Prepares pupils lutennedgute exn Causervatrory and Special emu-Se garten Method, p; beginners. Licensed { 0511: by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. enable 1- Lax-ets Licensed ~luem‘ouemr for 600.15 30L! 0:1 musignmon atoc et~o promptly when rates Residence Uniouvi 'G R Gaulvlmg, Newton shove RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE BIOHMONDHILL.ONT. Liosnse A Inequully a ufluaune s (Succmson T0 DR. H. W. ANDERSON) Cor. Yunge and Blom- SLs., Turontu. “'ill be in Richmnnd Hill on \Vezl‘ nesday of each \VCHk. Ofï¬ce, next dour north of Stand~ aI-d Bank. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 D. m. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VOL. XXXI. I)isc=\s9 IS PUBLISHELEVEM EHURSDAY MORNING 1‘. F. Mu Gnu} (mu: Mumbcr Unnv maï¬a-51me .___._,7 , up T Ssigaou. Maple Nude and Flu Undertaken a Enibnlmers, large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at, both places 3i! 111ml. J-JN, WILKINSON} M.D. Mural. DR; FULfaN RISDON, {)0 utist, ‘0 J'. EARLE NEWTON Pianist VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhiil. BUSINE (Sue-33350;). To DR. CASSIm') RICH MOND HILL Ccrlif. WRIGHT BROS we; of the Lungs a Specialty. pm-Licnlau-Iy cansumptiun. DI per anuum, ih adVanceJ Eh: gibeml at HM J. ll. Prentice. Emma L» Econ & .chEwen. flower {or the County of Yo k consignment General sales :nptly attended to at reasonaoll :uce Uniouville Puiycl te Piano wrttriunry 1861 lit Class Tuition in mg and Theory nt um ictm'iu University 2 Physicians and Sur- BLfll anktn )118 ’. H. Sherwood C Sweet to Eat ,5 Candy sow mm. 01‘: l zn-iu in ic, New York S MCHAHCN MAHON. theCou JfltrO'Jï¬d rthe BOPBIBTOB. 3 CARDS. Ix Brook. agent {or the tuninations at ‘mntn und vutory [mu-y. Juniox 580113 County: Miceemd iciced 165' o! Yor‘x re- 19 and friendly shortest notice tress King u, J K McEweu Weston " Kinda helpful ‘ HS ! York. a. tea.- [HBO N OTA RY PUB OOHHIBBIOSI‘J‘. IN THE Bichmozkidmï¬iu JAS. NEWTON I Barristers and Solicitors. Monev to loan an laud anachattel mortgages“ lowest rates Aurornofliceâ€"Removed to the old post oflica one door west of the entrance to the Outuno Bank Newmarket oï¬â€˜xceâ€"T hxoe doors south of the 1) )st otï¬ca _ T Hahnmï¬'LiNNox Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at Five Per C< S. \V. Umnvr King & Yunge Streets TORONTO. Barzisnersï¬oiicitors. Notaries, 85:. Home Life Bu‘lding (formerly Fr: bold Loam Bldg.), Um. Adfluide & Victoria Sis.. Tux-onto. Richmond ’Hui"6’rï¬Â£Â«, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- D001]. LENNOX & MORGAN AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. REAL E STATE, ETC. THOngï¬gLL M. Tam-w ludout Wauswutth NATIONA L TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 15.. TORONTO. Canada. FRANK DENTON, K. (t. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULUCK BOULTREF Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. south-vast. vorâ€" ncr of Lorne Bldg, every Thursday aftm-nuon. Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark BARRISTER, $011ch011, NOTARY, ETC. Torunto Ofl‘ice, 33 Richmond St. \Ve§t, \Vesl‘ey Buildings. Private and Trmt Funds to 10:1“ luwust current rates. )lll HIGH C ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EI4GIN 31114] .«S H. A NICHOLLS IIQSEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. Phone Main .‘Hl Danton, Dunn & Boultbee Bdrristrls. Solicitors. Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS Toronto Ofï¬ce, 36 I“ uar of 3 . EDWARD FRANCIS DIBIISSIOSER, CONVEYABT )mmis: Insul- Issucx I) NOTARY PUBLIC indsey. Lawreme W adsworth, RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 2'7. 1908 Barristers, S: :lictnrs. Etc‘ WILLIAM COOK J. M. LAING \‘OTARY PUBLIC OURT 1101‘“ mm mm, Unnveyancer, etc. 106‘. and Real Estate f Marriage Licenses. T1 Aurora. 3F jUSTICE In Essentiak. Unity,- in N011.Essealfid25, LibE713'; in all things, Charity." Wright PROPR um G BTV‘ MORGAN go: blue stinatlou 'nnto street. Puone Main 2984 USES. Cent (57;). ER. ETC. Newmarket t‘h ive general shuvelin; Ed tn he Nighâ€" cnmmiSs nppusitkf sinner or industries and Publicity. Tu- lnntn. re impI-ovod suburban servit-p, and asking the council to be l-eprese‘nl- ed at a. conference to he held in the City Hall, TOI'UIHO, an Aug. 20th. The assessment roll for 1908 shows the total assessment for the township to be $3,269.776. The assessment fur the east half. ls $1,591,845; \vest half, $371931; Uniunville Police Village. $454,880; Mount Joy Police Village, $49,475. mgMurkham Council to meet Vaughn! Council at Richmond Hill on August 22nd. at 1 p.m. 17mm Jnlm E. Thompson. cmmnis sinner of Industries and Publicity. Tu 1mm). re improved suburban sex-Vina 7 From J. B. McLean, Clerk of Vaughan re Dr. Scrivener, V. 8.. claim, and ask- ingMurkham Council to meet Vaughan C(xuncil at Richmond Hill on August 22nd. at l p.m. The May huth passed, and it is sylwm me. Earth's rirhm‘ss gkaws in blussonwd hush and (run At-ulinn hm ps the 7.9;)hylsl sun. afluno Dear L'n'r! that it wvrc mine Lu chums-c fur thee. Life‘s spring I sighed mud dreamed fur how) of fume. But, nu! desire hnth passed with sum- Ins-1‘s nmm. Only true friends and dour to lun- my lmlllt‘, And watch with me at (we the Wam- ing 1mm). Shall it he thine alone, my sweet. to know the song That sprang from depths uubidden and (Indnwnned. 01', shqu we trend the pubs 0t Im-n amung \Yhex-e ï¬rst thine- eyes upon mine own have beamed. For fame is only gained when life is done. And unvy, pain, and wenriness are past, The l :un-l wreath is only loaves when \VUI), And eul'lh shall lech the beauty of Uxine hem-t. Council met at Victoria Hall, Union- \ille, on Saturday, the lï¬th inst “iLh all the nu-mlwrs present, and Reeve Lupp in the chair. Communications were rr‘ud fH‘nltâ€" T. H. Lennox, x-e claim deuuage‘ to Mitchell‘s horse, stating thnt. ‘unless settlement were made at once a Writ would be issued. From County Clerk Ramsden, with requisition for County purpusrs fur your 19()8:â€"F0r general pun-paws. $6.053.57; Industrial Home, $14)7'J,(32, Court HUUbe dtthcnturvs. $579.91. Uhnnse m9 n-n Human-d path on broad highway, Only a quivt wqu lhmugh sunlit \wmd. And \vnndlund flnwn-s tu brighlrn n†my day, And wuudlnnd RungitH-s swcvt to break the sulitude. Yet, shrruldst. thou lure me Dear; ti“ life shall end [care not which [by (-hoice since I um thine And that to me is fume while doth hut. tend Tu bind thy 811111, with sflkrn mm]. to mine. [anmu TAYLOR. Lnngstnff, Aug. 21, 1905'. large number of l'( val ucmunts. and ding snow were (:rrl he paid. gllâ€"Kixkâ€"Thut Mr niSsionpr Lu put in 'te Int 32. COâ€. 2. Markham Township Council. LOVE’S CHOICE. In new b1 Vaughan 1 August commis- lcily. Tu- ) servit-p, th The pustpnm-d meeting uf thP \Vnmen's Institute was held laet'l‘hurs- day afternoon at the hmue 0! Mrs. A. Killmlgh. A numlu-x uf the members of the Thmuhill Immrh were pwsn-nt Mud fnrniwhvd the programme. At; the clusn of tlw nun-ting, an excellent Lz'a “‘us sm-w'd on the lawn. grain \Vus rushed intn the ham before it Was tllmnughly dry. huL on the whole the Lhwshel-s will have little (1» cnmpluin ulmut. A number (If the nl‘lgdlml's hnpe to return frum market, with well ï¬lled pvcket hooks. while uthvrs will be rewarded for their in~ dusii-y whvn thy market their uther grains. Mr. J. Lunuu is one of muny who have had large yields. A few days ago he [hl‘f’sllf‘d 400 bushels of nuts which were grown \m ï¬ve acres. Fm mars have yvt much to do, und are nuw getting randy for sowing the full wheat, but must of them expcct, to he in gum] shape 30 us to "lake in†the Tumntu Exhibition. the second Week. Mrs. I). Jnhnstnn and Miss Irnne Jr-hustun nf Tun-(mm spout. last wetk wixh Mrs. T. (10mins. 0n 'l‘hm-sdny of lush \vePk. aftm- a lung mun-5s, Ban-burn. the beloved Wife nf Mr. Ah-xnndvr Cameron passed a.- \\'n_v in lu-r 7131: yam. The funeral. \vhivh “us one uf the laugt-st. ever seem in this Vicinity took place. (-11 Saturday ul‘lm-nmm to King Calm-telly. The svrvicvs \ve-H- conducu-d by Rev. \V. G. Hawk «If ICgliutun. and Rev. J. \V. Gmdon. Thy mrrmving hllshsnd and fumin huVH the sympathy (If the cum- munily in Llu-ix- hex-Psn'mnent. Rev. J. P. MchIn-ie occupied the gulpit 0f the Methudist church on Sun- ( uy evening, and preached an ilnpwss- i\'c svrumn to a huge congregation. anv public snhtmr rompo-m-d on Mnnduy with Mlss Fun] of Lucknuw as teacher. “'usmn High swim-«Id, \Vi'tbrh'iléwf: vant punt rf lust week at. Mr. Kuys. Piles helped at once with Dr. Shnnp‘s Magic Ointment. Just, to prove it, II. trial lmx will be mailed on request. by writing Dr. Slump, Racine. “’is. Ilch- ing. summing, bleeding piles, internal or extm-nal. get, quick and certain help from Magic Ointment. Large bux 50¢. Suld by \V. A. Sanderson. The harvest, is ulmnst over in this syctiun nf country. The farmers have been Inks-55ml with n. gundly share of ï¬ne \VPHUII‘P. and many of th» barns are well ï¬lls-d. In a. few instances the Tl Tm-ontu (Nuliunal). Aug. 29Sept.14 Sutton. Supt. 24, 25. Bsu-rie. Sept. 28-30. Sum-hum, Supt. 39. Newmzu-ke't. Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2. \Vesu-n, Oct. 3. QuH-nsx i110. Out. 6, 7. Bolton; Out. (5. 7. (‘ooksum'u. Oct. 0'. 7. Mzu'khaun. Oct. 7-9. Brndele OCL 13, 14. \Vuud hl'id inch chm HIGH COURT MEETING Victoria Square yd FALL FAIRS. Maple. L and plain g1n§~z tow ; 18-inch chock gl: yd. Atkinson & SW [nor-ting of Hu‘ {1 Ontario of [ht ‘-.-nmpb«-H. .plincipnl of (.‘hllllll, with his; fflfllux, . 13, 14 Oct. I) ‘lil \\'el T. H; On [In Iris llll MUSLINS My stock new lines ve I' \1 E3. 55'. Glagg London Mutual and British America Fire Ins. Co. E653 London & Lancashire Life Ass. Co. Dcering Machinery, (Tor; Harvesters,GasoIine Engines Etc. We refer to that. boon to weak, nervous. Inflerlnx women known as Dr. Pierceâ€: Favorlw Prescription.’ r Dr. John Fyfe one of the Editorial sum of Tm: ECLECI‘IC MIDXCAL REVIEW so) 9 of Unicorn root (Holo‘niaa Dioica) which is one of the chief ingredients of the "Fa- Vorim Prescription ": “A mody which invariably acts as a uter- ineinvigorabor ' ‘ ‘ makes fornormai ac- tivity of the entire reproductive sygmm‘v He continues 'in Heionias we havenmedicv' ment. which more fully answers the abom purposw than any other drug with which I am tad. In the treatment of disuse: w cu in to women it is seldom that a case is seen which does not present. some indication (or this remedial agent." Dr. Fyfe further says: "The following are among um leadlnn' indicntions forflelonias (Unicorn root). _ Pam onacbinz in the back. wiihaleucorrha‘u: uionic (weaklcondllio of the reproductive omans of omen. meni depression nd lr Nubility. wit chronic dise sea of the rented tive sans of women: constant sensation heat n the re ion or the hi ' neys: me ened con liion of ihe reproductive sysicm: lmenor r ressed or absent monthly ‘i z from or accompanying an I condition of the lzesiive omnnc mmic (ihin blood) )ahin dragging ons in the extreme lower part. 0! the sens ons In abd en." 7117 more or Dr. ‘f‘ierce’s Favorite Prescription faith- full re resents all the above named in- ien and cures the diseases for which ey are recommended. EeUcr {Ban Caï¬e Ur. Pierce‘s r S l n 0 1 mg Ingre l- entso w 1c IsUnIcornroot.orHelonias. and the medical properties of which it mqs}. Zaithfuuy {omega-ms.†“In relation tn Ms general efl’cc‘s on the system. thcra is no nwdtcim in use about which there 13 such general ummtmity of opinion. It Is universally regarded as the tonic useful In NLdehflLtatgd syatqs.†‘_ ‘ A __ _ 0! Golden Seal r006. another prominem ingredient, of “Favorite Prescri tion." Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., 0 Ben- nett Medical College. Chipago, gays; uï¬???35hhâ€ï¬ff§c7idkféiï¬ ETDâ€"flaw of Ciqcinngxti, says o_f Golden Seal root: *i‘i‘BVfZ-K‘I‘EHEHBW, M. D. of Jefferson Megigal Qollege, says qt Golégn Seal : fl “Valuable in“ u'tefl'ne hemorrhage. manor rhagia (flooding) and congestive dy'smunor rhma (painful ulenstmatignx" _:"I-t is- éijzï¬béï¬ixiz vaedy Tn 'dlsén'ders ot the womb. In all catan'hal conditions ‘ ‘ an}! gepegal ent‘egblgmepp. it i‘s'us‘eifulfA Do you n Cures Woman’s kanesséï¬. $1.33 554 5,3533%? [Single capiés. 3 cts. new Richmon ud A GENT FOR 1n ICSSiQfAtlle above the "ll fl'f ‘th need s warm we Mate. We {EE‘ECE EEK? fliefl Hill RINTS sv Lorna No 0H1