BEBEâ€"At Viflmia Square. Dre. 10. 1908. Clniimmhet H9550. in his SUHI year. '(""â€â€"|‘v' ""'“‘ swearing has increased under local option, and it certainly has, who are the guilty parties? Is not most of the false swearing done by those ac- cased of violating the law, and those who, much against their will, are called as witnesses? We can sympathize with some hotel-keepers who, we believe, from their view point, are trying to keep What they call good houses. We do not agree with those people who Seem to think that all hotel keepers are alike, and that there is nothing good in any of them. The fact is, however, proprietors are sometimes not master in their own houses. Many of their gueSts are good citizens belong to the lowest types of humanity and cannot be kept under control. In short liquor selling behind the bar cannot be justiï¬ed. I . but the regular frequenters of the barl thdt Dear Sinâ€"Do you not think the dis’ cussion on Local Option is too one- sided? Evory Week for the past month your paper has Cuntninrd leports of meetings. editorials and other articles all frunriug Local Option. and nothing has been 5 lid on the other side. Local Option has shut oï¬ some of the heavy drinkers. but a \vrll kept hotel is hotter than some. of the So-r-ulled temperance houses. Yung lmys gnibvr in the awning in a. tempura-incl: house and trent each other to soft drinks. and thus learn to treat. to strong drinks when they meet in hotels in Toronto and other places. If the hotel near their homes was licensed their parents Would not let them go near it. Be- sides. hotels without 21 bur don't phi. at The temperance people think i. hotel keepers should be put in the same class as murderers. A week or two ago. some writer in your paper said "\Ve believe in licensing the assassin us well us the bar." I‘- thnt Christian talk? If temperance people and the church close the hm they should see good RCCUIDUIUddLlOH is provided to the public. Some of the mngistrates have said that since Lor'nl Option has come into fur-cr- there hns be?" more fnlse swenring thnn ever before. By publishing the above Mr. Editor. you will oblige it lot of your readers. L‘L-nrvv AD [Pu-s nrro. BECKERâ€"At Victoria Square, on the 15th insta, to Mr. and Mn). Beckett. a son. COBERâ€"At Victoria Squaw, on the 215$ inst†to Mr. and Mrs. .103. Cuber. a son. ATKINSON-Il! Richmond Hi“, (m the 22nd inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkinson. a son. BLANCHARDâ€"BROWNLEEâ€"Al Hm-osi dence of the bride's sister. Mm Samuel “’ilton. 64 Belmont St. Toronto. on the 24th of November 1908. by Re". J. \V.St0w:u't. Mr Henry Blunchmd to Mrs. J. Bu-wn lee. both of Richmond Hill. There is considerable force in our correspondent's claim that good ac- aocommodation should be furnished When licenses are cancelled in a mu- nicipality. That has been'the weak point in local Option districts. If temperance: hotels were conducted by men who were anxious to prove that those hotels could be made to pay we would not hear many complaints about accommodation. The difï¬- culty is that those places are general- ly kept by ex-hotel keepeis who do their best to make them appear to be a lailure. A man who wnl conduct an hotel on strictly temperance lines and give good accommodation to man and beast. should be strongly supported non only by temperance people but by all good citizens. his young gone to spend their eVe‘ nings in a public house, when they ought to be studying their school lessons at home. cannot be expected to have any better control over them should a licensed bar, with its pol- ished mirrors, transparent glasses and sparkling wines, be opened up to then). The father who decides for his son in fuvur of the licensed bar, is liable to see his mistake when it is too late. The last point taken up by our correspondent is “false swearing." There is certainly something very repulsive about perjurv. But if false swearing has increased under local option, and it certainly has, who are the guilty parties? Is not most of the false swearing done by those acâ€" cused of violating the law, and those who, much against their will, are called as witnesses? A correspondtnt in another col- umn complains that local option news in this papér is "too one sided." THE Liasz should not be accused of partiality, as we are aIWaya willing to publish both sides of any question as long as we consider the articles reasonably fair, and not too person~ ul. With all due respect to our cor- rcapouden‘t, we consider his refer- ence be young boys learning to drink and treat in temperance hotels, as for fetched, and lacking in sound argument. Any father who allows We can ï¬nd. no fault with our cor- respondent objectihg‘ to the word “assassin.†We don" like that word. We believe in would be banner not to license the bar. but if the bar is to be licensed. surely that is no reason why the assassin should be licensed also Mamas!) ,um. « Timomm SIDE." MARRIAGES. DEATHS. BIRTHS. 0mm mm. 24. 1908 At a meeting held in Tnnmtn on Tuesday tn organize a curling associa- tion. cnmposu‘l uf the clubs in York County. outsidv of Tux-mam. Mn. 0. P. “’ilvy was elect: d PI-us‘dcm. and Mr. G. H. Hnupf’l‘ uf Tlmmbill. arch tm-y. Last Friday's Toronto Evening Newg gives the views of Mr. James Haverson, K.C.,on the drink habit. in the follow- ing wordxâ€"“VVhy should people Want: to restrict. the accommodation for drinking?" hr: said this umming. “There is a great outcry against the salnun. but there must be planes in drink for men must drink. and they will drink. llnxses drink water. and menâ€"some at le;xst~di1’nk whisky. “'110 would think of not supplying a eutï¬cient nnmhmâ€" nf troughs im- the horses to drink? Then why nut all ennughnccommudutwnfurlhvsepenple who want to drink anything elm?" Maple, Dec. 19, 1908. To the Editor of THE Lwazut. Deputuliona (If the Hucku Clubs (Srniur and Lndivs') Waite-d m) thv Cuunci) to arrange fur the- um- nf the Rink during the cunning 2491.30“. The Treasurer presented his anmml Fimmcinl Statement. and (m mutinn the (“ark was instrumed tn have )0!) capies of the same printed for distri- bution. One of the best, known of our old inneers in Markham. Mr. Christopher eisv nf Victoria Squaw. passed away on Saturday min-Hing. Dec. 19, 1908. Mr. Heise was horn Svpx. [2. 1829. living a twin brother of Mr. Jï¬cnb Heise of Richmond Hill. He was hmn nn 1h? uld hnmestead, lot 26, con. 3. nnw owned by his son Henry. About 57 years agn he was united in mun-iage to Miss Leah Rndvs of Clarence Cen- ter. New York. wbn survives him. Sewn children blessed llwir nniun. 0n? dunghtvr. Mary, preceding him to rest own 20 ywis :ign in Kansas. when) his son Anthony, and da‘iiglzcé'r Anna. nnw IPSldP. The rest uf the family are erl knnwn nn-mheis of this cnmmnnity. Mr. Heise was a man of rnhnst build, energetic and industI-inus. \Vhat his hands fvund to do (and lhpy fnund murh) he did it with his might. He Was a fI-irnd tn the puur and struggling, and with his worthy Wift' faithfully Vlsllvd the sick and nï¬licted. nut only in (hr- Vicinity but for miles around. Mr. Heise was a donut-m) (m- steward) in tin Tnulwr Church for the past?!) years. and lilled thv p Isitinn with crr‘dit to himself and satisfactiun to the Chm-uh. Fur quite a numher 01“ years past he was man-1y deprived nf sight, and the hus'y scenes of his former llfP were shut nï¬" fl‘ul“ his View furever. va. the curtain is Iifivd again in 8c».st that mortal vision ne-vex-hphvld. nulongw-“thmugh a glass darkly, but face tn face." The funeral took place on Monday after- "mm to the Tanker Chm-ch, GUl‘IllleV. which was ï¬lled with an Hitx-nllve I'Ongregatinn. The sm-virz-s Wt‘l't“ Chi)- ducted hy the Rm‘. F. Elliott, assisled by Revs. Winger and Sider. A letter irmn the Ummdiutf Fin) Underwriter-5' Asxmriniinn was rmd, n-minding the Council of the Iwccuxily hf having the Fire Hall and nppnl‘nluu invgnnd urgier during the: Fuld wuulhur. nu -, On motion it was decided to ict the Ladies’ Hackey Club have the use of the Rink my \Vednesduy "ftp-rman ham 4 In 5 o'clock at n im- ml" was. without ï¬re. or 60 ch. wilh ï¬re, fur each afternoon the Rink is uss-d. The Club is also tn notify the Caretaker any time Lhe Rink is nuLKrvqu‘ired. : Snndarsonâ€"Bal-ke|-~ThatftheSeniï¬ Hockey Club have the use of the Rink on Monday and \Vedupsday m‘enings frnm 7.30 tn 10 o‘clock for $1.50 per night. the Club to be responsihie for Rink and caretuking during the hours n:mwd.â€"â€"Carl-ied. Dre. ‘3, 196% The Council met pursuant tn ntntuw 0n the abate dupe. in the Uh-nk‘a (-mce. Memiiers pl't'SClltflv-Thv RH'VP, and UUUnciHm-s Ban-her. Trench. Sham and Sundersnn. Minutes read and udnpu-d. An nccnunt, {rum SUVH' 8t ltum-r fur 83.50 for anal Wu» presumed. which “Hf Tyenuurer wna ipstrncledju puy, Cnunuil ildelH't}?d._ MEN AND HORSES. THE OTHER SIDE. VILLAGE COUNCIL. OBITUARY. A. J. HUME. Clerk. REGULAR READER. Com. Mr. Fletchu Thnumsnm proprivml- m the hotel at Oak Ridges“ has written The Aurum Banner giving an 1- mphatic denial U: u reme that he has bet-u selling strung drink in the Local Option district of \Vhitchurch. Mr. Thompson agl'ees t0 give $50 to any person who can prove him guilty of handling: intuxicating liquor since he became prupriotur of the lmtt-I lust Apxil. 3.‘ That nn \VEDNESDAY. THE THIRTIETH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2. That the wars of tth i-h'ntors nf the Village hf Richmond Hi}! shall I»- tukrn (In this By-Iaw (m the smm- day. til the same hour. at the smut- placv' and by the sump Deputy Ram-Hing Ofljcer, :m for the Annual Electiun fur the Municisz Ununcil uf thv said Municipality. said date hpng the 5. '1‘]:i§liyâ€"l;nv <hnilcnun-intn oppr- atinn and bw of fun fut-(re and (-m-rt 0n “'ht‘re-uu. n Plltl-vn has lvN'n pr»- svnled tn Llw hflmicipul (lnmmil of the Village of Richmund Hill. night-d by ninety-hm) of the- rnlvrmym‘u of thr- unid villagv. and praying ll)» Council In submit it By-Luw tn reprul {111- EX.- isting Local Option By-lnw,â€"~ Then-fare, in scum-dance wlth the rayer n! the mild petitinnvrs. the unici ml Council of tho (‘mrpnratinn of the illage of Richmnnd Hill enacts as follows:â€" 1. That By-law No. 203 uf m.» smid Unrpnmtiun of the Village) vf Rich- mnud Hill. bring “A By-lnw [n pm. hibil the sale of intuxirming liquors lIy retail in the Municipalin u! the Village (If Richmnnd Hill," be and it is hez'ghy rppe:nled.~- 1908, at the Clvrk’s Olliue in the Vil- lage (If Richmund Hill. the Brave of the said Village shall attvnd. and up. point, in \Vl‘iling, sight-d by himswlf. two persons u» amend at the ï¬nal summing up of the vutvs Ivy tlw (Elm-k. and um: pal-sun to attend at {hp said pulling plucn on lie-half of ‘he )wrtmns intvrested in and dt-simas of pran- ing the passing of this By-lnw. and a like numlwr intervstvd in and drair- nus of npposing the passing of this By-lng.â€"â€" and :1le' THE FXHST DAY OF MAY NEXTnHvy the fluid passing then-nit) .Ululllbl "nun. mu FOUR ‘H DAY 4. That, the Clerk hi the said Vil- lage of Richlunnd Hill shah nunnd at the Cunucil Chmnhul' at the h-mr of twuh'e O‘clan in the fmmuu‘m Im Hm to sum up the nnmhrl- uf Votes given fin leljlzggninsl, this Bv-L-m'.â€"â€" 23-4 Talu- notice that the above is a true copy uf a pl'upnsfll By-lnw whivh has 1mm takvn inLn consideration, and which will he ï¬nally paswd by the Cunncll Hf [he Said Municipality of the Villugu uf Richmund Hill (in the want uf the. assmll’, of the electms living uhtained lbw-Mn) after one month {rum the 1315!; puhlicntinn then-Hf in "'l‘ln- Liberal†nvwspaper, the dutt- hf which ï¬rst. publicatiun Was the 31d day of Decmnlwr, 1908, and that tlw van-‘5 of ï¬lm electors uf [hr-said Munici- pality will be taken thereun nu the dnv and at the buul- and place therein ï¬xed. A FIRST CLASS LINE OF Cigars for Xmas Presents. WISHING MY PATRONS A MERRY XMAS. FIFTH DAY OF JANUARY‘ 1909. Road :1 ï¬rst, and .zwcnml Lime/and Mud in UOmmiltt-P. Dam] :It (Munch (Thamhm‘. in the Village- Hf Richmond Hill, this 3rd day of Nm‘emhur. 1908. NUTS ORANGES BANANAS F. E. Sims Selected for Holiday Trade BYéLAW N0. To repeal Byolaw No. 205 A ByLawto of the Corporznion of the’ No 805 wh Village of Richmond Hm. I to prohibit FRESH OYSTERS CRANBERRIES FRESH FISH ï¬eld: At: rum-a. but than was «to. Sun-on th..Pmnud. .‘1n!ne.villrncolvo fret. {nu intermu‘mn them talk which E they can do. lud llveav. hmncabu win my .hem from $3 to pot day. Sums b9" «mu am 5'» h n a" mum >ex. )onhc or Mi (2qu h‘vl F)»"i'€-L Ya) Ire ï¬nned (‘11: Thu! whn tun u one. In uLuJJum: 5.1:. of mu: oue {errâ€"mu. A“ ‘I “I. Eat and be Happy on Xmas. CLERK’S NOTICE. Also a gm (1 supply of FRUITS, ETC. Bu\ Your A. J. HUME. 03‘ JANUARY BON-BONS CHOCOLATES CANDIES Village Clerk. l 2201 LOCUST STREET. jBy=Law N0. 1. That. By-Luw Nu, 805, which wax ï¬nally Must-d run the- EIGHTH DAY OF JA 'UARY, AJ). 1906. bring 31 Bannv to prohibit the Ru“? uf liquor in thv Municipalily (-f UR' vahship hf Vaughan, he and [ht-same is hereby rupudlvd. I}. That thr- vntv of thn Electors of th:.- said Township of Vaughan will 1m tutu-n on this Bvanw by the Dvputy Returning Ofï¬cers hel-vinaftvr mtde nn MUN DAY, THE FOURTH manning at, Nine u’clmtk in the lnnrn- ing and cuntinuing nut.“ Fiva n’chyck POLLING SUB-DH‘ISION N0. l.â€"-Vic- tm'ia Hull. 'l‘hurnhin. \\'m. M. Bmws shall he De-putry Kuhn-hing omen" and \V. H. Uluhine elm†hr- Pu†Ulvrk. Ready Nov. 15. 1908. best ever sent out. beautiful covers in colors. ï¬ne portrait, of Prof. Hicks in colors. all the old featuresand several new ones in the book. The best astronomical year book and the only one containing the original “Hicks Weather Forecasts.†By mail 35c. on news stands30c. One copy free with WORD AND \VORKx the best $1 Monthly in America. Disâ€" , counts on almnnucs in qlmntitivs. ' Agents wanted. 3 WORD 8: WORKS PUBLISHING C0., DAY OF JANUARY, 1909, (1m)- it. the nfu-I-nmmrut the uudvrmvn‘ tili‘ln’d pl:wv§'â€"« Pouun SUB-DIVISION No. 2.â€"â€"Jnhn Charlvs‘ Hnnw. Palm-Non. \‘Vm. S. anhlv shall 1w [)vpuly Returning Oï¬icvr :md \Vm. \Vnshinghm shsz he Pull Ulvrk, The Municipal Unnm‘i) (If the» Cner- rntiun uf Hie Townuhip ni Vaughan hereby (-mwm as ququz~ TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of A proposed By-an which has been takvn intn umisider-A- tinn hy the Municipal Ummcil (if thv 'l‘uwnship of Vaughan. and which will be ï¬nally passed by the suid Guuncil (in the event of the assent of tllk‘ electors being Obtained lheretu), after one month from the publication th‘le‘ nt‘ in the Richmond Hill "Lilieml." the date of which publicwtiun being Thursday, the Tenth Day of Decmnber, 1905. and at the hour. day and place therein ï¬xed for taking the votes of the electors. the polls will he held. J. B. MGLEAN. 314 Township Clerk. Mush Smmps‘ Hung-9. l.’urplu\-ille. “0ng HMH‘ey shall he: Dupmy livlm‘ning Ofï¬ce-rand \V. 0. McDunuM shun hr POLLING SUB-DIVISION N0. 7.~~.\er. Fleming's Hunsv, 1m, 15. runcvmiq-u 9. \Vm. \\'nud.shaH lerrpnty Pie-turning Ofï¬corand James “70ml sham h:- Full 0 t'l'k. ‘ POLLING SUB-DIVISION N0. 3,â€"Bnr- ket-‘Ls‘ Nbup. Kleinhmg. Gen. Ke'llum ihnli he Dv-puty Hamming Diï¬rrm-and ZXHM‘I‘t \Vhilt‘ 511a“ in» PH“ Ch‘l'k. 3. That an the- 'l‘\V ENTY-HEUOND DAY ()F DECEMBER. 1908. at the Clerk‘s oflh-e in thv village uf Maple at lhv lmul- nf (WU (A‘clntk m the- “furr- mmn. [112* RPPVP shun nppnint in \VliL- ing signed by himself, twu pen-suns tn attend at Lhe ï¬uul summing-up of Lhe votes hy the Clerk and uue pI-‘rsmx Lt- Httend at each pulling place un bvhaif uf»! 1w per-suns interested in and desir- nus of pruumtjng the passing of this Byâ€"Lmv and a like number on behalf of [he pvrsuus interested in and (lt’Slr‘ nus uf upposing the passing of this By- Law. 4. That the- (“Mk of the said Muni- cipal Cnuncil of the Township of Vaughan shall attend at. Lhe’l‘mvnship Hull. Velinro, at the hum-oi ten u'ch) k in the fm'emum on the FIFTH DAY OF JANURAY, 1909. Lu sum up the number nf votes given fur and ngnins‘L this Bv-L.uv. The Rev. IRL. R. MCKS Pull Cll'l'k 5. This BY-an shun cmne mm npomtion and he of full fume and (fleet, an and after th9 ï¬rst day 0f May next uftel'Athe ï¬nal passing Lht-l-unf, Read a ï¬rst time ibis EIGHTH DAY OF DECEMBER. 1908. Read a second-01ml this EIGHTH DAY OF DECEMBER. 1908. AIJDIANACK FOR 1909. No 805 which is a By-Law to prohibit the Sale of liquor in the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan. NOTICE. ST. Lows. M o. By-Law 1 +++++++Â¥W$+++++++++++H++ l'r . 3'- 13? We Wish Our 5‘- PENN YROYAL Bl-tf 26-“ SPECIA.L XMAS. SERVE The We‘st half of km 22. can. 2. Mn: k- hum, containing 100 Acres. All in A high state of cultivminu. On it is erected a large brick huuse und comâ€" modious burns, all in good shite uf repair. The farm is well fenced. Good orchard and water. Full wheat and full pluw‘ing. For humm- pumiculms. full pluwing. For humor pun, price and terms. apply «m tlw p1- NICHOLAS LYNET’I‘, 25-tf SPECIAL NEW YEAR’S SERVICE B ET W I“. {‘1 N TORONTO and NSF/MARKET Dec. 3lst. On a ï¬rst mortgage pet-Ly. From tln-ee Ln dullzu-s. Private funds. Apply to Building mond ,Hill. bl) In addition tn I-eguhr S'q'vin? C lPuves N. TORONTO 1'sII-HU'!“I‘0N 7 . 11)., and SUTTON for N. '1' R N'l‘U at 7.45 p. m. 5-H? In addition lvuves‘ N. M A RKET v~++++++++++++++++M++ Hut-+1, Jars leHvP NORTH TORONTO and JNEW'MARKETM (5. 7. (‘5. 9. 10, ll, 12, :1. m. 0n Yunge Street. 1 Apply" to ‘lle fur [LO NORTH T0 RON'I lvuves' N. ’l‘ORUNl‘U fur NFAV‘ MARKET at 2. 4. 11.45 p. m.. and NE\V1\1ARKE[‘ M N. TORONTO at, 4. 8. 11 p. m. METROPOLITAN [HISiON BET WICI‘IN TORONTO AND NEWMARKET Dec. 2lst to 25th. Farm For Sale. -t1 JERRY MUTE A Merry Xmas House to h ent. U l‘ E Money to Loan NE BET W I‘LI‘CN TORONTO AND SUTTGN Dec- 23, 24, 25th. H 1' hrod white “'yanduttc Cock $1.00 up. Prospemug New Yamâ€. 11' leaves NOR EVVMARKE'I‘H 1' leavi‘s NH“ Dec 23, 24, 23, For Eale. For Sale mum)an mailml '21: sump. no m “gm. EUREKA c [1 AL couPAxx. , DIM. m Patrons lot on Centre Street. Rich- eastotl’ul‘sonugt‘. Apply 5, 6. 7. 9, JAMES NEWTON, January lst. Ln regular W-I’VH‘F CM‘ and E, \\'. )IOYLE. Lungstadf 1’. (,I H. A. NIGHOLLS. 'l‘;\l v 11-15 pan. HYMAHK E'l' fun- '0 :n - ll p.m. My modicum for ’adifl leg-ulna tho mom-en; ‘ hum), gn! punk“ aches or pulna on up «1 9y overnmladiu usnagam. Invigoratr. [my of your (inlng 1 our sum-cum ICYOI‘I mu ’uhnlmwu. 89AM n {he premises on farm prv- fum- thousand 26th. 11 'J'ormN'm ()wxwr. ichmnnd Hill. humnd Hill. \YRIGHT. Ill Elgin Mills. TDâ€"