watert: out mt Herc httom upon tin “Dive: way in t they rem The appartus has just in plated, after years of v Messrs. Forrest and (1v... 5] ers, in their Wyvenhoc yin end of the tube,†explainm ber of the ï¬rm, "will be h, the side of a stczunship o The other end, by meunx I ballast tanks, will be sunk touches the bottom. Then, I) of compressed air, all the u' be forced from the chmnho been recovered, but a dredging plant is now the vessel has sunk intc The new device is :1 grer heurly 100 feet in length enough to allow a man to down its centre. At on metal chamber provided dows and doors, and at a medley of giant hooks tackle. The appartus has just plated. after vears of To the month of the River 0H Brightlingsec, England, traordinary machine was and anchored the other day t". be used in a ï¬nal atvtcmp cover the $2,500,000 trea: gold, in coins and bars, W said to have gone clown in Ll ish warship Lutine in 1797, n Island of Terschelling, uff t cf Holland. A portion of the troast been recovered. but an m BIOS Sunk 100 Basebul. Football and Lacrosse Players should Iliuys koop an-Buk handy. It prevent. cuts and injuries "liking the mom: tum." It 52008 the pain and smsninz. and hula. It 35 also an excellent cmbronuon. cun‘ng stiffness, sprains twists. Aetc. Used and recom- mendeci by Shemnz. tho Mnralbon win- ner: Madrnli. the world's second greatest wrestler, etc. DEVICE T0 RECOV The above tufimnny givnn Lanuou when viuidx Toronto : great value of 2101- uk for in cei_\"ed jn_9utâ€"dgor_g>qgt. “After my great wrestling match with J. Mellor, of Staleybridge, at the Crystal Palace, England, for the In- ternational Championship, I was covered-with cuts and bruises. I ap- plied my favorite balm, Zamâ€"Buk, and in a marvelloualy short time the abrasions and cuts were healed and I was ï¬t and well again. At another time I had a piece of flesh almcst torn completely off my arm above the elbow. I anticipated being un- able to do anything with the arm for a long time. To my delight, howaver, Zam-Buk closed up the wound in two days. In three days it was covered with new skin. and a few days after, there was no trace of the injury. I recommend Zam-Buk for cute, bruises or skin injuries of any kind. SAYS : the AMERICA’S EX-CHAMPION WRESTLER 1C tv! h t!) from it. ion of the t1 overed, but a plant is now has sunk inn ll Ill Yon rs nt (ater 1n t1 don the opeumg a. ï¬nal attempt to re- 2,500,000 treasure of ‘5 and bars, which is gone down in the Brit- Warship. Yours truly, HUGH LANNON. hid) the "all: . Then, by 1 all the \rate into tl reat st in the other and other R GOLD. 15“ re iwuries 1t Brit is]: 11‘ the mar .and tub( WIN rect )“"( It is 111e, oestr didn’t {U In nearly all cases, I) mu]tiplied on the g( whlch had been qui' \II Therefore Keep Food Under in Darkness. troymg kind ha rcn Sin ativ Ld put re, tom 6 growt .oid but a long nearly th sh sai re is nothing equ FLIES AS GER.“ CARRIERS ISSl'E NO. 41â€"08 had :elatine the a put under c0 temperature growth and d1 1 bacilli if a: long series of hes pu hav '115 or when bell dish rder t1 hc we cc xtorr embe haw 'U' ND BROKI HIGH WOI‘IHS all lat .ltlons and from food H] itl Lcetrack bet there in tin glven such 5 Lcteria t: whom: 11' xne attempt; in vent flies b t since re th at). th we 18W I W mm out 1 thi )I ma 18. lath bout and fly as a. disc; human inst 1 should m taution to k 1n {he flies xter }( 0 It the ates ndition ack walt him D11 {IV 1m mm 1111C acillli‘grew and lat-me mechurp e sterile unhl asm SUIT dex IS uat 1V 1t to make 1n 111') lS iken t1 wort} l( )I Scrce ute from an 1,1 1t1ï¬ COD fly ,VG ofï¬ce It will Sewing 1 tisement (hesses : .11] ted well aware 6f earns all the It 0(11 The Flagging Constant appli a tax upon t there be not 11d Out ('IYK sees this ad writes soon ity to be i good living Work any 1: It HOW An Irishman, on being (-7 murder, was told by that he could have the {with Weaée 'up internally M 1r wm That It l‘E 1( Liam". EASY, PL will be noticed in the Singer 1g Machine Company’s adver- enL that there are three ad- es at the bottom of the an- :emeut. Any one writing will 2 address them at the nearest f the three places to his post imagine th th W h ) drin Corrospondem dept MRS THEY m what ( SI ul (limp any pm m 6 101‘ happy gettin \n time a. m down [113 sy to prevent failure; all a do is refrain from tryâ€" dn Flt BY ALL BE] 10 truth the have abiding es especially nan is made HUMMER}! PUTTING IT OFF 1k, think Henpeck proper ‘cti blé, w condit Your $10 Th‘ e and a ut thirty $84M )l‘ln 1g and keel aalthful stat tric Oil will 1v1n PCCUI W 1 W In a l' 1' H ney would dc a matte! anythmg 1( IS HI€ th( Sp( 115m In thi able I d ma of (In 11 3.( 1’1 ‘pa rt mont indsor. 0 EASANT. rs him up IeS re tom; 111' Wlfe a ence rmkl '«n eym 11th, are Inay be be wen u an be dng'our drink CV8 Dr. help all Ian 3 IT. in which th exercise Vl‘. man IS forty w1th wait t f fath Issum- condi- lls will f rare and if :situde inter- nachic nngs nvicted 3 judge tree. 13 n m The 1C Ont. a at and ue and SIS IGS and Very many 13 from cholera 3. complaints, wh saved if proper used. If attac] getting a. bottle Behold the fly! So small a thing Tu dart about on busy wing. How sad to think it can’t be neat And wipe the microbes from its health.†Nbiug‘exi‘é'r; :- the best tonic. and renewed streug †Farm “4...- u-uy unuse m roousu my Sick when by the use (.1 v1m,".you can get rich blood th 'und Vigor ' Although women pretend to dis- like flattcry, they invariably want [ their photographs retuoched. ubcluc upon me, mum, l’ve frlends of me own comm‘ Mistress (to cook)â€"“I have some friends coming to dinner to-day, Mary, so I want you to do your best.†Cookâ€"“You can depend upon me, mum, I’ve got some mu... .m- .. - IyuIJu-n.’ wuu um amï¬EQWAMEmoAN ovsmo oo. Weak and Slckly Ecopl.e.em{y “In. M. ‘_.t4 1.5.3: . Sond for Freo Caulog â€".___.~_-._ ~__ _ No. 75 to me Beii Ptnnajuml 6mm} 00., 110., Guelnn, 0m 0301's splendid oppurtunibios for stock raising. fruit growing, dniryinï¬ 3nd general farming. Winters are short. C Imate ealthful. Sand ood and selling below its mine, but, increasing n ulna such you. Many Canadians are living In Virginia, Write Mr information to 0. W. KOINER, The Mild Climate of Virginia @319 igfll 33mm: CARPET BXEINGï¬OpAPT HAS MADE GOOD nnd nlaznina TM. I. . - mm. m- Bond punchlan by post nd we are sure Lo uln- 1 “Gran no: vu. Manual. IN ry many persons die annually cholera. and kindred summer )laints, who might have been :1 if proper remedies had been . If attacked do not delay in mg a. bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- s Dysentery Cordial, the medi- that never fails to effect a Those who have used it say ts promptly, and thoroughly aes the pain and disease. THE PAN and Omaning. Thin in I lpeoinlny wllh the §ANGQ DOI pnce “holeaaleâ€"Lyman nrol. I! OoL'Toronto and Toronto : National Dr Com missiuubr of A r'iculturo. lchmond, Vt. . J. PATTHSGN 6: CO., ART NOTE BEHOLD ! 33. 35, 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. LE HARNESS Bel} Qrgans are also worid famed ma IS USE» THE W681!) (WEB OANABA‘S BEST CORRESPONDENCE SOLI .llTED. 1fty thpse Vin robust nma omagas, La, Rose, N'pissing, Temiscaming e populal stocks and should increase in ï¬ays ‘0 come d hir Dividend paying mines Vs he )lden ndcnd paymg mines at present prices 3 35 per cent. per annum and are in culative investment: Crown Reserve, W ME tha Canadian F Knew Farmer Every If dust is: :Bmaglas Waging $0., limited _ 7 “a.-- v. v...) stock am am investment. The Dough: Mining Company have large qunntitius ol "Jumble ore. high In guid, proved up rendyhr mining at their property In the Sturgoon Lure 001d ï¬elds. Thin in a splendid opportunity to inaure study high rotums on a small outlay of capital. u: Write for culax-i to 4 Colborne Street Figure these at 56. and Crown ï¬es‘erir’erun'f-l'. proï¬ts. 1 We are investing our own money in Uln’ca. Comb and go along. Sand for map and ask for regular market later. BROKERS [8 Adelaide St. E. M. R. WARNER MED. (10.. London, Ont, Clflldl. STEWART _ griLocxwoon W5 strongly rec stock 3.! a." invest E D. Warren & 00. q A new Cobalt proposition which involves the development of 43 acres of mining proparty ideally locale in the recognized mineral zone, only two blocks removed from the Great Nipissing, Right of Way and LA Rose‘ Get in at the bottom. This is where: the money is made. 3 We are offering a limited Amount of Ulrica at 0 cents par share. SLOO par, no personal liability, on n instalment plan of 2 cents per share per month. (I Only a few weeks ago we falrly pushed our clients into Temiskuming, Nova Scoliu and Crown Reserve from 20 to 30 cents per share. Toâ€"dn . Temiskaminz is eagerly bought at 88. Non Sea a at 56. and Crown Reserve at 1.71. Figure these _.__n.4 Preaident, c. s. Czowski. Toronto Authorized Capital. hâ€"$500.000~â€"â€"â€" WE ARE OFFERING $5,000!) SHARES 0F DOURLAS MINING WHPAHY STOCK AT 80 DEBTS PER SHARE. 157 St. James St, Montraa W.lta for Spsclal circular No. ‘2 M . mbtrs Standard Stock and M Min: Enhance Spacial circuï¬ar We have prepared a special circular dealing with the se- curities of the following com- panies :â€" - :to small MCCUAIG BROS. & CO. Member. Montreal Stock chhnnge M Canadian Paciï¬c Railway, Illinois Traction, Laul‘entide Paper, Lake of the Woods, Mackay Companies, Mexican Light & Power, Montreal Steel Works, Montreal Power, Rio de Janeiro, Toronto Railway, Twin City, Winnipeg Electric Railway “9 silver ore production [or 1908 will ungrennlo over $12,000.000 advenlsin} flingin- ox d “Hanna‘s; per dr WA N T E D l; °X§§Ll§ffl ruums on a small outlay of capital. application forms or further parti‘ ommend the puxchue of thi , Torcnto, Ontario. no experience réquired; [uS' pkcu TORONTO ed Sure! ack u}!