Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Aug 1908, p. 5

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pusentr. must of whom Hunk punt in the service: Rev. Messrs. Cullmxne. Amos. Cullnichzlrl. Dr. Parsons. Buck. and others. The funeral was very large, testifying to [he Ivsprct. and esteem in which Mr. Grunt was held. The Sons of Scotland czuup n ere also present) to show respect tn their deâ€" ceased brother. Rev. Dr. Carmichael represented the Presbytery and gave an impressive address. He touching- 'I‘hvre were fifteen applicants for the [ulsitinn uf first. nssnstault in the High schunl at, the Board nun-cling yesterday. The Board selected fur Ihe positiun Miss Mabel M. Gmeh,nf Toronto. The 314mm: lady comps very highly recum- mcnded. She holds a B. A. and an M. ,A. degree. is :1 sprciulist in English. ‘Muderns and HisLm-y. and has taken first class honors in English and Gur- uum. The salmy is $700. The \Vumcn’s Institute Brunch will lmltl llmir wgulur nmnthly meeting at (bu lmme uf Mr. and Mrs. \Vulter Scum. ViCLm-in Square-mu \Veducsdny. Aug. 26. Mrs. A. 1). Bruce will dem- unstmte on practical lJ(DlI)9-lllll'.\lllg: Mrs. G. Head will ghe a paper on cun- ning and pickling. Membeis will ex- change recipes of same. A good nm- sical programme piovidvd. All ladies are wvlcmne. FUNERAL OF REV..MR. G LXNT. The funeral of the late Rev. Jus. A. Grant, puslnr (If the L’nwllytelinn churches at Richnmnd Hill and Thorn- hill. took place Thursday nftmumu). August. 13. The remains wow taken intu the church here. “‘llt‘H‘ a funeral service was llvld. Rev. Dr. Gilruy pm- sided. The fullmvmg clex-gymuu WM'H pusent. must nf whom Lunk put in the service: Rev. Messxs. Cullmnw. Amos. Carmichael. Dr. Put-suns. Buck. and others. The funeral was very A (‘fll‘ of Rnthhurn "Shir" I’m-Hum} ('I-Im-nt. just al-rivml. wa hi‘lh'l'. Suture yum supply at once frum H. A. Nichulls. .Ilr. O. B. HHny llmllugt'l‘ nf the SI. 1'!ng Bunk :ntv Maple. has INT" :Ip- pninlx-d lll;|H-’|gt‘l‘ u! hut]. Maple and 'l hm'nhill hruncIH-s. Mr. “my \V. 1 HM)", acting manager of Llh- 'l'hnrn- Iill luzmch for lhx- pusL ywn', has lawn prmlurlml In m-t-nunlunt uf the SL. Cutluu im 5 brunch. lh-v. E. H. Tove Will pn-uch in lh!I Mu-llmdid. «hunch Snmluy nlnrnhlg. uud Rev. DI. Gulhrnith in the running. "AW. \V. (i. Blt'k nf Eglintnn will lukw‘ [he sun'ij in th» I’m-shylvrinn chtlrulws lwrc and at. Thnruhill m-xt Sunday. “rim.- Hhounnli \\'ilh Ur. Shut-p's 1 'I'thvl ul' Liquid Sanderson. ~10 inch gray lweml (In-54 gunds 230. yard. hwn‘y tum-n (Innis gmnls. 10v. per‘nml. LudirS M:le mul while silk hl'lti 301-. wwh. Indies wash bulls 3:“?- mtcjh. Atkinson é; Swilzm'. A number uf uur citizens fornu-rly Nm'lh Ynlk lmys, huvv ruceivml in- vilnlinns to ntleurl :L rv-mniun uf llu- Uld Boys of Nnrlh York. at Newâ€" quukc-L (m 'l‘lllll'Mluy, [he first if Uutnlwr, the sm-uml day (if the fair. This will Cl-lcluuu- l lu-fxmh nnnh m-snry of the town. and llw bllLl) unniu-Isnly hf the inauguration of the Agricultural Society. Pain :mywhw v: stuppvd in 21) minutrs sum With une uf DI. Slump‘s Pink l’uin Tabb-N. ThPful'lllulJiHuthP 25-min! lmx. Ask your Doutul' nr Ih'uggisl about this formula! Ships \Vuumnly min“, hvudmzhe, pains anywhere. “in: Dr. Slump, Racine, \Vis. fur fH-e lllul. l0 pl'lHt‘ value (If his kulm-ho. ur Pink Pain Tublrts. Sold by \\'. A. Sanderson. If you want In gI-t ~ix livkuts fur (‘ulmdiun Nuliunnl Exhibition! fur mn- dnllm- which \Vnuld ulhvl-wisn- cost yuu nm- dullnl' mu] iil'ty ccntsupplyul UIICI‘ In H. A. Nichulls. Supply is limit: d. A grand huzzu' and concert in aid of St. Stephen’s church. Maple. will be held next Tuesday. the 25th nf August The members of the \V. A. will provide an excellent ten in the evening from 5 [08. Icecx-eum and (when-refreshunenls will he sex-\ed on the grounds. The fullnwing will take part in the concert, in the evening; Mr. Paris mud Miss E. Kefl’er. Tut-unto: Mr. J. O'Brien. Lus- kny; Miss Bessie Nimvn. Hope: and Misses Tibhy and 0’ Rumor of Testnn. Selections nrc nlsu expected by the lmskuy Brass Band. The bnznr will open :1! three o'clutrk. and the CUIICPIL at 8. Tickets for Tea. and Concert. 2350. Children 15 cents. August lime, tells on the nerves. But, that spiritless, un ambition feeling can he easily and quickly altered by taking what is known by druggists everywheieas Dr. Shuop‘s Rostnralirn. \V'ithir. 4S hams after beginning tn use the Restorative, impr'wenient will he nnticed. Of cnui'Se. full health will not immediately return. The gain. h(\\\'< «war, will survly follow. And host (if all you will realize and fun! ynnr strength and mnliitiun as it is return- ing. Outside influences dr-pn-s: tint the "inside new es" then the stumauh. Heart, and Kidneys will usually fail. Strengthcn tvln-se failing nmrvs with Dr. Shoup‘s Restorative and we huw quickly health will be yours again. Sold by \V. A. Sandi-[sun “I'V. Haw-n mlist c lug-ammo HILL. ONT” August 20, HMS (Blue ,flgihcrnl. MISS GRA EB SELECTED. BAZAR AND CONCERT. R. E. Slught. Pin. 1).. «if Nun‘ . (111nm. prvurhml in thc Moth- hnl-uh Sunday vvvnimz. 1(‘)C rk 119-3. Rlu-unmlism [rum llu- hlnml Slippp‘g _l(hmuu:gtigt [{(flllt‘lLV. Snld w. A. Mix. .‘Ichynnlds and Lwn Suns, Imwrvnne xnd Rnwland, and Mrs. Chnpe of Glen- and are gueds of Mr. and M19. P. G. Salvage. Th» prayvr svn‘im' in lhe Melhudisc church un 'l‘hmsday naming last was of a lm-murial naturv. and was Iargrly :nln-udrd. Rm. E. H. 'l‘uyegzu'va m-it-f talk nu thv Wolds "Bu ye lho-u-fnl'v fI-ll-mn‘rs uf Ilium \\'hl| thru' laith and path-lice lulu-u it the [u'mniscs." making a fen-ling l'l'f!‘l‘l‘ll(:€ (n the. late RH. J. A. Gram. In l he (rum-sa- of his remarks Mr. Tuyv said "Sadly, wv. ln-nlght umuru the- lnss nf mm whnsv purity of lifv. hwallth uf synlpalhy and willing- nvss in same causml him In ho luvwl by all. Yuu have nut hH-n l'uhht‘d of ymu paslur it. is (luv. hut We wet-p with lhuseof nui- sisu-r chm-ch in this sad hnur. l‘ul \u- Inn has» sum-[rd a gnu-fl. lnss in the :h-pmlun- nt [he um- who was always willing to aid ns‘ and In ministerunlnmu-nvvds. Hissyulpalhy was Luu hug". his l(|\(‘ Lun great. his inlvl'estr in (he wvlfan- of mankind wa“ in!) la-uad In Iu- confined wilhin vhurch walls. and dun«minutinnalism m‘w-r fl‘t'Yl nlml his ministries of lme tn those who "main-d cmnfm L and chm-r. In H‘- muguiLiun if his willing SPI‘ViCl’S l'ruul lime lo lime our la-ague is amuially re- pvt-wanted in llw sr-l'vil't‘ of this hnur. \Vt‘ feel uur lnss, and our prayvrs nnw ascpnd un hvhalf of lhuwc whu haw hen-n (:umpl-llcd (n say farewvll to a luviug husband and a faithful fathvr. aml whn l‘t‘Llll'll tun lonely hnmt'. But lumh-r than any nnu- nf sadness: yes high alune any smlnd of wee-pining we hear the sung «If \ it'tnrv and triumph. Hark! methin [ can hear now, lhnse mysLic vnices as finm the realm nf "Sullle‘u‘hl’l't'" they proclaim Sl‘l'\1|llL of Uml “'1‘” tlnnt‘. Thy gluriuus warfare‘s past. The lmltle's fought, the race is Mrs. Murtsnn and daughter. Miss Olive Marts-In, are spending a wurk iu Cullingwuml. Mr. A. thdie lms rPtm-ned spmuling n few days in Hamilton. Miss Gladys Cmvie is spending or three weeks with relativvs in Miss Brmvn and Miss F. M. Bl-nwn l'vtlllllt’d Monday after a fvw days fish. in the NW. Miss Aytun of Tux-nut“ spent a woe-k nf her holidays with Mrs. J. “'unds and returned Sutmday. l-y rc-frrro-d tn Lhe'wu'livr life of (It-5 m-usvd, his Well-Im-rih-d pupulal'ity at U0lh‘gt‘.’ his inothlxlihlr 'fund of thm-I'. his l'uith'ulm-sa in the dis- charge «If H‘t-ry duly. his cln-crfnl. hrlpl'lll Mfr, hm drvulinn tn his wife and family. and his kinduvsu In l'\‘('l')'- lmdy. (\fu‘l‘ lhu senim‘ (h!- remnin \\'(’I‘L‘ lnu-rrqd in Muunl Plunsaht cum-- u-ry. many (of HN' frirudu nunmpnuy- ng th umurm-ru nu Lh!’ pl‘iVutI- car In lh!l lust walng "lure of (he rivet-used. Many a War \vua oven Hr full as the cur Imnrd uwuy. and “now whu kin-w him Well n-nlim-d that. they hml {wen lln-ir he-hn‘ml friend and pastor fur the lust tilm- un (his nitle nf the grme. Tht- (Ivvpvat sympathy gm-s nut to the widmv and children in [his gl out bel'wlvvnmut. Miss Margaret. Cmvie sppnt u frw days with friends at Thnrnhill. Miss Ethel Daniels 01" Elia is spvnd- ing a few days with Miss Margaret Cmvit'. Mr. Bert. Law of Dundas has heen spending the- waek With his aunts.Mrs. Campbell and Miss Gunner. Rev. A. J. Paul, Mrs. Paul and child- ren. of Allendule, are making a. Visit, will) Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mason. Mr. J. F. Rowland, manager of the Standard Bank at Buussells, called on old friends here last Saturday. Mr. C. l). vak..C.'l§.‘. (‘it nf Pin-t “‘nshinglnn. \\'is. ing visit In his Miss I. day m uninglasth l'l mu I. Miss Kathleen Murpr nf Clem-view has been spending the past week with relatives near Suhumbvrg. Mr. Gen. Cnumhs. Plincipul nf the Bradfmd Public svlmul. called on Rich- mond Hill friends last, Friday. Mr. J. T. Saigeml of Maple is a dele- gate this week to the (‘rvnu'al Untuliu High Court. I. 0. F., at Mendfurd. Misg Ash-ILL ‘Vinch spent. the last. week (If her lu‘Jidnysrnt Mnrlnu, Park, and resumed \vu-rk at.Patterson-school (:11 Month)“. Miss Viuln E. Copeland of Detroit. Mich.. is spending a week with her uncle, Mr. H. Richards, Lnngstuif. Mrs. Hnnu‘ and Miss “'innifrpd Hume have gone to Kingston m nmku a fish. with Mr. and Mrs. L. “'Illizuns. Mrs. A. B. Bmves of Concord. and Muslvr Nulmun Buwes are spending their huliduys with friends in Culling- \VIHIL]. Mrs. W. D. Atkinson is spending :1 week or ten days with her aunt Mrs. D. C. Richmund in \Voodslock. Mr. (3. P. “ iley attended the funeral of u hmther-iu-law. the lute Mr. Mc- Kiunun in Beavertun. last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alcmnhrnvk have re- turned home after spending zl few days with relatives and friends in Kingstmn Recent, \‘isitm-s with MN. A’llc-n at “Rnseluwn” wow Mr. and Mrs. \ante-r Graham uf Tm'unm :unl‘ Mrs. (iruss of Muutleul. Miss Myrtle Smith is spvnding a wwk wil l1 friends in Tut-unm. Mrs. (Dix) Richardson and Miss Richardson, Aumm, spent a t'vw days with Mrs. A. J. Campbell this week. run, And 'l‘hun :u L crowde at last. MEMORIAL SERVICES. PERSON ALE. ay. E”. City Engine-pr, ._ _\\'is_.. paid ‘ :1 flyâ€" rPtm-ned after Hamilton. Ace-Ii. ,(m vau l‘« .- ha I). Sankey who with [In- lulu D. L. Mimdic dill uxcvllcnt work as All evangelist, is dead. Mr. Mnndiu's spmlk- ing and Mr. Sankcv’s singing had :l wundu-rl‘nl influence’fur gnud. 'l‘lwirs wasa work of luvv for fallen humanity. Ro-nlwn Fax who had a cuntinental reanaLiun as "Pusty" in “The Bunny Brim- Bush" die-d in New ank lust F: iduy. agvd 46 yearn. Funeral fluni UH: l't‘SidBllL‘l‘ of his brother. James Fax. Turnntn. n- Mnnnt. Pleasant Crum- Lm-y un Monday. A large number of hm-vvsIH-s left 'l‘m-untn on Tuesday fur the \vt-stvrn wheat. fie-Ids. Up tn date almnt, 11.000 "It'll have gnm- this svason, and by the time the last l‘XClll'SiUfl starts, Sept. 14. it, is n-xpecu-d that fully 20,000 Will ha“? bee-n ennu-ihuted by tho- eastern provinces to help In the hnn'vst. Miss Luuru Maudie will: has hum nt- tendiug the Mm-dnuuld Instiluh- nt Gun-lph during the suunlm-r sossinn. came up \Vc-dncsdny and spent the (lay with tho Misu-s Agatha and Edam Alcombrnck. A card {rum DI. Lnngdafi who with his “ifu and little dnughLI-r hun he'le sprmling n mmplv «If wm-ks at (human Buy, stun-a that he will hv huuw In 1'?- mum: practice on Tuvsduy next. 251!) Inst. Mr. .lnnu-s Hill uf Elun‘ule Min-dud the funrrul uf his furnu-r ruin-mod push-r. Rev. J. A. Grant. lust'l'hursduy and remuim-d tor A few days with NI- Min-s and friends. Dr. Slaght. pastur 0f the “'o-stville Mo-thivdixl chluch. va “nvvn, ('â€"unn., is sprudiug H. frw wveks with his sis- u'rs. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Stirling. Mr. und Mrs. D. \Vih-y. Tun-unto; Mr. and Mrs. \V'. E. “'ilcy uf Nuwnmrkvl: and Mr. and Mrs. l’uuulln uf New Ymk. s “It Tuesday “ill: Mr. und Mrs. G. Vilv‘y. The sulvjects taught me Mathematics, Science, History. the Languages, and Commerce. +++++H++++++++++++++++H+ TUESDAY, SEPT. 1, 1908 Fourth Form work will he taken up in the. High School at the beginning (of the term. The fees are $4 fur the first term. and $3 for sccnnd and third term. Goad board can be had at reasonable rates, i Reduced Prices Pupils :u-e urgedtn In» present on the day of opening. +H++++++++++++++++H+H++ HIGH SCHOOL RE-DPENING E. R. WJTHERIL. B. A. flELPIOM I . TORGN’TO ONT beginsSva. lst. Our Old-('Stlblish- H1 and reliable school offers the. best facilities fur- seaming a. sound hmim-ss :md slmlthaml training. “Winn fur catalogue; it pays to iuvustiguLt’. The British American Business College Yang: and McGill Sis. - Toruuto. Those who know best. the merits of this school are Its stauncbeat auuporters. This college stands First in Popularity. Thumghucssnml Genulne Merit. Uu Wuul'e you will. vuu will find ourgrmluaten push- ing to the trout. Tueir supermr uminiug enables to gel and hold til-swings positions. College open all summer. Enter any time. Write for cutmogues. \V. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cur. Ynnge and Alex:1ndv|-Sts.. Clothing Gent’s Furnishings Boots and Shoes The Richmond Hill High School will rec-open (-u Agent Rolston Electnic Laundry Fall Term Opens Sept. Arm. Savage \ViLh :1 stuff three teachers TORONTO. ONT. G..MCDONA-I.D CHAIRMAN BOARD OF Enucmon PRINCIPAL Fall Term News’NocesT Outfitter Selling at Every Day Bargain i iat the Concrete; +++++++++++++++~§ +++++++++++ ++++++++H+MHWM ++++++++++Â¥+++++++H++++++P+++++HH+' *WH++++H+++++ ‘ NAUGHTON’S-at-the-Elgin made at 35c. gallon. Special-:Canadmn EVATER \VHI TE Coal Oil in jga-Ilon lofs at 15c. gallon. BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO MACHINE 01L Richard's C o m fo rt Eclipse, 6 bars 25c. Sunlight and Lifebouy 5 bars. Home-rendered Lard, 130. 1b. Canned Corn and Pa as,3 tins 250 XXX White Wine Vinegar 300 ga . Atkinson 8: Switzer Clark’s Corned Beef, l-lb. tin,17c Davies’ Roast Beef, lâ€"lb. tin,15c Davies’ Lunch Tongue, 11b., 300 Dalton’s Lemonade Powder, 10c. tm. Aug. 20. I908 Orangeade Powder, me. tin. Richmond Hill Hardware Store Get prices 01 our Galvanized Roofing, Building Paper. and Building Supplies. all. See ouf stock of Paints, Oils, Varmshes, Putty and Glass; Pails, Boilers, etc., our own make. lines. Soaps Queen Citv Oil Co’s. PEERLESS OIL, Best Oil stoves and ranges at prices Eavetroughing and tinsmithing C. SOULES SLm-t a'ny time. BEST BUSINESS TRAINING R. A. Farquharson, B. A. Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sts. Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 gigs 25c. Wrap-ped Bath Bricks, 6c each. Soap Chips, 3 lbs. for 25c. Br’kfast .Foods Toasted Cum Flake. 10¢. pkg. 'J‘illsnn's Outs, lUc. pkg. Malta Vitne. 100. pkg. Quaker Pntfvd Rice. 10c. pkg. Apitezu Grains, lUc. pkg. at reasonable [)1 ices. to suit in all

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