.30 to 10. Tuesday. Curlers. :iftei noon and evening. \Yt-dm-sday Senior Hockey. Ladies. 4 to 3 p. Senior Hockey. Gents. 8 to 10. Thursday. Junior Hockey. 4 to 5 p. In. Skating 7.30 to 10. v Friday (lurlers. afternoon and evening. Saturduy Skating. 7.30m 10.0011. 11). L11. Curlers to have the use of iv» ï¬t ‘my tiny). \vlwn Elvi otiwrwis) enquire-'1. ,along Skates, Furnaces, etc. AL wards. gain: $367 and 25 years†insurance, and 45 per cent. Looking fOr Xmas presentsfl We have a. very assorted line of Hockey Sticks, Carvers, Scissors, Knives, Forks, Spoons, also Heaters and Ranges. Pucks Very suitable for presents at reasonable advance on cost. Tinsmithing of all kinds promptly attended to. There‘s more comfort to be hnd in a Fur Robe thnn in any other kind, and there is greater value in those. we. offer than is usually found at these pricesâ€"$8.00 to $16.00. Our Harness is the best; our price-s are not hi h. Single hnrness. all our own ma 0. from $15.00 up. Heavy team harness from $25.00 up. Blankets. mitts, gloves. bells. and other supplies at the lowest prices. D, Richmond Hill 33 Mllflli issue a policy free from restrictions, with guarantee values and with protection and investment all combined. ,â€" zxccident Policies from $1.00 per year up- This 15 what every man should have. RESULT OF 25-YEAR ENDOVVMENT POLICY 12092 (R. \VALKER)â€" Paid the Confederation Life Association $825: received check for $1.192: net paid the day it was due; proï¬t. nearly r. G. sevsss AGENT RICHMOND HILL * .9. $4 fl >4 4â€": <1 : ‘ a. . g 0 :1 <3 i: a: . .J a 5:: 9“ _,_., . a v (5 2 Q a g - 7' ".‘1 D. d '1’; V 74 2 E95 253.322.2339. IL ‘4 : E #7. ganrc‘ga'ns *1 o "3 = ~ M" s N E 'U E" H H a: D L: V 7: C a. H4 - a: U . a 2 3 2-322 F5 -â€"t : .ii1 i? a . .Z '3 9:! 333’ V O 1% 2 5.2.: B :53 c ‘5 FEE†Z J .2 ~ 4 3 :0 s P22'29 o’ <1) '17 2 38'3"“) :4 e 2:» ° >“§§%~i‘._, fl .H :1: E $“"§'§$ fl .. "-4 -* 5:3-«2 .â€"-"’ ==.: _ r1 93:11; :1 1;": f9 0 CG '5: " g 0 "c- 5 E: n a Z “9'3 E v A“ .â€". z a: - . - <1 2‘; E 5‘4 i "' '5; 2 5 q :3 z w :«5 :2 e <l ":5 2 5 v Qâ€" -â€"l 24 saw a l .â€"-: 9 . I $3 E’s g s ; . : d 7; 7. :. Z N For Sale Threshing ontiit consisting: of Deckâ€" 91' Clt‘illlt’l‘. Szi\\'yer-.\1:ls.~e_v Clover Mill and Sawyer-llassey Traction Engine. all in ï¬rst-vlnss condition. with route north and south from Richmond Hill Yonge street. .4. bargain. Terms easy. Apply to g 11. A. NICHOLLS. x * i Ripnns Tobules cure bad breath. ‘ Ripaus '1‘.1bules cure dizzmess. l 60 YEARS' ' 1 EXPERIENCE Tenn: MARKS DESIGNS ' COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion treo w ether an invention is probably pateniahle. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. HANDBOOK on Potent. sent tree. Oldest agency for securing stems. Patents taken t rough Mum: & 0. receive ppzcml nottcc, without charge, in the Scientist: listen at. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any soienriuc journal. Terms for Canada. $14.75 1; you. postage prepaid. Sold by all newsdeuleis. miiiisï¬lmtmiitillik tossiipetieo Baked sweet apples. with some people. brlnl prompt relief for Constipation. With others. coarse all-wheat bread will have the same effect. Neturenndonintt-rlly has n. vegetable remedy to relieve every ailment known to man. if physicians can but find Nature's way to health. And this is strikingly true with regnrd to Constipation. The burk of u certain tree in Cnliioniinâ€"Casâ€" airs SegIaduâ€"oï¬em a most excellent aid to this end. But. combined with Egyptian Senna. Slip- _ pory Elm Dark, Solid Extract of Prunes, etc. this sum» Cusf‘um bark is given its greatest possible power to correct. constipation. A tooihsome (‘nnvly TulJlr-t. called Lnx-ets. is now made at the Dr. Simon Luborntories. from this ingenuous am} most utitmive prescription. Its cï¬ecv. on Consti- pation. Biliousness. Sour Stomach. Bad Breath. Sallow (Xiiuplrxiou. etc. is indeed prompt and satisfying. No griping. no unpleasant after cflects are ex- perlelit‘cd. and Lox-eta are put up in beautiful lithographcd metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 cents per box. For something new. nice. economics] and, eflective. try a box of nX-ets W. A. SAF‘JBERSON. tsruusm 1073 lifliEflhdfl)Kï¬I>Bï¬dfli OF CANADA Head Ofï¬ce ‘ v I ‘ Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawais Interest added four limes a year Department in Connection with all Brendies. l o 5 SavingsBank 0A RICHMOND HILL BRANCH E. M. Byrne, Manage:- BMNCI’IES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARKHAM AND STOUI‘F‘VILLE or. w " BATES Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with“The Liberal†at $13. year at the following prices;- Weekly Globe, with illustrated edi- tlon, 12 months a, Weekl' and Empire, with premium “Golgotha.†7 54, 175 23.50 0.50 2f25 i.50 859. N a 4?) Jo “75o. EL50 The Toronto World 12 months The Daily Globe, one. year York County only The Daily Mail and Em- pire, one year (York County The Daily Star, received on day of publication The Daily Star, not receiv- ed day of publication Family Herald and Vice]:- ly Star New Idea. Woman’s Maga- ine Canadian Pictorial : McClure’s Magazine l =€ssdy You tarouid Like to Eat :oswws 31311310 Burbs ; *â€"A.\'I)â€" RIaple ‘Vafcn-s t ‘ At 500. Per lb. STEWART’S 01,3.St31 01.031115 Black and Blue Worsted Twills. Scotch 'l‘wecds, ZOC- Per lb- Fancy 'l‘rouscrings, Overcoatmn etc. ("1 . My Stock of \Vooiens tor FALL AND WINTER is now complete comprising Fruit for this wenk: oranges, 10, 15, 23W. per (102. Mnlagn Grapes, 171(3. 1191 ll). Best QHMHY' 11“" Pl‘in'S : A. .i. noes, $9 &€(§o ‘ 'TailOIrRiCi-lmsnd ilill . , v r - s ’9 RICHMOND HILL BAIxERl 01' ï¬ne _A valuable property on Yonge St. Wltll E of on acre of land. (irwl seven. : roonwrl house. with stable. slit-r1. wm k shop and (ther conveniences. Apply to II. I I i C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bond Laxative Lax-ets 5 :vcnch,