r . Thy sun rises every day on HUI-d [hit s at, this store. Atkinson & SWitzer. A small hruucb was fnund nmu- the Mc-thudiist, church. lesdny. The mvn‘ t'l' umy; see it at, THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Mr. w. Cm ry is billml [(1 5pm; at the ’1' nvn Hull. Eglinmm. Thursday uveui 13'. June 4. Mr. Juhn Kylvs. will also give an address. and the. vhuir wil he takowutb’u’cluck by Mr. Fred Jeuvis. Srismic. nivm‘d hy Mr. Snagrmu, wnn Hm King‘s Plate. time 2.115. / A child‘s pm-su found on the grounds hII Victoria Day cuntuinel] a sum†sum nf mmwy. Call on the Secn‘uu'y uf Agricultural Sucivty for sumo; ‘ Fur has}. thw in nvvmlls and work- mg punts. gu tn Atkiusnn & Switzcx's. Mi". (3‘90. Buskin, "gr-ht fur th Intel'- nuliunnl Unlpana-ge Mission. Wm: in (he‘ village umking (tulle-Cliuns fur the So- ciety and distributing his tracts. Mr. Allan Muchm lIuwm-d Sl‘ll. (war 50 years clerk of the First Divisiun Unurt. York. (“t'd Mb his home in Tn- umw. Fl-iduy evening, in his 84th year. Ur. M'uLvï¬nn, M. P. for Conn-e York. was in [he iii-lagv Friday to attend the funeral (-f Jtlu- lute Jonathan Shier. and HIWX‘HjII‘dS attended the Empire Day schu ul exercises at, Vich-iu 25m"er J Men'suï¬zd lwy's stmw hats at 6. 10. 12, I3, )15, and 17w -All»;illsun & Switzem’ Rev. E. II. Tuye will pl-vuch in the Mt'lhudist chum-h igunday Iumniug. b‘uhjuct "The Snth Hess uf the Pros- ent." Rev. A. P. Bruce will preach in the evening. Suhjeck: “ Du I m-ed to apologize for being a ()hrhtiun.“ The Epwm-Lh Leuguv of have chartered :1 car. and “ excursifnn to Jucksnn‘s I Thurs/(lay, June 4, by M Rnilwluy. Tickets for the will e$1.UU. r The political ï¬vltf was well represent- ['1‘ at the Fair nu Monday. Among those- present \vvm In. McLean. M. P. for Centre Ym'k; Capt. 'l‘. G. \Vullace, Mr. Alvx. McGowan, M r. \Valler Curry, and Mr. G. W. Vt'l'l‘ul. Mvn‘s ï¬ne nogligve shirts, cant style and old stvle, best value in the trade, at, 69, 59, $1. Atkinson &. Swilzer. Members of the Agricultuml Sncivty will please bear in mind that, entries fur «he Fieldenprtitiun in Oats closes Junie ISL. The Directors would be pl/«iused to have a full ently. Prizes $15, $12. $10. $8, $5. Entry made with 'H. A. Nichulls, Secy. of Agricultural Soczety. @112 gihcrnl. “’9 have in stock a“ the, hpst vm-iâ€" ebies of turnip and Inaugul 809d M, lqw- est plices. Alkilmm & Swilzer. {he ï¬sh: ()utm-iu ï¬s Lust; Snfurdzly's Illustrated Globe contains the phoLnguu-enrs of Hon. A. McKay. the Uppnsitiun Lender, and at urge lllllan‘l‘ of the Liberal cam (lidutvs now appealing in the electors uf Onturiu. Prumiuvnb in the group are J. \V. Curry", K. (‘., Elsi Y'urk: G. \V. Verrnl. \VesL York; and \V. H. Johnston, North Yolk. Nmninatinn meetings fur the nomin- Miun of candidates fur the Electnrnl District. (if‘East York will he held in the’l‘uwn Hull. \lnrkhnin, next Munâ€" dny, the Isl, nf Juno. Fm- \\'9st York the [nu-ting will he held in \Vestun. In the former- District the candidates will be J. \antcr Curry and Alex. Mc- Gowan, and in the latter Dr. Godfrey and Goo. \V. Verrnl. attractive stories of The Ladies‘ Aid of the BIPLllOdl-at church wish. tln-uugh this nu-dium. tu Lender their sincere [hunks to all those who so guzeruusly pxmidud refresh- ments for the dinner and tea on Vic- luriu Day. [0 all who assisted at {he tables or iu any way, and uhm to the )uhlic for their ostumned~pmrmmgl‘. l‘he pun-peas frnm the Anniversary amounted to $230. A public meeting withe’ Lorne Hall. Tuesday (“1' the 2nd of June to consit visubility of removing tln-M railway truck fmm the side 11-0 nf the strvet thx-nugï¬b‘t It is hoped that ulUnu-Ieste‘ it u puint Lu ha.- prvseht. ‘ Racuxnxb HILL, 0:21., May 28. 1908 The TO TH E POINT north League of Hoadfnrd cred a our. and will run an 10 Jacksun‘s Point next June 4, by Mulrupulitnn Tickets for the ruund trip AT 8 O‘ULOCK NOTICE. md Gan fW ' sto held in the ‘ning next. 301- the atl- etmpulium |tu the. cen- he \Hluge. d will make _h as (:l’ l‘he nu published Jc '. is an cuntaiss mountain while ‘to while!) in :ueumries “’e have thr hrs! vnmu in {bull's fulniahingsâ€"ahirls. Cull:||-s.tirs,gl0\‘ru. Hc. Nu lwltc-r value to he prucurvd in Untm-im Ackiusun é: SwiLze-r. TIME TABLE OF ENTRANCE EXAMS. The {allowing time-table- of the En~ If!!!in ennui: Lu lw held in tho: High achnol here. an Jane 2L and 26. may prm :- of inn-rust [H Um- n-udvrszâ€" \Vo-dm-mlny-Umnpuaition. (5erng Ge-ugraphy. Thlll'sdny -AriLI)u|eli<-. \Vrilu‘n Rr-uding. Fridayâ€"English Grammar. \VI-iting. Oxnl Rendng at such hours ms nu- convenient. The: Hlï¬t vase uf uunstmkv occurwd last. evening nlmut 5 u‘cluck uh the farm of Juhn \Veldrick, east uf Thu“?- hill. The victim was Ulun-les Burnett. n hm:th immigrant. Hu- iv†in n livid in Whit-h he Was harrowing,- and hecnnw partly Illl('lll‘.SCiUH‘%. A dï¬clnr was sumnmnrd, but the ymlnk mun divd 1m?! Ma hour after his urritul, his lfmpwa-ature I'iwing Lu 109:5. “'ill make tn ynur measure in ï¬rst. order, m‘vrything just right. :4. ï¬ne Muck serge! Euit fur $19. wally worth 53%.» Atkinsnn & Switzer. Examine ‘he lmmmq we are selling at 25 :md 30c. The 304;. (me is very special. Ynu can hardly buy a better hI-umu at, any price. Atkinson A: Swilzer. The PuhliuSchoufGrandnalinh [ham- inntinn f w Fifth Class pupils uf an‘Lh Ymk will he he-ld m, the same time. and at the samu- plucvs as the High Schhul Entrance Extmm-v Iu‘ymminu~ liun. Tml suhjocts hf the oxnmivmtiun armâ€"Hemling. Litmuture. Gmnnnnr. Uulnpnsiliun. SpvllingJiistmy (British and Canadian). Gengraphy. Drawing, \Vriting. Al‘ilhllfl‘lil: nnd Melts ~ntiun. Eh-nwntary SI'iHICI', Algolnn, ymrticâ€" "I Genuwtry, Bunk-keeping and Busi- ness Fun-Ins. Sumo pen-sun Cumplained m the di- rectors m) the day I)! [In- Fairthat, they Were t-VPI'CILH'gr-d fur thir inurst’s M, the Palnwr }I()IISP. Upun inquiry he.ng made iL was fuund [hat (by charge fur a thH in the shed, includ- ing hay. was 25 cvnls. and a [name in the slahle. Including liav. \vasa’JUCMIts. Thvse \VP mule-Island, aw thv usual rates at. Markham Fair. \Vnudlu'idge- Fair and uther Ct-lehratiuns. Meals Wvl'v served on Victolia. Day for 25 cents. Mr. J. N. Boyle‘s grey mum gut. a- way {mm-her driVer at Elgin Mills, Friday evening‘ and made (:xlrn gnnd time lv‘lwecu that village and Rich- umnd Hill. Near Trenuh‘s Cal-tinge \an‘ks :L numherof citizens enduwuur- ed to stop Inn-r. but she made- fur the sidewalk. striking a telephmu‘ pole and fleeing hm-self from the buggy which was badly “'lt-cked. The mare was cangthppnsiLe the Post Ofï¬ce. She. was unin'ured and is driving as if nu- thing hu happened. Tumnlnes. We can: corn, 3 cams for 250; peas. 3 cans fm- 25¢; sulmun, 2 cans fur 25v: ï¬gs, 5 H73. for 250; dates. 5 lbs. for 251:: gmnuixw New Orleans mnlassvs. 3 31h. liu for 180; gddt’m-Lte tnhle syrup. H 3-H». tin fur 180; Inn-d. hUIHPâ€"l‘vlldel't‘d, (-xtrn clwice, in quan- tities. 14c 11).; extra Mend of cutfev, ground while you wait, 39c 11).; ï¬ne green Ceylun tea, 251: “L; line Japan leu. 30c 11).: extra Japan tea. 40c, 11).; ï¬ne value in Ceylon and India black Leas at 2.3, 30. and 50c ll). If you want best Value [My bulk tens. Atkinsun & Switzer. Citizens «7f the town who get tlwir living here, and whose pmpc-rtv in- terests art- valuable m- worthless ac- cording to the prosperity of the town will be wise enough t1. pntwnize hnmr merchants. Town Inn-chants claim that they can and will get, vnur gouds us cheaply. quickly and WM] as ynu can urdm- Lin-m by mail. And when the gouds llI'l'iVL‘, you -:m hnld the local nun-chant. l-npnnsihle fur the quality of the goods. Every pair of hose. or piece of dress goods nnukvd dnwn tn 19c. is not necessarily :1. Iran-- Tired nervesz vn'tl: that feeling that is cummnnly or curly summer. can I quickly altered by. tak known to druggists‘e'x‘m‘j Shcnp‘sRestorative. Una 13' note a changed fccdi hauls after beginning in sturnlive. The hmvelS g‘ the \vintvr tinw, (hr (‘ix-c slows up. the Kidnvya and men the Heart. in grows decidedly \vuakm: Restorative is recognize! as a gunninctnnic to thes: It builds up and strength out \n-ukvnml names: it fuiiing appetite. and an dige-stiun. Itnln'ny'sgnh newed strength. life, \‘ig The teachers, schnlnrs and friends of 50110"! sections 3. 4. 6. 12 and 13 held Empire Day in a ï¬tting nmnuer last Friday. Shnrtlv zlftrr the noun hour the schulars murched' tn the groundw-uf Mr. R. Nichnls. and later in the day :1 pragmmme of a patriutic nature WM rendered. Mr. J. anciP uccupied the chair. and short nddless- as were given by J. “'ultur Curry. K. 0.. and others. vaurds (Evening a series (-f races tunk place, and font- lnall nnd other gums-s were indulged in. Refreshuwnts- Wore served to all. and a must Interesting time was spent {91‘ gather. gain, and it, isargued that ever'y dollar sent out, of the town makes the town poorer. DEATH FROM SUNSTROK E. \ Y‘JOT OVERUHARGED. VICTORIA SQUARE. Including lmv. \vnsa’JUu-uts. uudexsluud. :u-v thv usual su-khum Fair. \Vundlu'idge- “Mu-son RUNAW'A Y. nd :mzed eve: ywh‘e-u ‘these vital organs mgtliens the Wm H- : il sharpl‘us the (l universally aid: '5 u uickl-yï¬â€˜rflugs 11-- m be easily and- taking what is vm‘ywhm’e usâ€" Dr; Una will “Balm p- cMing~~Within 4S : m take the Re- ls gPI sluggish in it"s 1y fa mvamhiiim) "PM: in spring , 3 cams for suluwn, 2 25¢; dates. ew Orleans re mac 'muly ¢ Dr, 8111 evan 'flwln Ind : Bid The concert hrld in the Agricultural Hall Mundny evening in commttinn with the fair Was wrll uttrndo-d. mid the N; rnmmc- presented gave good sutiu act on. The custnme songs and dunch by Miss Beatrice- Lillie were cicvvrly executed, and the danc- ing by Minter- Huhbic and Russell Gilruy was particularly 800d. Miss Elsie Dixon Craig proved heisrlf a gifted rlocutiunist. lier \‘nice is deep and rich. and nbe exec-Is in child re- clmtiun and mimicry. Her imitatiun of an infunt crying in its mother's urms was perfect. As a humorist. Vnculist and entertainer Mr. Hurry M. Bennett. noted his part well. and little wnnder is it that he was rmmllc-d "gain and again. His imitation of the Dutch hnnd “VHS Vary umnsing. but the comic selection "I‘m going to he Mun-lied" ruhuhly tunk the (zitke. Mr. \Villurd ’ulmer gave save-ml rmtitm Linus. and Mr. E. R. Bmvh-s acted us turcumpunist fur the eve-nin . Befum closing. the clmirnmn. Mr. . . H. Sun- dersnn. thanked the audience for their eneruus pntrnnagv, and for the excrl- ent hral'ing they gave every perform- er. The ieceipls umnunlt‘d to $175.00. SUDDEN DEATH. A very sudden and unexpecth death took place about. 11 u’clnck Saturday night \vhuu Mr. \Vm. Mnrtla passwd away at the residence- of his snn~in-}aW and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Mntthw Pattnn. Although he had not; been in Hwy guod health for several months past, nothing sol-inns was antir-ipau-d. There was liule warning for the call; he died in less than half an hmn after an illness almut the heart. Deceasvd was in his 68th year. and had made his hmne with Mr. Patton for a nnlnlwrnf years. He was an agreeable and kind- hcarted mun, [wing particulally at- tached to his grandchildren. The {tillel‘jll tuok place from tho residence Tuesday afternoon tn the Aurora m-mvtery, service ln-ing pn-vinusly cl-nducu-d 15' Rev. Mr. Bruce, and Rev. Mr.- Tnye. The family have the sym- pathy of all it. their sudden and sad be- mavemt-nt. MORRISâ€"Suddenly. in Richmond Hill, on Saturday night, May 23, \Villizun Morris, in his 625th year. O¢§O§¢§¢§O¢¢¢¢+9§§§§N§§+O O¢¢6¢§§§¢H¢9¢99§99+9§990 9 Lax-€33 5 C-vt your training in 1110 school that is qualified lu give you the best that, can be had. The Brltlsh American Business College Y M C A Building - Toronto “’1 ite fur catalugne. Start any time Then it’s time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi- ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else. It’s nature’s way. \Vc have set this day to advertise our stock, and wilLoHer each Fri- day goods at cost, which means more than a bar- gain. All our goods are of the ï¬rst quality, and when you .buy them you get satisfaction.‘ Boots and sl:0es,cl‘oth- ing, and gem’s furnish- ings. Friday is the Day ARM. SAVAGE When the Hair Falls The bqst kind of a testimonisl ~â€" ‘-‘ Sold to: over sixty years." THE CONCERT. 61: {filter DEATHS. b. Aye! do}; town. Mus. manufacturers of C Sweet to Eat A cm- Bowel mam SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. ++++~Hnd=ww+++++++++++++++ Haul-M41444" H+++++H~++++++¢ ~§~~$++++++++++++++ +++++++++++ -Â¥+++€‘+++M%+++MMW++ Some new lines in Patent Blutchers and Oxtprds just phced 1n steak. New shapes. Good value. Better see-them. They’re upto-date. Pooular prices. $4 00 and $4.50. Patent Leathers NAUGHTOE’S-at-theeElgin BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO THE SPRING May 21, 1908. Popular prices, Richmand Hill Hardware Stare See our stock of Paints, Oils, Varmshes, Putty and Glass; Pails, Boilers, etc., our own make. Get prices 0t our Galvanized Rooï¬ng, Building Paper, and Building Supplies. all. lines. The young man’s fanoygggjg: We are showing the largest business and gating wear, and handsomest assortment of shirts, suitdagbleflfori'dress, ly turns to thoughts of shirts. we have ever“ shown. The You’ll like thgg; evgyypody Erices arerjust WhaLyou Come in and see them. ought 151193437 and no mgpe. lars, cuffs, tiers,rha.trsi,ia,nd can that will do your good. does We have the latest in colâ€" makgto your imeasuriea suit Atkinson $2 Switzea‘ Oil stoves and ranges at prices to suit Eyavetroughing and tinsmithing in all G. SMILES Best -Diplnma Courses. Slmrtlmnd or Commercial. Also Jr. Matriculation. Take summer term. $20 for 3 months. $10 by mail. Enter any day. Address ' 'I‘he NIen’s Furnishers Riclunond Hill . Farquharson, B. A. Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bloor Svts.~