Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1909, p. 1

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$1 perannum, in advance.] “In Essentials. Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." final. l SHEEP HUSBANDRY iN CANADA. “ @112 gram ” IS PUBLISHED EVERY A tinwa bulletin entitled “Shot-p Husbandry in Canada." by Mr. J. If. hponm-r. Il.S.A.. has been issued by iiiiii'iirix &' mm, HHURSDAY MORNING Barristers andsollclmrs- nn- Liw Slot-k Branch at Ottawa. Arm”; Mouevtolonu Onlainl‘nuol’tuthIiinitgugefifit M“ Sll“'l(“"' hits “mm “P “‘0 “wk Am m 1 lowest rates from piactically all the standpoiuts .~ - y -- u r ~ . 0T0“ "9â€" (runner t i flu; old mint the. ‘ - t .- . . .. . ' ~ . A ‘ - r _ -igcna PRlnTlilG (2 wansmre HOUSE 0.... a... 06...... .‘L ,,,;. “‘"L‘Wk‘" 'l“ WW WW I" “ll-"- Omani“ “mm ‘ “ over prmiiice lu- lliilV dun-ll. Alter LICUMOND IIILL,ONT‘. Newman-km naiveâ€"1'24.“ any.” gun”, “,- cm, ‘ describing the ideal mutton sheep he l"“'-J"U"e gives a brief thonin comprehensive F . b1 . 1-3.0 N. "l‘ HHHBEIVI‘LRNNIIX (; (\rV Lazime history and description of eleven of “Wm ‘V" lllie popular breeds. Next he covers in it practical way the establishing of a (~niiiiiicrcial breeding flock. .‘luttoii Eamon L' Pnormzron. ___ _ _, M. . , ,klw __ 7 __’f____A_ l ‘ (lifl11'1“'l’ul|l}e ' " l i- .i Ullribilt‘ B'USINESS CARDS. ' -..' ; c T; 1 :1: :.‘;.' :3, _: ‘1}1 ‘dical. M m. \Nitkiiisda. m. (Ht‘ccussnii To Dir. (lassiiir) Pnono unionist dustry is dealt with by refit-wing the methods in \oguc in Great Britain. Following this are appropriately de- scribed the Various systems of finish- iiig for the market in Canada. Nor does the tieatnicnt of the subject stop Adria 1.1.. , when the animal is fattened, for it is followed iight through the butchering and curing processes until the joint. is roadv for the, cook. Then come sec- tions on handling. dipping, wetlicriiig'. feeds and feeding. housing. “‘t’t'd dc- slrnying. enemies. etc.. each subject exhaustiu‘ly treated accmdiiig to the practice of the most. successful shep- herds. Evidently recognizing that the in- dnstry ditfers in the various provinces by reason of climatic and other condi- tions the author treats each separately. Mossy 'ro LOAN .\’I‘ LOWEST ltA'rFS, The. Section (tr-min] to diseases will __W ‘ appeal to “inns-ands of shetp men. ‘" T his chapter. covering upwind of r twenty of the common ailments. and accidents. was personally prepared by BARRISTER. SoLicrroR, No'rMiy, ETC, the Live Stock (loiiiiiiissioner, who is . _ H i . also Veterinary Director General. AS ‘Vrlolm‘ito Ot‘flce._ 3d Richmond St. a practical home doctor book for the ‘3“ ves’CYB‘l'ldlllgS- tloekniaster this wurk will undoubt- Richmond Hill Office, Office! “Very Saturday afternoon. “I.iliei-al’,ll‘dly “800"” “- hc‘ll’f‘” 5t”‘“‘“’-‘" A Maple, Thursday afternoon. review of the Wool industry concludes Money to loan at. Fire Per Com (5% , Duh 1. Barristers, islicitci‘s. Notaries. 8:. Home Life Building (‘o:. 5.: Victoria Hts. . Toronto. RICIIMONDIIILL J. M L \lNG Barrister, Solicitor. Etc. Richmond Hill Office. V'llll‘h‘fisl m-r» tier of Lorne Bldg” ererv Thursday afternoon. ' Toronto Oflicu. 36 Toronto st rot-t. Gradion K'itrtoi ia. Uiiirersit V Member College Physicians and Stir» goons. Ontario . Certif. l’niyclinic, New York Dist-uses of the Lungs a Specialty, [htt‘LlL‘ltlul'ly consumption. W ‘____‘ _~ W i“; paid. li'lt'TON RISDON, E)cn$ist, C3 ’1 5 (Scarf-is; )3'1‘0 011. H. \V. ANDERSON) (3 ii'. Yurige and lilolir 81.3.. Toronto. \\’ill be in Richmond Hill on \Ve'l- nesday of each Week. Office, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Oiflce Hours-«3.30 a. m. to 5 p. in. ma. the text (it the woik of more than 125 pages of reading matter. The book is profusely iIIUsti-atcd by some sixty wantitul plate illustrations printed in sepia and a number of line drawings. This :tttl'acti“e. comprehensive and practical "Bulletin No. 12 of the Live Stock Branch” is ready for free distri- hntion to all those. interested in the sheep or its products who care to apply for it to J. J. Rutherford, Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa. UNPKEGEI)ENTED IN HISTORY. Just to think of it: Gold Medal Bind- er Twine “acknowledged tn be the best in the “nild” quoted at; eleu-n Iceiits. At this unprecedented low price. it is needless to say that much more will be used than usual and con- sequently the factory will be taxed to its utmost. capacity to furnish the brand. The I’lyiiioth Binder Twine Co. of \Velland. Out... and Plymouth, Mass. lune therefore asked us to eli- } dean or to give them as Soon as possible. the irquiiernents for this fin’nrite brand. In order to do this weask our numerous customers to let. us know rightawav the quantity they will re.- »quiie for the coming hath‘St. Any whgi lime not heieiofnre used the I. ‘ Plymouth grades of twine we would be Ii".i”‘.“"f°§1,“f“€l Rmu.hst“l“ only too happy to enroll them among _ a 8' “ ‘1' ' mg“ L'censes' our customers and they will neVer lt‘~ Rlchmcng t peril it. The lowest grades are. as :cheap I“ proportion “even as low as "~* A -â€"â€" eight and one half cents." W'e also ‘ I handle the wellvknown Der-ring brand 1‘1 .nf twine. Price guaranteed against lndranre. or ieductinn. “Nulf said" 5 IL is up to you to act and order from i H. A. Nit-hulls the Repair and imple- .iiieiit Ill‘dll. AGENCY ROYA ‘ A â€" AMERIUALASSEOEIRHI5“ ‘ ruin-ruin ROD AND GUN. ! Varied in its contents. hut redolent REA.L ESTATE. ETC_ throughout ot' the many delights of ’tlit- (laiiaitlimi Winter. the February Danton. Dunn & Boultbee Barristers, S: ilictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBER. 20 KING ST E. TORONTO. Canada. FRANK DENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOUL’I‘BEF Phone Main 311. ' e‘tlctn'timry JOHN Pt. CAMPBEâ€"lâ€"Tl: VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Phoruhill. Calla by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. JAS. N EWTCiu ISSUE/R MARRIAGE LICENSES. EIJG’IN BIIIJIJS _.7._ _ H. A NICHULLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyancer. etc. J. H P: entice. Liconsail \ucnionesr tor oho County of Y0 k Goals sol-l J.) autumn non: Gauntâ€"a.) sales 6:00 etc are uptly ratendedco ab reasonable rates Residence Unioiiville G n. Goulrtiug. Newton Brookagentfor tho awve T Smigotin, J K M M‘ple cEwen Weston ‘liuzcou & ‘VlcEwen. J. EUi‘VArtU FR NOIARY PUBLIC V_ _W___Â¥_’ ccmmssroxna. C(mvnxaxcnn. ETC. S». G. EILOUGII. hiya-tied tizctiinoersloi‘cho Countynt York. haieswzoule-lho».shortestuotioeund a. rest- eiJsble r159. Mmormge solicited - Qo’â€"â€"â€"â€" n i vii m;- :‘ieCoun3y o! an re- ~ .4 \"iTH' patronage inn] friendly . ‘ :thmi led on the RLI)116§t notice ,‘ t ' V1.:.I't' rntda ll) 0 It'lnti'enc ‘Iiue number of find and Gun and Motor 777 _ lSports lll (laiiada. published by \V. J. "Taylor. \Voodstnck. 0nt., brings with . it thr- breeziness attached to this par- < l ticular season of the year. The record IC‘ ‘nl‘ a fine snowshw tramp. an Indian ' J I. tale of a moose race on the ice, the istory of a winter in Northern Ontario land an article on Snow Blindness by Martin Hunter. an ex-Hiidsoii Bay Fat-tor. show how many sided are the lit-artillrs ol' the Canadian winter and “ML-L‘f‘fifi “11‘ ‘ r71:- J. EAT-RTE NEWTON Pizziist Pufil of Sherwood .VI. T EC in FY. N O T A RY 005531851024}:th THE HIGH COURT or JUSTICE. &c. 1"‘1fe;vll‘li~'s'l‘i‘i ‘ -. ..- - .... t.§1f..':.”‘ Issuer GfMaxllare Licenses. ,Hi RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIVE bow thoroughly the inhabitants of the i ‘ ' Dominion appreciate and enjoy them. ‘ F“ ""51 “‘7' ‘"" ' x -- - v - Borne Old Time lieiiiiiiisceiu-I-s of Uld - T & .h-,. 4.. .4 ~il L321" . x, i ". f‘fi"-'.'v " IVâ€" .1 -‘ . . “x y a N TNT“ ‘ V‘ 5“ "may" Outaiio. intensely llltt’lt'slllltl as toll- Pian'ste UV ‘ing oT pionom. (l:iy.‘~'. and stunts of :cnllipillg and iisliing trips. .11.. s ‘.ii~- of ‘the t'tiitliei paprrs making up .-. i am. Pu iils prepared for I‘lxaininations at , her strong in meiy departun lll ot trill.- Ithi- University of Toronto and l 8! door life '\\'itli which [the magazine the T i- lit 1 (‘ His xr\‘at r _ _ . deals. It is Canadian t irnughout, ini- H “Ufiyfulpcf U y 1‘1139 “001; of Funeral Furnishing lillt'tl with the spirit of the Dominion, kept at both places and up yum]. Private Piano Lessons (linden-takers «tr Embaimer-s. Miss 1.IIL.LIE TRENC T’IT‘TIKJND HILL c ‘y Audition rSalcs.‘ liar-9% :5 mm l \erpxesiur. Feb. Illâ€"Auction Sale of from stock. iiiiple-iiients die on lot 22 con 2. Markham. the property (if E. J. Lynett. Sale nt 12 o'clock.‘ Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice Auctioneer. i Rtnans Tabules: a: drugglsm l {mans Tahnles cure biliousnesn. l"-5\ . - . .I . . , Ripans ’t‘abules cure dizzmeas. \\'En.\'EsDAY. Feb, lOâ€"Auction Sale ' ‘ ' " w ..-: l‘; mar-v. Junior, . r . M ‘ ‘ _ _ lll'NI’ - 1 .-» m .2 T“. “L, of I~arni stock, Implements. htc... V. . _\I‘_..-r_‘t :L i': r u . _ r. . l - “- (onset ,? Ix Lego of Music, on lot ..l. (UH. i. ‘ .iuglian. (l in m m\‘lllei tho property of “Z (l. . c-' Donald. Sale ,it 1 o’clock. Terms )0 months. Saigeoii 5; .‘lcliwun, Aucts. Special (Hi-1.3m m "River‘s" Kinder- garten Method. pailinilailv h-llpiul to h giziiivrm - .lz‘Al v 1 RICHMOND HILL. ON"., THURSDAY. JANUARY 28, 1909 production as a. highly specialized in-~ History of Canadian Journalism. Everyone who is interested in the. history of (lanada will welcome a new book. “A History of Canadian Jour- nalism.” which has just. been issued. The volume, which furnishes in per- manent form the first comprehensive history of the press in Canada, covers a great deal of ground not dealt with in any other extant publication. The reader, as he penises its pages, is con- stantly surprised to find in it hitherto unpublished sideligbto on the (:rli‘é'el's of our public men, as well as full and first, hand information regarding our great journalists and our great. news- papers. Altogether. it. is one of the most valuable historical works which has appeared in Canada. Not only is the matter fresh and in- teresting and important. but. the style throughout is quite eqiril to the best. This will be better appreciated whtn it is stated that. the contributors in- clude Goldwin Smith. Dr. A. H. U. Colquhoun. Deputy Minister of Edn- cation for Ontario; John Reade. Flt-9.0.. Montieal Gazette: Arthur \Vallis, Toronto Mail and Empire: J. E. B. McCi-eady, Charlottetown Guar- dian. '.I. P. Robertson, \Vinnipeg: Robert, Scllar. Huntingdmi Gleaner: .I. K. Mclnnes. Regina Leader; 1. W. Bengnngh. Toronto; and R. E. Gosnell Vaiicmi\'ci-._ One portion of the book presents an excerdiiigly interesting history of the Canadian Press Association, in honor of whose 50th birthday the book was first. projected, with other sections de- voted to the press in each of the Prov- inccs. The book includes 268 pages with (Wei-40 half-tone portraits of promin- ent journalists. 'l‘ypographically the book 18 very pleasing with its large type, heavy paper with rough edges and guilt. top. and its handsome cloth binding. Orders may be sent: in care of John R. Bone, Secretary Canadian Press Association. Daily Star. Toronâ€" to. The price is $2.00 a copy, postage 15 cents extra. â€"â€"-‘O-â€"â€" SHAKE IN A BOTTLE. ADVICE or A NOTED AUTHORITY. Atso owes A SIMPLE PRESCRIPTION.. Now is the time when the doctor gets busy. and the patent: medicine manufacturers reap the harvest, unless great care is taken to dress warnin and keep the feet diy. This is the ad\ice of an old eminent authority, who says that. Rheumatism and Kid- ney trouble. weather is here, and also tells what to do in case of an attack. Get. from any good prescription pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Ex- [Single copies, 3 cts. lClcariag l a l e i Ladies and Childrens FINE BOOTS, SHOES. and RUBBERS ofthe Best Quality AT REDUCED PRICES wehavemarked thesedown to clear them out and they wil go in short. order, Odd Sizes. so CALL EARLY AND SEE IF WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. We Start to Clear Them on SATURDAY MORNING ARMSAVAGE Outfitter '3'+++++++++++++++++++++++ . P ++++++++H++++++++++++f+++ l T ++MW¢ VH‘FI‘IT’QWiii-it"l‘fd-‘t-‘Iv-ivi" GOA L. For sale at the C. N. 0. Station, or delivered in the village and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE. FURNACE Best Scranton coal. Also file. Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts tract Dandelion, one ounce Compound I and good A merican COT!) (Old). Kai g()ll.l.lil‘t't‘ ounce-s Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Mix by shaking in a. bottle and take. a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. Just try this simple home-made mix~ ture at the first. sign of Rheumatism. or if your back aches or you feel that. the kidneys are. not. acting just right. This is said to he a splendid kidney regulator. and almost certain remedy for all forms of Rheumatism. which is caused by uric acid l'l the blond. which the kidneys tail to filter-nut. Any one can easily prepare this at, home and at. small cost. Druggists in this town and vicininy. when shown the prescription. stated that they can either supply these in- gredients. or. if our readers prefer. they “ill compound the mixture for‘ them. ,..‘,.»_ FEBRUARY CANADIAN. E First plaL‘e iii the Canadian M:ig:t-' zine for February is given to an illus-‘ trated article entitled “Toronto : A lity of homes.” by Horace Bonlthee. The article sketches the history of To, routo and shows its development arch- itecturally. This is a good departure in magazine Work in Canada. and it is hoped that the editor will loo for ur- ticle-s dealing with some outs anding features of other Canadian cities. The number throughout is entirely credit.» able. One feature is ii spleiid id artiCle by Robeil IL‘. Kiiowh-s. the well-known novelist, entitled “The Mystery of Lincoln," which is a welcome, contri- tuition. in How of the Lincoln centen- ary. «opâ€"fl FARMERS REPRESENTED AT OTTA \VA. ‘ The farmers of Canada. are to have. a representative in the House of UULII- mops dining this session. The Fain- ily Herald and \Veekly Star. of Mont,“ real, has engaged a practical fariiierj to attend the session and write a.‘ weekly letter to that. paper. telling the faimors of Canada. how Par-lilo; ment is conducted. as he sees it. 'lhc man engaged is not. only a practical farmer, but is Well abh- to write Hllt'h I :1 letter. lie is said to be a lll-‘Ill aliso-i liilely free from political pl'vjtldirp. and no doubt his weekly letter will be of great. intri‘rst to ; ll (Janadian farmers. The Family Herald and \Vm-kly SM: costs only one dollar a year, or will I'e sent on trial to new snbsci ilit'l‘ tor the Session (about six LlltlllIllQ‘ ill “my snooty-m r crnlt. i penences of anglers. shootâ€"g . E ers and campers, or [Valli-1. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. J. H. RAMEI‘: (W. t . ‘ ‘ If y " - . , the tag 3;: read 0: ii the u- it last t .. V631 life ;,c>.:‘;§ ? ' terestcd in countr' life. Wit l ‘T‘OREST AND ‘ '2'. 0 SI REAlVI,” or send f us tweiity~five cents I for four weeks trial trip. A -. journal of shooting, . fishing, natural his- . tory and yachting. A l! “I new dopart- . ment has to ‘ ask your newst er for large illustrated Weekly ‘ do with the {Home audits j surroundings. ’ Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for 755x months. 7 We send :- ' free on re- ‘ quest 0 r catalogue of 5' t h e b e s t _ "books on outdocr life and recreator. FOREST MID STREAf-I 'JB. l 34:5 Bandway, New 'Y'crk. irlergu rout. .‘rcu u.- 7. pair er .A cnth.:.LL Lal3vtt.-’t.-J§

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