liNVALins TURN T0 ENGLAND.l Some Kings and Queens Who Have Been Beuellltcil. curious fact that while .’ . fl ' - It is a English persons rush abroad when ‘ they are in poor health, it is to V England that royal invalids in other countries turn for a renewal of, strength. The Kaiserin has a ï¬rm belief in the recuperativc power of the air} (f the east coast of England, wliilel the Kaiser owes much to Higlicliffc, where he stayed for several weeks. a few months ago. The Crown Prince of Sweden, who l lately had a severe attack of mew; sles, is new in England to see what‘ English/air can do for him. He and. the Crown Princess and their twol baby sons spent a. few days in Lon- don with their relatives, and then: left for Bagshot, where they will stay for some time. King Alfonse found his visit to England very beneï¬cial and de- clares that it was also helpful to the baby Prince of the Austrias. So the Spanish King and Queen with , their two sons, will arrive in Eligâ€" land in September and go to the Isle of Wight. The unfortunate Queen Amelia, of Portugal, who is suffering from nervous breakdown and a severe throat trouble, will arrive soon and go to the country home of her ino- tlier, the Countess of Paris, where it is hoped the quiet and the ï¬ne air will restore her to health. Queen Maud, of Norway, thinks that England does wonders for little Prince Olaf, and she would spend most of her time there, as she loves the air and surroundings of Wind- ser, were it not that the Norwegi- ans are less amenable than the Spanish. and cling to the tradilion that a King and Queen should stay in their own country. So if Queen Maud visits England she will have tu leave her husband behind. »+ THE TEST. “Poor man 1†said the kind lady. “How did you go blind 2’†“Well. mum,†answered Tired Treadwell, “de feist time dat I no» ticcd it was when I was out lookiii' fei work.†Peerless . Bried Beef Unlike the ordinary dried beefâ€"that sold in bulk»â€" Libby’s Peerless Dried Beef comes in a sealed glass jar in which it is paclzed the moment it is sliced into those ' delicious thin wafers. a. None of the rich natural flavor or goodness escapes or dries out. It reaches you ‘ fresh and with all the nutriâ€" : merit retained. i Libby’s Peerless Dried Beef is only one of a Great number of high-grade, ready to serve, pure food products that are prepared in Libby’s Great While Kitchen. l Just try a package of any ‘ of these,such as Ox Tongue, --; Vienna Sausage, Pickles, Olives, etc., and see how delightfully difâ€" ferent they are "LT-x I. 053%.,- ’ Libby, McNeillai ’1 Libby, Chicago ,_,x‘_ A. CONTEST WORTH ENTERING. “I can marry any man I' choose,†A Life 'Annuity of FIFTY-TWO boasted the fair but freckled sum- DOLLARS is offered by the mer girl. ORANGE MEAT people to the one “Always provided your choice is sending in the largest number of willing,†amended summer girl No. bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack- ‘2. ages before May 31. 190.9. This means that the winner vill receive They are a Powerful Nervine.-â€" One Dollar EVERY WEEK, OF Dyspepsia causes derangement of FIFTYâ€"TWO DOLLARS every year, the nervous system, and nervous as long as he or she lives, or they debility once engendered is difï¬cult can exchange it for 3. CASH PRIZE to deal with. There are many testiâ€" (-f SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. nionials as to the efï¬cacy of Par- Besides the above there is a See- rnelee’s Vegetable Pills in treating ond Cash Prize of ONE HUNDRED this disorder, showing that they DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes never fail to produce good results. as follows :â€"~ ’ By giving proper tone to the digcs- Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY .‘ tive organs, they restore equili- DOLLARS each. brium to the nerve centres. Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL- LARS each. Twenty Cash Prizes of FIVE DOLLARS each, and ONE HUN- DRED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL- LAR each. The only condition attached is that you cut out the bottoms of thel ORANGE MEAT packages and send them in to ORANGE MEAT, Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo package counts equal to Three of the smaller size. You should be able to win one of the above prizes if you start immediately and get your friends to help you. Send your name and address to ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO- DAY, and state that you are onâ€" tering the contest. It is surely worth trying for. HOW HE PROPOSED. Mr. Slowboyâ€"“Miss Passe, what do you think is the best name for a girl?†Miss Passe (looking deep into his cyes)â€"â€"“That of the only man she exer loved.†AS AMENDED. .l Every man has an excuse for wanting the earth, but it is seldom satisfactory to his neighbors. ‘ A flatter of Im oflunce to all those who am run down and l obilitated is the fact thal "‘Ferrovrm " is the best tonic over enniponnded. It gives strength and builds up the system. After a. man has moved heaven and earth to acquire a certain thing he is surprised to discover how little he cares for it. ‘ Dysentery corrodes the intestines and speedily eats away the lining,- bringing about dangerous condiâ€" tions that may cause death. Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dyseiitery Cordial clears the intestinal canals of the germs that cause the inflammation, and by protecting the. lining from further ravages restores them to healthy condition. Those subject to dysentery should not be without this simple yet powerful remedy. CLEAR CONSCIENCE. “Do youâ€"erâ€"ever tell libs?†asked the lady who had advertised for a maid. “Not for myself, nia-‘um,†an- swered the applicant; “only for the missus.†A lady writes: “I was enabled to manure tllc CUI‘DS, F001) and branch, by the use of Holloway’s Cora Cure.†Others who have tried it have the mw‘iexperience. As a rule. onlythose who don’tvhlETHOD FOR TESTING EGGS. need advice are \Vllllllg to take it. l A simple method for testing eggs, which comes from Germany. L is based upon the fact that the air. chamber in the flat end of an egg! increases with age. If the egg is. placed in a solution of common salt it ‘will show an increasing inclina- tion to float. with the long axis ver-. tical. By watching this tendency thel age of the egg can be deteriiiinedl almost to a day. A fresh egg liesl in a horizontal position at the imp; tom of the vessel: an egg from three i, to five days old shows an elevatimi1 fll‘ the flat end. so that its long axis forms an angle of twenty degrees; ‘tieallv upon the pointed end. Women. as a rule. have pom- heads for mathematics, but they try awfully hard to ï¬gures count. ISSUE N0. 34‘0‘3. and an egg 3 month old ‘iloats ve.‘~. make their own, W is Pc-ru-na Usefull for Bataan? Should a list of the ingredients of Pe- runa be submitted to any medical ex- port, of wliateVer school or nationality, . he would be obliged to admit without reserve that the medicinal herbs coin- l posing Peruna are of two kinds. First, standard and well-tried catarrh renic- dies. Second, well-known and gener- ally acknowledged toni’: remedies. That in one or the other of these uses they have stood the test of many years’ , experience by physicians of different schools. There can be no dispute about this, whatever. Peruna is comprised of some of the mast eiiieaeious and uni- versally used herbal remedies for ca- tarrlial diseases, and for such conditions 1 of the human system as require a tonic. . Each one of the principal ingredients I of Peruiia has a reputation of its own in the cure of some. phase of calarrli or as a tonic medicine. The fact is, chronic catarrh is a (lis- easo which is very prevalent. Many- thousand people know they have chronic catarrh. They have visited doc- tors over and over again, and been told ‘ that their case is one of chronic catzit‘rli. It may be of the nose, throat, lungs, stomach or some other internal organ. There is no doubt as to the nature of the disease. The only trouble is the remedy. This doctor has tried to cure them. That doctor has tried to pre- scribe for them. No other household remedy so uni- versally advertised carries upon the label the principal active coustituenls, showing that Peruna invites the full inspection of the critics. SUSPICION. “Your prejudice against Mr. Iiakcly is entirely unreasonable, i pa." protested the clear girl. l “There is a great deal in that youiigl man.†“Yes,†replied old Wiseinan.. “and sometimes I’m afraid it’s a: great deal of the stuff I smelled on‘ his breath this evening.†‘ Judging from their talk, some men might be successful at running windmills. The World is Full of Pains.~Thc aches and pains that afllict liiiiiiaiiâ€". ity are many and constant, arising from a multitude. of indistinguish- able causes, but in the main owing to man’s negligence in taking care of his health. Dr. Tliomas’ Eclec- tric Oil was the outcome of a uniâ€" versal cry for some speciï¬c which would speedily relieve pain, and it has ï¬lled its mission to a remarkâ€" able degree. A WORD FROM JOSH WISE. “Like a dog will gnaw a. bone when he ain’t hungry, a naggin‘ man will nag when he ain't angry.†Like little volcanoes of disease. the eruptions of oczema‘peur out discharges. Bad blood causes the trouble. The local remedy is Weaver’s Carine, anil Weaver's Syrup will drive the p0isoii from the blood. BIG PLACE. The president of the Women’s Club wished to resign. “No other member can ï¬ll her shoes," declarâ€" ed her friends. “That’s so,†as- sented her enemies. Then there was more trouble than ever. Mild in Their . lee’s Vegetable Pills are very mild, (liner. li'i‘. said llll‘ \EIHWl'. "l for off if I ll:‘.(l come here then." very min-h pleased. "How is llllll’ f" served by this tiiiiv if I had." said {hi- guest. and the cii‘ieiite cordiale ‘ vanished. ilaiies 1 coin-aged treatment are ll‘i\'llC(.l to write for a free trial of my home treatment, H,‘ iiiost reliable references and proofs which will encourage the most dis- heartened. satisfy i Cobalt anti all Mining and Oil Stocks oil Action.»â€"Parmeâ€"‘ in their action. They do not cause. gi-ipiiig in the stomach or cause1 disturbances there as so inanypills: do. Therefore, the most delicate can take them without fear of unw pleasant results. I . ‘ administered to children without‘ imposing the penalties which follow the use of pills not so carefully preâ€" pared. There niight be more sinners in the world if it were more thickly populated. \Vorms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm I‘foiel‘llllllzl- for dcranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs ~25 cents to try it and be convinced. NOT A TESTIMONIAL. Shoe Dealerâ€"â€"“You don’t mean to say those patent leather shoes cracked that way in two WCCKS wear." 7 1 Customerw‘fles, I merely orop. ped in to tell you that your patent leather shoes H they're craL-lcnd up to be. , K l good and selling below its vaiue, but increasing l n Thev can, too, be,“ are not as good as, l? llavor. The big b plug chewing tobacco. AN EXPLANATION. l "‘How long has con open 3" this restaurant : the would-be‘ 5k ed "Two year‘s." said the propi'ic-‘ " v . Bufl’ercm from Fits, mops , St. Vitul' Dance, Nonoungl‘roub as or Falling Sickness should wt to tho umuu «0., 179 King street. oront fora trial bottle of their Flt Cqu an; Treatise. Enclose 100 for postage 55 making. 1 "l am sorry . (lid not know it,“ should be bel- ‘ll‘eslii smiled Ill(‘ proprietor“ AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man in no dty and town in ('aiimla with waterworks to sol I patent article HEO‘IIBII in every home, hotel and ï¬llllc building: sells at sight. Hustlers can d are making 55m) a day. W rile at once ix) . particulars. Geo. '1'. Cole, Owen buuud, Ontario l FEATHER DYEING Cthiigbiliiiiiuiil'355E521 31°31 ignite ii†m BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. MONTREAL. “I should have been probably in fear Health Everywhere, especially those disâ€" by failure of pl’eVlOUS METER - ERLINER :ith interesting booklet. all post- .ziid in plain wrappers. with the‘ l .19 You can thus quickly yourself. without cost that this treatment is what you long All Prices {mil Stl'les from 312-40 t0 . have sought. I will reply pl‘oiiiptly $2.40. W rite for free catalogue. to all who write. Address, DEPT. D MRS. M. SUMMERS. Windsor, Ont. llllllllllll GlllllllPHlllll [llllll’llll 264 Yongo Street, Toronto. .1.__._ HER OBJECTIONS. Bcnhamâ€"‘Vliliy do you object to my wearing a beardl Mi‘s. Benliamï¬lt isn't the beard itself that I obiest to. It would be all right if you would only raise one which \VUlllL‘l harmonize in color with some of my dresses. Agents wanted in every town. Shew‘flllr. Highnotn tells me he' 5 if cultivating his He-â€" 3 “Yes; I saw him irrigating it early ‘ this morning." , . ,, YAHOO. A. R. BlGKERSTAFF 8. ca, Stocks, Dani‘s, Debentures and Real Estate. Kill them all. No dead flies lying about . when used no dlrocted. Canada and United States. L, V, Orler. ex‘cutel with romptuess. Corres- -’ pondenrb Solicited. " . .3 tumors, cnocms nun GENERAL STORES . rm to 621 Traders Bank Building, Toronto, Out i 10:;- per packet. or 3 packets for 260. - l j will last a whole season. hotel timberland NEW YORK Near 50th Street Sub- way IlllJ 53rd Street Elevated Station. IS CENAUWS BEST :.~‘ . AND IS USED THEWORLD OVER -‘ i Bell Organs are also world famed Ideal Location l ' 9“)?" ‘- . , Send for Free Catalog _.__._._ ~_} No. 75 to lllljlllifllllllll in (run 80., ill, lulu, 0m Near Theaters, Steps and Central Park «SAMUEL MAY8<€O BILL/AND 714515 MANUFACTURERS. r fablished ES Forty Years l . fend/iv (Ha/ejca 102 X404, ‘ADGLAlDE ST.,W., 1 v TORONTO. ‘ New, Modern and Absolutely Fire Prcof Transient Kites; $2.50 with B-ithx an! up, All Outdile rooms. Send for Booklet. Under ll):- Management of HARRY P. STIMSON R. J. BINGHAM Fm'ly of Hotel Imperial F'm'ly of llot.l Woodward If Every Do not fail to visit our exhibit ofDilliard and Pool Tables in :lie Manufacturers l Buildiiiz?of the Canadian Ndiional Exhibi- tion, 'l‘oxonlo, “’3 build Regulation Bowling Alleys. W'rilc for our iernis and price list just issued. I The Mild Climate of Virginia €35? 5373:2112} thallil‘lilii taillikflilfllg: ‘ Farmer winters are short. Climate healthful. Laiiill value each year. Many Canadians are living in Virginia. Write for Information to G. W. KUINER, Commissioner of Agriculture, ' Richmond, Va. l l Pillllllllltlllll Gl’ltfl lll DR.KLIN£’SGREM uravs nasrenrn $2 TRIAL EOTTLE FREE Sent through (‘nnadin-i Agency Permanenfl ‘ C‘ulc. not only temporary relief. for Ncrrmm diseases. Epilepsy. Spasms. Vllus' Dang.) nobility. Eleaustion. Founded 1811‘ DR, H. R. KLINE. Ltd, 931 Arch 81., Phlladalphla: ; Knew how much money he could save by using g Fairbanks-Murso J'ielc-of-allil'rades Gasoline En. glue to saw \vnml. unip water. griiiil feed, dam, we Would lint be ab 3 to supply the demand. Cut this ltd. out and send to us lie-day. and will send you our free catalogue. W. Home _â€"__. Address . Th3 cannulan Falrbanka 60., Limited. Toronto. on Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. FRE CATALOGUE Sale of Jewellery in Toronto. 5, g ,9 9 Our uiiexcelled quality stock of \Viitches, Jewellery, 5W0 Diamonds, Rings and Silverware must be closed out by Oct. lst. This is the chance of a lifetime. No reasonable offer refused. going at half price. 52 BERRY 55; F†Many beautiful things are 533.4 co. ESTABLléi‘lEl) 181,0 you i sit. TO aes’ro . 11‘,-V-:_;g_ “.732W.gx: .7 .1, : if: 2‘ A V