Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1908, p. 4

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“There is in Canada a vast a of timbeer land, and that him has a value altogether beyond commercial value. It is being: 1 and i: is necessary measures for the p: The Canadian Forestry Association hive issued a pamphlet called “The Forests and the People," which sets forth the aims and objects of that As- sociation. Those who are in a posi tion to know realize that our Canadi- an forests are in danger of being ex- hausted if something is not done to rreservc our valuable timber. The object of the Canadian Forestry As- sociation is to warn the people against the serious consequences of forest destruction, and to arouse an interest in the question of preserving our forest wealth. It can hardly be ex pccted that the vast extent of the Canadian forests can be thoroughly protected from fire, yet much can be done along this line by a well thought out and well managed system. Hon. Frank Oliver, Minister ofthc Interior, recognises the importance of protect- ing our forests as the following, taken from one of his addresses will show:* Great Britain is naturally conserv- ative. When that country adopts a principle it adheres to it with the greatest tenacity. Manv years ago England turned her back on what is known as Protection and since that time she will have nothing to do with anything bearing that name. If pro- tection could be changed to some other name Great Britain might be induced to consider the pros and cons of the question. For twelve years, during which interval twelve million cattle have been imported from Can- ada, not a single case of pleuro-pneu- inonia has been found, yet the English authorities insist on all Canadian cattle landing at their ports, being placed in quarantine. This means trouble and expense to Canadian shippers and hence lower prices to the Canadian farmer. It would look better it England would come out plainly and say; “we must protect our farmers against Canada". In- dications, however, point to a change in the near future. The latest ang nouncemcnt is that three hundrcdl members of the British House of Commons have pledged themselves to ‘ work for the removal of the cattle‘ l l embargo. According to the report of the in specter of Legal Offices for the past year, the fees and emoluments of the judicial oflieers ofthe county of York and city of Toronto amounted to $52,781.14. The total amount re- ceived by County Sheriff Daville for the year's services was $6,623.38, his net income being $4380.28; Surrogate Judges, Winchester, $2,600; Morgan 8,600; Morson, $1,600. H. L. Dray- ton, K. 0., Crown Attorney, total earnings and salary in all offices, $7,164,93;netincome, 2,839.65. 11. E. Irwin, K;,C., Clerk of the Peace, total earnings and salary, $7,528.27; net income $3,833.77. John Richard- son, County Court Clerk total earn- ings and salary, $4,327.85; net in- come, $2,147.76. Joseph Tait, Sur- rogate Registrar, total earnings and salary, $10,902.85; net income, 85, 511.74. Sherifl‘ Mowat, total earn- ings and salary, $13,020.15; net in- come, $7,407.46. Crown Attorney Corley, commuted, $3,500. ea 1‘ RICHMOND HYLL. 051.. August 6. 1908 ‘03? S to SCCUI‘C .ninst @112 fiihcml. ~ft ,er rear 10 a S VILLAGE COL NClL. ll! it I The fantprints nt‘ Dyspepsia have been directly traced tn the Stomach nerves. \Vhen those “inside Ind-res“ fail. indigestion and stnmach distress must sm ely result. For this. druggists everywhere are supplying a prescrip tinn known as Dr. Shunp's Restorative First. these tiny inside Stomach. Heart. and Kidney nerves fail. Then gas belching, Heart pillpitution, nr failing Kidneys follow. Don't drug the Stomach, nr‘stimulate the Hezut m- Kidncys. Thatis wrung. Strengthen those failing nerves with Dr. Shnop’s Restorative. It is the nerves. not the urgams that are calling for help. W im- in 48 hours after starting the rnstora- tire treatment. you will realize the gain. A test will It ll. Snld by \V. A. Sander-Sun. Many plPasant afternuons have been spent at. barn ruisings in the vicinity of Maple during the past mnnth. Th». following farmers lia ve had nvw harm; built with stone buseuu-nt.s: J. G. W. Cunsta hle. lot 21. Cum 6; Thns. Mathia- son. lot 17. con. 3; Joseph Fisher. Int 2‘ con. 3; H. N. Ketfer. lot 9. con. 4: M. \Vitty, lot 10. con. 3; Harry Rumble. lot, 21. con. 3. Notice To The Public Charles Stmchan, propriotnr of the Davisville Hotel. was chm-ng yesterday with breaking the Inca! upliou banw by selling liqum nn his prmnises. The case was tried hy magistrate Ellis. Fine, $25 and costs. Unllege. has accv Led u call lrmn the- Preshylm-ians nf ew Beach. and will be inducted Friday evening. The sum of $500 will be given tn [he funnel- pastor emeritus. Rev. J. \V. Bell. :15 a retiring allowance. PE NNYROYAL VVAFERS. Bm'. B. S. Black, a graduate nf Knnx gullqge. hay; accgpged 1: call Iron) the- Yesterday was Aurora's Civic Hnli- duy: The feature of the day was an excmsinn under the auspices nf the Fire Brigade to Niagara Falls. Residents in tho vicinity of Sher- wood. and the many traunstern who have to cross the G. 'l‘. R. near this Elana going and returning tn the citv 0th late and eurly. hope t hat Vunghnn Council will see their way tn Imild :uuhwny. as they are doing mm: “’und- bridge. The gradv is higher mrr the G. T. R. than it is over tlw C. P. R.. and the track being so much hidden near the Sherwnnd crossing. make-3 the apprnnvh very dnthI-nus. Only a few years ago a fatal accident occurred at this place. Piles helped at once with Dr. Slump‘a Magic Ointment. Just Kn prove it. n trial box will he mnilvd on request. by writing Dr. Shcnp, Racine. \Vis. lich- ing. smut-ting, bleeding piles. internal or external. et quick and certain help frum Magic iImm-nt. L-n-ge box 50c. Sold by \V. A. SundeI-snn. and freigiic. . 2m 57 Ontario Paving Buick Cu..hrick. 20 80 J. T. Stnxtup. Work on SLI'CPLS... 75 J. Rainer, tile. .. . 95 T. F. McMahon. plinting and stationery . . . . . 21 75 By-luw No. 217 was pussed, fur lht' purpnae of ban-rowing $600. Councillor Sundvrsvn intruduced By-law No. 218. to authorize the h-vv- ing and collecting uf mtrs und taxes fn_r__the ‘current year. The bv-luw which fixed the tutul tut-e of taxminn fur 1908 at 22 mills, was given its several readings and pulsed. __ gmvél .. 2 27 F. Leece. work on gnu-9L . . . . . 3 50 John Deadumn, \vnrk nn slum-Ls 47 60 T.& Y._R.R.. gravel, sewer pipv.“_ _ II The fnllnwing accounts wore pmsrd and payment mdeâ€"reâ€"d: Jns. Hull. oil. Etc" . . . .. . . . .. . $53 56 Jno. Elppringhmu, work an ty, inviting the council tn send delv- galtes to as meeting (Ill tho ZULh inst. the object of the mveling being [u get the view“: of various unllliuipuiiLivs with reference tn suburlmn railway Bt'I‘ViL‘e into 'l‘m-nntn. ()n InnKirm the. whole cmmcil was nppninLL-d a duh-ga- tinn to uttend. 1~unt< R Q; Saw Council adjourned, zu‘ing‘ made arrangements WE: GEO. COLEMAN BAKING (‘0 )st 6 Ill ln‘eald lllt u-ther inf Newsâ€"Noses Kin ‘l I“ - r r .7 ~- w- "r I'D-Uh Hp“ mad by ororsupoohndle: Emma med mu use again. luvlguxnge. mesa organ; Buy at your druggst only Linus with our slmmture acres. [ace orlubcl. Arum substitutes. Stand aruculammuuw :csump. I. can vox, Address, BULLEKA CH ‘MI :11. oouPANx. Dsnom mm A specch monthly mudlclna for indie. to mun-c and regulate [ha meme: Hrodhuclng (tine, heath] luv! plumes. I\ ~ ' Sherwood. h u t )1 mat part A. J. HUME, Ulm-k. 1ftv( to furnish T0- vage Thl Ind 1d August 19th and Snpt. 9th. from all stations on T1 runtn-Sdrula line and smxih thereof (in Canada). August, 22m] and Sept. ll, from all statinns east of Tomnlu-Nm-Lh Bay linP. tnnnd including Kingston. For the three excux-sinns in August special trains will he run from all pnints on the G. P. R. If you are in any duuM, as to date uf excursnn from your diSlllItl’, apply to local U. P. R. agent. whn will also furnish times of special trains‘ or write to C. B. Faster, District l’ussvngm- Agont. C. 1’. R., Toronto. To meet, as fan'ns possible the unusual demand fm farm laborers in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta. the (Janâ€" udiun Pacific Railway will run spvciul second Cllls‘i excursions frmu all On- taI-in shatiuns. (Just uf st one~wny licâ€" ket t0 \Vinnipeg is $10.00, and \Vinni- peg to points where laborers contract, to work they will he cumide Without chargv. After at least; nne month's work in the harvest field. a. ticket back to Onluriu starting point will be issusd at $18. Tickets are only good on farm luburers‘ special trains. and will he is- suvd to wnmen. hut nu half-rate for childreu qu ing dates of excursions are as fullmvs:â€"- August 14th and Sept. 8th. from all statinns in NW territory lwtwe‘en Tn- mntn-Nm-Lh Buy line and '1'urpnto-Sar- niu line. 25.000 Men Wanth for Western Harvestmg‘ MW LABDRERS’ EXGURSIGNS cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. STEAM COAL For sale at the C. N. 0. Station, or delivsred in the village and vicinity:â€" NUT. STOVE, FU RVACE Best Scranton coal. Elecinrs an: called upon to u-xnminu the amid List and if :my mnissiunn In July uthl' Q'I‘I'HI'S are {Mind llwntin to lake innm-dinu- proceedings (n have (he said “run: Curl-acted urcnl'dihg to law. C. H. STIVER. Clerk «If the said Mnninipulily. Dutgd this 30m day of July. 1908. Also rile NotiCP is hereby given that l have transmitted m- delivered Ln 1h:- por- suns uwnlimwd in Svctinns Night and Ninenf the "Ontario Vutvrs' List Act" the copies required by said svctiuna to be so li-smsmiltt‘d m- uleliw-re-d of the- List made pursuant Ln said Act. nfull persmw :ippn-nriug hy the lust Revised Assessmvnb Hull of the amid municipal- ity to he entitled to Hit» in lhl‘ mid municipality at Elections for Members of the lmgislalive Assembly. and at Municipal lClt-ctiuns: um] that (he said Lia! was first, pustt‘tl up at my i-fflm- n! the Village of Unlnnville un the 30H) day 0f July. 1908, Mid n-nmins llirl'e foiilmpeclinn, TUESDAY. AUG. 11. 1908 VOTERS’ LIST. £968 Vaughan Council The nexl moo m; nu" ma J. H. RAM Bran and Victor Feed for vans Ta buies yam, Tabules Municipality of the COAL MARKHAM Fur threshing engines. (Inunty of York. Hug: n! (ho Cnunci) ut the Maui m Vnugnun will he hnld m v l‘uwn Huh. 'y allow, 0).) cure bad breath. : for sour stomach at l p. In ‘adwuy 3%?3 J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk annship (-f Mk; Kin nily 6-H“ About 225 news on rear of lst, con. of Markham township, mixed 1mm. running (‘l‘t‘t‘k. house and burn. One hundred at-rvs under cultivation. Bul- ance timber and pasture. Price x-easnnuhle. In the town of Aumm a most dosir- able home, consistmg 0le Brick Hnuse with seven large rooms. Hot water heating thmughont. Hard and soft water, and 2 ofnn acre uf the vely best. of Gal'dvu Land, npnn which is a. good [urge stable. All of the ubuve is in first class repuil' 110 acres on the 2nd con. Vaughan township, gtmd sandy laud. clay loam, running creek, good orchard, housp and outbuildings. Fifteen acres of timber. Snap to quick buyer. An Organist and Uhuir louder want» ed for [he Presbyterian (-hurch, Rich~ mnnd Hill. Duties to cunnuenr'e at once. Between Jnhn Hart's fut-m. 2nd can. Markham, and Victuriu Square side‘ line. nn Monday. July 6. :I Lady’s short coat. drab, with velva cnllnr. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at THE LIBERAL Office. MRS. ISAAC KLINCK. On Suhnduy. August. 1. ln-twvcn Thornhill undYurk Mills. nn :IuLunw~ hile curd, heming the Nu. 192. The: finder will be u-wunled hy leaning the same at, A farm (If about IOU acres, ml which are gnud buildings, is wanted [n rent. Pussessivn m be given the first of April, 1909. “fill any pen-sun having such a. farm to rent plt‘ns’.‘ [em-e “'nl‘d nt 5-4 Tm; LIBERAL OFFICE. Wanted to buy a farm of about 100 ncrvs nu or naur Ynngr stream. Send full pmticulzn-s in first. letto‘r. I do [mt want a bargain, only vnlut- fur my mumâ€"y. 6-9 On Sunday, Angmt 2, on the 2nd cun. nf Mnl‘khanl. Oww'r may hun' same by prm'ing prnpm-ty and paying rxpenses. R. F. WILLIAMS. 31-“ Curmu- sued. Building lut (rn Umnrv Sheet, Riv-h- muml Hill. cast at Parsonage. A pply Lu Organist Wanted A Gnod S mam Brick House with furnncg'. up Yunge slim-l. On Monday, July Savage-'5 stow and Five Dollar Bill. plgnse lam-e with the nwne-I. The In Farm Laberers. House to Rent Farm Wanted Farm Wanted A 9pr .‘.[ Coat Found For Sale For Sale Box 479 LIBERAL OFFICE. I}. HILL. CHARLFS THOM, Apply to “’31. INNES. For Sale To Rent Apply >to NAUGHTON BROS, J A M ES N E\VT()N. 140st Lost Yong:- nnd Richmond Tm; LIBERAL OFFICE. Lost Richmund Hill Bnhm-y. Hichumnd Hill P. O. A. J. \Vnight. Stalley ABI'JIP, George Strtfct, Clerk of Sessiuns. 20, Imtwel-n A. G. th Dun-hr:- shnp. :1 Th" findvr will Pl &H( M. RANRUM. Elgiu Mills. 1H Elgin Mills. :in Mills blilrikukll. Am om. ll (-nt Ill annty N.Bv- land nwnvd snlel than eighty (80) :u vicinity of the ho homestead enton Vicinity. such perform his own living with the fat (4) The term “x Applicuéiun fhr entry must he made in person by the applicant at u Domin- ion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the distlict in which the hind is situate. Entry by proxy may, huw~ ever. he made at am agency on contain conditions by the father. mother. s‘nn. daughter, brother or sister 0f an in- tending humesteflder. The HomesO-onder is required tn por~ form the huuwstL-ud duties under une offihe‘fullpwing pldns: land ow than eig \' ici nity hmnvste \‘ici nit)" NY even numbered sections 0f _ Dominion Lands in Manitoba, Susknlchmvan and Allwrta, excepting 8 and 26. not reserved. may be home-- stended by any persmn who is the sole hPud of at family. or any male m‘er I8 years uf age. to the extent, of oue~ quarter sectiun of 160 acres, more or less. M AIL Cox'nucr BRANCH. Ottawa, 23rd July. £903. 5-3 Sy nopsis of Canadian North-K, West ‘j HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ‘ from the Pustlnnster Gmu-ml's pit-“saw Printed nutivus containing flu-flirt- information as In rnnditiuns of pm. pnsed (Dunn-act may hr sm-n and blank fox-ms (If 'l'mndel- may he obtained :It the Pust .Ofiico- hf Gashel. Hmulfm-d. Uninnvillv,.VicLuria Square and “Into offices and at tlw ()flim- nf the Font Office Inspechugnt Tumntn. C. ANDERSON. Superintendent. POST OFFICE DEPARTJiF-VT. DD tlw Pnslnmstvr Gunmul. will he l't-ccivvd at Ottawa until Nmm, on Fri. dny llw 4th HemU-mhr-r. 1908. fur 1h» cunveynnce of his Mnjusty's Mails. 0n n prupmwd Conn-“CL fnr t'nur ymlrs 6, 6 and til-imvs pr-r \rI-v-k vnch way, he- [\VPPHâ€" UASHEL and H EA DFORnnnd VICTORIA SQUARE ’ 7:. MAIL (MST Pursuant, tn R. S. 0. 1897. Cup. 123); Imtim- is hrI-vhy lgiw’n that all pPIHan having claims against lhv astute of Samuel 'l‘hnmpsnn Inh- uf 'l‘uu'llship "f \Vhilchm'tth in Llu‘ ()umnly 0f Yurk, dvcezmrd, whu dim) on Ur nlmut. lhv %Lh dny of July. 1903, are rt-quirvd ml ur lit-for? th Iblh du)’ (-f SPplf‘lan‘l‘ ne-xt. to send In [.l-vi Hnuvt-r. IEXt'L'Il- tur. u stub-men! n-f Uu-il- (-Iuims um] tho nntun- of [he «murily. if any. hu-ld by “NT”: and tuku funthvr Murine that nfu-r lvho lust mvntinm-d «late Lhe said executnr will pmvr-vd my distribute Hm llSSPLS of lhn l‘SlillP among thP prn'ti a Pntitlvd thm-ntu having I'Pgard un y in Hm claims nf \vhl'rh he shall lh n huw- rom-iw-d "Mic". Duéed thismh day of August. (WK. LEVI [100V ER, Exvcutm; Gnrmluy P. ( . '1'“! m ith L!) NOLicetr) Creditors TU RPM, fur n trim Hf humh-vd and fifty urn-9. " in lhv fifth cvncusflm» (If V Apply tn Tm- swab-d Cth-rvd Sunny, sl-cund- hand, in gund undo); “77h _ EEALEI) TENDERS addressed th ll) nth m th SK l)( To Rent 3h homestcader may nwn rosidence duties by u.- faLlu-r (or mother). m “vicinity” in the twn x-ngrnphs is defined as more than nine miles in uxclusive of the Width (-t' *5 crossed in the mens« M RS. JABI EH M A LLOYV Tt‘Slvull. P. U. and H( L: A on]; E Y ER 54 SON: mp. dut ins in “cam-d while living thh >XTHACT int UNIONVILLE ' UNIONVILLH GUR M LEY (VANADIAU NORTH FfRN RLY. STATION ale Rivhnmnd Hill. l‘iUl (“rm-cl by ent, for tho f you'll-s, mm hoiug Int 20, V;: ugh“ n. "I Int Ni: n (' I)!" “('8

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