Church of Eughndâ€"Benlcos at 31). In. In. 2nd mm m: Bond-q. Third Sunday as n n m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services In H a. m.,and w. m. Sunday School n 2.80. Prayer meeting at 11199413} evening. ï¬ormu Catholic Churchâ€"Sonic“ on um. I.“ Sunday: at? arm. and 10.80 a. m. Methodist. Crunch-Buy)â€. “10.80 a. m.,u:d 7 p. u). Sunday Selma-l M 2.30. Goneml prayer meeting Tharncloy. evening. Richmond. Dada-.5 F and A M -â€"Mn$a Mon- day on or before lull moon Court Richmond. A 0 F -â€" Hoot: {earth Fri- do 13y Dodge. A 0 U W--hioeu third Wednesday 0! each month Camp Wain, 8 O B ~Maola noch and {amt-h Wuduoslay E T of Tempernmâ€"Meotu that Wednesday of each wrath Fh-e Brigadeâ€"Mean om Hardly of every munbb‘ Public Library and ï¬nding Boomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Enturduv evenings. Enwm'th [mucusâ€"mm: evorv Monday Junior Epworth League meets every N on- dny afternoon at 4. T§mntgï¬ihrk Radial Railway Co. memovounn DIVISION Winter Time Table 1908 GOING NORTH C. P. R. Cl‘nssing(annnto). Leave, â€"â€"&.m. CHM). 7.00l’. 8.00. 9.00. 10.00, 11.00, 12.00: D. m., 1.00. 2.00, 3.00. 4.00. 5.00. 12.00; p. m.. 1.00. 2.00. 5.00. ~1.UU. 5.00. 6.00%, 7.00. 9.00. York Mills 1’. O.â€"â€"n. m. 6.15. 7.15. 8.15. 9.15. 12.15: p. In..1.15, 2.15, 3.15. 4.15. 5.15. 6.15. 7.15. 9.15. 'l‘hm-nbill P. 0.â€"u. m.. 6.35. 7.35. 8.35. 9.35. 10.35. 11.35. 12.35: p.m.. 1.35. 2.35, 3.35. 4.35. 5.35. 6.35. 7.35. 9.35. Richmond Hillâ€"41. m.. 6.45. 7.45. 8.45. 9.45. 10.15. 1145.12.45: p. m.. 1.45. 245. 3.45. 4.45. 5.45. 6.45. 7.45. 9.45. S. and A. lct.â€"a.m.6.55. 7.55. 8.55. 9.55. 11.55: p.m.. 1.55. 3.55. 5.55. 6.55, 7.55. 9.55. Auroraâ€"a. m.. 7.15. 8.15. 9.15. 10.15. 12.15: p. m.. 2.15. 4.15. 6.15. 7.15, 8.15. 10.15. . Newularketâ€"n. m.. 7.40. 8.40. 9.40. 10.40. 12.40: p. m.. 2.40. 4.40. 0.40. 7.40. Hours for inning Money Order»â€" MORNING EVENING ..... KBâ€"Rogilcorod lesion an.“ be u lent Pinen'ï¬im muor Mm: mution hour- for olomng. Newularketâ€"n. m.. 7.40, 8.40. 10.40. 12.40; p. m.. 2.40, 4.40. 6.40. 8.40. 10.40. Sharonâ€"a. m.. 8.50. 1250; p. m., 6.50. Quepnavillevâ€"nnnq 9.00; mm. 5.00. 7.00. 7 lKe:swickâ€"a.m.. 9.10, p.111. 1.10, . (L Roche's Pointâ€"n. m.. 9.15; p. m.I 5.15, 7.15. Jackson‘s Point. 1 Arrivgâ€"‘vnnlm. MO G EYE NG . . . .6.†MONEY ORDERS UN.“ in notice Ham will be aimed at. the RwhmOnti 1 Post Oflicu u “Hows:â€" Auroraâ€"a. m. 12.15: p. Ill-.2- 10.15. . 6.10. 4.23). 6.25. ' Sb:u-unâ€"~a.m.. 8.30. 10.30; p.m.. 4.30. 6.30. NewmnrkcLâ€"n. m.. 6.00. 7.00. 800+. 9.00. 11.00: p. m.. 1.00. 3.00. 5.00, 6.001. 7.00. 9.00. Aurumâ€"n. m.. 6.10. 7.10. 8.10. 9.10, 11.10: p. m. . 1.10. 3.10. 5. )0. 0.10.]. 1:0. 9.10. n .\r Auroraâ€":1. 13).. 11.10; p. m.. 1.10. S. and A. Jul. 11.25: p,nx., 1.25. 9.25). Richmond Hill-a. m.. 6.40. 7.40. 8.40. 9.40. 10.45. 11.40. 12.45: p. m.. 1.40, 2.45, 3.40, 4.45, 5.4â€. 6.40. 7.40. 9.40. I! Eli Vi‘fï¬u-nï¬ill P. U.â€"â€"+\. "1.. 6. 8.60, 9.50. 10.50. 1713), 12.59:. p. 8.50. 9.50, 111.50. 11.0â€. 15.3": ll. uh. l-uv, 2.50. 3.50. 4.50. 5.50. 6.50. 7.50. 0.50. York Mills P. O.â€"-2|. m.. 7.10. 8.10. 9.10. 10.10. 11.10. 12.10: p. m.. 1.10.110, 3.10. 4.10. 5.10. 0.10. 7.10. 8.10. 10.10. Nurth Tnmnt-n. Arl'i\‘«-â€".|. m.. 7.10. 8.40. 0.40. 10.40. 11.40. 13.40: p. m.. 1.40. 2.40. 3.40. 1.40, 5.10. 6.40, 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. “.40. 13.4": p. m., Lin. 2.40. 3.40. 4.40, 5.40. 6.40. 7.40. 8.40. 10.40. \Vudnesdny and Saturday evenings a 1:110 car )cm‘t-s C. P. R. Crossing fur Newnmrket and intelmodinte points at. 11.30;». to. Every “'ednesdny and Saturday night. a Intu our will have Newmm-kt-L for 'l‘nrnmn and intermediate pnints at. 11.00 p. m. Extra Sutmday Service curs )vm‘e Nm-lh Toronto for Newunn‘ket M. 2.00 and 4.00. Extra Saturday Service curs leave Newman-ken for North Turumn at 4.00 and 51X]. uuu unru. Schnmherg and Aurora 1min leaves St'lnt-rllberg ht 7.00 mm. 5.15 p.m. +(Junuect, wit-h Schomberg 8a Aux-urn Railway. ,7, __ -... \nn ‘1 _......‘.. Suttcn Sutton }u. m.. 7.40. 3.4:); Jackson 5 Point. p.11)†3.45. 5.45. . Roche‘s Puintâ€" n. m.. 8.00. 10.00; .m.. 4.00. 8.00. - r Keswick-â€" 8.10, 10.10; pun, 4.10 uvogsvilleâ€"n. THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE “ CANADIAN PICTDRIAL†Exquisitely printed nn ï¬ne paper. Pictures of well-known people. of current events. of things beauti. fnl and curious About one thnusuud, square inches of Sictures in each issuo. Appeals to Calm inns as the great. il- luernted papers of London ap em] to the English people. Nun puiticnl. Absolutely no 31:9 to grind. Its aim mlvly to please and Lu inform. Must, be soon tn be appreciated. Tun cents a eupy. One dollur a year. The Pic- tmiul Publishing Cu, 142 St. Peter St. Montreal. 2l~t.f POST OFFICE NOTICE THE ail-ICE CLOSED AT 7.30 P. u. M. TEEFY Postmaster Village Directory. S lll’)SC’i‘i1)9 for m' Ib.n...1.4o.5.40.7. GOING SOUTH. \V. 9.10, [mm 1.10. 5.10. H. MOORE. Manager 111.. 9.15:1). m.. 1.15, .. 7.45. 79.45; 10.25: p.m.. 8.25. 9.25 6.25. 7.25, handed In who above GEO. McDONALD, Richmond Hill ALL KIN DS OF COUCHES, BEDROOM FURNITURE, DINING ROOM TABLES. CHAIRS, AND SIDEBOARDS At a xeasonable price, less by far than Toronto prices. CALL AND INSPECT THESE. EXMAS GIFTS for RICHMOND HILL and adjoining country to rapt-went, "CANADA'S OLDEST AND GREATEST NURSERIES†\Vbile busmess in some other lines may he dun. hrmers were never more vncnumged as rPgau-ds fruit, growing than at. the present, Season. High price-5 for all classes of f1 uit have been nlnuim-d the push seasnn. and there is. j J,._.___,: \lKILlllllK \l lll‘ .II‘uy u .. , , as a consequence. an increased demand fur nursery stock. Om stuck is complete in every de~ partinan including a new list of specialtivs which we alone handle. The right, man will obtain a perma- nent siluulinn with lex-iitorv rererved fur him. Pay weekly. Free sample nulï¬t. etc. \Vrite for particulars Fcixfhill Nurserivs (850 acres) 4-4m TORONTO. ONTARIO STONE & WELLINGTON A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED A business education THE KENNEDY SCHOOL 1n Furniture can be had at the Furniture Stoxe of G. SAV “'e have a spvcinl three months course for young uwn. It. is boiled downâ€" reul business: contains just what. you. wankâ€"5 knowlPdge 0f business methods. an un- Come in for three months: start, in January. The cost is small. ADELAIDE ST. 13., TORONTO. '10! ‘0 PAM, ml... rm mun AND INCIDI The full color card shows 48 handsome shades. S.. W. P. is _ put up full measun, always. It's made {rain pure white ‘3 lead, pure zinc whim. and pure linseed oil. ft": aims are clcar, bright and lasting. It goats less by the job than any other paint made. B forms a tough, durable ï¬lm that wears and looks welt for the longest time. it does no! powder. flake of! or crack. 77/5 Symmu-Wlwms PAINT JACOB EYER & SON Going to Paint? EXCELLENT RICHMOND HILL . SAVAGE BOLD BY Our friends have come to expect the best. from 119, we do not disappoint them. OUR HARNESS is the best, all our own make. OUR PRICES just. a link: lower than the same quality of goods can be bought elsewhere. See our stock compare quality and price of goods, and you will buy here. OUR HORSE GOODS, Robes, Blankets, Mitts, Gloves, Btu, are the best. The 1* No. DIVISEON - BUURT. VOUR COURSE in Shorthand or Business will bring ynn heat results if taken at our uld esta hlislwd nnd {hm-ungth reliable schm-l. \Viuter Term begins Jun. 4th. Gutnlngne ere. W% TORONTO. ONT. Br1tish Amepican Busmess _College Winter Term Opens Jan. 4th Central Y.M.C.A. Bldg., Tommi): Tms 508.101. snubs Tu-LAY wrrnou-r A H‘annnm TEE DOMINION. Nearly all col- legeu CLAIM m be the heat. but claiming to be so nozs NOT sums THEM so. Ge'. our Cate, Iogue. Band in from cover to cover. See (or yourself what this college is doing and the advantages it offers. ... . nr rvnrrm Dvin’hnn‘ Luvuuusgcu u u v "w'.°J'. ELLIOTT. Principal. Yongo and Alexander Sta A Good Cutler. nemly new. Apply tn 0. MASON. -3 Richmond Hill. ARRANGE NOW TO ATTEND THE FAMOUS aturday, January 23, 1909. Cnmmencinz at, 1') a. m. T. F. MCMAHON F‘L‘L‘R: Next, Sitting of Divnsiou Courtiox 3. 3. County of Yak. will be held in the Court Room. The Best Always RICHMOND HILL For Sale ANUS TU-LAY WHERUT A The Value of Economy Your opportunity awaus you! There is no time tn lose. If you want to get the best results in the Lame Black Grocery You can't go wrono if you deal with F. m .GKAfNGER in the LoRNE BLOCK. Robertson’s FAMOUS Shuculates and Ban-Bans There is no danger of being dis- satisï¬ed if you use ORANGES AND NUFS AND MALAGA GRAPES ROBERTSON’S 1n me LUKNL ULULA Everything new, Clean, and upjo-ddte. . ï¬indAj _r -- To- Try my Groceries, Canned Goods, Confectlooery,_&c. “Vigé'BIeét Bread [6-be had in town. “Mount Albert Flour Always on Hand. GOODS DELIVERE D. Dflil! 8&0. GRAIN'GER PENNYROYAL WAFERS. «mm Inn 55“ In I dly no! rammed. \‘nn “9 n my. rammed. “nuclqu GOLD Xmas Pleasure Hunt COME AND SEE OUR DISPLAY At the Kandy Kitchen. Wished 1873 Many people fail to save, hcéause they do nof realize the importance of small economies. The pract'icc, once bugmx, of laying aside a portion of week or month, . your income, no math“: how 3:11.11, tvery will soon bccome a ï¬xal habit. . .. ".fl ___, vv “- guy“ y- - V The resul‘iï¬iura few yean will probflfly ccrtax'xfly gratify you. Start 3 Savings Account [9-day with BRANCHES A Good Assortment of you will need v, RICHMOND HILL EBAY: {3}} mm. us lance. but we! m «m Sum A Co..PorflAnd. Manon“! you!" (res. full Information thou: mi think may can do. And hnn hameJhltm'll pay men: from $5 to $5 pot «.7. Some hnvn h: | dny Kuhn "I. you“ «OM, Chain! an no namd htg Thou Ibï¬ftffl It on“ --y- 7 r , w tutor. um reculm um manna: producing fne, bunny m1 puma! db 140 when or pain: on up ï¬re-ch Now used by our 320001341; xxqu win 1114qu Invizuxatc. the.†omns. Buy of yon! druz'mn only that: with our flew-ion wro- lamoflnbeL Avok ’uus Bun-d ._ um...- 4M9 monghlyga‘edlclne (or Mien haunt!“ 7 [Man- PROP. E. M. Byrne. Manager ALSO AT MAPLEIL PIARKHAIVI AND OF CANADA g’i‘bâ€"Ul‘ï¬â€˜VILLE .z a†one 25 3 . as: F. J. Wï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬; Thv nnde-x-signvd. I-vcvntly onmlnyrd with thv :“nsv-y-Harl is L‘(-.. has mko-n Iln- Blucksmilhing lmsim’ss vucnU-d by (“ESL Bum. and i~‘ piepnrvd [u nut-ml to all ln‘nm‘hk-s I-f the II iulv. London & Lancashire Life Ass. Co. London Mutual arid British America Fn‘e Ins Co. Decring Machinery, (Ion: Harvesters,Gasohne Engines, Etc N. 3. mass Rich mond Hill ++++++++++++~z~+++++~:-+++++~M é Did it i Ever 3; Strike You PATRONAUE SoucrrI-tn AND SATISFAC'IK)N (I HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper Hanger. +++++++++++++++++++<+H+++ Calls from 8. distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICH 51-025?“ 7 HEX-.1. PLEASANT The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chester White Hogs. Lot %. lst Con, Vaughan (Thornhill) hm: for sale some good young stuck. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept for sex-vice on the premises, D. G. GOODERHAM, MONDAY, Dec. 21-Auctinn anh- farm stuck. implements. &(L. on 9. 5th con. Vaughan. the property .1. J. Snider. Terms: 10 mum GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Lei-IN IJIILL that in Medicine QUALITY is of the ï¬rst, importance? That. as n lule, its use is not, resorted tn unti|_necessity cumgels. This "htVY rvru n“; u: ullu-n ..-v‘.--v. being the case; “REsU LTS. not. FAILURES. are desirable. FAILURES many times arise thnmgh the introduction of stain or inferim drugs into your pre- swiptiuns. RESULTS can he obtainPd by L‘I‘JIJUMLU VIUII â€"-v â€" . the use of PURE DRUGS of STANDARD STRENGTH and QUALITY. SUCH YOU’LL FIND HERE. CHEMIST and DRUGGIST Richmond Hill. - W. A. Sanderson S «14: nt 1 dc] RICHMOND HlLL PHARMACY . HEWISON A GENT FOR Auction Sales WUDDWf‘xRB. surprise, anti +++++ 5L Branch» VIEW FARM 1H . - 519361;; . GUARAN’I mm Propriulm Out.