W's.- l RICHMON “ our. @Ihmi ' IS PUBLISHEDEVER! EHURSDAY MORNING AT THE “SEMI. Pï¬lliTlllG d. PUSLISHINS HOUSE RIOHMIJNDKILh,ONTL ‘ l". McMAHON. Eon-on n Paormxtol. MRI“- h, v . Multickf Lee, Millikan & Clark Barristers. Suliciturs. EN. DOMINION BANK (EHAMBEI‘IS. S. \V. Uunwr King & Yunge Sta-maul. TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds tn Inuit at lm‘mst current. l'llrl. 'I‘ . ._. .. - ._â€". _._._-..____._..,..._ . q - d ISMnIs' iii-C mama» owns . W nulunt Wmnumnh ~' Irrzf‘ sz::%â€":?-::‘* . l '4“ ‘lllml- . Llndsey. Lawrence & JNTWILKII‘IS-Eil‘lfliaif w adsworth. Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries. are. (Swonsson m Du. CARBIDY) Hunw Life Buildin frm ~l F“ RICHMOND HILL hold u..." an“ ,‘kdï¬liï¬. .3; P Graduute Viuturia University ViCLm‘ia Sts.. Tin-unto, M-uu'wr Unllt'tgu Physicians and Sur- - ~ ~r 7» - .I. M. LAING genus. Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, Cx-rLiI. l’rvlyuliuic. New York Ricllmmul Hill Office. south-rust our. nor of Lorne Bkng t-very Thursday aftcrnunu. Din-15w; of III" Lungs l‘l Specialty, particularly cunmmpbiou. “WW , alumni. ~-s W77; .-.~_,_.._,_...-..__ DR. FULTON RISDON, I)ent:ist, (Scecnssnu To Dn. H. W. Axnnneox) Uul'. Yuugo and mar Sb3.. Tux-onto. “'ill be in liichlnnud Hill on \Vedâ€" nvsduy (If each Wot-k. Ulï¬cu. next. door north of Stand- ard Bunk. O'Ii're HnIu-s~»3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. M m C mum. Toronto Ofï¬ce. 36 Tux-onto arm-rt. Moan TU Loss in LOWEST BATES. " WILLIAM HOOK BARRISTER, Suum'ron, NOTARY. ETC. 'I‘nruntp Ofï¬ce. 33 Richmond St. “’51. Wesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce, Stand:le Bank Building, every Saturday aftrr- uunn. ' Maplv, Thursday aftvrnuon. I Money to hum mt Fiw Per Cent (57;). Emirâ€"ifs MORGXN, Barrhtcrs and sollrllors. JOHN RCAMPBELL. V EIERINARY SURGEGN, 'Fhornhill. lowest. rates Auroraamce~nemoved to tho old post ofloo; one door west of the entrance to the Out/Irma Bank Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 1; is: ovlice 'I.‘ annsna-Lnxuox G 81V Komm Aurora Newmrkel Benton, Dunn & Boultbee Barristers, Sulicturs. Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTUN, K. (7. HERBERT L. Duxx W. M ULOCK BOULTBEF W “ml onakers & Embnlmers, RICHMOND IIILI. & THORNHILL large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at, both places J, ll. PI entice. nicsnseu \uctiouesr {or the County 0! Yo k G-Iu is salt on oonsigumsnt Genarsl sale: “no em urornptly sttemladta ILL remunaoh Phone Main 311. 2:4??? g:i:§‘i):i“;f00k.ag8nlfol tbn N ; suégolyaâ€" WW" J‘ï¬gï¬gge‘; ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN DIIIJ] 1% n. A N CHOLiLs NOTARY PUBLIC Cmnmissiunex , Cunveyancer. etc. insurance. and Real Estate Issurr («t Marriage Licenses. Richmonc. Hill Snucnn s; McEweu. LIB’J‘JGBJ \m‘tioueers forthe Countyot York. 5% was in; l m lip» on slxnrtesnmticeund a. ran. 5 manic runs Patrmin'ge solicited D. G. “LOIIGH, Iii-muse Auctioneer to: thaConnty of Yor‘: ro- ‘n-i‘K-illy whats your \ntronuge mm friouily inluauce sales uï¬cmi 19-1 on thoshortest notice “In: ouonsheratds P 0 address King J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC (‘I‘JIMBcSIONERn CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AM ERICA ASS. COS. AL ,ES'L‘ATE, ETC. _ _ THQRNHILL i 4' EARLE NEWTUNI l . Pianist Instruction in Piano-playing aim Thom-y I‘upil (if A. S. Vugt, )Ius. Doc. (PL-Inn) and J. U. Align-r. 1". li. (‘. 0. (Timur) ). ms: moms TRENCII BECKEOND KILL Tee-.01 ar of Piano Propnrm‘ pupils fol-Primary. .lnuinr. llllOIlilt‘ill-lli‘ I-xmninnliun at 'l‘orunlu 1‘I'1\5r*x'\:uurynull (‘ull-‘gunf Mush". Spm‘ill i‘nuisu in "Myur's" Kilnlx‘l‘- g-u'luu ï¬ll-thud. pulliculuily hulpi‘ul in licgimwrn lily A Y fl PLEAbAl‘lT VIEW FARM The l‘l"‘l\\’l\‘l\il‘ uf l)l\‘.\.\‘:\l]\ View" Ilr‘l'tl liz‘lrlt‘ill l‘dllll‘ allil lil'n'l‘tlt’l't-f Imprnvud \‘lu‘slm' \\'l)ile Hugs; 1,...1 31.1. Isl Can. Vaughan \Thnrnhilll lms Lu 54h: N'lllt‘ guild Vuun; din-Ii. 'L‘hmuughhrcd hull and hug kept I‘m-l . rig,- um Ill“[1|'(’llli~l‘.~‘, I}. U. (juil‘lH‘iHIlAN‘l. l’rupricuw MI 's‘EEFy. NOTARY PUBLIC, couuissmsnsm :8: HIGH COURT OF IUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Mabriage Licenses. RICHMOSD HILL POST OFFICE. THE PALMER HUUSE flll‘ Irmms Every um IIIIIIIIIithiun th travelling: puhlfv. (ii..an ’l‘mi'ullrrs. ('Iunnnercinl :Xllx‘lllil‘v \‘lilllli'lliHIi. .E-Ia.r-°v VV'right PHOPRllJ'l‘UR annns Talutles cure conStlnnumi. Rinmi; 'I‘ulm' :‘ure flatulean minus Tubnius cure biliausmâ€"ss “In E'ssutials, Unity; in alouev to loan on land sudabaml mortgages“. Remuar‘km nti‘acoâ€"‘l‘hree doors south or the flu- ‘ . .. u. _ .m4-. 4 . lc _ SWEEP ‘ M nearly 70 Eight Conservatives in Toronto wâ€"’I‘lu: Three Yorks also. Must, ram-ph- thought, that Mr. .I. P. “‘hilney and his summru-w wnnltl ln.‘ triumphant, at, llw Gem-ml Election. hut fe-w pin )hesied [hat the Inajnrity \vuuld he :ll‘gl‘l' than that gainrd three mud n hulf ymrs ugh, Monday‘s nun, lith-Ver, shows a. \nuuh lurgvi‘ “\ajutily than was stem-ed in 1905. All uf the ministers were retuuwd with th me-ptim) of Hon. N. Mun~ tr-ith, Minister of Agriculture. It. was grnvrnlly tbuught that, the cnunt in last York “'uuld -l!d clnsv, hut ul- thnugh Mr. Curry carried U" n clran and able campaign. ‘10 was defeatrd by Mr. Alrx. MI:Cu\vun by almuL'iUO. In Nurth York Mr. Lenin»; won from Mr. .lnhnstun hy ur-aI-ly 51m, and in \Vrst ank Dr. Godfrey (It‘ft‘illt’d Mr. VI-rral by nearly 1,500. an that, the plertiuns are owl? puuplu IIt'gI“ t.“ giro Val-inns rein-nus 'fur the overwhelming dill-at, of the [Liberal party. Hon. Mr. McKin made a plucky light. hut to he candid. it, (timid not In- expet‘tvd that the elecLâ€" ors would turn out. Mr. “'hitnry after Only one term. Mr. “'hitnvy is not an idml PI-vnIiI-I'. but, it, isgrnvmlly tlihught he is hun- D HILL. ONT; THURSDAY. JUNE 1]. l908 O'NSERVATIVE * PRESENTATION- Cilizvnsuf this plare had grown so m‘rlnlmm-d tn tlu- fun-iliur face of Mr. .lnsh Hm-nvr. oi Ilu- Iii-m of Hl‘i'nl‘i‘ ‘ Burl-1., milknn-n, that Hwy lunkerl upon l «5!, and his (ii-\‘ernmeuk so far hasl hem free frum scandal. His gurprn- nwnl- is at least talking about clump pnwer from Niagara Falls, and it is t-nly )‘Wmunnhle that “my he allmwd time- to ShU‘V whether they can make a sum-05s (If thvir undertakings. Up the "the-:- hand the- chuluvs mad? against, [he-m hy tin-ir opponents m-t'o nut «If a may serinus naturu. Had the Liln'l'ais iu the house made a deter- uiinvd kick against the $2,501),uu0 guar- uutme they might have horn taken more SPI'IOHSly in the campaign, but thry did nut. They also condemned the Government for what is knmvn as the (limo-ï¬fths majurity in 100.1) uplinu contests. but the condemnation was not pnrtiuilm-ly prunnunced. And a guud deal was also said almut “that. l lule awful work.“ In East York Liberals are naturally dieappninlod Will) the result. haw not a wurd to say against, Mr. MCUI-u'au as a gum], honest man. but they saw in Mr. Curry one whose past remer stamped him as a man \th would lmvo taken his place in Parlia» nwnL among the ahlest in the house. â€"â€"â€"‘0 Maple. A large crowd was presvnt‘. on Sunâ€" day evening to hmu- Her. \I'. E. Grail“~ way preach his last serum†lwre, he- fure his departure for Alberta. Ills mdiuutiuu is (u take plumx next Snuâ€" duy, and In: exprt'ts Lu leui‘e- fur the \Vrst shortly aIfer. Our funthall team played thwe matuhvs last; \vevk. On Monday night they played at'l‘rstun, and on Saturday the return launch was playI-d Ill‘lr‘. Maple won by :3 tn 0 hull) evvnings. On Friday they played against Edgeh'y tmm. The gain? resulted in a draw the scure lwlng I [u 1. MI. and Mrs. G. M ackvnzim'f Turmi- ’ to \‘isllrd at Mrs. 'l‘. H. Keys' uvmw Sunday. Last Friday alternvun tlw Inmillily muting of the \Vmuen‘s ln'ns lie-Id at tho home ufMIs. (i. J. ‘l'uuk. Adtllessrs wvz't' givvn by Miss ' :Ilsn drnmnslrnlinns (I lumkiug. O\(‘l‘ filly lmliri \erv pic:- li-ut. 'l‘vn was svrw-d (In the lawn at lthw ulqsv of the hurting. l _'\ll'. .1. (.‘uustnhlv, Huly :Iml .‘lIS. J. ’1‘hu1 (- \rci a run 4 dli', illbllllll“. (“1‘ [mix tin.) straw Innis. [\Yt't‘tl huh“, I They . l l him as «me «If Illuhnwnd Hill‘s fixturi-s. Starting an the milk Wagon when u l|m\‘, hv sr-th‘tl ma faithfully for 27 i szll!‘ and In;an wru- the Impressions ,Mr. Whitney’s Majority. In the ï¬ns «If mme v ill I'I'urt‘l th-n it was lmn-nml that he had lil't‘llli‘tl tn sl-u-r his mmnrr-litm with Iln' ï¬rm. and srllli‘ in lln- \Vcsl. \‘Cv mmld name runny pvt-pip who are \nvruiiy willing and unxinus (n (In lilllv fax-um fur their IIIHMIS. hut with mm! (It us We like to he (musulted as to huw tum-h we shall sacriï¬ce for the Eï¬mul of others. “'ith Josh it sauued r itfvwnt. Fm- 27 lung ymu-s he cal-Ii. d parcrls and passengers: his gt'flt‘lOSIlV was unlimitwl, and we hau- yet to learn that he ever cnmplainml, no muttvr huw much his milk-wagun was cmwdvd. He was always kind and emu-trous- to mid and young alikv. and mums of childrvn have learned the gmigrnphy hf our mwn by I-ialcs (In the milk wagon. A fuw days heful'e his (h-partuw :I. cnnnnittre (Imtitle'd tn pro- srnt him with a (Earl)in Came-m, and nun-e than ma patrons and val-wish- rrs cuntrihutvd. Monday running the friunds lflt-‘i in Mr. Jerry Smith's nflicv. whvn Liar prusvntatiun was made, ac- (C(Illlpilllil‘d by an address. Mr. Hut-n- er gratrfully acknowledged the w- mr'luhl'ancu (which was accepted in the spirit. in which it was given). re- form-(l to theI pleasant. associatinns of lhv past, and said the gift “mind be another l‘t’lliilldf‘l‘ ul' his old home and many kind friends. The full )wing is the address: Dear Friund, It. was with I‘m-ling: of deep regret we hI-Iu-d rvrvntly (If yuur anticipated rvnimal tn the North \‘Vt’St-, where ynn have hnpr-s in wide-[- sphere to lu-ttm- your pnsitiml in life. and in or- dm tn exploss in some small measure unr hmn-ty appreciation of yuur vï¬nrts to son 9 your patrnns with Iaotwnl fluid fur the past twenty SEVPI) years. we have snliciLI-d sufï¬cient tu purchase this mmvra. whit-h we thought, would cnnxey to ynu, in the best way. our ,_ {rulings will) I-I-gard to Van. amatpur phnmgraphy being a spurt in whichl you are particularly inn-rested, and! whirl) will he pursued by you Extensive- ly in yunr new hunw. \Ve thnughhl you would rcmvmlwr yuur uld patinus mow roadily by this moans than any other fur-m. Apart. from the disposal of an article which we have at all times l found up Lu the standard, the Iuannerl ot’ dispI-nsiug it has uddvd much Lul your pupularity “S a vendor, an zlll.‘ tinws cnurtt-nus. (Ililiging, liberal and juculnr. You have found ii. place in. tho hmnts of yuur patrons and err-uth ‘ a fluid that will he Iiiï¬iuult to ï¬ll. i It. was only by I-(uning in contact with your putruus during mu“ canvas“ “'0 found many cases where lihemlity I. has hue-n shown in a marked (nglPt‘, , and charity has been (lispvnsml when I you thought none hut the allâ€"swing, I-vuhehvld it. Underthi-circunistancrs, ii. is a pleasure for us to shuw in m-vrl so small a. murmur our apprvviatinnf hf ynur I-tfhrts in perform your duly in i cold and lit-I‘ll, in allllalliut' and rain, lhruugh mud and snmv, very Svltlvlu was the (liuglv (If your hell not hvartl l0 uwnkvn in us a thirst fur the urn; C(‘SsuI-y Iluill. l \Yu hupv and ti ust. an nil-wise pHWL drum- wiil still printout. yuu for )‘t‘uls in (~nnw. and un mutter \YIIN‘P yum- Int he vast. muy pI'nspm-ily and lizlppillt-SN‘ aL . ways 1w yours. \Ve will hunk furwnid tn 1111» time “hon 51mm uf us may an. gain u's-Icunw ynn in 'IIII' midst. l Sigurd (III hrhulf “f ynur putrunszrv .lunx Ixxus. I II. A. NIt‘IiULLS. ] 'l‘. I“. ,\l('.\l.\i-.Iu:\'. .ianx GLASS. . A. (l. SAVAGE. .I. II. SAxnnnsnx. JERRY SMITH, ~â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"v..â€"â€" Fm- hrs: Value in mvn's and lmy's I, wuunn huts. linruun hats, and Pups gn . . , . I (U Alkinwn k .H'u'il'lx'fs. ‘ .. v . I s - s . V‘ l 7 .\~ (nu) uud Miss MI Mun hn \I\ “unlitâ€, haw] 1m. h‘mm†im‘lkflfl‘ WW. I I I l ,in IIMLI Inmuy to Miss Stung. llillin'illi'l“ inf Mr. Hunmvl Stung, un \Vidm-sdny inf lust ww‘k. The (-rrumuhy Was per- ‘lul mud lly Ili'v. I’. N. .lnIIM. 3 Mi» I-I. Ii. Mm ri<nn and Mi.“ Ilwrnlhy Zuva \isite-Li (Iii-il' {I'll-lid .‘Il‘l. .l. Till-.‘IIIII-I-hy :Il I’mphwillv fit/In l‘ritlny will Siglnl¢y m uniug. ‘ : W/~-Q- b ~~~â€"â€"â€" \Veuk wmnen slinu'nd Ii-y Dr. Shnwnp‘+ Night l'uun Thu»: “mlhhzg, landing, ‘ilIlLlN't‘llc suppwumlgs gm \lllv'l In Ill)" wal If Ilhvf \\'\"ril.ln‘>sI-\. ‘le .“Bonk No. 4 For \Yuuu-n" contains many \::‘.\I..lil\’ hiafw‘ in \K'llliil‘ll‘ mm I, ist'I't-v. Auk In. Slim-up, Imam um; III.) will it. Ask thy Dr. in Uri-I ~I conï¬dence. any nursrims you Wish ‘1II§\\i'll‘ll. Dr. Shuan Night k IILL‘ m 4:("M.I ii)‘ \Y. .X.Sulltlum Li. (i. Unlistuhlv was unitml , .I:I.Ifk.m~n‘s l’..in[ \VHNFI(lt'l’ItIl'llSL1('(:§I<<' Korean ‘ cock-mâ€"wï¬â€" Headl‘oi‘d. l Tim Hpu'nrlh Lt-uguu rxuuis'inn ll?1C\ PlFlHAlY t‘Iljliyl’ll I‘III’ [rip itllll ('x’lL'it" nmw- lllll»‘li lilt‘;l~:‘il Will: lhrir (ruling, .\II'. :tll’l Ali's. l'. lln‘lixikuy \ixilml l'u. lilllVl-h in this plzwt' rm Sunday. I Miss llvtlu husk, fillllll'lly (:f lhi“ [iii/‘1‘, lm~‘ lli‘t‘ll \i.~iti!:j.{ flit-ml: :Iml.‘ it'luiik‘v- ll\'l"‘. l )lI. (l. VamII-rlungli :Iml V ' .‘vl. I\’.IIIIithIIIgh u-I-Iv lln‘ (mum‘s Ht Hr. ,»\iii“1[.‘ll,ll thi- )ll~:‘">’ llislup I!“ Mir;- div, .\li~< ll. )Jilllb'l’ lllzll :1 l':i~1rl than" Il‘n‘ :umtwl ‘~ir<. ('. ('I III XII. All» I“. Iii-Twp :i in‘ \ir. .lvr~iI'I'I ll~:Iz~:. 'Il V. \II. l.l'.I’1i\;lI:iI<l.l\l.li -: 'x'x' “ .(llI 'I‘Iirstl «y. Ml: u!~ J's.) ',‘ 7!. \' Illlk‘llti It \[n‘l‘ul >“lllt‘ liilu‘ \.'.. ‘. ' Iilul I"'lvlil\r'\, \II.\'. Iim~l1~lr~~i ‘ll.l I: ill -> 12.5 In zzc uhlvn \Va.‘ ~1v l I: J u, If; ,l Non-Esswtiols, Liberty; in all things, Charity." ,z-Ilu-I' cleanirg. COMMON SENSE ' most telllgent people was only l me: 0! nowncdmposltlon. There- ).ha Dr. Plerce‘s medicines. the print every lngredlent pets and an s It: correctness under oath. lug In lover. The com‘ position o( D . Plerce‘s medlclnes ls open to everybody. r. Plcr‘c desirous (it havin of invest 3- Ion Lurnr-d full ls formulae, n 0,. SI Ion mzed elng who Iy may 0 medicinal principles extracteddrom n9.- tive forest. roots, by exact -processes original with Dr. Pierce, and without the use of a drop of alcohol, triple-reï¬ned and chemically pure glycerine being used ln~ steod in extracting and preserving the curatlve vlnum residing in the roots employed, these medicines are entirely Inc from tho objection ot doing harm by creating an appetite for either al- coholic beverages or hoblt -Iol‘ming drugs. Examine the tormula. on their bottle wrappers~tho same as sworn to by Dr. Pierce, and you will ï¬nd that. his "Golden Medical Discovery," the great. blood-puriï¬er. stomach tonic and bowel regulatorâ€"tho medlclno which, while not. rowmmcnded to cure consumption in in) advanced stages (no medicine will do that} yet does cure all those catarrhnl condi- tions 0! head and throat, weak stomach, mmld liver and bronchial troubles weak lungs and hangâ€"onâ€"co‘uï¬hs, which, if neg- lectcd or badly tree. lead up to and. ï¬nally terminate in consumption. Take the "Golden Medical Diseovcry " in Lima and it is not. likely to disappolm. on it only on give it a. thorough. and air trial. on’t. expect miracles. won’t do supernatural things. You must exercise your patience and persevere in its use tor a reasonable length _of time to got. its full beneï¬ts. The ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medicines are composed have the un uarllï¬ed endorsement of Scores of medica leadersâ€"better than any amount. of lay, or nomprotessional. testimonials. They are nos given away. to be expen- mented with but are sold y all dealers in medicines at. reasonable Be up-to-date and buy your- self one of McLaughlin’s High. grade Carriages Made up of the best of ma- terial and workmanship, with AI standard wheels. Over ï¬fty different styles to choose from. N. 3. mass Richmond Hill Agent Are you ready for Spring livery day brings it nem'rr, and as it; draws near “11. hequ in Inn); around, and see how much We really must; have. How about I’II’IN’lS and MIISLINS for dresses. \\'<‘ have new lines in tlIvSe goods \Yllltil are very fine and wash splendidly, and at. prices which would really astonisli you Better come and have, a look at these goods. Also 21 new, fresh line (If Gilt )Ci'ili- USS; [milling like nice, t'I'CsII gums in this line. Tilt-n Ilim'v’s I‘I’*ll<l‘i‘l€‘:ll".lllg lit-eds , we lmi‘c all lil_'t,‘ll: in those. Now you wally rived some nr'v curtains and art snteI-ns In gii'r [It home, that. nice i'I'I-SII npprnrnnue “'0 have jib: “lat you an) Iiiglvllllï¬l’ IMF in this. linrs in Salim ltilnlwin ull Vidal» I'I frills, etc. {llvl I "'IV - . '7 3,’ ‘Z" '3 7r 7 Q J. 24315141331: , .n; ‘1‘ 'ig‘i ion". Eli Alia-43b5,: It