Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Aug 1908, p. 5

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the S. S. EXCURSION. The Methodist church and Sabbath School have made un-ungenmnts tn hnld their annual excursion to Bum] Lake on Wednesday next, the 19th 01’ August. Special czu-s will leave the Meu'opnlitau. \Vuiciug Room at, 1.30 ‘1. m.. and returning will leave Bond .21keat7.3 . Adult tickpts. 12 cents; children. 8 cunts. Tickets may be purchased on and afh-r Suturduv at Sandersnn‘s drug store and Hume's tailoring estuhlishment. Further in- formation may 1w had of flu: mmmn, hieâ€"Messrs. 3 Hume, and \V. Great improvements are taking place at the corner of Richmond and Eliza. beth streets. Mr. \Vm. Harrison's new house on the south east corner will make u Comfm-tuhlo home for some fmuily. and Mr. \V.Gnuld (m the south west corner. is greatly improving his residence. The council are laying :1 cement: wnlk on the South side of Rich- mond street, from Yonge tq Elizabeth and have erected :1 street lamp at that; corner. It prumises ere long to beune of the nicest corners in the viHnuo. Pure Gold Quick pudding. chomlato, arrowrout, custard. Atkinson & Swit. zer. DIED, AGED :52 YEARS. The funm'ui nf the hate Mrs. \Vulter I’ethick touk place from thv residence opposite the Hfth school Saturday afternoon. Deceased had bum in in lwnlth for some time- pust, but few thought, that death was so near. She was a daughter of Mr. John Doudlnnn. A short, service was hvld at the house by Rev. E. H. Toyc after which inter- ment took place in the C-nn-villv Conw- Lery. Besides a. husband she leaves a little daughter about :1 year old. The widow and the father of the late Hugh Mchiaghy wish to return their heartfelt; thanks to the many kind friends who showed such a willingness to assist during the time that deceasv‘d was called upon to suffer, and after he had been called away. It is only those bowed down in sorrow who can fully appreciate the sympathy shown by the sending of flowers. and little acts of kindness. It. is just at, such a time as this that those in trouble feel they have received a full measure of the best fruits of the human heart. Richmond Hill Park; Yulng street, Richmond Hill; John Hart’s Bum Raising; Hun-y Rmnlrlv’s Ball) Rais- ing (3views); I’uttm-snnChurch; Putter- snn Residence; Maple Road; Richmuml Hill. from Presbyterian anm‘: Rich- mond Hill Horse Ram's; C-IrrviileSide- l'Uald. 'l‘he following local Jerry Smith are now LIBERAL OFFICE. at 5 c cunts :1 dozen:â€" The ‘Vnrld mun having checked the car movements Mung the. MotmpuliLn u Railway and counted the pusswngm-S on an ordinary day. not, excur- sion partivs. reports that 175 pzlssongrs are carried pur hour «we! the snhurhuu line, between the bums of (5 a. m. and 7 p. u). The results “trance E luufhe the qunwix‘lVfi n‘ckuck. A Main off callulse (If the delay. (‘ Sc. I U}. Rev. I. G. Buwlcs pI-erlclwd on circuit. last. Sunday, and asked for scripliuns to assist in buildng \Vescmurx'lamd Avenue Meth chmch in Turunlu, the fun-mm- h ing being destrnycd by fire last mu-y. Tfi'm of our local fisht-x-mvn wan ll'Ulht fishing nvul- Pine Urn-haul. mer “with N. 0. a few days agn. and arrival I A! ' V Dr. Rough (If Tux-unto will prvucll in the Methudist ()hm-vh nun Sunday mun-Hing. and livv. Mr. Tuyv in [11v e-u-ning. Subject, in the owning “A frw gentle remindv-x-s.” Dr. MrLoam. M. l’. fur Contre York. was in the village on Tlll‘Sdlly. and held an m'gunimlvinn mvvtiug in Nu. 2. Meu-khauu. in the evening. Mr. A. G. Snvngp, outfitter, IS zul- \‘PI'Lising (In this pugu his entiw atm'k 0f lmutsand shuos. ready-Lo-\ku- suits. rm. [)0 nut, miis n snap when it is ulfm'ud yuu. Hume rendm-vd lard mm 81 Switzer. Mvmhm's uf tho Fin- Brigndv :u-L- lmlifit-d Lhut Lin-r0 will lwn spm'inl lire, pmcLice next Mnmlny H'oning :IL 7.30. A grand bazur and concert will he hr-Id in :lidnf' St. Sh-phon's ('hum-h. Shuffle. on Tuesday, the 25th inst. Fur particulars sec bills. RICHMOND AND ELIZABETH STREETS. Rural Rf'lmnls l‘(‘ npon m-xl. Monday, August 17. afth the summer varntinn. Dr. FultunV-Rfillnn, rlunlnelf, will lint revisit Richmond Hill again until \V'exl- m-sduy. Sept. 2. er‘nmmn HILL, 0512, August {like ,fgilterz \» I;(‘)C A].S=S PHOTO POST CARD OF THANKS. nd w. A. Wm EXAM. R1528: starch 10c. pkt; Laundry Still‘Ch Atkinson .\' Swim-r. is U!" the N xmninmiun, x wnmng Room at, 1.30 etuming will leave Bond Adult, tickets, 12 cents; cunts. Tickets may be u and afn-r Saturday at drug sun-c and Hume‘s nhlishment. Further in- 213' by 1mg ()1: the commit hr um and lndEI‘Sun iszht. morning the track CA R DS‘ views by Mr. on sale at THE rents each, 01' 50 130. lb. Atkin. * Metjindiet fm-mm' huild» Hinge. Schnn} l takI-x‘ n lmut 5 was the this sub. the lll- REV. J. A. GRANT’S DEATH. It is our painful duty to record this week the death of Rev. J. A. Grant, pastor of the Presbyterian church for the past 13 years. He had been in failing health nearly two years. hut, although his physicians knew his disease. pernicious anemia, was ser- ious Mr. Grant, was always hopeful until nearly the last. and thought he would he able to resume the work which he loved. He was a faithful pastor, and was esteemed and respect‘ ed as one of our best citizens. Deceas- ed. was a native of Scotland. and after e‘oming to this country he at.- tended Queen's University. Kingston, from which institution he graduated wiclrhonms in Arts and Theology. During his lengthened illness hundreds of fiiends have shown the deepest anxiety about his condition. All the care and love that skilled physicians and an anxious housshold could devise and apply for his comfort, were brought into play, but despite the many prayers and entreaties the ap- peals were overruled. and he was call- ed to a higher realm. He leaves a widow and six children. Funeral ser~ vice will he held in the Presbyterian church this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o‘clock. after which interment will take place in Mount Pleasant Ceme- tel')’. fee is charged will he counted uSVld- vet-tising for which the regular rule wilth chnz‘gn-d.” The editor of THE LIBERAL is always pleased tn insm'b nuticcs similar tn those referred to nhuvo. free of chm-gr, the nnly condi- tion being that the notices he. handed in us in proper time. But when nmvs items are recrivod on the, 'nmrning of public-Minn. or the ewning before, which might, have been hunde in a. (lay anwu em-linr. we do not guarantee tomsern. One of the rules of every Well regulated printing office, is tn pub- lish at the Lime udvm'tisod. This can- not be done if iLems are delayed. The follmving untice has recently been insmtvd in se-vornl Of the luml paperS:â€"â€""Nntices of chm-ch entertain- ments m' sucivty entertainments when: an :uhnission fee is charged inserLe-d in the lucal columns at 10 cents a line eat-h insert-inn. Advance notims of other entcrtuimnems where an admission The “'vlland Trilmne (-f the 7th inxt. contains the fullnwing paragraph rt-laLire tn the resignation: of Miss Gertrude- Grant. late piincipal of the Furt Eric schuul. win: is at present spending her hnlidays at her home! lie-re: "It is will) a §incero feeling of! regret. that, the many friends uf Miss l Gertimle Grant hear of her resignu-l tinn as prinripal of tlm Fort. Erie' public school. ’1'hatMiss Grant is an energetic and succesfl'ul principal is proven lwymnl a dnnht. for, (nit. of all the pupils Svnl‘, up by her In the en- trance, exanlixmtinns. (luringr her fum- yvnls as principal, not, (me has failed. ' snnw. of “Will passing with honors. “’hile we fully realize what is Miss Grant’s gain is our loss, we vxtend [0 her our hearty congratulations in se- . , , WW .. \ , . . v V curing H heuvi and more remunera- t-ivu pnsilinu nonu- New Yul-k (lily. Miss Grant’s Sl'hubl duties will begin Svptemhm- S." Mr. J. H. Sanderson. supvrintondent of the. Methodist thlmlh Su'houl. prnnliso-d a fH'C trip to Sun-horn Bench for [ho schulurs who wuuld write the best lwu was:in an “Thv Life of Saul, tlw first. King uf Israel." The essays were m be writh) by the scholars in the intm‘nwdiuLe classes. one paper fimn mmh cluss. Five papers were read alt, the Muse 0f the schuul lust, Sunday. Im-mln-rs of lhu hilJo class lwing llu- jndgvs. Thl-y dl‘l‘idl'll to give Glil'dlvll Slmm first. and tin- uthur (our, nnnwly, Turner \Vilvy. Helena. Ransom, Murjm‘ie \Vl‘ight, and lmuie Harding. \\'('rv said to be equal. Mr. Snndmsun. lhr-rrfme. gunmwnsly lnuk the qllilltf‘ltt‘fiuld gnu- thou: all a good outing at the Beach on l‘ursday. At a IIIPI‘LiIIg uf llm Bum-d uf Educa- tion yesh‘nlay Llu- applicaliun «If Mr. E. R. \\'ilhrril was mrce-ptod for the primtipnlship nf the High achrer ML 0. salary uf $1,050. Mr. \Vitlwril is a graduate uf quen's and had [4 yonrs' experience in a High schmnl. M r. MI:- Enchrrn‘s rvsignatinn was acueplt‘d. and the Svcru-tary was instructml In ad- vertise fur a first. assistant. to teach Latin, Fzmlch and Gl‘l‘lllfl”. MI. Lam- nn, principal if the Public schuul had his salary raim-(l from $650 tu$7UU. ovssful. and in malru‘ulntinn wvre Miss Unlhnun. Miss Eva “Eamon. and Mr. Rnlnml Hem-y. Miss Hum-l Smith has pussvd examination fur soniur much- vm, purl. I. §heulnilim had. Samrduy. le rosuhs m theJuuim- Mucrivulntinn l‘lxmuinu- Hun uplu-uwd mu TIu-sdny. In the the {mun-r Mitts Ada J. (‘allhuuu nf the Riclynund Hill High thunl was suc- MISS G {IAN'P‘S RESIGNATION. in! IIV TO SCA RBORO BEACH. SUHOO I. BOA R D. NOTICE! The undprsignvd, recently employed \viLh tln- Massey-Harris 00.. has taken the Blacksmithng business vacated by Clift, 81-05., and is prepared to attend to all branches of the trade. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGâ€"IN MILLS 'of his children to the pond to sail a toy yur-ht, and Cecil und onepr two other boys went along. Cecil, who had been with Mr. Ransom on the east side, walked to the west side, say- iug he would go in and bathe. He walked into the water and shortly afterwards Called to Baldwin Ransom to brng purl of his clothing. The boy started nith the clothing. but. Mr. Ransom, looking up :1 moment; later. could not see Cecil anywhere. He im- mediately culled Mr. Frank Robinson from the machine shop when both grappled for the body. Scores of exâ€" cited people were soon on the scene, ‘gnod swimmers (lived where, the \‘i0- Linn was lzu‘t seen. but not until two 'or three hours afterwards was the, ‘ body recovered by Mr. Mann-ll in - about fifteen feet, of water. It, is sup- posed he walked into a deep hole. and. being unable to swim, he innnediutely sank. The body was taken to the undertaking rooms of Wright Bros., and the parents were communicated with. Interment; took place in the village cometary this morning at 10 ‘ ()‘vlock. L’ETHXCKâ€"At the I'Psidence of her father-in-law, F. J. Pethick. 2nd cun- ('vssiun of Markham, on Thursday. August 6, 1908, Edith Dendumu, wife (If \Vultel- Pelhick, :lgvd 22 years. KIRKLANDâ€"Ac the residence of J. Espey. commssinu 2. Vaughan. on “Wduwduy, August, 12,15)U5,Stepheu Kirkland. in his -llsL your. Interment iu Richnmnd H111 Ccmv- lt-Iy Friday. at 2 p. m. GRANTâ€"AL the umusc. Richmond Hill 1.110 Monday evening. August 10. 1908, Jmues Anderson Grunt, pastnr of the Pl-eshyLm-izm Church. Funeral to Mount Pleasant Ceme- tvry tu-dny (Thursday) at 2 p. u). BELLâ€"At. Thm'nhill,Sutluduy, August 8, Ann Campbell, widow of the late Jullles Bell, in her 75L!) yum. The Brimll Amarican Yonge and McGEHSts. GLASSâ€"At Cnnksmwn. on Friday, July Blah. 19Q8_,a duughterto Mr. and MCCONAGnYâ€"On Friday, August 7, 1908, at his father’s residvncv, Rich- mond Hill, Hugh McUnnughy, late of Boston, M:ms., aged 37 yams. PETHICKâ€"At {hp I'Psidence uf her CECIL H ERRON DRO \VNED. The \illuge was thrown into a. state of excitement Tuesday afternnnn when it was lvarned that Cecil llorrnn. whose parents live at. 297 Farley ave- nue, Turmltn, had hven dmwnod in Buylv‘s pond. The Victim. whu on m:- cuunt, uf his happv face and pleasant, manner was knuwn here as "Sunny Jim." came out, frnm the City to spend a couple of weeks with Mr. Joseph Hall. The family formm-ly lived here. and, since- Lheil rvnmval to Toronto, Cecil has kept up acquaintanceship with his tanner companinns hy mak- ing,' annual visits here. Tuesday, alter dinner. MraMoses Ransom look three , , , _ _, . Cur. \ mug: and Alexander Sts., PATROSAGE SOLICI'I‘ED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Those whu know best ths merits of this schnol are as stauncbeat supporters. This college stands First in Popularity, Thoroughness and Genuine MEHL (1‘0 \v KIM-:19 you mu , vou will find our g:-uduate<pnsi1- jug to the irnnb. Their superiur Draining. euublas them to get and hold first-class ositinua. College opeu u|l summer. uter any time. Write for untmogusa. Wards u-lrctrd nnd accompunied th Bro: klyn lacmsae (mun who-n tin-y toured through England nncl lu-l:md. He travelled sure-ml yearn for the National Lend Company of Boston. Hut gruduulh‘ his suength gnu- way; he was the victim of a disease which line physicians diagnosed as nvrvons purstmtion. The funeral on Tuesday was largely attendvd. A short xvi-vice was conducted at the- honse- hy Rev. Dr. Gilruy. pastor of College St. Pres- hyterinn Church. after which the re- nmins wele curried to their last rush ing place in the village cemetc-ry. Sincere sympathy is extended to the faithful widow. the father, the two brothers und a sister. . 1. W033 WARD. RAHAMâ€"UH the Second Concession of Markham. on Saturday. the first uf August. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gl-abzun, a sun. MI; ii.“\"V‘.véiZ;§. Fall Term Opens SEQ: \V. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. for. Yang: and Alexander Stan, HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY TORONTO. ONT. Fall Term WUUDWARD. DEATHS. BIRTHS. Our old-e mnl ofi'els :Iu-ing a. thaEd )gne: Business College - Toronm. smmd rm ning. pays to he w++++++ ++++++M+++++++-z~~2~z-~:- +++++++++++++++++++++++++32 Arm. Savagej @utiifler i Agent for Rolswn Electric Laundry Furnishings also must be 01861.1“- ed. Come in and inspect our good& Don’t miss this chance and come early this week and get your choice and fit. 25 Beadyâ€"to~wear suits to Clear out: ' 150 Pairs men’s, women’s, and children’s boots and shoes, all styles, 'to clear at a big reduction. Now for the Goad Snaps Aug. 6, 1908 y-L'LLLUD, 800 yds. good Canadian 1 81-inohes Wide, in fancy stI- p83 and checks, reg. 120. yd., for 100. 58-inch unbleached Damask Tabling, leaf and flower design, per yd. 300. 60-inch semi-bleached Dam- ask Tabling, spray and leaf de- sign, per yd. 500. 54-inch unbleached Damask Tabling, leaf design, per yd. 25C. Table Linens Regular 16.50 suits to clear at Atkéngm Swine? We Ofi‘er This Week 15.00 13 50 10.00 I3'75

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