Milli WERE lithium Premature Discharge of Dynamite Causes Havoc on the Transcontinental. A dcspatch from lx‘cnora. Ont.. says: Buried under an avalanche of rock from n dynamite explosion. nine mm lost their iiws at. 153mm ins’ subâ€"o ntract «in the 'l‘ranseontzn'nlal Railway construc- tion, about. two miles east of the Winniâ€" peg River on Thursday afternoon. Th» dead are:â€" iiarvey Bradley. Gmrgc Munscr. Thomas Burgess. Englishmin; Robrrt Gray, :1 Soot huian; Christopher Wagclcin. a Dutchman; l))'ill)'tl‘0 Jehc- mac. a Russian. and Getulio Rolerti. Pasqualate '1‘rimhuli. Luigi Biribin. lialiv or The injimd urczâ€"A. McDona'd and Patrick Shorten. All the dead men were muckers. working in a deep rock cut. while the two injured were engaged in loading drill holes at the top of the cut, when the exploaion occurred. The holes. which were 18 feet deep. had been "sprung" on Monday. and should have been 'cool. At the time of the accident. nearly two boxes of dynamite had been placed in one of the holes. The load: wooden tanir-s‘ick the exitinsou is ers were and what mystery. The force of the exhlm‘on was most- lv ext-millet at the biftziin of th-- cul. ti‘nd it SPCHINT to shunt lllf) rock right out on the unfurlunatc mucki-xs. who wxre workingr there. and for ths rea<0n the two men at. the top owe Nitrite from death. [ï¬ght of th‘ min were kill- ed outright. while the other man def while being taken to the hospital. Mc- Donald and Shorten. the loadvrS. wire thrown a few feet by the concnssion. and were badly injured about the fare and arms. They w. 1 ice iver. however. The work of recording the mangled bodies of the dead men from und«r the mass of rock under which they were buried lO’Jk Several hours. > A Iéa‘helic feature in (causation th~ accident. is that the wives of two of the Englishmen who were killed are now on the Mean on their way to Can‘ ada to join their hush-Linda using caiqu :. i. W MAN DEAD, “"1â€? MAY DIE. Brutal Murder Committed in Vancouver on Saturday. A despatch from Vancouver. B. C., says: A watri'front murder of a most brutal type occurrei early on Saturday morning. The victim was an lrish fish- erman named Pal O'Brien. His throat was cut from ear to car. He. had Lem dead probably ten hours when the police became aware that a crime had been oommitted. The dead man’s lndian wife was also frightfully injured. lâ€"lcr throat is cut and gashed. and though She was taken to the General Hospital and is {$1111 Olive. it will be almost a miracle If she recovers. A ngo. name unâ€" knownI is suspected ~ 1 the tirrible. crime. The killing foi \.' d a row in which liquor played a lr m'rent part. The police on Saturday nigh. unrated a negro named James Mow. who has been identiï¬ed as the man seen hanging around the scene of the murder. “.1.â€" TWO BROTHERS DROWNED. Upset \Vhilc Cornwall. A despatch from Cornwall says: Two 'oung Englishmen. Jamcs and Albert illie, aged respectively 13 and 12 years. were drown/d in lh: St. Lawrence here on Saturday afternoon. The Lillies came here 111):th a/ year ago from Elgin. England. and although unfamiliar with the currents and eddies of the St. Law- rence they were fond of ï¬shing. They were in a boat about 75 yards from shore when the cmrent from the by- wash at lock 17 inset their craft. The older boy held on to the boat till he saw a lad named Archombault coming to Allred‘s assistance. when he let go. Archainbault, fearing that the two drowning boys would pull him under. turned back. Neither of the Lillies could swim. and they SO‘IH disappeared. ‘ at. .. DIED IN HIS CHURCH PE‘N. Their Boat Fishing at Sudden End .ot Daniel McIntosh. an Aged Man. A dcsiialeh from Toronto says: While sitting in his pew in Chalmers Presby- terian Church on Sunday morning. Mr. Daniel McIntosh. an ngrd member. and an elder of the church. suddenly fell over dead. He had walked to the church from his home at 135 Beatrice street. and upon his arrival there had complained of shortness of breath. lie was not in his seat mere, than a few moments when he expired. Rev. Mr. McPherson. the pastor. was so mach affected that when news came from the ves'ry. to which Mr. McIntosh had been removed. that death had foll'iwod the attack. he dismissed the congregation. l l l t | t EARLY AND GOOD. Fine Sample of Growing “‘hcat From Springliill District, Man. A despalch from Nrepawa. Manit'iha. says; Wheat 21 inches high was brought into the registry ofï¬ce on Saturday by Shara Ward of Springhill district. it shows the shot blade plainly and the head is at the lowest joint. it was pulled from a ï¬eld of summer fallow. which from this in 15c ition shaufd r‘pen about August. 41h. Apparently on aver- age season from now till harvest will bring an excellent crop of wheat. rip-o not later than August 10th. â€"~â€"->r<~â€"-â€" EARL OF DERBY DEAD. Was Governcr-General of Canada From 1888 to 1893. A despaich from London says: Fred- erick Arthur Stanley. sixteenth liar] of Derby. who was Governorâ€"tieneral .1 Canada from 1888 to 1803. barring then the title of Lord Stanley of Preston. died suddenly here on Sunday. DEATH BY GASOLINE FUMES. v 5“ Italian Suffocafed While in Pit at Strat- iord Shops. A desrateh from Stratford says: An extraordinary fatality occurred at the (i T. R. shops here on Friday aflern/on when Antonio Pasquale. an llalian workman. was asyhyxiafed by grso'ine gas while working at the bothgin of an undergrounl lYSCl'V'Jll‘ pit. A compan- ion, who was with him at the time drawing gasolene. was also Fw‘l'ldt‘l‘di unconscious. but was ï¬nally resuscitat- rd. The rcsrued man says Pasquale complained of a headache and sat d iwn. He seated himself beside him. but Could not get. up. Pasqualc's head dr-izim'ied and then he fell in a heap. At this stage he himself lost cause ousness and LS IllC‘IllJl'y \\ as a blank until he opened his eyes in the outer air. ___._ .1._..._. STI‘RGEON LAKE GOLD. Samptcs That Assay Seventy Dollars to the Ton. A despateh from Port Arthur says: A rich‘gold find is reported from the viâ€" cinity of Sturgeon Lake. where four pro- spertors. Messrs. T. Fay. H. Bell. (1. Hil'le‘l‘ and P. linssard. have been work ing. The former two came in on 'l‘hursday. bringing with them some fine samples of quartz. and have registered claims in the name. 01 their syndicate. The assays ShOW $71) to the ion. Fiftien \e'ns have been found rn their claims. one of which is eight feet. wlde. and can be traced for two hundred yards. aim or titliSNtl nu Chester Buokberough , Tillsonburg Black- smith, Under Arrest. A despaleh from 'l‘illeonburg. Ont. says: Cluster Rucklernugh. a man alout thirty years of age. and we] known about town. was at'rvs‘ed by luxv'n. 1:11; DetwtnC \iil'cr shorty all‘l‘ L‘ o'cloki cu Tlllll‘xlii‘y aftein en Sr. as. c n «1‘ being holli‘x'l'llk‘tl in the liurni . (f the Quehis Hotel on May 20 l. l. \\'l.«'ll thre‘e (“Nous inst Hun." tins and five: others were >.r:nu~‘.y llijtil' .l. Defect \‘e .\f.ii~ r and (:llrf «i’ P‘l’C-‘g J<‘hn ‘1‘li.'.lo:i have 1- or qzii t'y work in; on “14‘ (1er «\Cl' Fillc ‘ lllr. :. l lieve they haie a . .- " til-2‘ prisoner. mil \c ant; th‘_\'.~l.'w1ig!.\‘ ‘ Fiti:u..i‘y_ aft. r . .. New on 'h- “1.4. .s. [um .i .i 51‘ .- n‘nn nurs d a passicno'e dcs're for v<n~ game. and was heard l.')' >everal per. [s-rins to assert tirit he would one day “get own with .\lirc.' Al the time .1 the fatal ilz‘C liiicitlh‘ipzigli was observ- (d laugh; artian fir: Icaaltv sheri- ly nib-1' the L .111 Has \‘xil 'l‘ic iirs was t ' ’i if the l‘: 11,0 this .. x‘i ‘-‘ \l I" \‘\' l. .in’ l‘." : .‘I m i »- ~ in to win in .- _ - 3‘34 ll 1 ltzlidz' 1:115†11 it i; ~ uvni." .l hn .\1 U to ï¬ll N.“ A Drouictox vi the L n d l.. . l. l.;..i h-ml s n “'1: ll. lilt Ti 1‘ -. 310 like lids [fell 8110de to." trxsi‘uss. it. .s stud that lllllS-‘I-Llldtci born his wife. Nil MARKETS l3 READSTU FFS. Toronto. June 16.~Ontario Wheat - No 2. white and rod lll lather [roe tilt" ply. between $6.: and $71: ‘Ul‘V‘lC‘i N0: 2 niixol. a ht‘le low r on rhino, lia< s. .\l.inih ha \Vllu‘ltvill .11 market; or W ti: us at G" rgnn flay jOl’ln. No. l nor- tlu-i'n. $1.09: .\0. 2 nortlnrn. $1115; N0- 3 11-. :t in. 51.03%. Oats w Ni. 2 white. Coziiyinl'ntiw‘ly Sirl'iltlï¬â€˜ lu'l\\0‘l’l the and 47c outclrtc; No L’ Iqut d. .Hc, (Sonia-N ., fl yohw. iffuriiig l‘ “‘0‘ ill TUU to 30:. but stall elbow: tll': Inlarket: no business. I’lour m Mani/rho, patents special bi an is. S V sexonds. Silo; strong bak- ers‘. $5.30: \\'.llt01‘ wheat patints. cil>l<.'i', <ff<ring now at $3.30. But‘li‘yâ€"Nr'i. 2. (only pli‘iilful at 550 to 58:. t"er:s~.'\'o. 2. practically n minal price 02c. lly-‘iw-NU. 2. some inqu'ry. but none offering: (irritation about, #913. Buckwheat-«No. 2. market pretty \W‘ll cleaned up; maninally qiuited any: to 65:. ilran~Prics begin to drcline: < ffrroil outside. at. $18.50 to $10; about $20.50 track heic. Shortsâ€"$21 oubide. (DUXTRY PRODUITE. Wholesa'c quo'alicins are:â€" ligg-sâ€"Nrwwlaid. Tr to 17,140. liondv~$trained steady at 110 to 12‘“ all gone; at $1.75 to $2.50 per dozen. Butterâ€"The markct is sturdy. l ut. pric‘ cs one not yet down to a sloragcor ex- port l-evel. Creamery. prints . 21" 1-0226 do solids . . . . . . . . . . . . 10‘ to ‘2th Dairy prints. choice . . . . . 191110 19c do prints. (l‘tlfilfll‘y . . . . . . . . 1691.14.90 do tub . . . . . . l7rlo lac inferior .. 15:10161‘, Potatos-i‘rlcw of Ontario; are about 111C lower. Very ftw Dclawares are mining tlm‘iugh now; Ontari s. 700 to 802-; D laware. 000 1-0 050 ill cair lots on track lere. Ilean&$i.90 to $2 for primes. and $2 to $2.10 for handpick-ml. ChW-srvPCr pound. 113.; t) 12c. Rah-ii Strawâ€"At $7.50 in $8 50. Pal d ll-ayâ€"Tanolhy is quoth at $11 to $12 per ton in car lots on track here. v.- PROViSlONS. Porkâ€"Short cut. $22 to $22.50 pl-r bar~ rel: mess. $15.50 to $19. Lnl‘dâ€"T.01’C..‘S. 1191c; tubs. 12%(3. Sinl’iked and Dry Silllwd \‘ieats_Long c'ear bacon. 1.01/20 to lie. ions and cases; hams. medium and light. 1334c to 14C; hams. large. 11,140 to 12c; backs. 160 t6 1014‘: shudders. {ii/Le to 10c; rolls. 10c ti 10%c; breakfast bacon. lie to 15c: green meats. out of picke. 10 less than sin liked. 12c; pails. _â€"A_â€"- .\iO.\‘TRE./\L MARKETS. Minimal. lune 10,â€"Fl mrâ€"Xlaniloba spring wheat patents. $0.10 to 80.20; second patents. '30 to $5.70; winter wheat patents. $0....) to $5.75; straight Ozit.s~.\lo. 2. 520 to 530; No. 3. 400 to 50‘: No. i. 48c to 48,140; rejected. 40/1/20 to lac; Maniiola rejeclld. 45c to 118%c. Cornmealâ€"Slï¬fi to $1.85 per bag. bluntedâ€"Ontario bran in bags. $21 to $22; shirts. $23 to $24; Manitoba bran in bags. $23; shorts. $24 to $25. llultrrâ€"‘Is qurti-d at a. wide range, 200 to 2554c per tound. Bugsâ€"Selected. 18c; No. 1. 17c. and No. 2. 140 per dozt‘n. FlouerhoEce spring wheat patents. 30.10; seconds. $5.50: winter wheat pal» ents. $5: straight rollers. $4.50 to $4.75: do. in bags. $2.12 to $2.25; extra. $1.70 to $1.80. ProvisionskBarreis $52.50." half ham-ls. 162/20 to Mint $11.50; lillOSS. tat. cut C'Ctti‘ 11:; liarre’s plate bio-cf. $17.40; half bar- rels (111., $0; roiiuouiid lard. Sflc to Sixth: pure lard. 12,14 to 13c; kettle ren- der.-:l. 13: to 13%0.’ hams! 12%0 to life, zit-cording to size; breakfast bacon. 14c t. 152; \\'in(ls .r bacon. 15c to 16:: fresh- kilird abat.ioii'-rli‘c>srd hogs, S‘ .25 to $11.50; live. $6.75. UNITED STATES‘ MARKETS. ‘,\l.1\\'auk:«‘, June l(l.~\\'h<al~0uiet: \L. 1 i;\'orlhcrn.. $1.00 to $1.11; No. " Niii-lli'rn. $1.07 to $1.03}; .luly. Nil/4’ to Btii'gi‘. Ryeâ€"No. 1. 7th. llarlcy*l)ull. I. 57.: sample. 47 to 58c. Corn â€"â€" Ni 3. 7119-: July. (3731.0 a-skvd. anmyo‘s. June, 16.â€"\\‘h«z.t~ No. 1 hard. 31.07;; tr: 81.08%: No. 1 Nirthwrn. $1.06"; ti 51.00%: No. :3 N(_lll'lll(1'll. 31.0331x to $104.14: No. 3 Northern. 9933’ til 81.035; July. 31.02; Swim. my. to ST‘vgc. llran~1n bulk. 319.75 to $20.00. Flourâ€"Viirst patents. 55.45 to J: 502' ond yatiints. $5.30 to $5.43 *st ciears. $4.25 t. $1.35; second 4;... $3.55 to $1.135. ll .“nlO. .\'. Y. June 16. â€" \\‘i‘.mt â€" ’ giring. easy; X . 1 .\'- rfi:~::-n. $1.07 in 'cnrl ta 13: \\’.ntwâ€. steady: N I. 2 rial. lib-3. iF/rr.~Cu‘h. l \v-.1'2 .\'~i. 2 \H-llrv. Toe; .\'~‘ 2 u‘hi‘e. i S niixi‘d. Fif‘jc. . NO. 1 (.n tzack. <. \\'h<-ii. 5: to N':‘.\' York. June 113.â€"â€"\\'t.e;itâ€"S;)Ct 2 roi. {8‘ r-ievatx'ir: 2 rel. .l. (iii-~It.‘ 1. 1 northern : Na. 2 hard 0 . ~ CATTL l’. .\i.»\ ll 1\' ET. . June 10.~Qu;t> a num‘rer of ct exgorters' were (I) the mar. ' “A from 86 t‘- $6.40 was A few very clzoioe butchers sold in: exit." per iound for Gil-pound pails. and 121: l" 134‘ for' 5 to ill-pound pails. tents. rollers. 84.25 to $1.50: in bags. ‘2 to 52.15; extra. $1.50 to $1.75. lloihd Outsâ€"$2.75 in bags of 90- pminds. barks. 823; dry salt l(9‘.lj_' clear lincl.s.. . ‘was Sfeaker of the last Provinoal Li‘g Oakâ€"Shady: 0‘ titltlll illithS Alli] EDUNthY Two Things Mr. Byron E. Walker Says Canada Needs. A (le-spfiti‘ll from Toronto says: “What Canada mods is a geod l'l'u'll and a. year if (C‘ll’ my. 'i'liat w.ll bring us back to itorinai.’ This was the statement Mr. Byron l2. \K'alk -r. l‘f“-\-1Ll"lll. of the llank of Owin- rin» rcv. made on \Veu‘n sil'iy. rigiriling the outlook tins year. The bank hu= re- C4‘l\'l“l :31? p reports from all over the west. and the outlook is said to be par- ticularly lioieful. “A good L'l‘op would not alone he suf- i:rnt..nuid Mr. Walter. “and p4 ruins it is meuse we have not been lady enough punished that we do not fully lY‘ï¬lLZ‘ that. The \Vest may think that 1.! o depression was caused by a tad cog. As a matter of fact the bad rrop was (nly an iD"l(l-'llt. The dipres Slow would have come without it. in the Stats they had got (1 (Trips. got more, to tirir crr-als. and th‘ir ro‘i-on than h f 12‘. but they had \voiizoo trouble fin- ani-ially than Canada had. “'i'hr- real ransn of depression was thf.‘ haps. will take advantage, of lhs to ]\ ungc into ll’iipl‘tiv'vlnl‘lits on iln' old. tarp- si“.l-. This \v.ll not be justtlied.- fo- the K‘utlllll'y needs caution as well as cmip.†A despalch from Montreal says: in an lIll/t‘l‘VA‘V 5 r George Drummoml. Pies.- d nt of the Rank of Montreal. spoke in generally favorable terms as to the out- lc- k of bu<inrsz throughout the coun- try. Sir t’iiorgn said that he did not. exyect. in SW a complete rteovery of trade ewndit (lllm' in a wry near future. but 90- d crops the D'im man would surely (‘xpfil‘lrlli‘e a coml-le‘e ren nrwnl If its tlflilt‘ actiwties. "A great deal.‘ continued Sir Georges “nrccsarily liq) iris on the fthCCéS oft (ur next hmvest. and from present tn-l dcutons there is every reason to (ix-y peel. tounhfui crops. 'liere is as much‘ money in (lamida 10â€"day as ever; bu rintv arcs a certain lack of present con- lfl lnni't‘, \\'ll.('ll. hmvwer. will gradually tr-r'xli'ncy and the prov-tire (if [HT-p10 in .msapptar. in s into quarters prople info hv no ahead of themselves. ii iii r.» is a <piend d crop and (,iaiiadiai s have not learizei their lessul. they will slat cutâ€" ting the some w.d»- swath of overâ€"ex- llill(lll.|ll'(‘. Then there w'll be the same inevitable trouble following. The coun‘ try needs a year of economy. “The natural result of u. goml cmp wil‘ in that tinoney will be enscr. Nun‘- Cyiafites will ï¬nd themselves able to sell their fronds. Some of them. per- al over $6. Good cows were rather hurt in pet. and were in sir. ng demand. in some cases as high as $5.25 was laid for specialty good ones. The poorer grades. hmvever. were weak. setting down to $2.50 for old grass cows. 'l‘hcie is st ii a g0 id demand fors‘ock- 01‘s. They bring from $3.25 to $150. Milk cows are. not wanted quite so much. but good ones can always de- mand a go! prior. Although there was a pielty llwral run (1 ('(lll't‘S the market was than at $5 ltl $5.50. Sheep \Vrl‘e steady. but the trade in thy m is quiet at present. 'l‘lu-rc has bren n th‘tJCll)‘ (if grioi quality lilllllS th‘s swung. which makes a wide range in the prices. All the hogs were taken for the local traile at unt'hangcd prices. namely. 36. led and watered off cars Toronto. and $5.75 1.0.b. *} PRESIDENT ROY ARRESTED. in the Rank of St. John Failure. A dezpafch from Montreal says: An~ imrorliint move was made in the. flank of St. John affairs on Thursday night when lion. Philippe Roy. former Presi~ dent of the bank. was Charge of making false returns to the thn'ernumnt. current loan columns of the returns sent to the Government Were found promis~ sory notls long since outlawed. and which are without any value whatever. The arr'est was made through Crown Pri'isrcutor Iiibhafd. wh‘i acted under inst asiions from the Attorniy-(‘ieizeraL Mr. Roy was allowed out on hail of 82.100. and will be tried as soon as the ilCC:S<Zli'_V steps can be taken. it is sari that the liabilities of the bank amount to over $500000. and the assets t» nwt more than $200000. Mr Roy iS personally very wealthy. be'ng the own- e' of the St. John's waterworks ’and electric light plant, and other moms» tries in the towu and Province. He Latest. Move islature. and ran for Mayor of Montreal last February. being defeated by Mr. Lou's Fayette. asking f r cheaper money. but i do INN. expect in wt- ower rates in Canada. a“: i<.a:t fir the present. “1 him If the ullnlCn that speculation in stocks fr liliSli‘WSS generally should 1w disc-ruragcd. as present busine ‘onâ€" (litiims di 'Ilul, warrant it. liowrw-r. 1 frii‘ to s any reason tr tinemiriess. as all signs indich'e that there will he steady and certiLn lQOJVQl‘y in all lines "1 products and industries." MAY BUILD NEW \V'ELLAND CANAL. Important Statement by the Minister In the House. A drspatch from Ottawa says: In the nth->9 of rximinons on Thursday morn- ing llin. Mr. Graham intimated that it was the ll‘lt-‘iitl in of the (W'ivlriiincnt to procure (st in tics of the cost of (liepen- ing the \Vellani Canal to a. ltraughl'ot’ 2?) fort. and al-o of the cost of an en- tirely new canal. lie had lee-n told by angina-rs it would be cheaprr to lJlllldl a new canal. in reply to Mr. Lane-as: fer. Mr. Graham said he was prepared; to say that if we were to carry our own? trafï¬c as well as American traffic the- \\’el!and Canal would have to b: depen- eri. As to the new canal. the scheme would reduce the numler of locks 75, per cent... and though he coulil not say definitely. he thought the cost would ap- p1‘(‘l.\'ll'l‘lf1t,0 825000.000 or $30.0001100, There were advantages in the new canal owing to the shorter distance; and few- e" locks. -q.__,_.. CROPS ARE FLOI’RISHING. Trip 01 C. P. R. Land Commissioner Through Thrce Provinces. A dcspatch from \t’innipeg says: Mr. arrested on 0. .l. Donne. Assistant Land Onnnlssioncr for the C. P. R.. has rtturned from a trip. it is alleged that in the covering almost the entire three Prov- inces. and givi'xs it as his opinion that. he has never s-(en such magnificent crops nor the promise of such abundâ€" ent yields. Out in Alberta the fall wheat is up from twenty-four to thirty inches. and in some places is in the shot blade. A de~palch from Lethhrirlgc says: The beneï¬t to the. crops from the great rains iwill more than compensate for any ‘oss 'from high water. Fall “'ht at can now get along \“tthJUt anymore rain till the harVest Linc. __.__._,x.._.__ Carleton county jurors will receive 432.50 (er day hereafter. Spi'cial pensions will he issued at the iinstance of (kit. Hughes. M.P.. by the War Ollioe to needy British veterans in FE ltllllillElt Alli] Sll Canada. Discarded Husband Perpetrator of Double Crime on Farm in New Ontario. A dispatch from Cobalt says: The village of Earlton. atoat 25 mils north of here. was stirred by a double iragudy on \Viitlllw’ftld)’ afternoon. when LLhas. ii. Marshal. aged 82 years. shit and kiled his wife. aged 21 years. and than 53:0! li.n.sw?lf. Mowing the top at his lead Llf. Tie tr'H' ham cried on the farm kl .\i:*s. .\i:ii father. Absr‘. ill Cray. about one mile from the toxin. Marshal: first met his wife while " was attached to a regiment at the U. S. A.. stationed in Ful‘t Nagara. rbzut 5‘1 Years ago. They won marred at U\\’L5toti. N. )2, about a year ago. They 6511110 to tins country on a visit from Niagara Falls. and returned on Dee. 1701 last to take up their abode. Marshall getting work cm the farm at his wife‘s brether. James Grey. About a week ago Marshall Went back to Niagara Fal‘s. his wife refusing to liw~ w.1h him any longer. Shortly aftrr ill-1' went away they received a letter saying 1111‘. h'- w-‘uli repent if his unto Would crinv- lock to him. The day ic- fore hr- cnme lfi‘ilx’ he wrote and said lie wifufii to own}: for a year. He rc- turnvd. tor" on the Col-nit spent ('1 “Edna- .' nicrnng. instead of taking tie on! to the form he;- struck (if 111' Uc’li tin: 'v‘.‘ 012‘. Mgrsl 11's f-therén-Zaw saw h'm c, m- in; and s:..~{~3;~tiug that .s’niz-ih n; nus writngz l.e .‘iltl‘tL‘tl towards th‘ liruw. \\'i.en ‘.‘.‘.thtn a few feet of the building h:- htard f-;ur shots and on entering the bins»: found Marshall lyln;r en the d.n- ingâ€"rzczn fieor dead w.fh tie top of hs head blown off and his daughter in the kitchen dying. When he got. to he mé‘m’?!‘ she sadd. “lie k..led me. la- ther." and expired. Sir: was shot through the arm. right thigh, and in the breast.