Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Aug 1908, p. 6

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What is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. This year the road assessment in the Central District, Edinburgh, has been raised a. penny. Crops are looking fine, and there is every indication that Bute farm- ers will reap a. good harvest. Arbroath poor rate has been ad- vanced 1d. per £1. The cost of lunatic poor is largely responsible for the increase. A new thoroughfare may be built between the Joint Station, Aber- deen, and the northern part of the city at an estimated cost of $165,- 000‘. Craigneuk Workmen’s Home, Ltd., have paid a. dividend at the rate of 10 per cent., and a bonus of 2% per cent, on the subscribed capital. In the country schools of Wigâ€" town it is the practice to close ear- ,lier than in the town in order to allow the children to take part in the turnip thinning; The Scottish Amateur Athletic championship meeting has produc- ed a, new recordâ€"that made by T. R. Nicolson in the hammerâ€"throw- ing event, 162 feet 8 inches. The Scottish Coal Mine Owners’ Association have made application to the Miners’ Federation for an- other reduction of wages of 12% per cent, e_g_ua1 t_o_6d. per daJ Captain Murchie, of the Clyde tug Belmore, which foundered near Suez, and who was drowned, was a. native of Lochranza. The oldest hall in Crieffâ€"the Weavers’ Hall in Commissioner streetâ€"has had its walls nicely done up, and looks fresh and bright. The Céuncil of vDundee Univer- sity College has approved of the erection of a new mechanical en- gineering laboratory at; a. cost of between $65,060 and $75,000. A very remarkable operation has 'ust been performed at one of the large hospitals in London which if ultimately successful will open up yet another field for the daring skill of the twentieth century surâ€" geon. This operation was suggest- ed for the relief of pain due to heart disease and was devised ac- cording to the following argument: It was supposed that the attacks of pain were due to the efforts of the enlarged heart to beat in the confined space allotted to it in the chest.- It was argued that if the imprisoned heart could have great- er freedom of action its beat would be more effective and the pains would probably cease. The surgeon removed four and a. half inches of the fifth rib and five and a half inches of the sixth rib on the left side, so as to give the enlarged heart greater freedom of action, and the result so far has been excellent. The patient is well satisfied with the results; he has obtained relief from pain, and his hitherto restless nights have given place to quiet and uninterrupted sleep. I’d run this country differentlyâ€" Make many changesâ€"but there! Nobody asks me What I would do, And nobody seems to care. “Captain,” said the boy, “is a. thing lost when you know where it in ’I” “No, you fool I” answered the ca. tain, who being a wise man, a}; ored frivoious questions. “Well, 8):, your si!ver teapot is at the bot- tom of the seal” A building boom is on in Perth. Leith poor rate has been increas- ed 2%d. per pound. Blairgowrie new water works were opened on the 2nd inst. They ~30}!!er Scébt, 'General Post-office, Edinburgh, has got nine months for fraud and forgery. Robert Miller, chimney sweep, re- siding at 267 King street, Ruther- glen, died recently from the effects of poisoning. The deceased acciâ€" dentally drank a quantity of liquid ammonia. Oban has at length aroused from its slumber and commenced to raze to the ground some of its outstand- ing architectural freaks. The huge, ungainly hydro has been demolished and every stone sold to local build- ers. have cést $100,000 There are seven candidates for the chair of chemistry in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh vacated by Professor Crum Brown. Surgeon Shortened Ribs to Give Heart More Room. WAIL OF A PESSIMENT A DARING OPERATION. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Restored Strength After Medical Twat- ment Had Failed. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pill cure such cases as Mr. \Veaver’s because they make the rich, red blood that feeds the starved nerves and tones and strengthens every part of the body. That is Why they cure anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, paralysis and other troubles due to bad blood and shattered nerves. Sold by all me- dicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2450 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. That’s What the Doctor Says About It, but He Can’t Cure It. “Akerchoo,” remarked Mr. Bumpt-on, as he came sniffling down the steps leading to the doc- tor’s office. “Dhese doctors bake be dired. Dhey dhig dhey are deal- ing in an advanced science ad yet, Ly gracious dhey can’t cure a nasty liddle cold id dhe head. “Id’s edough to bake addybuddy cuss to hear dhem go on. I said to dhe doctor, I said, ‘Doctor, I'b sig,’ I said. ‘I’b very sig,’ I said. ‘Id fact,.I feel burn all over,’ I said. ‘What’ll I do?’ I said. “I can truthfully say Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills did for me what one of the best; doctors in Halifax failed to doâ€"restored my health.” This strong statement is made by Mr. Wm. J. Weaver, 172 Arger street, Halifax. Mr. Weaver adds: “‘Oh,’ says he, ‘do’d do addy- thig. You’ve just. got a. liddle cold id dhe head. Dhat’s all. Id’s do- thing butch. Id’ll wear off.’ “Ai’d dhat sibly sickening? Here I go to a. doctor who glaims he can cure dibtheria. ad dhyphoid ad beasles ad all sort ob dhigs, ad, by gracious, he can’t cure a. liddle cold id dhe head. “ ‘Id’ll wear off,’ he says. I know dhat. But I do’d want id to wear eff. Akerchoo! I want to stop feeling sick, ad dherc's dothing makes you feel sicker dhan a. liddle cold id dhe head. V\“Id seems to be a. fudd gracious, id’s do joke f0 who’s got id. Akerchoo “Dhe drouble is dhey do’d think it’s addythingâ€"a. liddyle cold. If you had subthing derrible with a long Latin dabe dhe doctors would bay sub addention to you. Seebs like dhey don’t have addy sympa- thy with a. liddle cold id dhe head. “Ad, by gracious. what cad you do ’or id’l You ca’d do addything but sneeze and snuff ad bake a dui- sauce of yourself. Ad adother dhing dhat bakes be mad is dhe way everybody laughs ad you when you got a cold id dhe head. Be careful not to stumble over your own blufi. the w] ONLY A COLD IN THE HEAD. BROKEN IN HEALTH. a. fuddy joke. By )ke for dhe man and quit- days. I years and 50 pounds “She went herself to her daugh- ter’s temptress, and two women of the world met face to faceâ€"one a good one and one evil. Unfortu- nately in such cases the balance of triumph is generally on the part of the sharks, but here this devourer’s reputation was too shady for her to r"sk a. public scandal, and she agreed to forget that she had ever met the girl. Those debts that were made with strangers were paid, but the woman herself was obliged to forego her illâ€"gotten gains.”â€"â€"Glasgow Herald. writer says:â€" “Can anything be more horrible than for a woman of experience to invite to her house young people with the express purpose of encour- aging them to gamble, and fleecing them of their money? The history Home Employment fur Ladies LiGHT, EASY, PLEASANT. Young Women in London Entang- led in Card Debts. Under the title of ‘ Sharks,” Olive Christian ] recently contributed a. rathe ing article to the Christian Concerning the bridge vict Such as any lady can do and en- joy. Any lady who wishes, and sees this advertisement may, if She writes soon, secure this opportun- ity to be independent, earning a good living in a. very easy manner. V‘l'ork any lady can do. For particulars address MRS. M. SUMMERS, FOUND SEA MONSTER’S SKULL Skull of Unknown Monster is Found in Scottish Waters. The skull of a huge unknown sea monster was brought up by the trawl nets of the Aberdeen steam- er Balmedie, while fishing in the Atlantic, north of Scotland, the other day. The skull was subse- quently landed at Aberdeen, amid great exmtement. Mystery surrounds its classificaâ€" tion. The skull is of immense size, its dimensions suggesting that the animal it belonged to was as large as an elephant. It is in a wonder- ful state of preservation, and but for a protuberance from a. pair of bell-shaped jaw-bones there is no flesh covering. This protuberance is leathery to the touch, three feet long, eight inches in circumference and tapering to a. point. A little above and to the edge of the tongue space were two huge cavities, quite a foot across, sug- gesting eye sockets. It is thought the relic is part of some preâ€"historic monster from the Arctic regions, which, having been preserved in its icc bed for ages, may have been washed down into warmer latitudes on an ice floe before being deposi- ted in the Atlantic. Uoncermn wrl’cer say place 1" "1 coumnl mistress and master rel, mum.” “Dear quarrel very often ’2’ When ’twasn’t me When you find the ROUSE GAMING PASSION. W I Correspondence Department, Windsor, Ont. by did may be sur 5 road. iou leave 3 uldn’t stand USE ruth in your that alwa; you are on ways abs tim our last the way to (mar- Society dalvery r strik- 11111111 twas the 1n}: ways absolufiely pure, al‘ best in quahty is “Salada (f darkness during the whole of the night, which recently so startled north-western Europe. A beauti- ful sunset hue pervaded the north- ern heavens, as though, the axis of the earth suddenly changing, the sun had not sunk so far beneath the horizon as usual, and the posi- tion of the pole had altered five and twenty or more degrees, the arctic circle therefore moving downwards. The phenomenon was entirely dif- ferent to aurora borealis, and the cause remains an absolute mystery. It was as though a Joshua had com- manded the sun to stand still in order to prolong the length of the day. which have occurred for many years â€"stmnge, because altogether unâ€" intelligible, and, so far, not satis- factorily explained by scientists â€" was the remarkable and unaccount- able prolongation of the glqv of twilight, with the complerterabsence But however beautiful and strange, this phenomenon could not compare in splendour and magni- ficence with the startling display of aurora bl realis Whlch took place in England in 1859. As the twilight disappeared strange coruscations of colored light were observed in the northern heavens, gradually taking the form of a gigantic luminous arch of many colored fires. Dependâ€" ing from the arch were geometri- cal columns, of carying length, of quivering, manyAhued wildfire; some a. brilliant amethyst, some a deeper purple, or some a vivid carâ€" mine or emerald. Now a throbbing pulsation passes over the entire glowing arc, and it flashes in gold or orange, azure or vermilion, mauve or violet; now for a moment partially fading away, again sud- denly, with a quavering tremor, scintillating and flashing as bright- ly as before. The spectacle is now beyond expression sublime and ma- jestic, and those who had the good fortune to witness it were alto- gether overwhelmed at this magni- ficent and sumptuous display of the mighty forces of Nature. On another occasion, instead of a prolongation of daylight, for a space oflthree hours, commencing at noonday, a supernatural dark- ness overspread the land, a dark- ness in which, it is believed, the entire earth was plunged, for Na- ture was then veiling her face, shocked at the dread tragedy which was taking place on Golgotha, where the pure and holy Son of God was bearing the shameful load of our sins, and, Himself on behalf of all who will but come to Him, en- during the punishment due by them to Eternal Justice. Aye, well might Nature then, aghast at the heart-rending sufferings of her Lord, shroud herself in darkness, and screen Him from the ribald in- sults of His dastardly murders. But His death is our life, His sufierings our passport to the glories and su- pernal joys of heaven; His crown ([ thorns our title to a. crown of glory “I wish,” said Mrs. Struckoyle: in great perplexity, “I could think uf some good name for the” ifiw- U, “Suppose,” suggested hér hus band, “we call him after a dismnt relative of mine, who is a preacher I thlnk l've never spoken of him, butâ€"" “Is he a. good preacher?” “Oh, yes; he’s orthodox, and “That suits me exactly!” elea ed Mrs. Struckoylc. “We'il ‘ him Orthodox The fewer credit the easier it is for world in the face. One of the strangest phenomena. GIVING THE BOY A START IN TEN ERR] S LU X. (By A Banker.) 1' him a. man has We'il cal} The Mild Climate of Virginia ofiers splendid opportunities for stock raising, fruit growinz, dairying and general fanning. Winters are short. Climate ealthful. Land 00d and selling below its value but increasing n value each year. Many Cana. ians are living in Virginia. Write for i .‘ormatlon to G. W. KUINER. Commissioner of Agicnltnro, ichmond, Vs. “Why, Jimmie, is it true that you gave little Bobbie a. black eye 2" “Yâ€"yessum.” “What excuse have you for such a brutal act “Z” “Wâ€"well, he provoked me.‘ “How did he provoke you 2” fiLhe 3%?“ jamm- The import man’s life is dent of birth me Bell PIUHOUHG 0H All prices and styles from 81240 to $2.40. Write for free catalogue. IURU? Agents wanted in every towr We can sell you the best whoat lands in? Saskatchewan from 89,00 per acre upward, on easy terms. We defray all expenses 0“ your inspection. Write us for information.1 J. H. WILLOUGHBY CO., Ltd. â€" SOLD BY â€" DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND GENERAL STORES 10¢. par packet, or 8 packets for 260. will Int 3. whole eeaoon. F LY PADS WESTE RN LANDS. VIDTGR - BERLINER Fr Fine Desks library Bureau of Canada coma Gaamomom com 234 Yongo Street, Toronto. 79 And interior woodwork Library Bureau quality is standard. Our new factory at Ottawa is now in full operation and is turning out the best interior wood- work, desks and filing cab- inets made on the contin- ent. If you are interested in High Grade \Voodwork we will send catalogs free of charge on application. Real Estate and Financial Brokers, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan WILSON'S BAY STREET, TORONTO, ONT hit me béck.” important event in many a. 11fe IS an acoldentâ€"the acol- CAUSE LIMITED ‘un 00., m, Guelnn, (Inf- AND IS usan THE WORLD OVER I8 CANADA’S BEST Bell Organs are also world famed Send 300 sheets of sticky paper Ivcry packet will klll morofiioothan for Free Catalog No. 75 to ,

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