Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jun 1908, p. 5

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For best. value in staple and fancy dry goods gm Lu Atkinson 6L Switzer‘s. Mls. Chm-Iva M. PulIm-r sailed from Livnrpunl on the- Viclul'inll, June 5, «ml Is expected home in a {cw days. Miss Suttnn. n sludth :ll the-Normal school. spvnb nvcr Sunday with hPl‘ {fl-iplld and colleague. Miss Lurinc "Vright. Miss Eva. Hill spam, (mm Saturday till Tuesday with friends in Toronto. Mr. \V. 'I‘. Slum-y. an anlnye in nu: Tun-nu; Gmwml Post Ofliro. who i4 having his hulidnys. visiu-d Il few dnys with relatives and friends here this week. The \Vestnn Tinn-s and Guide has , lunged hands. Mr. .I. K. chfim- has - ‘nld [he primiwhr null publishing “Usi- “0:5 In Mr. A. E. \\'l)ian), fmuwnly of the metmy 'l‘imvs. . Posters \\ ill be nut tu-mnrrnw giving full partivulms uln IIL (lu- nnuuul Gur- dn-n Pal ty and guan at Victnriu Sqlmlc on Sulmdny, the 2011) nf Jum-_ Elie giheral.‘ Mifls Holvn Dun-y of Langstufi' left \Vedjnusduy fur Nc-w Yurk. frnm \\'h' 'e shu purpuses sailing on the Bulk; fur England. She will he anmy «I Jllt thru- months. For lu-si, \‘nluv in nmngpl 5901] and turnip sued gu Ln Atkillsull&S\Vi[1l'l"3. Mr. Robert, Rumble “f Boswell :u'eniw. Turnntu. who wns visiting around his uld hmne uL Maple. cullmi nn :0. n‘umlwi of old friends in the vil- lage viii Tue-way. Rev. Audi-cw S. Grant. Superintend- ent. of Gum] Sunnu-ituu Hospital. Daw- sun. with his suns Jamie and Alan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Muudie he- furu lem iug fur Dawsun. ~ For best value. in canned g00ds~~tn~ “mines, cum). puns, salmon. (rm-"ed ht‘l'f, lobsterâ€"gm tn Atkinan & Swit- 201’s. Bxcmmsn HILL. 0x12, .111va II. 1908 At the coming entrance c-xaminn- (inns Mr. Henry, Principulof the High Schunl. will pre-sidv at Mount. Alhult. Mr. 'l‘hmnpsnn. Plincipul of the Pnhlir schuul, Aux-um, will cunducL L-xmns here. At .1 x'vgulur uu-eting 0f Lnrd Elgin ‘rmup. S. 0. 8., last owning the mvm- lh-rs (lucidvd tn picnic with tlm Pres- byterian thlmth Schrml at BI-uvertun (HI \Veducsdny, July 1. via G. N. O. R. Furlhvr particulars will be given later. Mr. Jush Hmnei and Mr. Allu-rt llislvp h-iL Tuesday for Aim-rm. As Mr. Hmnm- purpnsvs remaining pur- nmm-nlly in t.ln- Numb-\th his pluvv (m th' milk wung is living taken by Mr. Russell \Villiums. Only four cusvs \vt-l'e up far hearing lwfm-e His Human Judge Morgan, at Division Cum-L here on Saturday. These were :llljudgmvnt sumuwnses. The judge made a. cummith in every case. but; stayed on payment, of reasonâ€" able amounts. The lovers of dancing will be pleased to learn that. a. series of select damcc‘s will be held this summer at Bnnd Lake, on every \Vodnvsduy and Sat.- urduy evening. commencing June the 10th. Music will be furnished by the celebrated orchestra of Sbeas Theatre. Tol'unLn. and the dances will he con ducted 1with order and refine ment. The Metropulitun Ry. has px-umised a special car service for these dances. 2 In compliance with :1 rvquisitiun signed by a large number of citizens Reeve Pugslry has pruclninwd Friday. June 19, a civic huliduv for this muni- cipality. The Fire. Brigade have ar- ranged for an excursion tn Niagara Falls. Our firemen are well worthy of an annual outing. and it, is hode that every person in the village or vicinity who can do so will assist either by tak- ing it ticket, nr by contribution. To stop any pain. anywhere in 20 minutes. simplv take just; one of Dr. Shoup's Pink Puin’J‘uhlets. Pain means congestionâ€"minnd pressureâ€"that, is all Dr. Shuup‘s Headacheâ€"01' Pink Pain Tabletsâ€"will quickly emu: blond pn-s - ure away fl'unl pain centres. After that, pain is qnne. Headache. Nour- algiu. painful pe-l'inds with women, Men. getinstant help. 20 Tablets Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. The East York Farmer's Institute will huld its annual excursion to the Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph. via 0. P. R. and T. and Y. R. R., on Friday. the [9th of June. Cars will leave plgiu Mills ut,7 u.m., Richmond vv-n Hill 7.03, stopping at, other. placgs along the line. The excursiomsts W1" arrive at. Guelph about, 10.30 a._m., t0 leave again at 6.30 p. m. A specml cilr will leave 0. P. R. Crossing for Elgln Mills about 9 p.iu. Town people as well as those from the country are in- vited to go. For best value in men’s fine negfigpe shirts. coat, style and old stylp, cuffs. cullxu-s. stylish ties. fine suspenders go to Atkinson & Switzer‘s. SH? the Premier suspendvr at 501:4 it heats the President. “'19 will shuw you the best 25c. sllspender you ever saw. EXCURSION TO GUELPH SUMMER DANCING. CIVIC HOLIDAY. 'vmnfmu RETURNS. ' Mr. A. JMHch‘AcM m? deputy r?- turning umcv‘r «t thp prlling hunlh lwrv Ull Mnu‘auy. Mn A. G. Savuge \Avfm Pull-clerk. and Mr. G; \Vilvy. cunsmhlefi' l‘lu’l'c wore HS lmlluls cash and (If these Mr. Curry gut 86, and Mr. Mc- Uuwmn 02. gi\ ing Mr. Curry a umjurily nf‘ZL Tlu-rewen-‘linrrjvctedurspuiled lmllnts, and every hullut \Vus marked anus mudiuitufnnduuht. This spruku \vn-ll for the inwllim-nue of the Wit-H's in this "municipality. Theu‘sulguf tin- uning \vns given out fifteen minutes after the claw of thc pull. ' Fur [was Villllt' in pnl‘lnr humms, matches, scrub lvl‘ushl's, pails. luhs. eta. go tn Atkinson $1 Switzer'u. A ln-num fur 30¢. The annual Church of England Sun- day Schunl excursion will he held un Tuesday. June Jars will leave 'l‘hurnhill Ht, lU-‘u. In. Excursinnists "my tnke the curs at all points he- twwn Mumau‘s Hill and Elgin Mills. Rn-tmn fares from all points: udulls. 70 cents: children, 35 cents. Arrange- lllunts have lwm] nmdv fur the “St- nf the Park and [’nvilinn at. Jucksml's Point, and fur the cunveyunce of pro- visiuu baskets from the can-s. ‘This is u plllllic chm'sinn; all are cordially in- vited. Come and enij yuursclvvs. The Canadian North: rn Railway has issuvd a cmnpiel? summer \ime tahle giving in (It-(nil eight round trips via 0. N. U. and difl'erent stmum-l-s. The time, disluncv. rates of fnru are given. "ls-u a list nf places at, which to stop. and the cost uf's‘mpping. Rnund lrip ticket rules are in ful'ct‘ from May tn ()clnhm (inclusive). A Season 1908 time table and tho' Mnsknka hm-klvtâ€" "The Lake Shure Line of the Musâ€" knkas"â€"will he svnt ynu upon applica- lit-n tn the- C. N. 0. ticket office. cur. King an(l'1‘un-ntusts.. Tmmltu. Fur tlw may best value in ready-m- wem- suits, punts. vvsts go to Atkin- son 8; Switzer's. A ready-to-weax- suiL for $3.50 that, will sulprise you. Th9 Church uf England Synod of [he Diocese- nf Tnumtu. will "lee-L in SI. Jnmos‘ Svhuol House on 'l‘llesddv. June 16. It will lk'glll with :1 public sl’l'VlCt' and Holy Umnmunion in St. James Church at, 11 a. m. Bishop Rvm mun-assistant Bishop of Tornntvn. will he the Ulmirumn. He will deliVH' his charge at, the morning svrvivo. The luy dvlu-gutvs fmm tho paiish «If Tlmrnhill and Richmond Hill :u-v ‘l‘liumus Pulnu-r. Thumas S. Cook. and \Vilfred Bull. The Rev. John Gihsnn. i-vcmr (if the. parish, will attend this Synud. There was a pleasant, time at the sucinl held in [he Temperance Hull Thursday evening. After the. opening exercises. and a. short and :lpprnp- riale address by the chairnmn, Rev. A. P. Bruce, musical selections were given hy Miss M. Trench, Miss J. McDmmId. Miss E. Swilzer. and Miss 1. Glass. The uhin feature uflhe H'eu- ing was an address by Mrs. ()rlnshy uf 'l‘nrnnm, President, (If the County Union. At the, clnsu of the address the speaker received :1 hearty vuLE of thanks, 1m mutinn of M rs. Switzer and Miss Wiley. Rev. E. H. Tnye also gave at short, address after which ice clean) and cake were served and a social huur spent, together. SHORT SUMMER. ROUND TRIPS. KEEP BOYS AT HOME. The following advice. to parents. taken from an exchange. might well be taken by some parents in this vil~ Inge: Parents keep your boys off the streets. especually after dark. You know not what annoyance these little fellows are; hesides they learn all kinds of meanness. picking up all the slang phrases uttered by older boys who have forgotten the prayers taught them at their mother’s knee when they, too, were innocent little tots like your own hoys now. If you have nice beautiful yards, allow your boys to piay in them. never scolding them for their merrv laughter. for ’tis better far to he annoyed at home than to have. them mixed up in an ugly affair on the street of which you know nothing until it has grown cold on everynne's tongue. If you value their education as you should. you will keep your hnys off the street. where no evil association will eorrupt their morals. If one feels dull and spiritlpss, in the spying 01_-_ early: SImeI-fr, they cit“ it uSpring Fevvr." But there is no fever â€"-usuul|y. It is the after effect of mu- “intor habits. The ueives are mostly at fault. Tiled, worn-out nervvsienve us languid. lifeless. and without, spirit ()1' ambition. A few doses of Dr. Shunp's Restorative will absolutely change all (If thusa depressing symp- toms. The Restorative of cnuI-se won’t bring you hack to full health in :1 day 01' two. but in will do enough in 48 hours to satisfy you that, the remedy is reaching that “tired spot.” Drug- gists oyergiyheip are advising its use Posters are nut: announcing the annual Excursion nf the. Richmond Hill Fire Brigade. to Niagara Fulls. on Friday. the 19th nf June. The trip is a. delightful one, and is always Lhnrnughly enjoyed. Electric cars will leave Bond Luke at 6.30 a.ln.. and Richmond Hill at 7(I‘UlUCk. and will stnp fur passengers all along the line. Passengers will be conveyed over the as :l splendid and pi ompt general tunic. It, gives more rim and spirit to the spunnfnl than :my other known nerve or uonstitutinnal tonic. it sharpens a. failing appetite. aids digestion. frens sluggish livers and kidneys. and brings new IifP. strength. and ambition. Test it a. few days and be convinced. Snld by \V. A. Sanderson. TO JACKSON‘S POINT. T0 NIAGARA FALLS. \V. U. '1‘. U. SOCIAL. T0 RUNTO SYNOD. l Toronto “rug Y-vi'ilxyuy in Limé‘tvunkve ,thg‘whurf by stenmo-r at 9 U'clm‘k. "At Queenston the excursinnists will take eiectrlc ctr: "yer the ANiflgul‘u River Lim‘. passing Bmck's Mnnunu-m. r110 \Vbillpm-l Rapids and other plum-s of nnte. The {are fur the mund (rip fmm Bond Luke will 1)». $130; Elgin Mills $1.33umd Richmund Hill $1.50. Unild- ran half price. Arl‘hngeuwms have been mude for hm, and ruld wntvr five to those who take the-Ir (mm lunch. Come alung and spend an cnjnynhle day, Mid ntmw by ymu putmnn e that on appr'rclutc the services uf (fie Fire rignde. The first list at stutiuns fur Methodist ministers in (he Tor-4mm conference was published lesduy. There «11- not, as nmny chQnges as usual. \Vv note the folluwing:â€"Richmund Hill. A. P. Bruce. B. ll; Maple. Philip Janos: Duvisville. J. W. Huhinsun; Tlmrnbill. E. T. Dough": Eglinwn. N. Wt‘llwnod; Newton Bunk and \Villuwdnle. F. C. Kenm;Quevn strevt.East. W. B. Baud). Ph. D.: Kleinhurg. H. A. Fish; Bolton. Gen. McKinley, B. 1).: Markham. Al- fred Redford. 6006 OOOWOOHOOOQOQ-DOOQOO 6 , , Irruluh-d 651: pa . .150 a year v-‘udy. Fplo-ndi-l rnzruvmufi am _ ntqrosfing in. ~nuutlon. Sproimeu «my of (he Sell-unlit: Amer. vruu smut from A nth-MM MUNN .2 30.. SL'IENTIHI MBLUCAN 0mm. 2.;1 Broadway. New ank. “mg-.3 + yerfs; 6§§§¢¢+§§§ §¢§§§§¢§§§§§§§§§ Lax-cts 5 PE NNYROYAL WAFE RS. Buy Hair atAuction? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: “going, going, g-o-n-el” Stop the auction with Ayer‘s Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it‘s nature’s way. Get your training in the school that is qualified to give you the best that, can be had. The Brltlsh American Business College Y M C A Building - Toronto \Vrice fur catalogue. Start any time tummy Tabules: for sour stomach. Rdnans Tabules cure bad breath. Rinans Tabules cure nausea. Ewan: '(‘abules cure dizziness. Ribam Tabules. Rim us Tabules: at druggism Special Prices Every Friday To-morrow's specials in men’s fine shirts and un- derwear: Special prices all this month in suits. See our range of patterns. ARM. SAVAGE @uffi'fler Boots and shoes always at special prices. The best kind of n testimonhlâ€" " Sold for over Itxty yen-a." $1.50. tau-“$1.13. Fine Negligees, reg. $1.25, for 750.. $1.00. Guod strung working shirts, reg.'75c.. for 50¢. Mvn’s Underwear. summer weight fur 750... $1.00, $I.50, $2.00 a suit. Em: El)g[i_s1}__0xf«»lvds, reg. FIRST DRAFT. Alpecmc monthly m‘diclne for India In remora and roguixw thu menses; [MUCUH‘ tree, healthy and pdnleu dischugu. No “he! or palm on up touch Now used by over 30,000 Indie; unsound wmuw again lnvlgomm. "use org-m Buy of_ your dmgglsl only thou with our signature across has of liabeL 310:0”? banning." 803a!“ men mm m stun-p. . L Amy-cu, EUREKA CHEMléAL WAN). Damn. It“ 74. o. Aye! on; union. 1h". mo manual." or C Sweet to Eat' A Canal" Bowel hum SARSAPAHUA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. fi-FWMMMME-H‘t+3Ht++++++++++ 9+++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++Q ++++++%+-§~+4' ++++++++++++~Â¥+MWW+ In Boots and. Shoes able prices. Better see us for the next pair. NAUGHTON’S -a.t-the-Elgin New Stock BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Styles Hosiery Waists \Ve guarantee you a good fit, good value, and reason- and dren’s fine fast colors of common goods. Ladlcs’ and Chil- at the regular price Richmnnd Hiii Hardware Store See our stock of Paints, Oils, Varmshes, Putty and Glass; Pails, Boilers, etc., our own make. ‘ and popular fabrics Get prices 0t our Galvanized Roofing, Building Paper, and Building Supplies. at prices to com- all. In all the new styles mand your surprise and delight. lines. Oil stoves and ranges at prices to suit Eavetroughing and tinsmithing in all C. SOULES Best Diploma Courses. Shortlan or Commercial. Also Jr. Matriculation. Take summer term. $20 for 3 mouths. $10 by mail. Em;te any day. Address R. A. Farquharson, B. A. Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sts. At Atkinson & Switzer’s Yonge Street Richmond Hill Furnishings Summer Voices most novel designs for neck and trim- mings. These are exclusive goods. the newest and of ..g..

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