Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Aug 1908, p. 4

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I BinXOND HILL. ONT.. August27.1908 Everything points toa general Do- minion election this fall. Both Sir Wilfrid Lauricr andahl‘r. R. L. Bor- den have arrangetb their campaign tours, and there is much activity in political circles. From what can be learned it is probable the polling will take place the latter part of October. or the fore part of November. There is always uncertainty about an elec- tion, but the chances are much in favor of the Liberal Government being again returned to power. Tire present majority of the Government is between 60 and TO. The Globe of Tuesday figures out the relative position of'the two parties as follows:â€" Ontario Liberals 39, Conservatives 37’ Quebec. Liberals 54, Conservatives El ;‘ Scotia, Liberals 1’2, Conserv- ative 1; New Brunswick, Liberals 8, Conservatives 5; Manitoba, Liberals 7 Conservatives 3; Saskatchewan Liber-‘ p ads 5, Conservative 1; Alberta Liber- als 2, Conservatives 2; British Colum- Ma Liberals 7, Conservatives 0; Prince Edward Island, Liberal 1, Conserva- tives 3;Y~ukou 1 Conservative. Total: Liberals14’),Conservatives7~l. Liber- sl' majority, 66. vtsutrsor CO-OPERATIVE EX- ‘rtmnrnrs wira AUTUMN- ‘ » sown errors. Three. hundred. and seven farmers iglli‘ullghiilll Ontario conducted experiâ€" m'cnis with autumn-sown crops dur- ing the past year. Reports have been rice-indz from twcnlycsix counties of. the province. Those coun- tics which furnished the greatest num- ber of good reports ol'succcssfully cori- ducted experiments were Bruce. Nor- folk. Middlcsex. Grey, and Halton. The experimenters deserve much (:rrdit for the good work they have done for themselves and for larmcrs generally. Average results of the carefully conducted co-operative ex- periments with autumn-sown Crops rre here presented in a wry concise form. 1 ‘Winter \V'hcab â€"Thre.e varieties of winter wheat were distributed last autumn to, those farmers who wished to test some of the leading Vill'lCLii-‘S on their own farms. The following ‘ll'e'iht‘ averages in, yield of straw and grain pcracré: Imperial Amber, 1.1 tons and 25.9 bus.; Abundance. 1.2 tons and 23.3 bush; and No. 5 Red. 1.2 tons and 22.2 bus; Not only did the "Imperial Amber- give the greatest yield per. acre in the (to-operative experiments through- out Ontario in 1903 and in 1907. but it also came first in popularity with ex- perimenter-s in each of these Years. The Imperial Amber \vrll again be dis. tributcd throughout Ontario this autumn us one of the three varieties for co-opcralive experiments. The Dawson’s Golden ()lintf. which we dis- tribute-d for ctr-operative cxpcrimcnts throughout Ontario in ,each of twelve years orevious to the autumn of 1906. and which is probably grown more ex- tcn‘sivciy in Ontario at the present time than all other varieties of winter wheat combined. has not been includ- t-il'iu the Ito-operative tests since 1906. Winter Ryeâ€"0f the. two varieties of winter rye distributed in the autumn of 1907. the Mammoth “'hite stood first in average yield of grain with 34 busht-ls, and the Common sccmrdnvilh ‘56 bushels per acre. Last year the Mammoth White surpassed the (‘our- mon rye by an average of 5 bushels per acre throughout Untario. Fertilizers with “'inLl-r \thzrtâ€"In the Cirâ€"operative l-xpcrinlg‘uts with dif- fcrent inanuies applied in the spring of the year. the average yields of grain p. r acre for the past live years are as follows: Mixed Fertilizer. 27.6 bus; Nitratc of Soda. 2.3.8 bus.: Murâ€" into of l’otaslr, "2.3.7 bus; and Supt-r- phosphate. 2.3.3 bus. per acre. Thc Super-phosphate \vas :rpplitd at the rate- of 1‘20 pounds, and the Muriatc ‘yf l‘llL‘lSl) and the Nitrate UT Soils) each IUD pounds pcr acre. The IIIiKl'll t'I-r-tiliZcr consistcd of one third llu- quauiity of cat-h ol' the nilu'l‘ llm-c l'critili'ccrs hcrc mentioned. The usual cost ofthc fl'llll '/.L‘I'.<. as used in the-s.- i-xpcrimcuts, is between four and live tlt'liHI‘S pcr .‘ll‘l'l‘. Fodder Cropsiln I'.\('ll of tho aw? yours. tho St‘i‘ll of ll’iiry Vet-lb gun”. .»I‘ \Vinlcr llvc has ba-cu distributed llii'llllgllulll Ulllzui » l'tii- mu pendin- >-chl imcuis in twin: fodder purposcs. lu illQ avid-ogr- yin id of 1.1:! ('ll it ll‘l‘_‘l‘ prr uric. Hill}; the lsiigcst 3i. ill in» pit-din» “Tutor l\'_\‘c. lli~lrllutitln of .‘le-it‘llitl {or Expul- mr'nls in liilli ti by .‘.~ long as tho >‘l[|]‘l)' Lists. ma‘i-ri -l \ril'. be (llrsllil‘illt‘ll iii. - of t'll‘ll:fr‘ in lin‘vzoln'in \rllirliilm riications . ---. iu-rl from (loinr‘o farmers ‘.\i~h- or ii in rrpnrt the ii the following \‘dllll'l‘ to l'Xlll‘llli.“lli lt'.~ll‘.i$ oi any on» l.~‘\1 l. llllxt‘ \‘(ilu-l‘u's i‘rl ‘.,, . _ Of. this .: place where Sir \Vilfrid Lauricr ;: thew crops for, (>1 ‘ Lhr ii‘tv ycals' cxrvfirnvnls. llr' ilairv« \‘eil‘lms pithlllnrul slwghll)‘ llw lnrgcs‘. ‘ l ill in ' mon Salt with “'inte-r \mert: 5. “’inter Emmer with “'inter \that or Barley; O. Hairy Vctches and “'inter Rye us Fodder Crops. The nine of with plot is to be one iod wide by two rods long. Mutt-rial for numbers 3 and 4M‘ill be sent by expressnnd that for the others by mail. ‘ I C. A. Zavrrz. 0. A. C.. Guelph. 0nt.. Aug. )2. nos. â€"â€"oo.__ August time. tells on the nerves. cense dcpartment from Toronto by But that spiritless. no ambition fooling cam. be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known by druggisto dOHCPd by “)9 “(it 31""! everywhere as Dr. Shnop‘s Restorative. “'ithil‘. 48 hours after beginning to use the Restorative. improvement will be numesoftheInt-nut~t-§J(islirra \Varrilow, noticed. 0fconrse.fullhcalth willnot Royal Hotel; “Illlmu Lchh. immediately return. The gain. how- ever. will surely follow. all you will realize and feel your strength and ambition us it is return- ing. Outside influences depress first the "inside nerr es" then the stomach. Heart and Kidneys will usually fail. Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr. Slroop‘s Restorative and see how quickly health will be yours again. Sold by W. A. Sanderson LIBERAL ...__..__ PICNIC. A monster Libel'fll PiCIIiC Will be ‘the bartender of the Patterson House. held at Jackson‘s Point on Monday. the 23th 0fSl‘Pt9lUl’9l'»i|t\Vhii‘llfiddl‘t‘sfi- failed to appear whcn called. es may be expected from Sir \Yilfrid Lanricr, Hon. G. P. Graham. and Hon- A. B. Aylesworih. Exvlrsions will be run from all points on Lake Simcoc as well as by Grand Trunk and Trolley. articulars of which will be announced later. This will afford a magnificent opportunity for the people of York to hear the bestpublicspcakcrs in the Do~ minion on the topics of the day, and arrangements should be made accord- ineg not to miss it. This will be the will be able to address the electors of York during the campaign. r ~9â€"â€"â€"â€"- JOINT MEETING.‘ By ap ointment Reeve-Lam). Deputy N U T: E I F U R \i A C Reeve l igh. and Councillors Morrison. Kirk and Padget of Markham. met Reeve Devins and Councillors McNair and Thomas of Vaughan on Saiuu’iay and talked over matters alfecring bolh townships. Relative to the Scrivener claim for damages by having his horse killed on the Metropolitan track, both Councils thought they were not. liable. and are prepari-d to defend any action that may be brought against them. As the Councils have not come to an understanding with the Metropolitan -Rail\va.y Hompnny about the raising of the track. and also about ilu-ou log snow on the highway. they dt‘i‘llll'l] to ask the Railway (.‘ommission for a rul- ing on the question. After looking, over the sills-walks at 'I‘hornhill and bctv-‘ccn Elgiu Mills and Richmond Hill the representalivcs (leâ€" cidcd to bring the nutter before the Council at their next meetsug. e» PERSONALS. Mrs. Holland of Toronto called on friends here and at Langstal‘fTuesday. Miss Jean Mcl’lonald is visiting for a pweck in Stoulfville with lu-r brother :‘Frnnk. Miss Alice Slorcy of Toronto is spending: a couple of weeks with Iron-.- McMahon. Mr. G. Moodic and Mr. A. Mackenzie 'retui ucd Friday :lflcl' an enjoyable week. on the Mackinac trip. Miss Mary Trench has returned after Tammi“, I am prepared to furnish To. spending several wot-ks with her (brother, Rev. \V. Trench, at Sault. Ste luran from St. Joseph‘s Island. Tucs- day, after a most enjoyable holiday of mild“ in TUIT‘HW- three weeks. Mrs. S. M. Brown spent from Friday till Monday visiting with her brother at Ringwood. and called on friends at Stoulfr ille and Bloomington. Mrs. Donn and Miss Annie Lawson or Brandon, Main. and/Mrs. \Vhst and Mrs. Morris. Toronto, visited with Mrs. G. A. McDonald one day last week. The two little, Miss Red-dy's paid a visit. to their grandmother and grand- They went to Toâ€" Mario. Drs. Rolph and Lillian Langstal’f re.- 'fathcr last. wet-k. Rev. J. T. Lcck and wife of Oconto Falls. \Viaconsio. and Mrs. (Reva) J. I). -LP(‘k and children of Chicago, spent Friday afternoon and evenng last with ) :‘hcir aunt Miss Lock. libs \Vatsou o; L636 Queen St.,East, \Voodbinc (,‘ouscrvatorics. has gone to Bullalo to spend her four \vechs' vaca- tion. and will visit tlrcSoulheru States bcl'orc lit‘l' return. Mia's \\';itsou is a graduate of fit. Joseph's (,‘olltge and ‘ Toronto- l'nivci sit}. } Mr. James \Viirllml'v, carpenter in l \‘.‘l.: fivas rL-rumcd to the home i-l‘ his~ illl‘ll in Lasltoy l‘llr‘ Ilav last or. l1. is And host (if Hotel. ronto to visit their aunt'Mrs. J. Devlin. . Iiint-s‘ factory, who was ill at the llo-1 ‘ a minion llouso for serum) works. but .\t‘\\'lllitl'lil't at ll..;l) p. m. 1 ‘lo North 'i'oxontofrom U :r.m. to El p.m. lrvpnriml to be improving uln‘or the: tult‘ Hi. lil'. l.H-'i’.lr:u‘.l Ill. King Cit“: . i 9-» N era's Notes. l1iswpu-tuitiwltt'ountj' I“ "“ll! :Ir .‘ilnlbrugill i= ~ iii: ll‘l'V ill .irur t“.l!iil|‘ll .tuhi»r t ill. llr. Milking-Ill is one of 1‘.» l'*',\l Ln no “Ind th cl". -.1 o‘â€" 1.1,” [' -.uio‘ 1.. Lilikiéz‘llt'xitl i-‘ght .- l: a; l \-. Fire u")... of the ~t~iblo< i'ltii‘l‘. Stock \42 is i ‘r ' i‘. ;..v,:. mul)’ ll‘ili'>\l’i}' :wuui: ; \’7.'. sin-m 25:1:- v1. ' rsiim .' ll :l \l’“il!l’ .‘tll... i-‘r: . i‘ .l 1'.- v ).‘}‘ lint-l. ‘t‘l w'" (vii some boys state emphatically that they : saw llll'l't‘ men on bicycle-s ride up to the yards at Albany Road and throw burning papa-r In among the straw in one of the pens. W... «Boarders 'Wanted , __ I. High School students preferred. ’ Apply Nim- hotcls in Own-n Sound “’Pl‘t' im- 9:: ___~ "If! BP‘R‘UJ 0-5910}?- Plllfillll'd last week for selling ingoxrcut- l 4,." ; "I. m"- ‘ mg iquor in the local option ( islrict. k g: ‘ The principal witnesses for the prusr- I culiou Were four detectives of the Li- -â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€" _ Nursinz in confinement rvuntcd. whom the round-up was made. and] Apply at that their efforts were successful is evi- 1 9-4 three of the hotclkcepcrs were sentenced to four months' imprisonment each. The To Rent A Good 8 room Brick House with furnace. on Yonge street. Apply D. HILL. Richmond Hill Bakery. -ifiFor Sale Building lot on Centre Street, Rich- THE LIBERAL OFFICE. | City Hotel. and Andrew Fogarty. Albion Magistritte Ureasol stated. that he felt sorry for them, but that, as they had each been previously ( ouvict- ed. he was bound by the law to send them to prison. The sentences to pris- on have caused consternation among the hotel element. and Will undoubtcd~ ly have a salutary effect, upon those who have been violating the law. The t-f on)”. men found gumy had to Q”). :nond Hill, mtstol Parsonage. Apply fines ranging from $50 to $100. V 'il- " V [,y ham Degnn. of the Pacific Hotel, n- 3““ JAMES NE“§’(;§;M”]H. gaiust whom two lines of $100 each were recorded. skipped out, and Harris “with _.- Between Hope. P. O. and Maple station or t‘lsv- lli’lW‘t‘l‘ll Nail Mullny's and Henry Thomas" gate on the bib con. Vaughan a long grey \Valerproof ‘mnt belonging to Mrs. W. Thomas. L. N. 0. ppm-o- Station, or delivered in the VIEW' village and vicinity:â€"â€" STEAM COAL For threshing engines. against whom twu charges were laid, For sale at the The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstcin Cattle and Bremlw‘of Improved Chester \Vhite Hogs. Lot 29. lst (Jon, Vaughan (Thornliill) has for Sale some good young: stock. Thmoughbred bull and hog kept for service on the pl'cuiisos. D. G. GOODERHAM, Best Scranton coal. Pi'oprictor Also file. Bran and Victor Feed for big-mist Wentéd Au Organist and Choir lcadcr want- cd for thc l;’rosb_vtciian church. Rich- mond Hill. Duties to Commence at once. cattle and hogs. Also shorts Apply to “I‘d. lNNliI. . (‘lcr ii of Sessions. and good American corn (old). All kinds of grain bought Clothes guessed ELIZABETH COL [.JEY who has had three ycars‘ experience is pre :trcd to press Ladies“ Skirts and Jaclicts. either plnin ('1' pleated; also gents“ suits, (in siiortcst notice. Apply at MRS. \VM. ROBINSON'S Sigin Mills and highest possible prices- paid at the Elevator. 3. iii. BAKER Notice To The Public VH3 'v 7.3 .m- .7. Ml E MIN For Seie 110 acres on the 2nd con. Vaughan township, good sandy laud, clay loam. rimming crook, good orclrrul, house and outbuildings. Fifteen acres of timber. Snap to quick buyer. i: a {I About 225 acres on rear of 1st con. Havinq made annnwpnmms with of Markham township. mixed loam. “’ ’3 running crock. house and born. One the GEO-.COLEVAN BAKING 00-. hundred acres under cultivation. Balâ€" iflllCe limbcr and pasture. Price reasonable. ronto bread on and after Thursday. NAUGHTON BROS, 6-tf Elgin Mills. August 6. Kindly give it a trial and be convinced that it is the best bread Voters-"List. $68 Frfr~tlc~ifi 'l'ona :l‘to fl” _ U i I i I n U “M I pp) } Municipalily of theTownshrp of W Q. Savage Agent THE TORONTO AND YORK RADIAL BY. 00. IMetropolitan Division VAUGHAN ‘ County of York. I __~ Notice is hereby givcn. that I have transmittcd or delivered to the. per- sons mentioned in the Eighth and Ninth Scciions of “The Voters” List Act” the Copies rcrpxiiwl by said Sr-v- ' [ions to be so trnlrsrlliltfd or delivered of the Lisi mailc pursuant to said Act and amendments thereto of all per- sons appearing: by the lust. llcvised Assessment lloll of the sci-.1 Municipal- my to be vnliilwl lo vr.t.; in the Said Municipality at lilcctious for Members of the l.i*yi<l:lli\‘i' Assir‘obly and at Municipwi lilcclions: and lliatsaid List was FIRST l’cm‘l‘lril) l'.” at my ol’iict- . l at the village of Maple on the T\VICN- TY-FIFTII DAY OF Al‘UrUST, 1903, l and rcnriins there for inspection. , Elccti-rs arc callcd upon to (-Xarninc 1“ the said List and if any onrissions or E any other errors are foairnl therein to itnkc llllllll'lll'lll.‘ prow-cding to have the said errors cor rcrtcd according to 1 law. Special limitctl car loaves North '10“ robin .rt 7 I). m. i SPECIAL SERVICE _10._ TGRGNTO EXHIBITIGN SATURDAY._Sl§l"l‘. 5. to SATUR- DAY, SEPT. 1'3 Ilalilliour service from Nervru'rrkel Into from North Toronto (‘iil' Slil’l‘lCI‘llii’Ill 7. 9 .7. l3. Tilt LEA}... Hell; of 1h:- <rli.l Municipality. I' Dated this fifth zlrty ni’.\ll1§.. 190‘“. 9-2 “CANADIAN P‘CTORIAL” THE I{.’.li:JI\'.-\'.. 11 ED I“.i.\.S.'iZiI~'E ‘ 's rrv \‘~."_CDNIIHD.\Y. SlIi’T. LL 71‘. v...» » ’ lilié'o~ DAY Sunni-ll 4"11- loavcs .l'ui-l;~utr< i’wiul Hi {i 1.. r:r., In Z’ll‘r-l|lo- 1': lupin)": lldll'l'!5_l'.."il1il.‘:llr-l'lll’f)i‘,"-\!lllil.i'i. WW...“ l‘ijuisiii-ly prinlml "i fill!) mum-.1 -A, pipe l’icturr < oi avail-known purple, p of crown: ovoid-r. «. ibiiixs lawnm- Sclzoznbcl‘: and Aurora R}: in or. 1 ~ .1. in; .ir :.. a :lm::~:::1l» - H ~ lxizrciz. L. dip?" ' w l!‘("lv'ill‘:l'\;,\ll AY. ‘.7'U‘\\l.i 31-“ _‘.i*ll".iirl‘l'.li'| 13.?» if‘ . l:i?l‘.‘.‘ lllsilglid pap l l. .. . . 131" l? "’ -‘ 1 l: \ili \‘.‘ll n‘l"‘ \}K r”: .. . yr :i::.\..l o: l.:. curl ‘4‘,” h MK MN; M r â€"vâ€"* r â€" b.- s i or V” "c "“""“ - ._ . .. -‘.n\'_ li'v-‘i d!" i ; Jiaasiatuaest ' ‘ mm; zgimEELS-nmm TICKETS for the Canadian \Vcst procured at ‘TIIIC BANNER OFFICE. AURORA» Orders iukt'll atâ€" Tlll". LIBERAL OFFICE. RICHMOND HILL. Neticeto Crediters Pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897. Cap. 120. notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Thompson late of Township of \Vhitchurch in tho County of York. deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of July. lillN. are rcquirrd on or before l.l'll- lfilh day of Scplcrnbrr ncxt. to send to Levi Hoover, Exccn- tor. a statement of their claims and the nature of the si-curiiy, if any. held I) ' thcnr; and take furihcr notice that a ter the last mentioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among;r thc portion entitled thereto having rcgmd oan to the claims of which he shall their have recoide notice. Dated this 6th dav of August. 1908. LEVI HOOVER. Executor. (.‘roimlry I’. 0. pk, ' 33"“, _ -N. ‘ 1- ‘i «v. " 4‘. Sy nopsis of batsman. It urth-r 9‘3, HOHEST 1A0 REGULATIONS NY oven numbered sections of Dominion Lands in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Allwrta. r-Xt'rplimg 8 and 26, not reserve-«l. may he homc~ stcadcd by any portion who is the solo lwad of" family, or any male over 13 years of age. to the extent of onc- quartcr Scction of lot) acres. more oz less. Application for entry must be made in pcrsnm by the applicant ata Domin- ion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the dislrict in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how. cvcr, be made at an agency on certain conditions by the l'ntlo'r. mother. son, daughter. bi‘ulllr‘i' or sisti r of an in~ tending lioinestcmlcr. The homeslcador is required to perâ€" form the homestead (lulics under one- of the following plans: (I) At least. six months‘ rcsidcnco upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) A limueslcai‘lcr may if he so de- sires. perform the int; ‘ilcd re-<idrrrrc duties by living or. fr) ming land own- ed solely by him not li-ss than eighty (Sll)acrcs in cxtt ill. in llic vicinity of his homestead. .iuint ownr-rships in land will not rnect this rcquirrnn-nt. (3) If thc father (or moth -r, if the father is (leceasrrl) of :r hoincsteodcr: has permanent rcsidcncc on farming- lnnd owned solely by him. not less than eighty (8U) acres in iâ€"‘th'lil. in the vicinity of the horm-~l,e=i(l. or upon a. homestead colored for him in thr- vicinity, such hoop-stradcr may perform his own rr-Edcncc duties by livng with the fat lr-‘r (or mother}. (4) The term “vicinity” in the two preceding paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine milcs in a direct line. exclusive of the width (it road allowances crossed in the mens- urcment. (5) A homesteader intending to per- form his residence duties in accordance with the above while living with par- ents or on farming land owned by himself must notify the Agent for the district of such intention. Six months‘ notice in writing must be given to the (‘onrmissioncr of I)». minion Landsat Ottawa, of intention to apply for patent. \V. \V. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.â€"Unnuthorizr(l publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. 41-6111 F. l. attain. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGâ€"IN ILLS‘ The undersignod. recently employed with the Massey-l-larris 00.. has taken the Blacksmithing busim‘ss vacated by Ulil't Bros” and is prrp-rrcd to attend to all branches of the trade. 30353-130311? A SPEC ALT" Pf TRONAGE SochrrED .rxo S_\'r1.~:ir.\(:'rio.\' Ul'ARANTEEII r. . Auction‘Szle-s. Tlll‘?‘~)l>.\\'. August .27 7.\ui'iion saleof FH-ah )lilclr ('orv,< and Hprinqwl‘s at llll‘ l’ill'i‘f‘T l‘lzur‘” ‘1 ' I‘ll:. Villt‘ pru- p My of .7. ll. liro Ir. at 2 o‘clock. 'i'orms. Ii m Saigcor‘. tK' )l~llu‘w1.Auctioneers. SA'rtzzunv, August ‘J‘lnAumion sale of izziplcr‘nruis, fur-thine, ll()l‘.~‘iâ€"', vi-i.ic‘.c.ctc..ilicprr'pI-I1y: l' .\.l’clers. :Vlrrlh Tor-onto. illi< rob, Sol»; 1. lo‘clw k. .l. . . " 'i':J.-.I>\‘ ‘. Ab Fr. ".Ii' 1 t . ./ ,-/~ -1”.

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