I p r / / A sputum) PRESCRIPTION. ._â€" For Rheumatism and all Kidney, Liver, substitutes Bladder and Urinary Aficclions. An eminent physician informs us that he has used the following pre- scription in his practice for a number of years, and found it very successful! in the treatment of Kidney, Liver. Bladder, and all Urinary iilfcctions. He claims that a very few doses will re- lieve the most severe pains in the back, arising from disordc‘ed kidneys and impure blood: One ounce of sweet spirits of nitre, one ounce of \‘iniosa Compound, and four ounces of syrup 9‘! rhubarb. These ingredients can re phtained at any reliable drug store. It ’should be taken in dessertspoonful d<ses after meals and at bedtime in water. It is unsurpassed for the cure of rheumatism, driving the uric acid entirely from the system. The ingredi- ents are inexpensive and harmless, and can-be given to children with safety. q.â€"â€"â€"-â€" EASY \VAY TO REMEMBER DATES. _....â€" All you Require is to Commit These Lines to Memory. 1 The following lines committed to mem- ory, give an easy method of stating off- hand the day of the week of any date in 1908:â€" Justr'a mother's arms, my jocund Jean; A spell o'er Nature‘s dream. The number of letters in each word repr . cats the date of the finst Saturday fr. th particular month to which it cor- rcs nds; thus, “Just,†for January, has four letters, because the first Saturday in Jan iary is the fourth of that month; “a,†rep 'escnting February, has one letter, as first Saturday in February is the first y of that month; and, so on through I. the twelve months. Each word of the twelve, excepting the first “a.†begins with the same letter as the month it represents. ’l‘hus, “Just†begins with “.I" because January begins with “.I"; “mother's begins with “m†be- cause March begins with “Mâ€; and so on al‘, through, with the exception of “a†for February. lIaving obtained the dates of the ï¬rst Saturdays, the date of every other Saturâ€" day in the month is got by the addition of the necessary number of sevens, from which it is but a step to any intermediate ,day. For example, to know the day on j which Christmas Day falls this year, ,' “dream,†standing for December, has five letters, so the first Saturday in December is the 51b of that month; the second Sat- urday is the 12th; the third the 10th; the 5111, being six days more, gives Friday, 1 six days onirom Saturday. _______>x,.___.._ COBALT SILVER PRODUCTION. A. J. Pattison & Co., Toronto. rci‘Oz‘t the following are the weekly shipments from Cobalt camp, and “10:0 from Jan. 1 to date: | Week end. ,i May 10. Since Jan. 1 ’ Ore in lbs. Ore in his. imam . . . . . . . . . . . . 563.610 ’ niagas . .. . . . . . . . . . . 330.010 Cobalt Lake . . 65,845 240/155 Crown Reserve .. . . . . . . . . . 40.000 Cobalt Central .. 110.200 1.56.380 City of Cobalt .. .. . . . . . . . . . 338,000 Drummond .. . . . . . . . . . . . 92,3111) Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238,i00 Kerr Lake . . . . . . . . .. 61,060 302.070 King Edward . . . . . . . . . . . 127,240 La Rose 80010 1081,05? ,McKinlcy . . . . . . . . . . . (30.000 1.243000 Nip'ssing . . . . . . . . . . . 133.020 1.316.020 If Nova Scotia .. .. 106.795 227,555 . Nancy Helen .. .. . . . . . . . . . . £10,420 If OBrien (33.800 1.820.870 - Right of Way . . . . . . . . 00.500 181.180 Provincial .. . . . . . . . 143.210 Standard . . . . . . . 30.730 Silver Queen .. . . . . . . . . . 524.200 Silver Cliff .. . . . . . . . . . . . 52.000 Silver Leaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.800 Townsite . . . . . . . . . . 85.100 'l‘einiskaming .. . .. 38,140 325.000 Tetniskaming 5; H. B. 60,000 500.000 Trethewcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679.010 \Vatts 66 000 150,130 The total shipments for the week were 895.230 pounds. or M7 tons. The. total shipments from Jan. 1 to date are 12,- 3IL‘../r’iS pounds, or 6152 tins. The t'ital shipments for the year 1907 were 28,â€" 081.010 pounds, or 15.0110 tons, valued at $0,000,000. In 1904 the camp pro- ducccl 153 tons, valued at $130,217; in 1005, 21-“, tons valued at 31.473.196; in 1906. 5129 tons, valucd at 33.000090. Crown Reserve. a stick much favored in Cobalt, has been placed on a dividend basis by the declaration of a dividend of A per Cent. *â€" A DEFICIT. Teacherâ€""Wait a manual. .Iohnnv. What. do you understand by that wqu ‘dcf‘icit‘l' " “It's what. you've got when you haven't got as much as if you just. hadn’t nothin." CANT HELP IT. Baconâ€"“Do you think it is proper for a man to say things behind his wife's back?" Egbertâ€"“Well, if he's trying to button lie! dross, how can he help it?" Get acquainte with Black Watch the big black plug chewing tobacco. tremendous favorite everywhere, because of its richness and pleasing flavdr. . 2266 «so ‘ ' vi-h ‘cnly imitatiunf’ MANY KINDS OF SMOKE. I for TOIiarco Often .Ilave Harmful Effects. The American Indians who smoke dried holly leaves, the, bark of the wil- low tree and leaves of the sing's horn sumac use the least harmful if the sill-â€" stitutrs~ for luliilt,‘ u, Many of the nth r substitutes have the must hurirful cf- fects. Indians alvug the Alaska coast . ' \\‘0»uI injure ihc’r cyc-sight sinok’in,r shavings suturatul with a strong MJIII- cxcvssivc suiokng by farmers of the lemes - f it e, tomati and potato plant often Cillim s insanity and Suicide; a varier of Indian h ‘lllit which lion of pepper: . terrible results. and a wied known as nuiuntain tobacco, “Inch is smoked in great quantities in Sweden, causes its th'l'S to become mental and physical wrecks. â€"~- â€"a If mcn and women really understood each other there would be fewer love matches. A Successful Medicine. * Everyone wishes to be successful in any under- taking in which he may engage. It '5 therefore, extremely gratifyqur to the proprietors of Parmclce's Vegetalxlc Pills to know that their efforts to counround a medicine which would prove a bless- ing to mankind have been successful be- yond their expectations. The «tutors-a- tion of these Pills by the public is a gu- "i‘hr lltllllllt" with the old fashioned me- , . 3st 1,1 id ilu- irumulv returned in an at; is smoked by all class s .11 Jamaica has i A TONIC FOR THE STOMACH â€"â€" Wonderful Success of the Modern Method of Treating Even Ubsti- nan Bases of Indigestion. The old fashiunul methods of treating slumu'h are long discardtsl. I disurnscs ili di has that when the lreutumnt was ‘Ll'1l\1llttl form, 'l‘lm modern mciliud of trcatin;r indi- 5_«-\l ll. t'illill'l'll ill the .‘l’lilll:l"ll 1‘; It'lllwlllt.‘ ,Lthll'illh‘. is to It‘llt‘ up the1 stwmnrh :iud glands to do lhc r normal work. I-Zwry rlt‘,l toward i‘<‘(’ wiry is a shy gained. rut to lo lest again, 'llic lrccnvcry (if llu- (lititt'lllt'. the disappear- ance of 1 am, the IlIl,~'t nee of giism all are steps on the road to health that lll(tl\t' who have tried the tonic treatment ‘0- mcmber distinctly. Dr. \V’illiams' Pink Pills are a tonic every constituent. of which is liclpful in building up the digestive organs and therefore, are the very best remedy for chronic cases of stomach trnuhle. The success of the treatment is shown by hundreds of cures like the following:â€" klrs. \\'in. E. Dunn. l‘rince Dale, N. saysâ€"“For upwards of seven years I was an almost continuous sufferer 9-. arantee that a pill has been produced which will fulï¬l everything claimed for it. IIOPELESS. “Now, don‘t ask me another question. Little boys should not be too inquisitive!" “\Vhy mustn't I ask you any more, daddy? And what‘s inquisitive?“ You can lengthen the life of your house and give it a distinctive person- ality amongst its follows with the use of Ramsay‘s Paints. guaranteed the very best. full measure. full value, at fair honest prices. Your dealer has them and will show you the splendid range of colors. Write A. Ramsay & Sun Co., Montreal. for apack of Souvenir Picture Post Cards of llomcs. German Friend: “De bicture you but baintcd is most hutiful; dere is only von vord in de English lancqvidge vich des- cribes itâ€"and I hat vorgotten it.†A Carefully Prepared Pill.â€"Mueh time and attention were expended in the ex- perimenting: with the ingredients that qnier into the composition. of Parmelec‘s Vegetable Pills before they were brought to the. state in which they were first of- fered to the public. \\'hatcver other pills may be, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the result of much expert study, and all persons suffering from dysi'epsia or disordered liver and kidneys may con- fidently accept them as being what they are represented to ' "Fine feathers,†remarked the man with the quotation habit, “do not. make tine birds." “No.†rejoined the father of seven grown daughters, “but they make fine fortunes for milliners." PANGO. \V‘ill afford instant relief from pain caused by Neuralgia, Headaches, Gout. diheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. Sample 50 cents. All druggists or National Drug Co., London. Conceited Amateur: “I learned to play thi- violin when I was eight years oh.†Crusty Professional: “Indeed! How old were you when you forgot?†AN UGLY FAMILY of’ skin diseases Is the one generally described by the word Eczema. In all its forms it: resists ordinary treatment but is completely cured by Weaver's Cerate used In con- nection with Weaver‘s Syrup. “What is the most aggravating thing in married life?" asked Dorothy. “Some- times.†said the bachelor friend, “it's the husband, and sometimes it‘s the wife." The transition from winters cold to summer's heat frequently puts u 51mm upon the system that produces intcmal complications, always painful and often serious. A common form‘of disorder is dysentery, to which many are prone in the spring and summer. The Vol-y best medicine to use in subduiug this pain. Iu' ailment is Dr. J. l'). Kellogg‘s Dy- sentery Cordial. It is a standard rem- cdy, sold evei‘ywl‘icrcs Dont wait until to-m-orrow to neg. li-ct the things you should neglect to. (lay. Ill ï¬tting Iools and shoes cause corns. Ilolloway‘s Corn Cure is the article to use. Get a bottle at once and cure your corms. TO TIIE SUN. Sir David Gill. formerly nah-mommy i at (tape Town. South Africa. Lad an in- ltt-rview with t‘ctewayo~ the guru Zulu (MOI. how ion: it w. uld take to g) to the sun 'in a “t'iupe†wagon. Makingr a mint (Illi‘lllil'i'wll on it's cuff. Sir David to“; W lthe 011.117; d chic-1' that it would take 13.- 000 years. this walking-slick off you _~‘nl the dealer. “that is so. I H __ “You :i>~urcvi in“ that the [Influx was rrwi". ivory. llll-l I find it is “Very csi'iv. >ll‘. lift i cut my ivorv direct from 4'0, .«n. and thi‘ only rxt‘slunaliun S:t‘lll< to lllv‘ that flu. elephants must wear false tusks." The Guest irit front dv‘v'rlâ€"“Ii s awful- .3' ca d if _v-'u t- show me the way out!" The Hostâ€"“Not at all! It‘s a p‘ausure, I assure you!" I The dusky potentate aserj hm, said a fussy - kl gentleman.- from stomach trouble. which was ag- gravated by obstna'e constipation. Food was not only distasteful. but every mouthful I ate was painful. The trouble SI affected my heart that at times i thought I could not live. I was con- stantly docioring. but did not get the least relief. Indeed I was growing \vcrsac, and in the summer of 1007 had got so bad that I went to the City of Boston, where I spent some time under lic care of a specialist. I returned home, however, no better than when l went away. The pains I cndurcd were almost intolerable, and would Si'tlll(‘llIlICS cause me to drop. I kept getting wealc er and weaker and had practically giv- en up hope of even being well, again when my mother urged me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Ilow thankful I now am that I took her advice. My case was a severe one and did not yield readily, but once an improvement was noticed the. cure progressed steadily and satisfactorily, and after the use of ten boxes of the Pills I was again a well woman. Every symptom of the trouble disappeared. and it is years since 1 cu- jeycd as good health as I am doing now. All who know me look upon my cure as almost a miracle, and I strongly urge aii suffering from stomach trouble to give this medicine a fair trial.†Dr. Williams" Pink Pills are sold by al medicine dealers or you can get them ry mail at. 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. _.-r<__ .- INSENSIBLE. “They say that Mrs. Climber takes an anesthetic before she goes to every rc- Ca‘pthII." “For what reason?†“So she won’t feel the cuts she rc- ecives." If your children are troubled with worms. give them Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator; safe, sure and et- fectual. Try it, and mark the improve- ment in your child. MISUNDERSTOOD. “I understand your husband is a spirit- ualist‘l" “lie is not. He‘s a prohibitionist.†PANGO. Is Highly recommended as affording ins slant relief from painâ€"Neuralgia. llead- ache, Gout, Rheumatism. Catarrhal ()clds. Sample, 50 cents. All druggists or Lyman Bros. 8: Co., wholesale drug- gists, Toronto. NOT A FIRM FOOTING’. “Do you happen to know where he stands on the prohibition issue?†“Yes. Before the bar." AN UGLY FAMILY of skin diseases Is the one eiierally described by the word Eczema. In all its forms it resists ordinary treatment, but is coiupletel cured by Weaver‘s Ce rate used in con- nection With Weaver‘s Syrup. EXPENSIVE CORRESPONDENCE. Visitor (viewing wedding gifts)â€" “'lh:it rug’s a beauty. [love you any idea what it cast?" Brideâ€"“Yes. Three hundred dollars \\'(l'lll of furniture to match it.†A \I.\.\' OF MARK. laconâ€"J‘And «loo; your son show any signs of his college training?†Egiiiwi-tâ€"J‘OII, yrs: he's quite lame from ; 5 an injury team." he received on the football‘ -milt".ur_v Ol‘I.lltr:I-i.\‘ S\\'ISS RIFLE CLUBS. Every Man in Switzerland Learns to Use the little. At a time when the (tut-stun (f mili- tary training for civilians long much visors d, u slit-rt :ir-c uni of the Swiss system. II" in the Muiiwlu‘Mvi' Guarvlan. may lie of interest. livcry mail in tlic jiea (fill and dt lll wl‘ulii: country of Suit- w-rliiud is a, sold; r in :i modest way. be- filling a small truth n. The aide-l» d «d Swiss cut-gr: the army at twcuty years (if new. (in! s/rvN Sixty» five days in s first )eur. Fr 1' the next twelve years he trams. for lhrtsA weeks every alterna‘c year. At thirty-two he eutcrs the I.andwchr, and has eight to ten days iln hr arms eve. y It urlli ycal‘ ‘Illllll. ui nf'y. he lt‘lll‘v‘i. and is required to furniin no further service except in Case of war. \\'hut the Swiss militiaman lat-ks in he far more than milk-cs up by skill a ualiin of marksâ€" imwn. The training: permits are occupied only with drill and tactics; Ire all-imâ€" poriant matter matter of she itil‘if; is l-‘ft it the individual soldi r to carry (ill at other times. and he «hes it under the1 auspices of the >hO fling soc'etics which are athll a feature of Swiss. life. These societies. under government (3 introl. are called Scliutxcngcsellschaf- ten in the German, and Socictcs do 'I‘il‘ in the French cantons. They are volun- tary associations. varying in size and importance with the town or village they srrvc. 'I'lms-c in the larger towns pos- sess rompietcly titted ranges and club- houses; the Slll‘lll villagts do their shootâ€" ing in any field backed by a suitable ihli. Every peasant and townsman has cosy fac;ht.ies for shooting, and each .man has his service rifle always in his u‘iossnssmn. EVcry man between the ages of twen- ty and thirty-two must fire thirty-two shots in four Compulsory exercises every year, and the societies receive a grant If two francs for every soldier shoot- ing this Course on their ranges. The in- Cumr derived from the grants generally suffices for the current expenses of tho society, supply of targets and pay of marker. There is no entrance fee nor subscription as a rule. and heavy ex- penditure, such as that incurred by the construction of new ranges. is met. by a special grant from he govrrnmcnt. Rules as to spectators. methods of trading and Conduct on. the ranges are stringent. Loss of grant is incurred by any breach or neglect of regulations. In addition to these exercises, many Comps-titï¬ons are held between different villages, towns and cantons. In sum- mer the trains and streams are crowded with jovial bands of marksmcn going,T to and from their shooting festivals. The whole of Swiss shooting is a geod. example of co-opcration between gov- ernment and individual. Every Switer has his army riff-c; he can use it when and where he will. provided he does not endanger other lives; he is insured by, gcvernment against accidents on trc ranges, and through his society he can secure the services of qualifl d military (illiccrs to organize and control his shooting. By treatingr rifle shootingr is a sport, and it. is as popular as football is with us, and far more generally practised, the Swiss have removed it from its usu- al warlike associations; but should oc- casion arise, that which has been learn- ed in sport would be used in earnest. â€"-â€" â€"'I' â€"‘ A Liniment for the Loggcr~hogg0rs lead a life which exposes them to many perils. Wounds. cuts and bruises can- not be altogether avoided in preparing timber for the drive and in river work. where wet and cold combined are of daily experience, coughs and colds and muscular pains cannot but ensue. Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. when applied to the injured or administered to the all ing, works wonders. “Our baby gives us lots of trouble. Yells unless he has his own way.†“(-urs yells anyhow. you don't know what trouble is!†PANGO. Money paid will be refunded where Pango fails. when applied as directed, to relieve pain. Specially recommended for ‘Neuralgia, Headache, Gout, Catarrhal (Lolds, etc. cents at all druggists or Lyman. Knox & Clark'son, wholesale ronto. FREE 800K “ HOW THE ANK WAS SAVER†Tells how a young man .5an the bank by a wise investment. Every stock buyer and investor should read this book. Not for Sent tree on request. Your will bring it. sale. name on a postal Write today R. w. BAILEY 351 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Denver, Colo. . 4 , ...‘-(. rs E ' Thoroughly Tasted Has No Equal For Potatoes, : . Strawberries, eto. , _: Double Cylinder High Pressure 1: , Index Plate Show: Pressure. Has Vibratory ': ‘ Syphon Anitator and Pedals to guide nozzles T: ovur uneven xcws and against side winds. Spray nozzles in frontâ€" No straining of . ’ eyes and neck as with a rear spray. \Vrite u ISSUE N0. 22â€"â€"08. :9 Asptuwall Mfg. Co..835 Sabin 51.. Jackson. Mich. 5 The “'orld‘s Oldeet and Largest linkers of E‘otato Machinery. Rheumatism, For sale 50 druggists, To. Excellent R 3 mod y for Constipation. _ There are many ailments : directly dependent upon con- } stipation, such as biliousness, ‘, discolored and pimpled skin, inactive liver, dyspepsia, over- i worked kidneys and headache. : Remove constipation and all' of these ailments dis- appear. I j Influenza. THE MAN-A-LIN 00.. commas. 0310. um. t _._ .4 -,._,-- . _ AGENTS \VANTED. A reliable man In every city and town In Canada. with waterworks to sell ‘ apatent article needed in every home, hotel and. ‘ public building. Sells at stght._ Hustlers can and are making $5.00 a. day. Write at once for particulars. Geo. '1'. Cute, Owen Souud, Ontario. FEATHER , DYEING Cleaning and Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned The" can be sent. by post, to per 02. the best place ll BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. MONTREAL. WANTEDW to hear from owner having GOOD FARM I for sale. Not particular about location- :'{ Please give price and description, and rea- '. son for selling. State when possession can ' be had. Will deal with owners only. L. Darbyshlre, Box 984, Rochester, N. Y, A CANOE C9 {gtvccsssaai r0 tivrAR/o euros/co . 11:4 ~ . “v. i PETER ANAD r The Bestana Cheapest Canoesï¬hflmbauncheszm , SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUR RIC BE? WIN 1 & SGMPANY B A N K E R S A N D FINANCIAL AGENTS 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO PHONE M I3ii Stocks New York, Tot-onto Slojii cash or margin. bought and SCILI on lost“, Montreal and Exchanges for Orders for Cobalt Stocks execut- cd .0!) ’i‘t‘r-uito lilting l-Lx- change or .lloston and New York curb for cash. PRIVATE \VIIIEE. Ccrrcspondents4has Ilf‘fld 5'. Co., members of the New York and BODI‘VII 5103.; Exchange.