Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Aug 1908, p. 4

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. “The rumour that Sir Wilfrid would run for a Toronto Constituency was probably too good to be true. Toronto needs just the ccrtifimte of character as a friend of bi-racial har mony which the election of Sir Wil- frid from one of her divisions would give her. Then if some stout English speaking race harmoniserâ€"like Col. George T Dennison, for exampleâ€"- could be elected for a purely French- Canadian constituency in Quebec, we would have another couplet to em- balni in history alongside that of Baldwin and Lafontaine, who each found a seat in the other’s province. I venture to say thatall Torontonians who visited Quebec during the Ter- centenary are from this day forward race harmonisers. We had Sir James Whitney declaring that he felt like a French-Canadian speaking English; and, on all sides, the Ontario visitors were delighted at the spirit shown and the courteous hospitality which is a. second nature with our fellow countrymen of French origin. There in fact, lies the foundation stone of the Dominion. Race harmony will ensure us a British Canada for all time. Race division and mutual suspicion will lead straight to dis. aster. disintegration and national death." An editorial paragraph in the last number of that broadminded weekly, The Canadian Courier, suggests the importance of harmony between the two races in this fair Dominion. It is certainly a fact that people often hate one another simply because they do not know one another, and that prejudices frequently die away when men are drawn together. One man sometimes helps another not because they belong to the same lodge, but L-ecause, belonging to that lodge, they have learned to know each other’s worth. It is not at all probable that Sir Wilfrid Lanrier will ever contest a. Toronto constituency, but the article in The Courier contains so much that is logical and true that we quote it in full as follows:â€" Drive Rheumatism from the blond With Dr. Slnmp‘s Rhmlmutic Rvmedy. Tablet, 0r Liquid. Snld by \V, A. Sandemnn. play the game in the truest sense of the word. Thev must play for the sake of the game, preferring to lose it fairly rather than to win it unfairly. They must be ready not to grudge their opponents every fair advantage and thus be prepared to lose with a good temper and win without boast- ing." "There is another point. about which I would like to say a word. I notice that your young people take great interest in athletics. I am a firm believer in their value, ifcarried out in true spirit and moderation, but. I hope that. young Canada will always remember that in athletics as in all their relations of life they must Shredded wheth biscuits lflgc. pkt. Quaker puffed rice 10c. pkt: Mulls. Vitae 100. pkt. Atkinson & Swilzur. Lord Roberts is not gonernlly re- ferred to as a man of words so much as he is to a man of deeds. The few speeches he deiivcred while acOLca wa, however, prove him to be a forceful as well as a practical speaker. The gieat general dwelt at length upon the advantages of rifle shooting in boyhood as one of the means to en- sure national safety, and his words bearing on athletic sports are a ser- mon in themselves. Relative to ath- letiCs Lord Roberts said;â€"â€"- Rxonuoxv HILL. Elle fit‘ucral. BURSDAY, August 27~Auctirm sale of Fresh Milch Con-s and Springels at the Palmer HnusP Yards. the pro» perty of J. H. Bl'illiugm'. Sale at, 2 u‘clnck. Terms, Sumnths. Saigeon 6: McEwen. Auctinneers. \‘I‘I'RD \Y. August 15~Auction sale of PLAY THE GAME. Auction Sales. X‘ESCI‘VO ONT" August13.1908 th at “st hr pmpe o‘cloc “SE SPRING and SUMMER nuth ‘lnS ronto bread on and after Thursday, August 6‘ Kindly give it a trial and be convinced that it is the best bread the GEO. COLEMAN BAKING (‘O.. Toronto, I am prepared to furnish To. made in Toronto. W. C. Savage Notice To The Public Black and Blue ’Woxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. NAUGHTON’S-a,t-the-Elgin Having made arrangr‘nmnfs with Queen City Oil Co made at 35c. gallon. Specialâ€"Canadlan Oil in 5 gallon lots at 15c. g‘ Best quality A. L9. HU For further infounation apply to My Stock 01 Woolens for BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO MAQEENE ML is now complete comprising Tailor, Richmond HRH all. lines. Get prices of our Galvanized Roofing, Building Paper. and Building Supplies. Richmond Hill Hardware Siam See our st0ck of Paints, Oils, Varmshcs, Putty and Glass; Pails, Boilers, etc., our own make. Agent Oil stoves and ranges at prices to suit Eavetroughing and linsmithing in all C. SGULES Start any tinm. BEST BUSINESS TRAINING at reasonqu pricvs. V3 5 “' Dl‘ R. A. Farquharson, B. A. Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sts. | Also Tile. allon. ’s. PEERLESS OIL, Best Notice is lxerehy given that I have transmitted or delweu-d to the per- sons mentioned in Sex-[inns Eight and Nine of the “Ontario Vuters‘ List Act" the copies required by said sectinns to be sn transmitted or delivered ()f the List made pursuant to said Act of all persons zlppenl'ing by the lust Revised Assessment Roll of the said municipal- ity to be entitled to vote in the Said municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly. and at Municipal Electiuns; and that the said List was first pasted up at my office at the Village of Unionville en the 301i) day Of July, 1908, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the. said List and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein tn take immediate proceedings to have lthe said errors currected according to aw. For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinityâ€"v C. H. STIVER. Clerk of the said Municipality. Datgdfihis 30th day of July. 1908. cattle and hogs. Also shorts Â¥3?ERS° {ESL i938: STEAM COAL and good American corn (old). and NUT, STOVE, FU RVACE Best Scranton coal. pa1 \VA'JKZR \VHII‘E Coal Bran and Victor Feed for All kinds of grain bought Municipality of the vanship MARKHAM COAL For threshing engines. zhest possible prices County Elevator. RA of YUl'k. SE. ii in the The undersigned will be pleased place Immigrants frnm the Unit Kingdom as farm laborers in this vi nity. Any person requiring such he should notify me pol-snnnlly m- by ll ter swung fully the kind of help 1 (wired, when wanted, and thv rate An Organist and Uhuix- leader want- ed fur the Pz-Pslu‘tminn church, Rich- mond Hill. Duties to commence at once. who has had three ypars‘ experience is prepared to press Lndies’ Skirts and Jackets. either plain nr pleated; also gents’ suits, on shortest notice. _ Agpl at About 225 acres on rear of 15L con. of Markham township. mixed loam. running Cree-k, huuse and ham. One hundred acres undm- cultivation. Bal- unce timber and pasture. Price reasonable. 110 acres on the 2nd con. Vaughan township, good sandy laud. clay loam. runmng creek, guod orchard, house and outbuildings. Fifteen acres of timber. Snap to quick buyer. mudé Bt-twemx Jnlm Hart's fax-m. 2nd cnn. Markham. and Vit-tm-i-L Square side- line. (In Mnndny, J\1l)‘(5,u Lady’s short cunt. (ll-ah. with velvet, collar. Finder will he rewm-rlt-d by [caving same at THE Lnuaum. Otfiue. MRS. lSA. AG KLINCK. On Snnudny, August I. hI-tween Thm'nhill :llenrk Milk. :m automo- hile can-d. healing the Nu. 192. The lindm' will be rewarded by leaving the same at Tn Rq-nt fur :1 £011" uf yum‘s. 0m- humh-ed and fifty :u-ws, iming Int in the fifth CnncvSaim: uf Vaughan. Apply_tn .nr. . ‘ .-..,, -. . v rn(v (5-3 31-1.! Unrm-r sln-ul. On Sunday, Angmt 2. on the 2nd (run.nfM.1rkhum. OwnPr may have same by proving prnlwrly and (“3'ng vxpensvs. “Hunk-(1h) buy :1 farm nf about 100 acres «m or nour Yullgt' strw-t. Send full pultitzuhn-s in first. lt-Ltpr. I do nut. want :I. bargain, uuly vuhw fur my money. A farm of about 10!):161‘05, nu which are gnud buildings is \vnntml tn rent. Posse’ssinn 11) hi’ gin'n the first of April, 1909. “’ill any pvrslm has‘in such a farm to l'k‘llt plvush 1m \‘9 wnHSSHt '4 Tm; [ABERAL Om-‘IC‘E. Building Int l n Uman Sir-Pvt, Rit'h- mum! Hill, trust n! Pm-mmngr. Apply In) A (fund 8 I-nmn Brick Hunse with hlrlmcv. on Ynngu slrm't. Apply Organist Wanted Take “.999! Farm Laborers. Clothes Pressed House to Rent Farm Wanted Farm Wanted IZABE ofi’ex '> pm :xuire I - ' A. J. \Vl-ighl, Shun-y Hm”. L‘}H~'kuk7l. bbEt‘"'F6fi'nd MRS. W'MfRO’BINSON'S Elgin Mills m For Sale Box 470 LIBERAL OFFICE. D. HILL. To Rent For Sale To Rent A p911 P9 MRS. JAMES MALLOY. Apply it” R. F. WILLIAMS, T. F. MCMAHON Gov. Emphymf-nt _ Richmond Hill, 0» J A M ES N I9 \\' TON. idt’ NAUGHTON BROS.._ Lost Igost lliclmmnd Hill Bakery. WM. INNES. TB 001 Tm: LIBERAL OFFICE Illlgt Every cifnlt each unpliC: tnn Clerk of Sessinns hmnml Hill 1’. O. and Richman t-slun Elgin Mills Elgin Minn. aLgin n Lax-ets 5 Millx NiBfâ€"I this "the: 41-611) Applicatiun for entry must he made in person by the applicant at a Dumin- ion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the distzicb in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how- ever. he made at; an agency on cex min conditions by the father. mnther, son, daughter, brother or sister of an in: tending homestepdey. (2) A homestendur may if he so de- sires, perform the r9quii-ed residence duties by living or. farming land own- ed solely by him not less than eighty (80) acres in extent. in the vicinity of his homestead. Jniut nwuersllips in land will not meet this I‘eqllil‘fllllefit. (5) A homosteadex- intending to perâ€" form his residence duties in accordance with the above while living with par- ents or on fiu‘ming land owned by himself must notify the Agent for the. district (if such intentinn. Six months‘ untice in writing must be given to the Commissioner nf Du- mininn Lands at Ottawa, of intention to apply for The anesreader is required to per- form the homestead duties under one of the frillrmving plans: [3) If the father (or muther, if the father is deceased) of a. hmnesteader has permanent residence on farming [and owued solely by him, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent. in the- vicinity of the homestead. or upon u. humestead entered for him in the vicinity. such homesteadev may perform his mvn residence duties by living with the fawn-(01' mnthm‘). (4) The term “vicinity” in the twr: preceding paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine miles in a direct line. exclusive of the Width ut‘ mud allowances crossed in the meas- mement. (1) At leastvs'ix months‘ residence upon and cultivation vi the land in eaqh yeap- for thug) years. , NY evm: numbered sections of Dunnininn Lands in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and AIM-rm. exceptng 8 and 26, not rosm'tvd, may he home- stendvd by any persnn wlm is the 5018 head uf a family, 01‘ any male over 18 years of age, t0 the extent; of one- quzu-ter section of 100 acres, more or Depllty of: th Sy nap from the Postmaster G Printed nnLim-s con information as tn I‘m pnsed Contract may In fox-ms of ’l‘s-ndvr mny the Post Ofi'icp of Cu Unionvilh-, Victoria 8( offices and at the <fo Office Inspector at TUI‘ MAXI. UUNTRACT BRANCH. Ottawa. 23rd July, 1906. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Pursuant, In R. S. 0. 1897. ‘rup. 120. unlim- i3 lu-re-hy gin”) that all pvlsulli havng Chtims against [hv vslnte n‘f Sannwl 'l‘hnmpsnn In!» uf 'l‘uwuship nf \Vhitchuruh in the (,7nunty uf York, do-N'nsvd, \vhu (Iiml m) hr ulmm, lhe' 28th day of July. 1905, um quirrd m: m- hefnw the 1.31!) any (3f Ho'pu-qu-r m-xt. m svnd Lu Lm‘i Hum-er. [Ex-wu- tut. n stutvnmnt (If their (‘luims um] lhv nutnn- of th‘ security. if :m\', hv-ld by them; and Lukt- fun-(hm- lwticv that after the lust, mvntimwd (IRLP the said o-XI-cutm- \viH prmmcd Lt) dish-ilan the- :Iswts of Iht‘ t-Slnle Hmong th pal-Liv» I'IHiHPd llwn-tn having n-gmd only m the claims nf which he shull (ht-n have renvhvd nutié". Dated thia 61,11 day of Augush 1909. \EALED TENDERS nddrmsr-d to l ‘hP Pusllnnstvl' Uvnmul, will In: received at, OLLuwn until Nnnn. on Fri- day the 4th SPptrln'u-l', 1905. flll' the eunvl-ynlum hf his [\‘I;Ijv.~ty’s Mails. on a prnpnsml ()nntmct fur four years (5. 6 and t5 tinws pt-x' \vevk ouch way, he- twevnâ€" CASH EL HEADFORD VICTORIA SQUARE TICK ETH fur (.119 Canadian “'0” [uncured at, THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA. Old-ms 14km: :‘tâ€"~ THE LI HERA L OFFICE. Rlcnmmu HILL. N otice to Creditors Tickeis {or the West Ripana 1‘ 1119353 'I HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS LEVI HOOVER. 1?: the Alums nauthnriz “7. \V. CORY md and md West S cure '“ an mMK G. C. ANDERSON. Superintendent. C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Land: noun szhel. Hendford. n Square and mute Office of the Post: Turontn. i111 n t. pn ne- . ininp; litim Exm'ulmz Gunnh-y l 311 l.‘ Orifi- thn Intmvhn Ihlicntinn n the paid fm plmmlro further (Art: rpm. ,1 bl.

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