Mrs. A: J. “'1 were :uppnintvd Institute Cunu hfld in llw Me form) this Wm‘ /Tr9m‘h. Mi“ A meeting of me Fn-e Brigade will he lwld in the Uuuncil Chamber anL Monday eve-Hing. ’l‘hu Inst of the svrie-s of huse-L-uupling races will In- run in the Lurm- Hall the. same vven- inq. All members are n-quvsted to attend. At :\ rvcenl meeting nf the Executive uf [he Nul'lh Yin-k Twu-lwrs‘ Assnci- "Lion held in vamurkvl it was decided to change- lhv duty of the ()nnventinn {rum Spring LOH" tu Autumn. There will Klwrufnru he nu Convention this Spring. Rev. J. W. Stewart uf Tun-onto will preach in L119 lehndist church next Sunday morninguud evening. it, being the anniversary uf me \‘Vunmn’s Mis- sionary Sociuty. Rev. Mr. Brace will uccupy Mr. Stewmt’s pulpit that day. The Conservative mmnlwrs of the (mgisintnrv gnthered at. the. Albany Uluh last night and tendered a cm» plimenmrv dinm-r in Premim- \VhSL- Hey. The plomiur \vaq prvsented with it bountiful silw-l- cubile and address. The C. P. R. stutiun in the villnge of \Vestun was (lesn‘hyvd ahme 4 o‘clock Saturday lunl'niug by a ï¬re which is supposed to hnn- lmon caused by light- ning. Banks, papers. and cuntents all consunwd. By hard wm-k the freight sheds wvrv sax-ed. Mr. Jnhu Tyndall and family who hun- residvd :IL Unrrvillu for 21 number of yvurs [Mum have lnrn‘f‘d «mm the Powell farm a thel end of Richmond strwt, which I. Ivy l-vm-nlly purchased from the Sturev «sum. (’unmlencing yesterday. the ï¬rst, of April. the )lvll'upnlitun will give an lumrly svrvicv. Cars will leave 'l‘oâ€" runtu and Newman-km uu every hum- cmnnwncing at 6.1. m.. and cuntinuing up to 9 p. m. The- only hulu‘ that cars will nut, leave the ubm‘o plum-s dun ing ï¬le day will he 8 p. m. Putrom uf the railway are plezlsud to have the every hour service again. Residents of tho Nun-(ll End have lwen nunside-MMy lmlhe-rw) fur the pus; few Weeks with \vaLm Cninlhï¬ in- to lln-ir collars. IL is said that syn:- pnlbetic fl'lHEds lmw suggestvd that their m-ighlun-s shuuld "km‘p duuks." Until furlllur nutice llltllls‘ will he ClusHl M the Richmond Hill I’nst, Ufï¬t't‘ as fullmvszwlllurniHg at 8.30. evvnihg at ($.30. This is ï¬Vt‘ minutes earlier in ouch case- than the time the nmils furumrly closvd. Owing ditinn of (n drive, District n-ict. A. mvvting evvmng. enjuyud ’At Epwm-lh Long-nt- roll-mall service. Mundny PH-ning at right o‘clock. the next of the sorios of tupivs {mm the. Sermon on tho Mount. “He cnreth for ynu." will ho cnnsjdered by Mia: May Stun-y. “(Mme Hmu with usund we will do thev gnud.†Citiz-‘ns nf this plans mo. mumtu disnppuiutvd ln-cuusv lln- prnpuswl hill to luring watt-r fl'mu Hu- :1: lt-siun wells in the \ icinity of Le-mnm'illo was InsL in a (:mumiuve of the Ontario Logis- lutme. After Suhhnth Schnnl Inst Sunday Mrs. A: J. \Vright and Miss \Viley were :Ippvintvd delvgates 10 attend the Institute Convention “‘luoh 15 being hfld iu the: Metropolitan: Church. To- fnntn this Work. Mls. Sloan, Miss Trend). Mia Stnrey. Miss Edwmds and Mr. G. McDonald were. nppuinted by the Epwm-th League. Thq haman handle hrnnm we are nelliug M 35c. is Well wnrtLy of your rxumhmtinn; it is wally worth (Uc. Atkinson & Swilzer. A numhor from (he Me'lhndisb S. S. and Le-ugnvs are attending the gl‘t‘ut lustilnlv Unuwnlinu bring lu-ld in the Melrnpnliluu church. ’l‘umntu, April 1, 2.1Iud3. A Collection uf hnuks has hovnndded In the Methodish Suhlmlh Svhmrl Library. The hunks were purchased m the Methodist Bunk and Publishing House. An excellent address was given on Mnndny waning at Epwm-Lh Luagmn when Mr. A. J. Hnnw (unlinn-(I "Th0 Life uf Julm Bunyan." bringing fur- ward much hrlpl'ul thought. The L. Y. H. C. areculling a meet- inz for Tuesday tho 7th. at 8 p. 111.. Mt Mrs. A. U. Savage's hmm- to wind up the season. Th9 rPgulm- ummhly meeï¬ng nf The \mem's Missimmry Suciety will he held (his afternoon('l‘hursdnv):|t three o'clock. ut. the hmm‘ of Mrs. Switzer. You will ï¬nd an attractive line of Easter pnst (raids an Ensu-r mm-ltivs M, THE LumnAL Ofï¬ce. Cu" and see tlwlu while the ussnrtme-nl. is gmul. @112 Eiillrml. RICHMOND HILL, 0:17., Apr. 2, 1908 a rt‘cent mnnlmr of The “Hde con. ns an account (If the marriage nf ' to tho nlnmst impassable con» ‘ the roads for (.lmsv who have. Mr. Kurtun pf \Vhitevnie.the Chief Hunger for York. Dis- 0. R, was not presentnt the nf Court, Richmnnd Friday But, the refrvshments were nevenheless. ng‘ne roll-cull Serrit‘e, all right o‘clock. the s of tupif‘s frnm the, Mum. “HP Cureth fur IS‘idé‘l‘é’d hy Mia-z May th Amth rfr. 11m t/ Ii [SS to. ed :câ€" o. my wnenevs - and ‘ she. appeared t Thursday even was porï¬-ctly 9 must f:l\ nruhlc liglxtvd :ludik‘llk \Veather‘ conditions Were unfavor- able lust awning, consequently the above troupe were grveted with a small huuso when they gave their en- tertaimne-nt in‘the Masonic Hall. The eight, artists who composed the com- puny were similarly costumed in white ‘ and presented a novel and striking ap- ‘ pwuulwv. Many of the choruses. } quul tettes and solos were well render- ed. and the pvx'fm‘lners received merit- Ied applause. Tl“: company purpuse L ugnm visiting this town when the g roads hecmue dry. ‘ Over one hundred lovers of good music attended the Soiree Musicale given by Mr. J. Earle Newt-on, pian- ist, and Miss Ethel Switzer. soprano. at “Rock Haven.†the home of Mr. and Mrsi Andrew Newton. lust Thurs- day evening. Some of the piano se- lections were extremely difficult, but they were played with consummate ease and precision, and it, was evi« dent that Mr. Newton had his instru- ment; under pvrfect, control. Miss Switzm- never fails_to \vin applause whenever and when-ever she sings, and sheuppeared tn he as her best, on Thursday evening. Every selection was pm'fl'ctiy executed. and she won a must, fumruhle vex-dict from the de- lightle nndiA-nco. The ï¬rst part. of the p: 2': w: 4n†cuntuim-d nin‘c numbers SUI] The Riclmiond Hill High School Cuncert pnstpunvd from a previous date, will he held in the Masnnic Hall. on the evening of \Veilnesday, l5l.h inst. A splendid pi-ngrannne will he presented by Mr. J. \V. Benguugh. the greatest cartoonist of the clay. as- sisted by the best local musical talvnt. Admission 25 cents: reserved seats 10 cents extra. Plan at Sandersmi’s Drug Store. A ï¬rst-class Lime is gllul‘anteed. Piles are easily and quickly clwckml with Dr. Shimp's Magic Ointment. Tu pruve it. I will mail a small trial box as a cnm'incing Lest. Simply address Dr. Slump, Racine, \\’is. I surely would nut send it. free unless I Was certain that Dr. Shuup's Magic Oint- ment, would stand the test. Remem- ber it is made- expressly and alone for swollen. painful, Mei-ding m- itching pile-s. viLln-r extm‘nal ur internal. Large jar, 50c. Sold by \V. A. Sander- A few munths ago the “Bunkman†called attention u- the very curious predominance of the letter O in Lhe life and \vm-k uf Mr. Winston Church- ill, pointing out. that his hnme was Garnish; his ntï¬cial addrvss at Con- cm-rl: his club. thr- Uentury: and hunks alrvatiy published. “The Cuiehrily." “Richard Can-V91,†“The: Crisis." “The Crossing,†and “Unnismn.†It is not surprising to learn that \Vinstnn Churchill's furtbcuming Nov») whit-h is to he printed late in the spring is to bear the Mile "Mr. Crew‘s Cal‘PL-l‘." ham 40x72 was (Arron-d. This 15 to re- place une vi the hams burned a few munth ago. The-1 e was a large crowd present. and ‘he work was completed by 5.30 u'cluck. Mr. Rumble purposes erecting another larger barn later in the sunson. The Victm-ia Square Rifle Club is stil) dning business at, the 01d stand. As the end of the! smsnn is drawing tu- wal'ds its clnsr there is keen Competi- tiun amung the members fur the high- est average- scm e thrnughuut the whole sousun. and nnuvithslanding that must of the [Members are nldâ€"ï¬mers. it is a very trying time on their nerves. The following are the scores for March let and 25H).â€"â€"R. Agar 94-. W. Scott 8'), R. Frishy 79, T. Read 73, C. P. Read 77, \V. Mustard 96. R. Agar 84. W. Scott 82, T. Read 74, C. P. Read 66. o Probably the ï¬rst "raising" of (he seam-u in this section of country took place on the farm of Mr. Henry Rumble. Int 21, 3rd Cun. Vaughan, last, Friday. when flu: fl-nuw work of n Mr. H. C. Buileyï¬nf Muplo, has (rins- 9d unmhvr business yo-nr~the greatest in his history as a merchant. us stuck- tnking showed. The vm-iuusqnuta- tiuns uf canned nomls, as shown in his spring circular. are sure tn draw many m his shn'9. The circular :klsu IIIPI '05 l't-fPrr-nue m his spring stuck z l‘f dry gnuds. w‘ and shoes. \Veak \vuumn get prmnpt and last- ing help by using Dr. Shuup's Night Cure. These sun-thing. howling. unli. septic suppositories. with full infm-nm- tion how Lu pl'mxve‘d :u-e interestingly Luld of in my bunk “No. 4 Fur \Vh- "It‘ll." The book and strictly conï¬- dential medical advice is entirely fl'l‘v. Simply write Dr. Shnvp. Rm:ine.\Vis.. fur my hunk No. 4. Sold by W. A. Snudersmn By mder of the President. u meeting of [hr Curling Club is called fvr Fri- dny evening of this week, to he held in McDonald's shop. at. 5.30. The oh- jvct. iu Lu settle accounts and wind up Lhe business of the season. Any per- son having an account. against the club will please hand it in u. the Pres- idenL m- b‘ecrctury before Friday even- ing. A special sernmn will be preached in St. Julm‘s Church, Jcï¬ersun. on Sun- day next, the 5th inst. by the Rev. Pierre de Lum. F. G. S. uf Englund. The subject will be "Pun Anglican Congress.†50 3mm tn be held in Eng- lnnd. the m-Iéatest (-Vvut in the hislury of the Euglish Church since (hé Refor- umliun. Sermon at. 2.30 p. m. All are curdiully invita-d. 31m. gum] cleaned currunts fur 250.: 3 Hrs. Unlifurn‘m prune: fur2.'w: 31h». bout peul‘l tupinca fur 250.; 5 His. good rice for 25c. Atkinaun 86 Switzur. HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT. THE PIER ROT TROUPE. SOIREE MUSICALE. SPECIAL T0 CURLERS. all pnpvr; an?! b00715: ‘ SERMON. | will be preached in , Jefl’ex'son. on Sun- | inst. by the Rev. '. G. uf Englnnd. and m was evi- n had his instru- :t Conn-(:1. Miss _to win _applause of good Musicale m, pian- sop‘l-zgno. §¢§¢ $9M¢¢ 0¢§§§§§§¢+§¢§§§9 STONG~On Monday. March 30. 1908. at Lansing, Ont, Malgzu‘et Tuer. relief, of the lnte John Stung. in her 82nd year. Fulwml sex-rice at the above address on Thursday, April 2. at, 3 p. m. Deceased was mother of Mr. D. Stong of this village’. A light, is from my huusohold gone, A voice I loved is stillpd; A lnce is vacant in my home. 'hich never can be ï¬lled. BROWNLEEâ€"In loving memory of my husband. James Brownlee. who pass- ed AWay March 22. 1906. 6¢§ï¬Â§Â§Â§Â¢Â§Â§6¢§¢§¢OQQ¢§§§§Q¢ Mr. \V. H. Pugsloy, move of this village. has been again elected Presi- dmit uf the Ontario Good Runth Assn- ciation. At the nnmml convention nf the Association. Mr. A. W. Campbell, deputy-minister nf public Works. ox- lnim-d the workings of the Grand (mds Act and the stvps which any enmity cuuncil should take in adopt,- iug the county road system. During the lust, ten years the municipalities (If the province had spent. 810,000.0(X) on funds. and if this had been handled efficiently in wuuld have been sufï¬cient for gund road beds for ten years. The great thing was to haven competent mm] engineer and a proper inspection nf the construction wurk. Three or four miles of road Well done would he the best: way of converting the rate- payers. Get your (mining in the school that is qualiï¬ed tn give you the best that, can he had. The British American Business College Y. M. C. A. Building - Toronto. WI ite fur catalogue. We ll J. O. Aye? O. A no Munch ? mu yers 2:: Unless than I! daily action of the bowell, poi-onouu products are absorbed. causing head- ache. bifloumeu. nnuaea. dynpepela, and thus pmveunng tht Snrsnparllla from doing its best work. Ayers Pm. u. live: pun. Act gently. all vegetable. Start any time If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Aycr’s Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known a“ your life. Your doctor knows It, too. Ask him about it. Call and ask to see the View 31er Collegiate style in men’s and voung m en’s suits,madeâ€"fa-order or ready-made. 12.5oup to $30 00. All guaran- feed perfecf in fit. ARM. SAVAQE We Trust Doctors , HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. W0 have no secrets! Wu publish the (bx-mums of :11 mn- medicines. GOOD ROADS ASS'N. IN MEMORIAM. h J. 0. Lym- Oo.. Lowau. mu. A no Muncturen cf @uz‘fiiier DEATHS. â€"\VmE. ++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++ +M+++++++++++H++W++~i~ i Our care Hope 3; and Courage +++++++H++M+++++++M++++H++++Wfl f+++++++++++++++ Every size, for every boot, of every shape, for every person, who Wears rubbers. One quality, and that the best. Remember we sell First Quality Heavy Long Rub- ber Boots at $3 95, regular $4 25 BY MAlL BUSINESS COLLEGE. TORONTU. Practice.) and myrqugnï¬hortband. Cpmmercia}. and Matriculation. Y. M. C. A. trea‘ $3.00 railway fare mud 1f tins pager montwned. Address M :u. 26, 1908. Business is Improving NEW GOODS; NEW GOODS; NEW GOODS New light fancy prints; ’new dark fancy prints, new dark fancy prints; new colored zephyrs, in plain check and stripe; new Vic- toria lawns; new spot inuslins; new Persian laWn; new India linen; new tucked lawn. Right on Top W To Builders Richmond Hill Hardware Siam barn that will give equal satisfaction with Atkinsm} Switzer ‘VE QUOTEzâ€"Ligbt fancy 32-inch print. 11c. yd.; fancy 32-inch print, 11c. yd.; real indigo-dye prints, yd.; colored vahyrs. Ugo. yd. in choosing will make it easy for the fashionable here. courage. And will continue to increase from this time on. It gives us all a leeling ol hope and We know of nothing for either house or R. A. FARQUHARSON. B.A.. Yonge and Bloor 5:5,, Toromo G. SQULES Queen’s Head Eavetrough. East Lake Metallic Shingles. Graham nails. *Riisn' 'CANAD’iAN AT COLLEGE you to get dark 13kt).