Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jun 1908, p. 4

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St. Andrpw’s Sahhath St-houl intend holding their annual Gnu-don Pmt on Friday nflemgmn and eveniyg, . mm 26. on the beautiful,grmulda of Alex- :iudm' MucMui-chy. Int 9. concession (5. King. Strange. There will be a foot- lmll [annulment fur which n prize of $22.00 will be given to the winners. A Iva will he SP1" ed frum 5 tn8 p.1n. All the chi-ice dulicnciu-s of tho smsmi will huprm‘itled. Thefullmvingm‘vexpect- ed to Luke part in [he prugI-ummo; fitmnge I'niuu Brass Band, Hunxiltuu’a Oljclxestm and Mule Quartet”) of T0: ruan and King Gil)" Give (‘luln Spec-«lies will lu- gin-n by (h:- wsillent miuislcis. 'Admixsiun.Adulls25mins, Zlglreu 15 cents. Spvcinlzâ€"Ou Saturday of this “'(Iek we will sell N0. 1 .Cunnd'um “Pater whit? Gaul Oil at 16c pm- gal. 01‘5 gals. for 75c. and three plugs or packages of any kind of Tnhuccn fur 25c. Naugh- tun‘s at the Elginn large numherof ()rdrrs. Farmers in need of scythes. rakes, hues. granite wan-e, scleen doors &c. slmulgl gin- liim u call. A sppcinl‘Ei'elel Meeting in the inter- val of the production of gnnd seed, and the eradication nf weeds Will be held here June. 19. a. 7 p.m. The meeting is under the auspices of the Provincial and llmnininn Guvex-nnmnls. Variety Hall is ulsn a busy place a: this season of.the year. The propri- etor. Mr. Rirhurdsnn. bvlieves in ad- \'e1~Lising and in (his way :Itlructs the vustomers to his stun-e. H9 is hand- lingThe Plymouth binder twine.“umde in Canada." and has already placed a A fire occurred nem- the church at Tcstnn during the mmn hnnl' un Mm)- duy. when Mr. David Murray’s ham was [turned tn the ground. l\‘lr. Mur- ray and a farm hand saw u skunk run under the burn. Thvy gut a revolver and firvd ut the animal. In as frw ser. undslhe place was all :iflnme and nothing (‘Ollltl save llw lmildin . So quickly did the fire (in its war that only three hot-<95 could he taken from the stable, the fourth horse hong lnn‘m-d. A number uf pigs were alsu burned. Mr. Bailey of the Post Office and Telephone stme is kvpt Very husy these days. Many uftho farmers nrp nnw buying theil supply of hinder twinP. as there appHu‘s to he“ a likeli- hnod of a raise in price. Mr. Bailr‘y Srlls the celebrated Muple Leaf hrand< made by the antfurd Cordage 00., The prices are 10}, 111 and 13; cehis a lh. Mr. Bailey is also making lal'gr sales (2f Puris Green, \Vindsnr salt flour and coal nil. . - ‘ Piles are ensin nnd quirkly chm-kind with DI. Shonp's Magic Ointment. To prove It. I will mail a: sum“ trial lmx as u. convincing tvst. Simply .iddl'Pss Dr. Shonp‘ Racine, “'is. l sun‘ly would not. st-nd it. free unless I was certain that, Dr. Shunp‘s Magic Uinb luent would stand the (wt. lie-mem- hm: it is made expi-Pssly and nlnnv for swollen. painful, bloc-ding m- itching “198.. either external or internal. Jul-go jar. 500. Sold by \N'. A. Sander- eats all sapported Mr. Whitnev, as against Mr. McKay, because the latter opposed the three-fifths clause in local option contests. The peOpIe expressed themselves very emphatic- :glly, and turned down nearly every candidate who advocated doing away with the three fifths clause. 8011. Rev. Dr. Carm'ln expresses great faith in the Whimev Government a long the lines of temperance. The Dr. reasons it out in this way. "Mr, Whitney has been endorsed by an overwhelming majority so he will meet the wishes of the people in re spect to temperance, and ahorish cm- tbree~flfths clause." But why should Dr. Carman expect the premier to do anything of the kind? From a politi cal standpoint such a course Would look like ingratitudc. It isonty reason- able to suppose that the liquor inter~ Bleauoxp HILL. DON‘T BORRO W TROUBLE. Never trouble truublv. till tumble L‘dlrs ynu.” and if yuu mve any ANNUAL GARDEN Jun? 15". 5 “ill I Old its nuliful s and :l “fin-[319d d Iditiwns‘ km’ 1 might lwy n in Square King City. HS Russ Klinrk a A gvmi pI-nm curried nut in Maple. uuds ONT.. June 18. m»: PARTX Bfi ynu will mn Sum R. Men. Mrs. Rohsnn and little daughter of Toronto Junction spent, a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. W‘ilvy, the fnl'- mor’s grundparentq. previous (0 tak- ing a. trip to the Nm'th-‘Vvst, by way of \Vinmpeg. Mls. Robsun Willsvend u couple of months with her aunt, Mrs. Jnmvs And’rvwstat Carma". \Ve m-e pleased-tn nhselve that Miss Bunth, daughter of Rev. \V. B. Booth, furnwrly nf this place, has recently taken tho M. A. dvgl-ee from Tux-unto Univexsihf, fullmving the B. VA. of u ymu- ago. She has also pn§snd the vxaminntinn m the Fm-ulty of Educa- tion. taking the Advanced (‘mu'se and also Special Standing in Modems and English. Rev. A. J. Paul of Allendnle. and Rev. \Vill Trench; who has been sta- Linned fur the past year near Sanlc Ste. Man-i9. paid shurt, visits hexe durâ€" ing Conference week. Messrs. S. M. Brown and J. Hail, tunk a trip Tuesday ovm- the Metro- politan, and Grand Trunk from Ann-ml and spent. tho day with Mr. Geo. Mur- tin. an old friend at Gmigvnle. Shnnp‘s Rs change all If one sprinr’, "Spring â€"um \V inu' Mr. Alfred V‘Vilvy of Owen Suund Bpt'llt, over Sundayyith his pauvnts here, Mr. and Mrs. F. \Viley. Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Hutchinson of Michigan City. Ind., are spending a. fmv days with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. \Valter Ever and chil- dren lefty Tuesday 101' a week’s nut- ing in the neighborhood of Parry Sound and Musknka Lakes. It gives more \‘i'm mid spirit to the Spunnffll than nny nthvr knnwn nerve or m-nstitutinnnl tonic. It sharpens a fuiiing appptito. aids digestviun. fre°s shlgzish livers and kidneys. and brings newklift’, strength. and :Lmhiliun‘ Test it a. few days and he convinced. Sald hy \V. A. Sanderson. Misses Maud and Lulli‘ Rivhardsml of Newmarket spmtuvel-Sunduy with Mrs. A. J. Campbell. 3115. D. Hill and little son Albert havegnne to make :l \ isiL with relatives and friends :lL Petal-hum. Rev. E. H. Tuye hzw passed his sehnnd yen! honor course in arts at the Uni- versity. Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Ramm‘ and two children uf Baker Hill spent U\'(’l' Sum- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. aner, the' farmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Graham of Ingle~ wnud and Mr. Charles Switzer of Meadowvale spvnt over Sunday wilh Mr. andefis. Swjtzer and family. Miss Mnclom nf Tnmnm rolm-m-d‘ gfif-ssmmmnflew home- Snlux day after spunding I hree 01* Branch Office. 625 1“ BL. Washington. D.C. f()lll"dityS with Mr. and Mrs. Rumel'. l â€" M'.- d w. EH ,1' H .m ‘ ‘ k v mnfufifl $12 n.1,, ,.,,p",‘..°,.11.'355.'l ‘Lf ’ CA “WM” PICTOWIAI and produces as a 'hirlhday number I'nP that has not, been surpnssed by any «if the fine issues that have preceded it. Every one nf the many articles appeals to spun-[smell and lnvers uf mud-mi- life and may be read with inLeIesL. Fishermen have their interests well lnoked after. In addition to a paper un Live Bait: l-lnw lu Prucure and Preserve the same, a slmy nf llelring Fishing in the Rideuu, and one desm-ip. tire m' a One. Hundn-d Mile CanneTrip in a Search After Bass. by U. R. Bnnp- er. must. Secure altenlinn frnm those who find their must enjnyahle iecrra- Linn in fishing. .111ng Fraleck reminds us nf nld til es in a delightfully winin- iacent. nrtic e nn the \Vayside Taer and the Shouting Mam). Varier l‘l given in an explm-atinn papei‘ entitled Fresh Fields in ihe Rockies; Ina Buy's Camp in Temagami and others. The departments are one and all lip-In-date and the number testifies In the leading pnsitiun attained by the magazine and the strength with which it cnmmenccs its tenth year of vignruus life. "Bunk N0. 4 For \Vulm-n" contain“ mnny valuable hints to Women, and it. i~‘ frer. Ask Dr. Shun . Racine, \Vis. tn mail it. Ask the Br. in strictest cunfide’nm’, any ansfimw°yun wish answered. Dr. Shuup's Night. Cure is Suld by W. A.Snndvrsun. \ViLh the. issue for Junv. "Rod and Gun and Mntnr Spans in Canada." published by \V. J. Tuylm. at \\'m.d. sank. 0m” villus nfmn “51th year, \Veuk wnmvn shnuld try Dr. Shnnp's Night Cure. 'l'hvsv summing. healing, n‘nlise-ptic snppnsitm-ies go din-Pct. Lu tile sent._ of Lhese \voaknn-ssvs. My ’unim- fnulbnll l-hllrnnuwflé and u wu- or [Outlmll nun-nuuwm fur cash prim-Is. Music will In- furnisth “her- mum and evening hy Slumlh illu hand. In the evoning prugrununu llw fulluw- lng artists “ill take purl: Miss \Vurâ€" liner nf Stuul'hille, elucnliunist; Miss (lruinv. of Buleu-sL Slrvvl; Methudh‘t Chulch. suluist: lhe lmnd. Roll-ush- w ll be furnished at Lht’ Immhs. On Sunduy. Jum- 21. urn-ices will he hvltl M. 2.30 and 7 p. 111.. when R»-\'.Dr. Abraham :4 Tnmnlu will pww-h. In the nflel'nmm Dr. Ahmlmm will ad- dress a mass men-ting (If Chlilll't‘n. Mrs. J. M. \Vinkler and Miss (ll-aim- will sing at, luth svrvirws with Mr. H. Buoth us accompanist. Ten servml frmn 4 to 8. Adrnifisihn In games and ente-rtninment, 25:1nd 150. lll ng b‘ewr." any. It is l' huhits. ‘ feels dull and spiritless, in (:1:_ezu~ly smpmvr. they on : Fewr.“ But there is no f: \y. It is the after effect of habits. The nex vos are mn Tiled. worn-(nut non‘vs It lid. lifeless. and without 5; BIRTHDAY NUMBER. BE HVSUDAALD I nex vcs are mnst-ly rn-out nerves leave and without spirit few doses of Dr. 9 will absolutely A depressing symp- tive of cnmse won’t all health in a day l dn enough in 48 u that 1h? reude 1 the [II it- fever f nut- cash unar- Imnd. '“HW- “St One hnndredmcreaxm 3rd can. of Markham with comfortnhle hnuse, hunk hzun, and nthvr outbuildings. All in gnud repair. About half-mini]:- from C. N. 0. station at, Gormley. Gund cedar swamp in the rear. Terms to suit purchnsvr. Applyjo Exquisitvvly printed, or. fine. coated pupur. Pivturvs of well-known ponple. of Clll'l't‘nt events, uf things heuuti- ful and (-ln-inus About mw thousand. squat-r: ilwlles (If pictust in much lSSlll“. Appeals to Celimdinns as the great, il- lustrutpd papers of Lnndm) appeal to the English pmple‘. Nun political. Absuluu-Iy no ax” to grind. Its :Lllll solvly tn please and to inform. Must be see-n Ln lw appreciate-d. Tun cents a copy. Ono dollar a year. The Pic- tmial Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter St. Montreal. 21â€"tf Dairy Farm THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE The Next Sitting of Diwsinn‘Cmu-t to! N0. 3. finality of York, will be held r in the Court Room, Lax-ets 5 a: SB? IN Blfiéiiflfi - GWEN. SPRING and SUMMER is now complete comprising Black and Blue Worsted l‘mlln. Scotch 'l‘weeds, ["uncy 'l rnuscrings, a )wcrcoatmg, etc. North-West Excursions June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18 July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29 Return 2nd Class Tickets A handsomely illusufazed weekly. Largest cir- culmmn of any sclenuflg journaL Terms to: Canada. $1.75 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by an newsdealem. MW! émficgsjérwsw-flewm 7mm: Mums DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending asketeh and deacfl tlnn may quickly ascertain om- opinion free w ether u: Invention In prob-ably ntenmble. Communicav Mona strictlyconfldcut ul. IIANDBDDK on Patent; aegt‘fre‘e. ()lljest pgeucyjog'securlpgyne "Fazéfifé iékéh' ififéfiizfi‘fififiifi'i't [pagan (Lotta. wltpput. 0M9. in thq VERY LOW RATES TICKETS GOOD FOR 80 DAYS Berth: in Tburis! Sleeping Cars ,at small BX'J‘a C051. 'rfsacured In advance. ‘ Appw to any CPR. Ticket Agent for furl Information and free copy of [-[omeseekers' Pamphkk. or write Best quality. 5mm: Efiiéefican. A. J. HUME, From all Ontario SutionstoWinnipeF. Calgary, Edmonton and grincipa points In Manitoba. Saskatchewan ‘ and Alberta at C, B. FOSTER. Dish Pass. Aient. Toronto Tailor, Richmond Hill HLHMOND HILL ulmuuncimz At, 10 a. m. Leave on Tuesdays T. F. MGMAHON (7LERK H. A. NICHOLLS, agency téf‘é'e'cix’rm'g scents. j. rguqh Mugmlk .recelve n m Woolens for October 3, I 908 Real Estate Agent, Richmond Hill. for Sale Low prices RIAL” There-will he sold by public auction on the premises on At the hour of two o‘cluck in the after- noon by i}? T. Saim-nn, Aucbioneer, the following lands: The east one hundred acres (excepting therenut, one acre) of LntTwenty-one in the Third concession of the Tuwnship of Markham in the County of York. U )ml the premises are an eight-rammed rick clad house, a bank barn with stubling for fnurteen cows and five horses; two never failing Wells, and never failing spring creek. clay luau: soil, Post Office, School, and Churches convenient two and one half miles from Metropolitan and (J. N. Railways. Sale subject, to a. reserved bi . Saturday the 27th Day of June (hm. Gov. Employment Agent, Richmond Hill, Out. Take Metropolitan Electric Cnfifm‘ Richmond Hill at North Toronto. The undersigned will be pleased to place Immigrants from the Unith Kingdonyus {armlnbnrex-s in this vici~ .‘nity. Any person requiring such help shnuld notify me pPI‘snnfllly m- by lvt- tel‘ stating fully the kind of help re- quired, when wanted. and the rate nf wages offered. Every effort, will he made to provide each applicant with .help required. Ton pPX‘ cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale, the balance on or before the first (My of April 1909, when full pn$9$sinn shnll be given. Flu-thew particulars made known at the time of sale, 01- by reference to THURSDAY, July Zâ€"U-ga] eighty acres. Int. 16. con. 5,‘ and one hundred acres. lot Vaughan, at, Alkgplg hunt-l. o’clock. Terms: 10;;- cash on m- hvfure April 1, 1909. & McEwen, auvts. SA’INJRDAY. June 27â€"Admil: sale of (mg hundred acre barn. crc., on.the premise mm. 3. Markham. Sale Administramr’sSale Any péisuh knowing of his whm-e- ulmuts will please eunfer with his ru~ knives ut Elgin Mills. ‘ 50-4 Pat-rick ankio. about, 40 years of agp. left. his hnme at. Elgin Mills mar two “'9ka :Ign, and his relatives have nut, since been able to find him. He was last seen on the 2nd can. w? RS»! 1;- ham on \Vt‘dm-sdny of last \VUl‘k. He wore a me? overcoat and :1 black hat. A large quantity hf Lumber of all kinds suitahle for building pill-pnws. valoclu‘ hills cut L0 (IH‘lt’l'. Shinglvs. Slabs. \Vm-d and Cedar Pusts also im- sale. Shipments can lm made by Schnmlwrg and Anmm Ry. Apply un Llw ernisgs'nr address An Organist and Ghuir louder want- ed fur the Presbyterian Church, Rich- mond Hill. Dutivs Lu cumulmce the first Sunday in July. Apply to \\'M. INNER, 50-3 Ciel-k uf Swainns. 0n East Yonge street. in Village uf Richmond Hill. (:nnifm-table dwelling with incre of land with frontage, ulsn on Church sheet. Fm- flll'Ult‘l panic- ulzu-s apply to Horse-s and Cattle taken into pxstllro. Int, 24mm» 3. Vaughan. One bundled acres run. Plenty vi wn‘er. Apply to Monday art-ning. June- I. lwtm-nn Tx-mpc-l'alzcevillo and Richmond Hill. a Gold ankrt. and chain. Reward at Tm: LIBERAL 0mm. ‘ MRS. ROBERT FA\VCETT. 49â€"3 chlmmnd Hi” 1’. O. 3141' Building lo! M) ()Pntrr Street; Rirh- mund fliil, not. H! ParsunugP. Amity to Organist Wanted mm. 3, Mn: o’clock. T'w on m‘ befm: & AXCEnfen, u Lumber for Sale On Lot. 30, Con. 6, King Farm Labarers. WILLIAM COOK, Auction Sales. For Sale , Barrister, 33 Ricbmnd St. West, Toroup. For Sale Pasture ALFRED LLOYD. 1-]. A. NICHOLLS. Notice J A 51 ES N E‘V‘I‘ON. Aly 2â€"ngn] sale of lnt_16. con.‘ 5, Vgunghnq, lhost TERMS. 'G'Eo. REAMAN. F. MCMAHON. Richmond Strum. Richmond Hill Real Estate Age-m. res. lot 26 hunt-l. S: [sh Elgin Mills. Kv-ttlehy. stl'ntm at two balance SAign-un con. 6. 11-! at 2 ‘nlzuu-e i F; J. WOODWARD. The. undersigned. recently employed will] the Massey-Harris 00.. has taken the Blalcksuxibhing business vacated by Clift Bros.. and is prepared tu attend tq All‘hmnches of the trade. W. \V. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of th.(‘ Interim: N.B.â€"Unnnthm-izml puhlimtinn of this Advertisement will nut be paid for. 41â€"6m Fl, J. W033 WED GENERAL BLACKSMITH ELGIN MIL]: '1"?'5'+++++++++++++++++++++++ (5) A hmnestendm- intPnding to per- form his residence duties in accurdanm) with the above while fiving wnth par- ents. or on farming land owned by himself must nntify the Agent, for the district of such intentinn. SIX mnnths’ nutive in Writing mud: be given to the COIUIIIiSHiunl'l' uf Du- minion Lands at Ottawa, of intenlivn to apply for twat. ++++++++%+é+++++++++++++++ (4) The term “vicinity” in the th preceding paragraphs is defined as mmuing not. nun-e than nine miles in a din-('1: line. exclusive of the width hf road allowances crussed in the meas- mement. (I) At least Usix nmnths' rt-sidu-n‘t'a upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) A holncsluudel' "my if he so due- sires. porimm the required rc-«idenrcu duties by living or. fanning land mvn~ ed sun-1y by hi!" nut less than eighty (90) acres -in vxtenl. in the vicinity uf his homvstead. Juian ownership: in land will not. mm-t this l'eqliil'e-1||t>lxt._ (3) If thv fulhm- (m- Int-(her, if thu father is deCPasod) of n lmrm-stendvr has permanent Itvsidt-nce on farming laud nwm-d solely by him, not, low: than eighty (80) "(T95 in extent». in the Vicinity of the hnmestvud. m- upun a homestead entered fur him in tin: vicinity. such humusteadur may pm-fm-m his nwn residence duties by livingjvith the father (or mother}. The Homestead” in I'c-qnired to por- fnrm the homestead (Tmira underarm nffhcAanAnwing phns: Applimbiun for entry must, hP made in [H‘l'sull by the applicant, atu Dunnin- ion Lnndu Agency or Sub-Agency for the district, in which [he L-md is situate. Entry by proxy may, hmv- ever. bo- umde at an agency (m CH tnin (mnditinns by the filth’l'. nmthm'. sun, dzuughtm', Iii-nth” m- SiSU'I‘ uf sin hie tugding inxuwstvnr‘ivr. NY own nmnhm-vd svcliunn "T Duminitm Lnme in Manitoba. Saskatchewan um] Allin-Ln. ('XL-rpling 8 and 28, not l'PSt‘l‘Vt‘d. may hr hnnw- sLeadrd by any peran win: is lln- sub? hmd uf a family. ur any male un-r 15 years uf agr. tn the extent. of uno- quarer suction of 16‘) ucrs'u, more at less, Synopsis of Canadian North- West HO M ESTEA I) R EH l7 LATIONS and others during July and August. Summer Session for Teachers Remains open throughout the summer and many students enter at this time. We have a greater attendance this year than ever he- lore. Graduates readlly sec ure empiovnzent. Wnte to-dsy for haudflume catalogue. It pays“: attend the best. \ \V. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 001'. Yonge and Alexander Stan, ,. anuntu. Palmosm- SOLICJTED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED W. A. Sanflarsan Pram EOESE-"IIOEI‘JG A SPECIALTY @3114!) mar," \v’ Dams Green : 'i‘ +§++S¥°+++ M “A A‘wâ€" +++¢+~§I

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