Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1908, p. 5

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Dr. Lullgs‘lnfl: sold mm of his :mtnâ€" mnlvilcs. Nu. 182, tn Dr. Juhmlvm of Salllt Sun Mal-iv, and shipped it, last Saturday luv the Mutual Steamship (iumpnny. Yun can get u lnl of locnl views un [WM curds. oqunl [0 1h!“ hnst, phuln- gruphs, at, THE LlnERAL OI-‘FK‘K «L 5 m-nts each. Th:- vimvs include a num- lwr of ham miaiugs. A mmtompm'ury says Rmv. Dr. (illumlwrs. “'lll'll in the ministerial wr- \il'v tried in kl‘f‘p pouplv nut of jail. 'l‘lu-n he was uppnintrd Gnu-inm- "t 'l‘numto (n kt-vp ponplu in jail and it. "mu-ms Novntly lhut hv cunnut. (ln cilhvr nm- very succmsfully. MI. \V. Savage gives nullt‘e on nm‘lhfl' page that. commencing tn- dnyJw will supply (Mlomnn's Brwul tn {ht- n'h‘itlellts of Riclmmml Hill and \‘iUinity. Tln- hroud will hr in sewn-ml (I! III" stm-vs tu-duy, and next wrck lu- \~_*ill (lrlivur in a bake wagon. Singapore puurl htpim'n. 7v. Ih.. "r 4 lbs. fur‘lfic. AtkinsI-n & Switm-r. Rlcunnxn HILL, Own. August 6. 1908 ’ Early in July we tefr‘l‘H-d m a sgmuplvnf prlvs handed in. grown in .1907. A fvw days ugu Mrs. J. \Vundx ’hmught, to this office sump fiuv fruit ulsngruwn last year. They are solid and uf excvllt'ut fluvnr. Seldom can such apples In: seen in the nuoulh of August. Residents in the Vicinity x-f the "zultflt‘f‘ House Ymdscluim to he lovers 0f nod music. They mm enjoy even or inury musical selent‘nns fur a. fmv hours in the {are part, nf the e-u-uing. BIN Ln he cumpclh-d to listen :1 \vhnlu night. lhrnugh tn the fumnlv «If [ht- ht-rine genus‘ of animals, wilh H’H‘il' offspring within unswning distance. is at little grating on their nerve-s. Corn and pans. 3 fins fur 250. At,- kim-mu & Switzor. At a meeting of the Buurd yvslvrdny Mr. Henry asked to he xvlievud fran lho posimnu of Principal of the High school. Mr. Henry‘s requvst was grant- (1], and the chairman was Instructvd tn advcrtise at once fur :1 principal. Mr. Henry will accept the position of toachpl' nf Mathematics in the Moi-Pisa hut-g Cullegiute Institution. w who iiihcml. A summer newssityâ€"wutex-prnufed Iim-n collars. \Ve sell them. Atkin- Sun & Switzer. All persons of ninety years of age and (war who lune lived in the uld l‘uunty of York “home district” nut less than forty years are invith to the luncheon of the York Pioneer and Histmical Society at the lug cnlnn (in the exhibitinn grounds nn Pinn- (wl-‘s Day, Tuesday. Sept. 1. Those who decide to accept this invitation are requested to notify the) President, Mr. \Vm. Rennie, SI‘.. Swanson, Ont. “'0 hope that thuse \\ ho can qualify will enJuy their luncheon. Fnr some time past the Metropolitan Ruilwny would sell xelurn tickets only helwpen Toronto and any other slatinn. Commencing on lhe 25th of August they now issue return tickets between all stutinns, prm'idod the ticketsure purchased at the stations. The new arrangement will he an im- provement over the old. though the reduction is only slight. Return tick- ets are now issuvd from Richmond Hill at the fullnwing rates: to ’l‘hnrn- hill. 15 cents; 'FUI‘OIILK), 50 cents; Bond Luke. 15 cents: Alum-n, 35 cents: New- Inzuket, 55 cents; Jackson‘s Point. $1.50. DRILLING FOR GAS. Our reporter visited the farm of Mr. Lewis Page, Int 33. lst, con. Vaughauh Inst Friday and watched the men drill- ing for gas. The men and the engine were duing good work. sinking the drill each day (let-per and deeper. Al- though considerably over 400 feet bo- lmath the surface the men have not yet struck the ruck. ley have had Drive Rheumatism from the blond with Dr. Shm-p’s Rheumatic Remedy. Tablet 01‘ Liquid. Suld by “Z A. Sundorson. Many visitors who came up from the City Mondayâ€"Toronto’s Civic Holiday â€"tn spend the day here waited at the Metropolitan station from 6.30 till 11 p. 11). before they could get ;L var to take thnn home. Many had a similar wait at lot 40 and other places south. The cars that did pass through either did not stop. or were crowded so much that they could take no more passen- gers. At ulmnt 11 o’clock a cur came from the south. went, to the bakery. and then rotmnvd to Toronto. The tired passenguxs nnturnlly thought that the relieving cur might have come several hours OJLI'lit'i'. PRINCIPAL HENRY RESIGNED. trouble with qu ‘m‘ious few day: much progress. I )(m Secure-d. and will nmv he mo 'I‘O RONTO BHEA D. A UGUST APPLES. RETURN TICK ETS. YORK PIONEERS. A LONG WAIT. ; good work. sinking :13: deeper and deeper. sidemhly over 400 feel surface the men have the rock. ley have )le with quickszmd anc [1. and it be. more pany ml! ( s h. but Sill} 11(‘\\‘ 'l n( Id {01' made 'nsing d the. slnhling umh-rnvath, with pim‘e ful- routs. and will have all conveniences pusiihk". The Indira ful-hi’shI-d a grand spread m1 the lawn and all purtunk hrnrtily after the strummus urn-Minus nf the uflernmm. Augu-‘L (inw. u-lls on H)" nerves. But that spin-inns“, nn :Iulhitiun fc-vling “1_n_ lu- angilyAnlyd quick‘ly ultrrexlfiy Almtlu-r IMNR Imi'n has lwun added tn the large mnuln-r :rlrmnly put. up this sumuwr. ()u \V'edm-sduy. July 29, the stulnurls gnllu-rul at. the Hun- (lA-mte- nf Mr. Thus. Glnu-r. If milfll south of View: in Squnrc.und slruggh-d fur \‘iclury under lhu gvllurulship nf Mt-xsrs. \\'. Seultund (it-(1.19m rush-r. jl'. Hnth shit-s \vm-kml like heave-rs despite lhe- lit-Ht, hut Srult's men an- \ inn-ri- (Ins, finishing lu-lun' the. \Vt‘sl side un- (lvrl’urruflLvr lmd I hvirplnn-in pnsil inn. Everything pnsst-d off nicvly thanks to tht- vlfnrls'nt‘ Slivvr Brns. whn had to tilkl’ up (he “'nrk nnd plum ufannlIu-r carpenter. Mr. (Hun-r will have in way "out lmru. 72 x 42. with gm-d taking what is kiln-“Ill lvy (lruggists en-ry whvu- as Dr. Shnnp‘s'Ht-stnml ivo. \Vithil; 48 hnurs uftm‘ beginning to use the lh-sturntive. iiupruvc-nwnt will he nuliu-(l. Of cum-so, full health will not immediately return. The gain; hnw- m er. will sumly fulluw. And hen-It, n" all ynu will u-nlim- and feel your slrl-uglh and uunlrilinn as it is relurn~ ing. Outside influences (lvpn-ss fins the "inside nun es" then i.hI' stomach. “run and Kiilnc-ys will usually l'uil. Strengthen those failing m-rw-s with Dr. Slinnp‘s Rt-sLm-mivv and we hnw quickly llrulth will he yuurs nguin. Suld by \\'. A. Sandwsun SAVAGEâ€"At Riohmnnd Hill. (m Fri- day. Julv‘ 3|, to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- mand G. Savage. a sun. LOGANâ€"At Muplv, nu Tuesday. July 28. m Dr. and Mrs. Logan, a daugh- tm'; PREXTICE-At his humn. Can-ville. Vuughuu unvnship. Friday. July 31. 1908. Axum Prentice. in his 53rd your. Funvrnl fuzm his Inu- [fisidencg Sun- day, August. 2. “29...”. \VILCUCKSâ€"Al the n-sidvnce of her hmtherb’tvwart L. W'ilcm-ks, 'l‘hurn- hi“. un Monday. August 3. 1908. Mary Uuruliue \Vilcucks. Miwos vasivJuurgarPt and Flnrcnce Mnndie um; :I. {rip to Hamilton tn- day. Mrs. J. M. Lawrencv, Tnmnm. Spent Thursday with MN. P. Patton-sun at Patterson. Mrs. Robert Laing of Dundns is the guest; ('1: Dr. und Mrs. W'ilkiusuu for a week urtwo. Mr. :uuLMi-s. Rwy and son Jumps. of Wiuuna. Minn.. are visiting at Mr. Jnhn lnnes'. Miss L. “'indrnss of Kew Beach spent over Sunday with friends at Vic- toria Square. Miss A. E. Furlong of Chicago is spt‘nding her Vucutiuu with her sister, Mrs. Juhn limes. Miss Kathleen Thumpsun,will be the guest of Mrs. “"111. Cape”. Band Lake. for the next two weeks. Mr. “'31-. Twnch. B. A.. has gone In the Numb-“lest Lu spend the lust month of his vacation. \Veston Timesâ€"Mr. M. Bran has rented his farm on the fifth concession, :0 Mr. Geo. Stephenson of Richmond 1111. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mapes of Tumu- tn were visiting their sister-in-law. Mrs. Mupes. of this place, m‘el the holiday. Mr. J. W. Osborne of the Standard Bunk. Ottuwn,is spending his holidays with friends in the town and vicinity. Misses Agnes and Hazel Patterson of Tm-nntu came up Saturday and spent the holiday with the Misses Stong. Rev. I. G. Bowles, pastor of \Vest- mnreluud Avenue chm-ch, Toronto, will preach in the Methodist: church here Sunday evening. Rev. E. H. Tnye will preuch in the morning. Mrs. J. H. Dohson and daughter, Miss Nona Dobsnn, of Ghat‘bnm, are spending a week with Mr. T. F. Mc- Mahon and family. Jusvpll tivr‘ wi SHII :Im Reeve Pugslev nnd Councillor Bark- (’1 left Tuesday for a trip to the \Vest. Tho fox-met pun-based his ticket for Rvginu, the latter for Arculu, Sask. Miss Laura Duncan returned from the ter-centemu'y at Quebec lust, Sut- urduy. She Was accompanied rm her trip by Miss Osborne, uf Troy, C. Y. Miss Clam Hun-Hing, a former stu- dvnt at mu- High School. has been visiting friends in the village. and has been the gut-st of Mr. and Mrs. R. Shaw. Miss Alice Tt-ofy went 1 Paint. nu Saturday. She punivd lmck by her sistm cahy nf Orillin, who will Weeks at her old home hex; Mrs. Hnsoy and son \anter. of Clean. N. Y.. are spending a. mouth at, "Boskydell" with the farmer’s sister. Mrs. Alcombrac. Mr. Newton Brydnn hnme after spending 9 the City will) his sister Mrs. Brydnu ulsn spm: weeks with Mr. and _\11-: holiday BERSOIV A L b BARN RAISING. DEATHS. BIRTHS. ?ll]( so spent the Ins 1nd Mrs. Gardlu went to Jackson‘s lli:m Lnn 'I‘uvsday lull Buy. the Difs by Dr. W )1 rs l spvud as uccnm Mrs. Mu] I'Plul‘lu‘d ‘dnmz t twu zstafi in Thme whu cum!- from the City Mun- day to spend the lmliday with NI»- tives or frionds here include Mr. and Mrs. Derry and Mr. and Mrs. Douglus \Viloy, at Mr. G. \Vilpy‘s: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Thompson at. Mr. J. Ken- nersley‘s: Mr. Alex. Kirkland and Mr. C. McCunaghy :IL Mr. F. Mchmghy's: Mr. ()harle-s Sullivan and Miss lrcne Sullivan at Mr. \V. A. Sandersmi's. Mr. E. M. Byrnv. manager nf the Standard Bank. and Mrs. Byl'llt‘. are taking hnlidays for [Wu \vm-ks .Lt In-n- dn-n. I’m-t Lzunhmn. and Ulillia. Mr. Jnlm Morgan of tlw Standard ll. nk at Lindsay. is acting manager ln-w. Mrs. John Michavl. with llel t-Wn young sons, starts Saturday tn juln ht‘l' lnuhnnd at Crescent Lakv, Susk. She will he accunrpanit-(l tn anklun by little Miss Emma Michavl. who has been living with lu-r grundmnthcr fur a year and ten months. Miss Liln Hill, uer sm‘orul weeks. visit with reintivm and fi-iends her», rt-Lurm-d home m Elmvalu lust Sutur- (luy. She- wns accompanied hack by Miss Agm-s Buylu, who will rwnain for (Wu Weeks. MI. Arthur Bnyle also “'c-nt. up and spent nn-r Sunday with Mr. James Hill. OOOOOOQOOOQOHNQOQOQQOOO O Exquisiboly printed on fine coated paper. Pictures of well-known people. of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About une thousand, square inches nf pictures it each issue'. Appeals to Canadians as t e great il- lustrated papers of London appeal tn the English people. Non political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and t0 inform. Must, he seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a (:npy. Ono dullar a year. The Pic- tmial Publishing Cu., 142 St. Peter Sty: i ARM. SAVAGE ‘009000N900w05000000000 THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE HCANADIAN PICTORIAL" F. .5. WDQDMRD. The undersigned. recently employed wiLh the Massey-Harris 00.. has taken the Blacksmithing business vacated by Cliftv Bros.. and is prepared to attend to u“ hmnches of the trade. Montreal. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN MILLS Lax-ets 5 f. frmn July 6th. Individual instruc- Liun. up-tu-dute uuursee. excellent results, obtained at The Brltish Amerlcnn Business College Y. M. C. A: Building - Toronto 55. Thom whn know best the merits of this who” are as staunchesc suvpurtus. TGRONTO. ONT. V This college stands First in Popularity. Thorouglnessnnd Genuine Merit. Go wuera you will.vou will find our graduates push- ing to the front. Their superior training enables them to get and hold first-class positions. College open all summer. Enter any time. Write {or catalogues. Gent’s Furnishings Straw and Stiff Hats Boots and Shoes \V. J. ELLIOTT. Principal- Cor. Ynnge and Alexander Sts., 5,1,};LFIOTTW “FAD nwrmn hum Summer Term Fall Term Opens Sept. I HORSE-SHOE Hi D SATISI ONAGE SOLICITE \Vl iu- furâ€"cutalngue. Read-to-wear and Madc-to-order 75c Guffi'fler Clothing fie'da are Inn“. but those wno wr‘lts :msou A (‘o.,?onland. Mnincarill recei Full line of WUDDWARD +++++ ‘ING A SPECIALTY ACTION (nrmnlion lbous wark whi and live“ homeJhnt willp C Sweet to Eat A maylowel lam GUARANTEED 21-tf ++H+W++++++++H+++H+H+++HH+Â¥ FH+++++++++++++ »++++ - ++++ 60-inch semi-bleached Dam- ask Tabling, spray and leaf de- sign, per yd. 500. +-l--i-++++++++H++-I +++++++++++ ++++++H+++H++++++W XXX White \Vine Vinegar, 30:. gal. Pure Frmt Vinegar, 30c. gal. Spices of every description; guaran at right prices. Pickling Needs 54-inch unbleached Damask Tabling, leaf design, per yd. 25c. Table Linens 58-inch unbleached Damaski Tabling, leaf and flower design, I per yd. 300. BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO 300 yds. good Canadian prints, (Bl-inches Wide, in fancy stripes and checks, reg. 120. yd., for 100. Prints Aug. 6, 1908 Richmond Hill Hardware Stare See our stock of Paints, Oils, Varmshes, Putty and Glass; Pails, Boilers, etc., our 0er make. Get prices of our Galvanized Roofing, Building Paper, and Building Supplies. all. lines. GHTGE’S-at-tbe-Elg Atkinson & Switzer Oil stoves and ranges at prices Eavetroughing and tinsmithing We Offer This Week G. SOULES Start any time. BEST BUSINESS TRAINING at . Farquharson, B. A. Prin. Cor. Yonge £2 Bloor Sts. aranteed pure, and reasonable prices. to suit in all

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