Church 01 Euvmudâ€"Services at 8p. m. In. 2nd and 4th Sun uy. Third Sunday M. 11 n In. Pxeubymriuu Churchâ€"Services at n s. m.. and 1"). :11. Sunday School “2.30. Prayer meeting odnesda. evening. 80mm ‘utholic Church-Services on no“. late Sunday: am a. m. and 10.30 a. m. method!“ Church â€"Servicos at 10.30 a" m..and 1 p. m. Sunda. School at 2.30. General pnyex menacing Thurs my. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meeta Mon- day on or before full mnon CourtRichmoud , A 0 I" â€"- Meets {earth Fri- . QueensviHuâ€"u. 111.. 6.55. 8.50.1050, 12.50; p. m.. 2.50, 4.50. 6.50. 8.50. Kc5\vickâ€"â€"a.m., 7.10. 9.10, 11.10; p.m. 1.10. 3.10, 5.10, 7.10. 9.10. Orchard Benchâ€"11.1“. 7.15. 9.15, 11.15; p.11)., 1.15. 3.15, 5.15. 7.15. 9.15. Ruacbu’s Pointâ€"a. 11).. 7.20. 9.20, 11120; p. lu., 1.20. 3.20, 5.20. 7‘20, 9.20. _ n- n .\- which uuvu Public berary and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Summav evenings. vaorth Leagueâ€"Moons ovon’ Monday Junior Epwornb Lang-Le meets every Mun- duy afternoon at Summer Time Tbie 1908 GOING NORTH â€"--a.m. 12. York Mills 1’. O.-â€"-a. m. (5.20. 8.20. 9.20, 10.20, 11.20. 12.21): p. “3., 2.20, 3.20. 4.20. 5.20, 6.20. 7.20. 9.20. Thornhill P. (1â€"11. m.. 6.35, 3.35, 9.3:). 10.35. 11.35. 12.35; p.m.. 2.35. 3.35, 4.35, ’ '5. 6.35. 7.35. 9.35. 94.5. 10.. . 3.05. 4. . ., Aux-om 3.05. 4. . ., 5.05. 6. . .. 7.03. 8. .. 10.05. Auroraâ€"a. m.. 7.20. 8.10. 9.20. 10.10. 11.20. 12.10; ‘D. m.. 1.20. 2.10. 3.20, 4.10, 5.20, 6.10, 7.20, 8.10, 10.20. Newman-ketrâ€"u. m.. 6.40. 7.40, 8.30. 9.40, 10.30. 11.40. 12.30; p. 11).. 1.40.230, 3.40. 4.30. 5.40. 7. 40. 8.30. 10.40. Sharonâ€"a. m.. 6.50, 8.40. 10.40 12.40; p. ’x‘u†2.40.340. 0.40, 8.40. n 27 a 5n 1n :n 3.00 Tofu-onto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION "Home lor issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING . . . . . . . . . EVENING . . . . ............ V N. B.â€"-Begiamred letters mna‘ be hnudad in u must Fifteen Minutes earlier than Ill. above mmflioued hours {or cloamg. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY Postmaster .r Newnnu-keLâ€"a. m.. 6.00, 7.00. E .9.00. 10.00, 11.00, 12.00: p. m.. 1.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, (100+, 7.00. 9.00. Auroraâ€"m.. m.. (5.10. 7.10, 8.10. 10.10. 11.10, 12.10; p. 111., 1.10, 2.10, 4.10. 5.10, 0.10, 7.10. 9.10. Ba-nd's Lakv Jct.â€"â€"u. m., 6.25, 8.25. 9.25. 10.25, 11.25. 12.25: (1.11).. Until further notice Mails wm be closed M the ,mnwud Bill Pout. Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MOBNING .... 6 DO EVENING... . ""4130 8.56, 9.55. 10.55, 11.55. 12.55: p 2.55. 3.55, 4355. 5.55. 6.55, 7.55, Yurk Mills P. O.â€"u. 111., ’ 9.10. 10.10, 11.10, 12.10: p. 111.. 3.10. L10. 5.10, 6.10, 7.10, 8.10, Numb Tmontu. Al‘l‘iV‘0--a.. 8.10. 9.10. 10.40. 11.40. 12.40: p 2.40. 340, £40, 5.40, 6.40, 1 10.40. Richmond Hill 3.40, 9.40. 10.40, 11 2.40, 3.40, 4.40. 5.41 Thurnhill P. O mm Jucksuh‘s Puiut, Arriveâ€":1. m., 7 .- 40. 11.40; p. m., 1A0, 3.40, 5.40, n Jacksons Point, Leaveâ€"u. m., 6..., .., 1U.00, 12.00; 2.00, 4.00, 6.00, Richmond Hillâ€"a. m.. 6.50, 50. 9.45, 10.50, 11.451.12.50; p. m.. 50. 3.45, 4.50. 5.45. (5.50, 7.45. 9.50. Bond’s Luke Jcl.â€"â€"u. m.. 7.05. (.5. 10..., 11.05, 12.... 1.05; p. 11).. 05. 4. . ., 5.05, 6. . ., 7.03. 8. .. 10.05 Mun-Eon PECIALâ€"SATURDAY AND HOLI- DAY SERVICE. In POST OFFICE NOTICE \V lll il w P. R. Crassing (Toronto), Lem-e, 1. 6..., 7...+. 8...,9.... 10....1‘1..,, Village Directory. ddition to regular sex-vice cars Nurth Tm‘nnm fur Jucksou‘: 1t~12:1. ul.. 2.00, 4.00. 9.00 p.11). '8 Jar-ksun’s Puint fur Nurth To u. 1.00. 3.00, 5.00. 10.00 p.111. 0 North ’I‘mnntu fnl‘ New ï¬nkâ€"7.23 9.27). “'eduesday and ate car will leave N nto and iutcrmedi D. m. -ct with Schmnburg GOING SOUTH. MONEY ORDERS W mt, . 0-». u, 6.55, 7.55, , 11.55, 1:..5"; ). 111.. 1.0;). '55. 6.55, .55, 9.5.3. MUXDAY SERVICE iill-a. m.. 0'. , 11.40. 12.40; p 5.411, 6.40. 7.40, 0.â€"-al. m.. (54 , 11.55, 12.55: p 1nd Szltm {0 M intennedi H'Ul'Xul-lh T MOORE (“\‘llj'dl m. 7.20. 9.20, 7.20, 9.20. 11.25; p. m., 20; p. it 5.30, 6.30. Sutuxday ewumrket .«Lte pulnts ~10, m . . 9.40 1.10, 1 10.104 111., 7 I‘ll mmu-ket I to 9.00 8.001: ‘, 2.00, ksuu‘s I“ r‘ -‘l .40. .40, iugs ~10, 40. 40. 1 PS of ï¬ne Dining Room, Sitting Room and Bedroom Furniture, Brass and Iron Beds, Mattresses and Springs. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill Our stock of Wall Papers is the choicest selection; wall. border, and ceiling to match, at small cost. C A S S E LL 8’ Canadian J? u b â€" ï¬shing Company The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can~ ada by yearly subscription at low rates. The Sun-y Teller The Quivvr . Musical Hume Journal The Girls‘ Realm . It is not necessary to send to foreign cou.1tries for maga- zines. Read thefollowingzâ€" Little Ft Chums Subscriptions taken at THE LlBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COMPANY The Next Sitti No. 3, Count in th< aturday, O RICHM ‘aints, ready-mixed, and ï¬ne brushes. 7E? @. SAVAGE lguzine, per annqu The full color card shows 48 handsome shades. S.. W. P. is _ put up full measure, always. l't‘s colors are clear, bright and lasting. It Eosts less by the job than any other paint made. It forms a tough, durable ï¬lm that wears and looks Well for the longest time. 7 It’s made frofn pure white \I lead, pure zinc white, and pure linseed oil. It does not_powdcr, flake off or crack. JACOB EYER & SON mine, at 10 a. m. E. MCMABON CLEI 0ND HH. tober ‘ 3, :‘ Divxsion Com-Mot York, will be held u‘t Room. RICHMOND HILL 1906 SOLD BY lBla harness it not lacking in strength and durability as game might suppose. “"9 have a way of Inukng that makes them light. hundsnmo and durable. They are diifvrent from :my other hurnessâ€"-t119y ï¬t Well. louk well and wear Well. All our own make Full line of horse and stable ï¬ttings. SPRING a who want to for it w: 6â€"15 is now complete comprising Black and Blue Worsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, My Stock 01 Woolens for Best quality Fa rmer Light. and Handsome u vc a way WEE away 1 rouse Harness :rcoatm n‘i ad SUMMER 6t 0w prices Toronto. l have found-triad and tented cure for Rhea unusual Nets remedy that wlll straighmx wc distorted limbs of chronic cripples. nor mm mm growths back to flesh anln. Thu is impossible But I can now surely kill the palm and punzu cl thls deplorable dlmle. In Germanyâ€"with a Chemist in the City of Dnrmstadtâ€"l found the last ingredient with which Dr. Bhoop's Rheumatic Remedy was math I porloctcd. dependable vrescrlptlon. Without that last ingredient. I successfully treated nmn)’. many ut'ses of Rheumatism : but now. a: last. it uni. Ionnly cures all curable cases of this llL-l’l'tofnlc much dreaded disease. Those sand-hie gmnulu: wastes. found in Rheumatic Blood. seem todassuhe nnd pass away under the actlon of this remvdy as lreely as does Sugar when added to pure \vnlnr And then. when dissolved. there poisonous wastes freely pass from the system. and the cuusn n: Rheumatism is gone forever. Theta is now no ml need-no nctual excuse to suï¬er longer with- ou: help. We sell. and in conï¬dence recommend Dr. Shaw’s Rheumatic Rheumatism THE STANDARD BANK Try Tea Money guaranâ€" teed in e v e r 37 1-110. pkg. Melagama F or Your Children’s Education W I873 Start a spccial Savings Amount at once with thé Standard Bank, and keep adding small amounts to it regularly. You will never miss the money. Then, when the child is old enough your deposits, with the Compound Intcrest which we add quarterly, wrill m-ovidc a fund larvc enough to give a thoroug “;filâ€"éti, “:hen the child is i with the Compound Intcrest will provide a fund large cu‘ educznion. It's a good plan. Think i W. A. SANDERSON. E. M. Byrne, Pdunagfer BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARHHAM AND STOUFFVILLE RICHMOND HILL BRANC OF CANADA it over. Norths-rn Navigni ivn (‘u‘s hunts frmu Surnin. Mnnduy. \Voduvsdny, Friday: Can. Paciï¬c [mum {rum (Mu-n Smmd, Tuesday. Thursday. SuLm-dny SIX BOATS A WEEK make direct comuwtion with "'l‘lw Superior Exprms," at PurL Axlhum fur \Vinuipe-g. Ednmutun, I’Iim-t- A1- herl. um] plincipnl pnints iu lhv “3-51. Solid Vestihuh-d Trains. uvwxcvnod Dining Cm- Scm ice, Pnlutinl Sluf'puls. Reduced Rat's via Chicago 09¢b¢¢+¢o Canadian Northern Ontario The Lake Shore Express 10 a. m. PROM TORONTO For Span-“w Lnkv, Muskuku Lakes. Parry Suund and Sudhury. The best ï¬shing in ()nnudn on the Mngunetzm'an and FIPnL‘h Rive-rs, reached direct. “'1 its- Paswngor Dept“ 'I‘mm)tn.ab0ut ï¬slu-x‘mcn‘s camps, a new feature. [or RICHMOND HILL and adjoining country to represent \V’hile busmess in some other lines may be dull. farmers Were "(:‘Vel' more encouraged as regards fruit growing than at the. present, season. High prices for all 'clusses of fluit have been obtained the past season. and thexe is. as a consequence. it!) increased demand for nursery stock. 0m stock is complete in every de- partment, including a. new list of specialties which we alune handle. ‘The right man will obtain a perma- nent situuLinn with tel-liturv reserved for him. Pay Weekly. Fx-ue sample outï¬t, etc. Write for particulars Fonthill Nurseries (850 acres) 4-4111 TORONTO, ONTARIO STONE & WELLINGTON ++++++++++-§‘+++'§"i"2"{'++++++++ W. HEWESON Calls from a distance promptly ascended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HII CANADA'S OLDEST AIVD GREATEST NURSERIES" THE A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAM WANTED HOUSE PAINTER, ‘lazier, Grainer and Paper Hanger. Did it Ever Strike You that in Medicine QUALITY is of the ï¬rst importance? That. as a lule, its use is not resorted t0 until necessity compels. This being the case, RESULTS. not FAILURES, are dPsix-ahle. FAILURES many times arise thruugh the inuuduction of stale or inferior drugs into your pre< scriptions. RESULTS can he obtainm] by the use of PURE DRUGS of STANDARD STRENGTH and QUALITY. SUCH YOU‘LL. FIND HERE. Rlchmond Hill. +-i“¥'+-£-+++++++++++++++++4~+ S u} RICHMOND HILL PHARMACY CHEMIST and DRUGGIST WESTWARD HO Port Arthur 51 Bracken ‘Superior Express" Winnipeg aunts fl‘lvlll y, Friday; Ont