Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Aug 1908, p. 1

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AT THE UBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RIGHIJI)ND HILL,ONI‘. VOL. XXXI IS PUBLISHER avznr EHURSDAY MORNING Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 1‘. F. MGMAHON. (;€C(x-|ss.~m1t'1‘)D.L. H. \V. AXDERSON) (hr. Ynnge :anl Bluur Sts" Tun-onto. “'ill be in Richmund Hill on \Vei. nusdzty of each week. ‘ (Mice, next dom- north of Scand- zu-«l Bank. 0 flee Hoursâ€"8.30 :L. m. m 5 p. m. MCHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Lineman \Ilcbioneer for the County of Y0 k Gan $311021 :JJsigument Gennrsl Hales noc etc uro'uptly thundeon at reasonanh uzss Ken‘lonco Uniouville G R Gaul-hug. Newton Brook. agent for tho Laue Li'mnaed \uctinneor 8 mm uaeuda-i to on 4 unable r-Lbea Pau- l):~‘v'ls‘”s‘ of flu- Mug; :1 Specialty, p.u'Li(-ui:1rly can-mmpxiuu. mmuw JOHN R. CAMPBELL. License Auosion-zm to: theCouncy of Y0!‘( ro- lpschmlly sollmcs your patronage and friendly influence sales Mt "Mod on tho abode“ notin- Illd u o-Lsauaher-Ltea P 0 ndfll’flfls King Pupiis prepared fvr Exnmimltinns at the University nf 'I‘umntu und the anonlu Uunservalury of Music. 35 I per annum, in advance.] Private and Flam 'I‘u‘tinn in Piano Pin) ing and Thcm'y Prepares pupils fur Primary. Junior. lutennedgute vxzuninatiun :lt 'l‘umuto C vnservntm'y and ()ullngn of )Imio. Special course in ".‘Iyen-‘s" Kim‘or» gnrtun MHtllnd. particularly helpful L: lwgimwrs. 42â€"13.’ ‘6 JUN. WILKINS‘JN, M.D. (I n (I e rtak or s .k Emhalm cars, Lax-ets 5 :QLIJLE‘. '1‘ Satigeou. large stock of Funerle Furnishing kept, at both places m are Dfi. FULTON RISDON, Ibeutist, MISS MILLIE TRENCH BUSINESS CARDS. GI-mlu up Virztm-izl, Univ-visits Iimr Guilt-g0 Puysiciuus and Sur- gl-nlm. Uutul'in (Tm-(if. Paiyvlinin, New ank VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Phornhill. J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist @112 {gibch WRIGHT BROS, Setigcon Rotten a Pnonusroa 3mm T0 DR. (Lmsun) RICHMOND HILL and XI S NORA MCKAHCN PLaniste Private Piano Lessons RICHHOND HILL Teacher of Pian) Pupil of W. B. Sherweoé . II. P: entice. $1 eteriuary an ‘tlit‘nl. $811131. i forthe County of York. hartesmoficesnd I. re:- nunge snlicited [H.O lTGH. a: NlcEwcn. J K McEwen Weston NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST [1. TORONTO. ("mmda. FRANK Dan‘ux. K. C. Hammn'r L. lh'xx \V. MULUCK BCL’LTBEF Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Conn-r King & Yunge Sheets, G 0 S<isey.K C A G F [mwrunce W Riduut Wadsworth Private and Trth Funds tn lnwcsf curl-rut, mtvs. Barristersfiolicitars. Notaries, 17c. Huan Life- Bu’lding (formerly Frr'e bold [man Bldg.). Cm. Advlaide 6?. Victoria 818.. Toronto. Richmnnd Hill Office. south nor of Luz-no Bldg., every ‘ ' afternoon. Danton. Dunn & Boultbee BARRISTER, Soucrron. NOTARY, E'rc. Tm-nnbn Office. 33 Richmond St. \Vt‘it-, \‘Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Office. Standard Bank Building. every Suluuluy after- mmn. - Maple, Thursday ufternnon. Munoy to luun at, Fiu‘ Per Cent (5%). Toronto Olficu. 36 Tux-onto street. Moan T0 LOAN .vr LOWEST RATES. Honev to loan on land anncnnnel manages“ lowest rates Auroranmceâ€"Removed to ma old post othe.’ one door was: 0! the entrance to the Outuno Bank Newmarket Ochoaâ€"Three doors south of the p ascnmce 'l.‘ Hxnnsna LENNOX (5 8'1“ MORGAN Aurora Newman-km Phone Main 311 LENNQX & MORGAN JAS. N E\VTON COMM ISSIONER. CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. Riohmoho. Hill ooautssxouznmrux HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFI('E. Every nccmnmmlutiun for th travelling public. Gnml rnnms fm- Onmmerciul Travellers. Attentive stnhlmnnn. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICEN {CIJGIN 1‘11 14] NOTA RY PUBLIC IE-Ia Barrister. Solicitor, Etc H. A NICHULLS NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL Lindsey. Lawrence & W adsworth. Cnmmissinnm, Cunvoynncer. etc Insurance. and Real Estatt- Issuvr of Marriage Licenses. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Ripans Tabules bnre constinanml. Ripans Tabulen cure fiatulencn Ripans Tabm'és’ 'cure biliousness. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. 0NT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1.908 Barristers. Snlirhurs. Etc. Bill'l'iSU'lS. Soliciturs. Etcl NI. '1‘ E 13 14‘3" rrhtvrs and Sollcllors. WILLIAM COOK . LAING ‘rv W right PROPRIETOR TORONTO. £91m. “Is Essential:, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- iu alltltings, Charity N “1114] IS Pnone Main 1931 l-nast cor- Thu rsda y Newman-km 1mm at SES A tiny Cuttngo on a \‘illngv strut-h Sonu- k-ngue-s removed from city Imiw and din Cmnuhw a charm for me [ hold Inns: 8“: ct, Ft l' u u»- ruute-ntnmnt reigns (hut hnme within. A I-lmlic hvm-h hvsidv thy pivth gnu- A summer twiligth deepening pm: 1y glow An .1ng pn'ir. of lnwlie-st (-stutfl Talk u‘t-r the day‘s vvvnts with \‘uiws low. Thrvo stalwart sons are rostin'g on the grass, A pvuceful quiet nir pervades the pluvv; And now a frivndly vhaL with'thusu tint pass, And l'ht-n gnudnights with cheery gentle grace. I novvr saw :1 dual-m- wnmmf~x face Albeit no lKHHlly, [nil has I'm-n mu grim Sn Ifinuy lilws nf tn'mlnrnnsu. I {rm-v As though lwr cup of juy u'm-fiuwed [he brim. Lifu‘s (-lnsing yems pass peacefully and slow, Sweetem-d by homely cares and humo- ly hn‘e Unknown, a wish for tinsollvd glittmm ing Shth (‘rhildlikm her humble faith in waen DEAR MRS. GRANT.â€"-l[ is with fool- ings uf surmw we pen those few litws to extend to yuul-svlf and harem-9d family. the sincere sympathy of the l members of Camp Lmd Elgin in the great, and ll'l'delâ€"uhlc ntfiiction yen i have suffered in the death of an ‘c-xmnplary husband and father. As l members of the same (Jam we had I lo-unwd t0 lm‘e our (it-ceases hruthvr. Rev. J. A. Grunt. we respected him as a friend. and we lumm-ud him as :t IChristian gentleman. \Vith him “e- ’hnd often held sweet (:UIIVPI‘SP, am! I taken tnllflSPl tugether in th» intervst inf nur lu-lnvod ()rdvr. But his lnlmrs : are ended, his tnotnm-y is blessed. 1 Muy we pI-ufiL by the example he‘ pluc- t-d lie-fare us in the lodge mum. in the chluch. and as u citizt-n. Again expressing our sun-ow in your lwrezu‘enwnt. and trusting you "my ‘ he strengthened by his lilessn-d menu;- ry. lll could we spare those sturdy suns 0f tail That early seek lift-'5 work with manly pride. \thse inborn Gmllilwss, all harm can fail The tiny village hnnw. thuir guard and This rushing. grasping age of pnwvr and wealth Dnlh lhI-esh all swvemess from the human clay. Shall we nut. [mil with joy the end of stvulth And Worship patience in a latpr day. 'hahn, I Contnnuncnl rises thence and cmnfurts mo. 0 patient face and worn, for me thy charm Is as the Innnlight on :1. summer sewn; Derp. dvep inuv my soul descends the LIsnm‘H TAYLOR. Lungstufi, Aug. 17, 1908. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE. The fullmving rvsulutinn nf sym- pulhy hus been hundn-d MN. Grant and family in uxrunl-dunce with a resu- lutitm unaniumusly passed up u merr- ing of Camp Lord Elgin, S. O. 8.. un \Vednesdny evening, the 12th inst; wSigned on behalf of the brethren of the ca mp. n-.- n n R. Mchcm). Rea-Soc. G. CUWIE. Chaplain. Richmond Hill. Aug. 19, 1908. Ladies flunnrlette nightgnwm. white pink. and stripe-d. 55. 60, 7.5 cents Inch. Atkinsun & Switzer. Thursday. Sept. 3|dâ€"Munufncturt-r‘s Dle. Friday: Sp t. 4th~Prvss Day. Saturday. gept. 5thâ€"(‘muluercinl Tm- \‘0llrl's'. Piunt‘el's‘n nd Olympic Day. Monday. SepI. 7thâ€"Lubnr Day. Tuesday. Supt. SLhâ€"Stnck Bree-den s‘ and Fruit Gruwvls‘ Day. \VPle'Sd:‘)’, Svpt. thâ€" Furlners' Day. Thursday. Sept. llllhâ€"AuIH-icnns’. Friday. Sept. llthâ€"FI-ntumnl Snciefy and Review Day. -,. and RP\‘ie\\' Day. Saturday, Supt. 12;h-â€"(‘itizv Monday, Sept. 14th-â€"Brenk (Nut. open to the publiv). above. éiiiée. DAYS OF THE EXHIBITION. CONTENTMENT. 12:i1--(7itizmxs‘ finy 1+tll-â€"Bl_'(_-‘flrkâ€"llp Da ‘ay. '1‘!“ "have council Hunt at, tho Tuun Hm”. \‘e-llm-v, on Tuesday. Aug. 11. nt 'I‘. H. lmmmx, qun Aural-a, u- (mm- «A Dr. Svriu'm-r, V. 8.: Miss L. Bonn-s" 'l‘lmlnhill. and from J. E. ThmupsmL ()ummiwimwr uf Industries, 'l‘m-untu n» suhurhzm Sr-rvive. M(‘Nuirâ€"(‘:Iun'1'ullâ€"â€"-Th:lt the clerk is hex-eh}: ilwtl'uctgd to notify the t'hâ€"rk of Markham that tlw cmnlnittee uppuinud by Vaughan cmmcil in refer- t‘leP In tho Serive'nvl' (cu-50, “Flips tn nnvt llu- (~(mnnittve uppnintvd hy Nu-khnln (:unncil at Richmond Hill. on Salim-thy, Aug. 22. at l u’(:lnck. tr) Cunsillm- the said ms», and also to :ijt utlwr matters which may culne lwfuw mid unu :cils.â€"â€"(‘I:u'l'ivd. MuNniI~â€"~()mum-unâ€"Thut the clerk lu- and is homby authorizpd tn notify l). S. (iillsun. (3. E” in lt-catP \I'utt-r-i emu-sn- “H South side uf sidt-liue in Thumhill. in "run-(lance with the to- quurb of Miss L. Ht-\V(-s.â€"â€"(J:u-riml. Lunghuusv â€"~ Thmhus H That Isaac Devin.» H-u‘v. and J. B. l‘chPHlLL’lt'l‘k. he s: (-nmmittv'c nu hvhulf uf Vaughan (-nuncil, tn nttvnd the cnnformme in anuntn an Aug. 20. re hettvr suburb- an l‘;lll\V.'ly m-u-vicuâ€"Gun-ied. Thomasâ€"U;-mt-v-unâ€"Thut the trials- lll't‘l‘ he :Iuthurized tn puy the follow’ ing auruuunts: Jesse \Vingm; sewer pipe . . . . . $ 38 25 Juhn Kirkland. hauling tile and putting in culvert. nu con. 2. 10 00 \Vln. Nicol. cutting hill on 2nd con. . . . . . . . . . . 375 \Vm. Nit-ml. asylum wlth (mm. . 8 52 \\'m. Nicol. 10 cedar posts . .. 2 62 Mt-mhms a“ pN-svnt. wt meeting road and :Ippl (‘runlnuniuntim1~z \VPH‘ re ‘. H. lmmmx, quq AIII‘UI' “‘m. Niulvl. 28:} hrs. \vltn team. . \Vm. Nicol. 10 cedar posts . .‘ R. Vandorlmrgh. 2 days on Put- tersnn sideline . . . . . . . . . . James Murphy. 26 yds. gmwl .. Richm-d‘ Thumus, unluuding c.11- of plank . . . . . . . . . . . l I . . . 54 sq. ft. cvnmnt sidewalk. . .. Charles Lin”. 175 days shovelling . . . . . . , . . . . . .. . . Percy Unupor, repairing culvert un Mn; I ~ sideline . . . . . . . . . . John L. Curd, plank for bridge on tuwnline’l‘mnnto Gore” . Richard T. Agar. 16 hours with team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. T. Urth. hauling tile and building culvert. . . . . . . . . . . John L. Gard, lumber for Dicks bridge . . . . . . . . ...l James \Vhite. 6 days hauling gravel Rnhert Allen. 3 days hauling gravel on llth cnn . . . . . . . . . Ruheit Thomas. 7 days hauling gruvvl and work . . . . . . . . . Ruln‘l't \Vutsou. 3 days train on lllh (tun V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph l’arr. building budge- and culvelts un lth cnn... ., . Rubi-rt Reovrli-y. damages to buggy. con. 10 . V.i . .. Franks & \Vutsun, cement, wi (4.0.. fur lu-i(lgc.. . . . .. .. Ruhvrt Plunlu-tt, lumber, nails. eta. fur hridge . . . . . . . . . . . \V. 0. [)lllll'flll,tllllht‘l‘ for luidge ElliutL Bum. ruds fur ln-idgu . . . . Arch. Brnwnle-e. 6 hrs. (:lt'lllllllg (iil(:ll.. .. . . . . . . . . Yungo St. Acrnunt. half to he luv Markham. “'11:. Rose. 50 hrs. putting in sewer pipe . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . \antm- ChutLi-rloy. 9 (luys’ \vm-k J. Horn. 3 days" wm kl ... ... . . re, . Nu Sffiâ€"Muking an npprnprizltinn of munvy to IIH'Q‘L Lhe current. expens- es uf the township; ulsn for wads and bridge-s for the year 1908. No. SSlâ€"Oummutiug Statute Labor in and for the village (vf Kleinhurg. â€"â€"U:urivd. The fullnwing By-laws wvre then ' Nod: Nu. 852â€"Muking statutory levy fur the Public srhnnls in the Luwnship for the yvur 1908. (inuncil adjourned to meet at the ann Hall. Yellow, on Tuesday. Sept. 8, at uue o’clan p. In. The fullnwing paragraph appeared in Monday‘s \Vorld rtâ€"lntive tn the ex- panses of each candidate at the recent East Yurk Election: The- t'nudidates in the lust provincial (‘lvcliun in East, York have filed a. statement t-f lht‘il‘ expenses. In the case of James \Valtm- Cun'v the mmmuL is given as $491.30. Imule up as fulluws: Rent uf cummittee rooms and payment of caretakers, $175; ad- ventising. $207.20; rent of hulls. $53.50; and pvrsonnl c-xpenws. 35a. u lntul of $491.30. Juhl: F. Russ, finnn- ciul agent. In the cum- raf Alexander McGowan. tlw amount of election expeuws is plat-rd at $1964.33. nmde up in thia \ruy: \Vnges. advertising. rent m“ !-i>; committee mums. pl-intingnm‘. si: 1: Pry, $1554.35: advernsing. inu'mt‘é» rent of halls, $335, and pm .m penses. $75. Hubert McGowan. A . In the case nf the nmnunt nf placed at, $1964 “115': “311.295, and Patterson’s uld fushiunml huttvr sautrh in 5 and 100911: hnxvs. Putin-- sun‘s lmn hmw, in 2.") and 50mm! lmxn-s. Atkiuwn 8; Swil-zo-l'. EAST YORK EXPENSES. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. r. Minuto's of :ppI-nvvd. v received from Im a, u- cuso hf Mi ‘ L. Buwos, E. Thmupstm, ...l0180 he paid 1385 1800 8450 1800 11 ) 992113 LlflEfififl.’ 'i sum IN ADVAHBE. May be only a tired liver, or 3‘ starved liver. It would be a stupid as well u savage thing to beat a. weary or starved man because he lagged in his work. So in treating the lagging, torpid liver it in a. great mistake to lash it with strong drastic drugs. A torpid liver is but an indication of an ill-nourished; enfeebled body whose organs are weary with over work. Start with the stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. Put. them in working order and see how quickly your liver will become actlvo. Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery has made many marvelous cures of “liver trouble" by its wonderful control of the organs of digestion and nutrition. It re- stores the normal activity of the stomach, increases the secretions of the blood-malt- ing glands, cleanses the system from poi- sonous accumulations, and so relieves the liver of the burdens imposed upon it by the defection 01 other organsT It you have bitter or Ind mm In the morn» lame uppeuw. cum! toan foul breath. co slip: or Irresnlu bowels. tired. pondem. (muesli. hendcches. pun r dis 'lnnll of back.“ routine or an I In stomach. perhaps unset. , fitting." in throat after eating. and tin of weak sum-nub ud mud ll glneiwm relieve you more groans]! gr cngp v nu," ...-_.-_, a pan of i o e we Imp m will be present, at. one time And yet min in wmid liver or bliiousness and weak staunch. Avoid .u how. bread and biscuits. (riddle cekes 3nd other indisestible food and ah the “Golden Medical Discovery " ram-:17 Ind luck so its use until you are vigorous md scone. The "Discovery" is non-semi. nan-dew hoiic. is a zlyceriq egg-mi qt naive medici- nal room with a full list of m Ingredients primed on each botuorvnm ad “and under oath. Its Ingredients 3m enact-0d Ind extolled by the most eminent medics! writers of the we and no ream“ a cure the diseases for wmch It. In “vb-d. London & Lancashire Life Ass. Co. Don'i. “accep't: E’sfiiéinuu of unknown composition for this non-met. rimm- or KNOWN communal. London Mutual and British America Flre Ins. Co. Deering Maqhinery, (30m Harvesters,Gasoline Engines, Etc. N. J. Glass Summer is Here Do you not need PRINTS and MUSLINS for this warm weather. My stock is up-to-date. We have new lines in these goods which are very fine and wash splendidly, and at. prices which would really astonish you. Better come and have a look at these goods. Also a new, fresh line of GROCER- IES; nothing like nice, fresh goods in this line. Come and see me and get your harvest supplies. John Grice [Single copies, 3 cts. 7mg“) Discoveg. A Lazy Liver“ fl Richmond Hill A GENT FOR Thornhill u. . Mine. 9nd lln PCHIIDI on)!

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