Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jul 1908, p. 1

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. l / I. , $1 per annum, in advance. VOL. XXXI. u are @ibml IS PUBLISEIED EVER! HHURSDAY MORNING AT THE liBERAL PRINTINB a PUBLISHING_HOU8E RICHMOND RILL,0N1‘. 1'. F. McMAHON. Karma .9; Pnorarnou. r.~.. I, BUSINESS CARDS. g: . W ,I. EJON. Wi KINSOWW {Sorters-290i: TO Du. Csssrnv) RICHMOND HILL Graduate Victoria. Univrrsity Member College Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario Certif. l’olycliiiic, New York L Dist-«SM of the Lungs a Specialty, particularly consumption. glottal. DR. Fili‘ioiifii‘s‘fifiiif I)e ntist, iSUOCEssori To Do. H. W. Axmmson) Cor. Yonge and Bloor Sis. Toronto. “'ill he in Richmond Hill on \Vcd- nesday of each week. OMCQ next door north of Stand- . ard Bank. Oiflto Hoursâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Winning wt. .â€" ___ .__.__.~ JOHN R. CAMPBELL, I VETERINARY SURGEON, 3' 'I‘hornhill. ‘1 J 1/ Calls by telephone from Richmond 3 Hill charged to me. WR IGHT BROS, Undertakers fir Enlbalmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places - --i's>6z‘id'wu‘éh'dJfii'ti'rj'l'Lu, *- ' o J. H. Prentice. Licensed Auctioneer for the County 0! Yo k Goods sold. on consignment Genera.) nines Itoo eta uromptly attended to at reasonable rate! Residence Unionville G R (holding. Newton Brook, monitor the above T Ssigeon, J K McEwon Mup‘e Weston Saigon“ a: chEwen. Licmsed \lmtiuncnrs for the County of York. Silas Luanda: Iboon <h.x~test'iotirennd o. rea- emsblo rate~ Patronage solicited D. G. I: LOFGH, License Auctioneer to: bheCountyoi Yor‘: re- Ipectfully solicits your infirmungo and friendly i idiiuuca salés amended on the shortest. notice sulat eusumlxemtes P 0 address King .. l. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Instruction iII‘III’IIIIIiI:â€"iil;r)viiig and Pupil of :X. S. Yogi, Mus. Doc. (Piano) and J. H. Anger, F. R. C. 0. (Theory ). ’iuss MILLIE TREiiCH RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano I Prepares pupils for Primary. Junior, ' Intermediate examination at Tl-l‘niiLL) {‘ouserratory and (‘ullege of Music. Special course in “Myer-'s" Kinder- garten Method. particularly helpful to beginners. 4?.ly l RICHMOND H Emil. Danton, Dunn & Boult'bee Barrister-a, Sv-liclors, Etc. _ NATIONAL TRUST (VHAM BERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, (.‘anmln. FRANK Diem-ox, ' . HERBERT L. Urns W. MULOCK Bomrrnnr Phone Main 1111. Lee, Millik‘eii '8. Clark Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. S. \V. Currier King & Yoiigc Streets, TORONTO. Mulock,“ Private and Trust Funds to loan at lowest current rates. 0 u s Lindsoy.l\‘ O A G I" Lawtouce W'erloui n’auaworth Lindsey. Lawrence & W adsworth, Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries. kc. Home Life Bu'lding (former-Iv Free hold Loan Bldg.), Cor. Adelaide & Victoria Sis" Toronto. Pno-e Main 2934 J. M. LAING Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Richmond Hill Ofl‘lce. soutli-imt cor- ucr of Lorne Bldg, every Thursday afternoon. Toronto Office, 36 Toronto street. , MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. H WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER, Soucrron, NOTARY, E'rc. Toronto Office, 33 Richn rid St \Vest-, \Veslcy Buildings. m ' Richmond Hill Office, Standard ank Building, every Saturday afterâ€" noon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at Five Per- Cent (55’; . & M O IIGA Barristers and sollcllors. Mouev to loan oulsnd andchntt lowest rates Luronotfice~llemored tn the old post <2ch one door was Ontario Bunk Newmurkei oiice~Three pastoifice Hermann LENNOX G S'rV‘ Manon: Aurora 9 JAS. NEWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LlCENiiES, .EIaGIN 3111;] as H. A NfGHoLL NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, (‘onvcyanccn etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer oi Marriage Licenses. Biohmonc. Iâ€"Iill J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC C(fI-IMISSIONER, CUNVL‘YANFER. ETC. AGENth ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. REAL ESTATE. ETC. “THORNHIQL 1Mth 1271:; FY. NOTA RY PUBLIC, ooumssroxsrrx THE HIGH COURT 6F jUSTICE,&c. S ' Issuer of Marr'age Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. W ' THE PALMER HOUSE” PLEASANT VIILVV FARM : The proprietor of Pleasant View ‘ Herd Holstein Cattle and Hl‘l‘iulirl‘uf Improved Chester \V'hiic Hogs. l.ot ‘ 29, 1st (‘ou, Vaughan iTIlUl'IIIlIIIl has for sale» some good young stock. I 'I‘horouglihred hull and hogr kept for 1 service on the premises, V D. (I. GOODRIIII \\I. Proprietor Every accommodation travelling: public. (:oml Commercial Tl'dl'cIIt‘I'S. stableman. Harrv W"right I’IIOI’RIE'I‘OII th for Alli-mire f0 1' I't‘lllllg Ripnns Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules cure i‘latulencra Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. “In Essentiali, Unity,- in Non-Es el mortgages at doors south of the Newmarkel ILL. ON iRICllM 0ND HILL HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTIONS. Names are arranged in ouleruf "IOIV ii:â€" Louie McDonald, Minnie IIouuk, Edna lNourk, Ella Quantz, l.oi-anonderhani, Mini-II Risehiuugh. Irene Marsh, Har- lnld Smith, Hairy Bust-,(llara (losgi-ove. Murray Vanderliurgh, I'Idua MrNair, Liclla Kci‘fer, Lavina Rankin, \Vr-sley Palmer. Harland Pallno-I’. As sickness er'o-nird .Ioun Semi. Olive Morgan and Newton Brydon from taking the t‘xuullimliniifl they are punuotvd on their past year's l'r- euivi. Form I to Form II.â€" Fergus Jones. Milton \VellWood, Sic-Ila. (lox, 8r!) Toinlinson. Florence Flook. Frances Gibson. Carl Hill, Alice Page, Ella Reaiiian. Vernon Gibson, Florence McLean, Alice hit-Nair, Leslie McNair. Nelson (‘mIpi-i‘, Iiuy Rises I'm-ugh. Stella Ralph McConagliy, Margaret Cm‘it'. Irene Gordon. Florence Jones. Vera lit-aniuii, Lloyd Hill. Henry Bowes. *0.- â€"-â€"â€"Aâ€" There‘s a shape to eveiything that, Atkinson «\' Swilxer put up in ilic Way of clothing. â€"â€"â€".o.â€"â€"~â€"~ ENTRANCE EXAMS. The following report of successful Candidates who \Vl‘hbt' at the Eni ram-e Examinations atSchr-miwig, Bethesda and King was receive-d too law. In!" last, issue:â€" SCHOM BERG. Number- of candidates 28; passed 11. Brydmr. Hylmn; Harris. Roy; Lurkiu, Douglas: Luumx, Douglas; Lloyd. Gladstone; Mamiiant. Clarence; Mc- (hrtchenn, Sit-wait: McKt-ima, Marv; Smart, Mary; Street, Herman; “'ick- ens, Marchant. BETHESDA. Number of candidates 9; Honors: Brodie, Alex; and \Vallace. Ross. Pass: Boleurler, Clare; Baker. Ellis:' Chum-y. L.; Collard. Chas; Pike, Allan. KING. Number of candidates 25; paSsr-d 16; Honor-s: Corliss. Mary. Pass: Allen, Mabel; Brown, Ethel; Cairns, Jenn; Gillhain, Ada: Hamilton, Mearl;lrelaudJean: Rutherford. Hazel Andrews, (Thus: Gellatly. \Vultel': Gellatly, Huger; McDonald. \Vells; Phillips. Roselio, L.: Sturdy. (belie; Teasdale. Rennie; Thompson, Joseph. â€"â€".. Maple. Mr. J. G. McDonald is to he congratâ€" ulated on the success of his pupils at the recent examinations, I who tried the fifth class examination t or the anal-wee m we tour were successful. two Uflrilt‘lll pass- "illt‘g‘m ing with honors. Four out of six suc- Ceeded in passing the Entrance. Quite a number from here. attended the on Monday. Raspberries are a good crop this year, and many pickers can be seen weuding their way to the patch early every morning. Mrs. G. \V. Nixon and Miss Luta \Vclch, of Toronto, and Miss Bessie Nixmi of Hope, spent part of Thurs- day with Mrs. 'I‘. Cousins. Mr. I. H. Elliott of 'I‘or-ontn, spent Monday with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. l‘. H. Keys are spend- ing the week with friends in \Vcston. Mrs. “1. Button (if “'est Toronto Visited her brother. Mr. T. (.‘ousins, the fore. part of the week. Miss Florence Cooper and Miss Goodwin of Toronto visited over Sun- day at Mr. IV. T. Robinson’s, I Mr. Henry of Orangcville spent Sunr l day with his brother. Mr. O. B.IIenry, of the Sim-ling Hank. Mix. J. (lilison left on Tuesday to re- join her husband in Vancouver. She ‘ was accompanied as far as ()wen I Sound by her father, Mr. A. (‘aiiu-ron. I MORE iâ€"HAN TRUTH. Louise, after lit-lug: scolded, could 'lli'\(‘l‘ be reconciled lill Ili'l mother Iliad assurcd licr that she lured her, leiich resulted on one occasion in the following (Ildluutir': I “You don't love me." “Yes, I do love you." I “\Vell you don't talk like it." . ““Nell, how do you want me to talk?" l "I want you to talk to me like you 'do when you hrne ciiiiipany.’¥â€"'l‘lie August Ilcline-aior. irreev â€"~7‘ Piles are easily and iIuic 'ly L‘Ilf‘t‘kr’ll with Dr. Slioop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a ~Iizall trial hox as a convincing I".~I. Simply address- Illr. Slump, Hacinc. \Vis. I surely “mild izoi send it irce unless~ I was ‘cei-taiu that lsr. Hhx ap's‘ Magic Oint- ment “'llIlIli stand Iilt' lest. Itciiicni~ llt'l‘ ii is inarlc expressly and r‘llt-llt‘ for suolleu. p‘riiifill. lllt‘wlllig or lltllillg piles. citlivr external or inlcinul. :I.I1I'g‘"jiil'. Sllc. Soch by \V. A. Sandwi- soil. seutials, Liberty; in all Hi: T., THURSDAY, JULY] Form II to Form III.-*Fred Hiring l IVitiy, Erma Littva passed 7. ‘ OI the fire- Orange celebration at Aurora.I ngs, Charity." . G, IOOS PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIONS- BI‘IU‘V in an alphabetically arranged list of the Promotions made in Junior ‘ Division of the Richmond Hill Public School. The Fourth Tahch Class will shortly Iii-conic iheJunior Part Second iClass. The names of the seven who Wei -- promoted from this room appear- ed last week. From .Ir. Pt. II to Sr. Pt. II.â€" . G\\e-ndolinP Ball, (‘nra Benson, Ella I (‘i-iiiisky. Violet Darling. Luella Eyer. ‘ Lizzie (iihhs, Arthur Harding. May Lmu-iy, Emma Michael. Bricie Patton. Velnii Ransom. Laura Tyndall, Irene Thompson, Fred Vanderhurgh, Libby l Rnhinwin (rec), From 8rd Tath to Ith Tablet:â€" Erncst Allen, Maud Beyuon, May Gibbs, Lauder Glass, Arthur Harding. Johnnie Lyneit, John Palmer, Mary Robinson. From 2nd Tablet. to 3rd Tablet:â€" Susy Blane-haul. Ethel FiilkliPr. Cecilfila‘ss. Ackei-Iey Innes,Coi-a Smith, 1 George “'iley. From Ist. Tablet. to 2nd Tahiti:â€" Jaim-s Andrews, Dennis Beynou. Clara-nee Benson. Harry Darling, \Vil~ lie Gihlis. EdnaGrango-r, IreneLowr-ry, Clara Mackic, Annie Marsh, Helen Marsh. EVa McKay. Lily McKay, Roy McKenzie, Loretta Robinson, Stanley Ransom, Gordon Smith, Mabel Ruinin- son (rec). â€"â€"â€"-o« I VILLAGE COUNCIL. The regular meeting of the council was held on Tuesday. July 7, in the Council chamber. All the mem- bers present. Minutes of previous meeting read and continued. The following accounts were pro sented. and on motion payment was oi'do rod of the same: ‘Valter Ileadiiian. grading . . . .$ 22 50 J. T. Startup, work for June. . . 45 50 L. Iuncs It Sons. lumber, etc. .. 36 02 A letter was read from Dr. J. 1. Gas- sidy resigning the position of Medical Health Officer. On motion I)r. Cas- ‘ sidy’s resignation was accepted. Conununieaiions were read from the Markham ip. council, The Ontario I Railway and Municipal Board, and the Ontario Municipal Association, upon which no action was taken. - A request from the assessor for a bonus in ('muiPctiun with his work of assessing was considered, and on ma- Lion the council granted the assessor a hoan of $5. John '1‘. Star-trip was appointed. by resolution, to he pound-keeper for the village. I The clerk was instructed to order tar for sidewalks. I Counciladjourncd. . A. J. HUME, Olerk. l I “H. The best. XXX white wine vinegar, 30 cents per gallon; Long Point cedar I the strength of “Proof,” 30c. gallon: English malt vinegar. Atkin- son & Swiuer. â€"â€"â€".O.‘ News Notes. Professor N. R. Carmichael onuL-eii‘s College, Kingston. died at the resi- dence of his hrothcr-in-law, Mr. J. L. Jenkins, King, \Vediiesday, July 8. Funeral Friday from the home of his father, Rev. Dr. Carmichael. A fatal accident occurred on the 9th inst. on the farm of Oliver Burton, 9th con. Vaughan, near “'oodhridge. His little son, six years old. was on the wagon while they were loading hay. The horses started suddenly, mei-halaucing the loader of the hay. As he t'rll the fork pierced the child's 1' breast. He died shortly after. ' The town of Aurora was crowdele Monday. l3! l1 July. when the stores’ and many of the i-csidcnces were, dec- orated with flags and hunting. About, 10,000 people are said to have been present. and over LUUU orangenien marched in procession. A number ofI speeches Were made in the parilion, a I nuuilier of hands played, and a pro- prainnir- of spoils was carried out in 1 the cl'it‘kt‘l Ili'lll. I \Vardi n Keith and (‘r-unty (ioni- iiiissionei s of roads and bridges Messrs. \V. I1. l’iigsley and Isaac Nevins, lie» companied by Engineer Macdougall.‘ \‘isitcd a number of county bridges list \\'t‘t'k,, Those examined wore in the Western {mm of the county and were Scai-lett's Bridge over the, IIllnlIlPl', \Vadswor'tli's and Urulilie‘s. The cirniinissiL-iicis will (:Hlltllilllf‘tllt‘ll' \ isit of inspection later. A serious auridmit happens-d I.'l\I.I Thursday to His“ liiniiia Smith of the Yi-ik Mills~ Illllll. Miss Smith was carrying a Il’i.\lll when she trippl-d and fell, Ill Ilt'l' fall Iill‘nklllt" Ill" lissiii. .1 sharp piece of which sf-Vwred suinci'l' the ailei'ies and veins in her \t'll>‘. Til" \vziund bled prr-fuwlv and llr. Ilohcrty. who was hastily szimâ€" nioned, surcecdi-d only after irri- hours“ hard work in siaunchiri;r lIi" flow of blood and dressing the “Howl. Miss Smith is \‘l‘l‘y \‘ivak. liut IL. Ill-lil'll)‘ is hopeful that no >"l'lwh l>'\lll.‘\ will follow. [Single copies, 3 cts. 7 u Open Your Mouth Like a young bird and gulp down what. over food or medicine may be ofl'ered you 'I 1 Or, do you want. to know something of the composition and character of that. which you take into your stomach whether as food or medicine? Most. intelligent and sensible people now-a-days Insist. on knotvlng what. they employ whether as food or as medicine. Dr. Pierce bellevos they have a. perfect. right to insist upon such knowledge. So he publishes, cut and on each bottle- w clues are made oi This a; i3]; 0,11! dam which his medicines o u . are made are sin I w ersu rorcun ivev or the care 0! women's peculiar weak- nesses. irregularities and derangemeuts, giving rise to frequent headaches, back- ache, draggingâ€"down pain or distress in lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom- panied, outlines, with a. debilitating. pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp- toms of weakness, Dr. Plerce’s Favorite Prescription is a. most efliclent remedy. It, Is equally eflective in curing painful periods, in giving strength to minim: mothers and In preparing the systern of the expectant mother for bab ’3 coming. thus rendering childbirth an e and com- parntlvely painless. The "Favorite Pre- scription " is a. most potent, strengthening tonic to the general 3 stem and to the organs distinctly iemln no in particular. It is also a. soothing and invigorating nervine and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration neuralgia, hysterin spasms chorea or St. Vitus 3 dance, an other distressing nervous symptoms at» mndant upon functional and organic dis- eases oi the distinctly feminine or am. A host of medical authorities 0 all the several schools of ractim, recommend each at the several ngredients of which "Favoriie Prescription" is made for the cureoi the diseases for which it is claimed to be a. cure. You mady read what. the say for yourself by son ing a. postal car request. for 3 fm booklet of extracts irom the leading authorities, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invallds Hotel and So: let] I!) suture, Buflalo, N. Y., and it wl come to You by return poet. . Be up-to-date and buy your- self one of McLaughlin’s High-grade Carriages Made up of the best ofma- terial and workmanship, with AI standard wheels. Over fifty different styles to choose from. N. J. Glass Agent Richmond Hill Are you ready for Spring Every day brings it nearer, nml as it draws near we begin to hit-k around, and see how much we really must have. How about PRINTS and MUSLINS for dresses. We have new lines in these goods which ,are very line and wash splendidly. and at prices which would really astonish you Better come and have a look at these goods. ‘ Also a new, fresh line of' GROCER- IICS: nothing like nice, fresh goods in this line. Then there‘s: linusccleaning needs, - we have all needs in these. Now you really need some new curtains and art satceiis to give iEr ironic that nice i'rcsli appearance utter cleaning. We have just “lull you are Licking for in this, also or w lines in Satin Ribbons all widths i‘el frills. (to. island? Tiiornhill ice yin? {JEEQJLH OLE!” 5.5312339.

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