clergyman creates a Sensation. _â€"â€"-â€" Tells His Congregation There is a Cure for Drunkena ess. it is generally admitted aniong'medi- cal men, that drunkenness is a iseasc. Some modify this by saying that it is a sign of weak will power. Now, weak- ness is dangerously near disease. As the taste for liquor is a d'sease it is only necessary to ï¬nd the proper cure, to be rid oi the trouble, 1‘ A Well-known Methodist divine, inter- ; ested in the cause of temperance, made it his business to find out if any cure for drinking has been discOvcred. This is an extract from one of his sermons on Temperance. _ “I find that the use of Samaria Rem- edy for the cure of drunkenness is stead- ily increasing. Wivesâ€"who Wish to win back their husbands~and mothers -â€"who long to redeem their sonsâ€"arc giving Samaria Remedy to the way- ward ones. in tea and coffee. Those who have relatives or friends who feel that they need help to shake off the hold of the demon, rum, buy Samaria Rem- edy. In the alcoholic wards of the leading hospitals, Samaria Remedy is ordered for those who express an ear- nest desire to stop drinking. It delig...s me to fsay that Samaria Remedy is do- ing a’ grand. good work and has my heart‘ blessings for saving so many 't'rom life-long dissipation and degrada- run. I / // Sample and pamphlet giving full pa ticulars, testimonials and price are so t in plain sealed envelope. Corro I ndcnoe sacredly confidential. En- ose stamp for reply. Address The amaria Remedy Co., 26 Jordan Cham- rs, Jordan St., Toronto. ' .â€".x.__._.__ NEW SUIT TONIC. Smart Clothes Act as Strong Mental Stimulant. 3 "Very few men can do themselves full justice unless they are well dressed." This opinion was expressed by a well- known specialist in nervous and mental diseases. “A good suit of clothes,†he said, “acts as a splendid tonic upon most of us. “The mere fact of being smartly dress- cu is a strong mental stimulant, and the man who is shabby and knows it, is often less capable than his well-dressed mental inferior. “To the aVerage man shabby or ill-ï¬tt- ing clothes are a source of constant wor- ry, which frets away his energy and takes the kecner edge off his wits. ‘i most strongly condemn the practice of providing lunatiCs in public asylums with illâ€"lilting clothes, for the mentally afflicted. when recovering his or her nea- 8011:; cannot but be worried and upset at hav)ing to wear what are very often grotesque costumes. f‘Thc general impreSSion is, I think, a tune oneâ€"that the man in a disgraceful at, baggy-lmeed trousers and a shock- ing coat who can appear quite self-pos‘ sessed among a number of smartly-dress- ed people is either a millionaire or a man of extraordinary brain power. “Few men can get. along successfully in life without the moral support of smart clothing." ..._.- .1. A Purely Vegetable Pill.â€"Parmeiee‘s Vegetable Pills are com-pounded from roots, herbs and solid extracts oikuown virtue in the treatment of liver and kidney complaints and in giving tone to the system whether enfeebled by ovci‘v work or deranged through excesses in living. They require no testimonial. Their excellent qualities are wellknown to all those who have used them and they commend themselves to dyspeptic; and those subject to biliousness who are in quest of a beneï¬cial medicine. STRIKING AN AVERAGE. The children were not allowed in the kitchen, but nobody had ever forbidde their sniffing outside the door to catch the delicious odors which could be ob. taincd by a close application of a sump nose to a crack. “\Vhy, Ethel," said MrS. Ilarwood, who discovered them in the entry just outside the kitchen door one Saturday morning, “Why are you twitching Tommy and slapping him?" “’Cause he isn't playingr fair. mother." said Ethel. “He's had livesmells and I’ve only had four. and it's my turn." "1 am, too. playing fair." n>$t't‘icd'1‘on~,_ my. his utterance smothered as he again applied his nose to the crack. “l‘vo got an awful cold. and I can’t smell half as much as she can!" Perhaps some money talks, but most of It goes without saying. A magician’s wife may have occasiOn to feel proud of his trickery. ISSI'E N0. 3%08. “CENTIIEFI‘GALIZED MILK.†Japanese English as It is Printed in 3 Kobe Newspaper. If you dzn’t know what “ventrefugai’z- ed' milk is go to Kobe. Japan. and there sit. at the feet of 'l‘ztisero llanamiya, “dealer in milk," and drink lll wis- rlem spiwetl with sweet [lllt'ils‘t'iligyfl Hero is an adu-risement sent rut by Mr. I’lauam ya anal copied in an liuciidi newspaper published in lll.‘.lujt1tli(‘\t‘ [orts l have the honor to write :1 loll r for Will. that we have new 4'Slllltll.\ll(‘\l the Japan milk Sanitary Lab ratory and .ls branch or special dcl ver ng olhce. as which caused our dairy mrn are very t ‘ pct-r l’) deliv<r an unsztu:ta.ry or tuber- cuiosis and even bad cow's milk lute- ltria and milk constituents before tlr-nr delivering and oven for their cows health. under and food. and in llll.‘ branch or milk delivering otIice their pure milk is again filtered through pasq the, Buudo‘s method‘.s apparatth till the at" bacteria is all out. and we can. d-c- iiwr their pure milk with the satisfacâ€" tOl‘)’ Pi'l'lof, as the seal is on the bottle. and now your drinking milk or ell)"S milk is all about when danger comes. as their milk is included many dirts and air bacteria. but you are very hard to, st 0. them well with your naked (31“. and if you can often through pass the fian- nei or (mini covered with linen or if it b‘ centrefugatiznd whirh is very easy . well to see with nakel eyes if always. I beg if you are sanitary man or baby and sick-man have. you must have. the pure sanitary milk and take your health. if you can make me for order to have the sanitary milk sooner as possible you should soon write me without your servant or make your order for my de- limring boy who can always ask you. Please make me your order with kind regards. .____,x.___ “THE NEW FOOD" Have you. tried a package of “THE NEW FOOD"? It is made of the Choic- est While Wheat, then steam-cot‘vked‘and flaked. -l\'o kitchen can produce a bet- ter made or cleaner article for human consumption.‘ In order to introduce “THE NEW FOOD†prize has- been placed in every pack- age. Already THIRTY-“SIX Blue Cards calling for LADIES GOLD \\’.\'l‘t’1}lljs, have been. redeemed. and- SEVENTY- tFlVE Red Cards. Each one of those cards has been found in a package oi “NEW FOOD." The Red. Cards give the finder the choice of the following articles: Boys†Nickle Watch. "Our Pride" Gold Nib Fountain Pen. Bureau Cover, Duchess Patttrn, Four Pieces. Table Cover, One Yard Square, Dar mask. Barby Ring. Solid Gald. Sideboard Covers, Two Yards Long. Linen. Open Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver Top. , Cold Meat Fork, Silver-plated, Rogers! Best Make. Neck Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Place for Photos. Ladies Back Comb. Tortoise Shell, Set With Brillianls. Signet Ring, 10k Gold, Place for Two initials. A new lot of prizes have been placed in the packages. Ask your grocer for a package of “THE NEW FOOD.†â€"â€"â€"â€"'Bâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" NOT FOR 11131. Dr. Figickâ€"‘WVrli, yes. I suppose you should take s= me mild lon'c.’ Guzz‘.e (regainâ€"“How about bear?" Dr. FISSickâ€"“Oh, no; that’s Teutonic.’ a Dr. J. D. Kellogg's DySenicry Cordial is compounded specially to combat dy- sentery. cholera morbuls and all inflam- matory disorders that change of food or water set up in the stomach and in- testines. Thesv complaints are more caulmon in summer than in winter but they are not conï¬ned to the warm months, as undue laxness of the bowels may teizc a man. at any time. Such a sufferer will find speedy relief in this Cordial. KNFAV BY EX PERIEN CE. hir. Bachâ€"“l have my doubts about this idea. that the more you give away the more you have.“ Mr. Phamleighâ€"“Na que~tion at all about ll. 1 gave away my daughter two in aiths ago and now sits returned to me w.ih her husband.†errors are l nuisance In the boas. of a man whose face Is branded with eczema. His own reflection shame: hiiu. Let him auuoint his skin with Weaver’s Comte and purify his blood with Weaver's Syrnp' _ FROM A GOOD FAMILY. lie was a gentler specimen of his class than one usually meets. and MM, I'll, made his appeal fr r smitclhmg to m, u, the kitchen (.lOUI' he was askctt L}- the good-natured (30‘. k to Come in by the lite. As‘ he bill lllCl‘C ellt.‘ Sliltliâ€" “You don't ltok as though you had al- ways been a trump." “I li'.1\‘l"li‘l." lll‘ it] (ml. with. m CHM]th “I came from a \‘t :‘_ ~ toil fztiniiy,†She let him r‘ti in withth mhmum lion. inui after he in l lll‘d‘llt .l q“. ; .‘ “You so}. you c nu .‘t. :n a grid f.. .\lu\‘ I a~k the rum “it was rig-rlmnt." “\VllV.“ :llD >§llll. iii _ the name cf the (tctlpicr he aid. 1 N1. t. that's l h.- 1-. pic... “1 nelicrd it «in {he (Royâ€"plaid. 'l‘lldt'x' who I came fix, .1. lie s‘t his the in me just before I called lil“l'0 h ,____. The railway bridge which n’tmiwts Venice with the mainland is 12min) ft. i long, liti‘Xl tlvflfl‘ In: IT'S A MI TAKE TO BE BA D Thousands of men and women __ who were bald or whose hair was falling ' out, testify to wonderful results obtained from the Seven Sutherland Sisterl' Hair Grower and Scalp Cleaner. 4_ Sample sent free. Send 'IOC. to pay pone c to _'. =3: Seven Sutherland Sisters', 179 King St. est, Toronto. Price. Hair Grower 50c. and $1.00. . “L1.†._ m agar-«10:. ‘ Every packet wlll klll . moroflioothan V 300 sheets of sticky paper '1 FLY ;raas --â€" SOLD BY â€"â€" I' DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND GENERAL STORES -f tOc. par packet, or 3 packets for 250. i ' will last a whole season. CIRCUMSTAN'I‘IAL EVIDENCE. Master of the house (finding one of his silver sperms on the stops after a rccertlicn)â€"“llanl It seems one of any guests has a hole in his pc‘ikctl" Parents buy Mother Gravcs‘ \Vorm Exterminator because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual cxpeller of worms. A DELICATE TOUCH. Old Miss Bugch was Very deaf, and vtry sensitive about her infirmity. Such was her natural ijlt>\01‘nr~.\5 and highâ€. uity. however. that she usually tcscaped from serious embarrassment; and she al- ways so vehemently scorned ear-trumpets and devices of mechanical nature that her friends no longer dared to suggest them to her. Brit on one occasion things went not according to schedule. “She came in to borrow magazines yes- terday." said Mrs. Russell. who lived next door, “just after the piano-tuner had gene. He’d been here all the morning, making such an outrageous racket that 1 felt sure cvcn Miss Bugbee would be annoyed. But she hadn‘t been, not a mile. “1 said to her. ‘Miss Bugbce, I wish you cruld hear my daughter Sarah play some time. We all think she's improving} “I just meant I hoped she'd drop in some time when there were folks here, and we were having music. But she took it that I meant I was sorry she couldn’t hear. Did you ever? “Well, she up and remarked, very loft- ily indeed, ‘1 think she‘s improving, too, Mrs. Russell. 1 was going by this morn- ing. and I heard her playing way out on the sidewalk, and she seemed to have real touchâ€"real touchl’ †They Never Knew Failure.*Carcful observation of the effects of Parmclcc’s Vegetable Pills has shown that they act immediately on the diseased organs of the system and stimulate them to heal- thy action. There may be cases in v. inch the disease has been long seated and does not easily yield to medicine. but even in such cases these Pills have boon known to bring relief when all other socalled remedies have failed. These assertions can be subslan'tiated by many who have used the Pitts, and medical men speak highly of their qua« lilies. BELONG TO THE UNION. The Monkeyâ€"“I‘m going to move to the city next week.†The Apeâ€"“What are you going to do when you get there?" The Monkeyâ€"“Act as cashier for an or- gan grinder." Where can I get some of Ito‘sioways {turn Cure? I was entirely cured of my LGI‘IIS by this remedy and I wish some more of it fvr my friends. So writes Air. J. \V. lrown, tilllcago. AT LAST. lleaily Pattyi'dinv are yt‘u? Haven't 5 vii y u for tents; lion‘s th» wife?" 01.] At q a titanicâ€"“Sh “s all right.“ ll. l‘.v“ll:1! l ltrougltt you two to- ‘9 'h r. you rtml‘mtll‘r.†(l. .-\.i“Oh, its _\'\ll, i grudge h?" s it I (we a 7 An ignorant pl1‘~(ll is one who dot-Sui iknow w hat you have just found out, i i Chewing Tobacco 1 Rich and satisfying. The big black plug. ,' ' disease "Forrovim " is the best tonic. ' land in the “ Bread Basket†of the q NEEDED AT HOME. "i didn't notice you at the mothers†atiigiexs.’ “Nu,†replied the w« man addressed. “l‘m not a theoretical moth. r, you know. I have six." OHENI‘LLE CURTAINS .nd .11 hind. of homo Hunt-u. lllo 9"“ ‘I OLnnIl LIKE NIW Write w in about nun. . IIITIIII Allflllfll DYBIEO 00., In 133. Montreal .â€" A Mainline Chest in “Celtâ€"Only the \wll-lt'talw can afford to p0~§l§$< a ittt‘tllr cine. chest. but ltr. 'I'ilomas' licio-trlc (lit. \Vllllll is a medicine click! in list-if being a icntmly for rheumatism. lum- tbago. sore throat, colds. coughs, ea- tarrh. asthma and a potent heater for .weunds. cuts; l'ruiss. sprains. «flu. is within the reach of the i)(t0l‘(5‘., owing to its clzeapneSs. it should be in cH‘l‘V house. ' “ HIS MASTER'S VOICE" “I-‘ur hiven's saks. don't shoot, Caseyl VlcTon‘BERLmER GRAMDPHONES TWO OF A KIND. Ye forgot! to load yer gun!" “Dvgorry. Oi must, Pail wtnt waitl“ All prices and styles from 312.60 to $2.40. Wri“ for free catalogue. Dept, D. TORONTO GRAHOPHONE COMPANY 264 Vonge Street, Toronto. Agents wanted in every town. Th’ burd Fever the Curse of the Tro lCl- I h and tedious recoveries from t is anclnaï¬leosgge‘: Remem- FREE EXQURSION To Karemaas, the Hub of the Smithamcen Valley, In louthern British British Columbi- â€"â€"A Ohannce to see Kootenay'o Boundary and Dkanngan Valleys The Sinltlmmeen is Canada's most favored spot, where ()live,a.lmmid, paach,wine grapes nectartnes, melon. sweet potato, tobacco an and subtro icals atttin perfection in the open air, without. use of glass. and all northern fruits grow erfectiy. No light crop years. Four crops 0 over a. year Corn ripens in July, strawberries, cherries, africots, June 1. Ear- liest, fruit; district in )ominion. Na mud, mosquitoes or fruit postal. Dry air belt, the land of health and sunshine. Just opened by building of Great Northern Railway. Close to coast and prairie market-a. Open prairie lands. free of stumps, stone and brush, ready for plow. Lands low priced on easy terms. See the Simithnmean its the aqua. of the best parts of the world in first-hand openings for business, fruit growin , stock ralsmg, mixedf rining, mining, in tistrial o enings, limneinit ing, pleasure and place 0 rest. Not a. country to experiment or pioneer but one to retire uâ€"tested in cars. Spend your vacation outing here where fish‘ ing. hunting and Ft'enic beauty ore par excel- euca among the lofty Cascades. .We operate special low rate cxoursions twice a. month from eastern and western points. June 10, July 10 and 25. Address, BEAUTIFUL VALLEY LAND C0†108 Colony St., Winnipeg, Man, or Keremeos, 13.0. Phone 7378 bet the name, “ FERROVIM." There’s no hope for the man who dc- cllncs to give himsrlf a square deal. a“ N0 CROP, NO PAY! Fair finance is it not? Wild and improved farm land from $12 to 918 an acre, near and market .W., “Sas- ‘ kaichewan." Saskatchewan Settlers Land Agency l Wauchope, Soak. cacao * Wilma @005??? ; (grammes: to d/vrAnjo CANOE to n PETERBOROUGH CANADA ' The Bag. 6 Cheapest Canoasns .3.LaunchesEta SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUR PRICES BRE BUYING .r ‘1. Simply a Shredded Wheat wafer, containing in the smallest bulk all the nutriment and strength-glvmg material of the whole wheat. Appetizing and always ready to serve. Delicious as a Toast. with Butter, Cheese or Fruits. Sold by all grocers. for Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. 50 CENTS. ALL DRUGOIâ€"STEâ€"Oâ€"lgï¬â€˜ The Pango Company, Toronto WHOLESALE LYMAN BROS. & 00., Toronto and Montreal: LYMAN KNOX & CLARKSON. Toronto; NATIONAL DIIl'G C0., London. A. J. PATTISON 6: CO., 33 Scott 5t., TORONTO. Phone Main [3“ INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders executed for cash. CORRESP 0NDENCE INVITED. nix-Ex: CONEOY CARRIAGES have a provential reputation for style and durability. Don't Buy until vou see your nearest Carriage Agent and get full particulars, or write for No. 43 catalqu showing new and handsome desrgns for 1908. The Conboy Carriage 00., Limited, Toronto. ;?