Rxcawmn HILL. 0x11. DEC. @113 frigihcml.‘ ‘The {Ugh and Puhflc Schnnh wfll vim-e next Tuesday fun the Christmas holidays. nnce An'd ih'tcreut. _ Revival meeting»: at, Gm'mlny an nil! in qufngrt-ss with increased «mend A.O.F., will he hold F“ 'I‘hia week. Elvctinn I attendance requested. ‘Vutch Night servicv will he hold in lhe Methodist, Uhurvh on Thursday owning. 3lst inst. and will he under the cure of the Edworth League. Everybody present. enjoyed the M]- ï¬rms at the Epwurt‘h LI‘H up Munduy (Welling. by Miss Davis, Ix'nrmul (much- er nf Mission Study Class Lendens. Mr. H. A. Nicholls reports the sak- uf'cight. acres on Centre- SLI-evt Enst belonging to Mr. John Palmer In Mr. JuhnShem-dnwn. The price is eight hundred dollars. The Epwm-Lh League nvxt, Mnnday aVening will he in charge of the Chris- tian Endearm- Depzu‘mwuc. An :ul- dress will be given by Mr. \Vm. Hur- Hcon. Subject: ‘KJ‘hl-lstmns.“ The “Yemen's Guild of SL Mnrv‘a Ghm‘ch fur-l g!‘z\i9f\‘ll for the patrmmge they received \Veduesday uftvrnuuu and evening of last wwk at. tlwir Christmas Sale and Entertainment. The proceeds amounted to $80. Mr. W. J. Com-on. City Clark of “fast Tm-ontu. (farmer-1y Tumutu Junction.) will Sppnk on Sunday ufto-râ€" noon in the Tmnperunce Hall. The chair will he takt‘n by Mr. SwiLZr-i'. and Miss Winnifrk-d Hume will give u Mr. Ernest Star-twp. buyer fur the T. Batik: C(Impnny. whu arriw-d in the G1,? Sundav from n trip tn Enron-e. came up 0n the ï¬x'st un- Munduy morning to see his mother whuso ser- inus illness has extended over several mnnths. a solo. A weeping The Trustees of the Muhodist church desiw to thank the insurance mmpnnivs, through their ugvnt. Mr. P. G. Smudge for their prumptncws in Ewing the claim for damage In thn ethudist chmch by ï¬re, on Sunday the 6111 inst. Mr. Jam? Mchm is to he emigrat- nintk‘d fur winning socnnd prizvnnd rem-Wing the blue HMum ‘fu‘r Mia M Hm Guelph VVituer Fair. (,‘ImA uf “(Ju- iudgos.Prnf. Klinr‘k nf Mr-Dmmld (701- lvqe. Qnev'hvc. said it was the ï¬nest ex- hibit ever put up in Canada. . Alderman Halps nf 'I‘m-untn City Cnuncil. fatlwr nf thp‘ present. Liming? Reduvtion Muvenwnt win speak on Monday evening nvxt. 215? inshmt. in “N: Tvmpvranmx Ha". Victoria Squat». «u behalf of mel OpHun. Everyone is anxious to hear Ald. Halos. "The Fvstimfl of the NutirnnsC' by {he Methodist Suhhalh Sr-hnnl. will be given Chzistmas night. inn‘ms one!) it 8 n‘cluk. Ad- missinn 10 cents. All presents for the Christmas Tree shuuld he in the school mnm before noon on Christ- mas Day. The annual ontertuinnwnt and Christmas Trqe in (‘nllnm'liun with the Pl‘PSthPI‘in‘ Sabbath Svhmnl will he held Tuvsda. «\vvning 22nd inst. «L 8 o'clock. A g:- \\)marammo. mm- Iistinguf :1 Cami-rm. V115. chm-uses dinlugmasztc.wm‘w‘N mm. Ad- mission 15 cents. Everyk welcome. Anmher enthusiaStic mevtlng was held in the Tmuperum-e Hall lust Sun- day. \Vpregrot that space will not permit this week even a synopsis of a. very excellent address delivered by VIP. I. 0. 1h: )nrthy. The chair was ably ï¬lled Mr. '1‘. A. Lmunn, and a can)" wus well rendede by Miss Mabel Mush. On Tnesdnv evening, 22nd instant nt Heudfnrd Mpthndist church. J. M. “'11!- ton. Esq.. of Aux-um who no recently delightu-d a large audipuce on a Sun- day afternoon will Anddress thg' meet- in? for Land Optinn has revemly been re Scribe of the Suns of accountnf his able a( cause. A meeting of the various curling eluhs in ank Cnuntv. “\Hside of Tn- rnn‘n. will be held at the Clyde lintul. Tmont-u, (m the 22d of December. at, 1.30 p.m.. tn cnnsidm- the advisability nf forming :1 district within the. chun- ty. Each club ii entitled to two dole- gntos. The local (-lnh will moet in Me- ihnuld’s shup Saturday evening at 9 o'clock to appoint the delegates hex-(u \Vutch for our disp‘ay of Ch] islmus Moat. \Ve expect to have the ï¬llE‘Sf. quality of Bevf, Pork, and Lamb that we have ever had the pit-name uf show- ing. “’3: wnuld be glad ifewry family in tnwn would u-euc themselves tn a Homt of mu dI-iicinus beef. The: wH-ly :vf Turkeys. Goesr‘. and Ducks. \- V] I» - large. and we promise ynu that n:- nut, oust \‘mx mute than -9‘ “1-1 fnxlu when nun. n. u. .N... . , V , day awning nf lust week. It was the r twenty-ï¬lth nnnix‘risary ul' thrir nqu-i ; riagr. and a lurgr number uf tlwir i'frivud! were :tssrmhlc-d tn (:uligrntu- A lntu them and wish llu-m :L lung and â€"â€" .prusperuus life. Th:- taNi-s Were ugh and public schmls Wm spread in the [urge dining-rimm. and up HILL. 0x11. DEC. 17, 1968 00 A1193. {L Tuesday fm the Chlvigtluflg presvntrd a heautihli uppvuruncv, with I. ‘ crysnnthmiums and uthrr flnwrrs, . _ ‘ and WP]? ï¬lled with dl‘iiCnCiQ'S m which . the guests did ample justice. Mr. Gvo. "1 "mating", "t Gnrmlny are ' annun «cu-dew chuirm-m and in u. $1":ng w‘th mermsed “tn-"d- ; h uppy speech congratulated the bride ' lumped!" 'aud grown of twenty-ï¬ve yours. and ".“‘â€'â€â€f*"“â€"’T reoallvd acme amusing incidents u! Defung 0f um)“ R‘Chmm‘d‘ ‘ his mvn a-‘n'd Mr. anva' ynnngrr days. WI" he hp!“ FNdHY ""*‘"‘“‘E "f ] Shurt speech†were given by nthm'u Pk- EIWUW‘ “f “mp-"3‘ 1“!“ presvnt. and the evrning was spent in “09 l'eqlwstfll- miciul inter-amuse and music and sing < r i ing. Mrs. Buwes recein a numlmr h Night servicr will he hold in 0! lie-dutiful pro-sents. The followinï¬ thmlist, Uhurrh on Thursday is a list uf the invith gnests:â€"â€"Mr. am . 3lst inst. and will he under Mrs. R. Cuseh- '; Mr. and Mrs. A. El- rul' the Edwm‘th League. son: Mr. and rs. 3. Peal-sun; Mr. and Mrs. F. Echlin. Mr. and Mrs. “L Bowvs: The. Misses Buwes: Mr. and A.S(-uger; Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowes: Mr. and Mrs. J Bowes. Thornhill: Mr. and Mrs. T. BoWes Sh: Mr. R. Devlin: Miss Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. “L Our- son: Mr. and Mrs. T1103. Teasdale; Miss Annie Trnsdnle; Mr. T. McCor- mick: Mr. and Mrs. A. Batman: Mr. and Mrs. lszmc Reamitn. Concord: Mr. and Mrs. G. Reuumn, Richmond Hill; Rev. 1’. N. and Mrs. Jnnes, Maple: Rev. Jus. E. and Mrs. \Vilsun. Mimicu: Rev. Mr. Ruckbum: Miss Lillia Rea- mzm Currrille: Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc- Cullum. Lukas: Miss Mary Adams. King Greek; Mr. mid Mrs. T. Cane. Axum-m Mrs. M. and Misses Barton. Etnhicuke: Mr. and Mrs. A. Hullings- head. Sherwood: Mr. and Mrs. D. Ro-id Milestnne. Sash: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Holliugshend. Collingwnod: Miss An- na Seugur. Uplands, 03].: Miss Lottie Hullingshoad. Brampmn. rhndy present enjoyed tl’lta M1- the Epwurth Lunguv Mnndny ;. by Miss Davis. Nurmul truth- issiun Study Class Lwders. I. A. Nicholls report-s the sale Lacres on Cf‘lltl'f‘ SLI'PPT: Eust 113 to Mr. Jnhn Palmer in Mr. hem-down. The price is eight ed dollars. Epwm-th League nvxt Monday g will he in charge of (hp Chris- lndearur Departmvuc. An ad- vill be given by Mr. \Vm. Hur- Su’nject: ‘KJhI-istmns." Women's Guild of St. Mnrv‘s h fer-i graipfnl fur the patronage recaivrd \Vednesday after-nun“ veiling (if last week at. their mas Sale and Entertainment. mmdq namnun-txd 1.0 $50. em MIC-he u thc w h 0 ll". Mr. “’ultnn 1-9-910ch Grand of Temps-vane? an advocacy of this 'e prunuse yqu uuu :ust yuu mute than may 1‘.» ve been un- tu pmchnsc else- you to give us yum .ck. (2’ L153 Blus. and Ducks. as: ynu that mute than \’9 heel) un~ Ono nf than happy evvuts which mark the pmgrvss of Lift"! 'uurm-y tank plum; ut- lho humv uf Inund Mrs. A. B. Buwvs. Concord. nn Tues- day awning uf lust wka [L was the twvnty-ï¬tth nnniwlsnry nf Lhrir mur- I'ingo. and .\ large number uf Llwir friend! were assrxuhh'd m cungI-ntu- law them and wish thvm u. lung and prosperous life. The tables were spread in the [urge dining-mom. and pl'esvmrd a hezlutil'fli :Ippe-uruncv, with cry‘suntAuâ€"mums and ulhrr flown-s, -.| n_|,-_ .. ....l.:nh Mr. Geo. Rollins of Tux-unto was in the village Monday. culling on old ac- quainmnces. Mr. and M13. J. C. McArthur '1! Blind Rim-r speuL part uf Tuesday at. the Pursunage. Mi's. C. E."Munr(). of “Hi-cox, Sash" is at px'vseut visiting with her sister, Mrs. \V, Hewison. Mr. Enoch Nigh of Monsejaw. Sask.. farmaiy «f Victnria Square. is mak- ing a wait, in Markham among rela- tive-s and triends after an absence of 27 years. Tl“- Mnsonic Hall was more than crowded last evening the occasion he- ing tho manual cal-writ of the Rich~ nmud Hill High Schoul. Short; con- grutulun-ry addresses wore given by thechairmum Mr. G. \XcDunald. the Principal. Mr. E. R. W'ilherii. and Rev. A. P. Brace. Sevvral chnruses were rendered by the 'solxuol students". 'VCIC I\Ilu|l\.\- 1r; ~.-â€" ~v.r ,, n recitation by Mlss L Douglas. and vocal solos by Miss F. Jones and \V. Patton. The greater pal L hf che pro- gramme was given by Mr. Will 1.1 ‘Vhite and Miss “’rigbt. both of TO~ mum, much of it hving of a humor- ous nature. Mr. Whicr'u "Imperson- ations" wrre very good. the rapid changes of costumes and appearance hemg patticularly clover. Miss VVrighL who was hundamnely costumed, sang wollnnd lonkml Well and her move- mentsth geulures were very grater,- ful. A pleasant, feature. of the eve- ning was the presence of as large con- , ._-.‘,.II†«0", m...s -_._ r__,r “ Lingbnt from Am‘ura. principally stu- dents and ex-students nf uur sister High School. An enjnyuble program closed with the Nutivnal Anthem. DR. PlDGEON COMING. le temperance penple are very| highly favored in having such eminent Presbyteriun divinS come In us dur- ing the campaign. as «xpnm-me of the beneï¬ts hf [meal Upiinn. O“ \Vk‘dnesdny evening next. 23rd inst. Rev. Dr. Fidgeun of Victoria. Presby- terian church. Turnntn Junctinn. who has pnssvd tln-vugh tw“ campaigns successfully in that. place. and assisted in scores nf others. will he hm-o. Dr. Pidgeun will on \Vednesdny next, in the Masonic Hall. as leader of the Moral Reforms hosts of thv Presby- terian church. have much to say of an Mr. Chan. Stephenson nmd Miss Re- lwcczx Yuung were quietly married by Rev. 1‘. Oumphell, on \Vedneuduy eve- ning of last, “'Pl'k. They have gone for a short, trip to \Vhithy. Mr. \V. Ruhinsnn has mnvvd into his new stm'e and dwelling house. This new building and the oflicenf the Standard Bank. Inuke a. great, im- ' prgyement tn the r‘illzlgfl. ____',...:...,. .-.l-..L inspiring character. \Vnnte'd'zTSmnrt, Ut‘hVel’Y Boy for Saturday mornings. Glass Bros. cht Fridav evening. Ex-Maym- Jnyceuf Owen Sound. will spt-uk in the Musmlic Hall in the interests of Luca! Optic-n. Thu monthly "muting-«f the \Vum- l en‘s institute \\'&5 iwld at the hmne of | Mrs. J. H. Kirby last \V’vdnosduy af- Iteruuun. "Uln-istums Gifts" was the l topic. and it was tukr‘ll by Mi>s Ger- 5, Us. Nixon. ,..~r..,...‘..- _ , _ _ The young people are enjoying skut» ing these evenings on Dr. Ruutley's pund. Mr. J. H. Kirby lefty last Week on a trip tn Vuncnuver. B. 0.. and Part~ land. Oren. and expects to be away about I munLh. . ... 3 uuuuu at u I Mr. A. Camenm is serinusly ill. and link hopes ure eutel-mmed for his re- C(Wel‘)’. {I as SILVER. \VEDDING. Lime gifts with little usm; Sc Swim-r. PERSON ALE H. S. CONCERT. Maple. @Ixristnma at Sander= 8011' S Drug Store Pcrfumes of Quality Elegant Perfumes at a Small Cost Lax-ets 5 People of taste like a nice perfume. See our stock of cut glass and case perfumes. Our selection was never more complete, ranging from age. to $2. A few Choice Dolls left. 'LVIanicure Comb and Brush Shaving Sets Brushes: Cloth, Hat, and Hair. Now is the time to select, and we will be glad to Show you our goods. W. A. SANDERSBN Druggist - Richmond Hill Tickets far the West? prmtlurd Ht Did you ever hear of PRICE 25. 50, 1-00 I} ichnlond H111 TICK HTS PETER PAN A delightful odor TAILOR the Oxnadiun \Vest +++++HH++++H+H++++++++ Gift Buying A Holiday Crowd will be here every business day, till after Christmas. We'il try to wait on everybody promptlyâ€"expect to, even in the afternoon Yes; the crowds have a holiday air. Gilt buying has begun in earnestâ€"seems to begin earlier every year. We’re ready. Store bright, clean, and attractive, Goods the latest styles, better than last Christmas, Stock well assorted, and very desirable. Business will be a good deal bigger There is Growth, Mutuai conï¬dence between a store and its buying public means growth. This store has grown and is growmg on just these linesâ€"mo ambition higher than pOSSessing your conï¬dence. We want every Trade Transaction to be satisfying. We have provided a “Feast of Bargains" for the Xmas season which you will undoubtedly appreciate. Dec. 17th. 1908. means sickness. {fl 2. RUBBERS known Daisy Brand and protect y oi the winter. NAUGHTON’S Atkinson Switzer Richmond Hill Hardware Store STlWES. RANGES. HEATERS; PAINTS AND OILS. pair of good Rubbers Slushy Weather means wet TINSMITHING. C. SOULES URNACES, Prevention is better than cure. .WWW+++M-z~+g~ â€"FOR-â€" -at~the-Elginl or Overshoes of the well your health for the rest ieet. Wet feet Invest