Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Aug 1908, p. 5

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The Elliott, Business College of‘ To- ronto is well kuuwn. as one of Lhelargâ€" est and best commercial schools in Canada. All intending to svcm-e a business education are invited tn write to the college for a handsome catalogue. The Full Term npvns on Sept. lst next. Hundreds of students go out, from this college each year to good positions. Pain anywhere stuppm’l in 20 minutes sure with one of Dr. Shonp’s Pink l’uin Tablets. ThPfOl'lllulAiSHIlthR 25â€"081“. box. Ask your DAch- 01‘ Th'uggist about. this formula! Stops Wnnmnly :lins, headache, pains anywhere. Vrite Dr. Shoop, Rucinu, \Vis. for free trial. tn prove Value of his Headache. or Pink Pain Tablvls. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. The mmuul meeting of the King and Vuuglmu Plowman‘s Association will be held at, Slmnk’s llull. Maple. on Saturday, August 29, at 3 p. m. The auditm-s’ report, will be re- ceived. the elr‘otinn of officers will take place. and arrangements made forth? coming match. All interested m tho ndvnm-omont pf the plow are gumially invited to attend. Ever?- Mr. H. U. [’rum-r. divd Sunday lust. aft three wet-1w. DHCk'HS yours of age. He \\': typhoid-pneuuuuniu. :1 Tho‘ dvmh of tho yv ghmm Over the mwn. wealth in the lehmhst, chm-oh nrxt .‘unduy morning. Rev. E. ll. Tnyv will tuko for his snhjvrm in the evening "A few Gentle livminders”. (Mr. w. ‘H. slum. (If erie will lnt of umm>y\ to procure a new. np~ to-dnle engine. but if um- has tn he purchased it wmxld be much better In t-hmk about it lwfm-e a fire takes place. A “Bachplm- from Lnnsing” writes :1 let-tel to THE LIBERAL gwmg reasons why he is not mm-x-iPd. \Ve never like tn reject a cmmnunicatinn, but, as the lettvr is sumewhat personal, and as he does not give his name. he can scarcely expect, to sew his com- munication in' print. If he is sincere we see nn gnud I'(‘:1SO[1 for him with- holding his signature. genm- that his son James had hovn fumi- ly injurvd in :m nummnhilv :lccidvnt in Buffalo. The clmfi'vlu- was instantly killed :Lftor being lhl‘owx: out. and Mr. \Vukcfield lived “My it shrn't time. 10c Many of the Markham and Vaughn" fugruwrs have Hnishml hnn e-sting lllt‘ir (ruin. If [he hulunt'e‘ uf the \Vwk Jeepsifino lit.le grain \\ ill be nut uflfll' Concerts are In lw give-n each morn- ing and uftI-I-nnnn in Llw Dairy Build» ing. at, 1119 Exhibitiun. Turnntn. This is an inmnvnliuu that visilnls hum Lhe country will appreciate. MP. \Vnkofiuld of Ande sir-on I'vcvn'vd u few days ago the sad intPHi Homde buck Luwels, funry hard» ers, size 18x34 in., a pair 30c. Atkin- son & Switzer. At the last practice of the Fir? Brigade it was plainly Ovidvnt that; the fire engine-was not able to do its work as formerly. It would take u The first :xnmml l'X“llI‘Si0l| (f the Adult Bihh- (‘Iuss hunk plmzo tu Scur- Imro Bum-h last, t‘vening. Only a small mngnbm- “(Lt'ndl-d. Heavy crush tmwliug. 19-inchrw Wide. 10. 110. )‘d. Alkinsm: & Swit- m-r. Rev. Dr. Slughtwv in the PI-e-shytminn day morning «In! 9v [mather sclmul bugs. with strum. 50rd cum-us lungs. lmuhm- hull-u]. with handle. 25c. Atkinsrm & Switzt‘r. Tho Bull tt‘h‘phnnfl cnmpnny have installed at new lt‘h‘phnlux :lt Hm Du. mininn Hum». This makes about, 40 on the local liue. The High u 1pm) nele 'l‘u‘ :he summer werv pupil w (‘murt Iliulnnnnd. Nu. mm. A. 0. P” will movt. Friday vwnihg uf this “1101:. Mwnhers within hailing (lirtnnce are h-questvd to be present. Svpt. 2nd. Hmdfmd iavm-tuinfyu hurmaqv- tuwu. This your they nrv (lix‘trint winm-rs m hath junior and intr'rmmliute C. L. A. B‘nnrdom Wantod. Soon nnx hc-r pug". Ur. Fulton Iii-"Inn rwii'lv I;I'\'lllllf‘ praw- licr in Richmund Hill on ‘qudnl-Hduy, ,,A n ‘ Rxcunnxn HILL. Om. Augqu 27. 1908 Sweet Violet, \Vhite Carnation, and une Roses toilet, snaps, per box of 3 ukestl-S» 9m; 12.4w" 9nke pure Castile. {@3112 fiihcral. Tail]. 1 leaps fine bum-day. t-he‘ admle rdiully invit 11y \volcnlue. if A SUCCESS FUL COLLEGE 11150 AL]. , 1-5 cm; 12412. céke Atkinson & Switzer SCHOOI A MUSICAL DAIRY The h PUBLIC NOTICE. jeuwlle-r. Aux-om. nth-1‘ 2m iHm-gs of nasal “1N only ZL’. was attacked with , and sunk nlphlly. yunng man oust u ill tiukv th chum-h m vuing. OPEN ml ho; 'md h EDI-vim": '1 Sun- nftel that THEY \VON SCHOLARSHIPS. Mr. Alex. McOunaghy and Mr. Dunnld Atkinson :u-e Lu be congratu- lated on the excellent; standing they took at the recent Lniversity 01 T0- mnto examinations. Bnlh attended Hurhnrd street, Collegiate Institute. and both are fm-mer students of Rich- mond Hill High schnnl. The report , handed out by the Univeisity nuthori ities Tuesday shows that both of the young men stand high in the General Proficiency list, and bLth of them took > honors and scholarships. Mr. Mc- Gonaghy tnok the First Edward Blake Scholarship. Mathematics and Science, the gift of Hon. Edwau-d Blake, Ex- Chuncellm‘ of the University. nf the value (if $60, with free tuition for four years. of a total Value of $204. Mr. Atkinson Won The Fourth Edward Blake Scholarship. Classics n ud Modern Languages. the gift ofthe Hon. Edward IBlako, of the value of $35. with free I [lliiinln‘ for three years, of a. total value daughters sons and They are: u "*1 -â€"‘*~"- -\“ cellent number. not (mly m the Depart- ments, hut H.150 In tho numernusux‘tlcles and stories making up the issue. DIED AI‘ DAVISVILLE. Thefuneml. of the late Mrs. Margar- et Rutherfm-d. reliut of the late James Rutherford. Dzlvisville. will take place to Mount Pleasnnb Cemetery this Thursday afternoon at 2 o‘clnck. De- ceased was born September 10, 1828, in York tmvnship and was married on the 12le July 1850, to James Ruther- fm-d. A family uf six sons and four of $143. Duuk shooting has :i grputfnscinrttiun in Septvmhvr .mtl Rad and Gun and Motor Sports in Cauadé. published by \V. J. Taylor, \\’()ndst,u0k.0nt.deaLS in n generous manner with the duck hunter initsSepte'mlwr issue. Eastern, CH)- tml and \Vvswru.C:umda contributes duck hunting stories, and the differ- pnces in the mnditinns under which the sport, is pm-sucd in various parts of the country are well brought nut. Every duck hmitor will sympathise with the work uf the Brandon peuple in making a collection of the native wild fowl and trust their example will he followed in vzu-iuus parts of the Dominion. Them is plenty of variety scnitered through the-pages of an ex- fail. ilMingSLlfll) and stomach distress must smely result. For this. druggists (-vm-ywlmre m‘P supplying a, paw-scrip tim) known as Dr. Shunp‘s Restorative Fix-st. these tiny inside Stomach. Heart. and Kidnny nerves fuil. Tth gas hwlvhiug, Hwn‘t palpitation, or failing Kidneys fulluw. [)nn’b drug the Slnmm'l). m- slimulnm Llw Hmut m- Kililll‘}'\\ 'l‘h-ntis wrung. Strengthon these failing nerves with Dr. Shunp’s Restm-uliw. It is HIP nerves. nut the (rt-gun:thatun-cnllingfm-lmlp. “'ith- in 48 lmurs :nflm- qtuvting the rvsLm-u- Live tl’PntUIt‘llt, you will realize the gain. A test will tell. Sold by \‘V. A. Sandal-sun. zu-d eldurs In! the Richmond Hill and Thnl'nhill uvugrwgutiuns was held last. vw-ning. Rm’. \V. G. Back was prvs- rut us mndemlur. The xnvnljng had in View 1hr uppnintmont of u success- or tn Hu-ir Into pnswl'. Rev. J. A. Grant. Theydvcidvd let tlu- snhu-y tn the incoming [nmtm- he $900 and n free Mulls". The Proslvytvry will fill the pulpits fnr LhI-re monthQ. :lflf‘l‘ which the. C(mgregnliuns will extend a cull. ‘ More than our hundred penplo visit.- M1 the hvme of ()nuucillm- Sanderson last Friday evening Ln witness a plum, nf the Night, Blooming Series in full hhmm. Mr. Sandvrstm has lwn of the plants in dim-rm]! puts, (me hoing pm- huhly sm‘on years old and the niher The furdprinls n1" Dyspepsia have been diz-vcrly traced tn the Stnmnch n‘tl‘v‘fS-M‘V‘lt'n thvse “inside nerves" plants in (lifir-l-vnf puts, (me being pm- huhly sown ymn-s old and the uiher "hunt fourteen years. Friday night was the first lime that either plants fluwmed. and the singular thing about il was that, hath wane in full lulnnm at exactly thv same time. The mom was filled with the aroma. and the large and delicate lily-like fluwcrs wen- beautiful. Th!- Bnmmmd l‘nncc-rt in :virI uf St. Htvvphcn's church. M:-pl:-..’l‘m-sd:uy m c-n- ing Wm! u must. :«ucm-ssful affair. Thu m-liuh-s nn sulu gave gmvd sutisfur‘liun and un- Inn was We” up to H)P.~ILIIDd:H‘d. Thu. Luna-rt \i‘ns u twat. Row. Mr. Jam's uf anlt‘ gave an address, Mr. Pan‘s as u (rnmmliun was in fin:~ fun". and (h:- Lnskny Band gu'u’ sum» excel- lz-nt music. The prucrcds Tuesday m't-ning nmnunh-d tn $106, and :I suciul was hvld the furllmving running when u llt‘flL sum was “Is” rwulin-d. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS.‘ Miss Russ .whn [uni canduvtt-d n firsm-ry lrusim‘us: in 'the [An-m: Him-k «ring the push twdwe yours has (in- cidvd to retire, nde has dixpusnl nf hu- slnck m Mr. Fwd GI'ningz-r win: Will take. plmSerNiun in u fvw days. Thnl Miss Hth hug Dwell fllH'CQ‘erll' in busi- ness i~l nu gran-t. And she duscrn-d lu-t' fiurcuafi. Hy industry. pb-rsmrr- unce and courtesy shv gallium-d ruuml but an oxrclh-HL class of CIIHIUHHI‘S \\ hum- confidrmm slw has lung enjnyvd. SEPTEMBER ROD AND GUN‘ juint tum-ting Vu‘r' (ho >m_r} Igm's BAZAR AND CONCERT. IN FULL BLOOM. JOINT MEETING. M), of daughtez ues Ruther- IS and fnur Whom fuur rs Sui-rive. The subjects taught are Mathematics, Science, History, the Languages, and Commerce. Fourth Form work will be taken up in the High School at, the beginning of the tel-m. The {egg are $4 for the first term, and $3 for second and third term: Good board can be had at reasonable rates. TUESDAY, SEPT. 1. 1908 Pupils are urged to be present on the day of opening. HIGH SCHOOL RE-UPENING E. R. WITHERIL. B. A. PRINCIPAL G. MCDONALD CAMERONâ€"AL hPr resitlpnr-n. Maple. on UN 20| h of August. 1908, Barbara, \Vift' of Alt-x. Uunwmn, in her 7lst ymnu Interment at King City Cemetery. Saturday, Aug. 22. RUTHERFORD-va hrr homo, Ballinl strovt, Dnvisville. Monday, Aug. 2-1. 1908, Margaret. relirt of the late Jnnms Ruthelfnrd, in her 80th your. formerly of Jefferson. Funeral nu Thursday. Aug. 27, at 2 p. m.. to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. "Gning tn the Hllllitilt Funlninehlenu", by Pulll Tavernicr, is n strung lift-like picture that, was semred fur t-xhihition "new n gram deal of trnuhlv. Thom are. in ull. sen-ntven nf them- picture‘s. besides thirty by British artists; the whole running (me of the host Art Luau Unllvcliuns ever got together. REDDYI‘Tâ€"At Burl-iv. Thnrsdny, Aug. 2). 1903, In Mr. and Mrs. Edgur Gr. Rvdditt. a daughter. ++H++++++++++++++++++++ Reduced Prices +++++++++++++++++M+++H++ Anmng the Flrnch pictures (hut. will he Ln new at. the Canadian Nutiunnl Exhibition. Tmmmv. HI'!‘ some by the fllst. nrlists in France. and of tho must charming «It-sr'riptinn. "The “'uy of the Strung". by Frunct-a Anhurlin. (,‘hflvulirr nf (he Lr‘ginn (if Hmmr, is particulmly striking. and has lu-(‘ll widely ru-viowod as one of thI- first Wurks of mndrrn art. "A Yunng \Vnmun" is unner (-spociully attract- ive painting, hy [lune Aviqdnr. Hula]- iflt «If (he Fume-h Suckty of Artists. "A Siesta M Seville" is number superi- nr “writ of :u-c. hy Hunri Zn, which has neceiwd nun-h favorable cmnmc-nt and is held in high (-smom in France. The Those who know best; the merits of this school are Its atauncbest supporters. » This college stands First in Popularity. Thoroughuesssud Genuine Merit. Gru wuere you will.vou W111 find oursgmduates push- ing to the from. Their superior training enables than: to get and hold first-class positions. Cunega open all summer. Enter any time. Write for catalogues. \V. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander 805., The Richmond Hill High School will re~upen on Isiness FAMOUS FRENCH PICTURES. Agent Roistou Electxic Laundry Gent’s Furnishings Fall Term Opens Sept. 1 gins Sept and reliu ‘ilities fc With a staff three teachers. Boots and Shoes Arm. Savage “j ETA,;«..A~U'§TW 1/ ammo. 0211'. V Fall Term CHAIRMAN BOARD OF EDUCATION {lilé Outfitter Clothing Seliing at DEATHS. BIRTHS. h( Our old-est mo! ofiex-s b ness C txm‘ nin ;t-1h1ish- the best ollege TOT! (0. ud +++++++~z~+++++++e +¢~+++++++++ +++++++~H~++++++++++m++++ EveryDayBargains + gattheCo-ncrete: +++ +++++++M' Clark’s Corned Beef, l-lb. tin, 17c Davies’ Roast Beef, l-lb. tin,15c Davies’ Lunch Tongue, 11b., 300 +++++H+++++-!-+-X-+++++++++++P+++++H~H+ 1-+++++++++++++H oo- ried. Workmg Boots BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Aug. 20, 1908 Home-rendered Lard, 180. 1b. Canned Corn and Peas,3 tins 250 XXX 1White Wine Vinegar 800 ga . Afigmsm 62 Switzer Richard’s C o m for t, Eclipse, 6 bars 25c.; Sunlight and Lifebouy, ‘5 bars. Dalton’s Lemonade Powder, 10c. tm. Orangeade Powder, 10c. tin. The biggest and best Overalls and Shirtsâ€"pri Our range and price all. See our stock of Paints, Oils, Varnlshes, Putty and Glass; Pails; Boilers, etc., our own make. Get prices 0t our Galvanized Roofing, Building Paper, and Building Supplies. Richmami Hill Hardware Siam lines. Soaps Oil stoves and ranges at prices to‘ Eavetroughing and tinsmithing ,in all G. SMILES Start any time. BEST BUSINESS TRAINING at reasonable prices. R. A. Farquharson, B. A. Prin. Cor. Yonge 8: Bloor Sts. assortment‘ we have ever car- cés $1.50 to $3 5 defy competit ths. ’Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 tiiinAs 25c. Wrapâ€"ped Bath Bricks, 6c. each. Br’kfast Foods Soap Chips, 3 lbs. for 25¢. Toasted Cum Flake. IOc. pkg. 'l‘illsnn‘s Oats, 10c. pkg. Malta, Vita, 10c. pkg. Quaker Puf’fod Rice, 100. pkg. Apitezo Grains, 100. pkg. c. to 8§c 10D. «a Li.

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