The unnuul meeting of the Rich- mund Hill Agliculllu-ul Society was lwld in the Council Chamber nn Satur- day. the lGlh inst. The olectinn of ofï¬cers resulted as t'ulluwazâ€" Presidentâ€"A. G. Gm-mley. Viml Pres†Gen. Pudget. 2'! Vice-Pres.â€"J. S. McNuir. Directorsâ€"J. N. Buylo. \V. H. Clu- hllle. J. Lulmn. Gen. Dihh. T. F. Mc- Mahon. P. G_._Si_|_\’3|£9. J: H. Sanderson. The Toronto World of yesterday contained the following somewhat startling paragraph: "Richmond Hill High. School is reported us being closed ovfmg to an outbreak of small- pox amongst the pupils." We are pleased to say the paragraph is in- correct. Therc has been no case of smallpox in the village. or among the pupils of the High School, and no person ever dreamed of closing the school" A metropolitan daily should investigate "reports" before inserting as items of newa. J. Palmer. \V. H. Pugsley. Honorary Directorsâ€"Cant. W'allure, M.P.; Dr. Gndfrey. M.P.P.: Alex. Mchvan. M.P.P.; Dr. McLean. Thus. Lluyd. Gen. Leek. Auditorsâ€"I. Cmshy. J. Swilzer. A numlwr of I’lm‘isionnl Directors \ww ulsn uppuinled. Mr. H. A. Nicholls was appointed S:-c.-Treas. at a snlurv Of $75. It was decided to hold the annual Seed Show on Friduy, the 5th of February, when prizes of $2.00 and $l‘00 will he given for spring wheat. white and black mus. large and small peas. Inn-19y. pntatm-s. ulsike. rod clm‘er and timothy seed. The following accounts were pre- wutvd and the 'l‘reusurer instructed to [my the same:â€" T. Hiscncks. work on Rink . . . . . . $ 5.90 Ruhert Michael. teaming . . 30.60 E. Cousins. work (In Rink . . . . . . . 8.‘ ' The Clerk's certiï¬cate re- the on by-law (ul Jan. 5th was glad: “Aï¬rExe-cutivp Committee was se- lvctod as fnlluwnâ€"Mpssrfl. Padget, Sanderson. BIL-Nair. Boyle. Clubiue. Cnmmunicatinns: From Mr. J. Ross Rnlwrtsnn asking aid for the Sick Children's Hnspitnl. thi- Municile \Vnrld asking renewal of snhscriptimm. the Ontario Munir‘ipal Assuciutiun and the American Spiral Pipe Cu. The twn latter were laid on thp table. The I‘reasurvl‘ was instructed to remit $5 In the Sick Children's Hospital. and also to renew the subscription to the Mnnicipal \Vorld. (teflMuND The Council was addressed by Mr. Wesley Palmer. reprusenting the High Schnul Hucku Clnh. asking that. the fee for the use of the Rink by the club he. reduced. On mvtinn the cluh was ullmvvd the use at (he Rink on Thurs- day afternuuns fur $1.00 each time the kink is usvd. the hours of play in he frmn 5.30 m 5 o‘clock p.111. Cmmcillnr Trench inlrnduced By- lmw No. 219 to uppnint nï¬â€˜luiuls for the cm lent year. The By-Luw was given its svvoâ€"rul readings and passed with blanks ï¬lled as fnllmv«-Ll:~ @112 Ejilwmi. Auditorsâ€"â€"Messrs. \V. Hall and P. G. Savnge: salary, $5.00 each. Assyssorâ€"T. A. Lamnn: snlnrv. $30. High School Trusteeâ€"Mr. Andrew Newton. "M'ed‘iL-nl Health Oï¬icex-~Dr. Wilkin Sui). ’ sum of Health (mmuber)â€"Mr. 1. Crush)‘. Public Library Bnnxd ("mimic-r)â€" Mr. \V. A. Sanderson. Inspector and Curecakw of Villagp Propertyâ€"Mr. J. T. Slnl'tup; salary, as_pm' ugjyement. - . ~n . 1 “Fréxï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬â€™ri6;;éESL-Mvssm. J. Bestzu'd. R. Dixnn and D. Steele. “BI-1‘17: géf-1Mr{ M. Rumsnn; sahl ry. $35.00. . The fullnwing cmumiuees were also unpainted:â€" Sn-eets and Sidewalksvâ€"The whole Council. Fim. Light and \therâ€"The whnie (.‘uuncil. By-ans, Finance and Assossmeutâ€" Reeve Pugsley uud Guuucillms Saud- vrsuu and Trench. Park and Buildings â€"» Councillors Tiencl). Palmer and Huppm‘. The Assessment Cnuunitrtc‘t‘ was (-mpmveved to cull in the services (It a. valuatur when deemed necessary. Council adjourned. ..-v..n .u I. Ari-angomems are being made fur! the. annual bnnquvt at King and? Vaughan Piownwn's Assncintiou at] the Inkernmn House. “’ondliridge. nn Friday evening. Jan. 29. Oysters will i he served from 6 to S u'ulnck, after! which an entertainment will be given in the Orange Hall by the fnilowing rntercninexszâ€"Rohert \Vilson. human ist: Evelyn Davis. reader and enter-i milieu Humid Rich. pianist and accompanist. The usual good time may be expected. COM PLIMENTARY BANQUET. AGRICULTURAL MEETING. VILLAGE COUNCIL. HILL. 0N1. JAN. J. HUME. Clerk. 21. 1909 voting An event which many will long w. mt-mlwl‘with pleasure was the cnlv- ln'ulinu U! the twenty-ï¬fth «univer- sm-y of the nmrringe of Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Uunsins, nt their hnnw lust. Fli- day awning. Atsix n'cluck the Kllvsls lil‘gull to an-ivv, and mum nftvr. thu uhle Mall“ of assistants we're huxy in the dining-room unending tn tlm \valnteof those all. the mlylcx. Ovrr sen-My Wore present. the lu-st nf fool- ing prevailed. and all thin-ungth Pn- jnyvd themselves. AfLL‘I'Sllppm' u pm. gramme of PpEPChPS nnd music was gimn. Rev. 1’. N. Jum-s :Icling us chuirmun. After the chairman's spwch. Mr. E. J. meins and Mi'. 1’. Jnhmtnn of Tnl'untn. Mr. J. \V. Jack- zmn nf waay. Mr. L. Richardson, Rev. J. \V. Gun-don. Mr. J. T. Suiguun, Mr. J. H. Kilhy. Mr. J. B. Mchm, of Maple. Mr. \an. Thmnus and Mr. G. J. 000k of Hope. and Mr. Jus. A. Unm- eron (if Team“, folluwod with speech- es, cnngl‘ululnting the hridv and gmnm of bwvnty-ï¬va ymus. and wishing them many happy returns. Mr. Unus- ins replied. thanking all fnr tln-lr kind wishes. The speaking was lnLul'sperm-d {with instrumental ageleï¬tiuns hy Mrs. A numherofnpw hum-ks the been added to the puhlic lihmry. and are reggy gm fiiflrihutiun. J. B. McLean and Miss Bvlie Mc- Nuughtnn, and swim: hy Muss Mc- Nunghtonund Dr. Ruth-y. A grunt many benutiful presmits were received mnnngulbers n handsome silvvr tun service. consisting ufa tray, suitably IHSCl'ith, nnd ï¬ve pieces. from the friends in the village. At 21 late hum- the cnmpuny dispersed. after singing "Auld Lang Sync" and “God Sun- thv King.†n V MFs. Wm. Knight has disposed of hordwflling hmme :lnd slmp (0 Mr. \V. O. M9D(nu_lld uf Purplevjllv. ME. Fred Richardson has gnue nurth nn :1 government survey Ln Lake A!)- bitihhi. Many were glad on Sunday morn- ing t-n rent. their former pmtur Rev. J. W. tewarb nf Turontn. He preach- ed in {he Methodist, chum-h in the- moruing and at Hope in the :Lftel'nuon and evening. The nï¬ï¬cinl announce-“mt, is made. by the Cunudhm Nnrthm-n Ontm-iu Railway. that they will accept Freight, for shipment tu Guwgandn an and af- ter Jan. 29th. The sleigh mud fI-um Srnwnnd is being punhpd tn Cumph-- tinn with great. rapidity, and am nn~ nouncement of Passengm- service may be expected any day. lev have issu- ed Bulletin NO. 1 giving frvignt. pus:â€" enger rates. apd much valuuhlo infur- mutinn. tngpthm' with :l nnp showing the whxde silverm-HI. For all infan- Imltion write 0. Price Green. Canadi- an Northern Building, Tm'untu. * Evergbmlv “101114.072: the mutual Lunar 3111 51c cm 1' America. Tune 15 holhlng else bk 3:. anywhere. : costs :3!th nothing h)1r'ln and (no beneï¬ts it Riv“: are \\‘O:u!l‘l'-'lll. Iternhios you to Purcnue mlzssnd period‘cals,muucnnd musical 1 ultrumeulc at sweat! cm mica. It “turns! r9- ‘duoed rules at many hotels. I: answers questions [toe of charger. It often: scholarships and valua- ble cash prizes to numbers. I: maintains club rooms m many cmrs for Us memhun. In uddhlor. eve:y um ber mclvcs mm 00.1ch magazine elm- gggz‘ ‘ 3: Mpqth'f ap_c_bl}cn_fion 1n aplau by hm: omn- by. You will got our money 1-34-1111 value man than our. Pu! particular; m“ be sent {me 0 charts. but it you us wigs you -::m :scud in your rcqut': 9: nlcmhenlhlp wuh cL-o groper fee at ones. The 35 ms. sin-ca mum‘wx mum ‘ ershlp otter “11!an chance. Writ“ at once ad- ‘drefsfngyour letter and Avnclviln: £1.00 for fun yau‘: mfmheRMD or :wcnty-nve cents to: three ‘mnm u n 'nvfrnsn nun-2122,221- uvaic cum [ No. 159Nnmn§t ‘V Y Lax-ets 5 V ,,,- ._._. __.. “v...-.._.....\....-. nod " llv'rr Mom chucntlnu In an} Itsclmncluulu: (- ptwas or Man-clan wee; am‘ - strum-ma! unmicuull site) each month with-m: axmiirizï¬s %aԤ3 u A 9 ‘ BELTS ~ HOST NOTHING. The mu ycarLy membership fee It Onehanar (Ar wish): you n: all above. and you may wilt- drnwany tin-.0 withln throo month-1f you want to do so and -. c your damn- back . It ymx don‘tcarc to np-‘u ace. send 25 cams fur {Eu-w monihs memhemhlp. Xubodycun axord to “3,4 this omn- by.‘_\'on will (qtjourrguoney luv-i! In Terms: ‘34 4 year, $2 for SIX months. pen'enccs of anglers, sho< er: and campers, or yacl Adventure ‘23: ‘wï¬hé andg new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home audits surroundings. We send f free on reâ€" quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recreation. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York. p01“? STREAM," or send us twenty-ï¬ve cents d for four wacks trial trip. A an large illustratcd weekiy journal of shooting! ï¬shing, natural his- tory and yachting. A Chance torJoinr 3 Huh That 1V“! Pink}; gudJï¬qu oat-y [‘91: Its-.1. GO\VGANDA. pen'enccs of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- Maple. I i iggwr I you 'n an: in_ terested in countr life: ask your newst or for “FOREST AND C Swedtoï¬u _J MN m Jau.’21,1919. Blzu-k BrnYH‘ Ownih cullnr. Hist-vlass in l' regular $10.00 for $7.75. Better still a suit IDIIdt‘ m yu n- mensm-L-Ufheavygemlinchutuh lwwd, ï¬t. style. and nppvm'nncu pol-fps! fur $l6.50. this is rc-ully lln- $23.1)“ quality [nude by large cluthing ï¬rms. Wash and be Clean A lulu; towel will he usoful at the ï¬nish. :1th. 251:. 30c. nll gnod Inn-gums. Until you 9w the dullnm \rnrth \vv giu- yml fur it. l‘ht‘x-v (:vnl H:l\'(‘d Inukt's life (‘MSi(‘l'. Yuu mm sun- many (afthvm here withuutaucriï¬uingquulity in (h? Inuit. Hlue you $00" our $3.5)" suit :9. they're dundiusâ€"«su nw mu" Kraut lined $8.50 uvcl'cnals. m m-ythiug m-u'. A regular $2100 Imitation Fur-Iim-d Oven-Cunt for $17.00, In bargain. 44-inchull wva vmwtiun I)ress(3n0d<, Myrtle, Navy, Brnwn. Black 750. yd. Black Lustre, in widths 40 inch and 44 inch 350 and 500 and 75a yd.. Every inch n bmgain. \Ve pnide ourselves on the pure quality of our gnnds. hardly u (Mng you can nsk fur in the grocery line hut you'll ï¬nd here. Canned gnuds of P\‘|')‘y dc-suriptinnâ€"-Curn, Peas. T0- mnlues, Beans, Salmon. Lobster. Sur- dines, Corned Beef. Pork and Beans, Deviled Tungue. Tms of (all kinds) m-gularJupun,san-driedanzm,Oulung, English Bl'L‘kalst, Young Hysun, Gun- powder, Ceylon and East India. Got an excellent. quality of ten for 30c [wl' lb. and Uufl’ees from a good Riu at 151:. ll). to the View hes: obtainable. \Ve thk. all wool smgm width 44 inch at 506 per yd. Creme of wheat. breakfast, food, Lake of the W'uods milling ()0 . . . . . . . 5c lh. very good. Ogih‘ivs. wheat Granules in 61h. cut- ton lungs, excellent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c Jersey croélm of wheat 1n 6 lb. cotton bags, excellent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Polished Rangoon quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nunpux-iul Jelly I: flavors. 4 packs fur . . Navy “’0â€! coating 31-130, 4-} inch pvr yd. 50c. spL-ciul value. pride nun-selves on our ï¬ne blends of Canned Corn, Tnumtovs and Pens: Can 591) you a. can (u :1 dozen . of cans at Sc the can or 10c ox 12.130. Pure Food Pure Gold Jelly Powder, :Issm-tvd ï¬avors.3packs for. . . . Hang ontoyourdollars ‘ Pearl Tapioca. the best. not an adul» temtion, 4 lb. fur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23¢ M ucha. and J Condiments Atkinson & Switzer. ‘ Powder, assortgd Rico, superiur 6c per lb. \‘1-1y H‘spvm, u-ul bargains. xt; silk \ l‘lVl“ .....:.5c 3 ' Quality in ‘ ONE QUALITY ONLY I §AND THAT’S THE BEST: 3(i1mfm‘ 3 tins fnl‘ 3th)! fm 8 “H. fur F. E. Sims Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with “The Liberal†at $1 a year. at the following rates:-- Weekly Globe, to January r' 1, 1910 . 700. Weekl M'il, to Januar ' 1, a . 19136 d’ y 70 {3. The Daily Globe, one year t“ York County 2 o {)0 The Daily Mail and Em- 2 hire one vear (York 1, 1910 - Weekly Mail, to January 1, 1910 The Daily Globe, one year York County The Daily Mail and Em- pire, one year (York County) The Daily Star, received on day of publication The Daily Star, not receivâ€" ed day of publication Family Herald and Week- ly Star New Idea Woman‘s Maga- Farmer’s Advocate zme Canadian Pictorial Fruit, Fish and Oysters +++++ IR ichnxond 11111 +++++ CAN N ED GOODS PRICES TOMATOES A. J. HUME This is why um are making SATISFIED (‘Lfa‘rommm IF YOU WANT COOKING BEANS TAILOR (TURN PICAH I‘OCBl‘1683 Zn Skating, - High Schth Svninr HUCkn‘)‘. (Ruling Ludh-s ankvy Nntim- is lwn-hy gin-n pursuant tn t'hnph-r 129 Hi the Hm-iso-d SLnlIih-s o-f Outru~in(11~07)nmlauwntling Avâ€. lint, H†perm-n8 havinv (‘luims ngninn. Hu- l‘lsmtp (If Thomas \V. Gnnlr-y, [ult- hf Hu- Villngr (-f \V'undhridgv, in Hw Cmon nl' Ym k. Lnlmx-H'. \\ 1m flir‘dc n m- ;ulN-ut the twmuty-third day «f Auguu. 1908, are- H-quin-d tn send their names and nddn-ssrs and full pill'tivlllnrs of their claims tqunu-s A. Rvynur. Buttunvillu P. 0.. Ontnriu, Adlniuistmtm' of suit] Edutv, nu r'l’ ht-fnre thv FIRST DAY OF FEBRXU WINTER SCHEDULE Notice is ï¬mflé‘ém. IN THE EH'T‘A'I‘I‘Z OF THOMAS \V (:‘vAULEYy DECEASED. ARY. 1909. and thilt :lfU‘l‘ the said data the Administl-nlm- will dishilmu- the assets nf Said Estutt- among Hm partials nntith-fl then-tn, having l'rguld unly to (he clninm hf which he shall have rom-ivod not-I'cv. 23-3 0n Elizabeth Street in tht- vilhgn uf Richmond Hill, It umnfm'lnhlu dwvll- ing, parbof which is nmvly hth and the \VhUlP in gout] l'I'lmil'. Gum] lot and uecs‘ssul'y outbuildings. Make A d-‘sirnble hmuv for anyone wishing tn retire. 2904f 150 Cords pine rmvts rut. mm mm! “‘(md. A gnud chnm'v fun-thunk- m-e-d- ing an ine wuud. \‘Vill he Suld (m the: mun . Int. 23. soc-0nd mm. Markham, y the cold ('1' otherwise to suit. pur- chasers. Apply on tho pr- v‘se-s or [n GR EG DRY 8: (B OGDER I] A M. THE RENK MON DA Y ankoy. - - Canada Life Building, 46 {£ng St.A\\’.t"1‘¢u:(u‘Hp' Snlicitfurs fm- Administmlur. For Sale For Sale \VEDNESI)A Y TH URSDA ‘1‘ \V. H. PUGSLEY. SATURDA‘: TUESDA Y FRIDAY WM: ROBINSON. Curling Appl}: try \H‘ Hm: 1'1. A. Nlcum.r.s. Icrgm Mills P 1.40 2.25 1.50 900. 750. 750. 30 tn H) p 3.39 h- 5 p “I it) Sh! 5 p mm“) [L tn It) nu) 1}) p.m HI