Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jun 1908, p. 8

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"80mad-fiatholié'hhurohfsorvicen on mar. Methodist Churcb4ervicoa H 10.5.0 5.. m., and 1 n. In. Sundn School at 2.30. Genernl prayer meeting Thum ay. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Mcets Hon- dnv on or before full moon counmcbmond, A 0 F â€" Meets mum: Fri- d: 15y Lodge, A O U W--Moeta third Wednesday of each month Comp Elam. 8 O 8 â€"-Moets second and fourth Wednesday R '1' of Temperance-Moon am Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets mat Mondly of every month Public Ltbmry and, finding Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday awnings. Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets ova" Hominy lunim- Epwonh Layne meet. every Mom day afternoon M 4. 12.00; p. m.. 1.00. 2.00, 3.00, mu, 6.0013 700. 9.00. York Mills P. 0,â€"a. II). 3.20, 8.20. 9.20, 1031). “.211, 12.2“: p. "1., 220, 3.20. 4,20; 5.20, 5.20, 7.20. $3.20. no. Inn! in; £vuuuu}. u- ~‘_<_, Prunbymrinn ChurchZâ€"Bervicon M. I? a. in , and 7 . m. Sunday School Prayer meeting panama! evpuiqg. L a n A. .. MM- . M Summer Time Table 1908 GOING NORTH Thurnfim P. 0.â€"â€"a. m., 6.33, ‘ 8:35, 9.35. 10.35, 11.35. 12.35; p.m.. ', 6.35. 1.3.3,: finite & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN mwsz UgaU, UrlU, l-uv, u.;u, “I. Newmarketâ€"a. m.. 6.40. 7.40, 8.30. 9.40, 10.30. [1.40, 12.30; p. m.. 1.40. 2.30, 3am 4.30. 5.40, 6.30. 7.40, 8.30. 10.40. Sharonâ€"a. m., 6.50. 8.40. 10.40 12.40; p. m., 240,314.40. 6.40. 8.40; ADA ‘n ~n "'Qfiéeâ€"nfi’i'xi'eia. ml. 5.55. 8.50, 10.50, 12.50:}). m.. 2.50, 4.50. 6.50. 8.50. Keswickâ€"a.m., 7.10. 9.10. 11.10: p.111. 1.10, 3.10. 5.10. 7.10. 9.10. Orchard Bvuchvâ€"an. 7.15. 9.15. 11.15; p.m.. 1.15. 3.15, 5.15. 7.15.4115. Roache’s Pointâ€"a. 111.. 7.20. 9. 20, 11.20; p. m., 1.20. 3.20. 5.20. 7.20. 9.20. Morton Parkâ€"7.25. 9.25, 11.25; p.11|.. 1.25. 3.25, 5.25. 7.1.5. 9.25. Jackson’s Pnint. Arriveâ€"n. m., 7.40, 3.10. 11.41); p. 11).. 1.40. 3.40, 5.40. 7.40, . 0. Richmond Hillâ€"a. m.. 6.50. 7.45. 8.50, 9.45, 10.50.; p. m.. 1.45, 250. 3.45, 4.50. 5.45. (5.50, 7.45, 9.50. Bond's Lake Jct.â€"-â€"n. 11)., 7.05. 8.00, 9.05, 10.00. 11.05. 12.00, 1.0.“); p. m.. 2.00, 3.05. 4.00, 5.05, 6.00, 7.05, 8.(X).‘10.U5. Jackson's Pnint, Leaveâ€"n. "1.. 6.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00; p.m., 2.00, 4.00, 000, 8.00. ioaumu“ .. _. EVENING .......6.m . l.B.â€"Bo§hfimod mm. mm! be human! in u "an Fifteen Hinutu urHor than tho above nfitionou hours for cloalug. OFFXCE CLOSEB AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY , Postman” (hutch o! Englandâ€"Service! at up, In. 1-0, and lad atQSuggny. ‘Thjxdgunday at 11 a. m. _-_-... .. ... -..A 1136.’ Rio-.Wp’ffis” 1.20, 2.10, 3.20. 4.10. 5.20, 6.10, 7.20. 8.10, 10.21).” V'lw'i'urtun Pzn'kâ€"-6.10,8 10. 10.10. 12~ 10; p.99" 21m! 4.;p._6.1o. 3.10. 01' n": Us“! further notice Man: will be cloned u tho Hammond Bill Po“ Oflicu an (ammuâ€" MORNING . 530 EVENING .. 5.30 Pit-Sazlfi'éhPdiuLâ€"a. m. . v . 10.15, 12.15; p. 111.. 4.“; _ ‘ Orchard Bhumvfiiflfiflo, U) p.m., 2.20, 4.20, (5.20. 8,20. Kuswickwa. In., 6.2.3. 8.2.3, 10 p. In., 2.25. 4.25. 6343. 8.35. queusville~m m.. 6.40. 8. 12.44); p. "1.. 2.40, 4.4U. 6.40. 8. Shawn-wt. m.. 6.50. 8.50. IU p. 331.. 2.50. 4.50, 6.50, S - Richmond Hillâ€"a. m.. 6.40. 7.40, 8.40. 9.40, 10.40, 11.40, 12.40; p, m., 1.10, 2.40. 3.40, 4.40. 5.4”, 6.40, 7.40, 9.40. That-“hill 1’. U.â€"a\. m.. 0.55. 7.535. 8.55. 9.55. 10.55. 11.55, 12.55: p. m.. 1.55. 2.55. 3.55, 4.5:"), 5.53, 0.53, 7.55, 9.5.3. Yul-k Mills 1’. 0.â€"u. 111.. 7.10. 8.10. 9.10. 10.10, 11.10. 12.10; p. m., 1.10, 2.10, 3.10, 4.10, 5.10, 6.10, 7.10, 8.10, 10.10. Numb Tumnm. Arriveua. m.. 7.10. 10.40. 11.40. 12.40: p. m.. 1.41). 2.40, 3.40, 4.40, 5.40, 6.10, 7.40, 8.10. 10.40. SPECIALâ€"SATURDAY AND HOLT- DAY SER VICE. uvu, 'xnnt, u.uv, \J-u\l Auroraâ€"n. m.. 7:2;1! 8.1‘0L9.7_2Q._ .wq Vb.“ -__, In addition to regular service car have Nurth Turnntu fur Jncksmn‘ Point at 12:1. 111.. 2.00, 4.00. 9.00 p.m. Leave Jatcksun‘s Point. fur Nm-ih ’1‘( 11mm “L 1.00. 3.00, 5.00. 10.00 p.ln. Leave North Tmontu fur Ne“ 11mm 11!; LUL Leave Nx mmkut 1.30, 7.30 p.111. Leave Nov 3.30. 4.30. 5.: Special limited Car Ienv Paint fur Nm th Toronto ' Hawâ€"hom- survxce fmm to North Toronto from am). Wednesday and Saturday IN hue cur leaves 0. P. R. Cr Newmarket and intenuudi “£11.30 p. m. MONEY ORDER} Hour! ((11: £95 '1}; Money Onion:â€" C. P. R. Crossing (Tux-onto), Leave, +1.11). 6.00. 7.00h 8.00, 9.00. 10.00. 11.00. L00: D. m.. 1.00. 2.00, 3.00. 4.00, 5.00. A lll'uru POST OFFICE NOTICE Lute cur ‘wksou’s E SPECIALâ€"M UNDAY SER Village Directpry. GOING SOUTH. l“ wmurket. for North T 30, 6.30, 7.30. 8.30, 9.1 leaving Newmmk ’oint 10.40 p.11). ca 1' \V. HA MO 30‘ rim lenving Jacl .‘omnto 7.00 mm Ice from Nexvm Tmnntu in 3.30, 4.30. 5‘ 8.25, 10.23. 1‘1 20,1024). 12 111.. 7.10. 8.10. . m.. 1.10, 2.10, 8.10, 10.10. 5â€"4. m.. 7.40, 40: p. m.. 1.40. LU. 7.40, 8.40. 6.20, 7 .20. 8.40, 10.10. 8:10. L050, 13.50; p. m. . i. 9.25 6.40. wmzu‘ket J to 9.00 ' New- 30, 6.30 ‘n r011 t KSOD’S In int of fine Dining Room, Sitting Room and Bedroom Furniture, Brass and Iron Beds, Mattresses and springs. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill Our stock 01 Wall Papers is the choicest selection; wall bordtr, and ceiling to match, at small cost. Poultry Netting to keep chickens but of. the garded.- 7 Galvanized and Tarred Fel; Roofing fer wet w‘ca‘tlfir.‘ Eavet‘roughing made lrom the best galvanized iron, and made by ourselves. ' ‘ ' ‘ Tinsmithing, Furnaces, ctc-., promptly attended‘ tko. Igime and Cement on hand. Hoes, Rakes, Spades, and Shovels waiting ‘for sprifig: ' Lawn Mowers looking for grass to cut. st ud m-fully bu ting: horse a 1.58 gait THE Sherman W11 THE 25375 1d condit Hills, “‘11 We have a. very large stockof ‘aints, ready-mixed, and fine brushes. {E Di insu Standard and Registered Trotting Stallion COLLINS, 8901. Bred in Kentucky, 1876. â€"â€"SIRE OFâ€" ' will { beautiful 3m) In RICHMOND HILI. SAVfiG‘E s not 1 truth md hu 'ilkie harness it not lacking in strength and durability as some might Iuppose. \‘Ve have a Way of making THl that makus them light. handinmo and durable. They are different from nny other lmrnesswthey fit. well, look Well and wear well. Full line of horse and stable fittings. Light, and Handsome All our own make in Harness -hl H )QS flfis itandsm n Canada. 3 51m xrhes‘ Huh iVmube-id) high. and 1nd 'pmv ite-d 11m “o m r \Vilk “ll in Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). STEAM COAL For sale at the C. Station, or defivered village and vicinity»- Also file. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. NUT, STOVE, FURVACE Best ScrantOn coai. RICHMOND mu. BAKERY gmâ€"imm. In our Savings Department. Depos‘ on Which the highest current No Dday: in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year K Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches; " THE STANDARD BANK m ’ g Home = made The best quality and quantity for the money. No cotton seed oil or cot- tolene used in any of Our pr<~ductsâ€"â€"â€"onlv pure lard or choice butter. 5c. per loaf Tasty, wholesome and cheap. 6A COAL For threshing engines. E. M. Byrna, Bianag‘ar BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARKHAM .QND STOUI‘FVlLLE PURE MAPLE SYRUP $1.25 2x gullun. RICHMOND HELL BRANCH EHm-svmen gvuing lxillR 01' cards printed at Tch LIBERAL ()f‘fict- will re» ceive n free nutice during the season as follows: KNOCKALOE CHIEF~â€"ledst9r stallion. the property of \V. G. Ellis. BHIfm-d Park. \Vill stand at his own stable. Terms ‘5‘“). . - \MACQUEEN‘S CHAMPION â€"Clydvsd:lle d5 of grain bought :st possible prices e Elevator. stalliun, the pl'1)p“l‘t)’ nf S. leund «Q‘G. Jmn-lrt. Hum» sthlv. Maple. \Vill travel thrnugh Fisher-ville. \Vnudln'idgv. Klplnhmg. Nuhletun, RKing Ulty. TPSUHI. eta Twms $10. 0‘! AL HA'I‘I‘ON ~1mpurh-d (“'y'dfi‘hd‘d1? [D HILL BAKERY Hf n. G. Blr ugh: mnnd Hill. Ouk Ritlgvsflh-mpex-nncck ville. etc. Terms $12.. LAIRD MACQUwaâ€"(Ilydesdalv. the pl‘npl‘l‘ly uf \V. J. \fl'ulle. 'l‘x‘xnp‘m~~ :llllWVillt'. “'ill ll'HVL‘l thwugh “'hitchun'h. Auxum, Kiug. Vullm-e, e-tc. Terms $10. MINTO UHIMES~â€"Anlfiic:m lu-od Trut~ ling stallion. lhe prupm-ty of “'11). Unnld. Hume stably. Richml-nd (he pmpvrty ’ E E ’ Home stnhlt', King City. \Vill tmv. a e = m a {He 0 el through Strung", Muplu, Rich- I HoidOffico OF CANADA magma ; .' ; '. Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT MMKEO “N in the Deposits of $l and upwards are tuck/ed, tumult rate of interest is anawcd. .4» .m .C in: TRAIN leaves Tul‘unth Union Stalin“ 9 a. m. duin fur paints helwcvu Tu- nmtn and Pun-y Smmd un -......n-A 'c‘XéiKii'I'XIW‘élfiu ERN 95.115219 I-II'IWuy. Bout cunm’clinunt BR,“ Pan’s; “’Snnf for all Muskuku points. t Span-0W Luke- fnr Spun-0w Lake uni} Srwrn Rive-r Points. Grmgia-n Bay phints rear-hm x'm su-amms from Parry Suund. Q1114-kest mute. F‘abl. “a”, V . 0st trains. U'hserv"Limrdining parlvur cnr Svrvicv. Ewry mile nf Irmznh)‘ Hf inn-rest. Eight shun htfliday ru-uud trips owr this line. Summer lnm-ist and wevk r-nd rah-s in furce. Muskoka H10 in Junv is ideal. Plenty of accumu- dutihn. Ticket ht’fices, cur, King and Tut-unto SU'Pe-ts. Toronto. and Uniuu Shmun. Ask for M Uskuka Booklets. It was this fact that first correctly 10 In the creation 01 that now very popu] Remedyâ€"Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative. C to the stomach nerves. alone brought and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Resflor out that original and highly vital I such 185‘ For stomach distress. bloatingbilic breath and sallow complexion, try I Restorative-mblets or Liquidâ€"and s a»): whntit um and will do. We sell tally recommend 3.. MW figeéflmé EE§%E$ @E through Fishm-ville, Maple. Rich‘ umnd Hill, King City. Keattluhy, Nuhkfinn, Kh-inhurg, \Vrmdbridge, Ptc. Tux-[113310. 8th lion Register. @/ musmm ml and hi :compllshm | distress. t PARRY SOUNE) ‘. SANDE Ilydesdalv. the \‘v’ella, ’l‘mnp'm~ travel thrullgll I, King. Vellure, AND BSON. [1 Dr. ‘ific

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