Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Apr 1908, p. 3

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Mun TJ'U'ii'iKiri's‘ Ilmu lllfllDAN name no: n “I ilmt 1hr!“ «Iron |\'I Sunday rm‘my shou what would “But would |\' 1 (RV 'l‘nke LAXATIVE BRO M0 Quinino Tablets Bruggists refund money 1! it fails to cure. R. W4 BU E‘s sigan-o in on each box. 200‘ Any lad having used any make of sewing Mchm: fir 5 years or more write Singer geld" achinc 00.. Manning Chamber-5'. pron o for Imauf'ful set of ten sourcm‘r a0mm ofOnran'o. Ike: for asking. to; all makes of machines at Five ('cnts per pack age, and everything else gertaimng to sewing :shlnes at greatly reduce prices. Look fur the S. In v m {or Ialo. NM particular at Pleuo give price and descrlp: son (or 59”qu State when p‘ 1):) had. Wil deal with owner M, eternity. and when I took his hand in parting if was the 1:15.! time I expect- ed to see him in the “fish. Three yours later while on mmer visit to my molher's Michael Olding \vn‘s seemmgly in beuer h-eallh than I “I suppose old Cnshman has 11* «(may than he knows what in do \\'i’ch: but his wife and daughters ready to supply the needed intormahk A GOOD FARM ONEâ€"Nam CURTAINS "the doclo um] 1 nm with him k, olemilg ln parting ed to see {1011 .le'olvhm. Though to me mv. he mnvcrsod est dimcully. and 500mm it was the beginning c was daily grmving worth Swollen to twice [hair 71 Ihu cold hand of death 'bmw. “It’s no use." 1 611‘“ rim of 111% w” visiting h evidence I Those tw carsnnl, 10 mo cfrccm Th “NO is 111mm and s away to Iivc 0.’ Um g n 4: Yet and In so”, and Dr. \MH ought In they In: case. The Particulars of a Remarkable Cure Told by a Presbyterian Clergyman---The Surferer Brought Back from Death’s Door. 5‘ Why'l Recommcand Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.” ri PF ich are diss< M TO (TN? A COLD IN ONE DAY Du: his WANTED Tl lhdl ol hous; Hand-i". Iii}!- 1. Will deal with owners only. Darbylhim, Box 984. Rochester, N. Y SE‘VING-MACHINE NEEDLES. m; Jl'( CU] are tho: Mowin g hat he o hear from owner huin 11d to find 0 Lend, Mich not pxpecl "(1 me. “.1 ml ISSK'I’ N0 1 mm on made co 0 and 0th 'rih to In About 16 any that lhma )Hon kn \M hmu and br firm of (1156 10m. Ho h "or months ‘Doginning of the owing weaker; his .rioo their natural ad of death “5-: no use." he sn medicine is not 1 11:! down J'unidlv.“ u do?” mud on ‘1‘ who and fnm mysol! ~ohol dé ill? who k‘hrir T .\'o nk ught [e a n to be Dvao a CLEANI. LIKE NEW. ‘me is not \Vn rapidly mnn soon al 10 w horn UN ve in {Sr 08. seases was ravisl had hem confine s and was reduce . in :54. Mantras: hen they hear will want to fly for doing herâ€"“If on one )ut location. ML and reg. ssegaion cnn videnlh' ll [‘uffnul- he was nliz anI‘C .\1( ‘eat- that He US R PLEASE BEAR 1N MINI) that what is called a. skin disease may be but a. symptom of had blood. In that. case. Wcmer's Cerute. externally applied, should be supplemented with Weaver's Syrup, taken daily. 111811 "C", Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch In human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- {rrd’s Sanitary Lotion. It never (ails. Said by an druggisLs. Pure water will It is the carbonic purities that. cause exposed to moistu PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleed!“ or Protuding Plies in 6 to 14 days or man-y re undod. 500. bring me through. but they -did and l have ever since enjoyed good health. Though lam sevenly-ninc years old (people are always remarking on how young I lookâ€"and l Incl young. I can do a fair day's worlxz and I am better in every way than I had been for years. I cannot say too much in praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I ta-ke every opportunity I can to recommend them 1; friends who are ailing.” “\\‘( Mr. Olding himself writes:â€" glnd Rev. Mr. Smith has written about. my wonderful cure, for l dcnlly believe that if it had not [or Dr. \Villinms' Pin-k Pills I have been dead long ago. It won inimssihln to exaggerale the (1051: condition I was in when I hogan I. the Pills. No one thought. I couh twitcr. l scamon dared hope In that Dr. Williems’ Pink Pills v bring me through. but they -did F DU ENC raged PILES CURE!) IN 6 TO M DAYS. .on H] RANSOM'S REFORMATION little town a {new man am ,VO 1 Lh rs wh sen ter rent Disorder.â€"â€"At the first symp- of internal disorder, Parmelee's able Pills should be resorted to liately. Two or three of these ry pellets, taken before going to "ollowed by doses of one or two or two or three nights in succes- will serve as a preventive of at- of dyspepsia and all the discom- which follow In the train of that. sorder. The means are simple the way is knovm. slreng asloni ever S4 0 1\\'n_\'s inn Dr. mom 0! good health, oven ‘ has Ceasod to trouble him 11' '3‘: “Why ml to be laugh re year ion that does not improve hu- ions has no business with [ding himself. as well as his sand the wrilor of this Ion‘. 1y believe lhnl his rescue from jaws of deathâ€"seemingly so 11sâ€"â€"is due under the blessing of rho timely and continuous use ‘VilliumsY Pink Pills. REV. EDWIN SMITH, M.A. years the progeny of a pair mber 1.000. \1 n ing himself writes:â€" “I am Mr. Smith has written you wonderful cure, for l confl- iovo that if it had not been t’illinms' Pin-k Pills I would dead long ago. It would be to exaggerate the desperate [ was in when I hogan to use No one thought. i could get scamrly dared hope myself Williems’ Pink Pills would through. but they -did and l since enjoyed good health. em seventy-nine years old 31' fiv ‘1‘ will not. rust pure iron. Irbonlc acid and other im- L cause the surface of iron moisture to oxidise. ,r'illiams’ Pink Pills. in help him. His h began to imme hment of She far ’ho Seat, of the trouble 'manent. cure. ): “I do hope some Dutch- ' me when I grow up." Chy, dear?” Elsie: “Be- be a duchess." H! him. {or ‘n ailing ]C( da of the family and regained his honllh. burden of well nigh upon him, he is nbln work. and is in the "red b0! named “or being caught lelinquemcics, was short term in the \\'as sent to learn 5‘ of his return )‘ white acquaint- M the first symp- or‘der, Parmelee's d be resorted to 1' three of these 1 before going to es of one or two nights in succes- 3'0 11 h you to be rat hope H sho QVE is in n the 5110 p ldt‘en pain there and I ha about the “Tommy, you have beer Sunday mornings in 51100 doing splendidlyâ€"for you “ch'm. Last Sunday was going to talk about whale but he only talke< confidence that i ed for it. IL is the use of it w and can be relic out of the systcr any other medici Vinced that it is “Perfectly Trushvorthy” is the char- acter 0f Bickle‘s Anti-Consumptive Syrgp. It can be used with the utmost The earth is 5% limes heavier than a globe of water or the same size would aiding di; patients re diseases 1( without at oral stores Every Hme we hear behind his back it re: fact that we all catch no! present. "I-‘lfllROVIM" sag.“ ULAN’I‘ to From October to May. Colds are the most fre- uent came of Headache. LAXATIVE BBUMO UININE removes cause. F. W. Grove on box 250 Twenty years ago there wore in the United Kingdom 2,362,000 persons em- p‘(yed in agriculture. To-day the num- Ber has fallen to 2.109000. it searches out the hiding-place of pain: and like a guardian of the peace, lays hands upon it and says, “I arrest you.‘ Resistance is useless, as the law of health imposes a sentence of perpetual banishment on pain, and Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil was originated to enlorcc that sentence. If. is an Officer of the Law ‘c When called in to attend a ( it searches out the hiding-plat and like a guardian of the II “You say the victim was shot in the head?" queried the coroner. “Yes, sir,” replied the witness. “Previous 10 the shooting. had there been any trouble or threats that would have led the victim I.) expect the shot?” No, sir; I don‘t. think such a thing ever entered his head before.” \Vhenever Ramsay‘s Pain-{s are applied to any house .in town, that house im- mediately comes into prominence (or style and beauty. These paints are 50111 by your dealer. and his price is just right. 101‘ good honest paints. Ask to 50: Color Card. Wrile A. Rummy 8; Son (30., A’Ionlrcn] for pack of Sou- wnir Picture Post Cards of Homes. it about the decks. All hands disappeared. Allrncted by the sweet odor from the pnlN. the pig- tuiled loader descended, followed by the others. Chatlcrlng and screeching, they devoured the brandy and molasses. Soon there were four hundred monkeys slaggering. This ended the trouble, for just as soon as any showed signs 0' stupor the animals were picked up and placed in the cage. Lizzie is a prismer, lxvcs Sum nnimnis would let. ily their pins or other meiIes. Nothing could be done to n the mutinous animals. At. last ship was being towed up the r morning the captain decided 0 measures. He took a large qu: molasses. mixed it with ther q brandy, and putting it in pan; it about the decks. ficer hid The l'cgult Lizzie Four Hundred Took Poss‘ Steamship [Braunrels 2270 A real pleasure. Black “'HAT CAUSES HEADACHE. Tobacco C I‘( or medicine. T that it is what THE MONKEYS M l'TlNll-ZD digestion. As recovering from lowering the a rival. At all y a! sea. condition W \\'ISE PREACI IER nv climlx when ' wall hat it. will do what iS( IL is sure in its erred it will clearly (lemon. relied upon to drive a iystcm more effectively on the dc n 01‘ 0th other ban 1 be done to roun nimals. At. last, a lowed up the river mthizii mdred who 1' 0 her m omcer ld across lot. fly of the Law ‘0! Health.â€" .0 attend a disturbance near a man abused it reminds us of the :alch it. when We are IS A GENTLE the stomach, thereby ‘ As _a tonic for Try it and be ,t it is claime Thebig black prug. A n e w sensation. By the preacher mt Jonah an’ the Iced about Jonah. rest of it to-day, n to-day to hear 7.“ the an lhreO way feveréwd'xid Elli vitality. H, is drug and gen~ up th ml' to cm 5 wifl‘ memk d the age whic Yrge quanlity thrre quarts in pans plat i011 n l' fh-e their ‘osscssion u! fth ch two That is 011 Delaying mar con 111T) He 1n ing‘ up the [ht mines the usefulness II Mr. G. W. Marlin, llarlioril. Ontario, choin leader at St. Paul‘s Ep'scopal Church, writes: “I have been troubled with c-ntarrh for 0 great many years, and always trying Something for it, but. was nil.le only to secure temporary relief until I wed Pe- l'una. Only five bottles rid my system of all traces of caiarrh. and I have not noticed the slightest trouble for several months. My head was stepped up. my 'bnealh offensive. and it is a relic! in be able to breathe freely once more." Manufactured by Peruna Ding Mamnjagturing Gomfsany, Columbus, Conduct is simply cham A good lover is sure to l Afr. J. E. (fr/«won, 2 don Life Imurame Co " I have used the pop to its merits. I regard Orders [ctr Cobalt Stocks execut- ed Mr mmh. Correspondentsâ€"New York. ton, Pmladelphia. Montreal Transact a g( ness. Stocks cash or man-g THE PANOO C0,, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR HEADACHE, HEURALGIA, GGUT, RHEUMATESM ORONTO “city of I mom, :1 Among the is the hnme of revered as n I: "In"! I V. VHKI. LYI'IAN BROS. 6: C0., LTD. LYMAN, KNOX 6: CLARKSON, LTD ntry. :annc \V CORRESPONDENCE IN‘JIT SENTENCE SERMONS. 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO llcad Stopped I'p. happiness I regard it as one 3H INSTANT RELIEF TO THOSE SU dm city of many ) gut and sold for u all exchanges. )1 financial busi- one of the mast , 2l8 St, Clarens A113,, Town Co., London, Canada, wriles ropulmfiwmedy known as Peâ€"z Cans with c-atan‘h (1 always try 'as able only until I used 3f 25 AND 50 CENTS, BY HAIL. v 11mm] cl mul hon. nt 218 St Bos Ohi'o. \VHOLESALE oftlze Shiloh's Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY Clarer n (he beginnir @EYEHBGRWEH If you want Canoe, Skiff or Launch for the Summer write us. He The Peterborough Canoa Go’y: Tl wn as Pe-ruâ€"na, and I can testify as est tonics now on the market." mlul cilia Ly of mm] head and u catarrh of y in thvms Mr rh and bea CANOE CO. Ltd. no cure ungs an x bottles m an A gri Lungs and J. C. H Tomnto, Canada, Inspector Lon ‘endcr ll( muk ER INC! FROM ma We build them all, and can sup- ply 3 Launch complete orlmll only. and you mm instal your when yuu buy .1 Canoe b‘kifl or Launch see that it bears tha stamp of 10 ifuI up Tmonto Ind Montreal Toronto and Flontreal ure mot the Bronchial Tllbt's. HI Use Shiloh's Cure for the worst cold"! the sharpest cough â€"try it on aguat- nntec of you! money back it it doesn't actually; CURE quicker .0. world than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,â€"nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of succcas commend Shiloh's Cure- 26a, 50a. 81. a. art TORONTO. re throat. in var-i- much. and; other 1‘!) 011011 the be- hin tubes. this winter 0! restored Peruna. his l'mncdy to fiends amicled nd they have 0! this valu- We have the largest canoe and Skiff Factory In Canada. E Toronto. Forum. is leuer Ont” kly avert {k h happy that at- \'€ rn- LOHS 11' Dept. “Tim: :acious

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