Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1908, p. 6

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TRAVELLEH'S VALUABLE FIIIII. Travelling on the I. C. R,, Mr Harry Towers, St. Paul Street, St. John, N.B., found a box of Zam~lÂ¥uk, the great skin-healer. He “YORLD'S TRADING FLEETS. The Hamburg-American Line, was suffering from badly chapped hands at ~ Some of the Great Companies in which is building and will employ the time so applied the balm. He Says:â€" the Passenger Trade. TELLS HER SUFFERING SIS' thd two latest additions to the list filing-link caied thde pair: :1an ssmrting, TERS TO USE 0000’s of 7003001; steamships, is the pion- “‘8 t “m 5' a" "‘1 ° “W a" ’ q””° . . smooth. Finding it so good, I'kcpt a supply KIDNEY PILLS. oer German trans'Atlantlc hne: or” handy, and have since proved it a really ganized in 1847. Its employees wonderful healer. lt cures cuts, sores, or number nearly 7,000, Its present burns equally well, and I would not like now i r ' 01' . ~ . J to be Without: supply." They Plo‘ed a Blessmg ‘0 II fleet comprbeb 308 ‘essels’ “1th a Mr. Towers is only one of thousands who When Iler Pains and “'cakiicss total tonnage of.728,799 tons. . 1 ’m glad my heard 0, memk' ., We is “'0”; Almost More Than She . The. advances 1“ Ste13111511110 .bmm‘ no skin disease it will not relieve and cure. Could Boar lngâ€"ln the number Of the ships as Its fame is spreading everywhere, and it is well as their sizeâ€"have been enor- now regarded as Nature‘s great “first-aid" St. George, ‘ - ,p -_ _ . . - > _ in workshops, on the farm, or in the home. Mam, Dec. 11. mous in recent times. Lloyd 5 Log NO traveller shoum be Without it. Every (Special).â€"â€"Hoping to save her 515-»istcr gives the following statistics home should have its box always ready {or ter women in the West from Paws concerning the fleets of the world: me. A “me lamp“ "mind regularly on and aches which come at the Cl‘lti- “Considerany the largest of these the hands rmi face before retiring each night (38.1 times in a. woman’s life, MrS- Iis the Hamburg_Anmrican Com- will kcepthe skin soft and free from chaps, - . » Arsene Vinet Of this Place has 9"” pany, which owns 134 vessels of colfi'fizruefiazl’efsccésaa bf .<6 0 . .t t ,‘A' e.n the fouowmg Statement for pub- large Size! Of an aggregate gross ing skin disease, which hzsd’ctiZdZIIZr‘diile 110M310“: . ' tonnage Of 668,000 tons. The neXt remedies, apply Zam-Buk. It fir~t cleanses “I have brought up a large famlly largest; is the ilorth German Lloyd a wound by killing off all harmful bacteria. and have always enjoyed EOOd Companvl Whose 120 vessels 3g- .Thcn itbuilds up new tissue cell by cellâ€"just health until the last two years. I grcgate 356,000 tons_ The third asabricklayerlays row after row of bricks. am fifty-four years of age and at companv is the British Elder_Demp_ Then it covers the Wound With new healthy . . . . _ skin and the cure is effected! the critical time of_lifo that comes ster Company, who}, owns 153 ‘.es_ Z;m_8ukis alsoa cure [or pnm “give. to every woman, I had pains in my Eels '1 , - . . . . . . . ggiegating 431 000 tons. speedy relief and ends the throbbing, burning .lght hp and ShOlilder‘ I could pet Tlieii follow the British India. Steam Pains- Skin‘dlseascsi “Ch 3' eczcmav “Ch. 18 down two minutes at a time Navigation Company, with 122 vet} ulcers, barbers rash, rashes due to blood- ' without gufierin the reatest anr- - poison, etc, cannot resist its powerful healing ’ g g D 5915 and 384,000 tons, and the Umth virtues. Purely vegetable, it is an ideal com- ‘ with . - ~ an? Isometmlf” {nawoafeenhefd laid States Steel Corporation, W1th 113 bination of power and purity. 50c. abox of so mg as 1 so 6 vessels aggregatmg 343,517 tons. all druggists and stores, or post free from V 7“M‘~§IbéaÂ¥4?£f< - #5:" r-‘r: .FT-s:~','â€", 1.». ,4. . any. 1 BIG M N for agents selling our toilet soaps. 3: Lots making $5.00 a day. Write at. E- once fer full particulars to the ‘ . SOAP SUPPLY co., Box 332. Toronto mom‘- 3.14 tin.” can: ‘ INFORMATION WANTED. “Say, paw,” said little Henry, “I’d like to know something.” “Well, what is it '1” queried Min. Meek. i “What was your name before inaw married you?” A Purely Vegetable Pillsâ€"Pain, mclcc’s Vegetable Pills are coinâ€"l pounded from roots, herbs, and1 solid extracts of known virtue in: the treatment of liver and kidney complaints and in giving tone to ithe system whether enfceblcd by: invasractoutring condition, and with em overwork oi‘.d01‘anged through cx-, {,gxlgrl‘éfgfgét Edgy; ccsses in livmg. They require no: us‘liic.andwe willrurwnrdsame post-pain testimonial. Their‘cmcllr-ult qual; CANADA HOME COMPANY.- itics are well known to all those1 “awanosa‘ "a". who have used them and they (:our mend themselves to dyspeptics and l ' those subject to biliousness who are in quest of a. beneficial med- icine. - v .- We want heavy shipments for HE WAS “‘ILLID‘G' Christmas trade. Ship at once. “My friend.” said the Optimist, Quick sales and prompt returns. a . , . ' . v' lbs . S a):r::ils(:it)’llld greet misfortune with D. H. 8‘ can 10 can't-t1]: 2. “I’ll do it with pleasure,’ Razor oliarpener. Do not throw {LW lay your nione in buying a now Roz-tr tiocauso your old one will not, work, but buy 1 cake of our “Perfection Razor l'netoj' which will keep your Razor I replied mate the price of a ‘smile.’ " ‘ 33-35 scorr STREET, Tononro. Repeat Stock Brokers & Financial Agents COBALT ' - â€"“ '1 h‘ ure will alwa s It. Sh! 0 s C y and other stocks bouzht and sold on commission. {j a Piece Of ice 011 my head- A” r: ' t 1 mbcr of ‘-CS_ Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Reject other time it would be a burnmg eelslg‘fgégt:rfdt%?t£;;1. gross tom cheap, harmful and dangerous substitutes. Pall}; “231:1: “$3,139 flggilgggs, but nage, the fleets of the United States welt..â€" stand second among those of the IT ALL DEPENDS could get no relief, till reading of t B .+ .. d 1 ‘ 1 cures of similar cases to my own by world- Gr” imam an 101 CO ‘ “can a, man afford to be perfect- Dodd’s Kidney Pills, led me to try onies, out of 'a. total for the whole 1 f k t 11 t. 1,, k W them. They did wonders for me. world (including pountries possessâ€" Sgutrlin 3‘ a lmes as Cd 9 “I want all women to know what mg 1:009:000 tons 0f .Shlppmg) _Of “He can ’ answered the sage- DOdd'S Kidney Pills did for me.” 29,091 Sblps, aggregatmg 30’609‘310 ville “if lie doesn’t care whether. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure the gross tons, possesses 10,869, With a he 11’“ any friends or not.” Kidneys. The woman who has total tonnage of 14,703,203 tons, sound Kidneys is safeguarded one-seventh of which is composed of Sudden transition from a hot to against ninestenths of the suffering sailing Ships. The United States a cold temperature, exposure to that makes life a. burden to the wo- owns 3,286 vessels, With a. gross min, sitting in a draught unseas_ men of Canada- tonnage 0f 3,07713‘14 tons” 0f Whmh enable substitution of ’light for _.v “W I 4.4‘ , .5 -" "‘ i ‘l'c .55 t We as twoâ€"fifths are sallmg “3.55613; -and heavy clothing, are fruitful causes SauY-HPICMB, madam. I can’t the“ f0110W,GermnÂ¥, "Vlth 2’90?'782 of colds and the resultant cough so find the broom-H Ml‘s- ShiPShape ‘tonsi 0f Whmh 011351th are saillng perilous to persons of weak lungs. â€"-“Ha.ven't Itold you often enough vessels; Norway,» Wlth 1,6252% Among the many medicines for to have a place for everything and tons, one-half of which are sailing bronchial disorders so arising, everything in its place '2” Sallyâ€" vessels; France, Wl‘th 1,406,533 there is none better than Bickle’s "Yes: madam; I did that) bill? I've tolls. a quarter 0f ‘Vthh_ are 5311‘ Antiâ€"Consumptive Syrup. Try it 10513 the Place-n ' ing vessels; and Italy, Wlth 1,117,‘ and become convinced. Price 25 -"â€"“' 538 tons, of which twoâ€"fifths are cents. Repeat itzâ€"“Shiloh’s Cure will sailing vessels.” always cure my coughs and colds.” â€"*â€"â€"’X‘ . MOTHERS! OF UI‘CERTAIN AGE' Give the Children a Chance. th‘tle WHIPâ€"“Say, pa" When .15 Spanking does not cure children ofbed- 9' woman sand to be 0f uncertam wetting. There is a. constitutional cause age If” for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers. Box Paâ€"â€"”‘Wlien other people are cer- r03, Windsor, Ont,, will send free to any ' i ‘ tment in of it in ' son.” mother her successful home trca , ta ’ 3 with fullinstructions. Send nomoney,but Papalâ€"“Yes, my son, you must , h h 1 I . u l , write her to-day if your children trouble always begin at the bottom to learn Loss 0' F as ' ms": “gut” nbm ‘0 ems" may you in this way. Don’t blame the child, anything.” \Viniefl‘rflow about lawn“ °°Mump “lg, n 5‘" m 5‘5"" “1°” the chances are it can’t help it. This swimming) p312” losons ooouhadh l ’ .1 '7 fitfifilflfi Notngraingol exiting“; fellas!“ treatment also cures edults and-aged l ‘ people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night. The most sumptuous train in the world is that used by the German Emperor. It cost $1,000,000, and took three years to build. Repeat it:â€"“Shiloh’s Cure will ‘always cure my coughs and colds." I no Abound but insist upon getting the ge'il'iillilet, 0“ The n .e’i." Menthol waiter. ll; has stood the test or years. It cures aches and pains quicker than any plaster. Holland’s herring fishery fleet consists of 750 vessels, about 45 be- ing steuinboats. 10,000 men are t. employed on them. ~ 7 Repeat it:â€"“ Shilch's Cure will al- They Never Knew Failureâ€" . Careful observation of the effects ways cum my coughs and cons", of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills has Mother_uwen Dorothy would Th 7 y e shown that they act immediately on , - , . ~ the diseased organs of the system 2313:1111“: 30m egg poaChed or ball- Fault fiinding gives friendship many a. hard jolt. I Adaâ€"“W‘asn’t there of Maude marrying a. duke 'l” Dolly â€"-“Yes, but, you see, the duke didn’t say anything about it.” healthy glow disappearing from the cheek and moaning and . 7 ‘ I ' '0'! i a . and stimulate them to healthy ac- questiolgfigiigvlffifierisweéfigm35:1: restlessness at “light, are. sure tion. There may be cases in which mother 2n ’ Symptoms _Of worms m Chlldl'eIL ‘ the disease has been long seated __ Do not fall t0 get a bOttle of Mother Graves’ Worm Extermin~ , ~ and does not easily yield to med- . , . . ‘ Are your corms harder to rcmme ator; it 13 an effectual medicme. icine, but even in such cases these than those that others have had? £1115 have been known to bring “3' Have they not had the same kind? lief when all other soâ€"called rem- Have they not been cured by us- edies have failed. These asser- ing Holloway’s Corn Cure? Try a tions can be substantiated by many bottle, who have used the Pills, and med~ .. I ical men speak highly of their "‘â€" qualities. “Search the poets, young man,” the poets.” “Aw, what’s the use 'l” complained the exâ€"pickâ€"pockot. “I . . -l d a, oet once, and all I ot Perhaps nothing is calculated to 35:;Cgepawgticketln g worry a pessimist more than the noise made by people who shout for MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE. 10)“ ways cure my coughs and colds." “Henry asked me to be his wife last night,” she told her chum. , Repeat 155$ Oldgiflâ€"“DO You think Mr- “Oh, I’m so delighted, Gertrudfl 1t: â€"“Shiloh‘s Cure will aIWays Snifklilnslis Slncere when he twrit-es And how did it happen?” cure m r n that e oves me more man ongue “Well, he just asked me, and I y coughs and cows“ can tell?” Hilisst Pale-131$; I said, ‘Yes,’ and then he just s‘ood _ â€" _ - dare say. e s ougueâ€" ie , you up and folded his arms.” L CATS?th RUG' know.” “What! He was no more inter~ A lady “351de near London has “ . n . . . ‘ ' ' . . i That fermenting Bold that made you wretched ested than that; a bean th‘ ug “ thh 13 plebablj ‘ last winter will nu: come back if you take Allen’s “Oh, but you see, I was in them I unique. It: is composed entirely of i Lupg 3.15m when yourthroatis my and 325:. when be folded them." the skins of her deceased feline 'lhisnrlmirable remedy ratios from opium. T e â€"â€" pets. As her cats died she had the “m “me. Twenty-five years ago Germany skin of each tanned and added tol taught Japan to make shell buttons. the rug, which is now complete. and Now Japan exports them to Ger~ contains the skins of furteen dead Repeat it:â€"“ Shiloh’s Cure will a1- TALLEST I’OSTMAN. The tallest postman in the Britâ€" mony. France, Great Britain and I “pussies.” The rug is entirely of 5 ish service is Peter Sinclair, bearer , other countries- one colorâ€"blaCkâ€"as the lay in let letters to and from Pabbay, question has always made a point g Mingallay, and Berra islanders, off of keeping cats of that color, On ltlie West Coast .of Scotland. lie the. reverse side of each skin there stands but one inch short of 7 ft. is an inscription recording the name in height- of its dead owner and the period‘; I . - during which he (or she) was thel lady‘s property. Thus one inscrip- tion runs: “Fairy, 1592â€"4,” and another, "Beauty, 1900-4." Get acquainted with Black Watch the big black plug chewing tobacco. .A tremendous favorite MARVELS OF MOSCOW. r “Moscmv,' says :1 traveller. “has: more pilgrims than Mecca and more shrines than Rome. Its principal ’ church wns erected at :1 cost of $10,- 000,000. Its golden dome and cm? 5 polas cost O‘CC‘I‘ $1,000,000 to gild, l evefirwhcre, because Oi find more than twice that amt-put its richness pleasing is represented by the mui'bies. ‘ F ; lpreciuus stones, and pictures it co L I -iaVC-l‘. n - 951‘. -=- ‘f: =,,--.- ACT-‘4; ; ~ ‘ ISSI'E NO. 51â€"03. ,_ L talus. advised the philosopher; “search ‘ ‘is palatable, very nourishing, V .I ‘It is no trouble to prepare.‘ cure my coughs and colds.” Conospondoncolnvitod. Ordersmaybe wirednl ,surcayenao. ' “You seem to manage remarkably well on your housekeeping money 3” i. V ' “Yes. The tradespcople haven't sent; in their bills yet.” __ _ 0N FARM PROPERTY APhyalolanisnotalwaysathxnd. Guard your. Atlowest rates. Apply'to . a, - . Men Cough! and colds by keeping :ebfuilflrllf‘l’sallinkiller in the ll')ll7'e.L'“AVi:‘l(I snlisti- E S 3‘ tuces. there H b“ 0“ “"1 ‘ °‘ “my 9 Toronto Street. Toronto, ant. Davis'â€"250 and 50°- . “Ci-cur” ::» vakmg. 5: r m we.“ mv1~;:~‘.u. .4.-- ’d‘k‘t-N'fi ovestmont Seonrties. This means a cafe Investment. A mortgage on real estate with the earnings of the largest street Railway In Canada (Montreal) to pay the interest. Pays half as much again as any Bank in inter- estâ€"always saleable. Bonds in amounts of 5:07), 3620 or $1,000. CORRESPDNDENOE INVITED. GEOFFREY PO RTEOUS, noun unoxua, Street Railway B'd'g, Montreal, P.Q. Referenceâ€"Bank of Montreal He (who is going abroad to seek his f0rtune)â€"â€""You'll be true to me, won’t you. darling! ’ Sheâ€"“lie- ycs, George, ifâ€"if you’re success- ful l” A Medicine Chest in Itself.â€" Only the wellâ€"toâ€"do can afford to possess a. medicine chest, but Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil, which is a medicine chest in itself being a remedy for rheumatism, lumbago, sore throat, colds, coughs, catarrh, asthma, and a potent healer for wounds, cuts, bruises, sprains, Ictc., is within the reach of the poor- est, owing to its cheapness. It should be in every house. Heâ€"“Could you marry a man who was your inferior?" Sheâ€"“I a g suppose I shall have to.” “ ' ' of money makers. Do you want to get rich quick legitiiiintoly? It so, buy stock in the Candle 0 A North-Wei: Oil Company, Limited. Buy cheap- while others sleep. '1 his c impaiiy own: sections Dr. Mc'l‘n-{gnrt’s tibzicco remedy remove! all e, 7 and 18, ’l‘p. 4, Range 3, West of the 5th M. in desire for the weed iu aafow days: A vegetable the great Albert Oli Bolt, which, according to the ‘mpdiciue, and only requires Lurching the tongue most eminent authority, is destined to become the Withiz occasrondlly. Price, 32.0.): greatest oil producing centre in the world, no to 335,000 per acre. 'lliis company has the most up-to-dnte oil boring plant in operation, and al- Milvan‘ms results from mqug his “We’d-V h" lug sands, Containing considerable Oil and petro- the liquor hdbit. Safe and inexpensive IlDliIB i1mm, at SD certain am thepmspecuof success. I R H much so that land is now selling at from $1,000 ready down 1200 feet, passing through 4 oil bear- t‘matmm‘ti “0 “Wodemllc inl‘mtlws- "‘7 l’ulm‘ ‘tIlllI’. t asharas lure already advanced from 50 some talk . city, no loss of time from IJUnIIIQJS, and a. cure '08,,“ to $19,611, and diwcfly “1°?an on pool. certain. ! nro struck you will have to be 3. ml lionnire to "SI! Address or consult Dr. Melaggal'h '5 Yung" 5 any number of shares; 3min we say, buy chtiiip Street, Toronto. Canada. while :lnggards sleep. Shares are nonâ€"assessable, the land owned by the Company is valued accord- . 1 , ing to pres-out prices at $10,000,000. share: $1.00 ,. each, in blocks of so; termsâ€"h llf caah, balance in three months. Drafts payable to A. Williams and 00., Ltd.. at the merchant: Bank of Canada, Victoria, R. 0., to be exchanged (or or on account or, stock in the Canadian North “lest Oil Com- pany. Limited. - PIANOS ARE CANADA'S BEST AND EVERYBODY KNOWS IT PAYS T. BUY THE BEST Semi for our Free Cntnlcgne No. 75. the Bell PlfillO I (Hum 80.. “ll. Gllalllll, Oil Makers of Bell Pianos. Bali Organs and Autonola P.nyer Pianos. [or the vary but load your work so the " IRI‘I‘IBH AHiflIDAH VIII“) 69." [pan (or “out. in your town. or and Mn“. Mammal, Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec! . In every locllity " in Canada and the United Statel to Idvcnisa our goods. rack up shout-(As in all COIleCl-IOUS pines and distribute small Advertising matter. Commirslon or uln. 53 per month and expenses 55 per day. . Study war ’ a year rvund : entirety new plan; no experience required. rite for particulars. will. R. WARNER MED. ($0., London. 0112.. Cllildl. m 055an row. Ship early cud obtain higheit price“ Mpke us a triad shipment, Catalogue on n plicnri-iu. 'References, tho Dominion Bank on .Commer- CIiLI ageneie 4. A- C; E- PIERCE & 00., 507 ST. PAUL 513., MONTREAL. '_.~e~-‘»m1.-. y r. ~ ‘.-nf.~a'. «7-. . A Lar I anufaciurig ?LA.T T9 LEA§E 'is Concentrated in Bovrl|.l 67-71 Adelaide St. West ' : About 40x200, lighted by thirty-five windows. the en- tire length of three sides, also from ten large skylights, most upvto-date manufacturing flat in central part of Toronto; rental includes power, steam heat, water, electric light, at 10 per cent. less than city rates; lowest insurance rate; inuncdiatc possession; low rental to higlrelass tenant. All the Strength of Prime 0x Beef and easily digested. A spoonful of BOVRIL stir. rel into a Cup Of mum-3' S. ._ .-..i,t'p. 1'...‘ “.ilel istiiciiii.st10lic LlilLI OWNER .iwl'. 3} ~ , ‘ ., . v 1"“ ‘C “P » V 2': A; €12.ld€ Street West Ll the unfortunate one, “if you’ll do- A- J. & - ‘.\ «..

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