Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1908, p. 8

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s )nsble L‘causad runes 11') 0‘3 AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. Richmono. Hill Special cnâ€"ursc in “Hive-1’s” Kinder- garten Method. particularly helpful to beginm-rs. 42-13' JrOunnect with Schnmherg & Aurora Railway. In addition to the regular service be- tween Newuru-ket and Jackson‘s Point a special mr will leavu Newâ€" Pupil m' A. S. Vugt, Mus, Dnc. (Piano) and J. H. Anger, l". R. U. 0. (Them-3 ). Prepares pupils for Primary. Junior. Intennedgntu vxmuinatiuu at Tux-unto Uunsvrvuwry and (,‘vn-llngp of Music. W'vdnesdny and Saturday evenings is late cur leaves 0. L’. R. Crossing for Newmm-ket and inlennediute points ilt_ll.30 p. m. Every‘ \Vednosday and Saturday night a late our will leave Newmarko-L for Tux-onto and intermediate paints at 10.45 p. m. 9.10. 10.10, 11.10, 12.10; p. m., 1.10, 2.10, 3.10. 4.10. 5.10. 6.10, 7.10. 8.10, 10.10. Nm-Lh Tnnntn. Al‘l'1\'Pâ€"-d. m., 7.40. 8.40.940. 10 0, 11.41). 12.40: p. 11)., 1.40. 2.40. 3.40, 4.40, 5.40, 6.40. 7.40, 8.40, 10.40. l'nint a special mr \vnll [em-n Newâ€" market every Saturday at, 12.40 noon for Jackson’s Point. \V. H. MOORE. Manager Richmond Hillâ€"n. m.. 6.40, 7 3.40. 9.40. 10.40. 11.40. 12.40: p. In.. 1 2.40. 3.40. 4.40. 5.40. 0.40, 7.40. 9.40. Thm'nhill I’. ().â€"-;I. m.. 6.50. 1 8.50. 9.50. 10.50, 11.50. 12.50: P.1H., 1 2.? , 3.50. 4.50. 5.50. (5.50. 7.50. 9.50. York Mills 1’. ().-â€"a. m., 7.10. 8 9.10. 10.10. 11.10. 12.10; p. 111.. 1.10,‘2 3.10. 4.10. 5.10. 6.10. 7.10. 8.10. 10.10. Nm-Lh Tnnntn. Al‘l‘i\'Pâ€"-d. 111., 7 10 0. 11.40. 12.40: D. 11).. 1 Sharonâ€"r1. m.. 8.30; Newmnrkr’tâ€"n. m.. 9.00. 10.01). 11.00. 12.0w; 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, (5.0UT. 7. Auroraâ€"a. 111., 10.11). 11.10, 12.10: 4.10. 5.11), 6.10. 7.1 Keswickâ€"n. m., 8.10; 6.10. Jackson’s Point, Leaveâ€"a. In., 7.45; p. m.. 2.45. 5.45. Rmmhe's Pointâ€"~41. m.. 8.00; p. 111.. 3,00. 6.01). T Saig Nervnmrketâ€"a. m.. 7.40. 8.40. 9.40. 10.40, 11.40. 12.40; p. m.. 1.40. 2.40. 3.40, 4.40. 5.40. (5.40. 7.40, 8.40. 10.40. Sharonâ€"a. m.. 8.50; p. In.. 4.50, 0.50. (Queensvilleâ€"u. m., 9.00; p. m.. 5.00, 7. )0. ~ wad, 1.1.1. Jackson's Point, Arriveâ€"n. m.,10.00: p. m., 5.40, 7.40. 11.151115; p. m., 1.15. 2.15, 3.15. 5.15. 6.15, 7.15. 8.15. 10.15. Yurk Mills P. O.â€"a. m. 8.15. 9.15. 10.15, 11.15, 12.15: 2.15, 3.15. 4.15. 5.15. 6.15, 7.15. 9.15. Thm-nhill P, 0.-â€"a. m.. 6.35, 8.35, 9.35. 10.35. 11.35. 12.35; p.m.. 2.35, 4.35. 5.35, 6.35, 7.35. 9.3."). H. A NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC C. P. R. Crossing (Toronto). Leave, â€"n.m. 6.00, 7.0013 8.00, 9.004 1.0.“). 11.00, 12.00; p. m., 1.00. 2.uu. 3:00, 4.00, 5.00. 6.0013 7 00, 9.00. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL MISS MILLIE TRENCH floronto & York Radial meay Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Summer Time Table J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Gnmmissiuner, Cnnvvynncer, etc. Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Instruction in Piano-playing mm Thom-y Queensvilleâ€"a. m., 8.25; p. m., 3.45, Bond's Koswickâ€"n.m.. 9.10; p.m.. 5.10. 7.10. Rnnche‘s Pointâ€"n. m., 9.15; p. m., Bond IL‘IISSIONE 9. 25 Sfllgeou & vaS wvu . Mu. Auzbi RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano “1'00. 10‘ GOING SOUTH. LZS, 11.25. 12.25: p.m.. 2."). 5.2.3, 6.2.5. 7.25. 9.25 II. P: unlicc. 1908 GOING NORTH Jct.â€"H. BLOH'GI .. 8.30; p. 111.. 4.00, 6.30. a. m.. 6.00, 7.00. 8.00’r. . 12.00; p. m.. 1.00, 2.00, 1.001”. 7.00, 9.00. 1.. 6.10. 7.10, 8.10, 9.10, D; p. m.. 1.10, 2.10, 3.10, .10. 9.10. - (or the County of Y0 k Amenz General sales {Mugged to at ransonabh CONVEYANCER. ET( for the County 0 ‘ortastnoticenud unge solicited I'egnlar service he- nnd Jackson’s will leavu Newâ€" 11)., 6.25, 23' ' pawl, J R MOE! Weston P1,"): 6.15, 111.. 3.20, 'or me 4.1."), p-nq ~â€" 0‘ 0| 50, 50, of fine Dining Room, Sitting Room and Bedroom Furniture Brass and Iron Beds, Mattresses and springs. Our stock of Wall Papers is the choicestselection; wall border, and ceiling to match, at small cost. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill madé by Burselves. Tinsmithing, Furnaces, etc., promptly attended to. Igime and Cenlent on hand. Hoes, Rakes, Spades, and Shovels waiting for spring. Lawn Mowers looking for grass to cut. Poultry Netting to keep chickens out of the garden. Galvanized and Tarred Felt Roofing for wet weather. Eavetronghing made from the best galvanized iron, and THE DUKE, 25375 Paints, ready-mixed, and fine brushes. We have a. very large stock of Stands P. Ct SAVAGE COL and and Registered Trottng Stallion \utiful seal brown ,300 pounds; a hm RICHMOND HILI. 1 hv m‘d INS, 3901. Bred in Kentucky, 1876 â€"-SIRE OFâ€" ll'S th .Imve. a is not ; as trotte‘ grmd ha \Vilkie Ill th THl that makes thmn light. handmme and durable. They "11- different from any other harnessâ€"they fit well. look Well and wear well. Full line nf horse and stable fittings. harness it not. laoking in sw durability us some migl \Ve have a Way 0f making [ll th )l Light, and Handsome All our own make m Harness at some of his stands an Humps in Canada. YNI')LI_)S. t16 ictor'u St lll i Hughe hzmis high. and in is his sin- W'ilkie finished and pmv- finest-gaith LmL- MS in 29; wounds. n 2.1”. :ht, “'r \Vilkus in strength and might suppose. 5' Butt-I. ()dbl-idge dam All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American com (old). Also file. STEAM COAL NUT, STOVE, FU RVACE For sale at the C. Station, or delivared village and vicinity:â€" The best quality and quantity for the money. No cotton seed oil or cot- tolene used in any of our productsâ€"onlv pure lard or choice butter. , 5c. per loaf Tasty, wholesome and cheap. B.§E§EE&Q9. RICHMOND HILL BAKERY 3“ :3 o 9 ‘6; ' ,1 Au ?. 'r “‘ a“: Home = made The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. J. H. BAKER Bran and Victor Feed for THE S'MNDARD BANK COAL Best Scranton coal. PURE MAPLE SYRUP For threshing engines. E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARKHAM AND STOUFFVILIaE $1.25 RICHMOND HILL BRANCH 25 21 gallon. HeadOffwe OF CANADA - - - - Toronto in the nun.)an m3 \ King (My. I ROYAL Hymn the pxwpu-r Home sluhl blogtfhg. belching. b'liousness. bad taste, etc, surely (pull for. Dr. S ‘oop‘s Restomdve. For uncorqphcnted mtanh only cube nosegund throat n'onhmg else. however, need be used bus To proveunquestionably. and beyond any doubt that Gabarrhpi the nose and throat mn be cum}. I am furnishmg patients through dn' 'gists. small free T1713] Boxes of Dr. Shoop’s Camrrh Cure. Ido tlns because Iam so certain. that Dr. Shoop‘s CaEarrh Cunewill bring actual substantial hra‘p. Nothing certainly. is so convincing as a physi ,‘l tesLof any article of real. genuine merit. Bur Was article must possess true merit, else the test mu condemn. rather than advance it. Dr. Simon‘s Oamrrh Cure is a snow white. healing n"._|t's‘- )m balm. put up in beautiful niskel «)9de glass ,n r3 at 50c. Such soothing asteuts as 01] Envalynme. Thyme]. Menthol, etc.. are lnvorronzted into a vety. cream like Petrolmumepnnod by Dr. oop from Eugopq. If Catnn'h ol'thg nos-e an"; Clnlt', the prnpm-Iy (If 1). U. Steele. Home stuhlw. Richmond Hill. “'ill trawl Him-ugh Heudfmd. Dollar, Pattmsnn. Victoria. Square, etc. Terms $14. THE PRUVOSTâ€"Clydesdule stallion tlw [nu-party of ’1‘. H. Leggp. Home stand 10L I. cum. 7. King. \Vill trav. el thruth Maple. Elgin Mills, 021k Ridges. Aurum, Temperanceville. King City. vtc. Terms $13. GOLDEN (70NQUERORâ€"Ulydt‘bdale stal~ lion. the- px-inl'ty of J. E. 'l‘eesnn. \Vill stand at his own stable, Sam- uel Frunvis’ Sunnyside Farm, neat; Thmnhill. Terms, $11. PRINCE DRUIDâ€"an-e Bred Impmted Ulydesdulv. the propvrty of John Pullnvl'. WillstandatPnlmorHouse. Terms $l3. FULLARTUN'S HERoâ€"PnreBrodClydos- dale, the prnpvrtyof M. Buyle. \Vill stundat his:an stable, lot 40, Yungu street. Terms $8. LORD ROBERTSâ€"Cleveland Bay Carriage stullinn.the property ofJnn: as fullnws: KNOCKALOE CHIEFâ€"ledstm‘ stallion. the plupz-rly of \V. G. Ellis. Redford Pm‘k. \Vill stand uL his own stable. Tm-HN $1”. MACQUEEN‘S UHAMPIONâ€"Clydl‘sdale- stallinn. i'm- plupux'ty of S. Ireland & G. Jun-rlt. Home stable. Maple. Will Utuul through Fishol'ville, \Vnmlhriligv, Kleinhmg. Noble-tun, King (lily. 'l'I-stnn, etc. Tenus $10. ROYAL HATTl 01â€"] mp; )l‘tHl (:‘l \‘llvsdu lo. the pxw'pc-rty nf D. Gr. Bk ugh. the pl‘l-pl'l’ly nf D. G. Blrugh. Home slr:lvlv,King City. \Villtruv- 8] through Strange, anlv, Rilzh- mnntl Hill, ()nk Ridgesfl‘empm'nnee- ville, err. Terms $12. LAIRD 3]ACQUEENâ€"Ulydesdulv. the properly of ‘vV. J. \Ve-lls, Temper- alll'PVlllP. \Vill tmvol tlmmgh “’hiichun-h. Aumru. King. Vellum». etc. Ti‘rmstfi'lo. MINTO (‘vnmEs-Amezic:m bred 'I‘mt- ting slnlllnll. the prnpei-ty Hf \Vxxl. Gould. Home stable. Richmond] Hill. \Vlll n-uvol through 'l‘vstnnl Kleinlrurg. \melhriclge, Edgoley. memd. vtv. Terms $10. M .xHQIris 0F (70\\'.‘\L-â€"I Imported (llydvs dulr', the px-npm-ty (if 1). U. Steele. Home sluhlr'. Richmond Hill. “'ill trawl lln-uugl) Heudfmd. Dollar, Pattmsnn. Victoria. Square, etc. WHnrsmnen gu-tLing bills 01- cards printed m Tm; LIBERAL Office will re- ceive u fwe nnLice during the season Expiessos of the Canadian N011,h9|'l1 Pulax'in Railway. \Vrite fnl' budsklets describing Muskuka. the Magnet: Mum. and the bust cqnunlry in six piuvi for the hl'lidily make-r and husi less man, (lpPHI‘d up by the Six Railways 0f the Canadian Northern Syst In to In?nrmati~n Buroau. Head Oifi 9- Canadian Nm-tln-i-n Railway System, Toronto. THIS SUMMER is by the Lake Shme R. \Vilsnn. Vellnre, will travel thrnugh Fishm-Ville, Maple. Riuh~ mnnd Hill. King City, Kettlelw, Nobletnn. Kloinhurg, “’nudbridgv, etc. Terms $10. a swgs'ga afimfia Stailion Register. HACQUEENâ€"Ulydtâ€"‘Sdulf’. the y of ‘vV. J. \Ve-lls, Temper- iv. \Vill tmvol thmugh nun-h. Aumru. King. Vellum». MUSKOKA The Way to

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