RICHMOND HILL. 0N1‘.. DEC. 24., 1908 (331:9 fliheml. The gmss WCoipLa of the High school concert wrre $87. The High and Public schools will re~ nprn Monday. the 4th of January. Miss Nut-«l McMahon has gone to ()lmtlmm to spend the holidays with rn-latives and friends. Mr. «V. A. Glns‘s of Muilulzd. and Mr. \V. Trench of Port. Hope. are hmne for their Christmas hnliduys. Rc-uwmbr'r “The Festival of the Nations†in the schnul mum uf the Mrthodist church Christmas night. There Wm: juyuble tiuw ut' [’atlmsnn hug. 215K, inst Ump on more “mad. the wind is chill: 13‘“,le it whistle us it will. “'0'†kerp our Christmas merry still. This evening will he hvld the annual Christmas Tree nnd Enlel lnimm-nt in (‘mmectinu with the Victoria Square Sunday Schunl. “'9 have been requested tn “urn people against emptying Lht-ir ashes on [he strwl. The (:usuun is against, both law and order. For particulars of Christmas Tree and Gunmen. Mnsnnic Hull. Maple. uu‘xl: Tlu-sduy evening. in aid of St. Stephen‘s S. 5.. sec lulls. A Mel I-y Christmas and a Happy New Yuurtn all our l'9:l(1(‘l'.~l1ll)d friends. May punspelity and happiness be your lot during the your 1909. Next. Sundny morning Rev. A. P. Bruce will [munch on "\Vhait will the New Year In-ing us '1" RM". E. H.1‘nye will preach in the evening. On Sunday, [.119 3rd of January. Rev. H. S. hinge-P, Fiohl Secretary uf the- 'l‘empm-zunro Pruhihilinn and Mural lh‘ful’lll Department, will spend the day in our midst. Every prvparntinn is bring lnndv fur um unnnal entertainment,of the MM!!- udist S. S. to hp gin-‘11 in Victoria Hull. 'l‘hmnhill, New va-‘s night. Special sermons Sunday, Jan. 3. See bills. Thn Canadian Pictoriul clubbed with ma LIBERAL fur 75 cents. Mr. John T. Andvrsnn, ninnn tuner. \Vest Ton-mm), dashes through THE LIBERAL Ln lender his many patrons hen-‘- his best wi5h95 for a happy Christ- mas and a Bright New Year. The Gospel Temperance moeting in (he Tmupvrumte Hull mth Sumluy‘ ul 1 o’clnck will he addI-essml by Rev. E. H. Tnye. Mr. Allan will he in the Cllilll', and Miss Ida Glass will sing a IR! 0. Mr. J. M. \Vulluu nf Aurnl'n gave 910- quent, and convincing addresses at a incoming at, Heudfnrd Tuesday evening in fawnr of Luca] ()pliun. Gund Inusu: was interspersed dining the evening. The EpWUl'lll Lvugue Service Mun- duy evening uf this wka was helpful to those prvsvnt. Mr. Wm. Harrison gave a well :u-raugvd study of the m-igin. imp-wt and widespread influ- rncx- of Christmas in all parts of the world. A Past Mnste-rs’ Association has re- cvutly been ox'ganizvd. embracing the two Tul'nntn Masonic Districts. V.VV. Bro. T. Newton of this Village. and R. \V. Bro. J. E. Francis of Thnmhill Wore uppuinte-d members of the Ex- ecutive Ux-mmiuuv. A public meeting for the nomination nf reevv, councillors. and school trus- tees will be held in the Cuuncil Chum- hor nvxt, Monday evening. If were me cmnpluints against, the present guverning lmdivs let. us hear all abuut it next, Monday night. On Monday evening next, 28th inst... there will he -'l spl-ciully interesting Lamul Optiun Ins-Hing ut‘ Patterson Molhudist Churvh. Addressvs will he given by Rev. \Vm. Krltlevll. Field Hm-re-tnrv of the Dmniniuu Alliuncr. and Rev. l’. N. mes of Maple. Special and Rev. 1’. N. Jones of} lllllsic will also he given. (in Thursday evening. Slst inst, the [flaw of the usual pmyer meeting in the Methndist Church will he taken by n \vatclhnight service, commencing at llLL") pm. Thu prngI-zun 0f the service is in charge uf the Epwm-th League. A large Iiumher hzu'é in past years expressed the hupplness of this servit-e. The auditorium of the Methodist. uhm'ch was well ï¬lled last Sunday owning. and more than one hundred pn-uple [00k Seals in the gallery. The UmLupin-Cantata. The Eu-mul City. was rendered by the choir withuut a hitch, and every one of the 17 numth was thoroughly unjnyed. The chuir is tn he congratulated an the exvvllunt lu‘ugrmxmw pl'usemud. Rev. E. T._Dnugl:|§ (1f 'l‘lmrnhill "pd TH E lil‘ER. 'AL (‘ I‘l‘Y n gund cmwd and an en- nt. the Christmas cunr‘wb subuul held Monday ex on- The Presbyterian S.S. entertainment and Christums Tree Tuesqu evening was an plenaing affair. The programme of dialogues, chm-uses. ctc. presented by tht‘ ynung peuplv (if the schnul was most, satisfnch-y. and particularly the drill which I‘Pflt‘ct-t'd much credit (in the 16 yuung ludivs who executed the various dlml‘lllt mnvcmvnts. The ChrisimasTree was laden with presents and Father Santa Claus generously distributed them muons: his many friends. Next Tuesday evening. 29th instâ€. in the Masonic Hull. RPV. Dr. J. H. Hamlwuud uf VVc-at ’I‘ famed us n. puwerful orumr 0n the Local 0p- tiun question, will speak. Rev. D. M. Marlin. Presbyterian luinisu‘r of Hul- tnn, will tell how he was converted frum being an opponent of Local Option. Rev. H. A. Fish nf Klein- hurg. Secretary of the Vaughan Local Optiun Assuciutiuu. will sing and speak. Spcciulmilsicalfeaturus. Ev- rrylmdy should be present. There was anuthvr gund meeting in the Temperance Hull lust-'iundny after- mum in the interest, of lunintuining Lucul Option. Mr. Swilzvr was chair- man and Miss “’inifred Hume gave a. snlu. Mr. \V. J. Com-on. City Clerk of \Vest Ton»an whme that, law has heen in force for several yvuxs. gave a furceful address. He statml that, he- fnre they gut Lucal Option in that place it. was prnphrsic-d by smul- peuple Lhat the population wuuld gmw less. their assessmvnt would In» lmvervd, and business wnuld be injured. He was ph-asw-d Ln say that in thc- last, six years [he pupulatirm lmd duuhlr-d. the assessme bud rison prnpq-rlimmlly. and ull kinds uf business Was excvllent. (x‘oml necummndatiun was givnn in the hum-ls and walnut-ants. and drunken- ness was very much reduced. On Tuesday evening of last. week, lhl‘ cunspcrutinn nfb‘L. Stephvn's church Lmnk pluce. Thv sr-mmn was preached h_v Bishop Swmnmun nf '1‘ 1mm). and thew were sew-ml other (-lm-gymen pl'PSi’nt. Ab the C103? of the service “10 mortgage was burned, lhn- (mum-o- gnxiun hauing paid “ff lhedeht, on the church. On Monday evening tho annual Christmas Tree and ean-tmnnwnt of St. Andrews†Sabbath Schnul was held in t e Masonic Hall. There was a fairly good audience at the meeting in the hull un Friday evening. The speakers were Rev. H. A. Fish. uf Kleinhurg. and Mr. J. Juycn- nt’ \Vt‘SLTnlunï¬nfui‘lnt-i'ly Mayor of Owen Sinnd. The lattvr gave a: great many interesting farts. relating to Lucnl Option in that Northern town. and living in at position tn knmv. he vmphusizwl the fact, of the succvss of the act. and the prosperum mmditinn (it the people since it; was passed. Rev. J. \V. Glll'dhl] acted as chuirnmn. 'l‘he twenty-ï¬fth annivm-sm-y (If the umrriugp of Mr. and Mrs. GP“. Gur- ruw was celebrated at their home last Friday evening. Ahont sixty guests were present. and after a magniï¬cent, ‘ xepust. spt aches were given by a. num- ‘ Ler ()f the gentlemen. Mr. J. '1‘. Saigenn acting as tnustmnster. After the sperchos the evoninry wasspen [in games and music. and a (it-light.nt tinu- was spent, by all. Mrs. Gui-row was the re- cipient (if many lu-untiful presents. Afti‘l‘ singing “Auld Lang Syne" and “God Save the King." the giwsts dis~ per-59d, all wishing Mr. and Mrs. Gur- ruw a. happy and prusperuns life. Rev. A. P. Brace was chairman at the temperance meeting in the Mason- ic Hall last; eveninv. During the eve- ning trios were sung by Mr. Hume, Mr. Sanderson and the chairman. The speaker of the evening. Dr. Pidgenn, pastor of Victoria Presbyterian r-hnrch \Vest Toronto. gave an address that was beyond criticism. The Dr. told in plain words the story of local option in various districts, hut dealt princi- pally with that measure in his own city. formerly Toronto Junction. \Vithout any attempt to thrill, or to excite his audience. he made it very clear that Local Option had been a good thing for the. new city. and that after a tiial of four years the people have no desire to again have the bar- rooins opened. The large manufac- turers all favor Local Option. many families and individuals are greatly heneï¬tted. and the new city is showing all signs of prosperity. In ennclnsion he mged upon the, voters of Richmond ' Hill the importance of standing by the measure. To the Editor of Tm: LIBERAL: The following items. relating to effects 0f ulcuhnl. are taken {rum December number of McUlm‘c’s M Zine:â€" 77(l)7 5 to 3 poverty and punperism. in England and Amm‘it‘a results from hodilyuud mental invfliciency due to ulmhnlic indulgence: .. a. A' (2) Causes mental oven-throw of 1 of inmates nf usylums. (3) '3} of nvglL-clcd or abandoned children. (4) Mm-ul delinquencies of 5 convicts m prism]. (5} 4-5 inmates of . houses. (6) Adds to dvuth 1-1 nnce with all munnvrt dies. (7) Responsihlv ful- of suicidts :unl sudden lands. divorce ca (9) L'xsl the wiser: gonu-s. Richmond IN TEMPE RANGE H ALL. DR. PIDG EON‘S MEETING. 8) C-nusv 0f EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. “Adds Lu dvulh l-nll through alli- with all mummy uf physical maln- As Shown: by Statistics. Hill, I). M aple. hut, um I unused by H'LfL‘ l grout numhvr deutlla'iu mtu ills and wurk~ mt. bow ,Ilcnhnlic numbm 100‘ lhollf. litil‘l- )(EI! the the @lxriatmzm at Sander= Perfumes of Quality 5011' S Drug Store Elegant Perfumes at a Small Cost People of taste like a nice perfume. See our stock of cut glass and case perfumes. Our selection was never more Complete, ranging from 250. to $2. é’l‘ickets for theWesi A few Choice I)o)ls left. ï¬lanieure Co ml) and Brush Shaving Sets Brushes: Cloth, Hat, and Hair. Now is \he time to select, and we wi:l be glad to Show you our goods. W. A. SANBERSQN Druggist - Richmond Hill THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA. procured at Lax-ets 5 TICKETS fur Riclunond I-lill Ordm-s taken at, Tch LIBERAL OFFICE, Rxcxnmrm HILL. A. J. HUME Did you ever hear of PRICE 25, 50, 1.00 PETER PAN A delightful odor TAILOR the Canadian “'95: +++++H++++H+++++++++++++ “§’+++++++++M+H+++++++++++ Gift Buying -l- I! *HM++M+H+HWH++ ++++++++ +++++¢+é++++++++++k A Holiday Crowd will be here every business day, till after Christmas. We‘ll try to wait on everybody promptlyâ€"expect to, even in the afternoon Yes; the crowds have a holiday air. Gift buying has begun in earnestâ€"seems to begin earlier every year. We’re ready. Store bright, clean, and attractive, Goods the latest styles, better than last Christmas, Stock well assorted, and very desirable. Business will be a good deal bigger There is Growth, Mutual confidence between a store and its buying public means growth. This store has grown and is growmg on just these linesâ€"no ambition higher than possessing your conï¬dence. We want every Trade Transaction to be satisfying. We have provided a “Feast of Bargains" for the Xmas season which you will undoubtedly appreciate. +WW4+W+W+H+M+f+++++*+¢+++++++++’l-++J means sickness. Prevention is better than cure. Invest in a pair of good Rubbers known Daisy Brand and protect of the winter. NAUGHTON’S- at-the-Elgin. Dec. Richmond Hm Hardware Store STflVES. RMGES. HEATERS. 17th, 1908. Atkinson Switzer Slushy Weather means PAINTS AND OILS. TINSMITIâ€"IING. . SMILES l‘ B‘URNACES, or Overs'noes of the Well vour health for the rest wet teet. Wet feet