AT THE UBERAL HUNTING & PUBL!SHING HOUSE RIOHMONDHILL,ONT. VOL. XXXI. IS PUBLISHEDEVEM DEURSDAY MORNING 1‘. F . McMAHON. ems by telephone from Richmund Hill charged to me. Gm hun- Victnrin Vuivmsity Member ()ullcgv Physiriuus and Stu gowns. Ontario Cel'lif. [’ulycliniu. New Yurk (Sl'CL‘ESS'JIt Ti) Dm H. W. ANDERSON) Uul'. Yuuge :Lnl Blunt Sts.. Tut-metâ€. \\'ill be in Richmund Hill on \VL-i nesday (If each Week. Ofï¬ce, next door north of StnmL anl Brink. Disetsvs (of Lhe Lungs n Specialty, pm‘tian-nrly «:nnsumptinn. RICHMOND HELL Sc THORNHILL Lyman“ \uctionoor for me County of Y0 k G u [A a)“ 3:1 caqsigumout Geuaral sales awe at; urompbly Lttuudedhu as rsï¬konaole uma Itasidennze Uniuuviue G ll (imhlmg. Newton Brookmgem iur tho above JOHN R. CAMPBELL. $1 per annum, in advance. 3| I] ‘6 Liuonne A mutu 5 Herd HUI for s:le St Thm'uu Impro v JON. WILKINSON. MD. iï¬uauaa PLEASANT OIL-e [lulu-sv330 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Index-takers at Emhnlmers, Luge stock of Funeral 7 Furnishing kept at both places DR. Prepares [)1 lie) medgute nuqu'VnLnry Special (nu ll‘ Th BUSINESS CARDS. mi] of J. EARLE NEWTON Piazzist (SUCCESSUR 'm I)“. CASSH)\) RICHMOND HILL in :ium-rs Shanon VETERINARY SURGEON, E113 <35;wa WRIGHT BROS, Eamon a Pnoramron. ’Ehoruhill. pl'upï¬etql 212nm}. [FULTON H5501; Dentist, I) an 'dit‘ztl. «‘flIettriunrg :9“ an NXcEwcn. m in ,IELLIE TRENCH ars torthe County of York. xghorteauuosiceand a. ran- bmuage solicited (151:. M us. D( 1 Pinnuâ€"pluying unu l‘hem-y ‘u-ntit‘c. \MJ V I EV! LGUG ll, ,hac 3n 1713.33 Juntyotanfk re- xnge and h-umzily ’leasmut md Bret [a Hug harshortest. notice address Kine. Thurnliill) h P of Music. L'r’s" Kind rly helpng )Lc. (Piano) 0. (Thcury) J K MuE wan Westuu CRH ; kept. for FARM ,7 Lie m 101'. l‘untu ,\.\I in \V NATIONAL TRUST (‘HAM BERS 2.0 KING ST [4].. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK l)1~‘.\"m.\'. K. (T. "mun-arr L. In-xx \V. Mama; Burn-m3]? Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark S. \V. (.‘m-Iwr King & Yonge Sn TORONTO. G l} S 1111148835}; C A G F L varuuce \V Kidout \lesn‘orth Pr'h'ate and Trud Funds tu 1mm in! lam-=1 current run-s. Barristersjoncitors. Notaries, 84c. [{uuw Life Bu'lding (furmvxly Fl'l hold Lnnn B)dg.). Um. AdeL-aide & Victoria 815.. Toronto. Danton, Dunn & Boultbee Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. southmast rur- ucl‘ uf Lurue B1dg.. every Thursday “(tum-noon. MONEY TO Lou: AT LOWEST RATES. Phone: Mdin 2‘.“ BARRISTER, SoLI(.‘1'I‘0R, NOTARY, ETC. Ton-Hum Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmund St. \Vrst. \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Office. Standard Bank Building. every Saturday after- uuun. I Banish-rs a nd solicitors. _ Mouev to loan on hum synaehatml mortgages at lowest. rates Auroraolï¬ceâ€"Remmed LO tbs old pout of]an one door west of the entrance no the Oucanu Bank Newmsrket utï¬ceâ€"Jl'hree dosrs south of the Installice T HmmERu'LuNxox 6 ST" Monmn LENNQX & MORGAN Muplp, Thursday afternoon. Munvy to Man at Fho Per Cvnt (5%) Richmonu Hill DOMINION BANK GHA MflEHS HIGH COURT OF jUSTlCE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMO‘SD HILL POST O FFIFE. ISSUER MARRlAGE LICENSES, 14114613? 31114] 1S H. A 1014013143 Evpry accommodation for th travelling public. Good rooms for Commm'cial Travellers. Attentive- smixlenmu. NOTARY PUBLIC Harrv Wright PRO PR1 ETOR COLXMXSSIONER, CONVEYAXCER‘ ETC. [m ““l‘ wuxoy ROYAL AND BRITISII’ The AMERICA ASS. C05. 1 been I Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. AS. NEWTON J. EDWARD FRANCIS THE PALMER HOUSE REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL ‘ornntn Dummissiunez, Cnnveyancer. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issue-1' uf Marriage Liceuses. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1.908 Barristers, Sulicturs, Etc. Bn-riscms. Sulicilurs, Etc. NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK ans Tabules cure consunation. ans Tabulss cum ï¬atulenm. ans Tabules cure biliousness. J. M. LAING NOTARY PUBLIC aoxmaamnsmx 'm'a Ofï¬cc, 36 Tux-(mm street. Zuni. Aurora. In Essentialr, Unity,- in NowEsseutials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†G STV MORGAN Phone Main-Z984 Newmnrkel l'l‘e Pnin anywheu- Ntuppvd in 20 minutes sun- with unt- nf D1. Shuup‘s Pink l’nin 'l‘uhluh‘. 'l‘m-fm-mula ism: lb!- 25-00:“ hnx. Ask your Doctor m- Druggist, almut this fnnnuln! Sin-p5 \Vnmnnly pniln‘, hmuhwhl', pains uuywherv. \\'| itv: Dr. Slump. Rul'ilw, \\"is. for free uinl. lu puma \Mer (if his Ht-aldnchO, ur Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by \V. A. Sulldt’lsull. '7- --LISBET.1 Tn'mm Lnngitrnfl', Aug. 10, 1908. f Hm‘YPst is in full swing. Many will he thru’ cutting this \Vcek and not a. few will ï¬nish. The Sound nf the th-e-shing machine is humd on ovary l side. Mr. L. G. Stoutvnhurgh is out 2 with his new outï¬t, which wm-ks with The annual village. picnic was held :ItBund’s Ler lnsLSul lll day aftcrnmm. Nvm-ly sixty wmu pn‘sent, must. 0f whom spent. the Hfh’l'uuull on the lake in [hr gnsnline launch and in rmv hunts. Afu-r supper an inn-resting gIHHI' uf ham-Junk! was pinyvd whh Miss E. Mr.- Nunghlun and Miss Myrtlv Suigmm as captains. At HIP rinse of the gun": the score stand 40 m 30 in favor nf the 1m mer. All retail-de home about 9 p. m. fudng [in-d but happy after (he wilting.‘ perfwt satlsfnction. I In the ï¬vednihe mm] race at (im-zniey on Saturday 8th. Mr. Pemy Hugerâ€" s mun “fits successful in winning second ptnce, dm‘ng the distance in 31 minutes just une minute hehind the winner Mc- thrsun (if Gm Inlay whu ï¬nished in 30 minutvs. Among other impmrnmpnts at S. S. Nu. 7 is a ï¬ne cement Muck pm emcnr. Messrs. A. Jennings and Dwinis have the contract. Special music is rendered during the S. S. sex-vices and last Sunday :I. diwt by Misses N. Jennings and Gertie Lunau was sung very swrvtly. Mr. J. Bruunx'ell of Highland Cwok . is visitingr at, Mr. \V. Bi-nunw-ll’s. Miss Nellie Trudgeun uf Markham has returned home after u shun, visit I with the Misses Luneul. Mr. qu-ry Klinuk of qukhill and <his sister Miss Myrtle hf Slmxï¬villt’, spent Sunday with friends hex-e. I Miss Ethel Shm L of Toronto is Visit- 1 ing M. Mr. N. 0. Hugonnnn's. Miss Queenie of Tornntu is the guest t of hvr aunt Mrs. \V. Flishy. Furutho next thrvo Sundays the pin. pit nfSt. Andrew’s church will he mutu- piml by Mr. A. 1mm of Forest, :1 grudun’te of Knox (Tullegn. v Mr. Dutfnf Hulihm'hfn has the pnsiv [inn nf clvrk in the Sterling Bunk. Musu'r Frank Ulire’r Wm; bitten by a hurSP lust Friday. His injuries though painful Jul-(J Itmt_ cnusidcy-ed sm-iuus. . I Mr. '1‘. (lhnlhux-n was rvmm‘ed lust \vvck tn the Genet-.1) Huspitai. suffering from n luukcu limb, the result 0f .1 full. The footprints of Dyspepxia have heen directly traced to L11»: Slmzmch nerves. \Vhen these “inside nerves" fail. indigesLh-n and stumuch distress must sui My result. For this, druggisl s everywhere nu2 supplying a prrscrip tiun known as Dr. Shunp’s Hestomthe First, thsetiny insideStnmau‘n, lie-art, and Kidney nun-3 fail. Then gas hwldiing, Heart pulpitmtiun, or failing Kidneys follow. Don’t drug the Sinumvli, 01' stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. 'l‘haLiswmng. Strengthen Llwse failing nerves with Dr. Shunp’s Restorative. It is the Nerves. nut. the urn-ans that are calling flu-hen). \Yilh- in 48 hours "her starting ibe roster-:1. tive treatment. you will realign) the M1‘.T. F. Cook. Am-m-n, had his but n, stables and pigeon house burned about 10 o’clock. Sunday night, the 2nd inst. He Inst the season’s haw crop. snme im- plemeubs and ss-vumi lwmlwd pigeons. ’ inn»); pun Id from these failing nerves Reslm-atiVe. It is tht urgans that are calling in 48 hours nflm- sun- tive h’k‘iktlw’llt. you gain. A test will Us“ m‘d-m‘ed fox-e (hr Mr. All Unzu' “CUP sun nf min!" ‘thsP gums sn lovingly around IMP twim-. A {use Iruf fl'l-ul Elyw‘ia‘s [Zfll'dl'n gnml Tn show hmv straight thv pnlh {mm earth Ln hmn‘m). Futhrr in HI-nn‘n. Divine! ~ Truch {mu In tmin might this gift. of lhinv, That runnd thy thrum- \vv‘H Inm-f \\‘hv-n life-‘5 slim-t span is mad cmnplth'. .llldt‘l‘Sul] red in threat Victoria Square. TO MY SON. ml the cned [L Maple. MW Sold by 2nd inst. smueim- pigeons. ‘ ":d from :1 wexe _'¢ m mp hts be ill M 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ramon“? yond- ing n fvw days Lhis \w-ek in Stun \ in?- Mr. (Thu-rum- Skm-h- ix‘ «mundng a furlnighl, with relatives in Lansing. Mich. Mrs. I‘. Kl'rmvill uf Tnmntnuml Mrs. McGinm-s ,4)an Tuesday with Mrs. G. Smith. Mr. Rny Anguixh of Cayuga few days L15: week with Mr. Skvvlu Mr. Hunh-l- IL-nry m-nt to Bt-llm'ifle lust h'ntmduy to spend .1 few days in that ctt)‘. Mr. A. R. hint's‘ and two sons of Port Elgiu mud? n visit with relative-s here lust Saturday. Mr-ssrs. eriug and Mal-tun Gibson nt' \Villnwdulu spvul lust Sunday with Mr. Ehllol‘t’ Renumn. Mrs. Ludl‘nrd nf Duvisvillo and MI". Nut-I'm of 'I‘m-nmn, Visitt-d friends in mp \ illugo {his Week. Mr. Hurry Samba-sun has gone (u Mclu-cs mm, Pm. Ln sppnd a. cullpll‘ uf weeks with his uncle Mr. Jay Snndvr- sun. Sn eel. 3 Joseph Stu-Hey and Tubins \Vidomzm, ! the lam-y winning by only nur‘ raft“; ‘\Vhilc the \vm-k was in progress Mr. Rock Linton of Aurora was lhruwn lfmm u girt twenty feet nhm-e \he gruum}. In the descent he made 1:. complete ShllH‘l‘séluh. He fell against Mr. Elias Baker. who had his unle- either frautturvd 01‘ badly sprained. ’Mr. Linmn had twn ï¬ngers put, out nf ; juim, but the joints were spuvdily pub i luck in place“, and Mr. Linton usueud- ! ed to his fox-mox- pusit‘iun. Jmm-s u M 1-. 1‘1. Mr. M. Haywood Barrett,accountnnt. Bunk of Cnnlunercv, )nyugu, was the guest of Mr. James E. Skcele, Friday and Saturday lust. Mr. T. H. Redditt. principal of the But-xiv Uzrllegiute Institute. and Mrs. Hedditt.sprut Monday hvre visiting the Missus Reddilr. 111'. F. “V. Hurris‘un, B. A" Will luuve about, the 20th inst. to take the plincipalshi of the Intermediate Schou at \\':uvunesn, Man. Mr. \Vill McLaughlin and Miss MaggieBIL-Laugh“): nf \Vnndstuck were mum m-rs at the funeral of their cousin the late Hugh Mchmghy, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. “K Hamilton and three dnughterg who are \isiting at Elgin Mills. and Mrs. Albert Hamilton and Mia»; Hamilton tank a hip to Niagara Falls nu Tuesday. L. R. Inuos. son of Mr. A. R. huesâ€"â€" l‘dnthem.xticnl Master in the Port Elgin High schoolâ€"although only 15 years uf age, has passvd (with honors) the Junior TeM'heI-s’ Exmninatitm. as Well as that in J uniux- Matriculation. BA RN RAISING. A bank hm-ll, 80 by 40, with an extra place fur nmt chnl', was raised on Int 3, concesslnn E), \Vhitohurclx. the prop- erty of the Misses Bz'mingm', Gurmlvy, on Friday lust. The {manner was Mr. Richard ALki‘nsuu. ‘ T129 cupugins Wen-c Sir James \Vhitnoy left Turrmto on Mundny fur an. trip 10 England. It is said the Preluwr has in View the shap- ing at a. new imuxigmtiuu policy fut Onlnriu. Miss Moyes uf Tm'ontu. successfully (lefvndcd hvl' Uzmmliau cluunpiouship at lawn tennis on Saturday, Llu-re‘oy becummg the possessor of the trnphy, which she has now “run for the third tinw. Miss Moyesis a daughter of M 1'. J. \V. Mnycs. fumm-r manage: of the Metmpnluun Railway. A frightful :xceitlent “com-red an the trulley line. leading from Chuthmn to “the new summer resan at Erie. Bench on Munduy. Theme was a l‘t’fll"(“nd collision. the brake of the hind czn- nu fusing (a work. Fmar deaths are 2:)- rcudy reported. and ulmm, a dozen otht‘x-s :u‘v seriously injured. August time, tells on the nerves. But Limb spiriLh-ss, no ambition feeling L‘illl be easily and quickly altered by taking what is kuan hy druggists everywllm-e as Dr. Slump's Restorative. \Vitliir. 48 hum-S after beginning in use the Restorative, impmvement will he nuniced. Of course, full health will not. immediately return. The gain. him?- ever, will surely follim’. And lwst uf all you will realiZe and feel yuur imuwdiatel ever, will 5 all you w strength an ing, Outs' the "inside Heart and Strengthen Dr. Shnnp’: qujqkly _h}> Edmnnthn Jom-nnkdhn Ottn C. nun-s uf ’l'hurnhill, mm, is visithg 1-. 1*). Richardson, at 344 Fourth .d b’v \ gth and ambition Outside mfluem PERSONALS. N ews N ones. .n J nerves Lheu Kidneys will these failing ; Heston-mire nth will he. It d: [ht 115 m spI-nl a. J as. E. is n-turz Dru-es ï¬n il annual. u-Ilum, uucnv m nu m uuuuuuuu ,â€".-.. so 3 as “Favorite Prescrl Lion." It. can do no harm in any condlt on 01 the) system. It is a. most [)0an lnyigoratlng tonic and strengthening nervlne nlccly adapted to woman’s delicate system by a I physiclan of large experlence ln the treat- ‘ meat. of woman s peculiar ailments. Dr. Pleroe me. be consulted by rec of char 6. ddress Dr. RV. Plech nvallds’ ate! and Sui-glob) Inst.)th uflalo, N. Y. ' It is astonishing how great a change n Iew years of married iiie often main-Mn the appearance and disposition 01 many women. The freshness, the charm. tho brillianoe vanish like the bloom from a. peach which is rudely bandied. Tho matron is only a. dim shadow, a, iaint echo of the charming maiden. There are two reasons ior this change, ignorance and neglect. Few young women appreciate the shack to the system through tho change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many negioot to deai with the unpleasant pelvic drains and weakâ€" nesses which too oncn come with mar- riage and motherhood, not understanding that this secret drain is robbing the cheek of its freshness and the form of its fairness. Niall-Ell}er as the genera! health mflcm when there Is de gement of the health of the delicate woma organs. so suyeï¬ hexfl the ce “1 mule act“: a million women ‘5ch 7F rescrimion en strong and sick women Weâ€. Ingredlâ€" ems on labelâ€"contains no alcohol or harmful habit- forming drugs. Made wholly of those native, American, meme in) roots most, highly recommended by leadlng medical authorities of all the sev- eral Schools of practice for the cure of woman’s pgculialj ‘ailmengs. __ u A__ -,_-1.__. nun-nu..- a 1â€â€œ u..." For nursing mathemor for those broken- down in health by wofrequent bearingnt children. also 10x- tho expectant. mothers to prepare the system for the coming 0! baby and making its adVent. easy and almost. painlesg, v. e133 1330 meghcipe c;qu London & Lancashire Life Ass. Co. London Mutual and British America Fne Ins. Co. Deering Machinery, (Zorn Harvesters,Gasoline Engines, Etc. Simmer is EM? N. J. GMSS Do you not need PRINTS and MUSLINS for this warm weather. My stock is up-to-date. We have new lines in these goods which are very ï¬ne and wash splendidly, and at prices which would really astonish you. Better come and have a look very at pr'n you. at the hal‘ Women Who Went Well. 593m ï¬rm: Themhifl 61p; Also a new, fresh line of GRO i8; nozlxingiike nice, fresh , this line. Come and see me and get [Single copies, 3 cts. $3.90 i $83,353 "g-Nmblished Ex Richmond Hill A GENT FOR Red come gvlt makeE weak wom- i‘é MMHEE. Iound heaith t. e wimem flea rig Piegge'g i; F1»- 00d