Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jan 1909, p. 5

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“iii Vinlvt Stm-vv nf Tuvvnh' lms ln-en u glws‘t of Miss Allllil' Buyle fur Uu- past wm-k. (I Tim \V. C. T. U. will nva “t (ht-l ‘bmnx- nf Mrs. Ashful‘d \Vrigllt, m'xtl Tuv-sduy at 3 o'clock. | Mr. J. J. Hill, Pwaident hf Hi“ Gama: NurlPu-rn Railway. has gin-n $5.001) (u thv I’l'iends‘ (lullegu at Newman-Rot. 'l‘lmrnkill curlers “'PH’ Ihvirfirst match with lh (II (he Ynl'k Cuumy Ll :lmts‘. Gnldon 'l‘th Hunks, 1ng“. OFFICE. On Sunday Imxt Rev. A. P. Brut-o \\ ill pI-muth in the lehndist. (hum-h in mun-Hing und Rev. E. 11. Tuvr in the (Wt-Hing. Play in Distrivt Gun cmupt-titinu will mmmencv in Barrie (m Tuusduy. the 20th of January. “L 2 p.111. Draw will he made at, 1.3!). chmtmm HILL. Own. JAN. 21, 1903) On Tuesday the [meal Optinn com. ul' Markham vanship IIH‘L at Univ"- fine and \\‘quId up umtlors "rising wt of the recent. campaign. mueLing of the Ladies‘ Hal-key (.‘fluh will he hu-ld at, the home of Mrs. .fn. G. Savage next Tuesday evening. rull ilLLl’lldullCQ‘. requested. Important business :IL 7.80. I A hut:ku match between Richmzmd “I” and 'l‘hm-nhill will be played in Thulnhill next. Monday evening, 25th inst. Gume called M S o'uluck. Ad- mission lUcvnls. “'ord came yesterday that Mr. Mark \\'_ilsnn, flu-mvrly of this plum, had died in the Nanh \Vesl. His re- mains wile hruught, heu- fur inter- llu‘nt nvxLSxLulday. At the annual Trustee Bu:de meet- iug of the Victoria. Squaw church last ‘ wrok it. was decided to follmv at large gen-heme ut‘ impruyenwnts (m the {church graveyards and shed ucuuuunn- \(latiun. The burying ground will be Siulau-ged cuusiderubly. The Epwm-Lh League next Monday morning will lw in charge uf llw Liter- ary Depart‘nwnt. Quntzuiuns frum mrluus authors will he given by [he uwmhers, am! also special solos. All «I v. wvlcume. The Epwmih LPuguvs of Victnria Squuro, Bradford and this plan" have (lvuided m fulluw u sen ies of sLudies in the Pilgrim's Progress. There will be «no. study each nmnth. The introduc- tmy was given this week. Next Sunday qum-nmm will he the Thank offering anniversary of 1hr Vic- lm-iu Squaw Methudisc church. Ser- vicvs will he tukcn at 2.13 by Rev. E. II. Tuye and ut 7 by Rev. A. 1’. Bruce. Spacinl music will be rendered by the choir. There was at good crowd and a good time at, the Hockey and Skating Unr- nival in the rink last, evening. Har- lmrd Uullugmbe Institute mm the match from Lhe hume tram by n scure (If 3 Lu 2. A‘quintette fmm the New- Inarkt-t Bzmd furnished gnud music and lots of it. @113? 33311331: Miss Minnie \Vhite of Newmn Bfillk divas yesLe-iday united in marriage Lu Mr. James McDuugull of Heaven-Lon. l‘he cerenmny took place in the Human hithulic church, ReV. FuLhL-i- Grunt ufiiciucing. The. bridesmaid was Miss Sum White. sister of the bride, and the grmmlsumu Mr. Angus McDuugull. Mother of the groom. \Vardon Keith. Rreve Pugsiey. .Couty 0191 k Ramsden and County Su- lkmm- Lennox who went, to Ulluwu lust, week to protest against York County paying two-twelfths of the. cost of mniutaiining u gute in Yoxk township near a G. T. B. crossing suc- ceeded in having u previous outer set aside, pending a invetng of the Rnil- u'uy Commission in Toronto on the 27H: inst. Two rinks of the curling club wont 1.0 the City yesterday uml Louk pun-L in the compeaition fur the Ontario Tank- and. They wore defeated by the Tumu- tus in their first game by 25 shots. Our players could scarcely have expected to win the tmphy us the pluynrs bud only been selected a. day «u‘ twu before the matches, emd eonsequontl)‘ haul m-actlcnlly no time to practise togeth- Am: A concert, uf music and elocution will be given iu the Methodist. Church. Thornbill, on Thursday evening, Janu- ary 28. under the auspiCes uf the Juldies' Aid. A choice prugranmm will be rendered by the. following eu- tvrtainers:â€"â€"-l\1r. '1‘. Alexander Russ, 'l‘unur Soloist: Miss Gel-nude R053. Conter Suloist: Miss Palusy \Ves, ‘Uuntralto Soloist: Miss Gumlexlium, qurano Soloist; Mrs. Dm’idsun, (hm. lndto Soloist; Miss Ethel Stocks, EL “unionist: Dums as well as solm; will Lil-given. Admission 25 and 1:3 cuix t IJ()() ALVIN. we dnh-Nuld in tho Abel-drum}. nguv, by 43) 30. at TEE A “W? prvtly lu-nw wedding Wu! sulvumim-(l uL Llu- n-sidvncv vi 311'. mul Mrs. D. S. [{vnnmn. Cnrnjllo, nu f'l‘lmrmluy. Jan. th. M, fin- n‘ulm-k WllPll‘Lht-il'(lungllll-l‘ Lucy Ellwl “us unite-4'! in mnrri-axn U» M r. Elm-~5t A. :Bukvruf SI. (llnlult‘. Mair. fnrlumly ’uf (iflll'llllz'. sun «rf Mr. Julius Bake-r l hf Munrwm-(l Furl“. ’l'lu- lu‘idv (mule-rd ‘ llur parlor on the nrm uf llt'r father. “Turing :\ princess gmvn pf while 0m- lnuidt-xul mull and carrying :l hull- iqau-tnf pink Ann-lieu" Benuly ruuvs innd maiden lmir fl'l u. Silo was uLu-nd- etl ln‘ lu-rsiulor Miss Pvnrl Ronumn. lle grnmn \vus suppuru-d by his Ilvruther, Mr. \\'ill Bukvr. Aflt-r the -cn-remnny which \vus prrfnrmed by Him Rev. Philip .lnnes 11f Muplv. the ' gun-3L9 partnnk nf the \vvdding break- fast. after which Mr. and Mrs. Baker loft nu lhv 7.40 cur Em- Turunln. mnid shown-rs of lice and the glmll wishes of lln-ir runny fril-nds. Mrs. Bnker‘zg guing uwuy suite was navy blm- lll'l‘flll' clolh. 'l‘lu-y lr-ft fur their future home atSL. Claude- on Suturdav the filth. The Kumm's pl'l‘sellt tn the bride was at gnld watch. and Lu the bridesmaid n. gnld hmcelvt, and the gmmnsmun in sharing set. The guests included Rev. and Mrs. Juries. Mr. and Mrs. James Bnkrr. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Tyndall of , Hichumml Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Prentican Uniunvillv. Mr. and Mrs. Unnmbs nf anlv. Miss Nita and Mr. Shim-y Bukvruf Cnrrvillv. Miss Ethel Path-won uf Curl-ville. Mr. Edgar Bmvvs nf Ummnfl. Kmmvth Gnmplwll and Misses Neiliv and Estelle Camp- lwll 0f Currville. On :«ccmlnt nf so much sickness tln-uughnut Murkhmn ’l‘ownuhip lhe rpguhu' mnnthly meeting uf the Vic- uu‘ia Squaw \mem‘s Institute. which was Ln have hevn hold at, the home uf Mrs. L. Stoutvnhurgh. nn the 28th inst, has been indefinitely postponed. Th:l folluwinz programme was given by the High Schva Literary yoslclduy nfternumuâ€" 1. Chairman’s Addrms . . . . . N. Brvdnn 2. Uhmus. “0 Canada" . . . . . School 3. Bending . .. . . . . . Harold Smith 4. DPh:IU':â€"- “Rl‘suh'ed‘ that farming is more iwnrficiai an the wm-ld than manu- facturing.“ Afiinnative: Foster Hickson, Lnuie McI)unald. NPgMivc: Fred. Hicks. Jean Skit”. Mr. H. C. Bailey of Maple is offering fur salo a limited quantity nf cbmce seed which in- is prppmed tu gum-rm- tee. Farmers and all inLerestvd should take advantage of the offer. Mr. Bailey is ulsn prepared to give highest murth price for alsyke, and red clover und timothy seed. A carnivul und hockey mulch will he held in the Rink Next, Munday «ve- ning. whon the Ynnge St. \Vnndm-ers will face the Richmond Hill High Schmil’s seven. Game called at, 8. Skating bvfnre and after the match. Dunn. upon from 7.30 to 10. Admission 10 cents. The winding up meeting of the L0- nal Option Association of Vaughan Township was held on Monday afcen noon at. Maple. The treasurer report- ed a. balance on hand which was voted usadunntiuu to the Unmininn Alli- ance with lhsmks to them fur thvir vuluvdussislunce. A lie-arty resolu- tion (If thanks was tendered the Set:- l'euu‘y Re-v. H. A. Fish for his indefat- iguuble iuhms. . It is said that, enough gas to supply anonm with light and furl is prom- land within ufew mnnlhs hy the Tu- mntn Gil Had Gus Syndicate. who have leased up many acre-s of land in \Vest Toronto and vicinity. IL is said the dopnsils are identical with that (if Pennsylvania and Ohin. IL continuu- ,t,ion. deepening and widening of the 'l‘mntun strum. as found in shallow layers at Thurnhill and other places. The docisinn was giwn in favor uf the negative. Piano Snln .. Lam-u Prentice Chums. “Mel-ryRuoklvt“. .Glee Cluh Critic’s Rvpurt . . . . . . Mr. \Vitheril Nautiunal Amheu|..... . .. ‘ . . . ‘ . . . A.O.U.\Y. OFFICERS. The fullnwing officers Wel'P lust vven- ing elected in Ivy Lodge, No. 1“, in: the ensmng yenrzm M. \V.. D. Hill. P&?§E¢§TS MUN?! & p0 {mun m 3.1 us 5 Marks. CA ryrlx gumglond. ranv I‘Mumauummul (hr-mull MUN! S CU. m- uuhn Smu‘firu' Axum-ax. the Bryan h (we: widen cumummd her-n!ch 1. (dc; ‘waw. Emu-mm angry-mu: on Interns "mam. savocunnn «my of lhe Scientific Man shut In 1-. Addth MUS“ & J . 80‘ Autumn; miles. “:01 Sandra]. New You. Rina-.3 Taomes cure bad breath. Emma Tabules. BA K ERrâ€"R EAMAN HOG-KEY CARNIVAL. Fore” T. A. Lamnn. Over., 1. T. Stat-(up. Fin.. A. 'J. Hump. Rdr.. T. F. McMahon. Treu9.. F. McCunughy. Guido, \V. A. \Vl‘ight. I. \V.. A. J. Campbell. 0. “C, M. Ransom: Trustees, Bms. wright" 'Cros'hy. Ever. Aué’itnrs, McDonald, ~Lumon. G. L. Rm», D._Hil|. Alterllntl‘.'1'. F. McMahon. H. S. LITERARY. CLOVER SEED, POST PONEI) 1n" Axnmux. (no largest bean-nu 'Irrulslud uci‘iutl‘flcpfl I. timayear lmmm enunfinfli an lnterenunu In. p0anan «my 0! me Scientific Amer- v. Addh‘w M0585 3Q, arms-nun (h r- 'u n Suxm'xnc AMERICAN can. urs fur l‘mcms lhvm ’Z‘r'ma ur the United 8mm. but“. "many. am. Hand Bonk nbouk l‘hhiydtr‘vnn )‘fisrs' oxporioum. .‘tTfibifi-houced 13M “best. And "\Ve cannot make at good omelet, whhuut. breaking n TQ'W eggs.“ snidi Napoleun after une of his famous battles. and We cannot km-p unr sun-k clean and up~tu<dute without breaking prices occasionally. The vuhws we are nflvrmg now is renllyvxtmmdinm-y because rvductinus are nmde on staple lines of yenr~rnund usefulness as we“ ’ us on smsnnahle gonds. No more at. the price-s when these are sold. .Men's heavy split, bouts. rag. $1.25 and $.50 tm- $1.00 Men‘s heavy kip buots. reg. $2.50 for $2.00 Men's Dnngoln boots. reg. $2.75 for $1.95 Misses‘ heavy gIm-e grain boots. reg. $1.25 und $1.50 for 750. Child’s pebble button boots, reg. $1. and $1.00 for 50¢. AMonth 0f Bargains Men‘s hpavy wouien top shirts reg. 75c for 506 Men's fine fleeced underwear reg. 650 for 450 Men's white dress shins - reg. $1.00 for 50¢ Men's Cardigan jackets for 75c 3 Cams tomatoes Heavy Lumbermen‘s socks reg. 75c fur 60c 3 Guns cm-n or pens 6 Lbs. best rice 5 Lbs. tapioca 22 Lbs. best St. Lawrence gran. sugxu- fur $1.00 3 Bars big l2gc. bar soap 24 Lbs. best, St. Lawrence yellow augm- fm' $1.00 7 Bars star luundry soup 3 Bottles imported English pickles {ox-25L: 3 Plugs large size McDonald tohaecu {or 25C NMGHTBN’S Misses' fen hunts and slippers, rvg. $1.50 for 95¢. ‘ Subscriptions taken at THE , LIBERAL Ofiice, or may be sent to ECASSELLS & COM PAN Y 1‘ 42 Adeialde St. \V. 1 Toronto CASSELLS’ Canadian P u b â€" lishing Company The monthiy magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign countries {or maga- zines. Read the follewingzâ€" Csmsel‘s Magazine. perammm . '$ The Star." Teller The Quiver . . . ,Husicnl Home Journal The Gide? Realm . Little Folks Chums séggzgé 0n Sntunlav morning lx-lwm-n 6 and 7. between G. Roddil’s gate and Hill's bakery, an Umbrella. Findm' suitably remade-d by leaving O.“le at DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. BOOTS Tm; LI'BEBAJL GFFM‘E ai-ihe-ELGIN D Ihost for for for '. $1.50 {1 il' for 250 ++++++++++++++++++M-m+-H-++++++++++-§++++++++++++++++ i Our Stock is the best i that money can buy 35 We have now i-HWWHi-W M+++++M++M +++++++++++ A car load 4)! Hum. a car load nf Shorts. and u cur 10nd «vf Nu. 1 Cum, just. nuin-d At the Eles'umr. Prices rigpt. In V211:ng of Maple. a apronâ€"[11(ande snlid {nit-k house. Furnace, unm-rele celhxr, {mum store suitable fur Hard- ware m- Bukr-rv Business. Location hunt in village. on u. Lbr?&ql\:ll'tt‘l~:u'l‘e Int. Fur tel-{us apply :0 7. -~. A rim We begin the trade of 1909 wish their numerous customers and everybody a Happy New Year and Prospenty for 1909. with very favorable prospects. We want you to feel that this is a store that serves you well the whole year round~that is dependable at all times. We prefer to make business good by giving good values all the time. Men’s Overcoats, Ready-to- Wear Suits, Pants, Vests and broken lots that we want to sell, and offer them Jan. 7th, 1909. big reductions this month. 7 Read our quotations n another column. Goad Cutler for sub. Apply tn J ust Arrived. Atkinson & Switzer Richmond Hill Hardware Store STWE&I RAWES. HEATERS; PAINTS AND OlLS. For Sale. For Sale 'fiiS.‘ WM) KNIGHT. TINSMITHING. . SOULES B‘URNACES, J. HALL *1“ O R-â€" up 1 9. TICKETS fur the Canadian West procured at THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA. TicketsfortheWast Thv west half of lot, 22, con. 2. Mail:- bzuu. contuining 100 flex-es. A” in a high slate I‘f cultivatiun. On it is erected a large brick hnuse and com- modious burn-1. all in good state hf repair. The fun) is well fenced. Good orchard and Water. Full wheat. and full pluwing. For fuxuwr particulars; price and terms. apply an the premises. “.nnn: . u r vxny‘lvn Ordm-s taken at.â€" THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Farm For Sale. iridiio'm's ‘LYNET’T. Ownr-r. Richumx (1 Hi i RICHMOND H1141

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