Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Aug 1908, p. 8

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'I Until {urthor notice Mails will be closed M. tho G O ' P ‘*°hm§§:§§:§22f?fim°" ‘ffierrggg o 1 n g t o P an n t l I 1 IE 1 4‘1 1 ..... ..... . , - MONEY ORDERS The“ use W 1873 CA 51 Bunches E f ' ' M n Ordemiâ€" ‘ “'11:. .° “” m 7715 SHERWIII-WILLIAMS PAINT - 1. - - . 4 ’ C N. B._R - t l I z b h .‘.. V. 'II“ .U0ulflfl. .m .m’n‘ IUD IIIIDI ... . " nk M d Ea .1. min Fiigtgelgnmiieinuieyoigiz: £11511 the above . . a e munllcneu hours {or closing. md you'll 8“ satisfaction. _ - OFFICE cwifigggfythtum It’s the best protection V There is no formality about opening :1 Saving: Amnm! . _ +___..__. you can give your house . _, with this Bank. Courteous clerks wiil make the first steps Village D1rectory. It's made from pure whim " easy for you if you wish to begin saving: your spne dollars. zcdhurgh tgisEn land-igoilvlscudu 811.1111. m, if“: (113113174106 White. and Pure ' Not much money is needed. 01‘1c 11:10.31 “01110113011 an 4 “D B . 11' an 5‘ . ' ' . A ‘-_ ’. v t . . v nvrzilbymriuuChu’ichâ€"uervice. 5,110,113.?11311 ms“ m . ‘ account, and emitle 3011 lo :1 paSs oo 11 \1 110 1 )our v.13. Su1nlu.y$choolnt2.30. Prayer meeuug It does not powder. flake of! l deposits are entered. . . Jiggiefg:5fiifiii§"13humh75:733.." 0.. ...... orlfrafck. t h d bl m No dchy i1:1 \s-ithdmwmg your money at any 111116, 59 1; s n.1n.a.un n. m. . ‘ ' \ - ~. :.M°ethgiigsliy§gugclfi-fierz'irog 111.610.3161 mansion that wgms aid 012331;; "‘2‘; f; m"; I «1111 iniereJ to .112 . . ‘1111111 1: oo 11 2.3 . on m r 1 11:39:15,113 Thyfiéiyologlngh A M N t M longest time. ’ m m 1: go. an â€" co 3 on- . duvuim our beioro iuu moon It's color: are clear, bright and E’ M' Byrne' Ma‘u‘ger ,dscyourtllichmond. A o râ€"uem fourth 1711- > lasting_ BRANCHES ALSO AT MAFLE. MAREHAM AND . ogziofiogiol.'g0 U Wâ€"Meeta thir]. Wednesday It costs less by the job than any STOUFFVXLLE -25m.) {21mins o sâ€"Moezs aeoondandiomth " other paint made. ‘ v ' “r-fimm ‘ ' 7 i * ~ ~ 1w * --~ ~ W . . .-. -.. fI?»'1’.‘::1i‘%1halti’lmanmco-Mcoiu first Wednesday , The 11.111 C010! card shows 48 . . 1 c - . ogagllilfizgdgâ€"Mfltl 323‘ Monday oi ovary handsonle Shadljv'sv S-- ‘V- P. 13 p- . m n . . . T311300 ngl‘;ry 11nd Rowing Room-Open p“ up f“ measure, alum)" ‘ aupel 101' . .t d 1. g . 9 Eswngthliengugifiza‘éeerggr: Monday 1 . x .' . . .~ .. Express ’ dJunfiéir Elm-11:6}: League incell every Mun- sou) av Med sweet apples. with some poovle. brim i ‘ “{Lflnflolg- ' _ _.___.___â€"â€"- Womm relief for Constipation With ot.h~rn. ' 1 -â€" . - ‘ or r 1111f Toronto & York Radial Railway co, & ooamfll-wheatbrcad w111 have the snmei-flcct. P t A t i _ Nnture undonbtedly has a vegetable remedy 1.1 Wmmpeg “new every ailment nonwman' if phy‘mam Nurihmn NurigniinnCn'slm:1l>i'1-1rm __ 2- _ --. 2,; _ 2 , ,7 _ W A , , _, fl _ v-) . ..A .2 . .._ mb‘“ find Nature's wnyw health' And this i’ Surniu. “111111.”- \\'¢-(iiipqqi;.y Friday; S T ' T Mkhwly true with rcgardto Constipation. 7am pup”... huh,“ “Um OWL]; 15mm” . The bark of a aermln tree in Qiliiorninâ€"(‘ns- Tupw‘lflr 'l‘lllmefi. qulunh‘. . nghh and Handsome mm Sacrada-ol‘l'ersnmnsc excellent 11141 1011111 7 ' '. i IV l I . If end. But. combined with Egyptian 90111015111» :8“ Bo'nt’ A “EhK harness 11 not lackin in strength 11nd very Elm Bark. Soiid Extract 01 P101105. (-1: . tliig 11.:1kv ‘ (ill'l‘i'l 00111100111111 with "Tim GOING NORTH durability “5 sunmg might suppose, ’ nine Cascam bark is given its grain-<1 {1115115111.} :llinwgl 'l‘lxpm-lwl." :1: I’m-g 1111111111. 1, .~ . . “'e have :1 “'11 (1f 111:1kin Dower to correct constipation. A tmthsmne "l‘ 11111111011. Ci 111111111111, 1 1i111-1- A . 0‘ P's R' g'lniblgg (gnnnlt("‘)‘ LS“ 13‘ y g Candy Tnblet. miled Lax-013.13110w mailu 111131.: l""‘i- "W1 [)1 inv-ipul [minis in 1111- “'l-sl . ER"?- ' ' 1' ' 1 '1 '1 r' "v' Harness Dr. Shoon Laboratories. from this 11130111111115 mm h“lid \'1».~iihnh-d 'l‘inins. uno'xn-llui 1‘ 6 [11.Si .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. , on .. most effective prescription. [(5 effect on (111.511. Dining (3111- fie-1'1 11:0. I’nluiinl 511-1110”. ... , ....‘ .. . ‘ . I I . . . nation. Billousness. Sour Stomach. Burl iin-ntn, Reduced Rat s \1 Chi a 1 York Mills F. 0â€"11.. m. 6.20. 7.20. tint inalu's ihmn light. handsome and . ~ ' 1 a 1; go , 8.20. 9.20. 10.20. 11.20. 12.3): p. Ill-.131). (1111211119. They are different from any :gfizngompie‘io“. 0131.15 indeed 910.1111. and OQQOOQ +9§ i 2.20, 3.20. $1.20. 5.20. 6.20. 7.20. 9.20. othm- harnessâ€"they 11L well, lunk Well NO wiping. no “nmcasfim an" 0mm“ "0 M Canadian Northern Ontario ‘ Thol'nhlli 1’. 0â€"11. 1n., 6.35, 7.35, and wear well- “mm... d L t . ., ‘ 8.35.9311, 10.35. 11.35. 12.313; p.111., 1.35, “mogmi‘xnmoélxfiixsex 51:11:: .l..d1..:....1...1 The Lake Shore Express - . . â€" . - - - ,â€" . â€" . .. ‘ 0 ‘ ‘ '3 ‘U 2%, .130, 439.1%? 0.11.1, 7.336 050.7 4 ' . 4 All our own make ......“ ‘ m ’ L “” 10 a. m- iROM TORONTO 1c mon 1â€"a. 111.. .5. .5. ' , - - .x. . . . .. .. . . 3.50.1145,1050.11.45.1250: p. n1.. 1.45. r ' Full lineuf lwrseundswme fittmsi- m’mme‘m" new“ “we” “mm”! “”° IT"..‘7"J”""‘ .I"‘k‘.‘ “"71‘.““1‘. “'1‘”? , _ . - .. . - .. - / “halve-Vial)“ 0! P411» Sunni] and Sndhnn. 1110 hrs: 2.00. 3-45. 4-00. 0-40. 6-00: L451 9-00- ‘ '# 11.111130 in (1-111-1d-1 1111 the ,\in *meiwn'un ” 6130116175 Lliikuc. Jfg'“: ")9." 7'95" -- M R' h d 111111 1511-11011 .Ri‘Yi'l‘S. 16111-114011 din-01. 3:0; 4. . bi): " ' o c , 1 \_\'1‘iie l’nnie-ngei- D1“Pl.. '1‘1111111111,:11)(1ui, A’111-(111iâ€"a. ’m., 7.20, 11.10. 9.20, 10.10. E hum-1.111.005 CMURS'. n. "0.)." Fun”: --. 11.20. 12.10; . m., 1.20. 2.10, 3.20. 4.10. __ _____ W m, H, . _,,- __ _ “a - i 7 7 8.10. 10.20. A Newnnn'kvtvâ€"a. 111.. (5.40. 7.40, 8.30, W. A. SAV E M M 9.40.1030. 11.40, 12.30; p. 111.. 1.10. 2.30. L S A WANTED 3.40. 4.30. 5.40. 6.30. 7.40. 8.30. 10.40. â€"__‘_â€"_" W” i ” '7'" ’ " _ , . . . , Shal.0n_a. m" 6.50, 840‘ NA” 1240; 101 1110111101111 1111111111111 11111111111118 p. 111., 2.40, 4.40, 6.40, 3.40. 1 “m” ‘1 “' WWW“ neel svill ~a. 1n.. 6f.” SFO, 10.’0, ” "' ' 12%0; (1.] 111.. 3.50. 4.50, 8.5110. 0 E511 Keswicl<_â€"11.111., 7.10. 9.10. 11.10; p.m. . ‘ . . _ _ _ of fine Dmmg Room, Sitting Room and Bedroom Furniture, “’1‘”? "WWW “1 80W “NW “W's Orchard Bl‘ilChâ€"RJII. 1.1.).; B d I B d M _. d - may he dull. fix-1110113 were neVH' 111nm p.111.. 1.15. 3.15, 5.15. 7.15. 0.15. rass an ron e 51 attresse° an Sprmg5~ encouraged :13 regards fruit growino Roache‘s Pointâ€"41. 111., 7.20. '9.20. “ than :11, the present. Srils‘ivn. liigii 11.20; p. 111.. 1.20. 3.29. 5.20. 7.20._9.20. . _ . ~â€"--â€"-â€"-- piiiresf111‘11llclnsses of 111111 have Let-I1 1 gnétggi Eggk:;l_,zg_2q_20, 11.20; pm.” our Stock of Papers 15 the Ch01cestselect10n; wall, 10111,:1111911Lh!‘[WWI8141.301].Elliiiltfiu’lt‘ is.l . , .. , . . ;, 1...), , o. 1 - ‘ 11500011501 1101109. 1111 11101011501 ( 9111:1111 Jackson‘s PM“. A,.,.i,.,,_,,. m” “0. border, and ceilmg to match, at small cost. Try ...”. ......S..,.;. a......k. 40. 11.10; p. 111.. 1.40. 3.40. 13.10. 7.40. 1 0111 sank is oomph-t9 in (wory (10- ‘p P . t d . d d f. b I" [hm-111111.11, including :1 new list of ‘, am 9 rea -.m1xe an 103 {Us ‘65. spi-cm in-s which we alone hundlv. GOING SODTH' , y ’ '1‘l11-v1‘1'gl1t 1111111 will (1111:1111 :1 pin-111:1- Jncksmls [,Uint' Loavcfiu. m" 6.“, 1 1.0113211112111211 with tenitni-y 111581-0011 10.00. 12.110; ...m., 2.00, 4.00, 6.00, A I “KHZ”; 11,13: 1591;111- {Mi s"II-11111 “'00. r 1 . -. . 11 9 01-11111 11111 1115 Morton Parkâ€"(5.10. 8.10, 10.10. 12.10; T ' .1 ...... ...... .1... .11. P G S ea STON 1; & WELLINGTON Roache's Pointâ€"41. 111.. 6.15. 8.15. . ‘ ' ' .... ' .. 1- . .... 10.15, 12.15;.1. 111.., ' ' Mone duara’n 'F'm‘mu Mm”) (800 “‘“3’ Orchunl Punchâ€"6.20.520,10.20, 12.20; - 4-4111 TOROVTO. ONT 11110 11,111.,2.2ll,4‘120,6.20,8.20. RICH MON D U 1 LL 0 WWW“ 7‘“ 4- ~ KesxfiiE'k-Za’. 111.. 0.21.'. 12.23; e V e r y +++++ugo§»§-.;.-§..§.++.g..g..§.,g..;..;..g..§..§.++.r..g. p. 111., 2...”..3, .L-3. 0.25. 8.35. r. . . . . _ .3. ' Quoomvilleâ€"u. 111., (1.10, 8.40, 10.10, ' lâ€"lb. '2' :1: 12.411;p. 1..., _ v” A”, Â¥ ‘â€" ' 3‘, 1' Sh:11‘1111--a.. 111.. (5.50. 3.51). 10.130, 13.50; 7 W ‘ - V 7” hi 7 i “H 7 ‘ M W H W 7'7» '2‘ 1 p. 111.. 3.50. 4.50. (5.50, 8.50. 4.4.4.. ‘1‘ + Nrwmru-koLâ€"al. 1n.. 6.00, 7.01). 8.001, f; 3‘ 9.00. 10.00. 11.00, 12.00; p. 11... 1.00. 2.00, 1 - . ... ' 3.00, 4.01, 5.00, 0.001. 7.00. 0.0-1. _ Try us for O R A N G b S, 3: g ...? I Auroraâ€"11.. 111.. 0.10. 7.10. 3. 10. 0.10, - i r I , .I I {T s 1 ' E a ‘1‘ 10.10,.; p. 111., 1.10, 2.10. :;.10, MN3 E 'E B . LL 3105151 B A 1\ AN Ag, 3?. i i 4.10, 5.10, (5.10, 7.10. 0.10. v' ‘ _ '1‘ '1- ‘mel's Lzlkv .lcl.-.~1. 111., (3.25, 7.25, [N and all I‘lndsoi confecuons : i 8.23. $1.25. 10.25. 11.2.5, 13.23: [1.111.. 1.35, -' 2.23. 3.2.3, 4.2.3. 5.23, 0.23. ... 9.25. Mgn‘tOba’ Albert“ e 15 n 3 11101110000 liillâ€"n. 111.. (5.110, 7.10, aSkatChewan I: 3 ‘1 i 8.40. 0.10. 111.111. 11.411, 12.411: 11. 111., 1.10, Work harvesting for 25,000 I E g ’2- ‘ ~1- 240. 3.10, 4.40. 5.111. 0.40. 7.10. 9.40. men- Good wages. - 0 0 I; Thurnhill l’. ().---:l. 111 . (3.715. 7 7-5. _‘ 1 ' 8.55,:1.55, 10.55. 11.53. 12.53; 11.111., 1.5.3, ____.._.._......__..__.__.___.. 3i: I 2.55, 3.3.3. 1.55. 5.55. 6.5.3. 7.5.3. 0.5.3. : l 4' + q Yolk Mills P. U.â€"«:1. 111., 7.10, 3.10, To I -* - * â€"“â€" - * ~- 2: gr Q '1 ..10, 10.10, 11.10, 12.10; p. 111., 1.10. 2.10. - : + e ., â€" ",110,010, 111.111. GTOijné Séfond .2 . -§- L1 1 i .'(~1'111 1111111111. A!‘l‘i\’r’--.l. 111., 7.10. I'lp ass ‘ i‘ 7" ’1' 8. it), 11.4“, 10,10, 11,40. 12.40: p. 111., 1.40, Freetickeu from Winnipeg to points.whero farm >1 :1: 2 SJ.” 4.“), 5.1”, (3-1.1, 7.;0‘ SJI)‘ laborers ar\e needed. withintertam fimiis. 4 O E 8 r :3: i .1 i. R t i n 1 1' - .. ‘ . $18.0 \ E ;: g L- ; a,» SPECIALâ€"SKIPRDAY AND 11011. â€"â€"~â€" . ,g 5 r: u a g s ,_. i .1. 11_\ Y SERVICE. EXCURSIONS LEAVE - ,1 1â€"1 2: 5 v 1 ’5 .1; 1 I 3 7. ‘. - ' 1 't . . , 1 ' In addition to rvgulnr smwii-c (211's ' g z 3 i ‘5' +"”‘”‘"“ ‘9‘ v r u - . 3 1‘) 1 '5' 4‘ loau'v .\:11'th 1111111111) 1111‘ Junkmns & 8 1H 5 :2 5-0 '1 ‘ + J. l’ui11t:1112:1.111.. 2,00. 4.00. 0.1”) p.111. _ o o _ O F affi- ": ' + .3. 1‘1""? '1 “V'kfl'll's P‘flim f““ 1““1'111 T‘" from all nations in ierri‘lory between Tqrovito- 1 H : 1111110 111 1.00. .1 1111. .1.\l\l, 10.011.11JH. ' Sarnin line and Toronto-North Bayhne. , a: E '7 ‘7- : a. 1 + Li‘.’l\t‘ .\111*tl1 '1‘1111111111 111‘ 39w- ' i 2; H . 'E‘ “'11 f G. ’2' 1.30, 2.30. 3.30, 1.110, 5.:10. 0.30, [MEORTANT 4;. ‘: =1 2 u :1 £31,311“ 1. 7.30 [1.111. A k can. Ti k t A t f z' r ‘ C 1’ .;. 3: Lem‘v No'wnmi km for N011 l1 Tun 1111» "also an Augustclfleih. gié'fnncogge'ri‘i‘ecgnvzmr: ' V £1 ": ‘ Z r I '1‘ 3.1;0, 1.30, 5.3111). (5.110, 7.30, 8.2;11, {1.30 11.111. *me ‘01â€" ‘ , O x . any»;.;.-g..;.++.;..;..;..;..§..;.++++++++++++ .1110 c.11‘ fining Xvwm 1.1.11 {.11 - ' . 13" 3 E ‘ ‘ ,., , _.,., _ fink/H ‘ Jurkwn‘s l’oint 111.-4011.111. C'B' FOSTm' Dm'PmAfl"C'P',B"?°‘{-°9"m j Z d _ '3 . '13, .4 _ 1‘“ i, A i {:3 n a g A - ,7 1 » .21»:- 2'1]. r'ifiwiguih? Si’l'IL'IAI.~v.\i(>I\[1.11 512111101: ; - ., . ,,,_, , M __ ._v_ fl 8 .3 .' , , w‘ ’ WW" -_-: â€"; liflllg? >17,"l‘].‘11 Sin-viiiliniiimlL-nrle=1ving.l:1vksnn'> 1‘ if; 531.35 55-:- iIi :‘1 "‘2. , UL) ""4 ‘1 L‘- ‘l 4-11, P111111 1111‘ Ninth Ton-1:111 7.00 .1.111. ‘ ‘- 1 ii ' 3’:- ’ F E-‘i :- r1 ' A #1., - _. v a u ‘ ll:1_li'-l111111"<1-1\'1<~r\ 1111111 {\U-xunniki-l -‘ E 1 CG __ 1Ula'Zl:r’ Ln aka" floufMlm “mm” “M” "M ‘“ J-U“ 11‘119Nex1 Sitiingof 11111311111 0111111111 = â€"2 1 O ‘ ‘ .' 5'1 051* ~\Vldmwhy'und‘ Simian; Pwmn‘gs IV). 0, he held -:l'.11:1101.,~ 1.111 Aljylgi- ‘111 5.11]. 11.1111 Z : I“ w ‘ scenic - . 11 lleo (‘111' 11111115 (. l. 1\. ( “mung 1111-1 \\1HI\\1111l1110.11..1~1..1> lxglmxl 1111uu Z ,I’ (“1.1.5 11.9.3 3 diemncc IJI-szfih. N1-\\'111.11-kot and intellnvdiutv points} . H , v ‘ 1111 i1 1111:11111‘11.\~.-.-111 1 ii -1 ; v- i 1 '3‘ . H... i :11 11.1101). 111. i J \ grin}, 1‘. (l I M“ “1:1 E_ aWV‘MCd CC" Every \\'mi:wsti:1_\' :11111 8.11111‘11-11'3‘ _ l -; u 1 Li... .. . Rijsiffl.‘ 'r' .‘ 1 p \ ‘ v 1 night :1 1:110 (:11 will l.1.1\'11 Nt'h'lllili’kl‘L: *05â€" I 11.)1’i11ii1g1311;!di11g‘ 1a _; I < 4- e 1-. 111V11..IU‘\ D 1111.1. 1111- Tan 1110 and int 1111111112119 111119 . , 0-1“ ‘ . -, 1 ' 7' ’ ’ * :1111."1'11)1.111. t 1‘ l lsa‘tufddy1 030061. 31 199» J ,. 1‘,hnfn_. 7." nic; p. ., ,- ’('U .1001 with Srinnnherg & .1111‘111'0 i , I ' 4 ) 7" :17’9“:E.3})1) £01. RM.“ y. H l. (11.111111r‘ncmg .11 10 :1. 111. “e S C Sweet to Eat 3 {"5 1 r I 1 ‘ 1 \Y. . 31.001110. 51.111113“; T. F. BICYAHOX I‘LL)”. wd - 3 F ‘ _ L 1! x ) [L 1 o o Laxative. .. - 1 L1 11.13‘4 L11 J

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