Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1908, p. 4

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Tillie g’iheml. Mormon» Rm. 0261.. Miyfsicos “unturned from PO53 l ) Eisner- Ginny Laceâ€"Mrs. T. Smith, Miss McVeaii. Irish Crochet Laceâ€" Miss McVean, Limisa B. Fisher. Net- tingâ€"C. McCutcheon, Miss McVean. Tamingâ€"U. McCutcheon, Louisa B. Fisher. Guipure \Vorkâ€"Louisu B. Fisher, Miss McVean. Ci'ocbetfi'Voi-k iii silkâ€"C. McCutcheon, Louisa B. Fisher. Crochet. Work in woolâ€"C. McCutcheoii, Louisa B. Fisher. Crochet. Work in cottonâ€"C. McCutcbeon, Miss McVeim. Towelsâ€"J. W. Willinot. Handkerchiefsâ€"O. McCutcheon, Miss McVezun. Fine O’Ulock Tea Clothâ€"J. w. \Villnmt, an'sm Br. Fisher. Table Undiesâ€"C. McCutcheoir, J~. \Vill- ' mot. ToiletSetâ€"Louisa B. Fisher. C. McCutcbeori. Queen Anne Darniiigâ€" J. W. VVillmot, 2nd. Mexican. Drawn “Yorkâ€"Louisa B. Fisher, J. W. Will- rnot. Outline \Vorkâ€"-â€"O. McCimwann, Miss McVeaii. Bead \Vorkâ€"C. Mc- Uutclieoii, Miss McVean. Coronation Braid \Vorkâ€"C. McCutcheon, Miss Mc- Vean. Tray or Carving Clothr-J. W. “’illiirot..U. McCutcheon. Sideboard Scarfâ€"J. \V. \Villiiiot. Miss McVean. 'llea Cosyâ€"«J. \V. \Villinot, Miss Mc- Veiru. Sofa Cushionâ€"~C. McCutcheon .1. W. W'illinot. Pin Cushionâ€"U. Mc- lutcheon, Louisa B. Fisher. Mounted l’h rto Frameâ€"J. \V. \Villinot, Louisa 13. Fisher. Slippersâ€"C. McCutcheori, Miss McVeaii. \Vool Shawlâ€"C. Mc- Untcheon. Mrs. T. Sinyth. \Vool Fas- eiriutorâ€"C. McCutchmn, Louisa B. Fisher. Lady’s Embroidered Blouseâ€"â€" Miss McVoaii, Louisa B. Fisher. Burnt \\'ood “’orkâ€"C. McCutcheon, Miss McVean. Burnt Leather Workâ€"Miss McVean. J. \V. \Villinot. Mount Mel- ilck IVorkâ€"C. McCutcheon. J. \V. VViIl- mot. Rufiia \Vorkâ€"J. \V. \Villimot- Seed \Vorkâ€"J W. \Villmot,. Miss MsVean. Hand Made. Rugsâ€"Miss Mc- Veaii,, Fancy Apronâ€"C. McOutcheon, Louisa 13; Fisher, Fancy \Vorli. Hagâ€" G). McCutcheon, Li)qu B.‘ Fisher. Vi’ork Basketâ€"â€"Loiiisa Fisher. J3. IV, VWlliiiot. Painting in Oilsâ€"Miss Mc- Vean, Mrs. T. Sinyth. Painting on trillionâ€"Miss McVean, Louisa B. Fisher. I’riiiitingoiiSatin,Etc.â€"â€"Mrs.T.Smytli. Ci McCuLcheon. Painting in \Vater Colorsâ€"4): McCutcheoii, Miss McVean. \Vood Carvingâ€"Louisa B. Fisher, Miss Mchah. Photographsâ€"Lonisa B. Fisher. I’eiicil Drawingâ€"U. McCut- cheoii. CHILDREN‘S DEPARTMENT. Golder-Lion of Post Cards-Irene Mc- Mahon. Harold Kirby. Dressed Dollâ€" Mary \Villinott. llemnicd Handker- chiefsâ€"Mary \Villmot. Letteringâ€"â€" Mary \Villinot. Fancy \Vorkâ€"Mary \Villinot. Judgesâ€"Mrs. Geo. Leek. Mrs. Geo. Padget, Mrs. J. H. \Vrighi, Mrs. 0. D. BalesLMiss \Viley, Miss Ludford, Miss Heacock, Miss Clark. â€"..._.__ \Veak women should read my “Book No. 4 For \Vomcii". 1!; was written expressly for Women who are not well. The Book No. 4 tells of‘Dr. Shoop’s "Night Cure" and just how these sooth- iiig, healing, antiseptic suppositories can be successfully applied. The book, and strictly confidential medical advice is eiitirelv free. “'rite Dr. Slroop, Ra- cine, \Vis. 'l‘he'Niglit Cure is sold by \V. A. Sanderson. ' SILVER WEDDING. A week or two previous to the event Mrs. George Redditt of Spruce Lodge sent out invitations to relatives and intimate friends to a Surprise Party to her husband, May 22. in honor of their Silver \Veddiog. A most enjoyable evening was the result. and the sur- prise to Mr. Redditt was genuine. So well arranged was the. event that he knew nothing (if it until the guests ar- rived. \ 3 i The reunion of relatives and friends wasa'happy one, and was thoroughly enjoyed. So temptingr was the spread that the guests . lingered long at the table. A large number of useful and beautiful presents were brought to the bride and groom of twentyhve years ii. 0. After supper Rev. J. J. Redditt. u. rother. proposed a toast to the bride and groom. iii an appropriate and humorous manner. Mr. George Red- ditt replied, extendiuga warm wel- come to the guests. but candidly ad- mitting that in this case at least he had been tricked by his wife. Con- gratulatory remarks were also made y Rev. A. P. Brace. T. F. McMahon. and Dr. McIlroy. Most of the guests separated at an early hour, all express- ing a wish that Mr. and Mrs. Redditt would be spared to celebrate many wedding anniversaries. ' The following is a list of invited v'ltest.s: Mrs. R. Redditt; Mrs. Marion Tlurrt. Detroit: Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Redditt. Mr. ard Mrs. Ii. It. ltcdditt, Newiuarket; Mr. a in“. Mrs. A. S. Ri‘dditt, Barrie; Mrs. Clubine and family, Newmai-ket: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rose and family. Ncivinarket; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lawson, Strange: ' Mr. and Mrs. “'nr. Machieson. King Creek; Mr. and Mrs. \\'iii.Jeii‘i-ey, King Creek: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. lSuiiiip- son and family, Guthrie; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stoddart and family, Guthrie; l l ‘ uvl lsliai... Ill'. and Mrs. J. T. McEli-oy and fam‘ v by, Toronto: Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Iliitw l-r and f.iiiiily.Toii,riito; Mrs. and Miss Glass, 'I'oroiito: Mr. and Mrs. \\'. ll. L‘lubiire and family. Tlioriiliill: and Mrs. I). S. Herman and family, e.‘.ill'\Illi': Mr. :llul Mrs. (ir‘u. Cowie: Mr. and Mis. .las. Giuliani and family; :41. and in... up... Mclbrugnll: iii-'5. runway; ins. is..m-r.i.m;‘ Mi... Mi]- lsr: Mr. and Mrs. P. Bassintliwaite nildfoliril)‘; Mr. T. F. McMahon: Mr. (ii‘t'. Robin-mu: MI". Tito“. Slii'pprlitl; Mr. Jas. Rae. Kellleby: Rev. and Mrs. lLiacc and family: Di. and Mrs. ’ annex 1 i r r '4': ++é++$MM++++++ ++++++++e+++i~oe++++++ fitfiérlfi! ++++++++++ -i- '5‘ 'I' 4- + Your Vote a. n d I 11 fl u e n c 3 Is respectfully solicited for Jas. Walter Curry Liberal Candidate to the Local Legislature for the East Riding of York Election June 8 Please vote early ++++*§-++M+*+++++++++++++é ++++++++4‘+++++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++~b++++++++++++++ +++++ ++++++++H+++++++++++*§§ + staff; Mr. and Mrs. A. \Visner and family, Schoiiibei-g; Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Ross. Strange; Mr. and Miss Russ, Oi'illia. ~ â€"â€".O.~â€"_ Files are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Slroop’s Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a. convincing test. Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine, “’is. I surely would not send it free unless I was Certain that Dr. Shoop‘s Magic Oint- ment would stand the test. Remem- her it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itching piles, either external or internal. Large jar, 500. Sold by \V. A. Sander- son. â€"â€".Q.â€" PE RSOI‘i’ ALS. Mi. Archie Palmer of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mr. Holmes Crosby. Messrs. Garey and Stewart came up from the city and spent Monday with Mr. 1). Hill. Mr. and Mrs. \Villiams of Bowman- ville made a visit with Mi. and Mrs. Alcx. Patterson. Mrs. H. F. Hopper of Toronto made a. visit over Sunday and: Monday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Sims. Miss \Volstenholm of Toronto spent from Saturday over thetholiday with her sister Mrs. D. Hill. ' v Misses Keith and Lila. Hill of Elm- vale spent a few, days at Mr. D. Hill's and returned Tuesdayevening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopper and baby of \Vychivuod. visited friends here and returned home Tuesday. Miss L. Harrison and the Misses Smith of Toronto spent Sunday and r I Monday at the home of Mr. \Vin. HaryL. Sill). Miss Emily Campbell of Islington has been a guest of Mrs. \V. A. \Vright, and Miss Alice Campbell of Miss Ida Glass. Mr. and Mrs. E. Britnell and child- ren and Miss. Bone of Toronto were guests of Mrs. Morison and Mrs. J. P. Glass for a few days. ' Mrs. John Harris returned Tuesday evening from Stayner where she was visitinguber daughter Genevieve, and was the guest of Mrs. McBeth. Mrs. John \Villiaiiis of Sutton, with her two little grandsons, Louis and John Ingram, spent Victoria Day with her daughter, Mis. \Vairen Hewison, and returned Tuesday even- ing. Victoria Day generally brings many to our village to make a visit with relatives or friends and this year was no exception to the rule. Among those here were Dr. Coulter, Ottawa: Mr. J. E. Skeele, Cayuga; Mr. Bert. “Kiley, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas \Viley, Mr. and- Mrs. C. G. Derry, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Stoddai-t. Cooks- towu; Mr. aird Mrs. A. Sims, \Veston .â€" Thc June number of McCliii-e‘s Mag- azine appears in a new cover of formal desiin \\ bich it is proposed to use as a permanent standard. The illustra- tions alone would make a notable number. Beside the St. Gaudeus iii-ontispiccs there are two charming I color reproductions of Gilbert Stuai t's portraits of Don Josef ile Jaudeiies y Nebot and his young American wife with :i slmli. :‘i‘Lii'le on them bv Sain- Miss Terry‘s monthly iII~ stallrnent. “My First .iipg-earance iii Ann-viva." alfords an opportunity for‘ unusually interesting: illustration. ‘A. l.’l|(l of sunshine and lizzlii, of lrrppi- tress. oi iaith iii the future," is the . English actress's ent lriisiastic Sillllllllltg . u r of Amer ica. Mr.‘ i lidit-uial and other matter lll‘llil‘ up a very interesting inimbtr. ‘.*â€"â€" FL BLIt M LISTING. A meeting of the electors of East. York in the interest of Alex..\lc('owair, Pimp, Liboial ('oiiscivative candidate, was l‘tt‘lilrill tire Missouic ll'ill last ever)- ing. As the meeting,r had only been advertised fora couple of days the at- tendance was not large. The chair Was I'IL‘CbH‘Ilt‘d by Mr. Isaac Cl'tlsl)‘\/',2Ind the speakers were A. Kelly Evans, H. 0. Harvey, and Mr. McGowan. The first. speaker ga’ve a refutation of the hand-hook published by the Liberals, and spoke principally along;r the lilies of the preservation of fish and garm by the Ontario Government. Mr. Harvey was in good form, and was eloquent, as he always is on the public platform. He ridiculed the idea of a lawyer representing a rural (‘(rIi.~‘tlllI- (may. and contended that a farmer- had just as good a right to ruir in the lity, as a Toronto lawyer has to run in the country. Both speakers asked for support for Mr. McGowan whoth represented East York in a creditable manner during the past three years. Mr. McGowan, the (.‘oiisei'vative can- didate, was well received. He was pleased to meet the electors of Richâ€" mond Hill and vicinity, and hoped for a. continuance of their support. The meeting closed with cheers for the King and the candidate. Success Magazine for June describes a number of our Wellâ€"known men as they appear before the. camera in an article by Robert Lee Dunn. Sidney Curtis contributes a character sketch of Piesideiit Eliot. Congressman Quinn. through the medium of Henry Beech Needham, tells what he thinks of the House of Representatives. Robert Mackay contributes a desri-i - tire-historical article upon the. Mad ison Square region of New Yoik City. The stoiies are: "The Lone Chicken Bonanza,” by Edward Salisbury Field: Heartbreak Trail,” by Ella Higgiiison, and “Hannibal the Delicate," by Joseph 0‘. Lincoln. There are poems by Edith M. Thomas, Mary Feiiollosa, Harvey \Vorthingtoii Loomis and Nixon \Vatermaii. M R. SLATE‘R‘S FUNERAL. The funeral of the late Jonathan Slater which took place from his resi- dence about. 2'. mile south of Button- ville, 4th concession, Markham, Friday afternoon, was very largely attended. Deceased was widely known and great- ly respected as was evidenced by the long procession of vehicles driven by war-in friends who had attended the funeral from Toronto and all parts of the county to show their respect and esteem to the memory of the departed. Service was conducted at the house by the pastor of the Presbyterian church. and after interment in the Buttonville Cemetery another short service was held in the Methodist Church. The late Mr. Slater was a native of Markham township and had occupied many positions of trust both in the township and the county. had twice held the p0>ltlULI of reeve, and was an e-x-wai-den of York county. He is survived by two sisters. There is a Pink Pain Tablet made by Dr. Slioophtliitt will positively stop any pain, anywhere, in 2L) minutes. Di-uggists everywhere Sell them as Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. but they stop other pains as easily as neadache. Dr. Shoop‘s Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood piessiiie away from pain center'sâ€"that is all. Pain comes from blood prossi‘.i'eâ€"ecoirgestion. Stop that pressure with Dr. Shoop‘s lleadarhc Tablets and pain is instantly gone. 20 Tablets 25¢. Sold by \V. A. Sunder- son Wm HAhctfon OS 3.1 as \Vicnxicsnn'. June 3A.\uctiou s ile of fresh milk cows and spiiiiglla‘, at the Palmer llouse vtirils. Sale at 23 th'lW'k. Terms, 3 mos. Saigeon & McEn‘eii, ant-ts. ‘\ H _ a r" N. H E‘WISOm HOUSE PAINTER, Glazisr, Gainer and Paper Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL 1 H e z Enquire at V 4 THE LIBERAL OFFICE. 74! House to Rent A good Brick HUII‘M' on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. Apply in 3 f LASS. For Sale Building lot on (r'eritr'e Street, Rich- mond Hill, east 0) Parsonage. Apply to JAMFF) NEII'TON, Elgiii Mills. 31-th ‘I A“ pewmm owing accounts to Dr. J. I. Cassiin who is removing from this place are requested to pay the same after this date to the Standard Bank, Richmond Hill. HOWâ€"10st On Monday. May 271.. in Richmond Hill, or in Centrestrert, leading to the 2nd con. of Markham, a fob and ring. Reward at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. {Tomes Wanâ€"ted» Horses wanted for Niagara (7:: mp for Governifl‘ (kit-iieral’s Body Guards, from the 16th June till ZSIh. Apply to Sci-gt. PeterJi-nes, Elgin Mills, on be- half of Magistrate Dt-srisoii, Tor-onto. Strayed From Lot 32, (You. 2, “'hitchurch, a TEAM OF HORSES. One Dark Bay Horse. about 10 hands, with one white hind foot, small Sore on right shoulder; one Black Hui-Se, same height, one white hind foot, a little lame on left front foot. Suitable reward. Apply to GEORGE \VILLIAMS, Jix, Newmarket. 48-2 For Sale The undersigned has for Sale about one hundred bags of Delaware seed potatoes. ioi-s have a good chance to procure those grown on sandy laud. lot 30, con. 3. Vaughan. Also for sale about 200 lame Black 'I‘himbleberry bushes. A. bout 4000 Lorett High Stein Straw- berry Plants I'or sale. PETER JONES, Potato King Far-in. 37-tf Hope r. 0. Dairy Fara). for Sale One hundred acres on 3rd con. of Markbarii with comfortable house, bank barn, and other outbuildings. All in good repair. About half-a-mile from C. N. 0. station at Gorriiley. Good cedar swamp in the rear. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS, Real Estate Agent, Richmond Hill. Farm Laborers. The undersigned will be pleased to- place, Immigrants from the. United Kingdom as farm laborers in this vici- nity. Airy person requiring such help should notify me personally or by let- ter stating fully the kind of help re- quired. when wanted, and the rate of wages offered. Every clfoit will be i made to provide each applicant with help required. _ T. F. McMAHON. (Ian. Gov. Einployi-izont Agent, Richmond Hill, Out. Take Metropolitan Electric Car for Richmond Hill at North Toronto. t.f. Can’t Aflord a. , Vacs.â€" tion This Year Write The D Our plan will solve your problem and wil. take only a few hours each day for a short time. “rite to-day to THE DELINEATOR CIRCI'LATION DEPT. olinc U-qouv ! I 3; Bt‘rrERrCii ELL-G.) xmv YORK . Kiwi” “THE. PALMER trust for (haul animus Atlciitive Every :II’U)Illlll’ltlillltlll the travelling public. Tritvcll yrs. 9 I i Commercial V stableiir-an. l Harrv 'VV‘rlght ' I’IFM’T. I ETC 3 I Parties requiring seed pota- , aiOI‘ r “'24. M .vclmxxia), ior l ' Canadian North- West HOMESTEAD li iUL \TIOXS NY even numbered sections of Dominion Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan- and Alberta, I'xcep‘tius 8 nan 26, not reserved, "my be hunk-- sterided by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 1H years of age, to the extent of trim“ quarter section of 160 acres, more of . less. Application for entry must be made in prison by the applicant at a lloiiiim iori Lands Agency or Siiergi-iu'y for the district in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, hon": eu-r, be made. at an agency on em taiii conditions by the father. brother. son, daughter, brother or sister of an in- tending hoinesteoilrr. The lioiiii’aslciider is required to per- Iorrn the hoiirestead duties under ole: of tbc following plans: (1) At least six months" residence upon and l.‘lllii\:llitill of the land iii each year for thrr-e years. (2) A hoinesteoder may if he so tie~ sires, perform the required Ir‘ulfll‘llcfl duties by living or. farming land owmv eil solely by him not less than eighty“ (50) acres in r-xti-ni. in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownei'sliips ii: land will not meet, this It‘qllli‘t‘llll‘lit. ‘ ' (3) If the father (or mother, if IIIPK father is deceasrd) of :i lioiirestcadi'i' has permanent residence on farming; \i land owned solely by him, not li-s“:l than eighty (80} acres in extent. in thr- viriiiity of the homestead. or upon a homestead entered for him in the vicinity, such hours-slender may perform his own residence duties by living with the father (or mother). (4) The teini "vicinity" in the tn‘o preceding paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine iriili-siita a direct line, exclusive of the width if road alimvances crossed iii the meas- iiieiiient. (5) A lroiiies‘ieader intending to perâ€" form liis residence (lfities in accordance 'with the above while living with par- ents or on farming land owned by liiiiiSelf must notify the Agent for the district of such intention. Six iiionths‘ notice in writing must be given to the ()oiiiiiiissioin-i- of Do- ‘ininion Landsat Ottawa, of intention to apply for patent. \V. \V. CORY. Deputy of the Minister ofthi- Interior. N.B.'~Unnulhoriw-d publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. 41-6in Sy nopsis of I" i‘n ere-r i- vise Do You Need a. Tonic? Are you Easily Tired? Feel \Veak? GERMAN IRON PILLS art- the Best 'l‘oiiic. Anemia. or poverty of the Blood, Are you pale or sallow? GERMAN IRON PILLS are the best Blood Purifier. . Is it Rheumatism? Or Sciatica? Have you se~ verc pains in joints or iiius- cles? GERMAN IRON PILLS are the cure. . Do your hands tremble? Are you nervous? greatest Nerve Tonic GERMAN IRON PILLS. After Effects of Grlppe. As a builder GERMAN‘ IRON PILLS work miracles. > The is German Iron fills make Rich Red Blood W. A. SANDERSON DRUGGIST. Richmond Hill Prepared only by 25¢: per box | 34-2 East ifiiii Elation __,(, _,.. l’ublic I‘lt‘t‘tlllgs‘ill the interest of «I. ‘V’. C U 1% E} X7 Liberal Candidate to the Local Logis- liiture for the East Riding of York, have been arranged for the f« llowing .. datesâ€" Thursday,M yESWSrnibi;i-o.lunctiou. Friday, _ ' illâ€"“'vxforrl. Saturday. " 304lir-id Axeune. i Mr. Curry and other speakers will be present :it all the above meetings. Discussion invited. Joiix I“. Ross, Local Secy. Pris, I5. Y. It. A. Summer Session for eachers and others during July airl August. 2.0 flL/i/JC‘IK/y TCRQHT‘L ONT. o. :, Remain? open tlll'UuSll‘lUt the summer ‘Itlr 1 many s'ri tents r‘lllrl‘ it time, We hint: a greater attendance this year than her b:- lott. tria'tirates n u :Lly *M'Ili'e r iip:i-Vir,ci.t \\ i .re iii-13'." for lI-Liianoms t2. rumpus. li p.135 to attend iii: besi. ’“V. .I. LLLIUTT. l’i iiiripril. :oigr HIHI [xiv-main} 'I fit». yl‘lllillrtil, (Iiil‘. ‘ 95; ubs‘scrii i) {02' THIS LIBI'IRAL-

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