Langstaï¬. , Golden Wedding. i -. (- , . ‘ E 2 1 h 2 l. 5 The ï¬ftieth ï¬lllllVPl‘Stll'y of thc mar- ». â€", \ King fell on Moudav, Dcccuibcr 28. t“ " l‘lt't‘t'vl'" lb" 22"“ "f ““N‘mlll'l'u ' 1903. by an t-iitcrtaiiiini-nt of music. ____‘_.,.._._ _.__.-c.._ ,._.____7 -_.__ fl, _- l i - -, 9 Accordingly ii. select party. to who... I RICHMOND HiLL. Own. Dhc. :1. 1908‘ “w ,,,_. .-_. vowâ€"c», ...___-,.r.._...‘__~~ â€"â€" -â€"â€"â€"W Lake the Voting couple by stoini and Village Nominations. A public meeting for theiiominntion ' event . 90th year. gll‘t‘ a short aiildri'ss. coil- of move. CounCillul‘S Mid P- 5- “'US‘ ' Aft“. partaking nf u". rich sin,†“f trusting tlit-iidvaiitagcsof the-cliildrcn The 90th anniversary of the Lung- l‘iage of My, am] Mm J"... N...“ ..f ltntl’b'rlioi‘il\vaaiapprupiiatelybrought,J favored pair are dear, (qmspji-pii u, ‘ tk'lidingn. iccitatioiis and dialogui's. i The singing of tlic, aclioliiis was of it i to expmgg m [1,..." it...†munï¬pst highclmrncteramlWan reryt'oimnrinL congratulations and siiiceri-st wighm ablc. Dining the cntci-tainiiiciit tlit- â€"_ on the cunsuiiiiiiation of the happy i “‘“t‘l‘Hl‘lC Jï¬hn Limit!“th How In his A By Law to repeal By-Law No. 805 which is a By-Law l 4 Township of Vaughan. tot-s was held in the Lorne Hall Mon- “and†pwpnwd fm thP nmmsiun' My, mm, "5 1., “hm, in. Wm, n buy: MNH‘ Mm- day evening“ The hall was Well‘ï¬l'lltfg. 'John NPSS mad sweml “tram,†and stating that his failii-r .was the ï¬rst. and the meeting was harmonious. H “Mâ€, “f mngmmlnum, frâ€... numb...“ tcacbw. coiiniwnmng in lbâ€). and , nominees allexpressed“commendable "f the family ï¬nd “the†“mm†a". “mgm gm. m"... 3.9,“... [hp-humung deï¬le .to “keep dl'wnd‘he l’"_xe5' but } L’mnstanccs prevented from being living; a log one. Mr. David dame-N no intimation was gnen fiom any New...“ Then with “ shmt addlws‘ presided With his usual alillll}. this quarter relative to any business enter- prise in the near future. There was practically no fault. found with the Council of 1908, but. it. was evident by expressions of opinion from those present that hereafter the. Park must he kept new. pleasure resort. and not as “it common pasture ï¬eld for cattle. . , W. H. Pugslcv was the only candi- ’dat-e nominated for ruevc. and was declared elected by acclamation. Other nominations were made as follows:~~ Councillorsâ€"E. Barker. .I. Piiliner. D. Sloan. J. H. Sanderson. H. H. Hop «r. J. H. Brydon. '1‘. H. Trench. Mir. lgrydcn withdrew. being a member of the Public Library Board. I’. S. ’1'ritsl.ei-s~â€"G. Mc Donald. “7. A. \Vright and R. Mackie. all i-e-electi-d by acclamation. . Mr. A. J. Hume. clerk and treasurer. who was appointed chairman after the nomination hour. gave a clear state- ment of the ï¬iiaiiccs‘nf the presvnt year. showed where the money went. and gave reasons why the taxes have been creeping up during the past few vein-s. Each of the candidates. as well as the movers and seconders, also made short. 34mm. sparkling with eloquence and wit. ho l boiiiiz his 26th year as trustee foi the In tho name. of the. family prcsciitcd ‘ 30mm" ‘ AL “‘0 ""d. "f “‘9 pu'gm‘“ his fiitbcr and mothcr with it purse of Sim†(11““5 ""“l‘3 h†"Pl""""“"“" ""d Hold. In his reply Mr. Ncss spoke of l’i‘llt‘Vt'd “W “ll-l“ Uhl'lSl'H‘lS TWP» “f m “w M‘mmlmmi “f H“. the many good things which had been given him. counting as tlic most im- ortant the thrifty. loving wife who ind assisted him in life and helped to make its pathway smooth. and l]lti\'t‘d by a common impulse the whole party spontaneously joined hands and sang with heart-felt emotion “For Auld Lang Syne." And so the hours of thc day fit-d. and it was time to go. but. before Separating all must again enjoy the hospitality of "the happy home by pur- taking of light refreshments. This Concluded. short specchcs Were iinide by several representatives of families. who wished to thank Mr. and Mrs. Ness for the day's enjoyment and entertaimnent. and in their own name as “’9†as on behalf of their respcctivc families to express their regards for lhc couple who had been spaied to see this occasion. so rarely allotted to mankind. Aftcrsinging “God be with you till we meet: again.†Mr. Ness offered up an appropriate. prayer. and â€"-â€"-~°~â€"-â€" i the party Wended its way hoineward. Municipal Nominations. VAUGHAN Townsnip.â€"The Town- ship Hall at Vellure was crowded Monday afternoon when nominations Were taken by Returning Oliiccr J. B. McLean. D. 0. Loughousc. Isaac Devins andd. S. McNair Were immin- iated for rear. The two last. named. however, altci-ward withdrew, and blitz. Linnghuusc was elected by acclamaâ€" V an“. 3. A. Cameron had no opposi- biti’u. and was elcctcd deputy-reeve by dicclaiiiatiou. For the ofï¬ce of enun- ‘cillor. the following nominations were. Minder-“7m. Tboiiias. J. S. McNair. Mr. Witilicisposn, P. Bassiiigthwaite. ‘H. Ellis. A. Bi-ysou. J. '1‘. Saigeon and Jacob Williams. Messrs. \Vithcrspnon. J'inssingthwaite and Brysoii withdrew. The contestants will therefore be: Thultias, McNair. Ellis. Saigeon. \VilL jams. An interesting after meeting was held. Mr. \V. H. Glnbine acting as. "chairman. A number-of good speeches‘ ‘werc made. and the nominees Were kept busy answering questions. MARKHAM ’l‘OWN5111P.â€"\V. H. Lapp for wave. and Jonathan Nigh for deputy-were. worc ell-cti-d by acclama- tinn. The candidates as councillors ‘m-e G90. B. Padgct. Geo. Moi-rismi. Edward Kirk. A. “lidciiian. \V. H. Meyer. T. It. Huger-man. \V. G. Orme~ rod. \V'oOnBRlDeE.â€"J. S. Hart is. reeve. by acclamatiun. AUBORA.â€"-J. Knowles. rceve. by 'accbimaiioii. ‘ KING TOWNSEIP.â€"~For ree've. Alex. McMurchy (at-(2.); deputy-reeve. R. \V. Phillips (aux); councillors, A. D. Car~ lcy. W'm. A. Duggan. 'l‘hos. E. Ellison. Simeon Lcmon. James Malluy. James. ‘6. Ross. John A. \Vatsiin. \Vui. John \Vells. MAKE IT YOURSELF. ‘SAYS MANY PERSONS HERE CAN BE MADE HAPPY AGAIN BY USING IT. There is so much Rhcutnatism here "in our neighborhood now that the fol- ilowiiig advice will be highly appreci- ated by those whosul‘fcr: Get from any good pharmacy mie- )ialf mince Fluid Extract; Dandelion. one ounce Compound KiIIgi-II. tilt-cc cunces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa- rilla. shaken-th we‘ll do «a bottle and take in lcaspounl‘ul doses after each meal and at bcdtiinc: also drink plenty of good \Vatt‘l'. It is claimed that there ari- few vicv tires of this dread and torturous dis- ease who will fail to ï¬nd ready relief in this simple home-made mixture. and in most CHE-PS a pet iiuinent cure is the rosult. This simple recipe is said to strength- cn and cleanse the eliminative tissues 1 of the Kidneys so that they nan li-ltcr and strain from the. ‘blood and system the poisons. acids and waste. matte-r. feeling that could they spend life as their host and hostmss had done. ï¬ght- ing bravely its hattlt's. actuated by lnl'ty ideals. conscientiously and un- fliiichingly assuming its reSponsibili- tics. accepting with gratitudc its privileges. and fulï¬lling with pleasure its duties. they Would not spcnd it in halo. but would leave an impress on the making of this World. Mr. and Mrs. Ncss wcrc the iei-ipiiâ€"nl,§ of many gifts both ornnmviilnl .-.nd useful. of which they especially prize a cheque for $50 from one of their dearest, friends. o.â€"h Maple. Last Thursday afternoon lln- home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gui-row was tlic scene of a very pleasing event. the occasion being the lil-‘tl'l'iiigo of tlii-ii daughter Maude to Mr. liiiss‘cll Ilai ris of Toronto. The oeri-iiiony was pur- formed by Rev. 1’. N. Jones in the prcSencczof about Seventy gut-sis. the. bridal party standing under an arch of evergreens. with a dove suspended from it. The bride Was given away by hcr father. and was attended by her sister. Miss Margaret Gui-row, while the groom’s brother. Mr. J. H. Harris. acted as grooiiisuian. The (iv-ass of the bride was white silk iiiiill. with Bebe Irish trimmings. with \cll and lilic.e of the valley; and that of satin trimmings and point il’r-spi-it yoke. The bride carried a boiiqiici, “if the bridesmaid. mam-d silk mull. with l . White and the hi'idcsiiiaid a. bouqiii-t of pink carnatious. The chdinur Illill't'h was played by the bride’s aunt. Mrs. Thins. Bates of London. Tbcgzi'noin‘s present, to the bridc \vas a silver tca sci \ ice: to the bridesmaid. a twin pcnul ring; and to the gioouisinaii. a signet tic pin. The bride’s travelling dross was of blue broadcloth with bat to match. The- guests included a large number of young people from North Pai-kdale Methodist Church. whcreilic bride and groom are members. and am- deservedly popular. The presents were beautiful and numerous, many ol‘ them coming from friends at a (lis~ tancc. In the d‘iiiii‘ig‘rooin. tht'i- an excellent rrpast was sci-vi-d. the idea of It‘d and green was carricd out. the room being festooncd with c\'91'grvetis hung with Christmas liclle‘. and the table-s decorated to match. Rev. P. N. Jones acted as toast-master. and speeches were given by Mr. J. Harris, Mr. Harvey Harris. Mr. F. Kinzxnger. Mr. It. Stringer. ut Toronto; Mr. T. Bates. of London; Mr. E. Jackson gind Mr. A. Mormon. of Maple. The groom responded to the ctiiigratiilatious iii a short speech. About 5 p.m. thc hapny couple left; amid showers of rice and confetti. and with the bcst wishes of} all for a long. happy and prosperous ‘ life. for Toronto, where tbcy will rcside. A Christmas tree in connection with the Methodist S. S. was held last Fri- day evening. A good progra-niiiie was its fi nit. to the dclight of all present. At the close MiSs Nellie Page read the following addressmnd Miss \Vinnic Simpson prevented Miss M. Harrison with a ladies' club bag. this being licr eighth year as t,“IlCll(‘l' for the si2liiiiil:-â€"- * "Miss M. Ilari ison: "Dear Teachingâ€"At. the close of this another ycar we are going to oil’i-t- you a slight token of our gratitude and low». The boysnnd gii ls liavc l‘iqlli'SIi-(‘l inc to prcsvnt. you with this poor symv bol of our for-Hogs. “’0 know you will I‘Pltt‘IVQ' it. kindly. knowing that this is a small portion of our low toward you. You have been a kind friend and a loving tcachci'. "Hiking our lessons easy and pleasant. You have taught us to bc kind and un- srltisli. You lln‘e dealt with its kindly. iii-vcr punishing us only \vhcn norm:- Sat-y. Thcrcfoi-e we shall look back in after years to our School days as a time of enjoyment. I’lcaSc accept. our little prcsent and our loving kind- ness. \Ve will try to make you happy and be faithful in our duties toward you. “’ishing volt a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, with many rrturns of the same." The School room was lillcd with visitors. parents and fricnds. who en- jovcd a social houi together, cakes and notice having been provided. Thus clns: (l aiiotbcr Slicciasisful ycar at the old La ngstaf’i school. .0...“ M R. MACI’IELL \VINS. Owing to the licavy snowstoriiis last wintcr Yuiigc \‘h'r‘t‘t. was at times badly blockcd. and almost iiUpaSsnbltâ€"h It. was whilc ’l‘bus. S 'i-ivcncr, V. S. of Aurora. was iii-hing a livi-ry rig be- longing to Mr. Marin-ll of Aurora. that an accident took placc. Mr. Hrr‘i‘voncr was driving on ll)“ )Iclrupolitali Rail- way track. and was unable to gi-t out of the track lwfuru a car approached. The cutter was Sn‘inshi-(I. and the horse was so badly iiijiiicd that it; had to be Sli it. Mr. him-hull lit-ining stillilgztinsl the townships of Markham and Vaughan. and the IiIi-ii-opolitan Rail- way. Thin-aw was heard licl‘oi'cJudgo Moigaii. and jinlu'iiiviit “his given on Monday of last wcck. Mr. Mai-hell was awarded in“ amount and costs. against- the two tuwusbips. and the railway was iii-dcrcd to pay its own costs. idiom... liill Your Voto and Iiifliicncc are Respect- fully Solicitcd for ' Thos H Trench For re-clectioii as Councillor for the year 1909. Polling Day. January 4, 1909. 'i/alugiiad Tp. N For Councillors Your Vote and Influence are Respect.- fully Solicitcd fox J. Scott McNair As Councillor for 1909. Yoiii Vote and Influence arc Respect- fully Solicitcil for {3. T. Saigecn As Councillor for 1909. om- Vote and Influence are Respect. numerous other diseases. Every man Huntley acted as chairman. . . . fully bobctted for or woman here who feels that their Last \Vediicsday's \Vorld contained kidneys are not healthy and active or an account. of a turkey weighing 2th who suffers from any urinary trouble pounds, sold at. the Stciil’fvillt- mar ket. wlniltever. should not hesitate to make but. that. has been bcatcii here. Mr. ‘ up t iis mixture. as it is certain to do “7. Robinson urn-based one from Mr. . . _ much good. and may Save You frotii A. Brownlce.chighing 2745 pounds. As cmmcmm f†1909' WWI! this"? “I‘d warring:after-while. ‘ and Sold it to R. J. Fleming of the W~~ . Our home druggists say thin will . Toronto Street Railway. 'citbcr supply the iiigiedicnts or mix Mr. .I. (1'. McDonald has piircliascdi tbv prescription ready to take if our the brick rcsidrncc from Mr. J. E] riaders ask them. Cliibiiiu. and will take posscssivn __._,_‘. ’ March lst. Capt. T. G. “'allarc. ll.P.. has filed! a cross-petition against Dr. P. D. Me i Lean. tho Liberal candidate. who has; ml, l.“ _ ‘ . . , . petitioned against the rcturii of Capt. " 'm“ “m‘iw'lb' NC‘ LU" rlle°“g('[ids ’ ~ . l: * \\-[“l. ' .‘t... '-i g x .1 . a: m ,l h , (t I _ ‘ I . Hf pin it I i .t in sam at) tins . a lace s i 1) vi i In Housi ifv “.mwm "(Ms W SIMâ€, and m,“ UN“; i g . Commons for Centre York. . .. . ‘ host. quality cvcr ohm-ed. Rirculale= -v~ 7' which cause not only Rheumatism. but gii'cn by the childrcn and others. Dr. [Y fully Solicith ‘for Jacob Williams As Councillor for 19(5). ._. â€"_â€"-4 >--â€"â€"__. i Rising Sun 01‘ Garden City brain] of; â€"â€" ~â€"‘â€"«-~ ~r~ 'â€" ' ' ' "'""““ iii-and choice goods '5 this. for l in - U . . . - .- ' . . i -‘ ~ 01‘ n 1011101- “ c arc giving?!“ lbs. for $1.00 of the 2 ~4‘k‘I‘5"'i " * " 3"“'“'~ l I A00 I , lit‘sl granulated sugar in the world.l -.... _-.. i;0:’(â€\.m’0fuu‘i Lagwmja ï¬cï¬'ufll and have bccn doing this for Weeks! Big . . , NU r, ;, {hp .- ‘ . . ‘ H ~ .~ . i. . i .' piicoof' P’L‘t- “ 0 In“? fun 5“" k “f llâ€?- . liir-li-iir-i and iiizi‘ ‘ iii f‘li' and iu~diii.j V .. . . Iv . ' - '- . tan-Julian reï¬ned sugar». finit bug-1i. . My “Vemoats. i... . .3 «m m S0†“.93.. i B P 'P"1"-‘ lunlp N197â€. “Iâ€! mum: "-\"" Kuuiis and will in. ' il‘J' mice i * l 0‘ I fully Solicitul for _ UU L-iaitulaiwi sugar. yclluw sugar. At- i!, V... pm. ,... .z‘ .1 V . s V‘: . _ a Liaison .K' 33\'\l('t.t‘\. (i... 2... 52-17â€- ~y __ .K M .. '1 A . i: ‘l i . ‘ Your Vote and Influence are llcspccb . ’ i proffered me their support. a l ll'HlIUII ol' the Township of \‘aiigliiiii ' lien-by cum-ts as l‘lillu\\‘s:- l I. That No. sun, which was .‘ ï¬nally passi-(l till llli' Eltw‘ll'l'll DAYi [OF JANUARY. AJ). llNNi. liciiig .‘l‘ Iiy-Lnu' to prohibit Ibo sale of liquor l 'l‘i-wusliip sof Vaughan. bcanu 'ibc sziiiic is licicby I i'cpcalcil. l i , . . . . llic said Township of \aligliiiii Will be tllkt‘l) on thi< IvaIï¬lVV by the l named on MONDAY. THE FOURTH I)_\ Y ill“ .IANl'A Ii Y. 15109. (filin- ling :iinl continuing,r until Five o'clock ii. the ilfll‘l'lltitlll, at the l'illdt‘l'llll‘ll- tioiied place-3:» l’oLiaNii Hi’n-llii’imox No. l.~\’ic- toria Hall, Thin-obiâ€. \\'iii. M. lliiivrs shall be Deputy ltuiiirniinz ()liicci' and XV. II. Ultibiiic rllrlll bc Poll (ili‘i‘k. POLLING Si‘n-Dn’ision No. z.â€"-.loliu ('liiirli-s’ Housc. I’dlii'l'nilll. \Vui. H. l , )lllllllll" shall bc Unruly 'lcluining (lï¬iccr and \Viii. \Vasliingtmi shall be Poll Uli-i'k. l’oLmNo St‘i; Diva-mix No. .‘7‘.-'i‘ein- pcraiicc Hall. lCdgi- by. .luscpli Qll'lllll shall bc llepiitv lit-:iiiiiiiig (Jtlict-r and Ruin-rt .ItHlt-‘S shall llc I’Hll ('It‘l'k. POLLING Siriiâ€"lnvmiox No. 4.~.‘.i:i- \llhll‘ Hall, Maple. ’l'. t). NiXiiii shall be Dcputy Iii-turning ()fl‘iia-r ill'd Wm. ' ’l‘. (Jook shall in Poll Clerk. POLLiNG SUBâ€"l)1vi.~;iox No. .‘i.â€"~.\i'i-c. ‘iViggliis‘ Shop. l’iiu- Grove. \l'iii. 'I‘nrnbull shall be I’HPHI)’ Returning Ofï¬ucr and Ubas. Briliiicr shall be Poll Uli-i-k. POLLING SUBIIIVISII).\' No. (“Lâ€"«Mrs. Stumpsy lloiiw. I'iupleville. Iillgi‘l‘ Han ey shall bc l)»')lllly ltctiirning ()ï¬'li‘t‘l‘ and \V. t). .llcly'onalil shall be i’iill Clot-k. POLLING Sun-anisioN No. ’7.v~Mr<. Flctiiiiif’s Hullsâ€. lot 15. concussion ll. “'ni. \\'miil.s‘oal| bid): piity Iii-turning Ofï¬cer and James ‘Vou-il shrill be I’iill Uli‘) k. POLLING Still-Dl‘i'lslux No. timnmu kclLs’ Shop. Klr-iiil'iiig. Cr'o. Kcllaiii shall be Dcpiity lif‘illi him.r ()l‘llift‘l' and Albert. \Vliitc .shall be Poll (Tlci k. 3. That on tbc ‘l'\\' lCNI‘Yâ€"HICUOND DAY ()‘v‘ DEtJlL'MBl‘L, IUDS. at the Clerk's ofï¬ce. in lilt' \‘illugr‘ of Mapb- ut. the hour of 1 Wu o'clock in the ally!- Iionii. the Ré‘t‘lt’ shall appoint in u'iit- in;r sigiicd by liiiiix'elf. 1w“ pin-sons to attend at the ï¬nal siiiiiiiiiiig-up of the Miles by the (limit and one, person to attend at each polling place on iii-half of the persons ltilJ'lt‘stl'tl in and desir- ous of promoting Ilic passing of this B_\'»Law and a like number on bcbalf of the prisons iiitcicstctl in and dcsir- IIHIS of opposing the passing of this By- Jil\\'. 4. That thc Clmk of llli‘ said Muni- cipal Council of the Township of Vaughan shall illtt‘lltl a t. the Township Hall. Vellorc. :it ll)!’ llillll'Uf lcn ii’t-lo k in the fIIt'Plliitiil on the, FIFTH DAY OF JANURAY. Will). to all“! up tin» number of votes given for and against this Bv-Law. 5. This By-Iaiw shall come. lllli) operation and be of full forcc and next after tlii- ï¬nal p (Sslltg thereof. Read a ï¬rst Now this EIGHTH DAY OF -DEUEMBEIL “iii-5'. Read a second (llllt‘ this EIGHTH DAY OF DELlEMï¬liIi, 1908. N (WISE. TAKE NOTiCE that the above is a true copy of a [)l'tllXJSt'd By Law which has been takrn into considera- tion by the Municipal Council of tho Township of Vaughan. and which will be ï¬nally passed by the said Council (in the crcut of the assent of tho clcctors being obtained thereto). after one month from tlnâ€" publication [held of in the Richmond Hill “Liberal,†the date of which publication being Thursday, thu Tciiili Day of December, 1905. and at the hour. day and place therein ï¬XH‘l for taking the \‘ttLt-S of the electors. the polls will be held. J. B. Mclnaax. 34-4 Township Clerk. For Sale In Village of Maplc. ii scvcnd-oonied solid brick houso. Furnace, concrete cellar. frame store suitable for Hard. i \vaie or Baki-ry Business. Location ‘ bcst in village, on a l.lll'£’(‘~qHillier-NJ rt- lot. For terms apply to MRS. “'31. KNIGHT. 274 Maple. Card. of Thanks v to prohibit the sale of lqu'H' ; NUTS in the Municipality of tlleiURANGES BANANAS FRUITS. ETC. The Municipal ('i-iiiiril of tin- ('orpri.1 2. That the volc of tho clcctors of l . f Selected for Holiday Trade. Dvpi-ity Returning ()l’liveis llt'l'l‘illilllt'l" inclining at. Niiii- o‘clock in the lllHl'lI-‘ I 1‘3 SHING M‘i’ l’l'l‘IiON.‘ A MERRY XMAS. lilETR'OPGLlTAN Dli’lSl SPECIf‘xL KPJEAE‘: TGRONTO Late Car TORON T0 addition Il’a\‘('\‘ . c . MAHKI‘I'I' at Z. l. ll.-l. 4 NI‘HVNIARKBI' {oi N. at 4. 8.11;). in. cï¬'i-ct on and ilfli'l‘ tlieï¬i'stvday of May, dominion On a first mortgage on farm pru- Froiii llll'Pt‘ in four thousand Prich funds. Apply (ii prrt)‘. dollars. 15 tf 26tf For 83.9. 27-3 ercla. 1.64 7 Wflszmï¬ww‘m l Eat and be liappy ‘ 0.1 Xmas. Bu)- Your BOAâ€"BONE CHUCULM ES L‘AMHLS Also a good supily of FRESH 0 ’STliKS Cllz‘iNBERRlliS Pitt/.511 FISH IRST timss I.l.\‘l£ or '7 > . . .l. .mas 9253511 5. iii lil‘iTl'l‘ ii SN AND NEWEIARKET Dec. let to 25th. (for; lI’HVP NUR’I'II Till‘lilxl‘t) :iiiil I‘ll‘Hl'dlAIl-‘ilï¬â€™f:il ti. 7, S. i). It). 117 3. 3. l. 5, (i. 7, 9. p. iii. Dec 23. 24, 23. 25.12. .m. Noiii‘ii 'riniriNTi‘i for NI};\V:VI:\iil(l‘il'hi - ll-l.)p.iii. Lat? (hll‘ li‘.I\'i’~‘ NIIVIMAIIKK l‘ fol NUR'I‘U 'I‘UI’LLX‘I H) :il - ll [)JU. BIC'I‘ “‘liliN TQRONTO Alli} Elli-TON .cc. 23. 2L1. Zithi. :lCltliliiiIi l!) I'l’g’llll‘ >‘t'\'l("" ('it' learns 31'. TU Rt lN'l‘t) for h l; i'"l"x)2\' :it " . iii.. and Slv'l'l‘UN for 3'5. T0- Kt)N'l'U at 7. if) p. in. .SPECIAL NEW 'i'EAR‘SSER‘i’lCE Bl“'l"\"‘.’ liiCN and r’tiB’.’.‘dA'€i~IET Dec. 3! 5 In no; service Cai III 71' IN E‘\'- M iii.. and TORON'I'U ) 3 January lat. Oars li‘uVP N. «UllilN'i'O and NEVI- MAKKETMU.7.F.ll.1H. ll. 12 l 1’. 1i. J. 5. (i, 7. ll p. iii. Late Car loavos N. 'l‘illltiN [‘0 at ll.~15 Latc Unr lcavcs NEVY- MARKET at 11 p. in. 25-3 '1‘. & Y. R. R. CC. II. A. NICHOLL‘S. House to Rent. On Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. An i .‘ H A. .l. \V RIGHT. ._.._,_ - Good Ilciuse Organ for sale. Apply at TIIE LIBERAL OFFICE. For Sale. Plll‘tâ€" bri-d whit» \\'_\':iiidottc (‘oi'lb $l.t}U up. I). \V. MOYIJE. Laiigstaï¬ I’. W. Th? “'L‘Sl litilf Ll' lui 233, min. 2. Milli»;- I sincerely thank my friends \vhoibaiii. containing i‘lt) PH'tI-N. All III a s \chI as high state of cultivation. (in it. is? the gentlcincii \vlin nominated me for ci-ci'tcil a largo brick homo and coinâ€" ;sliip of Vaughan. As I am at prcsi-iit , sl‘l'Vlng' in Torminn on Jurv I shall not »' UH‘IMM ‘be- It'blo to iuakc .‘l CHIHHS iii the 'l‘iiivii» .3 f7!†lllU‘Vl’lK' ship. ISllitll ask my ft icnds, thereto: c, ‘ to allow me to v. Ethdiaw my nanr‘. Yours ti uly. P. B-XSHINGTH \VAl'l‘ii. Vaughan. Dec. 2!). 1908. Rinans Tablllt‘ï¬t at drugglsts lilf‘fl'X†’1'" “4 NN‘E‘ blllOFIPYTcF-h ' 5‘2? '3 “Ella "5‘3. a.) ... r i..-.-.-:i u. . Z‘Jlt 'zs-if ', the ofï¬ce t'f Councillor for thi-"1‘own_l llltitllI-HS barns. all in good state «3, i it-pmii. 'I'bc him is well l'r'nt‘cd. Govd‘. and Water. Fall wheat. an For in: lllt'l' pitlthHllRl s". pi Em: and (vi ms. apply on the premium-s 'll()I..-\b‘ LYNETT. ()wiir‘l'. Ilirliinnnd ll'. . «a «~\./-.