Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 May 1908, p. 4

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] believe in the initiative and in the referendmn. I lwlicvo in the public ownership, (vpemlinn and control of public utilities. 1 holivvo in the. necessity for refur- nmllun in the manner at the appoint- Invnts to, and advancement within, the civil service, or us it, is called. “civil sin-vice refunn": I believe that such ap- l-uintnu-nts and promotions should he in the hands of un independent, com- mission: that what is nnw lnuked upon as party patronage helnngs to Kim ruuntl'y and not to CIUIL‘I‘ party. and I belie-w. that the host mun who will He- u-opt the position should he uppomted In tho pusitiun irrespvctive 01' his party affiliuliuns. titling of the County of York. lam desirous of obtaining the vote of every elector of the riding who can consri- rntiously approve of my cnndidature and in order that the Electors of East York may know my views on some of the subjects which will require legis- lative nttention in the near future. I desire to state where I stand in respect to such of them as appear to me as l-eing the moxe pressing. I believe thnt it is of _the utmost I ecessity that our elections should he nnlruinelled by improper influences und hen free and honest expreSSiun of the opinion of the electorate, and that vlecturnl corruption is a serious men- :me to the welfare of the State. rrigat'd for the personal convenience of lillk‘f, from tinip to time, acting as administrators; that it is immediately incumbent upon our Local Legislature to can-fully consider and lrgislate to- wards a more. Christian and humane treatment of those whom we assume to mull criminals; to prevent by reinov. al from evil association and surround- ings. those young in years. giving them an opportunity to become good citizens instead of leaving it. as it is now al- lnost impossible for them_to be other than what we 'all criminals. I believe that the representative of the constituency should be elected to represent sunh constituency free. from party pledges or party obligations, subscribing to well defined principles of policy only; and I believe that it is the. duty of the. representative of any constituency to approve of all good measures and to disapprove of all bad wr doubtful measures from “hutever source emanating; to act in all cases as an independent and courageous repre- sentutivc. I believe that majorities should rule and govern. lhelieve in the pieservation. develâ€" opment and careful administration of the public rem-nut- and of the public domain. and the administration of pub lic patronage. in the interests of the people. and not in the itltt‘l'r-Sts of either party or the fen oriles of either party. I believe that corporation influence is much too potent in the halls of our l‘arliumentsnnd Legislatures, and that the rights of the people are too often Neglected. I believe that it is immediately in- runibent upon our Legislature to care- fully consider and legislate towards the further advancement of agriculture and mining within the Province. and to the betterment of the conditions sun minding the li\ es of the great wage- t'at-iiing class. I um. né yoi; indw. the Liberal (‘undidutein the coming eh-ctiun to §9jgpt a_1-§p1'e§gtmtapiv'e fur the East To the Electors of East York: l holieve that the incnme of wage- mn-m-Is shnuld not lw tuxml. I llelimv in tlw “Gmnd Roads Move- mvnt." I believe that a well considvred plun nf r furystl-Nuun is ul'anLlY llt‘t‘PSSHI'y. wlieve [mu (he actllm‘ shnuld have all Lith' and minerals on his lands. I believe that, it is incumbent upon our Local Legislature to make flll Lher provision fur the cure of the insane :m_d olln-rwisv helpless und of the aged. VAUGHAN PATHMASTERS FGR l908. In case you své ynur way Clem? tn suppnrt mo in my candidature fnrol- vctiun us such representative. I pledge myself. in case I am elected. tn consider mysvlf a I‘opresvnlntive of all the el- vvtm-s of the. Riding and HM of any part. or class; of the man who worked hmdvst against me tn llu- same de-grco as the man “11!: Worked for me. And I further pledge mysvlf tn not in all things as my best judgmvnt directs, \\ itlmut fear. favor. or affection. In coming tn :1 cnnclnsiun. I ask you m consider the manner in which I per- fnunPd my duties while representing the Cruwu as Crown Attorney fur the City Of anunto. I mu. Ynuys \‘m-y siyygcnv-kl RICHMOND HILL 16, 1. .105. Stephenson. Thomhill. 2. Albert, Sanger. Tlmrnhill. 3. Box-wick “’vldrick. Langstuff. 4. Matthnw Boyle. Richmund Hill. 5. John Kilklund. Richmnnd Hill. 6. “’illium Robinson. Elgin Mills. 'Z. .Iampsjfurphy. Elgin Mills. Provincial Election. Louis PngP: Thornhill. Hem-y \V'ingor. Cun'ville. James Hunt. Currville. John anhle. Maple. Chas. Nrill. Elgin Mills. Henry \Vilsnn. Elgin Mills. \Villium Hurt. Jefferson. Thus. Bmvrs, Cnucmd. Thus. Baker, Concord. JAM ES W. CURRY. ONT.. May 14. 1908 No.17, Emmanuel Bowes, Concord. u u u u u n u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u n u u u u ‘l u u u u u u u u u u 18. William Paterson. Uarrville. 19, Henry Rumble. Maple. 20. Chas. Jones, Elgin Mills. 21, Alfred Hurt, Jefferson. 22, John Gordon, Concord. 23, Aaron OsLer. Concord. ‘24. John G. Keller. Sherwood. 25. Chas. McNeil, Maple. 26. O. T. GruhAIn. Maple. 27. Geo. J. Cook, Hope. 28, Robert Riddell, King. 29. James Bugg. Edgeley. 30, Silas McDougall. 3l, \Vm. H. Mallny. Edgeley. 32. David Snider. Vellore. 33. Sum’l Mathewson, Testnn. 34, \Villiam Kyle. Teston. 35. Neil A. Mullny, 'l‘estnn. 3U, \Villiam H. Onstatnr, Emery. 37, Robert \anson. Pine Grove. 38. Jnhn Darker. Vellore. 39. Alex. Darker, Vellure. 40, Levi \Vatsnn, Vellm-e. 41, \V. F. Dicenmn, Teston. 42, James A. Ulnhine, Lnskuy. 43. William RuwnLI-ee,\Vnndhridge. 44, Hem-v Sutton. \Vnodbridge. 45. John G. \Vhitmol‘e, Pine Grove. 46, John J. Marshall. Pine Grove. 47, John Greenwood. Vellnre. 48. Richard Seed. Purplefille. 49. Wu). A. McLean, Pnrpleville. 50. John LMCGillivray,Purpleville. 51. Jesse. Phillips. \Vuodhridge. .32, George Elliott, \Vnudhridge. 53, Chars. Hullingshead. Pine Grove. 54. Hector McGee. \Vnudhridge. 54:1, Daniel McLean. Kleinhurg. 55, Daniel McCullum, Elders Mills. 56, Peter G. \Vnrdlaw. Kleinhnrg. 57. Dnnglas McDonald, Kleinhmg. 58, Arthur RnhsoIJ.Kl_einang. +H+++++++++++H+++M+++++ +++ + ++++++++++++++++++++++ m++++++4~1~++++++++++++++ ++H+++++++++++++++++++++f THE DUKE is :1 beautiful seal brown stallion. about 16; hzindsliigh, and in stud cunditiun weighs 1,300 punnds; a hUl‘SP as fine lunking as his sire \Vilkie Collins, whose plmm appears above. THE DUKE is highly finished and paw- erfully built in every way. He is not :1 pacer. lint. one of the finest-gaited trot- ting horses in America. He has trottvd a trial in 2.17. quarters in 29; seconds, a 1.58 gait. and it, is said. fvith gund handling. he (:nuld Hot in 2.10. ,, 7 ., _____ ‘17-“ , .1.” L.- ““‘”J V‘Auv --4~'~-,v "â€"4â€" -â€"-v â€"v â€"--v~~ (why. 7 ~- --_.~ WV 7 u ting horses in America. He has trottvd a trial in 2.17. quarters in 29; seconds, “1.58 gait. and it. is said. with good handling. he (:nnld not in 2.10. THE DUKE was sired by “'ilkie Cullins, he by George “’ilkes: dam by Sherman, 1) George \Vilkes. THE D KE will be at. Ym k Mills Monday noun, and Hughes' Hotel. Thm‘nhill, Monday night ang Tuesday nnon: I‘uesduy night. “'nodbridge Huuse. \Vondhridge. Saturday, Blal'k HUI'SP Hotel. Toruntu. $15 insure-s :1 living cult. Cum? and SN? this hnrsn at sumo of his stands and we will gmmutee tn shuw yuu one of the Finesl- Slnck anâ€"sps in Canada. D. J, LAING. R. REYNOLDS. EElection June 8 Please vet-e early: D. J. LAING. Mar WILKIE COLLINS, 3901. Bred in Kentucky, 1876. â€"SIRE OFâ€" THE DUKE, 25375 5%. Wake? gum! 57. 58, 58a 59, 61, 63. Liberalg Candidate t0 the Local Legislature for the East Balding 0f Yam Your Vote and Influence , Juhnstun Egan. Purplvville. \Vm. R. Egan. Pm-plmille. Albert Kerr. Nobleton. Jonathan Ellerhy. VVoudlnidge. Oliver Burton, \Voodlu'idge. Gidenn Burton, “'oudbridge. Jonathan Kersey. VVoodbx-idge. Standard and Eegistered Trotting Stallion Is respectfully solicited for unagel‘. No.65. Arch. Somerville. Eiders’ Mills. “ 66. Robert. K. Johnston. Unleruine. “ 67, \Villizlm Mullin. Klvinlun'g. “ 68, Thus. Hemphill, Klvinlrurg. “ 69, John anlund. Hnmlx'r. ” '10, Arthur Wetherull. \Vundlu'idge. “ 71. Robert Burton. Elder-5' Mills. “ 72, John W 00d, Elders” Mills. “ 73. Gen. Miller. Cnlm-aine. “ 74, Thomas McDrmongh, Nashville. “ 75, Alvx. Dick, Nashville. “ 76, Thus. \Vehster, Colerzline. “ 77, \Villium Thomas. Turumre. “ 78, Pete-:- MiLcholl. Tm-mm-v. “ 79, Thr HMS Smytho. Tunnnrv. “ 80, John MiLClu‘ll; Tmnmrv. “ 81. Robert SnuwrvillaEldvrs’ Mills. “ 32, Henry l’le-asnnce. C‘ll'l'Vlllt’. ‘ 83, Sam‘l McCutcheun. Nuhlvtnn. “ 87}. Frank MoClnskie, Nashville. “ 3:3. Juli!) Train, Kleinlxui-g. “ 86, Colin Cumornn, Eidersv Mills. Maple, Jnhn Cmdduck. Maple. Hvre are close quntntiuns for first- clznss quality: Riverduie Tmnutnws, 100. tin: peas. 3 tins for 2513.; 154:2. package (.‘mlifurnia sveded raisins, 1250.: 12-02. pnvkugo. 10".; fine (winking figs. 450. ll).: dates, 5c. 11).; tapioca. 8c. lln; lard, 1150. lh.;snlmnn, l5c.. nud 2 for 25m; 3-lh. [in Gnldvumte Syrup, 180.; 3~lh. tin New Orleans syrup. the pure thing. 18u.;gvm jar Inuple syrup. jar and syrup ('mnpletve, 2.3m: the jar is wnrth 7C. and you‘ll need them pretty sunn, so ynu get the syrup at. 18¢; \Vnnd's antun coffee at 30c. lh.; 100- ll». hugs granulated sugar, $5. 10; Car- hnrtts hlzutk uninu-ma e pants, $1.10; men’s tweed suits, $4.25; fine blue serge suits, $13.00. regular $18.00 value; men’s fine suspenders. 25c.; a new one. The Premier. two qualities 3Uc.and*500., are very fine; young men should ask to see them. and should ask tn see our fine negligee shirts and examine what we can du for you in a stylish summer suit. Atkinson & Switzer. 68, 69, 10. 71. 79. 80, 81. 82. Victoria St., Toronto “Hank wnnwn should read my “Bunk Nu. 4 For \Vnnlrn". It, Was wrilu-n expressly fur wmuen whn are not wvll. Tln- Bunk N0. 4 bus of Dr. Shunp's "Night Cure" and juat how these snnth- ing. healing. antisvplic sup nsimries can he successfully applicd. ‘iw hunk, nnd strit-tly cnufldt-nl in] medical advice, is {’lllil l'h’ fH-P. \Vrih' Dr. Slump. Ru- cino, \Via. The Night, Cure is sold by W. A. Sandersnn. The Gi-nm-ul Umife-rpncn of the Brethren (Tunkwr) Church will he hvld here next, week. The sessimm will cmnmrnco on \V'mlnpsduy morning and close on Friday nfwrnmm. Tht-re will he prvuching arr- vices eut‘h evening at 7.30, Ln which all are rnrdinlly invited. The Gunfi-rence sesxinns are open, in a limited sense. namely. to those intru-sted in l'vlig- inns \vnrk. The di-le-gntes. \vhn come frmn as far east, :15 Pennnvlvnnin and west as Unlfm-nia. will a: rive (m Tuva- dny m‘cr the C. N. 0. R. some hun- dreds strong. Of course. all who come are not delvgntes (there are nn lady dvlegntrs) nmny enming :Is visiturs. Th9 C. N. O. is a grant, imprm'vment 0n farmer fncilities. This is the third Conference held harp. The- last, was ten years ago when tho Metrnpnlitun was an infant. Early curs had been promised for the rvLurn trip to make connections by hunt, and tinin. Hi-ur after hunr was spent by the waiting crowd singing in frunt of £119 nld shan known as “\Vniting Ronni." Finally at :1 lutt- hmir twn lilllv cum hnvu in sight. C-nnnrctinns were all missed; "waning many (lnllms and much in- convenience In our American \‘isitm's. The other, nine years brim-0 that, mun? hy “Proctnr's Bussns" from Maple station. (Jon. The council met on Tuwdny even- ing, May 5. All the members present. Ainutps of previous uwvting read and confirmed. On'n'mtin‘fi the first sitting of the Court of Revision was set for the 2nd of June. The following accounts were pr?- svnte-d and payment nrdorvd of the same: F. Lee-c9, shnvvlling snow, $1.80; J. T. Startup, Work and attend- ing sick. $24.15; Tux-(mu. & Ymk Rad- iu] Hy.. freight m1 sewer pipe. $1.96. A letter from the National Battle- fields Cmnmissiun was read and laid (H's;- fux the Present. _ One hundred acres on 3rd con. of Markham with comfortable house, bank ham, and other outbuildings. All in gnud repair. Ahnllt half-a-mile from C. N. O. stadium at Gm-mley. Gund cedar swamp in [M rear. Terms to suit purchasvr. The council was wnited on by ;\ (lop- utatiuu of the rxtepuym-s who pi-esvnt- ed a. petition requz-sting tln- council to open negotiations with the Toronto & Ymk Radial Railway with a View to having their tracks removed to the centre of Yongt- street. The follow- ing gi-nlle-Inen spoke on the petition: ML-asi-s. Hill. Nit-hulls, McMnlmn. Maudie, and A. Savage. Tiw (:mmt'il gave the deputation an assurance that they would give the matter serious consideration. Dairy Farm Byâ€"law NH. 216 to burrow $600 needed for current expenditure was inunduced by Councillor Trench. The hy-luw ler‘eived its several readings and was finally passed. Piles are 9215in and quickly ch91:de with I)!. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. To prove It. I will mail a small trial box as n comincing Lest. Simply address Dr. Slump, Racine, \\"is. I surely would not send it. free unless I was certain that Dr. Shoop’s Magic Oint- ment, would stand the test. Remem- ber it. is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itching piles, either external or internal. Large jar, 50c. Sold by W. A. Sander- son. The undersigned will be pleased to luce Immigrants from the Unitpd ingdom as farm laborers in this vici- nity. Any person requiring such help should notify me persnnnlly m- l)y let- ter sLating fully the kind of help re- quired. when wanted. and the rate of wages offered. Every effmt, will he made to provide each applicant with help required. T. F. MCMAHON. Can. Gov. Emploympnt Agent, Richmond Hill. Out. Take Metro nlitnn Electric Car for Réchmond Hi] at North Toronto. t. . The undersigned has for sale abnut one. hundred bags of Delaware seed potatoes. Parties requiring seed pota- toes have a. gnod chance to procure tbnse grown on sandy land. Int 30. con. 3. Vaughan. Alsn for sale about, 200 tame Black Thimbleben'y bushes. A- bout, 4000 Lorem High Stern Shaw- berry Plants for sale. PETER JONES, Putato King Farm. 3'“! Hope P. 0. Farm Laborers. GORMLEY GLEAMHGS. Apply)“ VILLAGE COUNCIL. For Sale H. A. NICHOLLS. Real Estate Agent, Richmund Hill. A. J. HUME, Clexk. for Sale Sy nopsis of Canadian North- West Hr) \lE 3TEAD RIF/JUL \ PIONS NY even numbered sf‘ctiuns nf Dominion Lands in Manimhu, Saskatchewan and Allmrm, t-xu-pung 8 and 23, nut resol-vrd. "my ln- hmmu su‘mled hy uny pen-sun win» is» Iln- sule‘ he-nd vi a family, or any Inalr mm- 1-‘5 yenrs (If ngv, m the extvnt, Hf tine-- guurter sectiun of hit) nun-vs. more «:1- Applirmtiun fur entry must lw made in person by the applicant at n Domini. ion Lands Agency or Subâ€"Agency for the district, in whirh Hll‘ land is situate. Entry by pruxy may. lu.\v- cu-r. he madv at am agency um cm ("in unnditinns by the fulhrr. muthvr, sun, daughter. brother ur sisLeI- uf :m in- tending hunn‘stmlder. The iimnestende-r is rvqnired to per- fnrm the- hnmestead dutira under mm: of ghe‘fullpwing plans: (I) At leastusix nmnlhs’ rvsirh-nee upon and cultivation uf the land in each year for three years. (2) A hnmesluader may if he so de- sires, perform the required reuidenrm duties hy living nr. fanning land own- ed solely by him not less than eighty (Wham-ea in extent. in the vicinity cuff hi9 hmnesteud. Jninl; nwnerships i: [and will nnt meet this requirement. (3) If the father (ur muther, if th father is deceased) of a hnnwsteadeq has permanent residence nn farming; land owned snleiy hy himY not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the \‘irinity 0f the. hmnestead. ur npmn a hnnwstuad entered fur him xn the vicinity. such hnmestender may pol-farm his uwn resident-e duties by living with the father (ur mnther). (4) The term "vicinity" in the two preceding paragraphs is defined as meaning not. mnre than nine miles in a direct line. ex<zlusire of the width of rum] ailnwances crossed in the meas~ mement. (5) A humpsteuder intpnding to per- fm'm his x-osidem-mluties in :u-um'dancte with the above while living \ pur- enbs m- an farming land ownch by himself must nntify the Agent for the district. of such intentinn. SIX months’ nntice in wriiing must be given tn the Unmmissium-r of Du- minicm Lands at Ottawa, of intention to apply for patient. 5.53%?“ W. A. SANDERSON 25¢. per box | DRUGGIT. Ricixmand fllll \V. \V. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of tlw Interinr. N.B.â€"Unautht‘n'im-d publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Do You Need a Tonic? Are you Easily Tired? F901 “Weak? GERMAN IRON PILLS aw the Best Tunic. Anema. or poverty of the Blood GERMAN IRON PILLS. After Effects pig rippg: 7 Is it Rheumatism? cles? ‘ GERMAN IRON PILLS are the cure. . . . Do your hands tremblp? {Him Rich Red Blood 5.53%?“ W. A. SANDERSON German Iron Pills make Call and be Convinced for yourself that this is the right store to get good goods at the righL priccs. Special prices in Irruits {or the holiday trade. F. E. SIMS in quart sealers. A good line of 72111 Papers to choose from. Are yo}: pm]? or snllow? GERMAN IRON PILLS are the best Bluud Purifier. . .1 you nervous? The Nerve Tunic is As a, builder GERMAN IRON PILLS work miracles. 01' Sciatica? Have you se~ Vere pains in joints or mus- ure DIaple Syrup

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