Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Oct 1908, p. 7

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TM this A desputeh from Stratford says: What bears every evidence of havâ€" ing been a. brutal murder was com- mitted on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Wm. Peak, 3, respecâ€" table farmer of Downie, two and a hnlf. miles west of this city. The yletnn was Mrs. Peak, aged 65 years and her alleged murderer is a. negro named Frank Runchnmn. Mrs. Peak had been 1 the house while her hl two sons went to the f1 of the sons, John, retu house about three o’clo drink of water, and fo‘ man sitting on a. step 0 stairs, and his mother Nervous Breakdown Shows no Sign of Improvement. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: It is understood that the Czarina’s prolonged nervous break- down, arising from anxiety over her husband and children, has not keen improved by her long yachting cruise along the coast of Finland. Her physicians insist upon her pass- ing the Winter in the south, but she refuses to do so unless the Czar and her children accompany her. This is regarded as impossible, but the family fear to tell her Majesty, whoso nervous condition makes the thwarting of her wishes dangerous. Her relatives are anxious concern- ing her. turc Murderer Makes No Attempt to I and is NOW in Stratford Jail. A despatch from Montreal says: Fire broke out in the Outremont roundhouse on the Canadian Pacific Railway early on Thursday and re- sulted in damage estimated at $20,- 000. Ten locomotives were in the shed when the fire was discovered, and the employes of the company succeeded in getting six out of the burning building. Three weve wrecked by falling timber and fire. One locomotive, standing on the track in another part of the str 1-:- FARMERS WIFE 1mm $20,000 Dar Tho 'vurdict was an unanimous one. In addressing the jury Mr. A. G. Mackuy, counsc] fur the dufcuce, pleaded that he be cmimiiLt-cd to an asylum for the remainder of his life. The judge, however, summed up against the prisoner, and. after the jury brought in their verdict, sail that he would have been greatly disappointed had it been different A desputch from London says: In the Melbourne House of Repre- sentatives, on Tuesday, the Minis- ter of Defence, Ewing, moved the second reading of the defence bill, and said that under the bill the Commonwealth would get, instead of 20,000 men, enlisted under the vol- untary system, 82,000, costing only £100,000 sterling more than they ale now paying. The main duty of the British navy was to protect the heart of the Empire, and Australia. ought to be able to say to Britain: “We have a. national guard of 200,- 000 trained men which will enable us to keep inviolatc our island conâ€" Itinent while you do bigger work with the navy.” Would Cont Moro R1- CZARINA STILL VERY ILL. the ROUNDIIOL'SI‘. BI'RNED. SCORD GRAIN MOVEMENT. Cars Received at I’m-t Arthur in Ono Day Over 0. X. R. dospatch from \Vinnipeg says: greatest gram movement so far locomotu'c 1n anothez was not du or water, 2 ltting on a. and his 1] cellar. cm wing indicat Buildin g: 82,000 I) BFEN DI Creighton Was Convicted at Owen Sound. magi! from Winnipeg gram movement 3 uccomphshed A UHH‘ulifl £100,000 Says Ewing. 1 H18. Done to C at Montreal rned two and a. city. The ged 65 years 1- is a. negro ardlct, so.” mercy at- a l zen greatly 11, was never n dlfferent tent. (l5 alone In 1nd and 5. One id to tne n the EGGMED N NE ound I from th Just; Gays men .h’ unchman statement. hat We says V.'1dL nunes on I’rlday r A despatch from New York sagas Standing in the “bread line" and clutching in his hand a ticket wh‘vh within a, few moments would have given him the food he so surely needed, a. man of 45, early on Thursday suddenly crumple] up, pitched to the ground and dizd. H!) was neatly dressed, but appeared to have suffered from lack of mur- ishment. The body has not yet been identified. r'ree 1: angurate BRIT] Sll REYES l' ES D ECLINE. The Yea 1' WE A despatch from Further evidence of In British commerce given by the revem April 1 to Sept. 3C for that period wen than during the “ idow of Law husbh from w terribly verdict ton were rccelved at for chief officiqu of the ' closely watching the ing the. great crops lake ports, are highl the way in which the done. Man Dropped Dvad While Wait for Broad. 111 0111 Canadian Northern Wednesday, when ‘23 (‘ANA DA'S RICHEST W0 fth ‘amp The “'0 70! A N FA'I‘A LLY 16D 1'!) At at the year it of nearly m tls' wande g sentence, '1 had been atrocious ( he would 1' “t d las show DIED 0F STARVATION. .mf “It th 30 (:n ' Riddt be him ested 1a 11 t1) nd 11 plodod in How County Farmer Ehl rte The year. a deal ed, a pollceman’s over- he had stolen from the :ers here. The negro, refuses to make any 1n emency. 110 mu: lugher trlbunn], r refused to the ill Rosult ilt 1‘}: :11 from Victor 211'!) OHTN‘ 1 0 Robert :sos Away. I11 1C eak hands and c llT f the line, who are g the work of mm" crops down to the highly gratified at 000.000 guilty of one < rimcs known t old out no ho W nue rt 30. T of the '06 and Welling 1‘ Island lild surV 31 Chatham , aged 2 Kay’s C‘ burns r< lamp ex D all he 000 40nd in Deficit 0f It ‘ D11 ’0 Du us 01 Arthur X age U u 0 hope must sc is fig 1n z scape plr emg W {1-K “AN. smuir D1111 [11111 81D 1nd 16‘ IIHE wom [61' hand-pk ppund tms, 92,0; N( II) to He per pound Hayâ€"N0. 1 timothj M $11.50 a ton on t: quoted \Vinter Goderich RyewN outside. Buckwl REPORTS FROM THE LEADIIIG TRADE CENTRES. reasâ€" 900 out: (‘ornâ€" ngminal and No. St. Louis, UNITED STATES MARKETS E ads Ell‘ Ou-t jeans 1118. 1t arley- and )ulm‘y 10 to 1t THE D 1r out ter Oilw dat COUNTI M 1'10 11( ha] Ontario No 1( quot nat Wh I‘lCC-S )lllC Oct 11 I'HHE atfl to 441/20, and No. with Manitoba old Oct EADSTUFFS i( t} $5.50; to $5.10 3 $4.50; extras, Jba bra] 11 $1, ] eatâ€"1 outsi , and 18c liry Produce dry Jarrc ulde quoted uml rt} Ital ; Manitoba No. 2 and rejected at 42c, 1‘ and No. 2, c; No. 1 ext1 M mu D'S- MARKETS 1nd mteru DOD)! Amerlo on trad . 1 Northern, car- $1.051/4; Winter ite, $1.03. Cornâ€" 6,â€"WheaIbâ€"Cash, 1’R( 11d t, ide; Nc S7 on track‘ bag, and Dela- xg on track. 5, Spring, dress- ound; fowl, 9 to 12c per pound. 9X1c ; pure rendered, (I ( MONTRI U.â€"~Oatsâ€" Hey I ha an 1t to 26c IARKETS 11 C NO 670 outside 8.3’ Steady qm in, Choose and ml stl'c h road . ~1‘lour -â€" Un- cent. patents, ks outside for 'heat patents, Winter wheat straight rol‘ (10., in bags, )DI Eeorglan delivery 1.02. an 10% t1 akfast heat,- orthe 50 per Winds killed wheat for lotved at $1: and $1.04 for 111m tubs 02, and No ports. white. 38% III (E ate $9 )re fed at her and Vlbts 19 to 206 18 to and at 88 to 9 to 80c $1.50 tol 2, in 60-; :tractec’ . white is 0. 2 red ! mlxed, ]t( 10 I abat $10.50 ; i‘élls, ) 10%c ; to 130 NT W e cle 1‘6 com lard orlng )Ol' con, 4&1; d at out- sol per 1nd 1K 11' 1D a new smtchman and Mimico Station on Th one man was killed, likely die, and a. third juries which, although tal nature, will disa some time. The colli: tween the fast C P. I unknown. Reardon was yoqu lady on Ashburnham end of Lauri vicinity of Church, whe David B. Reardon Dead, and Thomas FOX Probably Fatally Injured. whlcl‘ the I Wed1 been agltatm past two mm was settled ( the men retu' ditions again: Company Will_Take Men Back as Places are Found. A despatch from Montareal says: The b‘g C. P. R. strike, which has been agitating labor circles for the past two months. is at an end. It was settled on Sunday night, and the men return to work under conâ€" ditions against which they struck two months ago. By the terms of the set‘lement the men agree to acâ€" and lambs. Hogs were we fed and waterel The engine was about two hundred yards from the switch and the C. 1’. R. train, which was goin at the rate of at least 40 miles an iour at that time, plowed through the ground and struck the tender of the Grand Trunk engine. Engineer John Smith, who was in the light engine, was . violently thrown against the side of the cab, but his fireman escaped injury, and there $1.001/2; September, $1.00%; De cember, 551.00%; May, $1.03X. Minneapolis, Minn, Oct. 6. â€" Wheatâ€"Sept, $1.01%; Dec., $1. 01%; May, $1.06; No. 1 hard, $1. 04% to $10478; No. 1 Northern 31.03% to $1.03K; No. 2 Northern 31.01% to 51.01%; No. 3 Northern 99%(3 to $1.00}? Flourâ€"First pat ents, $5.75 to $5.90; second patents mg Toronto Trunk light standing on The man who was killed was Wi1-\ working liam Quinn, 42 years of age, en- pected gineer on the C. P. R. express, 1451was wa Pacific Avenue, West Toronto. Heiug the l leaves a widow, a son and a (laugh-l man w ter. The injured are :â€" Willis how he Toronto, Oct. 6.â€"â€"Selected steers and heifers sold at $4.40 to $4.65 per cwt. Choice cows were sold as high as $4 per cut, and higher in a. few special cases. An improvement was reported in the demand for feeders and stock- ers, as well as for distillery bulls and steers. Distillery feeders sold at $2.40 to $3.75, according to. their weights and quality. A firm market was recorded for milch cows. The best ones sold up to $65 each. The range for the gen- eral offerings was $25 to $60 each. Choice veal calves went up about half a cent toâ€"day. The quotations were 3 to 61/20 per pound. Prices were unchanged in sheep “'33 1 tram C. P. B. FLYER WBEOKED Crashed Through an Open Switch at Mimico Station. A despatch Through the : 1d, and udlng a C. P. R. STRIKE SETTLED. matâ€"Sept, 81.01%; Dec., $1.- /e'; May, $1.06; No. 1 hard, $1.- /8 to $10473; N0. 1 Northern, 033/, to $1.03?“ No. 2 Northern, 013/a to 51.01%; No. 8 Northern, {ac to $1.00%. Flourâ€"First pat- 55, $5.75 to $5.90; second patents, 60 to $5.75; first clears, $4.45 to 55; second clears, $3.50 to $3.60. :mâ€"In bulk, $18 to $18.50. but littlé daméger done to the LIVE STOCK MARKET t‘lement he findin rbitratiox 1t they r and . D patch from Ottawa says: An dinary affair occurred on route at day xgree find 1‘ They trlc at 64 ntity tn Irom Mlmico says: 5 apparent negligence of 3hman and operator at tion on Thursday night as killed, another will md a. third received in- l, although not of a. far will disable him for The collision was beâ€" ast C P. R. train leav- > at 7.15 and a. Grand t engine, which wa'h the siding at Himico. was about two hundred the switch and the C. which was goin at the Hist 40 miles an filour at plowed through the struck the tender of the went out. 'i‘he me! 11‘ pensmns and sen] ny of them W111 be un 1‘ Aven St. L e the n weak 1n prlce at red, for selects 3.1 BIUS Il used to accept; be- R., on their part, take back the men 1 for them on their 3 agree that there rimination against ant out. The men men 3 the )mm Fox, a. laborer, y Street, is dy- both men were r the same girl, the present is majorlty ttee. 'I a result of a. driver for ompany, IS WET Tfi TE Winislhow he escaped i'njury This skuJ juri A d« Antho jail at ing to IIIC tha tity morr supp the 1 Man Charged W Jarvis, fireman on the C. P. R. train, aged 28, single, 97 Mulock Avenue, West Toronto. He is suf‘ fering from internal injuries, due to the inhalation of a great amount of steam, his right leg is badly scalded from the hip down, and is of steam, his right leg is badly scalded from the hip down, and is also fractured below the knee, and the toes on his right foot are badly crushed. John Smith, 366 King Street west, engineer on the Grand Trunk light engine, had his right leg fractured, his right shoulder dislocated and was bruised about the head. Survivors of Star of Bengal in a Second Shipwreck. A despatch from Victoria, B. 0., says: The steamer Humboldt, 330 tons, on the route between Seattle and Skagway, is ashore in Active Pass. She struck on rocks off Ren- der Island. The steamer will prove a total loss, but all the passengers, about twenty-five in number, were saved. The steamer had on board eighteen survivors of the illâ€"fated ship Star of Bengal, which was lost near Wrangel. tram, aged 28, smglc Avenue, West Toronto fering from internal i to the inhalation of a g The accident happened about 7.40, the C. P. R. train bein a few minutes late in leaving fieronto Station. This train does not make a stop at Mimico and was going at a. high rate of speed when it passed through Mimico Station. The Grand Trunk engine had just come out of the roundhouse and was waiting on the crossing for the C. P R. train to pass. The crew was working in the engine and little ex- pected an accident. The engineer was waiting to start along as soon as the express passed and the the man was outside, which explains able to secure their old places, as the C. P. R. is under contract to rrtain all of the men they secured during mhe past two months, but as many of these are not expert ma- chinists it is thought that there will be a gradual weeding out of the re- cruits, and their places will be tak- en by the old 0. P. R. experts. Bun mornmg office at safe and stamps a ble the on nun STEAMER HUMBOLDT ASIIORE. 1X11 ROBBED P0 ST-OFFI (‘E SAFE int ‘OW tm ult wa. 1rdon 1 PARIS (.1 R 1111] part3 1i! number 11 l' minates at fully fort}, 1e {e the n fal 16 0V6 Hull ard mi sp of his at Mikel-ton Blow It Open Sunday Morning. bu itch from Mar midn HE MATE 1d $011 11 [K uplg tau it}! commenced fight : case, who is re: pretty, and wit} an home. amin 3. y III had l.\' W \tto 11‘ sharp nd 0t It is terc 1’01 11 S 3J1

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