ihtra Eire MW i.I Brenner") HILL. 0pm. JAN. 28. 1909 ’ " l “PRIESTLY INTOLERANCE.†Last Week’s Christian Guardian contained the following passage in its editorial columns:â€"â€"“The Mon- treal Witness has been thrown out of the public library of the town of Berlin on the complaint of a Roman Catholic priest.". . . . ."This little in- cident would seem to show that the Roman Church would gladly ban- ish every Protestant paper from the | territory wherein its people reside, and that its inability to do so is probably the sole reason why it does not do it." Thu: LIBERAL regrets exceedingly that a great religious newspaper that is supposed to speak for the ' Methodist body should express such sentiments about a sister church. If it is true that a neWSpaper has been “thrown out" of a public library, without a good reason, would it not he more reasonable to criticise the library board for the act instead of condemning a clergyman. The Guardian refers to the incident as "Priestly intolerance," but has not one word to say about the half dozen or more men who compose the pub- lic library board. And even if some Roman Catholic priest did influence the board in the act referred to, sure- ly the whole Roman Church is not to be held accountable for the act of one person. In fact the better part of the Guardian began to assert itself near the conclusion of the article, for we ï¬nd this sentence,“We cannot but think that in the case referred to above, the act was that of some he lated brother who has missed his cen- tury and come into being ï¬ve hun- dred years behind the times.†The last thought is much better than the ï¬rst and smacks more of charity and brotherly love. SEED FAIR.â€" The Seed Fair to he llrld here on the 5th of February should attract u large number of farmers. not. only for the cash prizes that are offered in the var- ious classes of grain. seed and potatoes but nlso those who have grain to sell or grain to buy for seed. The speak- ers to be sent out by the Government will also have something interesting for the farmers. The exhibits will be judged by Mr. Geo. Keith and a Gov- ernment export. THE WEALTH IN ENDEAVOR. \Vns there ever :1 greater delusion than that of one who thinks his father‘s fortune a. bleSsing, when he anPr' earned a penny of it by his own effort? It is only a premium on lazi- It makes one’s own develop- ment into manhood more unlikely. It furnishes him crutches. instead of touching him to walk alone. It menus the ru rested development. of his own mwnrs for achievement, :1 paralysis of is own efforts. The money We make in our vocation is :1 small part. of the pay for the en- deavor. The educntiou we nbsorb in ‘gotting it, the discipliningof the mind by solving intricate problems. the con- stant exercise of the judgment in dis- criminating and weighing, the plrrllâ€"l ning. the adjustment of means to ends 1 l i ness. is inï¬nitely more important. The World's grout doers know very well that if you are not making a manly or a. \vr-mimly struggle to es- tubiish :r plut‘o for yourself. thorn is something wrong: either-you have not the ability, or you have not. tho inclina- tion. And humnn untnrr- is so l-onsli- llllPd that they will only hold you in . rontoiunt for your oxcusv-s.â€"Orisou‘, Swott Mandi-n, in Success Magazine. â€"â€"‘0‘â€"-â€" ATKlNSON £1, SWITZER. l . l l l Ijl‘llll. druk gl‘t‘)’ fi‘ll‘Zl‘ Riots. heavy ’ \vorgbl. ur-ulo willi 3 povkc-Ls, sizes 3!, l :25, 36. at $2.25. l > )ieu’s honvy cotton lllt'lt‘ P;rnl<, mun“ i.im~_\' stripe. “‘1'†undo, sirlo and hip". por’kt‘ls, ill $1.00. ; l Sivu's [word \'«-sl<. mode from spin. \ u‘oublo (lriuudiuri in u ds. good liu-l rugs, :it SLUU. ' Men‘s heavy ll'l“? and grey ï¬nuuol Hhirts, nt SIJ'U, $1.25 ;.ud SLTS. l l . '. . . . l l‘mIr rodudum in tho pinu- of inou s1 iur-lizu‘d and other Uvoroonts immune we don‘t want to rnrry ibi-m ovo‘r. ('omo in and soc \vhnt rvo n-rn do for, you. \\'o willouakc it interesting. i I It i~ our .rim to lllnlu‘ ills bust posâ€" siblo lll.’|(l-"â€"[U-Il‘t‘ .suro m-‘u‘s Suit. \\‘-- would liko you to oxnu i in tho man If lino Sl'oli-h ll\\\'c!'tlr<. lliill‘k :«uu‘. blur-i riz‘lg‘i‘s. fillll'y “Hosiods. Viciirms. “'0‘- r- m \rrvo you from sail†to $5.1m ori 'l l suit. , ecutive ling-.- ‘ tuiu number of illt‘t‘llul also. in 'Viu: Hospital. with rein-rune in the il'EPi†FUNDS nun min "Traits ms POOR cousunmvs Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- tlves Makes an Urgent Appeal for Money. ssmo £36,000 Required to Cover Bank Overdraft and Provide for Maintenance of Poor Patients. These head-lines tell the story of our needs. They are heavy and urgent. Many times during the past twelve months the question has pressed itself upon the Trustees, “Can we continue the work further? " Every month brought its quota of accounts for salaries and wages of staff, bills of butcher, milkman, eggs, groceries, heavy coal billsâ€" a serious itemâ€"and other uncon- trollable expenses so long as the doors were kept open. FREE Hesâ€"’PIM'L‘ a row. me-‘amlg/L -..w,â€" L/ ,1, H These had to be paid somehow. Contributions â€"- especially after the turn of the year when the ï¬nan- cial depression was felt at its keen- estâ€"fell off to such an extent, that each month the burden became heavier.‘ During all this period there was only one thing to do, and that was to lean on our bankerâ€"swelling the bank overdraft. The trial was the severest in the history of these Muskoka Homes, in nearly 3,000 persons, stricken by the dread white plague, have been cared for. which Shack Life at Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumpiiyes. But never for a single hour did the doors of the Free Hospital fail to swing open, and give a welcome to suffering ones without money and without price. The good news has gone forth of a rich harvest the wide Dominion over. Friends, we come to you at this time, when the clouds of depression are being lifted, asking that you nowâ€"in the direness of our ex- tremityâ€"help to lift the burden being carriedâ€"not for any personal gain, but solely, alone, only on behalf of suffering sisters and brothers. Our plea. is on behalf of the sick ones. . What will you give? Do not say nay. Help generously. Help all you can. Help some. Help now. Contributions may be sent to \V. j. GAGE, 1359., Chairman Ex- Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto; or J. 5. ROBERT- SON, Sec.-Treasurer National Sani- tarium Association, 347 King Street \Vest, Toronto, Canada. ronusnthorTu (Dr. llonrv Smith “'illiums in the‘ lr'obruuiy number of McL‘lure'zx Muga- leli‘.l If [horn is one subject more thnt an- olhor within thi- entire scope of the liquor pizvblour upon which all obser- \ M‘s :llx‘ in gratifying urcoid. it is in ' rt-gdld lo the dangers (if allowing all- ;oohol in any qunulity to children and ridoh‘scouls. lllll‘ing youth the habits of llu‘ body run for mod. :iud the glow- ' 'Q'illli~lll has povulinr rousropli~ bilin in lurrrolio poisons. llr. Alex :illdi'l' Lz‘vmbt'li lundv :l sludy of .‘I ('1 r- lil'lltr- ago at which tho user of tho din; bo- E‘lll. Ill rc .rro lho rather slur lliug and highly suggestive fur-ls: “ii! 259 instuures \vhoru tho ugl- lwpiuniug to drink \\‘:IS known. rhii- li't'll lit-“gull brlwovu ti and 11’. yours: sixty botwi-on 1‘3 aid 10': who lurudrrd :lllll l\\'1|lll‘l\\’>’l‘ll 1:} and 21; sixiy boâ€" '.'.\'o.*u 23.1 niul 31;::r.dciglli only after 3‘.‘ \‘r .llS (ll 21:“. FOR ESTERS MEET. A business meeting followed by rr-- freshmcnts and n sociul hour was hold in Forester-'3 Hull last Friday evening. Visiting brethren Wore present from \Vhitcvnlc. Tlioruhill and iurd rr happy evening wns spent. Thr- priucipnl work at thr- businr-ss meeting was the installation of Lllt‘ m-wly- rlevtcd officers. The instr-llntiou (wru- mouivs were ably pr-rfmrnod by Bio. “’oodstock. D. U. R. for one vi" thr- 'I‘oroulo Districts, assistrd by Bro. .l. Kirklou of \Vhitevsilc. I). U. l(, for York District. After the installation Bro. \Vilsou of Toronto. High Court. Treasurer, was called upon and gave an interesting talk on Ancient For- estry in general. showing that thr- IOrder is in n flourishing condition. 1 l i t f After the court wns closed l'rfrt-sll- merits were served, “lid n nnrulwrof citizens crime in by imitntiou and nssisted in rendering an interesting programme which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Bro. ’l‘. H. Trench. who was installed Ranger. for the year 1909. made an nblochairmnn, nnd extended a warm welcome to the visitors. During the evening good speeches wore Iliatlr by Bros. \Vilson. \Voodstock. Kirtou, Pearson, Weir, Percy, Tweedic. Fuller. McMahon, Nicholls, Hill and others. Songs were sung by Messrs. Cowie. Firrquhnrson. Pirie and \ViISou and it very interesting part of the pro- gramme was n number of solos by Harry Louder and others. rr‘producod in Mr. Fred Lyru-tt‘s grornophoiw. Mr. N. Brydon and M r. .l. Faiquhm eon llCl.(‘d as piano :rccourpnuists during the evening. and Mr. Brydon ulst- pluycd a piano solo. The chairman afterward thanle Mr. Lynettnnd thr- uther entertainer s for their abh- assist- rlrice,mi(l an enjoyable meeting wns brought to :1 close by singing “Auld Lang Sync.†O-#-â€"â€" ST. V ALIENTINIC'S SOCIAL The annual St. Valentino's Sol-in], under the auspices of the “'omau's Auxiliary of the Church of England, “brim mddiu VimiwL.rLuL rhun» hill. on Thursday, February 11th. 'I‘en will be sen ed from 6 till 8. after which ri musical and literary Concert will ho given, at which the following artists will perform :â€"Thr Albion Mule Quorâ€" tvlte' Glubof Toronto. assisted by Mrs. Loud]. Mrs. Serigor, Miss Irrâ€"ruo Dung- lnss, Mr. James Aye-rs. tr-nor soloist. and others. After the Com-orb prim-r will be distributed from St. Valvu- tinv's Trr-c. Theri- will ulio be :r sub- rf ludir-s’ Work and a candy siull. Doors open at 6 (i'r'lllt'li. Admission. 25 rLs.: children. 15 cis. All are cordially invited to attend. is Sistine. list 9. IN THE E: . 'I‘l‘} 0F “'ILLIAM KNIG IIT. NOTICE is hereby ghon pursunnt to R. S. 0. Chapter 120 and Amending Acts, [but all poi-sons having i'lnims against. tho Estate of \Villirrui Knight lriicof the Township of Vnuglrou in the County of York. Gentleman. who (lied on or uban thr- 30th day of Eli-p- tt-rubvr A. I). 1905, are requested on or before the lst day of March A. I). lilOQ to send their names and addresses and a full state-moot of their claims to \Villi;rm Cook. Barrister &c., 33 Rich- mond street \V. Toronto. And furtherinke notice that after the lust, unmcd date. the Executor-s will distribute the assets of the Estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have received noticr. WILLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond St. VV., Toronto, 31-5 Solicitor for the Executors. hForHSalei First-Class ‘Fm m of 1th acres for sale on easy terms of payment. Apply to ALF. REAMAN. 31-2 Concord P. 0., Out. For Sale A Quantity of Pin Building Timbr-r in mid condition: â€"12 posts 2.3 ft. long; 12 warns 23 ft. long: 9 stringers 42. ft. long. A quantity of girls and braces. At Carr-ville Mill, G. KIRBY. Prop. 31-?!†1 Farm Laborers. Tho undersigned will endeavor to lure immigrants from the liuitod liiirrzdorri us form laborers and do- lllE’Slll‘\ in this vicinity. Any [)t'l‘x’till requiring such help should noiif) me personally or by letterstnling fully the kind of help required, when wanted, ‘ [ivory » and the l‘ute of wages offered. effort will he made to provide ouch applicant with help required. T. F. BTCDIAHON. Con. Gm. Employment Agont, llli'illumrd Hill. 0111. Take )Tt‘lll'ptvlllilll Electric ('rr :21 For 1h Toronto for Richmond liiil. iii-if Toronto, ‘ chow Quality in i Groceries TRY Us 'ONE QUALJTY ONLY AND THAT'S THE. BEST This is why or air making SA'risr-‘rn'n (‘i'm'ornuus +++++ CANNED GOODS PHZCES T0 .‘l A'I‘OICH ] 3 (ins fol‘ . . . . . . ... . . . . . , . . . . . . 23v l CORN 3 lion for . . . . . . . . . . .vr An)" ' 3 [ins for . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . COOKING BEANS ii lbs. for Fruit, Fish and Oysters +++++ E E. Simsi ‘3lltf ll. .1. ltilliliils “lei assign t8 RINK SCHEDU LE WINTER MONDAY. SeniorHockr-y. - â€" T.2§illol(lpui. TUESDAY. (fur-ling. \VEDNESDAY. Lndit-s IIlH‘klâ€"‘y - Scuiorllockoy, - - - TI’II'RSI)AY. Skating, - - - - - 7.34,) toltlpnn. Iliglrï¬chool - - - ' :‘i.ii()l1ll.\il.lli. 4 ill 5 DJ“. 7.30 Lo 11) lulu. FRIDA Y. Curling. SATl,‘ ll “A Y. Skating â€" â€" - - 7 3" to it) p.ur. \V. H. l)l,'iiHI.i‘;‘1'. iii run a 1 s 1 01‘ trails On Elizuhv‘ih Hirooi. in tho vill 2gb of liir'lmmud Hill. in t'i-Luforloblo dwvll- llch. purl of \\'lllt'll is umvly built out! lhowhili-iu good ri-puir. (loud lot :rllrl lrr-r'L'sSHI'y outbuildings. _\iâ€"vll&'l' It. di-siinbli- ll';ll|l' for Anyone wishing In rr‘tiro. Apply in Z‘Cll'liï¬ldfl. .l, "a 2’ 9:“ 1’3 steal it. rustic assiste- -â€"â€"»-¢> A Public Meeting 0 MQNBAY, FEB. .A‘Lt 2 will be held in the N :E "l R’JXK. to discuss the question of the Bethesda and Stoufiviile Co. extending their lines to to making connection with Richmond Hill Willi a View the lines of the lilUpC:z;d \\'Oodbiitlgc and Vaughan Co. â€"â€"â€"-â€"~.a Farmers and all interested should attend this meeting. â€"â€"«â€"â€"â€" 4 no -â€"~â€"â€"â€" Representatives of the above Company will be A. l). BRUCE, Frssidcnt. pro so o. t 7 Subscriptions for week y and dai y papers taken with “The Liberal ’ at$ a year, at the {towing totemâ€"- Weekly Globe, to January 1, 1910 Weekly Mail, to J 1910 The Daily Globe, York County The Daily Mail County) The Daily Star, ly Star pire, one year (York on day of publication The Daily Star, not receivâ€" ed day of publication Family Herald and Weekâ€" 5150. “iii '3. % ill 0 E3 anuary 1, one year and Em- .W 2.25 1.5% title. received 'mk " ‘r‘ "t I .. Tlewldea vomau s 1,121.69 f’ » Zine QC. *' "Wm-"sw- wCauadian Pictorial Fit Pr Ripans Tabnies cure bad breath. l.li}3.l'lé Tabules. lax-st: ... Sweet to Eat a zloty Bowel Luann ’ " "Farmer’s Advocatd ,1 i All} i.