Division Court, will he held here next, VVednvbdny, the [st nf April. Miss Alum (Lnrpvnu-r uf Humiltun has been the guest of Miss Olive Swit- zvr this week. Private boarding. ment. Tu suit, you suits us. Atkinson & Switzer. Easter Cards and Eush-r Novelties at Tm: LIBERAL OFFICE. Come early and make your sulmtiun. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopper and huhy of Toronto cunu- up and \isiLt-d with friends uvul- Sunday. (Elise iiihrrnl. Ons- huI-guin hvgvcs another. Atkin- gnn & Swilzer. Mr. Ruht. J. Pearson of the Mt-tlmd- ht, Book ann, Turmmv, and wife. rpunt SuLuI-dny with Mr. and Mrs. EH Shirl-k. Mm. C. Muan spvnt u few days with Mrs. (D12) Bnyd in Newmarket. Dr. (‘mssidy was mile-d tn Dravtrm un Monday. having rennin-d a (eh-gram Informing huu ut LIIP serious illness of his lllhtht‘l‘. Spiritual proï¬t can he uttuilu-d by attending the Epwurlh [ma-gnu- sorvim‘ Monday m euiug ML 8 u'rluuk. Mr. A. J. Hume will give unaddressnn "Juhn Bunyan." At, the recent. “wt-Ling nf tbv Grand Ludgv. A. O. U. \\-'., it was decided to assess each nwmhor in the under $1 pm- unuuln to be expended in urguuiz..liun purposes. Miss Jones uf Victoria Square has )urclmsml from Mr. H. A. Nichulls. {ml E-LnLe Agent, the Uupvll prnper- Ly. and will Luke pussvssiuu abuut, the ï¬rst (If April. A bargain to ï¬t your need berv. Atkinsnn (\2 SWiLZl‘I'. Mr. J. \V. Osborne. fonnerly mth uger of [hr Standard Bank here, whn had been manager of the branch nl Uulmlt. has hu-n transferred to the hawk in Lbe mty nf Ottawa. RICHMUND HILL, ONT., Mar. 26. [908 On Sunday nun-nng next Rev. A. 1’. Bruce will preach in Llu- MeLhndist churle the smeuth set-mun of "The Lilllv anvs Serivs." The suleQ-ct will he “The Selï¬sh Fox." Cmu-L Riclimnnd, No. 7046. A. O. R, will llll'PL Friday vvvninguf this week. The hill of fzu-o will he an utï¬ciul visit frmn the District Chief Ranger, an initiation. and l't'fIC‘ShllantS. Mr. Thomas anh left Tuesday fur the Numb-“'est} where he expects to remain fur a mnum-r of years. He will~stay fur a time with Mr. E. H. Sislev. Mnryï¬eld. Semi-L. formerly of this place. The clerks here are your servants. Atkinson & Sn'itzvr. Mrs. Alfred Reddiu of Barrie is at present visiting Mrs. Robert Red- clitt whu suï¬'med u 5m ere illness but is grudunllv improving. Mrs. E. J. Club- ine of Newmnrkvt is also visiting with her mother. In what, was pl-uhuhly the. clusiné Curling match of theseasuu, Thm'nhili defeated Riuhnmnd Hill an the for- mer‘s ice lust Friday by 20 pnints. The home links wvre skippvd by H. Hoopm- and J. E. Tet-sun. The Public Sl'lltunl ru-npened last Monday under instructions uf the Med- ical Ht'nllh Oflicmu Fm-tunutvly the scarlet, fever ('HSI 8 among the children were of a mild type. and with rare uu injuriuus results are anticipated. The brethren of Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. have recrived an invi- tation frum the W. M. of Tuscan I‘ndgp. vannuket. [0 visit them an April 8. M) the mrcusion of the ofï¬cial visit of R. \V. Bl'u. Gavel]. D. D. G. M. All om- time is at your service. At- kinson & Switzer. Newton Bl 00k hockey team came up lust evening and played u friendly game with um- Juvenile Hockey playâ€" ers. The visitors were defeated by 1‘3 to 1. Mr. C-. Glnver referee-d {he match and :uhuinistered euld justice to both sides. Mr. D. Hill has purchased from Mrs. T. Tyn-ell [he l'OSidODK'P directly south of the bakery. Mm. Tylrell will have a. sale of lmusvhnld effects on the mm of April. after which she purposes re- moving to the North-\Vest. The ladies of Thni-nhill and surround- ing neighbourhoods will do well to at- Lend Mrs. SlmLex-‘s InillinPI-y opening next \VOdllt‘x‘du)‘. the ï¬rst ('1‘ April. There will he :l ï¬nv display nf new huts. new flowers. new ribbons, new lnces‘, etc. Mr. Osmond Appleton nf Currville. who had worked in M1. Gen. Cowie's blacksmith shop during the past year. has gone to British Columle where he purposes settling permanently with his brothers whn have a fruit furm in the district. of Nelson. Bythe “"hitnr’y I't-dism'ilmtion hill East, York ls tn he enhuged by the Village of Slouï¬x’ille and the tnwn of North Toronto. At present the um th part. of Stnnï¬â€˜ville belongs tn )1th York. and Nmth Toronto is in the York. a nd XVI-st Ridit St'e advertisw “"9 are here with new gmle und‘ pilvs 0f the-m. Atkinan 6L Swilzer. I Mr. Fll'tchl'l' Thompson of Oak Ridges has pumhuN-d the Summit Huuse frum MI. .lt-s-ze Hmlgin. and will mks- pussvsqiun in u fuw weeks. \Vo- understand that Mr. Hudgin and fumily will return to tln-ir fmm, a short. distance smith of Bond Lukv. April 5 will he \Vumun's Missionary Sucivly Sunday in the Methudist church here. The Old ll-ionds of Rev. J. \V. Stvwnl-t. nmv push-r of Ynuge Stun-L Methndist ('hurch. Tnmnln, will he dvlighted tn know that lll‘ has cm:- sentI-d In pl‘t'nch the se-nnuns morning and evening. The April mnuher uf McClule‘s mag- azin is partit-ulurly intern-ling and instrurtivo. Ellen Terry is as interest- ing as Usual in "SUIIIP ofmy Asswiutvs uf the Stugv.†Mrs. ()utling‘s delight.- ful now! of suhurhan “fl‘. "The “My- farm-s" is still Iunning se-rinlly and thew :u'v shurt. slurivs for all Lash-s. Srvol'nl of the must pnpulnr artists have contributed to the illustratiuns. Mr. H. A. Niclmlls depults tn-night in join Imperial Pulentnle H. A. Cul- lins and sunw fm-ly other Nulnlt-s of tho Mystic Shrine of 'l‘m-nntn un a Fiigl’imagu In Londun. where the PML mperinl Pun-nude, :IssisLt-d by his NuhIPH. will inaugurate Mnuhu Te-mplp uf the Anvivnt and Arabic Ordi-r uf lhv Nnillrs of the Mystic Shrine. Next, Monday, March 30. them will he a Grand Du-Iivvry 0f Muchinel'v (1f Llw nld I-r-linhle Massey-Harris Cmu- mny. Lhrnugh thvir Agent. Mr. J. H. I-vnlice at, Unimn'ilk‘. A large turn- out, is uxpm-Lvd. Dinner will be pro- vide-d at the Queen’s Hanl. Parties getting machinery n19 H‘qllPStï¬â€˜d L0 be on hand wnly (le the above date. A waluvd exchange- suys that “if you want tn km-p \Vl‘â€. eat plenty of m-angvs." Cart-fl]! tests have pmved heynnd quvstion that “range juice has uln-nrly do-ï¬nvd nwdicinnl vii-mos. Those who sulfr-r from indigvstiuu ï¬nd that ufutr mtng umugns m-gularly for lu-c-nkfust there is no distress, nu pul- pitutiun. You can always rely on get,- ring the lwsL class of oranges at F. E. Sims' stow. uva dmu' North of the Waiting Rum". You will have (‘ush left if ynu trade here. Alkinsuu (K: Switzer. Mr. J. H. Sande-won occupied the chair at the- Guspel Tvmpvl-emce meet- ing held in the Tempm-ance Hall Sun- day afLeI-m-un. Miss Ethel Switzer sang a solo. and an address was gin-n by Rev. Joseph Munt. the \V. C. '1‘. U. unis‘simmry In the lumber camps. Judgng by lhe infm'maLinn given in the. address the missiunarv is doing :1 good Wul‘k among the mm of the nurth country. Mr. Ayearst, Prm-incial Inspector in Local Option [districts laid charges against the pmprieuu and his wife, at ch? Summit Huusv. Oak Ridgs-s. fm having liquor on their prennisrs, and fur selling. The former plvadud guilty tn having the quunr (-n his prmnisr-s. and the laltvr U- allmving it [u be Suld. A ï¬ne of $50 and m-sts was inflicted in the ï¬rst casv. and $40 and ('usts in the second. Bull: cases were heard before J. P’s Sandmsnn and Francis. The famous Pierrot TI'OHDP have en- gugodthP Musmnic Hall for \Ve-dnosdny evening. the ï¬rst of Aplii. when Hwy will present :1 rvï¬ned and humm-nns entertainment. Tin-company contains nine high~cluss :Iriisis who will give u programme that will iw sure to plvnso the most fastidious. The pH-fnnm-rs have been highly rr‘commended, and we trust they will have a full house. Admission 25 Giants: children 1:") cents; reserved svats 30 cents. Tickets fur isule ilt Snndcrsnn‘s drug store. The $100.00 paid hy Dr.Sh(mp for any l‘tf- cent, case of Grippv nr acute Gold that u 25 cent hux of Preventics Will not break. How is this {1 r an offer? The “actor's suprme cnnï¬dr-nm- in these little Candy Cnld Uni-e Tabletsâ€"Pre- venticsâ€"is (:H-Lninly cmnplele. It’s a $100. against, 2.3 Ct'lllSâ€"pl'r'tty big odds. And Prevvnnius. i-mnemher. cuntnin no Quinine. nulaxulivv. nothing harsh nl' sickening. Pneumonia would mâ€"ver up- pPill‘ if wtl'ly colds were always broken. Safe and sure fur fm wish children. 48 Prevent/it's 25c. Sold lny \V. A. Sunder- SUI]. Liquor sellers were ï¬ned in the local nptiun tnwn uf Tux-unto Junction on Monday. as fullnwstâ€"The propriptm of the Occidental Hutvl. $50 and costs for selling, and $25 and costs fur keep- ing liqnnr un his prmnises. Peacock Hotel $50 and Custs in the ï¬) st instanCP, and $20 and costs in the second. A lump on Mulnck Avenue was fuund guiltv. and as his was :1 private dwell- ing he was ï¬ned $60 and $25 and costs. Charges against. two nl her parties were adjourned for a week. D ELI V ERY FOR UNIONVILLE. Remember that when the Stomach nerves fail (yr weaken, Dyspk-psin m- Indigvstjun must always fallow, But. strengthen tlicsv. suuie weak insnle nerves with Dr. Sl-mnp‘s R-l‘StOl'Hthl’, and-then sve how quickly health will again return. \Veuk Heart and Kid- ney nerves i-nn ulsn be strengthened with the Restnmtive. where Hem-t, pains, pnlpilntlnn, nr Kidney weakness is fnund. Dun’t (l: ug the stomach. nor stimulate tln- Hmu‘t ()l‘KlanyS. That is wrong. Gu to the cause of these on tel- o‘clock. muenb side and SL113 wrung lnwnls REFINED AND HUMOEOUS. LIQUOR S ELLEHS FINED GOSPEL TEM PERANGE. H EA V Y FINES. Gn to Stu-nut with Dr. r that when the Stomach (yr weaken, Dyspk-psin 01- must always fullmv. But. those same weak insult: will conï¬mence at 8 the cause hen the-ze Slmnpjs R] nple. sin \V. A “'t k in- n-utive -st will lersnn. At. a. Illt‘t‘tlllg (if the Gentle Ymk Cnuservntives held in 'l‘uruntu last Saturday Capt. T. G. \Vallacc was selected as their standard-heater fur the next Dominiun election. Altn- gethel’ fnur nnminatinns were made, namely: Capt. Wallace, A. \Vard MilneI W. H. Pugsley. and R. O. Han-ey. The last two named resign- ed. but Mr. Milne insisted that his name should he on the ballot. Capt. \Vallace was elected by a. large major- ity. Although the convention was plainly overwhelmineg fnr Mr. Wal- lace. Mr. Milne stoutly maintained that he had the right to the honor. He. said that he had lust. by a. very close vote, the nomination for the bye- electinn held in the riding lust fallamd he charged that his defeat at that com-entiun was largely due to irregu- larities. As he had not received fair treatment then he asked the delegates tn do him justice by giving him the nomination. After the result of the voting was made known speeches were made by the candidate, Rev. Peter Cmnphell and nthers. Capt. Wallace was defeated by Dr. McLean at the bye-election last December by the cluse majority of 26. \Ve cannot, make money here if you don't. Atkinsnu & Switzvr. PEARSONâ€"At, Thm'nhill. 00 Friday. Mulch 20. Frances J. Rnhinsnn. wife of Frank Pearson. in her 35m year. Funeral (m Snlmday, March 21. at, 3 p. m.. to English Church Cemetery. COOKâ€"At. Aurora, on Friday. March 20. 1908. Mary A Brvuns. beloved wife 0f Juhn Cnok. in her 34th year. Funeral to Aurura Cemetery on Munduy. the 23rd. at 2.30 p. In MUNSHAWâ€"On Saturday, March 21. 1908. Margaret Munshaw. aged 69 years. widow of the late Henry Munshmv, formerly of Newton Bl'lmk, at the residence nf her son- in-lnw. Henry Gihsun. 111 Hazeltun avenue. Turontn. Get your training in thr- school that is qualiï¬ed to give you the , best that can he had. The British American Business College Y. M. C. A Building 7- Toronto. Keep the bowels re ular with AVePE Pills. just one p ll each n gm. 0606 OOOOOQOOQOOOOOOOQQOOQO The Taking Cold H 061'! §O¢¢H§¢§¢ ¢9§§§§§§§§§§§§+§ The old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. It’s the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about it. A Start any time U- ‘. ’- ¢ ‘ A . f . kP’l “ ALL \CE gG UV" _ I f++++4+++++++++~r++++++++++r+++++++++4nH++++++++++++++ Ripaus Tabules cure dizziness. (fall and ask to see the Mew york Collegiate style in men’s and young men’s suits, made-fa-order or ready~madc 12 50 up to $30 00. All guaran. feed perfect in fif. ARM. SAVAGE The belt kind of a testimonialâ€"- “ Sold for over sixty years." , smsuwum. er PILLS. HAIR VIOOR. We luv. no none-I W. publish the hmum o! I“ our medicinal. ind. i! I. 0. Ayer 09.. Level]. Kn". so manta-In of \Vlite flu: catalogue. DEATHS. 6 u ffifler 3 Our care 41+++++++++++++H +++++++++++ ++++++H+++++++++++W w‘o1 Right on Top ____ Business is Improving Hope and Courage NEW GOODS; NEW GOODS; NEW GOODS New light fancy prints; new dark fancy prints, new dark fancy prints; new colored zephyrs, in plain check and stripe; new Vic- toria lawns; new spot muslins; new Persian lawn; new India linen; new tucked lawn. Every size, lor every boot, of every shape, for every person, who wears rubbers. One quality, and that the best. Remember we sell First Quallty Heavy Long Rub- ber Boots at $3 95, regular $4 25 / NAUGHTON’S-at-the-Elgin BY MAIL MM. 26. 1908. BUSINESS; CO Mat ricuintiuu Richmond Hill Hardware Store To Builders barn that will give equal satisfaction with And will continue to increase from this time on. It gives us all a iceling 01 hope and courage. Atkinson & Switzer WE QUOTEzâ€"Light fancy 32-inch print. 11c. yd.; fancy 32-inch print. llc. yd.; real indigo-dye prints, yd.; colored zepbyrs. Mic. yd. in choosing will make it easy for you to get the fashionable here. We know of nothing for either house or 'JLEGE. TORON L“). Prqcticnl uni nugu'qugnï¬northand. Commercial. and y_ m, (3. A. free. $3.00 rmlvVuy {are mud H mm Duper mentioned. Address R. A. FARQUHARSON, B.A.. Yonge and Bloor sts., Toronto. C. SOULES Queen’s Head Eavetrough. Graham nails. ast Lake Metallic Shingles. BRITISH 'cAN’ADIAN AT COLLEGE dark 13km