every town in In face of the above statements why taik of “equal. rights†and “religious libertyâ€? The one lonely teacher in a city of 200,000 inhabitants to be dismiss- ed because she is a Catholic, 21 law to be passed prohibiting a. Catholic from becoming Premier of this country. We'have before us No. 1, Vol. 1 of The Better Day, a paper just starLed in the city of Winnipelr. The new weekly aims at moral reform, and the prohibition of the manufacture of intoxicating liquors as a beverage throughout the Dominion. In read- ing over a half column of ne\ '5 items we were struck with the following pertinent q:1estiori:-“Wliieli is cheap; or, to convert a Cliinuman living in Canada, or one in China?" A few Chinainen are to be found in nearly to say the churches show interest in the conversio thousands of miles away I21 In Aurora on Monday Mayor Oliver of Toronto said:-â€"“Orangeism teaches equal rights to every man, free speech and religious liberty." Mayor Baird of West Toronto said:â€" “I believe if the principles of the Orange order were better understood we would, before many years. have Catholics joining with us in celebrat mg the Twelfth of July." The World of Tuesday quotes Rev. A. H. Bruce of the Cobourg Baptist Church as follows:â€"“He hoped the day would come when a law would he passed prohibiting a Catholic from becoming Premier of Canada.†~Tbe Orangemen of West Toronto district a few days ago petitioned the Board of Education to employ no teacher who was a Catholic. In their letter they say “We demand that as Protestants and Public school support- ers our: rights be properly cared for and that only Protestant teachers be elected to teach our children. I There can be but one object in Rome want- ingto place teachers in our schools :iiitl"'\\‘e know if you do not, that with Rome the cndjustities the means. or-fin other words, she wants to draw on: children away to Rome." It will be diflicult to convince the one Roman Catholic teacher in To- ronto that the Royal Scarlet Chapter is her friend. ' Would it not be more charitable to suppose that the young lady is more concerned about earning an honest living than she is about “drawing our children away to Rome"? Has she ever been charged with trying to betray her trust? ’t‘olprotect their rights and libertlés-aa' well as our own.†But, (you; 'tl‘le Bume platform Rev. John Cobu'rn suid:â€"“It mav seem small we should object to the appoint. mont of,a Roman Catholic lady as a tqéiichér in a PrOtestant school, but tlla'rl: appointment would be only the thin edge of the wedgeâ€, etc. Cathei'ics, and expresses surprise and reg-yet that the latter do not see it. At'the Exhibition grounds on Satur- day Grand Master Sproule in a speech saildjvn‘Ei'er'yonc who valued freedom should ï¬lly-himself with the Orange 0rd¢kÂ¥l§oman Catholics should re- gard us as friends, not. as enemies. {It )3 digï¬gplt t9 rqconcile some of the atatetixénts madé ’by' 'e’pedkefs. about the 12th of July. s KN‘éur'ly every Orangoxpeakprlclaims that Orange. ism is the true friend of Roman MI "; â€" szuflorm HILL. ONT.. July 16. _1098 st of nerting Ll at! Hull of Mrs. Bull 0 Dunl 1th us at PERSONALS. "EQUAL RIGHTS." md Hem-y ‘ : at Syd ï¬ihmii. IUSC hes show a greatel Convemion of those Ilfl( away than t their own spem 11mm. but it is safe Rev. Dr. S. D. Chnwn, General Seo- retary of Temperance Prnhilvitinu and Moral Refmm fur the Mvthodist church, and his wife. were in town on Tuesday and wu‘e the guests of Mr. W. A. Sanderson. Mr. Stephen Nigh :md daughter uf Upland, CAL, fmmcrly (If Markham, are here on an extended visit; among relatives and friends. Mrs. Nigh and other members of the family will come later in the season. j Mr. and Mrs. AHan Mm-Lpnn and children of Cornwall and Miss McDon- aid are here to spend the summer va- cation with Mrs. B. McDonald. Mr. C. H. Ellstnn of Tux-nutâ€, who was ï¬nishing up :1 tlu't-e-WH-ks‘ hnli- day in Uhxcngn and other plug-vs. was in the village on Fliduy. Mrs. Law and Mus. Cummings and daughter. \Vest Turnntu. Spl'IIL “'vd- nesday with Mr. S. M. Brown. 3115. Law's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Peter (Inle and I‘m-w children of Hamburg. N. Y.. spout a week with Mrs. Jucub Eyer and re- turned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Slnun and Master Gun-dun Slmau lk'ft Satmday «waning for a week’s holidays aL Hamilton. Brantfm-d. and Ayr. Mrs. Gog». Redditt and son. Rohelt. have rotunwd zxflvr a- teâ€, (luys‘ visit with Mrs. Alfred Reddilt in B‘un-icuud Mrs. Studdart. Guthrie. Rev. Mr. Brace addressed a monster picnic domnnstrntinn of [he Tc-mper- ance people nf Durham Dlstl'ict (In \Vednesduy uftm'nuou. Mr. W. Smith, principal rï¬ Rose Ave. school. Tornnlu, and Mus. Smilh made a Visit with Mr. and Mrs. P. 6. Savage. Mr. L. Johnston of Blantfurd is making it visit with llisdzlaghtcl'strs. W. Maltin of this place and MIS. J. Boyle, Lnngstzlï¬. Miss Brown of Tm-nnto- )Phu'nsd Tuesday after u twn-works†visit with hm-‘gl‘undparenls, Mr. and Mrs. \Vu). Jones. M). and Mrs. S. M. Bruwn and grand daughter Rhndu Brown spvnt lust Fri- day at, Mr. Geo. Keï¬er’s. Maplv. E ALL 6000 THINGS Rev. E. H. Tnye is uwny fun-n couple of weeks' rest. He will spend the greater part of his holidays in Parry Sound. Mr. George Robins is leaving the Richlimnd'Hill bnkvry this Work. hav- ing secured a position in BH'lin city. Mrs. Ellsworth Keys of Cnncnrd is mukipg a week’s visit with her pur- r-Ms, Mr. and Mrs_. J. Eyer. ‘ ~Dr. -' Cnulter. " Deputy Postmaster- Gunemh culled on his siolurs ln-ru on Monday. Miss Lila Hill uf Elmvulv has b-en Making a Visit with hl‘l' cousins and other friends. Miss L'eek :md be'r niPc». Miss Ni-llie M. Hopper, Sptjllt Munduy, visiting relativcs in Aux-om. Mr. Genrge Topper is sponding n Week in Claremnnt with his flielid. Mr. Garnet Dickeuson. 1 Mr. and Mm. \VmJloss of \Vinnipé-g. spent Friday with Dr. and Mrs. W].- kinsun. . Mr. W'uller Frislly nf Vicuu'in Squn re 9:15am mar Squday with Mr. Sun r Mc- Mahon." '1 ' J ‘ i ‘ A. II. Sayce, LL.D., D.D., of Oxfoxjd University, Eu land, has recently, sax}! of it: It is iudeo a marvelous work; it IS ditllcult to conceive of a. diclionnry more pxbaustivo and complete. Evex'ytlnngis in lt-not only what, we might, expect to ï¬nd in such a work. but also what few of us wouldeverhnve lhought of lookingfor. A supplement to the new edition has bruught it fully u to date. I have been looking through t e laner with a. feeliu of astonishment at its completeness. an ‘he mount of labor that has been put into 1:. must win upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. (the highest award) was given a; {he‘ln- ternational at the World‘s Fair, St. Louis. THE GRAND PRIZE ILC rent \ll STRATED l um AGAZINE SPRING and SUMMER Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hange . (33115 from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL is now complete comprising ‘ Black and Blue VVoxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. cattle and hogs. Also shorts and lxighesti‘possiblg prices paid at the Elevatbr. Lax-e15 5 and good American com (old). "J. H. RAM W; H EW'Eéié 5‘7 HOUSE PAINTER, Lax-e33 5 For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity-f Also file. STEAM COAL NUT, STOVE, FURVACE The‘Next 8}“ng uf Divminn Court 1m Ni). 3, Cnimtvy of York. will hr ln-ld in the Court, Room. Saturday, October 3, 1908 DIVISION -' IIIIUIII. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. " Anyone landing a sketch and deacflgtlon may quick] ascertain our opinion free w ether an went, on . !5 vro‘zthx Peter-52221.6“??? 939.9599: Its A handsomer mutated weakly. Largest cu. culmion of any acnemmo Journal. Terms for Canada. 3.2.75 2. year. postage prepaid. Sold by All newsdealers. MDNN &_803°_'§r°=1mz-_Newlark Invention In probably vntemnbleï¬I mmunlcaâ€" Nona strictlyconndontlal. HANDB D on Pawm mm. tree. Olden: a oncy for seem-mg ma. Patents man t mu 1: Mann & nooks swim gouce, wï¬pgut c a_rge. 111mg Best quality A. J. HUME, My Stock 01 Wool ll “‘l‘ "Riparus Tnbulé’sréurie bad bréétn; Rinans Tnbules: at drugglsts. Ripanu Tabulea: for sour stomach. All kinds of grain bought Bran and Victor Feed for Séienfï¬iï¬ic Mam. Richmon Tailor, Richmond Hill Best Scranton coai. llt For threshing engines. RICHMOND HILL )nmmoncinz at 10 T. F. MCMAHON C Mar (1 Hill G C Sweet to Eat‘ A Cand" Bowel Land". .“Ket. C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Luann Low†prices it. In. ms for ail]. in the O A S S E L L 8’ Canadian 1? u b â€" ï¬shing Company Termsâ€"Ten (10) per cent of the pur- chase money shall be paid in cash at the time (If the sale and remainder 1H thirty (30) days thereafter, 01* the pur- chaser may at his option pay sufï¬cient with the (lepnsit to make up forty (40) per eenl: of the purchase money and leave the balance secured by mqrtgage bearing interest at six (6) per ceut per annum. Further particulars and conditions will be made known at the time of sale and may he obtained meantime on application to the undersigned. Dated at Toronto, July 7, 1908. GREGORY & GOODERHAM, Ven- dors Solicitors, Canada Life Buildâ€" ing, 46 \Vest King St., Toronto. Cassel’s Magazine, per annum The Story Teller . . . The Quiver . r . . . Musical Home Journal . The Girls’ Realm . The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to. send to forelgn couatries for maga- zines. Read the following:â€" These properties we situated in one of the ï¬nest fanning districts in the County of ank. Tth are convenient to post ofï¬ce, school and Cllul'Chl‘S and Lostutions on the Midland and Can- udian Northern Railway :md the Men i-opnlitan Railway un Yonge Street. Each parcel will be offered for sale separately. This is 2L splendid oppor- tunity to obtain a fine homestead. Parcel 1. Part of the e; the south half of Int Huxlth in the third wncessiun of ship of Markham. Cnumixlb (16) acres. lume or less. ’zu‘ccl 2. The nmth h:fo of the east haiï¬uf 1m»: number eight (8) and the east. half of lot nnxnhm- nine (9) in the third cunuessinn, and the north wvst quarter of lot, number eight(8) in the fourth concession, the whole Containing two hundred (200) acres, inure ('1' lt'SS. Upon this parcel the-re isu dwelling huusc, also muns :m] ULht‘l outbuildingsand n gnnd (urch- uid; there is :1. spring SLH‘HIH running through :1 pm'tinn of this pal-cpl. Parcel 3. The east half nt‘ lot nmn~ hex- ten (11)) in the third cuncessinn of the Township of Markham containing une hundrle (100) acres, more or less. Upon this parcel tlu‘re is a brick dwelling house. a large new bank barn and other nut-lnzildings. A spring strvam runs across the north east cur ner uf this parcel. Thé sale will be subject to a reserve bid. . Under instructions fmm the Exec- ntms of the Estate of the lam. Jonath- an Slater. there will he nl‘ful'ell for sale by pllllllc auction at Hugle Hu- te-l in the Village of Thm-nhill, on Monday the 27m day of July, 190%, at one-thirty «Ru-luck in the afternoon, by J. J. Lunau Auctinnwr. the fullmving valuable farm [)l'llpr‘l‘tlt’s in lhe Town- ship of Markham in the County of l’ul'k. EXECUTORS SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY ' IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM. One hundred acres on 3rd (:nn. uf Markham with comfortable hulls», hunk lmqn, and utlwr outbuildings. All in good n-pnir. About half-annih- frmn (V. N. 0. station ML Gm-mlt-y. Gum! umlm- swamp in the tour. Tt-Hus to suit pumhnm-Ii ‘ Apply tn 3l-tf Dairy Farm Building Int (-11 (Tenn-v Stu-Pot, Rich- mond Hill, mist ut Pursunugv. Apply Lu J A M ES NEW TON, Cureâ€"taker wu'me-d‘fur thr Pl'mhyter- inn nhun'h. Apply 10 'l‘hnnms New- tun. nl whnm-residence [he :mrm-uwut may be sewn, l-2 Two mum-d Cnu-rt-d Snrra-y, u-mde hand, in guud_m§lur. em [0 Sub Caretaker Wanted For Sale For Sale JACOB ICYICR & SON. H. A. NICHO LIB, Real Estate Agent. Richmond Hill for Sale Ritlmmnd Hill. Elgin Mills. 'st part nf -r eighbw) (he Town- sixteen W. w. CORY. Deputy 0f the Minister 0f the Intprinr. N.B.-â€"Unnuth(v1'i'/.0d publication of this advertisement, will nut bee paid for. 41-Gm ++++i-Ԥ-+-2'++++++++++++++++++ (.3) A hmnosteafler intending ta) perâ€" fnrm his I-vsidonredutios in :lccsI-rd‘nnee with the ablnvo while living with par- ents m‘ on Fanning land owle by himself must notify the Agent for the district (If such intention. SIX months’ nnticv in writing must be. given to the C(rmnisaimwr of Du- [Hilliull Lands at Ottawa, of intention to apply for Bittgpt. ++++++++++w+++++~z~saw-swank:- upon and cultivatinn of the land in web year for three years. (2) A hmnvsteuder may if he so dc-a sin-s, pei-fmm (he rvquix-pd ro.-:id<-nce dutivs by living m. farming land owna 0d Snivly by him nut, less than eighty (9‘))acres in extent. in the vicinity of his hmnostend. Juiul; nwuerships in law? wili mat. NH-‘PL this requix-omewnt. (3) If thv father (or muther, if the father is deceased) nf a honu-atcndvr has pvrumnent x-vsidence on farming land nwm-d snleiy hy him. nut. loss than eighty (8t))nc1'rs in extent, in the» Vicinity of the hmnosté‘ud. m' upon a homestead entered for him in the Vicinity, such hvnwsteadm' may perform his nwn residence duties by living with the father (or mother). (4) The Kenn: “vfcinity†in the twu px't-ceding paragraphs is deï¬ned as uwaning not, more than nine miles in a direct line. exulusivo of the width (-f road allowances crossed in the turns- mement. Application fur entry must he made in pt-rsun by the. applicant VII a Dmniw inn Lands Agency or Subâ€"Agency fur the disllict in 'whivh thv land is situate. Enny by proxy may, how- un-r. be {ixflfle at an agency on cvltain mayï¬iinhs‘ ray tvhv father. mother, sun, daughtvr, In-mhvr hr sister uf an in“ tending humustmder. The hnmostendm' is required to per- fm-m the homestead dllLiQ‘S under um: “I the fullmvitlg plan»: (1) "pm: cuch NY oven numhcwd svcliunu nf Dominion Lands in Bluuilnlm, Sasknwhewnn and Allwx-ta. excepting 8 and 26. nut reserved. may he hman NLendc-d by any persUn win: is the snlu hHId nf n. family. or any mule (.vr'r 15% yeurs uf age. to the extent, nf oneâ€"r quzu-u-r suction of 160 acres, more 01’ lvss. Sy nc-psis of Canadiln North- . _ West /g ELPIOTT Jaw/#5 This college stands First in Popularlty. Thoroughnessand Genuine Merit. Go wnere you will . vou will ï¬nd uurgrnduntes pushâ€" ing to the front. Their superiur training enables them to get and hold ï¬rst-class positions. College open all summer. Enter any time. Write for catalogues. . J. mama. Those who know best the merits of thi school are its staunchesc a Importers. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.. W. A. Samiersnn Pam GENERAL BLACKSMITH, HOHESTEAU REGULATIONS Fat} Term Opens Sept. 1 AND SAT 3 und the x‘ At leustvs-ix lunnths' “mid: GIN MILLS M RONTO. GET. Green JG A SPECIALTY 1- (or muthe-r, if the d) (If a honu-stmndvr wsidence on farming }y hy him, nut. loss crrs in extent, in the» )TTW ‘A’ / 4, ///‘/ UH 2"! AR tly employed It», has taken ‘53 vacated by red to uttemi STE me i n