' Mr. Richard Hilde-brand, foreman in thP tinsmithing estuhlishuwnt of J. Eyer & Sun. was suddenly called In Stratfnrd last, Thulsday to uttPnd the funeral of his brother, \Villiam. Dc- ccnsed was,in his 13th year. 1'. Godfrey was on Sntmduy lhn nnnimous choice of the. Cunsr-rvutivrs 'of \Vest ank tn contest the riding at [he cuming Prm‘incial elevtiun on the 8th of Juuo. Mrs. Joseph Smith. of W'est Toronto. fun-merly Miss Page of Vaughan. died suddenly at the age of 56 years: heart failure is given as the cause. Deceased was wife of Joseph Smith. brother of ex-Maynr Smith of West Toronto, The funeral on Friday was attended by the following relatives from this place: The Misses Puge. Mn J. [1. Banner and Mr. Geo. Reuxxnan. R. Wor. Bro. R. W. Cuvell. D. D. G. M.. paid an nï¬iciul visit to Rich- mend Lodge, A. F. at A. M.. Mnnday evening. A numhm‘ of visitmg breth- ren were 8150 present from X :mghnn Lodge. Maple. and the City Lodges. Refreshments Were served at the close, and a social hour spent together. You cannot gait better value nny’ when-e than we are giving. Take brooms. our 250. one is the best. we ever sold. and the is superior; the bamboo handle is simply immense: you can’t get; a better one at any price. Atkinson & Switzar. In the Prize List of the Richmond Hill Fair. rule 2 says that. “Exhibitors are not. tn he churng entrance fees ex- cept in class 8." This shnuld read class 9, relating to games and s urts. En- trance fees are 5 per centof I-st money. Miss Alice Hamilton of Senttln, \Vash., who has been spvndiug the winter with her sister. Mrs. Slmin, left for her home. Tuesday. her mothvr. Mrs. Hamilton. going with her as fur as Calgary wheie she will spend the summer. f On Sunday evening va. A. P. {Bruce will take a review (If the swim (If sex-mulls recently given; subject: "F(mlp1~ints 0f the Little Fluxes.†If the buys are allnwed to ride their bicycles and race with them on llw sidewalks there will surely he an acci- dent. Vl'lwre a tnwn does not possess n constable the citizens gmwrally frol tb‘lï¬t- they can do nlmur as they like. Visï¬tm'szlt Mrs. D. Slnnn Inst \vm‘k wore- "Mr. and Mrs. M. Hamilton. Ux- hridgpb. Mls. \Villiuuwund Mrs. Gilpin, MI-sï¬lmnglev Vyviun and Mrs. Culd, Tor/1mm». J. I). McKay of Newnmx-kvt. will he Returning uï¬icer at the Provincial Pie-(Mun in Nm'Lh York; David Brown. of Brown’s Corners fur East Ymk: and BIL-sell “'ul'ner of Mimico fur \Vest. York. The chulch anniversary of the Methodist church will he held on Sun- day. May 24. Rev. J. E. Starr, pastnr of Berkeley st. church. Toronto. “'hn formerly preached here, will occupy the pulpit mm ning and evening. cum-ch INHP made all nvccssm-y hr- nmgenwnts fur providing Hut Dinner n 11d Ten on Monday. May 25. Mkâ€. Hnluws CI-nsby gUPS to Uninvâ€" \yï¬e Ln-nim-Iuw tn rulit-ve mm uf the [clerks in the Stnndm-d Bank fur Lwn r\\ FORE. Thv Lndlos’ Aid of the MPthndist church hm» nme all nvm'ssaI-y hr- Tho annual meeting of the Trustee Board nf th Muthudist church “1m hn'ld :It the ofï¬ce Hf the secretary. Mr. \VIH. Hurrium yesterday “va1 mum. Mr". D. F. Millul- of Stunï¬'villt- mulled nII fl‘iL-nds in the village last week. Mr. P. G. S ngng-gzrnn(liï¬r. J. H. Bry- (lo-‘u ure in Tumntu nu the Grand Jury. Mr. \V. T. Stul-py of 'l‘m-nntn spv-nb nvvr Sunday with his Knuth-‘1' and sister. Mr. unijl Mrs. T cord spent Ins-t S Rvalnan’s fumin Seveml of the members nf the Ep~ \vm'th Lvnguv attended the annual Bully on Monday evening and repmt an excellont time. In Lyleply to “Reader†we may say [hut thv Voted-5' lists to he used ml the 8th 0 _ June will he the lisls of 1907. “'9, mo :mxinus tn sue you with the best, gnnfls and think you shuulrl nut, send ynul- money so much to To- runm. Alkinsun & Switzcr. Messrs. Rumor & Stivm' hnve just l"(‘C(â€"‘lV(‘d a quantity of Purity Flour at the U. N.‘ U. stntiun. Mr. He’nvnrd 31mm who has beam at- tPndmgI'tho College nf Pharmacy is home :gr a couple nf weeks. Mrs. Hun-imn Reid uf Aurora spa-Ht, Saturday With Mrs. J. H. RHHN‘I‘. Best. vnriotivs mungnld and tm-ni sm-(l at. lowest pricns. Atkinsem ‘ Switzor. will l‘ukv pluco titular-s later. \lids Stuck-Ink nf Turnntn is visiting with Mrs. Hun-is. M (We fifihcml.‘ Ricaurmn HILL. 0N1, Muy H. 1908 Fn mum‘s Annual TS Annunl Excursmn m Juxw. Flu-(hm- pur- Thns. Toasde nf Cun- Suuduy with Mr. u't'u. Posters have been disti-ihuted.an- nnuncing the Annual Fair of the Rich- umnd Hill Agricultural Society tn be held in the Park, Victoria Day. Mon- day. May 25. The Prize list is larger than ever before for homes, cattle, swine. sheep. paultry. dairy produce, ladies‘ work. rants, etc. A foutball tournament commences at 11 a. m. for a cash 131-320 of $25; drawing fur laces will hr dune zlt the Secretary’s 0 ce nn Snturdflj evening, the 231d of May. Foot raping. horse racing. and other sports in :lfIEI‘llUnn, The New- mm.ket Military Band. assisted by piper Rosgwnl enliven the day's prn~ ceedings With a good musical program. First.ciilss talent has been secured for ,1 Concert in the Agricultural Hall in the evening. The following will take am- -qu-ry M. Bennet. Humorous gowns: "ml Entertainer; Miï¬! Elsie Dixon Craig, Elncutinnist: The Gilruy 13mg†scan-h Dancers; Miss Bratrice Lillie. Custlune Character Vocalist and Dnnoer: “'illzud Palmer. Humor-nus Rendrr and Entt-rtaint‘l: E. R- BUWIQS: Pianiste and Accompulliste- I The rosulls (1f tln- annual Pxnminn- (inns in cunm-cliun with th» Schunl of I Practiqu Science won- givpn in Tuva- dny's duilius. The following students, formerly of our High sat-houl. were suc~ i cvssfnl: Much"niml-Electricul Engin- ft-ering, lat. yHu-, C. E. Hupper. U. E. 'l’aduwr: Civil Enginéox-iug. [st year, M. besun: 3rd year, F. L.Richardson: I Mechanical-Electricul Engineeringinfi ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The High Svlmul Entrance Examin- ntinns for 1908 will lwgin on Wednes- day, June 24, at 8.45 n. m.. and will he held in the High Sl'lnmls of Newmark- at, Aurora, and Richmond Hill, and at llw Public Schools at Sutton,Keswick. Mount Albert, Stuulfville, Queensville, Schumlwrg, Kleinburg. King. Maple, and \Vondluidge. The subchts fur Fuui-th Furm and for Entrance Exam- ination are: Part, l.â€"I.iterature. His- tmy. Physiology and Hygiene, Art, Nature Study; Part ILâ€"Reuding (written: and oral). Writing. Spelling. Geography, Cumpnsition, Arithmetic. winners to play off. home and hnme guuws, gunls to ('nunt: ()nnvoner, ’I‘.F. Dnyle; uth at, Bulrie. No. 9 in the Junior sH-ies is made up as fulluws: Aurora. NBH'IHillkI‘l’», Brudfnrd; Cun- \‘elwl'. Dr. Campbell; meet at Brad- fnl‘d. kvvp a complete assortment of repairs for [he Du-vring machinery which in- cludes the old Mann cultivator and svedrr. Me'ssrs. J. Eyer & Son will as hex-otnfure repair any and all klnds 0f harvvsting machinery. and fax-umrs phwing machinery in their hands may rely upnn ï¬rst, class wm-kumuship. C. L. A. GROUPS. The District, Committee of the C. L. A. have :u-mnged the ï¬nal grouping of the lucrnsso teams fur the coming season. No. 10 in the Intermediate Sf‘l'ivs contains the fnllnwing teams: Aâ€"Orillia, Allistuu. Gnukstuwn: Bâ€" Bul‘l'it‘, Bx'udfnl'd. Newmurket. Sham- rm-ks' (\Vust. ’l‘mumtn): A. and B [0 ï¬nish schedules on m- lwfure July 25. Owing to not having sufï¬cientstnre- rnnm Ml-ssrs. J. Eyur & Son were forced tn hunt] uu-r the stock of l'Ppail‘S (If "Thv International Harvesting On.†to Mr. H. A. Nichvlls who will in future enter uqu than one ï¬eld unilflin‘ nectinu will] only one Societv. The prizes will be $15, $12. $10. $8, $5. C [-1 AMBER LAlNâ€"STARTUP. A very quiet wedding was solemuiz- ed at. the lu-ide's huuw. Richmond Hill. un Tuesday. May 12. “‘th Miss Lnlty Slartup, smrnnd daughter uf Mr. and Mrs. John Stan-mp. was united in mar- riage to Mr. Fulton Cliamhorluin. \Viuni[wg. Man. The ceremuny was mmduct-ed by the Rev. Mr. \Vilsun 0f Dln‘i‘l‘cnln't PI‘l‘SilytPllull church. T0- ano. After luuche-nu the lurid» and groom loft. amid shnwvrs of rice, for [he \Vvstvrn Sum-s on their way to Vl'innipeg. where they will reside. The ï¬eld competition in nuts to he hold in connectinn with the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society is npen tn llH‘llthl‘S of the Society within a rmlilm of ï¬fteen miles fI-nm Richmond Hill. The ï¬l'ld must not he- lvss than ï¬ve news. and vntries must, he made with the- secretmy of the Society heâ€" fm-e the lst 0f June. N0 farms-r can your, 1‘ Cu I'l'UH. House including bderu-tavlvlrsi far tion stallions. In order to secure ample acct-Inumdu- [inn fur the shmv hnrsva at, tlu- fair un May 2:). the Executive of the Agricul- tural Socirly have union-ed lumlu-r for 24 atnlls tn he n-u-cted on the grmynds. m. . 'rht‘y hqu ulsurlr'élVlrttï¬â€˜dq Palmer the stuhle at the Dominion PASSED WITH HONORS. A M PLE AUCOM MODATION. FAIR AND CONCERT. CHANGE OF REPQï¬RS‘ FIELD GUM PETITION. ll". 1’. Jutkes; 3rduyenr. M. S. P. S. EXAMS. M§§+O§§¢§§OQOM§§§§Q§O§O 3 As advertised, 9000990 any suit in the E Window, f 0 r ithe balance of ithe week, 7.50. g All up-to-date. ERegular 10.00 i and 12.00 suits. ‘99.§O§§§¢§¢O§§§§§¢§§§Q§Q§ KEFFERâ€"SHUNKâ€"Ivr the Methodist Parsonugp, at. Medicine Hat, by the Rev. Mr. Farrell, “William Keffer. son of Dr. Keï¬â€˜ex' 0f ’I‘ul-unto,tn Lulu Shunk of Vaughan. CHAMBERLAIN â€" STARTUP â€" At the residence (1f the bride’s parents, on Tuesday. May 12. by Rev. Mr. VVil- snn. Mr. Fuann Chambellum nf \Vinnipeg, to Miss Letty Startup, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Startle of Richmond Hill. Tired nerves. with that "nnamhition’ feeling that is commonly felt in sprng or enrly summer, can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shcop'sRestol-ative. Unewillahsolnte- ly note it changed feeling within 48 hours after beginning to take the Re- storative. The bowels get sluggish in the winter time, the circulation often slows up. the Kidneys are inactive. and even the Heart in many cases grows decidedly weaker. Dr. Shnnp’s Restorntive is recognized everywhere as a genuine tonic to these vital organs. It builds up and strengthens the worn- nnt weakened nerves; it sharpens the failing,r appetite. and universldly aids digestion. It always quickly brings re- newed strength. life, vigor. and nmhi- Linn. Try it and be convinced. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. McLEANâ€"At Richmond Hill. Sunday. May 10, to Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Lean. a son. A very interesting entertainment is to he given in the Methodist, church. anlemn Friday evening. Mav15.1908. A “Mock Trial‘ is to held. Judge-.Mr. Jun. Martin; Onunss-l furmen. Rev. P. N. Junes; Counsel for Defence. Rev. W. E. Gulluwuy; Plisuner, Mr. Indiff- erent Lvuguer. The l-ngl-nm will Cnmmente ut8 p. m.. a tE'I' which le- h-eshments will he served in the School 11mm. This is to he the most, important, event of the season. Ad- mission, 250.: children, 150. 2 QUEBEC TERCENTENARY. We have rereiwd the Quebec num- ber of "Onward." am illustrated Weekly published by William Briggs. Tux-onto. containing ï¬ve articles on the Found- ing. Five Sieges and Conquest of Que- bec. with twenty-four engravings. Gives popular uccnunt of u. suhjvct if interest to Ill Canadians. Send for free sample. A MISSIONARY SOCIAL AND EN- TERTAIN M ENT. Get your training in the school that is qualiï¬ed to give you the best that, can be had. The British American Business College Y. M. C. A. Building - Toronto. Start any time ARM. SAVAGE Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer‘s Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair. But ï¬rst of all, stop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer’s Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair-bulbs; makes weak hair strong. The best kind of a. testimonial â€"â€" " Sold tor over sixty yeus." My Hairis Scraggly Write fl ’1'“ catalogue. (5a Ifz'fler MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. (Ellyn 60.. Lowell. In“. mm:uou o! SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PW { H+++++++++++++++++++++H+ f++++++++++' Â¥+++++++++++++++ : .3. ++++++++++++++~z~§ M+++++++++ +++++++++M++++++~I~i~++++++$ Some new lines in Patent Blutchers and Oxfords just placed In stock. New shapes. Good value. Better see them. They’re up-to-date. Popular pn'ces, $4.00 and $4.50. NAUGHTON’S-at-thefllgin Patent Leathers BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO ’/I I May 7, 1908. Than is shown at Dress Goods Atkinson 52 Switzer’s Have you lines. all. Get prices 01 our Galvanized Rooï¬ng, Building Paper. and Building Supplies. See our stock of Paints, Oils, Varmshes, Putty and Glass; Pails, Boilers, etc., our own make. Richmond Iii“ Hardware Store The fabrics designed. for Spring either Ladies’ Oil stoves and ranges at prices to suit Eavetroughing and tinsmithing in all Best Diploma. Courses. Shm-thund or Commercial. Also Jr. Matriculation. Take summer term. $20 for 3 months. $10 by mail. Enter any day. ~Addx-ess C. SOULES neater thing in R. A. Farquharson, B. A. Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sts. are especially beautiful and or Gentlemen’s seen a