Beginning shortly llftt'l‘ 8 o'clock a programme of some length Was render- Ld. Mr. Bwtlie occupying the chair. After an interesting recitation by Master J. Cnsgmve. cumplimentary and reminiscent speeches were dvliu‘r- ed by Messxs. \Valtt-r Frishy. Fuster Ilickson, \Valtvr Eycr. Gm. Williams and Thos. Johnsun. Fnllmving these was the presentation of a beautiful leather smt case and address by J. Cus- grove and Miss \Villiams. In an ap- preciative reply. Mr. Nichuls spuke in feelin manner-(If his pleasant. relations with t. e schulars and residents uf the apctinn during his time- anmngst them. His chief appmil was tn the children. that in the future. as he. was grateful in say, had genurallv ilt‘t‘ll tilt‘ case in the past, tht-y shnuid at all liillt'S i.l' hunest.straiglitt‘urward,i-wpectfnl and diligent. The chaiiman it'fl tht- halale «if illt' piug'rannnt- ill the hands uf the ladies \ilin had brought :lluplc supplies of rrfrcshmmits. As is usual with tlw ladies of this community they did their part wcl did alm those who pul'ttmk: ' Mr. Nichals has been popular und \‘vly succes>flll in his lahm-s at Nu. 4 and the guests of the evening ln-fnn- dispersing did not fail tn exprws theix deep regret, at his dnpm'lure. The ful- luwing is the aiddre-ss: On Thursday evening. August 13. a lurre number uf friends of both Sexes uuSull ages and sizes met. at Schuul No. 4-to uy hunm by “‘urd and act Lu Mr. L. Nichuls. Mr. Nichuls for three yexu's has hem teacher in that, section but. has lesignvd his walk there to resume it, at, S. S. Nu. 5. DEA}: TEACHERâ€"on the eve of your llt‘pill'tul't‘ from uur midst. we the pupils of this section take this opporâ€" tunity to shuw in a measure our love «my! agprecjntiun townul you. Piles helped at once with Dr. Shrmp‘s Magic Ointment. Just to prove it, a trial lmx will he mailed on request. by \\ ritng Dr. Slwop, Racine. \Vis. Itch- ing. uumrting. bleeding piles, internal ur external. get quick and certain help from Magic Ointment. Large bux 50c. bold by \V. A. Sanderson. No person need express surprise when he learns that the race trouble continues in the United States. {I long "8 citizens of any country are alloived to lynch negroes for ofl’ences which if committed by whites Would he tried in courts of law, just so long will that country experience ‘race difliculties which lead to bloodshed and disgrace. It is true dcpredations ol’u revolting nature are committed from time to time by those whose skins ale black, but it is also true that crimes equally horrible are com- mitted by the whites. Let the punish- ment be commensurate to the crime, but let it issue from a court of law, and not be meted out by tliOse who are probably as vile as those who committed the deed. And above all let there be only one law for blacks and whites alike. In the city of Springï¬eld a few days ago negroes were hanged to a tree, against whom there was not the suspicion ofa crime, simply because the mob could not lay their hands on the guilty party. Such a proceeding is a disgrace to anv civilized country, and the offenders should be dealt with as they would be in this country. ll' ’ "' " """""J"“' During the few short, years that you have been our teacher. we have been steadily and unconsciously forming a. strong attachment to you. “'e have bceu often trying and disobedieut to The announcement that Sir Wil- frid Lanrier will make a tour through Ontario commencing about. the mm of September. comes as a piece of good news. The ï¬rst public address will be given at Niagara Falls, and Mr. F. G. lnwood, secretary of the Ontario Reform Asswiation, in at, present arranging the remainder of the dates. No other man in Canada can rouse the enthusiasm that Sir Wilfrid can, and it is always a treat to hear him discuss the political questions of the day. Even in Tory Toronto men who seem pledged to vote against him are always ready to cheer to the echo the utterances of the great leader of the Liheral party. Arne! a spirited campaign Hon. Walter Scott has been returned to power in Saskatchewan Province with an increased majority. The partiea stand 14 Conservatives, 26 Liberals in a house of 40. Ruflfloxo HILL. (int. Victoria. Square. A agmt 20.1908 rrdl j PENNYROYAL WAFERS. The Methodist Sn hhnth scluml excurâ€" sion and picnicut Bond Lake- yvsLm-dny ufternnun was lnuSL successful. More than 150 went, on the spmï¬al and [119 regular car that followed. and at large number fulluwed on late cars. The uccumnn-daunn was all that cuuld be desired. The gusnline launch and the row boats were much in evidence in the aftm-nuun. Miss Trench and Misc. Stun-y were captains in a busehull match. the funnel-'5 side winning after a ï¬erce struggle. Bk'twtâ€"‘Hn 5 and 6 n‘clnck luncheon was served in the pm‘iliun. The superintemlent, MI. J. H. Sanderson IS L0 be cungmtulufed on tho success of the ufternmm. The ft-l‘ lowing were prize-winners in n pmgl'u ll] of nthlutic sportsw- Boy's Race, 51) yardsâ€"9 yours and un- derâ€"Turner \Vilc-y. l). Runsmn, Ii. Roach. Buys. 12 and underâ€"Murray l’ullnor. Gul’dnn Slnnn, Clayton Beynun. \Vlu-ellnn-mw Raveâ€"Gordon 810.111 and Hurry Cullvv; Frank Bye-din and Gludstmu- Hun-ding. Fatigue R:me~â€"\\'esley Palmm- and Newton Brydnu;Gordun Sloan and ank Bn-(lin. Three Legged Raceâ€"Gurdrm Sloan and \Vm. l’ulton; Curl Hill and Gurdnn SOIIII'S. Girls' Rut-e, 9 and underâ€"[mule Huld- ing. May Gibbs. Susie Blanchard; Girls. 12 and underâ€"Della. Sunles. Ethel Stephensnn, Nellie Osbm‘ne. ï¬elds. It is to induce men tn go to the West that the (7. 1’. R. has made the remarkably low rate of ten dollars from Ontario. This {are carries the holder to any point on the company‘s lines east, of Moose! Jaw: trains are run direct to \Vinnipvg. and the Inc" are re-ticketed there for the points where they wish to work. After at least one month's work in the ï¬eld. laborers ale issued tickets hack to Ontario starting points at, $18.00. Leaving dates of Canadian Paciï¬c 9x- cursions are Sept. 1 and Sept. 8 from stations northwest, of Toronto. Sept. 1, 9. from stations soutlnw’st of Toron- to. and Aug. 22. 27, Sept. 2, ll. 14 from stations east of Toronto. The U. P. R. is the only Canadian route to the \Vt-st. and the only line carrying farm laborers through without. change. Apply to ticket agents or U. B. Fostvr. District Passenger Agent. Toronto. for full information. 25,000 HARVESTERS ARE NEEDED AND GOOD WAGES OFFERED. The fmflprinls nf Dyspvpeiu huvv been din-vli)’ trucrml tn Llw Stnmm-h norvos, \Vhen [IH'HU “insiulr- nm-ws" fail, indigestion and 3tmnm-h (lislrvss must smer result. For this. dI‘llggisls everywhere are supplying :1 pl'rsrl'ip lion knmv') as Dr. Shomp's Hvstnmth (' First. tlwsetin)‘ inside Slnmm-h. Heart. and Kidlwy nvn'os fail. len g.“ lwlcbing, Heart pulpitutiun, nr failing Kidneys follow. Dnn‘t drug the Stnmuch, or stimulate llw Huult m- Kidneys. Thatiswrung. Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr. Slmnp‘s Restorative. It is tlw nervvs. nut the Organs that are calling furhe-lp. \‘Vith- in 48 hours after starting the rvsturu- Live treatment. you will renlizr- Ll“! gain. A test will tell. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Prepmmlinns hawA comnwnced in earnest for the handling uf thv Nm-th- West‘s big wheat. crap. the nnly difï¬- culty experienced by fal'lm-rs being lhe_scurcily of Inbm- in the hurvvst, gngv [hem lhnt. the-y may [min prnper- ly the pupils mulvr Hwir 1mm Gum] [mu-hows should recvive gmrd sulnrivs so that thy may put sumu mum-y past fur the futuw. There is no (‘lurulllngv- man fur gum] teaphr-rs Ln umtinm- lung in the [Huh-35inâ€; lhvy :IM- form-(l to accept some other positivn in order [n lay up xnmr’lhing fur a wvt day. Let tmchers furm a union and strike for higher salaries. Our public schnn) L-mcher has decided tn accept n pumitiun in Ollh'lllt‘l' schnnl. [he sulury nf uhnut $41Mufl’m-ml l-y lhv 'l‘l'usleus to him nut [wing considered enuugh to kerp hotly and suul lugt'l hvr. To lwcmm- :1 successful lrnchvr it w- quires time and mmwy tn pl‘t’lml'v 51: us tn give N. lisfnttiun tn lbnsu “'11†mn- 511'. M. Muym of Tumult†was lie-rc- on a business trip. Mrs. \Villiam Ureig and Funny chvnlwI-g. haw returned hum:- nhvr a trip to Audley and \VPst ’J‘rn-nntn. Mi‘rm Guuld. :; furnwr sch-ml tr'm'her uf this Iucalily. was a viï¬iun' ut. the lmmv of Mr. \V. S. Urnlmm. Mr. H. Sheild and wife haw return- H] frmn tht‘il' trip to Duknlu. Mr. Betty Fee is spvuding his holi- days at Roche-51m", hi9 hl'ulhvr Burt. i: enjg‘nyiljg |i_f_+- "I. B:Il_r_i_f'. yun. Your Unlil'ill',’ pulivllt'e and pop severance hau'n- hoe" mum-thing from which we may all lwol‘n. Ynu have M Walys bm-n kind and gr‘hrl‘l-HS In us. failbtnfly trm'hing us llw tum- prin- ciplus hf lifr. ever U- by hmwst and truthful. AH uur unsm'munns lune keen must plmmnnL. ‘Vl' lbw-«I'm».- Mk vnu Ln :n-m-pL thi~ pwavnt M :1 ("Mn nf um :Ippl't‘cinlium uf ymlr Work in MM- achonl. Wishng ynu "Pry anew-55 in “w {mm-u. nu Inn-- half 11! the train". WESTERN CALL FOR MEN. SABBATH SCHOOL PICNIC. Mount. Pleasant. Erbium mum: at: unmï¬wliilgi; x. Adana. SUI-LISA CB 1 L1. oouPuu'. > _ DIME.“ A speciï¬c monthly msdicino for India: to reulore And Ngulm me manna; godman (roe, numb] and pdnlm unugu.’ bio when or pun: on 1.9 roach how uscd by o'er 30,000 Indie; ocuud muse-35:13. Xnvitoma. than organ. Buy at your druggifl only those with our e um Icrou tux-sot mm. Avold cumrsmd (humus WmmAns. GERTRUDE UQMGu-DVE, J "Jun; (ioflguuvm, Ruu’n BAKE". Gassvl’s Magazine. per ammm The Story Tt‘llel' Thc Quiver . . . Musical Home Journal The Girls' Renlln- . . Little Folks ._ . , Chums ._ . .. . . C A S SE LL 8’ Canadian Pubâ€" lishing Company Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelalde St. W. Toronto The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. Having made arrangements with the GEO. COLEMAN BAKING 00.. Toronto, I am prepared to furnish To- ronto bread on and after Thursday, August 6. Kindly give it a trial and be convinced that. it is the best bread made in Toronto. It is not necessary to send to foreign countrï¬es for maga- zines. Read the following:â€" W. C. Savage Notice To The Public SPRING and SUMMER is now compkete comprising Black and Blue Wmsted Twills. Scofch Twecds, Fancy Trouserings, OVercoatmg, etc. AH kinds of grain Dunghl and highest pODSIUIC price: paid at the Elevator. cattle and hogs. Also shoru and good American corn (elm. Also file For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL NUipï¬l‘UVL‘L, I‘Un\'\ '. 1:. Best Scranton um! Best quality. For further infonnzuion apply to A. J. HUME, My Smck o! \VOOir‘n tor J. H. mAMmd. Bran and Victor i’ccu fur Tailor. Richmond Hill COAL For threshing engines. Agent Low prices in the $1 50 70 50 50 Exquisitely printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of \vell-knnwnpeople. of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand. square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great, il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no axe to gliml. Its aim- solely to please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents acnpy. One dollar a year. The Pic- torial Publishii'v 00., 142 St. Peter St. MontreaL ‘a Zl-Lf ï¬-Lf THE NATIONAL XLLUSTRATED MAGAZINE About ‘22.") acres nn roar of lst ton. of Markham township, mixed lonm. running creek, hunsv and burn. One hundred acre-s under cultivation. Bul- unce timber and pasture. Price reasonable. "TAMDI’AN PETORIAL†Tho oughbxléd blill :ufd hog Ice-pt fnl‘ service on the prelnisvs. An Organist and (ï¬nd? loader want- ed for the Plvshytminn church. Rich- mond Hill. Duties to commence at once. who hus lmd three yvars' experience is prepared to press Imdies‘ Skirts and Jackets. either plain nr pleated; also gents" suits, on shnrtt-st notice. Apply at 110 acres on the 2nd con. Vaughan township, gund sandy laud. clay loam. I-unluug creek. good Ul'chfll'd. house and outbuildings. Fifteen acres of timbu'. Snap to quick buyer. The proprietor of Pleasant View H-rd Holstein Cattle and Breedvr of Improved Chester \Vhite Hugs. Lot ‘39, lst Gun. Vaughan (Thurnhill) has for 5.110 sumo good young stuck. Between Hope P. 0. and Maple- statian or vise lwtwm-n Nail Mnllny’s and Hu-nry Thnlnas' gate «m the 5Lh (:un. Vnnghnn 7| long grvy \anmprrmf Cunt lwlunging lu Mm. \\'. 'l'hmuus. Ht-pc P. 0. 872 thwH-n Jnlm Hart's fax-m. 2nd mm. Markham, :Ind Victm-in Square side- linv. nn Mnnduy. July 6, :l Lady's slim-I cunt. dml). with \ (-lvot collar. Finder will ln- rewm-(lrd by leaving snlne nl ’l‘uE LIBERAL Oï¬ll'v. MRS. ISA AC KLINCK. PLEASANT VIEW FARM Tu Ro-nt for .1 {ï¬rm of yt-nrs, unt- llllIdN'd and ï¬fty "cu-s, being Int z). in the ï¬fth ('nnccssinu nf Vaughan. Apply tn On Sunday, August 2. on thv 2nd r-un. uf Markham. Ownvr may have same by proving pmperty and paying e-xpensus. R. F. VVHJJA MS. A farm of about HM nun-s, on which nl‘l‘ gum! buildings. is wantml tn rn-m. Possess-inn In be given 0w ï¬rst. of April. 1909. \Vill any pprmm having such an farm to n-nt. ph-nse' knne wnrd at. 3-4 Tux: LIBERAL OFFICE. ELIZABETH COLLEY 3l-tf Cut-nor uf Yunge .md Richnmnd sum-rt. Building lot on Uentre Street, Rich- mond Hill, east of Parsonage. Apply A Good 8 room Brick House with furnace. on Yunge street. Apply Organist Wanted Clothes Pressed House to Rent Farm Wanted MRS. \\’.\l.-R()'BINS()N'S Elgin Mills Ccat Found For Sale 15. HI LL. To Rent For Sale To Rent Apply. .t'.’ M RS. JAM ES MALLOY. Teamâ€, 1’. 0. Apply yr NAUGHTON BROS., JAMES NEW TON, Elgin Mills D. G. GOODIERHAM. Lost Lost WM. INNER. Riclimond Hi“ Bakery. Rivhnmnd Hill P. 0. A. J. \VI-ight, Stzuu-y VI}!- Clerk of Svssiuus. Elgiu Mills. Elgiu Mills Prupl-iutnr M uskuku. "'9‘ TBI'RSD.\\'. August 27â€"Aucbiun suleof Fresh Milch (,‘uws and pr-ingm's at the Pulnwr HmlsP Yank, the pruâ€" party an. H. Bl-illingm'. Sale at 2 (ft-tuck. Terms,3mnntl;s. Saigeon & McEWen. Auctioneers, SATURDAY, August 29â€"â€"Auctinn sale of implements. furniture, home, vehicle.etc..the pl'upH'Ly of A.Peters. Nurth Toronto. Tel-ms cash. Sale at 1 o’clock“ J. H'. Prentice. Auct. TUESDAY, Sept. l-~Auction sale uf household furniture at his resident‘s». Maple. the property of Dr. Logan. Sale at: 2 o’clock. Terms. 3 months. Satigeon 8: McEwen. Au :tinneers. The undersigned. recently empluyed wiLh the Massvy-Harris 00.. has taken the Blucksmilhing business vacated by Clift 31-05.. and is prepared to attend to all branches of the trade. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN MILLS 4L6") F. J. WUESWARD. (5) A hnnwstender intemding to per- form his residence duties in accordance with the above while living with para ents ur un farming land owned by hiulsvlf must nutify the Agent, fur the district hf such intentinu. Deputy of the Minister ml the Interior. N.B.â€"Unauthurizml publication of this_ advertisement will not. be paid fur. SIX months' unlist- in writing must lw given to the (‘nmmissimwr of Du- mininn bands at. Ottawa. of intention to apply fur patent. \V. \V. CORY. (4) The term "vicinity" in the two preceding paragraphs is deï¬ned as meaning not mm-e than nine mile-5 in a din-wt line. exulusive uf the width «3‘ road zlllnwances crussud in the meas- luempnt. (3) If the fnlhor (Hr Innfht'l', if tim father is de-ct-usvd) nf :1 hnnwsmade-r has pt-I-mam-nt l'r-sidc-lu'e nn farming land mvm-d solely by him, nut lows than eighty (80) ncrn-s in t-xh-nt. in the vicinity hi the hmm-su‘nd. m- upon n burnt-stead omen-(l fur him in the- \'icinity. such hnmt-sh-ader may perfnrm his nwn n-zidenre (Julius by living with the falhm' (ur mntlwr). Appfimdiun fur untry must. lw uuldc in pH-s-m by the appliuilllt at u Dunninâ€" inn L'Inds Agvnty m- Hub-Agency for flu- dishivt in whit-h Hw land is situate. Entry by pmxy may, hem-- Ln pr, bv lnudv at an agency cm cn-Hnin m-nditiuns by (hr fulbvr. muUu-r. sun, dullghh‘l‘. lll‘UlhI'l' [yr sistvr nf an in- tending hunn-su-ndn-r, The hmuesteudm- is I't-quh-vd tn pe-r- fm-m 1h» honwsh-ud (lulirs nndrr unc- uf the fullywing Finns: (1) Al least six Immlhs' rusidn-nfl- upon and culth’ulinn If the land in much your for three- yvnrsu. (2) A hnmeste-nder may if lw so (In. sil'Ps, pPl’flIlD) lhn ru-qnirwl F’Br-idl'lllftf duties by [Sting 0). fun mng [and UN!)- »d sub-1y hy him nut lacs than pighty (80);:01'1-3 in oxtoâ€"m. in NW \‘iq-inity uf his hnuwstend. Juth mvnvrships in land wiH nut ner this requirl-uwnt. (3) If the inlhor (nr intlfht'l‘, if tim NY m‘vn Drunken-d sm'tinns of A Dnmihinn Lands in Mnnitnhu. Snskululmwnn and Allin-tn. vxm-pting 3 and 24%, not. rvm‘rvvd. may he hunw- stemh-d by :my perm." wbu is the $019. he-ud uf a family, ur-uny mule un-x- 18 years nf age, tn {hr levnt uf mun- qunx'lm- section of “i0 nun-vs, more 01 less. Sy nopsis of gaitzazdi; n North- v‘id Pursuant in R. S. O. 1897. Cup. 129, "min! is ln-rrhy ghvn that all pI'ISUlH Inning t-lnium against tln- vslulc- I'f Snmm-l ThulllpSIuI lule uf 'l'nwnship of \Vhilchm-nh in (hp Unumy n! Yank, (lPI‘I-nm-d, Whh lell 1m ul' nllnul. “)0 28th day anuly. 1908. un- rrquind «-n ur lwfm-v [hr [5! h day «.f Svplt-mlu-r next. m swirl tn l‘mi H-vm‘w. EXW‘II- tm. a Nhlh‘llu’)“ «f llwir claims and thv mum-e ufllw wt-m-ily, il'unv, ht'ld by tho-m: and lalw fm'lhr-r nnriw llmt "fire-1' lhv lush nwminnml duly lhv said t-xvrutm- will prom-ml In (liml rilmte' Ille- user-ts «If the rstnh- umnng lln- {mflivs t-mitlvd then-1n having' rrgmd only tn lhp trlninw uf “'hirh liv shall lllrl) have l't’t'b‘lVPd unlit-h. Duh-(l thi<ï¬tl1duv nf Anunx'l. HMS. N otice to Creditors TICKETS for the Cnmsdizm West prncured at, THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA. Onlers when at- Ripana Tabules cure dizziness. Myans Tabules: at. druggism. Tickets for the West PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED F. J. WUODWARD. THE LIBERAL OFFICE, Rwanoxm HILL. HOMESTEAD R EGU LAT! 0N5 HORSE-SEOEING . SPECIALTY LEVI HOOV EH. E Auction Sales. Exm-ntm (inrlnlc-y l’. U.